def test_rename_file(self):
     with FileIO(self.test_rename_from_file, 'w') as testfile:
         testfile.write(b'test content for file which will be renamed')
     fs = FileServicer()
     # test rename of not existing file
     rename_request = fmsg.RenameRequest()
     rename_request.old = self.test_rename_to_file = self.test_rename_from_file
     rename_response = fs.Rename(rename_request, DummyContext())
     self.assertEqual(rename_response.code, fmsg.ReturnStatus.StatusType.Value('OS_ERROR'), 'rename of not existing file returns a wrong result error: %d, expected: %d' % (rename_response.code, fmsg.ReturnStatus.StatusType.Value('OS_ERROR')))
     # test rename
     rename_request = fmsg.RenameRequest()
     rename_request.old = self.test_rename_from_file = self.test_rename_to_file
     rename_response = fs.Rename(rename_request, DummyContext())
     if not os.path.exists(self.test_rename_to_file):'After `rename` the target file does not exists')
 def test_save_content(self):
     fs = FileServicer()
     test_data = b'This is a test file for save content test.'
     content = fmsg.SaveFileContentRequest()
     content.file.path = self.test_save_content_path
     content.file.mtime = 1.0  # something not zero to update a not existing file
     content.file.size = len(test_data) = test_data
     save_response = next(fs.SaveFileContent([content], DummyContext()))
     self.assertEqual(save_response.status.code, fmsg.ReturnStatus.StatusType.Value('REMOVED_FILE'), "wrong status code '%d' if file was removed in meantime." % save_response.status.code)
     # save new file
     content.file.mtime = 0
     save_response = next(fs.SaveFileContent([content], DummyContext()))
     self.assertEqual(save_response.status.code, fmsg.ReturnStatus.StatusType.Value('OK'), 'new file was not saved')
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.test_save_content_path), 'new file was not saved to %s' % self.test_save_content_path)
     self.assertEqual(save_response.ack.mtime, os.path.getmtime(self.test_save_content_path), 'wrong mtime returned after create a new file')
     # sleep to change the mtime in file
     # change file in meantime
     new_utime = time.time()
     os.utime(self.test_save_content_path, (new_utime, new_utime))
     new_test_data = b'This is a changed text for save content test.'
     content.file.mtime = save_response.ack.mtime
     content.file.size = len(new_test_data) = new_test_data
     save_response = next(fs.SaveFileContent([content], DummyContext()))
     self.assertEqual(save_response.status.code, fmsg.ReturnStatus.StatusType.Value('CHANGED_FILE'), 'wrong status code if file was changed in meantime.')
     # overwrite the changed file
     content.overwrite = True
     save_response = next(fs.SaveFileContent([content], DummyContext()))
     self.assertEqual(save_response.status.code, fmsg.ReturnStatus.StatusType.Value('OK'), 'file was not overwritten')
     self.assertEqual(save_response.ack.mtime, os.path.getmtime(self.test_save_content_path), 'wrong mtime returned after overwrite file')
     with FileIO(self.test_save_content_path, 'r') as outfile:
         self.assertEqual(new_test_data,, 'wrong content in file')
     # try to save in root folder
     content.file.path = '/content_test.txt'
     content.file.mtime = 0
     save_response = next(fs.SaveFileContent([content], DummyContext()))
     if save_response.status.code == fmsg.ReturnStatus.StatusType.Value('OK'):
         # test in industrial ci, use source folder
         content.file.path = interpret_path('$(find fkie_node_manager_daemon)/') + content.file.path
         save_response = next(fs.SaveFileContent([content], DummyContext()))
     self.assertEqual(save_response.status.code, fmsg.ReturnStatus.StatusType.Value('IO_ERROR'), 'save in root folder returns a wrong result: %d, expected: %d' % (save_response.status.code, fmsg.ReturnStatus.StatusType.Value('IO_ERROR')))
     # save file in more chunks
     test_data = [b'First line.\n', b'Second line.\n', b'Third line.\n']
     for resp in fs.SaveFileContent(self._read_from_list(test_data, self.test_save_content_path), DummyContext()):
         self.assertEqual(resp.status.code, fmsg.ReturnStatus.StatusType.Value('OK'), 'file was not overwritten, result code: %d' % resp.status.code)
         self.assertEqual(resp.ack.size, self.current_pose, 'incorrect transferred file size: %d, expected: %d' % (resp.ack.size, self.current_pose))
     with FileIO(self.test_save_content_path, 'r') as outfile:
         self.assertEqual(str(test_data), str(outfile.readlines()), 'wrong content in file')
 def test_get_content(self):
     fs = FileServicer()
     fs.FILE_CHUNK_SIZE = 10
     content_response = fs.GetFileContent(
         fmsg.GetFileContentRequest(path=""), DummyContext())
                      "wrong status code if path is empty")
     content_response = fs.GetFileContent(
                      "wrong status code if path not exists")
     # create a test file
     test_data = "This is a test file for get content test."
