Esempio n. 1
def query_stake_stat(stat_type, stake_type=None, limit=20):
    """query total stake statistics"""
    if stat_type is None or not isinstance(stat_type, int):
        raise InvalidParamsError()
    if limit is None or not isinstance(limit, int) or limit < 1:
        limit = 20
    if stat_type == 1:
        # stat by address and/or type
        if stake_type is None or not isinstance(stake_type, int):
            stakes = db.session.query(TStake.address, func.sum(TStake.count).label('address_count')). \
                group_by(TStake.address).order_by('address_count desc').limit(limit)
            stakes = db.session.query(TStake.address, func.sum(TStake.count).label('address_count')).\
                filter(TStake.type == stake_type).group_by(TStake.address).\
                order_by('address_count desc').limit(limit)
        item_name = "address"
    elif stat_type == 2:
        # stat by champion team
        stakes = db.session.query(TStake.item, func.sum(TStake.count).label('team_count')).\
            filter(TStake.type == 2).group_by(TStake.item).\
            order_by('team_count desc').limit(limit)
        item_name = "champion"
    elif stat_type == 3:
        # stat by scores
        stakes = db.session.query(TStake.item, func.sum(TStake.count).label('score_count')).\
            filter(TStake.type == 3).group_by(TStake.item).\
            order_by('score_count desc').limit(limit)
        item_name = "score"
    elif stat_type == 4:
        # stat by favourite team
        stakes = db.session.query(TStake.item, func.sum(TStake.count).label('team_count')).\
            filter(TStake.type == 4).group_by(TStake.item).\
            order_by('team_count desc').limit(limit)
        item_name = "team"

    data = []
    for s in stakes:
        data.append({item_name: s[0], "count": int(s[1])})
    return data
Esempio n. 2
def _disableAlarms(hostid):

    trigger_get = fowardZ.sendToZabbix(method='trigger.get',
                                           'hostids': hostid,
                                           'output': 'triggerid'

    triggerPrototype_get = fowardZ.sendToZabbix(method='triggerprototype.get',
                                                    'hostids': hostid,
                                                    'output': 'triggerid'

    triggers = []
    triggersPrototype = []

    for trigger in trigger_get['result']:
        triggers.append({'triggerid': trigger['triggerid'], 'status': '1'})

    disabled = fowardZ.sendToZabbix(method='trigger.update', params=triggers)

    disabledPrototype = dict(result=True)
    if triggerPrototype_get:
        for triggerPrototype in triggerPrototype_get['result']:
                'triggerid': triggerPrototype['triggerid'],
                'status': '1'

        disabledPrototype = fowardZ.sendToZabbix(
            method='triggerprototype.update', params=triggersPrototype)

    if 'result' in disabled and 'result' in disabledPrototype:
        return 'Disable operation was successful.'
        raise InvalidParamsError(
            'It wasnt able to disable alarms on hostid "{0}"'.format(hostid))
Esempio n. 3
def query_stake_history(address):
    """query stake history of one address"""
    if address is None or not isinstance(address, str):
        raise InvalidParamsError()
    stakes = TStake.query.filter(TStake.address == address)
    details = []
    #TODO, total bingo stakes need be updated.
    total_bingo_stakes = 1000
    user_deposit = 0.0
    user_bingo_stakes = 0
    for s in stakes:
        record = {
            'address': s.address,
            'item': s.item,
            'state': s.state,
            'time': time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", s.time.utctimetuple())
        if s.state == 1:
            user_bingo_stakes += s.count
            record['money'] = s.count * 100 / total_bingo_stakes
            record['money'] = 0
        if s.isAnybit == 0:
            record['deposit'] = round(float(s.count) / 10, 2)
        elif s.isAnybit == 1:
            record['deposit'] = round(float(s.count * 8 / 100), 2)
        user_deposit += record['deposit']
        record['awards'] = s.count
        record['txid'] = s.txid
    return {
        'deposit': round(user_deposit, 2),
        'allawards': round(user_bingo_stakes * 100 / total_bingo_stakes, 2),
        'details': details
Esempio n. 4
    def response_obj(self, request, D, version_hint=JSONRPC_VERSION_DEFAULT):
        version = version_hint
        response = self.empty_response(version=version)
        apply_version = {
            '2.0': self.apply_version_2_0,
            '1.1': self.apply_version_1_1,
            '1.0': self.apply_version_1_0

