Esempio n. 1
    def get(self):
        Get all devices available

        devices_db = g.con.get_devices()

        if not devices_db:
            return create_error_response(404, "No devices found",
                                     'There is no devices in DB', 'Devices')

        # create collection of links
        links = Collection(
            Link('device', '/wind/api/device/{id}')

        # links to dict
        l = links.to_dict()

        # combine links and speed to one dict and add items where the actual values are
        dump = l
        dump.update({'items': devices_db})

        # return Response
        return Response(json.dumps(dump), 200, mimetype=JSONHAL)
Esempio n. 2
    def get(self, id):
        Get device with given id from db
        :param id

        device_db = g.con.get_device(id)

        if not device_db:
            return create_error_response(404, "No device found",
                                     'There is no device info on given device id %s' % id, 'Device')

        #create collection of links
        links = Collection(
            Link('list', '/wind/api/devices/'),
            Link('data:speeds-all', request.path + '/speeds/')

        #links to dict
        l = links.to_dict()

        #combine links and speed to one dict to be returned in response
        #dump = dict(list(device_db.items()) + list(l.items()))
        dump = dict(list(l.items()) + list(device_db.items()))

        #return Response
        return Response(json.dumps(dump), 200, mimetype=JSONHAL)
Esempio n. 3
    def put(self, id, timestamp):
        * Media type: JSON

         * Returns 204 if the message is modified correctly
         * Returns 400 if the request is not well formed or it is
         * Returns 404 if there is no timestamp with given value
         * Returns 415 if the input is not JSON.
         * Returns 500 if the database cannot be modified

        #eli napataaan urin perästä json ja puretaan se parametreiksi: timestamp ja value, ja passataan deebeelle
        if not g.con.contains_timestamp(id, timestamp):
            return create_error_response(404, "timestamp not found", "there is no humidity value with given timsstamp %s" %timestamp + " on given device id", 'Humidity')

        if JSON != request.headers.get("Content-Type",""):
            return create_error_response(415, "UnsupportedMediaType", "Use a JSON compatible format", 'Humidity')
        request_body = request.get_json(force=True)

            value = request_body["humidity"]
        except KeyError:
            return create_error_response(400, "Wrong request format", "Be sure you include new humidity value", 'Humidity')

            if not g.con.modify_humidity(id, timestamp, value):
                return create_error_response(500, "Internal error", "Humidity information for %s cannot be updated" % value, 'Humidity')
            #return "", 204
            return Response("", 204, mimetype=JSONHAL)
Esempio n. 4
    def put(self, id, timestamp):
        * Media type: JSON

         * Returns 204 if the temperature is modified correctly
         * Returns 400 if the request is not well formed or it is
         * Returns 404 if there is no timestamp with given value
         * Returns 415 if the input is not JSON.
         * Returns 500 if the database cannot be modified

        #Check, that timestamp is there, check that format is correct, get value from url (json), pass to db
        if not g.con.contains_timestamp(id, timestamp):
            return create_error_response(404, "timestamp not found",
                                         "there is no temperature value with given timsstamp %s"
                                         %timestamp + " on given device id", 'Temperature')

        if JSON != request.headers.get("Content-Type",""):
            return create_error_response(415, "UnsupportedMediaType", "Use a JSON compatible format", 'Temperature')
        request_body = request.get_json(force=True)

            value = request_body["temperature"]
        except KeyError:
            return create_error_response(400, "Wrong request format", "Be sure you include new temperature value", 'Temperature')

            if not g.con.modify_temperature(id, timestamp, value):
                return create_error_response(500, "Internal error", "Temperature information for %s cannot be updated" % value, 'Temperature')
            return Response("", 204, mimetype=JSONHAL)
Esempio n. 5
    def get(self, id):
        get all battery values on device
        :param id:

        batteries_db = g.con.get_batteries(id)

        if not batteries_db:
            return create_error_response(404, "No batteries found",
                                     'There is no batteries data on given device id %s' % id, 'Batteries')

        # create collection of links
        links = Collection(
            Link('device', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/'),
            Link('battery', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/battery/{timestamp}')

        # links to dict
        l = links.to_dict()

        # combine links and speed to one dict
        dump = l
        dump.update({'items': batteries_db})

        # return Response
        return Response(json.dumps(dump), 200, mimetype=JSONHAL)
Esempio n. 6
    def get(self, id):
        get all speeds
        params: id

        #extract speeds from db
        speeds_db = g.con.get_speeds(id)
        if not speeds_db:
            return create_error_response(404, "No speeds found",
                                     'There is no speeds data on given device id %s' % id, 'Speeds')

        # create collection of links
        links = Collection(
            Link('device', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/'),
            Link('speed', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/speed/{timestamp}')

        # links to dict
        l = links.to_dict()

        # combine links and speed to one dict
        dump = l
        dump.update({'items': speeds_db})

        # return Response
        return Response(json.dumps(dump), 200, mimetype=JSONHAL)
Esempio n. 7
    def get(self, id, timestamp):
        :param id, timestamp:

        direction_db = g.con.get_direction(id, timestamp)

        if not direction_db:
            return create_error_response(404, "No direction data found",
                                         'There is no direction data on device id %s with timestamp %s' % (id, timestamp),

        #create collection of links
        links = Collection(
            Link('device', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/'),
            Link('list', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/directions/'),
            Link('all-batteries', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/batteries/')

        #links to dict
        l = links.to_dict()