     with open(self.test_get_content_path, 'w') as testfile:
     received_data = ''
     content_response = fs.GetFileContent(
     for resp in content_response:
                          "wrong status code if path exists")
         if resp.file.offset == 0:
             self.assertEqual(resp.file.path, self.test_get_content_path,
                              "wrong returned path in file content")
                 resp.file.mtime, 0,
                 "wrong returned file mtime in file GetFileContentReply: %.1f, expected: >0"
                 % resp.file.mtime)
                 resp.file.size, len(test_data),
                 "wrong returned file size in file GetFileContentReply: %d, expected: %d"
                 % (resp.file.size, len(test_data)))
         received_data +=
         len(received_data), len(test_data),
         "wrong returned length of data in file GetFileContentReply: %d, expected: %d"
         % (len(, len(test_data)))
         received_data, test_data,
         "wrong returned data in file GetFileContentReply: %s, expected: %s"
         % (, test_data))
    def test_list_path(self):
        fs = FileServicer()
        root_paths = set(os.getenv('ROS_PACKAGE_PATH').split(':'))
#        launch_response = fs.ListPath(fmsg.ListPathRequest(path=''), DummyContext())
#        self.assertEqual(len(root_paths), len(launch_response.items), 'ROS root paths are not equal, expected: %s, got: %s' % (root_paths, launch_response.items))
        launch_response = fs.ListPath(fmsg.ListPathRequest(path=os.getcwd()), DummyContext())
        self.assertEqual(os.getcwd(), launch_response.path, 'reported list for different path: %s, expected: %s' % (launch_response.path, os.getcwd()))
        self.assertEqual(len(os.listdir(os.getcwd())), len(launch_response.items), 'reported different count of items in working directory: %s' % os.getcwd())
        # test cache
        launch_response = fs.ListPath(fmsg.ListPathRequest(path='%s/../..' % os.getcwd()), DummyContext())
        count_dirs = len([d for d in launch_response.items if d.type in [1, 3]])
        launch_response = fs.ListPath(fmsg.ListPathRequest(path='%s/../..' % os.getcwd()), DummyContext())
        self.assertEqual(len([d for d in launch_response.items if d.type in [1, 3]]), count_dirs, 'count of directories from cache is different')
        # test invalid path
        launch_response = fs.ListPath(fmsg.ListPathRequest(path='/unknown'), DummyContext())
        self.assertEqual(0, len(launch_response.items), 'list of invalid path returns more then 0 items')
        self.assertEqual(fmsg.ReturnStatus.StatusType.Value('OS_ERROR'), launch_response.status.code, 'wrong status code if path not exists')
 def test_list_packages(self):
     fs = FileServicer()
     pacakges_response = fs.ListPackages(fmsg.ListPackagesRequest(clear_ros_cache=True), DummyContext())