Esempio n. 1
    for status in all_locations:
        record = StationTimeSeriesRecord()
        record.timestamp = timestamp
        record.station_name = status['name'] = int(status['port_count'])
        record.available = int(status['ports_available'])
        garage_hint = record.station_name.split('.')[1]
        record.garage = garage_mapping[garage_hint]
    except InvalidRequestError, e:
        raise e

@cache.cached(timeout=120, key_prefix='gen_live_counts')
def gen_live_counts():
    Returns a cached or live copy of the per-garage counts.

    :return: :rtype: OrderedDict

    session = Session()
    most_recent_timestamp = 0
    for record in session.query(StationTimeSeriesRecord).order_by(desc(StationTimeSeriesRecord.timestamp)).limit(1):
        most_recent_timestamp = record.timestamp
    counts = OrderedDict()
Esempio n. 2
from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.cache import Cache

# inherits from Flask just so we're able to change some Jinja2 internals
class CustomFlask(Flask):
    jinja_options = dict(Flask.jinja_options, trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True, auto_reload=False)

app = CustomFlask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True)


cache = Cache(app, config=app.config.get('CACHE_CONFIG', {'CACHE_TYPE': 'simple'}))

with app.app_context():

import dslrpicontrol.views
import dslrpicontrol.models
import dslrpicontrol.errorhandlers

if app.debug is not True:
    import dslrpicontrol.loggers

# vim: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab:
Esempio n. 3
class DataStore:
    def __init__(self, app): = app

        # configuration
        if settings.DS_TYPE == 'filesystem':
            config['CACHE_DIR'] = settings.DS_FILESYSTEM_DIR
        elif settings.DS_TYPE == 'redis':
            config['CACHE_REDIS_HOST'] = settings.DS_REDIS_HOST
            config['CACHE_REDIS_PORT'] = settings.DS_REDIS_PORT
            config['CACHE_REDIS_PASSWORD'] = settings.DS_REDIS_PASSWORD
            config['CACHE_REDIS_DB'] = settings.DS_REDIS_DB

        self.cache = Cache(app, config=config)

    # generic methods

    def clear(self):
        Clears all the information in the datastore

    def set(self, key, value):
        Sets value to a key
        self.cache.set(key, value)

    def add(self, listKey, value):
        Adds a item to a list
        aux = self.cache.get(listKey)
        if aux == None:
            aux = []
        self.cache.set(listKey, aux)

    def get(self, key):
        Gets a value from it key
        return self.cache.get(key)

    def delete(self, key, element=None):
        Deletes a key-value pair or an element in a list (if element argument is given)
        if element==None:
            aux = self.cache.get(key)
            self.cache.set(key, aux)

    def checkIfExists(self, key, element=None):
        Checks if a key is defined or if an element exists in a list (if element is given)
        if element==None:
            if self.cache.get(key) == None:
                return False
            return True
            aux = self.cache.get(key)
            return element in aux

    def raiseIfDifferent(self, a, b):
        if a != b:
            raise DataStoreError('Error: \'' + a + '\' and \'' + b + '\' are different.')

    def raiseIfNotExists(self, key):
        if self.checkIfExists(key) == False:
            raise DataStoreError('Error: \'' + key + '\' does not exists.')

    # base images methods

    def addBase(self, name, base):
        Adds a base
        # check if the name provided is the same that in the base entity.
        self.raiseIfDifferent(name, base['name'])
        # add name to the list of bases
        self.add('bases', name)
        # add the base entity
        self.set(name, base)

    def getBases(self):
        Gets the list with all the bases.
        return self.get('bases')

    def getBase(self, name):
        Gets a base
        return self.get(name)

    def delBase(self, name):
        Deletes a base
        # delete from list of tokens
        self.delete('bases', name)
        # delete entity

    def updateBase(self, name, base):
        Updates a base with a new value
        # check if the name provided is the same that in the context entity.
        self.raiseIfDifferent(name, base['name'])
        if self.getBase(name) is None:
            raise DataStoreError("Element do not exist")
        # set base entity
        self.set(name, base)

