def advection_term(self, q): if self.state.mesh.topological_dimension() == 3: # <w,curl(u) cross ubar + grad( u.ubar)> # =<curl(u),ubar cross w> - <div(w), u.ubar> # =<u,curl(ubar cross w)> - # <<u_upwind, [[n cross(ubar cross w)cross]]>> both = lambda u: 2 * avg(u) L = (inner(q, curl(cross(self.ubar, self.test))) * dx - inner(both(self.Upwind * q), both(cross(self.n, cross(self.ubar, self.test)))) * self.dS) else: if self.ibp == "once": L = (-inner( self.gradperp(inner(self.test, self.perp(self.ubar))), q) * dx - inner( jump(inner(self.test, self.perp(self.ubar)), self.n), self.perp_u_upwind(q)) * self.dS) else: L = ( (-inner(self.test, div(self.perp(q)) * self.perp(self.ubar))) * dx - inner(jump(inner(self.test, self.perp(self.ubar)), self.n), self.perp_u_upwind(q)) * self.dS + jump( inner(self.test, self.perp(self.ubar)) * self.perp(q), self.n) * self.dS) L -= 0.5 * div(self.test) * inner(q, self.ubar) * dx return L
def __init__(self, state, V, *, ibp="once", solver_params=None): super().__init__(state=state, V=V, ibp=ibp, solver_params=solver_params) self.Upwind = 0.5 * (sign(dot(self.ubar, self.n)) + 1) if self.state.mesh.topological_dimension() == 2: self.perp = state.perp if state.on_sphere: outward_normals = CellNormal(state.mesh) self.perp_u_upwind = lambda q: self.Upwind('+') * cross( outward_normals('+'), q('+')) + self.Upwind('-') * cross( outward_normals('-'), q('-')) else: self.perp_u_upwind = lambda q: self.Upwind('+') * state.perp( q('+')) + self.Upwind('-') * state.perp(q('-')) self.gradperp = lambda u: state.perp(grad(u)) elif self.state.mesh.topological_dimension() == 3: if self.ibp == "twice": raise NotImplementedError( "ibp=twice is not implemented for 3d problems") else: raise RuntimeError("topological mesh dimension must be 2 or 3")
def vector_invariant_form(state, test, q, ibp=IntegrateByParts.ONCE): Vu = state.spaces("HDiv") dS_ = (dS_v + dS_h) if Vu.extruded else dS ubar = Function(Vu) n = FacetNormal(state.mesh) Upwind = 0.5 * (sign(dot(ubar, n)) + 1) if state.mesh.topological_dimension() == 3: if ibp != IntegrateByParts.ONCE: raise NotImplementedError # <w,curl(u) cross ubar + grad( u.ubar)> # =<curl(u),ubar cross w> - <div(w), u.ubar> # =<u,curl(ubar cross w)> - # <<u_upwind, [[n cross(ubar cross w)cross]]>> both = lambda u: 2 * avg(u) L = (inner(q, curl(cross(ubar, test))) * dx - inner(both(Upwind * q), both(cross(n, cross(ubar, test)))) * dS_) else: perp = state.perp if state.on_sphere: outward_normals = CellNormal(state.mesh) perp_u_upwind = lambda q: Upwind('+') * cross( outward_normals('+'), q('+')) + Upwind('-') * cross( outward_normals('-'), q('-')) else: perp_u_upwind = lambda q: Upwind('+') * perp(q('+')) + Upwind( '-') * perp(q('-')) if ibp == IntegrateByParts.ONCE: L = (-inner(perp(grad(inner(test, perp(ubar)))), q) * dx - inner(jump(inner(test, perp(ubar)), n), perp_u_upwind(q)) * dS_) else: L = ((-inner(test, div(perp(q)) * perp(ubar))) * dx - inner(jump(inner(test, perp(ubar)), n), perp_u_upwind(q)) * dS_ + jump(inner(test, perp(ubar)) * perp(q), n) * dS_) L -= 0.5 * div(test) * inner(q, ubar) * dx form = transporting_velocity(L, ubar) return transport(form, TransportEquationType.vector_invariant)
def __init__(self, state, linear=False): self.state = state g = state.parameters.g f = state.f Vu = state.V[0] W = state.W self.x0 = Function(W) # copy x to here u0, D0 = split(self.x0) n = FacetNormal(state.mesh) un = 0.5 * (dot(u0, n) + abs(dot(u0, n))) F = TrialFunction(Vu) w = TestFunction(Vu) self.uF = Function(Vu) outward_normals = CellNormal(state.mesh) perp = lambda u: cross(outward_normals, u) a = inner(w, F) * dx L = (-f * inner(w, perp(u0)) + g * div(w) * D0) * dx - g * inner( jump(w, n), un("+") * D0("+") - un("-") * D0("-") ) * dS if not linear: L -= 0.5 * div(w) * inner(u0, u0) * dx u_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.uF) self.u_forcing_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(u_forcing_problem)