                # determine if an object is iterable?
            except TypeError as e:
                raise InvalidRequestError(
                    getattr(e, 'message',
                            e.args[0] if len(e.args) > 0 else None))

            # version: validate
            if 'jsonrpc' in D:
                if text_type(D['jsonrpc']) not in apply_version:
                    raise InvalidRequestError(
                        'JSON-RPC version {0} not supported.'.format(
                version = request.jsonrpc_version = response[
                    'jsonrpc'] = text_type(D['jsonrpc'])
            elif 'version' in D:
                if text_type(D['version']) not in apply_version:
                    raise InvalidRequestError(
                        'JSON-RPC version {0} not supported.'.format(
                version = request.jsonrpc_version = response[
                    'version'] = text_type(D['version'])
                version = request.jsonrpc_version = JSONRPC_VERSION_DEFAULT

            # params: An Array or Object, that holds the actual parameter values
            # for the invocation of the procedure. Can be omitted if empty.
            if 'params' not in D or not D['params']:
                D['params'] = []
            if 'method' not in D or 'params' not in D:
                raise InvalidParamsError(
                    'Request requires str:"method" and list:"params"')
            if D['method'] not in self.urls:
                raise MethodNotFoundError('Method not found. Available methods: {0}' \

            method = self.urls[text_type(D['method'])]
            if getattr(method, 'json_validate', False):
                validate_params(method, D)

            if 'id' in D and D['id'] is not None:  # regular request
                response['id'] = D['id']
                if version in ('1.1', '2.0'):
                    response.pop('error', None)
            else:  # notification
                return None, 204

            R = apply_version[version](method, D['params'])

            if 'id' not in D or ('id' in D
                                 and D['id'] is None):  # notification
                return None, 204

            if isinstance(R, Response):
                if R.status_code == 200:
                    return R, R.status_code
                if R.status_code == 401:
                    raise InvalidCredentialsError(R.status)
                raise OtherError(R.status, R.status_code)

                # New in Flask version 0.10.
                encoder = current_app.json_encoder()
            except AttributeError:
                encoder = json.JSONEncoder()

            # type of `R` should be one of these or...
            if not sum([isinstance(R, e) for e in \
                    string_types + integer_types + \
                    (float, complex, dict, list, tuple, set, frozenset, NoneType, bool)]):
                    rs = encoder.default(
                        R)  # ...or something this thing supports
                except TypeError as exc:
                    raise TypeError(
                        'Return type not supported, for {0!r}'.format(R))

            response['result'] = R
            status = 200
        except Error as e:
            response['error'] = e.json_rpc_format
            if version in ('1.1', '2.0'):
                response.pop('result', None)
            status = e.status
        except HTTPException as e:
            other_error = OtherError(e)
            response['error'] = other_error.json_rpc_format
            response['error']['code'] = e.code
            if version in ('1.1', '2.0'):
                response.pop('result', None)
            status = e.code
        except Exception as e:
            other_error = OtherError(e)
            response['error'] = other_error.json_rpc_format
            status = other_error.status
            if version in ('1.1', '2.0'):
                response.pop('result', None)

        # Exactly one of result or error MUST be specified. It's not
        # allowed to specify both or none.
        if version in ('1.1', '2.0') and 'result' in response:
            response.pop('error', None)

        return response, status
Esempio n. 5
def query_stake_memo(stake_type, stake_item):
    if stake_type != 2 or stake_item < 1 or stake_item > 32:
        raise InvalidParamsError()
    str_memo = str(stake_item) + ":2"
    return bytes.decode(base64.b64encode(str.encode(str_memo)))
Esempio n. 6
    def response_dict(self, request, D, is_batch=False, version_hint='1.0'):
        version = version_hint
        response = self.empty_response(version=version)
        apply_version = {
            '2.0': lambda f, p: f(**encode_kw(p))
            if type(p) is dict else f(*p),
            lambda f, p: f(*encode_arg11(p), **encode_kw(encode_kw11(p))),
            '1.0': lambda f, p: f(*p)

