def __init__(self, name: str): super().__init__(name) self.stop_on_close: BoolOption = \ BoolOption('stop_on_close', "Stop service when pipe is closed", default=True) self.data_pipe: StrOption = \ StrOption('data_pipe', "Data Pipe Identification", required=True, default='readfile') self.pipe_address: ZMQAddressOption = \ ZMQAddressOption('pipe_address', "Data Pipe endpoint address", required=True) self.pipe_mode: EnumOption = \ EnumOption('pipe_mode', SocketMode, "Data Pipe Mode", required=True, default=SocketMode.BIND) self.pipe_format: MIMEOption = \ MIMEOption('pipe_format', "Pipe data format specification", required=True, default=MIME('text/plain;charset=utf-8')) self.pipe_batch_size: IntOption = \ IntOption('pipe_batch_size', "Data batch size", required=True, default=50) self.filename: StrOption = \ StrOption('filename', "File specification", required=True) self.file_mode: EnumOption = \ EnumOption('file_mode', FileOpenMode, "File I/O mode", required=False) self.file_format: MIMEOption = \ MIMEOption('file_format', "File data format specification", required=True, default=MIME('text/plain;charset=utf-8'))
def __init__(self, name: str): super().__init__(name) # Adjust default batch_size to compensate default 64K messages self.batch_size.default = 5 #: Firebird server indetification (in driver configuration) self.server: StrOption = \ StrOption('server', "Firebird server identification", required=True) #: Max. number of characters transmitted in one message self.max_chars: IntOption = \ IntOption('max_chars', "Max. number of characters transmitted in one message", required=True, default=65535) #: Trace session configuration self.trace: StrOption = \ StrOption('trace', "Trace session configuration", required=True) #: Trace session name self.session_name: StrOption = \ StrOption('session_name', "Trace session name")
def __init__(self, name: str): super().__init__(name) #: File specification self.filename: StrOption = StrOption('filename', "File specification", required=True) #: Data block size self.block_size: IntOption = \ (IntOption('block_size', "Data block size in bytes (-1 when size is stored before the data)", required=True, signed=True))
def __init__(self, name: str): super().__init__(name) # self.output_pipe_format.default = MIME('text/plain;charset=utf-8') self.output_pipe_format.set_value(MIME('text/plain;charset=utf-8')) # self.template: StrOption = \ StrOption('template', "Text formatting template") self.func: PyCallableOption = \ PyCallableOption('func', "Function that returns text representation of data", 'def f(data: Any, utils: TransformationUtilities) -> str:\n ...\n')
def __init__(self, name: str): super().__init__(name) #: File specification self.filename: StrOption = StrOption('filename', "File specification", required=True) #: File I/O mode self.file_mode: EnumOption = \ (EnumOption('file_mode', FileOpenMode, "File I/O mode", required=False, default=FileOpenMode.WRITE)) #: File storage type self.file_type: EnumOption = \ (EnumOption('file_type', FileStorageType, "File data storage type", required=True))
def __init__(self, name: str): super().__init__(name) self.propagate_input_error: BoolOption = \ BoolOption('propagate_input_error', "When input pipe is closed with error, close output with error as well", default=True) # Input pipe self.input_pipe: StrOption = \ StrOption('input_pipe', "Data Pipe Identification", required=True) self.input_pipe_address: ZMQAddressOption = \ ZMQAddressOption('input_pipe_address', "Data Pipe endpoint address", required=True) self.input_pipe_mode: EnumOption = \ EnumOption('input_pipe_mode', SocketMode, "Data Pipe Mode", required=True) self.input_pipe_format: MIMEOption = \ MIMEOption('input_pipe_format', "Pipe data format specification") self.input_batch_size: IntOption = \ IntOption('input_batch_size', "Data batch size", required=True, default=50) self.input_ready_schedule_interval: IntOption = \ IntOption('input_ready_schedule_interval', "READY message schedule interval in milliseconds", required=True, default=1000) # Output pipe self.output_pipe: StrOption = \ StrOption('output_pipe', "Data Pipe Identification", required=True) self.output_pipe_address: ZMQAddressOption = \ ZMQAddressOption('output_pipe_address', "Data Pipe endpoint address", required=True) self.output_pipe_mode: EnumOption = \ EnumOption('output_pipe_mode', SocketMode, "Data Pipe Mode", required=True) self.output_pipe_format: MIMEOption = \ MIMEOption('output_pipe_format', "Pipe data format specification") self.output_batch_size: IntOption = \ IntOption('output_batch_size', "Data batch size", required=True, default=50) self.output_ready_schedule_interval: IntOption = \ IntOption('output_ready_schedule_interval', "READY message schedule interval in milliseconds", required=True, default=1000)
def __init__(self, name: str): super().__init__(name) #: Max. number of characters transmitted in one message self.max_chars: IntOption = \ IntOption('max_chars', "Max. number of characters transmitted in one message", required=True, default=65535) #: Filter by regular expression self.regex: StrOption = StrOption('regex', "Regular expression") #: Filter by Python expression self.expr: PyExprOption = PyExprOption('expr', "Python expression") #: Filter by Python function self.func: PyCallableOption = \ PyCallableOption('func', "Python function with signature: def fname(line: str) -> bool", 'def f(line: str) -> bool:\n ...\n')
def __init__(self, name: str): super().__init__(name) # Adjust default batch_size to compensate default 64K messages in producers self.batch_size.default = 5 #: File specification self.filename: StrOption = StrOption('filename', "File specification", required=True) #: File data format specification self.file_format: MIMEOption = \ MIMEOption('file_format', "File data format specification", required=True, default=MIME('text/plain;charset=utf-8')) #: File I/O mode self.file_mode: EnumOption = \ (EnumOption('file_mode', FileOpenMode, "File I/O mode", required=False, default=FileOpenMode.WRITE))
def __init__(self, name: str): super().__init__(name) # Adjust default batch_size to compensate default 64K messages self.batch_size.default = 5 #: File specification self.filename: StrOption = StrOption('filename', "File specification", required=True) #: File data format specification self.file_format: MIMEOption = \ MIMEOption('file_format', "File data format specification", required=True, default=MIME('text/plain;charset=utf-8')) #: Max. number of characters transmitted in one message self.max_chars: IntOption = \ IntOption('max_chars', "Max. number of characters transmitted in one message", required=True, default=65535)
def __init__(self, name: str): super().__init__(name) self.stop_on_close: BoolOption = \ BoolOption('stop_on_close', "Stop service when pipe is closed", default=True) self.pipe: StrOption = \ StrOption('pipe', "Data Pipe Identification", required=True) self.pipe_address: ZMQAddressOption = \ ZMQAddressOption('pipe_address', "Data Pipe endpoint address", required=True) self.pipe_mode: EnumOption = \ EnumOption('pipe_mode', SocketMode, "Data Pipe Mode", required=True) self.pipe_format: MIMEOption = \ MIMEOption('pipe_format', "Pipe data format specification") self.batch_size: IntOption = \ IntOption('batch_size', "Data batch size", required=True, default=50) self.ready_schedule_interval: IntOption = \ IntOption('ready_schedule_interval', "READY message schedule interval in milliseconds", required=True, default=1000)
def __init__(self): super().__init__('saturnin') self.editor: StrOption = StrOption('editor', "External editor", default=os.getenv('EDITOR'))
def __init__(self, name: str): super().__init__(name) self.logging_id: StrOption = \ StrOption('logging_id', "Logging ID for this component instance")