def advection_term(self, q): n = FacetNormal(self.state.mesh) Upwind = 0.5 * (sign(dot(self.ubar, n)) + 1) if self.state.mesh.topological_dimension() == 3: # <w,curl(u) cross ubar + grad( u.ubar)> # =<curl(u),ubar cross w> - <div(w), u.ubar> # =<u,curl(ubar cross w)> - # <<u_upwind, [[n cross(ubar cross w)cross]]>> both = lambda u: 2 * avg(u) L = (inner(q, curl(cross(self.ubar, self.test))) * dx - inner(both(Upwind * q), both(cross(n, cross(self.ubar, self.test)))) * self.dS) else: perp = self.state.perp if self.state.on_sphere: outward_normals = CellNormal(self.state.mesh) perp_u_upwind = lambda q: Upwind('+') * cross( outward_normals('+'), q('+')) + Upwind('-') * cross( outward_normals('-'), q('-')) else: perp_u_upwind = lambda q: Upwind('+') * perp(q('+')) + Upwind( '-') * perp(q('-')) if self.ibp == IntegrateByParts.ONCE: L = (-inner(perp(grad(inner(self.test, perp(self.ubar)))), q) * dx - inner(jump(inner(self.test, perp(self.ubar)), n), perp_u_upwind(q)) * self.dS) else: L = ((-inner(self.test, div(perp(q)) * perp(self.ubar))) * dx - inner(jump(inner(self.test, perp(self.ubar)), n), perp_u_upwind(q)) * self.dS + jump(inner(self.test, perp(self.ubar)) * perp(q), n) * self.dS) L -= 0.5 * div(self.test) * inner(q, self.ubar) * dx return L
def _build_forcing_solver(self, linear): """ Only put forcing terms into the u equation. """ state = self.state self.scaling = Constant(1.0) Vu = state.V[0] W = state.W self.x0 = Function(W) # copy x to here u0, rho0, theta0 = split(self.x0) F = TrialFunction(Vu) w = TestFunction(Vu) self.uF = Function(Vu) Omega = state.Omega cp = state.parameters.cp mu = n = FacetNormal(state.mesh) pi = exner(theta0, rho0, state) a = inner(w, F) * dx L = self.scaling * ( +cp * div(theta0 * w) * pi * dx # pressure gradient [volume] - cp * jump(w * theta0, n) * avg(pi) * dS_v # pressure gradient [surface] ) if state.parameters.geopotential: Phi = state.Phi L += self.scaling * div(w) * Phi * dx # gravity term else: g = state.parameters.g L -= self.scaling * g * inner(w, state.k) * dx # gravity term if not linear: L -= self.scaling * 0.5 * div(w) * inner(u0, u0) * dx if Omega is not None: L -= self.scaling * inner(w, cross(2 * Omega, u0)) * dx # Coriolis term if mu is not None: self.mu_scaling = Constant(1.0) L -= self.mu_scaling * mu * inner(w, state.k) * inner(u0, state.k) * dx bcs = [DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "bottom"), DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "top")] u_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.uF, bcs=bcs) self.u_forcing_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(u_forcing_problem)
def _build_forcing_solver(self, linear): """ Only put forcing terms into the u equation. """ state = self.state self.scaling = Constant(1.0) Vu = state.V[0] W = state.W self.x0 = Function(W) # copy x to here u0, p0, b0 = split(self.x0) F = TrialFunction(Vu) w = TestFunction(Vu) self.uF = Function(Vu) Omega = state.Omega mu = a = inner(w, F) * dx L = ( self.scaling * div(w) * p0 * dx # pressure gradient + self.scaling * b0 * inner(w, state.k) * dx # gravity term ) if not linear: L -= self.scaling * 0.5 * div(w) * inner(u0, u0) * dx if Omega is not None: L -= self.scaling * inner(w, cross(2 * Omega, u0)) * dx # Coriolis term if mu is not None: self.mu_scaling = Constant(1.0) L -= self.mu_scaling * mu * inner(w, state.k) * inner(u0, state.k) * dx bcs = [DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "bottom"), DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "top")] u_forcing_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.uF, bcs=bcs) self.u_forcing_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(u_forcing_problem) Vp = state.V[1] p = TrialFunction(Vp) q = TestFunction(Vp) self.divu = Function(Vp) a = p * q * dx L = q * div(u0) * dx divergence_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.divu) self.divergence_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(divergence_problem)
