Esempio n. 1
def fit_SMPLD(scans, smpl_pkl, gender='male', save_path=None, scale_file=None):
    # Get SMPL faces
    sp = SmplPaths(gender=gender)
    smpl_faces = sp.get_faces()
    th_faces = torch.tensor(smpl_faces.astype('float32'), dtype=torch.long).cuda()

    # Batch size
    batch_sz = len(scans)

    # Init SMPL
    pose, betas, trans = [], [], []
    for spkl in smpl_pkl:
        smpl_dict = pkl.load(open(spkl, 'rb'))
        p, b, t = smpl_dict['pose'], smpl_dict['betas'], smpl_dict['trans']
        if len(b) == 10:
            temp = np.zeros((300,))
            temp[:10] = b
            b = temp.astype('float32')
    pose, betas, trans = np.array(pose), np.array(betas), np.array(trans)

    betas, pose, trans = torch.tensor(betas), torch.tensor(pose), torch.tensor(trans)
    smpl = th_batch_SMPL(batch_sz, betas, pose, trans, faces=th_faces).cuda()

    verts, _, _, _ = smpl()
    init_smpl_meshes = [tm.from_tensors(vertices=v.clone().detach(),
                                        faces=smpl.faces) for v in verts]

    # Load scans
    th_scan_meshes = []
    for scan in scans:
        print('scan path ...', scan)
        temp = Mesh(filename=scan)
        th_scan = tm.from_tensors(torch.tensor(temp.v.astype('float32'), requires_grad=False, device=DEVICE),
                                  torch.tensor(temp.f.astype('int32'), requires_grad=False, device=DEVICE).long())

    if scale_file is not None:
        for n, sc in enumerate(scale_file):
            dat = np.load(sc, allow_pickle=True)
            th_scan_meshes[n].vertices += torch.tensor(dat[1]).to(DEVICE)
            th_scan_meshes[n].vertices *= torch.tensor(dat[0]).to(DEVICE)

    # Optimize
    optimize_offsets(th_scan_meshes, smpl, init_smpl_meshes, 5, 10)

    verts, _, _, _ = smpl()
    th_smpl_meshes = [tm.from_tensors(vertices=v,
                                      faces=smpl.faces) for v in verts]

    if save_path is not None:
        if not exists(save_path):

        names = [split(s)[1] for s in scans]

        # Save meshes
        save_meshes(th_smpl_meshes, [join(save_path, n.replace('.ply', '_smpld.obj')) for n in names])
        save_meshes(th_scan_meshes, [join(save_path, n) for n in names])
        # Save params
        for p, b, t, d, n in zip(smpl.pose.cpu().detach().numpy(), smpl.betas.cpu().detach().numpy(),
                                 smpl.trans.cpu().detach().numpy(), smpl.offsets.cpu().detach().numpy(), names):
            smpl_dict = {'pose': p, 'betas': b, 'trans': t, 'offsets': d}
            pkl.dump(smpl_dict, open(join(save_path, n.replace('.ply', '_smpld.pkl')), 'wb'))

    return smpl.pose.cpu().detach().numpy(), smpl.betas.cpu().detach().numpy(), \
           smpl.trans.cpu().detach().numpy(), smpl.offsets.cpu().detach().numpy()
Esempio n. 2
def fit_SMPLD(scans, smpl_pkl=None, gender='male', save_path=None, display=False):
    # Get SMPL faces
    sp = SmplPaths(gender=gender)
    smpl_faces = sp.get_faces()
    th_faces = torch.tensor(smpl_faces.astype('float32'), dtype=torch.long).cuda()

    # Batch size
    batch_sz = len(scans)

    # Init SMPL
    if smpl_pkl is None or smpl_pkl[0] is None:
        print('SMPL not specified, fitting SMPL now')
        pose, betas, trans = fit_SMPL(scans, None, gender, save_path, display)
        pose, betas, trans = [], [], []
        for spkl in smpl_pkl:
            smpl_dict = pkl.load(open(spkl, 'rb'), encoding='latin-1')
            p, b, t = smpl_dict['pose'], smpl_dict['betas'], smpl_dict['trans']
            if len(b) == 10:
                temp = np.zeros((300,))
                temp[:10] = b
                b = temp.astype('float32')
        pose, betas, trans = np.array(pose), np.array(betas), np.array(trans)

    betas, pose, trans = torch.tensor(betas), torch.tensor(pose), torch.tensor(trans)
    smpl = th_batch_SMPL(batch_sz, betas, pose, trans, faces=th_faces).cuda()

    verts, _, _, _ = smpl()
    init_smpl_meshes = [tm.from_tensors(vertices=v.clone().detach(),
                                        faces=smpl.faces) for v in verts]

    # Load scans
    th_scan_meshes = []
    for scan in scans:
        th_scan = tm.from_obj(scan)
        if save_path is not None:
            th_scan.save_mesh(join(save_path, split(scan)[1]))
        th_scan.vertices = th_scan.vertices.cuda()
        th_scan.faces = th_scan.faces.cuda()
        th_scan.vertices.requires_grad = False