    # contexts methods

    def addContext(self, contextToken, context):
        Adds a context
        # check if the token provided is the same that in the context entity.
        self.raiseIfDifferent(contextToken, context['token'])
        # add token to the list of contexts
        self.add('contexts', contextToken)
        # add the context entity
        self.set(contextToken, context)

    def delContext(self, contextToken):
        Deletes a context
        # delete from list of tokens
        self.delete('contexts', contextToken)
        # delete entity

    def updateContext(self, contextToken, context):
        Updates a context with a new value
        # check if the token provided is the same that in the context entity.
        self.raiseIfDifferent(contextToken, context['token'])
        # set context entity
        self.set(contextToken, context)

    def getContext(self, contextToken):
        Gets the context entity
        return self.get(contextToken)

    def getContexts(self):
        Gets the list with all the context tokens.
        return self.get('contexts')

    # images methods

    def addImage(self, contextToken, imageToken, image):
        Adds an image to a context. Raises DataStoreError if image is already associated with the context.
        # check if the token provided is the same that in the image entity.
        self.raiseIfDifferent(imageToken, image['token'])
        # get context
        context = self.getContext(contextToken)
        # add to the list of images in the context
        if imageToken in context['images']:
            raise DataStoreError('\'' + imageToken + '\' already exists.')
        self.updateContext(context['token'], context)
        # add token to the list of images
        self.add('images', imageToken)
        # add the image entity
        self.set(imageToken, image)

    def delImage(self, imageToken):
        Deletes an image
        # get image
        image = self.getImage(imageToken)
        # get context
        context = self.getContext(image['context'])
        # remove reference to image in context
        # delete from list of tokens
        self.delete('images', imageToken)
        # remove image entity

    def updateImage(self, imageToken, image):
        Updates an image with a new value
        # check if the token provided is the same that in the image entity.
        self.raiseIfDifferent(imageToken, image['token'])
        # set entity
        self.set(imageToken, image)

    def getImage(self, imageToken):
        Gets the image entity
        return self.get(imageToken)

    def getImages(self):
        Gets all the images
        return self.get('images')

    # cluster methods

    def addCluster(self, clusterToken, cluster):
        Adds a cluster
        # check if the token provided is the same that in the cluster entity.
        self.raiseIfDifferent(clusterToken, cluster['token'])
        # add to the list of clusters
        self.add('clusters', clusterToken)
        # add the cluster entity
        self.set(clusterToken, cluster)

    def delCluster(self, clusterToken):
        Deletes a cluster
        # delete from list of clusters
        self.delete('clusters', clusterToken)
        # delete entity

    def updateCluster(self, clusterToken, cluster):
        Updates a cluster with a new value
        # check if the token provided is the same that in the cluster entity.
        self.raiseIfDifferent(clusterToken, cluster['token'])
        # set cluster entity
        self.set(clusterToken, cluster)

    def getCluster(self, clusterToken):
        Gets the cluster entity
        return self.get(clusterToken)

    def getClusters(self):
        Gets the list of clusters
        return self.get('clusters')

    # compositions methods

    def addComposition(self, compositionToken, composition):
        Adds a composition
        # check if the token provided is the same that in the composition entity.
        self.raiseIfDifferent(compositionToken, composition['token'])
        # add to the list of compositions
        self.add('compositions', compositionToken)
        # add the composition entity
        self.set(compositionToken, composition)

    def delComposition(self, compositionToken):
        Deletes a composition
        # delete from list of compositions
        self.delete('compositions', compositionToken)
        # delete entity

    def updateComposition(self, compositionToken, composition):
        Updates a composition with a new value
        # check if the token provided is the same that in the composition entity.
        self.raiseIfDifferent(compositionToken, composition['token'])
        # set composition entity
        self.set(compositionToken, composition)

    def getComposition(self, compositionToken):
        Gets the composition entity
        return self.get(compositionToken)

    def getCompositions(self):
        Gets all the compositions entity
        return self.get('compositions')

        # Other methods

    def getTokens(self):
        Retrieve all the tokens
        response = {}
        # add contexts
        list = self.getContexts()
        response['contexts'] = list if list!=None else []
        # add images
        list = self.getImages()
        response['images'] = list if list!=None else []
        # add clusters
        list = self.getClusters()
        response['clusters'] = list if list!=None else []
        # add compositions
        list = self.getCompositions()
        response['compositions'] = list if list!=None else []
        return response
Esempio n. 4
class FoodTruckTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    """Base class for all FoodTruck test cases."""