def setup(self, state, vorticity_type=None): """Solver for vorticity. :arg state: The state containing model. :arg vorticity_type: must be "relative", "absolute" or "potential" """ if not self._initialised: vorticity_types = ["relative", "absolute", "potential"] if vorticity_type not in vorticity_types: raise ValueError("vorticity type must be one of %s, not %s" % (vorticity_types, vorticity_type)) try: space = state.spaces("CG") except AttributeError: dgspace = state.spaces("DG") cg_degree = dgspace.ufl_element().degree() + 2 space = FunctionSpace(state.mesh, "CG", cg_degree) super().setup(state, space=space) u = state.fields("u") gamma = TestFunction(space) q = TrialFunction(space) if vorticity_type == "potential": D = state.fields("D") a = q*gamma*D*dx else: a = q*gamma*dx if state.on_sphere: cell_normals = CellNormal(state.mesh) gradperp = lambda psi: cross(cell_normals, grad(psi)) L = (- inner(gradperp(gamma), u))*dx else: raise NotImplementedError("The vorticity diagnostics have only been implemented for 2D spherical geometries.") if vorticity_type != "relative": f = state.fields("coriolis") L += gamma*f*dx problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.field) self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(problem, solver_parameters={"ksp_type": "cg"})
def coriolis_term(self): u0 = split(self.x0)[0] return -inner(self.test, cross(2 * self.state.Omega, u0)) * dx
def __init__(self, mesh, dt, output=None, parameters=None, diagnostics=None, diagnostic_fields=None): if output is None: raise RuntimeError( "You must provide a directory name for dumping results") else: self.output = output self.parameters = parameters if diagnostics is not None: self.diagnostics = diagnostics else: self.diagnostics = Diagnostics() if diagnostic_fields is not None: self.diagnostic_fields = diagnostic_fields else: self.diagnostic_fields = [] # The mesh self.mesh = mesh self.spaces = SpaceCreator(mesh) if self.output.dumplist is None: self.output.dumplist = [] self.fields = StateFields(*self.output.dumplist) self.dumpdir = None self.dumpfile = None self.to_pickup = None # figure out if we're on a sphere try: self.on_sphere = (mesh._base_mesh.geometric_dimension() == 3 and mesh._base_mesh.topological_dimension() == 2) except AttributeError: self.on_sphere = (mesh.geometric_dimension() == 3 and mesh.topological_dimension() == 2) # build the vertical normal and define perp for 2d geometries dim = mesh.topological_dimension() if self.on_sphere: x = SpatialCoordinate(mesh) R = sqrt(inner(x, x)) self.k = interpolate(x / R, mesh.coordinates.function_space()) if dim == 2: outward_normals = CellNormal(mesh) self.perp = lambda u: cross(outward_normals, u) else: kvec = [0.0] * dim kvec[dim - 1] = 1.0 self.k = Constant(kvec) if dim == 2: self.perp = lambda u: as_vector([-u[1], u[0]]) # setup logger logger.setLevel(output.log_level) set_log_handler(mesh.comm) if parameters is not None:"Physical parameters that take non-default values:")", ".join("%s: %s" % (k, float(v)) for (k, v) in vars(parameters).items())) # Constant to hold current time self.t = Constant(0.0) if type(dt) is Constant: self.dt = dt elif type(dt) in (float, int): self.dt = Constant(dt) else: raise TypeError( f'dt must be a Constant, float or int, not {type(dt)}')
Dn.interpolate(Dexpr) b.interpolate(bexpr) if COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0: print("Finished setting up functions at", ctime()) # Build perp and upwind perp (including 2D version for test purposes) n = FacetNormal(mesh) s = lambda u: 0.5 * (sign(dot(u, n)) + 1) uw = lambda u, v: (s(u)('+') * v('+') + s(u)('-') * v('-')) if mesh.geometric_dimension() == 2: perp = lambda u: as_vector([-u[1], u[0]]) p_uw = lambda u, v: perp(uw(u, v)) else: perp = lambda u: cross(CellNormal(mesh), u) out_n = CellNormal(mesh) p_uw = lambda u, v: (s(u)('+') * cross(out_n('+'), v('+')) + s(u) ('-') * cross(out_n('-'), v('-'))) # Initial solve for vorticity for output eta = TestFunction(W2) q_ = TrialFunction(W2) q_eqn = eta * q_ * Dn * dx + inner(perp(grad(eta)), un) * dx - eta * f * dx q_p = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(q_eqn), rhs(q_eqn), qn) q_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(q_p, solver_parameters={ "ksp_type": "preonly", "pc_type": "lu" }) q_solver.solve()