    # Optimize
    optimize_offsets(th_scan_meshes, smpl, init_smpl_meshes, 5, 10)

    verts, _, _, _ = smpl()
    th_smpl_meshes = [tm.from_tensors(vertices=v,
                                      faces=smpl.faces) for v in verts]

    if save_path is not None:
        if not exists(save_path):

        names = [split(s)[1] for s in scans]

        # Save meshes
        save_meshes(th_smpl_meshes, [join(save_path, n.replace('.obj', '_smpld.obj')) for n in names])
        save_meshes(th_scan_meshes, [join(save_path, n) for n in names])
        # Save params
        for p, b, t, d, n in zip(smpl.pose.cpu().detach().numpy(), smpl.betas.cpu().detach().numpy(),
                                 smpl.trans.cpu().detach().numpy(), smpl.offsets.cpu().detach().numpy(), names):
            smpl_dict = {'pose': p, 'betas': b, 'trans': t, 'offsets': d}
            pkl.dump(smpl_dict, open(join(save_path, n.replace('.obj', '_smpld.pkl')), 'wb'))

    return smpl.pose.cpu().detach().numpy(), smpl.betas.cpu().detach().numpy(), \
           smpl.trans.cpu().detach().numpy(), smpl.offsets.cpu().detach().numpy()
Esempio n. 3
def fit_SMPL(scans, scan_labels, gender='male', save_path=None, scale_file=None, display=None):
    :param save_path:
    :param scans: list of scan paths
    :param pose_files:
    # Get SMPL faces
    sp = SmplPaths(gender=gender)
    smpl_faces = sp.get_faces()
    th_faces = torch.tensor(smpl_faces.astype('float32'), dtype=torch.long).to(DEVICE)

    # Load SMPL parts
    part_labels = pkl.load(open('/BS/bharat-3/work/IPNet/assets/smpl_parts_dense.pkl', 'rb'))
    labels = np.zeros((6890,), dtype='int32')
    for n, k in enumerate(part_labels):
        labels[part_labels[k]] = n
    labels = torch.tensor(labels).unsqueeze(0).to(DEVICE)

    # Load scan parts
    scan_part_labels = []
    for sc_l in scan_labels:
        temp = torch.tensor(np.load(sc_l).astype('int32')).to(DEVICE)

    # Batch size
    batch_sz = len(scans)

    # Set optimization hyper parameters
    iterations, pose_iterations, steps_per_iter, pose_steps_per_iter = 3, 2, 30, 30

    prior = get_prior(gender=gender, precomputed=True)
    pose_init = torch.zeros((batch_sz, 72))
    pose_init[:, 3:] = prior.mean
    betas, pose, trans = torch.zeros((batch_sz, 300)), pose_init, torch.zeros((batch_sz, 3))

    # Init SMPL, pose with mean smpl pose, as in ch.registration
    smpl = th_batch_SMPL(batch_sz, betas, pose, trans, faces=th_faces).to(DEVICE)
    smpl_part_labels =[labels] * batch_sz, axis=0)

    th_scan_meshes, centers = [], []
    for scan in scans:
        print('scan path ...', scan)
        temp = Mesh(filename=scan)
        th_scan = tm.from_tensors(torch.tensor(temp.v.astype('float32'), requires_grad=False, device=DEVICE),
                                  torch.tensor(temp.f.astype('int32'), requires_grad=False, device=DEVICE).long())

    if scale_file is not None:
        for n, sc in enumerate(scale_file):
            dat = np.load(sc, allow_pickle=True)
            th_scan_meshes[n].vertices += torch.tensor(dat[1]).to(DEVICE)
            th_scan_meshes[n].vertices *= torch.tensor(dat[0]).to(DEVICE)

    # Optimize pose first
    optimize_pose_only(th_scan_meshes, smpl, pose_iterations, pose_steps_per_iter, scan_part_labels, smpl_part_labels,
                       display=None if display is None else 0)

    # Optimize pose and shape
    optimize_pose_shape(th_scan_meshes, smpl, iterations, steps_per_iter, scan_part_labels, smpl_part_labels,
                        display=None if display is None else 0)

    verts, _, _, _ = smpl()
    th_smpl_meshes = [tm.from_tensors(vertices=v, faces=smpl.faces) for v in verts]

    if save_path is not None:
        if not exists(save_path):

        names = [split(s)[1] for s in scans]

        # Save meshes
        save_meshes(th_smpl_meshes, [join(save_path, n.replace('.ply', '_smpl.obj')) for n in names])
        save_meshes(th_scan_meshes, [join(save_path, n) for n in names])

        # Save params
        for p, b, t, n in zip(smpl.pose.cpu().detach().numpy(), smpl.betas.cpu().detach().numpy(),
                              smpl.trans.cpu().detach().numpy(), names):
            smpl_dict = {'pose': p, 'betas': b, 'trans': t}
            pkl.dump(smpl_dict, open(join(save_path, n.replace('.ply', '_smpl.pkl')), 'wb'))

        return smpl.pose.cpu().detach().numpy(), smpl.betas.cpu().detach().numpy(), smpl.trans.cpu().detach().numpy()