            # params: An Array or Object, that holds the actual parameter values
            # for the invocation of the procedure. Can be omitted if empty.
            if 'params' not in D or not D['params']:
                D['params'] = []
            if 'method' not in D or 'params' not in D:
                raise InvalidParamsError(
                    'Request requires str:"method" and list:"params"')
            if D['method'] not in self.urls:
                raise MethodNotFoundError('Method not found. Available methods: {0}' \

            if 'jsonrpc' in D:
                if text_type(D['jsonrpc']) not in apply_version:
                    raise InvalidRequestError(
                        'JSON-RPC version {0} not supported.'.format(
                version = request.jsonrpc_version = response[
                    'jsonrpc'] = text_type(D['jsonrpc'])
            elif 'version' in D:
                if text_type(D['version']) not in apply_version:
                    raise InvalidRequestError(
                        'JSON-RPC version {0} not supported.'.format(
                version = request.jsonrpc_version = response[
                    'version'] = text_type(D['version'])
                request.jsonrpc_version = '1.0'

            method = self.urls[text_type(D['method'])]
            if getattr(method, 'json_validate', False):
                validate_params(method, D)

            if 'id' in D and D['id'] is not None:  # regular request
                response['id'] = D['id']
                if version in ('1.1', '2.0') and 'error' in response:
            elif is_batch:  # notification, not ok in a batch format, but happened anyway
                raise InvalidRequestError
            else:  # notification
                return None, 204

            R = apply_version[version](method, D['params'])
            if asyncio.iscoroutine(R):
                R = (yield from R)

            if 'id' not in D or ('id' in D
                                 and D['id'] is None):  # notification
                return None, 204

            encoder = current_app.json_encoder()

            # type of `R` should be one of these or...
            if not sum([isinstance(R, e) for e in \
                    string_types + integer_types + (dict, list, set, NoneType, bool)]):
                    rs = encoder.default(
                        R)  # ...or something this thing supports
                except TypeError as exc:
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Return type not supported, for {0!r}".format(R))

            response['result'] = R

            status = 200

        except Error as e:
            # exception missed by others
            #got_request_exception.connect(log_exception, current_app._get_current_object())

            response['error'] = e.json_rpc_format
            if version in ('1.1', '2.0') and 'result' in response:
            status = e.status
        except HTTPException as e:
            # exception missed by others
            #got_request_exception.connect(log_exception, current_app._get_current_object())

            other_error = OtherError(e)
            response['error'] = other_error.json_rpc_format
            response['error']['code'] = e.code
            if version in ('1.1', '2.0') and 'result' in response:
            status = e.code
        except Exception as e:
            # exception missed by others
            #got_request_exception.connect(log_exception, current_app._get_current_object())

            other_error = OtherError(e)
            response['error'] = other_error.json_rpc_format
            status = other_error.status
            if version in ('1.1', '2.0') and 'result' in response:

        # Exactly one of result or error MUST be specified. It's not
        # allowed to specify both or none.
        if version in ('1.1', '2.0'
                       ) and 'error' in response and not response['error']:

        return response, status
Esempio n. 7
    def response_dict(self, request, D, is_batch=False, version_hint='1.0'):
        version = version_hint
        response = self.empty_response(version=version)
        apply_version = {
            '2.0': lambda f, r, p: f(**encode_kw(p))
            if type(p) is dict else f(*p),
            lambda f, r, p: f(*encode_arg11(p), **encode_kw(encode_kw11(p))),
            '1.0': lambda f, r, p: f(*p)