def perp(u): return fd.cross(outward_normals, u)
def __init__(self, mesh, vertical_degree=None, horizontal_degree=1, family="RT", Coriolis=None, sponge_function=None, hydrostatic=None, timestepping=None, output=None, parameters=None, diagnostics=None, fieldlist=None, diagnostic_fields=None, u_bc_ids=None): = family self.vertical_degree = vertical_degree self.horizontal_degree = horizontal_degree self.Omega = Coriolis = sponge_function self.hydrostatic = hydrostatic self.timestepping = timestepping if output is None: raise RuntimeError( "You must provide a directory name for dumping results") else: self.output = output self.parameters = parameters if fieldlist is None: raise RuntimeError( "You must provide a fieldlist containing the names of the prognostic fields" ) else: self.fieldlist = fieldlist if diagnostics is not None: self.diagnostics = diagnostics else: self.diagnostics = Diagnostics(*fieldlist) if diagnostic_fields is not None: self.diagnostic_fields = diagnostic_fields else: self.diagnostic_fields = [] if u_bc_ids is not None: self.u_bc_ids = u_bc_ids else: self.u_bc_ids = [] # The mesh self.mesh = mesh # Build the spaces self._build_spaces(mesh, vertical_degree, horizontal_degree, family) # Allocate state self._allocate_state() if self.output.dumplist is None: self.output.dumplist = fieldlist self.fields = FieldCreator(fieldlist, self.xn, self.output.dumplist) # set up bcs V = self.fields('u').function_space() self.bcs = [] if V.extruded: self.bcs.append(DirichletBC(V, 0.0, "bottom")) self.bcs.append(DirichletBC(V, 0.0, "top")) for id in self.u_bc_ids: self.bcs.append(DirichletBC(V, 0.0, id)) self.dumpfile = None # figure out if we're on a sphere try: self.on_sphere = (mesh._base_mesh.geometric_dimension() == 3 and mesh._base_mesh.topological_dimension() == 2) except AttributeError: self.on_sphere = (mesh.geometric_dimension() == 3 and mesh.topological_dimension() == 2) # build the vertical normal and define perp for 2d geometries dim = mesh.topological_dimension() if self.on_sphere: x = SpatialCoordinate(mesh) R = sqrt(inner(x, x)) self.k = interpolate(x / R, mesh.coordinates.function_space()) if dim == 2: outward_normals = CellNormal(mesh) self.perp = lambda u: cross(outward_normals, u) else: kvec = [0.0] * dim kvec[dim - 1] = 1.0 self.k = Constant(kvec) if dim == 2: self.perp = lambda u: as_vector([-u[1], u[0]]) # project test function for hydrostatic case if self.hydrostatic: self.h_project = lambda u: u - self.k * inner(u, self.k) else: self.h_project = lambda u: u # Constant to hold current time self.t = Constant(0.0) # setup logger logger.setLevel(output.log_level) set_log_handler(mesh.comm)"Timestepping parameters that take non-default values:")", ".join("%s: %s" % item for item in vars(timestepping).items())) if parameters is not None:"Physical parameters that take non-default values:")", ".join("%s: %s" % item for item in vars(parameters).items()))