    http_get_good_url = ''
    http_get_return_404_url = ''
    http_get_exception = ''
    sf_data_api_invalid_coordinate = ''
    # Use this etag to force http_get return 304
    etag = '672800a386f99c6a306fc181d5ca3d3f'
    # Use this etag for all other cases
    non_match_etag = '2f8a1a799e129a8af143c00a500cb04'

    def setUp(self):
        from flask import Flask
        self.testapp = Flask('test-app') = app.test_client()
        self.cache = Cache(self.testapp, config={'CACHE_TYPE': 'simple'})

        self.real_requests = utilities.requests
        self.real_cache = location.cache
        utilities.requests = MockRequests()
        location.cache = self.cache

    def tearDown(self):
        utilities.requests = self.real_requests
        location.cache = self.real_cache

    def get_kdtree(self):
        """Build a mocked KD-Tree."""
        all_foodtrucks, points = [], []
        cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        dir = cur_dir +  '/fixtures/foodtrucks.json'

        with open(dir, 'r') as f:
            all_foodtrucks = json.load(f)

        for foodtruck in all_foodtrucks:
            if 'x' in foodtruck and 'y' in foodtruck:
                    x = float(foodtruck['x'])
                except ValueError:
                    raise InvalidValueError('x', foodtruck['x'])
                    y = float(foodtruck['y'])
                except ValueError:
                    raise InvalidValueError('y', foodtruck['y'])
                point = (x, y)
        kd_tree = kdtree.KDTree(points)

        return kd_tree

    def assert_is_json(self, obj):
        except TypeError:
            raise AssertionError('%s is not a JSON object' % obj)

    def assert_is_none(self, obj, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.assertIsNone(obj, *args, **kwargs)

    def assert_is_not_none(self, obj, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.assertIsNotNone(obj, *args, **kwargs)

    def assert_equal(self, obj1, obj2, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.assertEqual(obj1, obj2, *args, **kwargs)

    def assert_true(self, true_value):
        return self.assertTrue(true_value)

    def assert_raise_error(self, exc, callable, *args, **kwargs):
        """Check if `callable` raises `exc`.

        :exc:      an instance of the exception you want to check
        :callable: the callable you want to call
            callable(*args, **kwargs)
        except Exception, e:
                assert e.__class__ is exc.__class__
                assert e.message == exc.message
                raise AssertionError(
                    '{callable} did not raise {exception}'.format(
Esempio n. 5
class DataStore:
    def __init__(self, app): = app

        # configuration
        if settings.DS_TYPE == 'filesystem':
            config['CACHE_DIR'] = settings.DS_FILESYSTEM_DIR
        elif settings.DS_TYPE == 'redis':
            config['CACHE_REDIS_HOST'] = settings.DS_REDIS_HOST
            config['CACHE_REDIS_PORT'] = settings.DS_REDIS_PORT
            config['CACHE_REDIS_PASSWORD'] = settings.DS_REDIS_PASSWORD
            config['CACHE_REDIS_DB'] = settings.DS_REDIS_DB

        self.cache = Cache(app, config=config)

    # generic methods

    def clear(self):
        Clears all the information in the datastore

    def set(self, key, value):
        Sets value to a key
        self.cache.set(key, value)

    def add(self, listKey, value):
        Adds a item to a list
        aux = self.cache.get(listKey)
        if aux == None:
            aux = []
        self.cache.set(listKey, aux)

    def get(self, key):
        Gets a value from it key
        return self.cache.get(key)

    def delete(self, key, element=None):
        Deletes a key-value pair or an element in a list (if element argument is given)
        if element==None:
            aux = self.cache.get(key)
            self.cache.set(key, aux)

    def checkIfExists(self, key, element=None):
        Checks if a key is defined or if an element exists in a list (if element is given)
        if element==None:
            if self.cache.get(key) == None:
                return False
            return True
            aux = self.cache.get(key)
            return element in aux

    def raiseIfDifferent(self, a, b):
        if a != b:
            raise DataStoreError('Error: \'' + a + '\' and \'' + b + '\' are different.')

    def raiseIfNotExists(self, key):
        if self.checkIfExists(key) == False:
            raise DataStoreError('Error: \'' + key + '\' does not exists.')

