def encoder(input_image, output_image, input_data_file, seed): img = # open source image as PIL/Pillow object hdatareader = open(input_data_file, 'rb') # open input data file to be read as a bytearray input_data = r, g, b, a = img.convert( 'RGBA').split() # split the color/alpha channels into individual lists input_data_len = len(input_data) * 4 # get length of input data print("original size of input data (in pixels used): ", input_data_len) input_data_iter = 0 input_data_bit_iter = 0 data_len_serialized = fixedint.UInt32(input_data_len).to_bytes( ) # turn the length of the input data into a bytearray to it can be prepended to the input data during encoding input_data = data_len_serialized + input_data # prepend the length to the input data input_data_len = len( input_data ) * 4 # update value to include total length of data that will be encoded print("image mode before conversion: ", img.mode) if input_data_len > img.width * img.height: # check if everything fits print("input data too large") return print("input data will affect ", input_data_len, " of ", img.width * img.height, "pixels in the image") for x, y in generate_pattern( seed, img.width, img.height, input_data_len ): # generate image x,y coordinates where bits encoded in the green and blue pixel data encode_bits( g, b, (x, y), input_data, input_data_iter, input_data_bit_iter ) # pass g and b color channel list, pixel coordinates, and the indexes of the byte and bits to encode input_data_bit_iter += 2 if input_data_bit_iter > 6: # move forward to the next byte #print(input_data[input_data_iter], end=' ') input_data_iter += 1 input_data_bit_iter = 0 newimage = Image.merge( 'RGBA', (r, g, b, a)) # make new image to export by combining the channels, 'PNG') img.close() newimage.close() hdatareader.close()
def calcH(T1, e, f, g, k, m): T1 = fixedint.UInt32(T1) e = fixedint.UInt32(e) f = fixedint.UInt32(f) g = fixedint.UInt32(g) k = fixedint.UInt32(k) m = fixedint.UInt32(m) return T1 - __Sigma1(e) - __Ch(e, f, g) - k - m
def calc_r(magic_token, magic_str): for i in range(0, len(magic_str) - 2, 3): tmp = magic_str[i + 2] if tmp >= "a": pos = ord(tmp[0]) - 87 else: pos = int(tmp) if magic_str[i + 1] == "+": pos = magic_token >> pos else: pos = fixedint.UInt32(magic_token << pos) if magic_str[i] == "+": magic_token += pos & 4294967295 else: magic_token ^= pos return magic_token
def read_data(self): # attempt counters which end transmission if too many consecutive errors occur attempt = 0 maxAttempt = 5 samplecount = 0 start_time = time.time() self.cancel = False #dataWriteBuffer = [] if (self.ser == None): self.status.config(text="Error Opening COM Port") return # setup and update UI self.status.config(text="Waiting for Device Response") self.sampleMessage.grid_forget() self.sample.grid_forget() self.sampleMessage = Label(self, background="white", text="Samples recieved:") self.sampleMessage.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=10, sticky="W") self.sample = Label(self, background="white", text="- ") self.sample.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=W) self.parent.update() # attempt to connect to Device while (attempt < maxAttempt * 2): if ( self.cancel == True ): #allow while loop to break and method to return if user cancels self.status.config(text="Saving Canceled") return try: self.parent.update() if (self.dataType == "main"): self.ser.write(bytes("SndData\n", encoding="ascii")) elif (self.dataType == "CO2"): self.ser.write(bytes("SndDataCO2\n", encoding="ascii")) line = self.ser.readline() line = str(line).strip("b'\\r\\n") #print(line) #self.parent.update() if (line == "S"): break elif (line == "BADEND"): self.status.config(text="Device Error, Try again") return else: line = "" attempt += 1 except serial.SerialTimeoutException: attempt += 1 if (attempt >= maxAttempt * 2): self.status.config(text="No Response from Device") return except serial.serialutil.SerialException: self.status.config(text="Port Error: Check Port") return if (attempt >= maxAttempt): self.status.config(text="No Response from Device") return #once connected, recieve data from Device try: #update UI messages self.status.config(text="Saving