def __init__(self, state, V): super(EulerPoincareForm, self).__init__(state) dt = state.timestepping.dt w = TestFunction(V) u = TrialFunction(V) self.u0 = Function(V) ustar = 0.5*(self.u0 + u) n = FacetNormal(state.mesh) Upwind = 0.5*(sign(dot(self.ubar, n))+1) if state.mesh.geometric_dimension() == 3: if V.extruded: surface_measure = (dS_h + dS_v) else: surface_measure = dS # <w,curl(u) cross ubar + grad( u.ubar)> # =<curl(u),ubar cross w> - <div(w), u.ubar> # =<u,curl(ubar cross w)> - # <<u_upwind, [[n cross(ubar cross w)cross]]>> both = lambda u: 2*avg(u) Eqn = ( inner(w, u-self.u0)*dx + dt*inner(ustar, curl(cross(self.ubar, w)))*dx - dt*inner(both(Upwind*ustar), both(cross(n, cross(self.ubar, w))))*surface_measure - dt*div(w)*inner(ustar, self.ubar)*dx ) # define surface measure and terms involving perp differently # for slice (i.e. if V.extruded is True) and shallow water # (V.extruded is False) else: if V.extruded: surface_measure = (dS_h + dS_v) perp = lambda u: as_vector([-u[1], u[0]]) perp_u_upwind = Upwind('+')*perp(ustar('+')) + Upwind('-')*perp(ustar('-')) else: surface_measure = dS outward_normals = CellNormal(state.mesh) perp = lambda u: cross(outward_normals, u) perp_u_upwind = Upwind('+')*cross(outward_normals('+'),ustar('+')) + Upwind('-')*cross(outward_normals('-'),ustar('-')) Eqn = ( (inner(w, u-self.u0) - dt*inner(w, div(perp(ustar))*perp(self.ubar)) - dt*div(w)*inner(ustar, self.ubar))*dx - dt*inner(jump(inner(w, perp(self.ubar)), n), perp_u_upwind)*surface_measure + dt*jump(inner(w, perp(self.ubar))*perp(ustar), n)*surface_measure ) a = lhs(Eqn) L = rhs(Eqn) self.u1 = Function(V) uproblem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.u1) self.usolver = LinearVariationalSolver(uproblem, options_prefix='EPAdvection')
def __init__( self, state, family, degree, Omega=None, terms_to_linearise={ 'u': [time_derivative], 'p': [time_derivative], 'b': [time_derivative, transport] }, u_transport_option="vector_invariant_form", no_normal_flow_bc_ids=None, active_tracers=None): field_names = ['u', 'p', 'b'] if active_tracers is not None: raise NotImplementedError( 'Tracers not implemented for Boussinesq equations') if active_tracers is None: active_tracers = [] super().__init__(field_names, state, family, degree, terms_to_linearise=terms_to_linearise, no_normal_flow_bc_ids=no_normal_flow_bc_ids, active_tracers=active_tracers) w, phi, gamma = self.tests[0:3] u, p, b = split(self.X) bbar = state.fields("bbar", space=state.spaces("theta"), dump=False) bbar = state.fields("pbar", space=state.spaces("DG"), dump=False) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Time Derivative Terms # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # mass_form = self.generate_mass_terms() # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Transport Terms # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Velocity transport term -- depends on formulation if u_transport_option == "vector_invariant_form": u_adv = prognostic(vector_invariant_form(state, w, u), "u") elif u_transport_option == "vector_advection_form": u_adv = prognostic(advection_form(state, w, u), "u") elif u_transport_option == "vector_manifold_advection_form": u_adv = prognostic(vector_manifold_advection_form(state, w, u), "u") elif u_transport_option == "circulation_form": ke_form = kinetic_energy_form(state, w, u) ke_form = transport.remove(ke_form) ke_form = ke_form.label_map( lambda t: t.has_label(transporting_velocity), lambda t: Term( ufl.replace(t.form, {t.get(transporting_velocity): u}), t. labels)) ke_form = transporting_velocity.remove(ke_form) u_adv = advection_equation_circulation_form(state, w, u) + ke_form else: raise ValueError("Invalid u_transport_option: %s" % u_transport_option) # Buoyancy transport b_adv = prognostic(advection_form(state, gamma, b), "b") linear_b_adv = linear_advection_form(state, gamma, bbar).label_map( lambda t: t.has_label(transporting_velocity), lambda t: Term( ufl.replace(t.form, { t.get(transporting_velocity): self.trials[0] }), t.labels)) b_adv = linearisation(b_adv, linear_b_adv) adv_form = subject(u_adv + b_adv, self.X) # Add transport of tracers if len(active_tracers) > 0: adv_form += self.generate_tracer_transport_terms( state, active_tracers) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Pressure Gradient Term # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # pressure_gradient_form = subject(prognostic(-div(w) * p * dx, "u"), self.X) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Gravitational