    # base images methods

    def addBase(self, name, base):
        Adds a base
        # check if the name provided is the same that in the base entity.
        self.raiseIfDifferent(name, base['name'])
        # add name to the list of bases
        self.add('bases', name)
        # add the base entity
        self.set(name, base)

    def getBases(self):
        Gets the list with all the bases.
        return self.get('bases')

    def getBase(self, name):
        Gets a base
        return self.get(name)

    def delBase(self, name):
        Deletes a base
        # delete from list of tokens
        self.delete('bases', name)
        # delete entity

    def updateBase(self, name, base):
        Updates a base with a new value
        # check if the name provided is the same that in the context entity.
        self.raiseIfDifferent(name, base['name'])
        if self.getBase(name) is None:
            raise DataStoreError("Element do not exist")
        # set base entity
        self.set(name, base)

    # contexts methods

    def addContext(self, contextToken, context):
        Adds a context
        # check if the token provided is the same that in the context entity.
        self.raiseIfDifferent(contextToken, context['token'])
        # add token to the list of contexts
        self.add('contexts', contextToken)
        # add the context entity
        self.set(contextToken, context)

    def delContext(self, contextToken):
        Deletes a context
        # delete from list of tokens
        self.delete('contexts', contextToken)
        # delete entity

    def updateContext(self, contextToken, context):
        Updates a context with a new value
        # check if the token provided is the same that in the context entity.
        self.raiseIfDifferent(contextToken, context['token'])
        # set context entity
        self.set(contextToken, context)

    def getContext(self, contextToken):
        Gets the context entity
        return self.get(contextToken)

    def getContexts(self):
        Gets the list with all the context tokens.
        return self.get('contexts')

    # images methods

    def addImage(self, contextToken, imageToken, image):
        Adds an image to a context. Raises DataStoreError if image is already associated with the context.
        # check if the token provided is the same that in the image entity.
        self.raiseIfDifferent(imageToken, image['token'])
        # get context
        context = self.getContext(contextToken)
        # add to the list of images in the context
        if imageToken in context['images']:
            raise DataStoreError('\'' + imageToken + '\' already exists.')
        self.updateContext(context['token'], context)
        # add the image entity
        self.set(imageToken, image)

    def delImage(self, imageToken):
        Deletes an image
        # get image
        image = self.getImage(imageToken)
        # get context
        context = self.getContext(image['context'])
        # remove reference to image in context
        # remove image entity

    def updateImage(self, imageToken, image):
        Updates an image with a new value
        # check if the token provided is the same that in the image entity.
        self.raiseIfDifferent(imageToken, image['token'])
        # set entity
        self.set(imageToken, image)

    def getImage(self, imageToken):
        Gets the image entity
        return self.get(imageToken)

    def getImages(self):
        Gets all the images
        return self.get('images')

    # cluster methods

    def addCluster(self, clusterToken, cluster):
        Adds a cluster
        # check if the token provided is the same that in the cluster entity.
        self.raiseIfDifferent(clusterToken, cluster['token'])
        # add to the list of clusters
        self.add('clusters', clusterToken)
        # add the cluster entity
        self.set(clusterToken, cluster)

    def delCluster(self, clusterToken):
        Deletes a cluster
        # delete from list of clusters
        self.delete('clusters', clusterToken)
        # delete entity

    def updateCluster(self, clusterToken, cluster):
        Updates a cluster with a new value
        # check if the token provided is the same that in the cluster entity.
        self.raiseIfDifferent(clusterToken, cluster['token'])
        # set cluster entity
        self.set(clusterToken, cluster)

    def getCluster(self, clusterToken):
        Gets the cluster entity
        return self.get(clusterToken)

    def getClusters(self):
        Gets the list of clusters
        return self.get('clusters')

    # compositions methods

    def addComposition(self, compositionToken, composition):
        Adds a composition
        # check if the token provided is the same that in the composition entity.
        self.raiseIfDifferent(compositionToken, composition['token'])
        # add to the list of compositions
        self.add('compositions', compositionToken)
        # add the composition entity
        self.set(compositionToken, composition)

    def delComposition(self, compositionToken):
        Deletes a composition
        # delete from list of compositions
        self.delete('compositions', compositionToken)
        # delete entity

    def updateComposition(self, compositionToken, composition):
        Updates a composition with a new value
        # check if the token provided is the same that in the composition entity.
        self.raiseIfDifferent(compositionToken, composition['token'])
        # set composition entity
        self.set(compositionToken, composition)

    def getComposition(self, compositionToken):
        Gets the composition entity
        return self.get(compositionToken)

    def getCompositions(self):
        Gets all the compositions entity
        return self.get('compositions')

        # Other methods

    def getTokens(self):
        Retrieve all the tokens
        response = {}
        # add contexts
        list = self.getContexts()
        response['contexts'] = list if list!=None else []
        # add images
        list = self.getImages()
        response['images'] = list if list!=None else []
        # add clusters
        list = self.getClusters()
        response['clusters'] = list if list!=None else []
        # add compositions
        list = self.getCompositions()
        response['compositions'] = list if list!=None else []
        return response