Data") self.parent.update() #setup writing recieved sample count on UI self.parent.update() attempt = 0 #reset attempt counter #start recieving while (attempt < maxAttempt): #update status messages etc self.sample.config(text=samplecount) self.parent.update() if ( self.cancel == True ): #allow while loop to break and method to return if user cancels self.status.config(text="Saving Canceled") self.ser.write(bytes( "END\n", encoding="ascii")) # device Sent End command return # reset checksum checksum = fixedint.MutableUInt32(0) # read line from com port line = str(self.ser.readline()).strip("b'\\r\\n") #print(line) # if single sample being sent command recieved, confirm with "OK" and recieve sample if (line == "SNGL"): # send acknowledge self.ser.write(bytes("OK\n", encoding="ascii")) # read data being sent by device data = str(self.ser.readline()).strip("b'\\r\\n") #process data and get sent checksum to compare with striped_data = data.split(",", 1) recievedChecksum = fixedint.UInt32(int(striped_data[0])) # calulate checksum for recieved data for c in striped_data[1]: checksum += fixedint.UInt32(ord(c)) #compare checksums. if they are the same, send acknowledge. otherwise send "RETRY" to get data resent if (checksum == recievedChecksum): self.filename.write(striped_data[1]) self.filename.write('\n') self.ser.write(bytes("CHKOK\n", encoding="ascii")) attempt = 0 #clear attempt counter if successfull samplecount += 1 #increment counter else: self.ser.write(bytes("RETRY\n", encoding="ascii")) self.status.config(text="checksum Differ!, Retrying.") attempt += 1 # if "ENDDATA" comand recieved, all samples have been recieved and saving should stop elif (line == "DATAEND"): self.ser.write(bytes( "OKEND\n", encoding="ascii")) #send acknowledge comand #update UI self.status.config(text="Data Saved!") self.sample.config(text=samplecount) self.parent.update() print(time.time() - start_time) return True # if "END" command is recieved, the device terminated communication, possibly due to an error elif (line != "END"): self.status.config(text="Saving Data Failed") self.cancelbutton.grid_remove() winsound.PlaySound('SystemAsterisk', winsound.SND_ALIAS | winsound.SND_ASYNC) return False # Exception handling except self.ser.SerialTimeoutException: self.ser.write(bytes("END\n", encoding="ascii")) self.status.config(text="Saving Data Failed: Timeout") winsound.PlaySound('SystemAsterisk', winsound.SND_ALIAS | winsound.SND_ASYNC) except Exception: print(Exception) #self.T.insert(END,'Error Saving\n') self.ser.write(bytes("END\n", encoding="ascii")) self.status.config(text="Saving Data Failed: Exception") winsound.PlaySound('SystemAsterisk', winsound.SND_ALIAS | winsound.SND_ASYNC) finally: self.filename.close() self.ser.close()
current_sample += j A_0_1, j = dpa.dpa_and(T[:, current_sample:], 0, A1, 2, threshold) current_sample += j A_0_2, j = dpa.dpa_and(T[:, current_sample:], 0, A1, 1, threshold) current_sample += j A_0_3, j = dpa.dpa_and(T[:, current_sample:], 0, A1, 0, threshold) current_sample += j A_0 = helper.byte_to_int(A_0_3, A_0_2, A_0_1, A_0_0) if (silent != 1): print "A_0=", hex(A_0) if (silent != 1): print 'Calculating H_0...' # rest is pure calculation H_0 = sha256_helper.calcH(helper.byte_to_int_array(T1[0]), E_0, F_0, G_0, 0x428a2f98L, helper.byte_to_int_array(message_0[0])) if (silent != 1): print "H_0=", hex(H_0) H_1 = fixedint.UInt32(G_0) F_1 = fixedint.UInt32(E_0) G_1 = fixedint.UInt32(F_0) T1_1 = np.zeros([len(T1), 4], dtype=np.uint8) for i in range(0, len(T1)): E_tmp = fixedint.UInt32(helper.byte_to_int_array(E1[i])) S0E1 = fixedint.UInt32(helper.byte_to_int_array(Sigma1_E1[i])) const = fixedint.UInt32(0x71374491L) mes = fixedint.UInt32(helper.byte_to_int_array(message_1[i])) value = H_1 + S0E1 + sha256_helper.__Ch(E_tmp, F_1, G_1) + const + mes T1_1[i] = helper.int_to_byte(value) ''' * DPA 9 * C_0 equals D_1 * E_2 = D_1 +T1_2
def Sigma1(w): value = fixedint.UInt32(helper.byte_to_int_array(w)) result = __Sigma1(value) return helper.int_to_byte(result)
def Ch(x, y, z): x = fixedint.UInt32(x) y = fixedint.UInt32(y) z = fixedint.UInt32(z) result = __Ch(x, y, z) return helper.int_to_byte(result)