Term # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # gravity_form = subject(prognostic(-b * inner(w, state.k) * dx, "u"), self.X) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Divergence Term # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This enforces that div(u) = 0 # The p features here so that the div(u) evaluated in the "forcing" step # replaces the whole pressure field, rather than merely providing an # increment to it. divergence_form = name( subject(prognostic(phi * (p - div(u)) * dx, "p"), self.X), "incompressibility") residual = (mass_form + adv_form + divergence_form + pressure_gradient_form + gravity_form) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Extra Terms (Coriolis) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # if Omega is not None: residual += subject( prognostic(inner(w, cross(2 * Omega, u)) * dx, "u"), self.X) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Linearise equations # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # TODO: add linearisation states for variables # Add linearisations to equations self.residual = self.generate_linear_terms(residual, self.terms_to_linearise)
def __init__( self, state, family, degree, Omega=None, sponge=None, extra_terms=None, terms_to_linearise={ 'u': [time_derivative], 'rho': [time_derivative, transport], 'theta': [time_derivative, transport] }, u_transport_option="vector_invariant_form", diffusion_options=None, no_normal_flow_bc_ids=None, active_tracers=None): field_names = ['u', 'rho', 'theta'] if active_tracers is None: active_tracers = [] super().__init__(field_names, state, family, degree, terms_to_linearise=terms_to_linearise, no_normal_flow_bc_ids=no_normal_flow_bc_ids, active_tracers=active_tracers) g = state.parameters.g cp = state.parameters.cp w, phi, gamma = self.tests[0:3] u, rho, theta = split(self.X)[0:3] rhobar = state.fields("rhobar", space=state.spaces("DG"), dump=False) thetabar = state.fields("thetabar", space=state.spaces("theta"), dump=False) zero_expr = Constant(0.0) * theta exner = exner_pressure(state.parameters, rho, theta) n = FacetNormal(state.mesh) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Time Derivative Terms # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # mass_form = self.generate_mass_terms() # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Transport Terms # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Velocity transport term -- depends on formulation if u_transport_option == "vector_invariant_form": u_adv = prognostic(vector_invariant_form(state, w, u), "u") elif u_transport_option == "vector_advection_form": u_adv = prognostic(advection_form(state, w, u), "u") elif u_transport_option == "vector_manifold_advection_form": u_adv = prognostic(vector_manifold_advection_form(state, w, u), "u") elif u_transport_option == "circulation_form": ke_form = kinetic_energy_form(state, w, u) ke_form = transport.remove(ke_form) ke_form = ke_form.label_map( lambda t: t.has_label(transporting_velocity), lambda t: Term( ufl.replace(t.form, {t.get(transporting_velocity): u}), t. labels)) ke_form = transporting_velocity.remove(ke_form) u_adv = advection_equation_circulation_form(state, w, u) + ke_form else: raise ValueError("Invalid u_transport_option: %s" % u_transport_option) # Density transport (conservative form) rho_adv = prognostic(continuity_form(state, phi, rho), "rho") # Transport term needs special linearisation if transport in terms_to_linearise['rho']: linear_rho_adv = linear_continuity_form( state, phi, rhobar).label_map( lambda t: t.has_label(transporting_velocity), lambda t: Term( ufl.replace(t.form, { t.get(transporting_velocity): self.trials[0] }), t.labels)) rho_adv = linearisation(rho_adv, linear_rho_adv) # Potential temperature transport (advective form) theta_adv = prognostic(advection_form(state, gamma, theta), "theta") # Transport term needs special linearisation if transport in