        #combine links and speed to one dict
        dump = dict(list(l.items()) + list(direction_db.items()))

        #return Response
        return Response(json.dumps(dump), 200, mimetype=JSONHAL)
Esempio n. 8
    def get(self, id, timestamp):
        :param id, timestamp:

        battery_db = g.con.get_battery(id, timestamp)

        if not battery_db:
            return create_error_response(404, "No battery data found",
                                         'There is no battery data on device id %s with timestamp %s' % (id, timestamp),

        #create collection of links
        links = Collection(
            Link('device', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/'),
            Link('list', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/batteries/')
            # last one, no links to other resources except device and collection

        #links to dict
        l = links.to_dict()

        #combine links and speed to one dict
        dump = dict(list(l.items()) + list(battery_db.items()))

        #return Response
        return Response(json.dumps(dump), 200, mimetype=JSONHAL)
Esempio n. 9
    def get(self, id, timestamp):
        :param id, timestamp:

        speed_db = g.con.get_speed(id, timestamp)

        if not speed_db:
             return create_error_response(404, "No speed found",
                                'There is no speed data on device id %s with timestamp %s' % (id, timestamp), 'Speed')

        #create collection of links
        links = Collection(
            Link('device', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/'),
            Link('list', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/speeds/'),
            Link('temperatures-all', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/temperatures/')

        #links to dict
        l = links.to_dict()

        #combine links and speed to one dict
        dump = dict(list(l.items()) + list(speed_db.items()))

        #return Response
        return Response(json.dumps(dump), 200, mimetype=JSONHAL)
Esempio n. 10
    def post(self, id, timestamp):
        Adds a a NEW humidity and timestamp. 
        If timestamp exists, but no humidity value, update instead.

         * Media type: JSON:

         * Returns 201 + the url of the new resource in the Location header
         * Returns 200 if the resource was updated, not created --> means that there was timestamp already, but no value
         * Returns 400 if the value is not well formed or is empty.
         * Returns 409 if there is already humidity value in with given timestamp.
         * Returns 415 if the format of the response is not json
         * Returns 500 if the message could not be added to database.

        #if there is already value on given timestamp
        column = 'humidity'
        if g.con.contains_value(id, timestamp, column):
            return create_error_response(409, "Humidity value exists", "There is already humidity value with given timestamp %s" %timestamp, 'Humidity')

        if JSON != request.headers.get("Content-Type", ""):
            return create_error_response(415, "UnsupportedMediaType", "Use a JSON compatible format", 'Humidity')
        request_body = request.get_json(force=True)

            value = request_body["humidity"]
        except KeyError:
            return create_error_response(400, "Wrong request format", "Be sure you include new humidity value", 'Humidity')

            dump = g.con.add_humidity(id, timestamp, value)
            if dump is None:
                return create_error_response(500, "Internal error", "Humidity information for %s cannot be updated" % value, 'Humidity')

            #if value was only modified (because timestamp was already there)
            elif dump is True:
                #return "", 200
                return Response("", 204, mimetype=JSONHAL)
                #The Location header should have an URL that points to the new resource
                # and you can return an entity with the details also.
                #return Response(json.dumps(dump), 201, mimetype=JSONHAL)
                return Response(status=201, mimetype=JSONHAL, headers={"URL": api.url_for(Humidity, id=id, timestamp=timestamp)})
Esempio n. 11
def create_error_response(status_code, title, message, resource_type=None):
    : param integer status_code: The HTTP status code of the response
    : param str title: A short description of the problem
    : param message: A long description of the problem
    : rtype:: py: class:`flask.Response`

    resource_url = None
    # We need the context in order to access the request.path
    ctx =
    if ctx is not None:
        resource_url = request.path

    # Muotoillaan errorin palautus ja pistellään responsensa
    dump = {"resource_url": resource_url, "resource_type": resource_type, "message": title, "info": message}
    return Response(json.dumps(dump), status_code, mimetype=JSONHAL)
Esempio n. 12
    def get(self, id, timestamp):
        humidity_db = g.con.get_humidity(id, timestamp)
        if not humidity_db:
            return create_error_response(404, "No humidity found",
                                         'There is no humidity data on device id %s with timestamp %s' % (id, timestamp),

        #create collection of links
        links = Collection(
            Link('device', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/'),
            Link('list', '/wind/api/humidities/'),
            Link('directions-all', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/directions/')

        #links to dict
        l = links.to_dict()

        #combine links and speed to one dict
        dump = dict(list(l.items()) + list(humidity_db.items()))

        #return Response
        return Response(json.dumps(dump), 200, mimetype=JSONHAL)
Esempio n. 13
    def get(self, id):
        humidities_db = g.con.get_humidities(id)

        if not humidities_db:
            return create_error_response(404, "No humidities found",
                                     'There is no humidities data on given device id %s' % id, 'Humidities')

        # create collection of links
        links = Collection(
            Link('device', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/'),
            Link('humidity', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/humidity/{timestamp}')

        # links to dict
        l = links.to_dict()

        # combine links and speed to one dict
        dump = l
        dump.update({'items': humidities_db})

        # return Response
        return Response(json.dumps(dump), 200, mimetype=JSONHAL)
Esempio n. 14
 def delete(self, id, timestamp):
     if g.con.delete_temperature(id, timestamp):
         return Response("", 204, mimetype=JSONHAL)
         return create_error_response(404, "Unknown timestamp", "There is no a temperature value with timestamp %s" % timestamp + " on given device id", 'Temperature')