            # params: An Array or Object, that holds the actual parameter values
            # for the invocation of the procedure. Can be omitted if empty.
            if 'params' not in D or not D['params']:
                D['params'] = []
            if 'method' not in D or 'params' not in D:
                raise InvalidParamsError(
                    'Request requires str:"method" and list:"params"')
            if D['method'] not in self.urls:
                raise MethodNotFoundError(
                    'Method not found. Available methods: %s' %

            if 'jsonrpc' in D:
                if str(D['jsonrpc']) not in apply_version:
                    raise InvalidRequestError(
                        'JSON-RPC version %s not supported.' % D['jsonrpc'])
                version = request.jsonrpc_version = response['jsonrpc'] = str(
            elif 'version' in D:
                if str(D['version']) not in apply_version:
                    raise InvalidRequestError(
                        'JSON-RPC version %s not supported.' % D['version'])
                version = request.jsonrpc_version = response['version'] = str(
                request.jsonrpc_version = '1.0'

            method = self.urls[str(D['method'])]
            if getattr(method, 'json_validate', False):
                validate_params(method, D)

            if 'id' in D and D['id'] is not None:  # regular request
                response['id'] = D['id']
                if version in ('1.1', '2.0') and 'error' in response:
            elif is_batch:  # notification, not ok in a batch format, but happened anyway
                raise InvalidRequestError
            else:  # notification
                return None, 204

            R = apply_version[version](method, request, D['params'])

            if 'id' not in D or ('id' in D
                                 and D['id'] is None):  # notification
                return None, 204

            encoder = current_app.json_encoder()
            if not sum(
                        lambda e: isinstance(
                            R, e),  # type of `R` should be one of these or...
                        (dict, str, unicode, int, long, list, set, NoneType,
                    rs = encoder.default(
                        R)  # ...or something this thing supports
                except TypeError, exc:
                    raise TypeError("Return type not supported, for %r" % R)

            response['result'] = R

            status = 200
Esempio n. 8
def getTrigger(hosts=None,

    extend = [
        'triggerid', 'description', 'expression', 'comments', 'error', 'flags',
        'lastchange', 'priority', 'state', 'status', 'templateid', 'type',
        'url', 'value'

    triggers = getAllTriggersAlarming()
    triggers_the_user_will_see = list()

    hostgroups = addGroup(hostgroups)
    hostgroups[:] = [n2i.hostgroup(hostgroup) for hostgroup in hostgroups]

    hosts = addGroup(hosts)
    '''filtro por hosts'''
    if hosts:
        for trigger in triggers['result']:
            for host in trigger['hosts']:
                if host['name'] in hosts:
        triggers_the_user_will_see = triggers['result']
    '''filtro por hostgroups'''
    if hostgroups:
        triggers_the_user_will_see[:] = [
            trigger for trigger in triggers_the_user_will_see
            for group in trigger['groups'] if group['groupid'] in hostgroups
    '''filtro por ack'''
    withAck = str(withAck)
    if withAck not in ('0', '1', '2'):
        raise InvalidParamsError('Value {0} not permitted.'.format(withAck))
        if withAck == '2':
        elif withAck == '1':
            triggers_the_user_will_see[:] = [
                trigger for trigger in triggers_the_user_will_see
                if trigger['lastEvent']
                and trigger['lastEvent']['acknowledged'] == '1'
            triggers_the_user_will_see[:] = [
                trigger for trigger in triggers_the_user_will_see
                if not trigger['lastEvent']
                or trigger['lastEvent']['acknowledged'] == '0'
    '''filtro por data ~custom: por dias~'''
    if maxAge:
        since_date = - timedelta(maxAge)
        since_timestamp = time.mktime(since_date.timetuple())

        triggers_the_user_will_see[:] = [
            trigger for trigger in triggers_the_user_will_see
            if int(trigger['lastchange']) > since_timestamp
    '''filtro por data a partir de'''
    if lastChangeSince:
        triggers_the_user_will_see[:] = [
            trigger for trigger in triggers_the_user_will_see
            if trigger['lastchange'] > lastChangeSince
    '''filtro por data ate'''
    if lastChangeTill:
        triggers_the_user_will_see[:] = [
            trigger for trigger in triggers_the_user_will_see
            if trigger['lastchange'] < lastChangeTill

    if output is not 'extend':
        for attribute in output:

        for trigger in triggers_the_user_will_see:
            for attribute in extend:

    return triggers_the_user_will_see