terms_to_linearise['theta']: linear_theta_adv = linear_advection_form( state, gamma, thetabar).label_map( lambda t: t.has_label(transporting_velocity), lambda t: Term( ufl.replace(t.form, { t.get(transporting_velocity): self.trials[0] }), t.labels)) theta_adv = linearisation(theta_adv, linear_theta_adv) adv_form = subject(u_adv + rho_adv + theta_adv, self.X) # Add transport of tracers if len(active_tracers) > 0: adv_form += self.generate_tracer_transport_terms( state, active_tracers) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Pressure Gradient Term # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # First get total mass of tracers tracer_mr_total = zero_expr for tracer in active_tracers: if tracer.variable_type == TracerVariableType.mixing_ratio: idx = self.field_names.index( tracer_mr_total += split(self.X)[idx] else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Only mixing ratio tracers are implemented') theta_v = theta / (Constant(1.0) + tracer_mr_total) pressure_gradient_form = name( subject( prognostic( cp * (-div(theta_v * w) * exner * dx + jump(theta_v * w, n) * avg(exner) * dS_v), "u"), self.X), "pressure_gradient") # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Gravitational Term # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # gravity_form = subject( prognostic(Term(g * inner(state.k, w) * dx), "u"), self.X) residual = (mass_form + adv_form + pressure_gradient_form + gravity_form) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Moist Thermodynamic Divergence Term # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # if len(active_tracers) > 0: cv = c_vv = state.parameters.c_vv c_pv = state.parameters.c_pv c_pl = state.parameters.c_pl R_d = state.parameters.R_d R_v = state.parameters.R_v # Get gas and liquid moisture mixing ratios mr_l = zero_expr mr_v = zero_expr for tracer in active_tracers: if tracer.is_moisture: if tracer.variable_type == TracerVariableType.mixing_ratio: idx = self.field_names.index( if tracer.phase == Phases.gas: mr_v += split(self.X)[idx] elif tracer.phase == Phases.liquid: mr_l += split(self.X)[idx] else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Only mixing ratio tracers are implemented') c_vml = cv + mr_v * c_vv + mr_l * c_pl c_pml = cp + mr_v * c_pv + mr_l * c_pl R_m = R_d + mr_v * R_v residual += subject( prognostic( gamma * theta * div(u) * (R_m / c_vml - (R_d * c_pml) / (cp * c_vml)) * dx, "theta"), self.X) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Extra Terms (Coriolis, Sponge, Diffusion and others) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # if Omega is not None: residual += subject( prognostic(inner(w, cross(2 * Omega, u)) * dx, "u"), self.X) if sponge is not None: W_DG = FunctionSpace(state.mesh, "DG", 2) x = SpatialCoordinate(state.mesh) z = x[len(x) - 1] H = sponge.H zc = sponge.z_level assert float(zc) < float( H ), "you have set the sponge level above the height of your domain" mubar = sponge.mubar muexpr = conditional( z <= zc, 0.0, mubar * sin((pi / 2.) * (z - zc) / (H - zc))**2) = Function(W_DG).interpolate(muexpr) residual += name( subject( prognostic( * inner(w, state.k) * inner(u, state.k) * dx, "u"), self.X), "sponge") if diffusion_options is not None: for field, diffusion in diffusion_options: idx = self.field_names.index(field) test = self.tests[idx] fn = split(self.X)[idx] residual += subject( prognostic( interior_penalty_diffusion_form( state, test, fn, diffusion), field), self.X) if extra_terms is not None: for field, term in extra_terms: idx = self.field_names.index(field) test = self.tests[idx] residual += subject(prognostic(inner(test, term) * dx, field), self.X) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Linearise equations # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # TODO: add linearisation states for variables # Add linearisations to equations self.residual = self.generate_linear_terms(residual, self.terms_to_linearise)