def get(self, id): e = Election.query.get(id) if e is None: abort(404) el_cands = ElectionCandidate.query.filter(ElectionCandidate.election_id.in_([id])).all() ec = [el_cand.candidate for el_cand in el_cands] ec_ids = [ for el_cand in el_cands] # candidate votes ec_votes = ( db.session.query( func.sum(ElectionCandidateConstituencyVote.votes), ElectionCandidateConstituencyVote.election_candidate_id, ) .filter(ElectionCandidateConstituencyVote.election_candidate_id.in_(ec_ids)) .group_by(ElectionCandidateConstituencyVote.election_candidate_id) .order_by(ElectionCandidateConstituencyVote.votes) .all() ) ec_votes_fields = [ [marshal(ElectionCandidate.query.get(ec_vote[1]).candidate, candidate_fields), ec_vote[0]] for ec_vote in ec_votes ] #'candidates': marshal(ec,candidate_fields, # e_constituency_result'' return {"election": marshal(e, election_fields), "candidate_votes": ec_votes_fields}
def get(self, **kwargs): """ 资源获取 :param kwargs: :return: dict """ if not self.can_read: raise APIMethodNotAllowed if kwargs.get('id'): item = self.get_item(**kwargs) return marshal(item, self.get_model_fields()) if self.can_paginate: pagination = self.get_pagination(**kwargs) return { 'items': marshal(pagination.items, self.get_model_fields()), 'pagination': self.get_pagination_data(pagination, **kwargs) } else: items = self.get_items(**kwargs) if not self.can_empty and not items: raise APINotFound return marshal(items, self.get_model_fields())
def get(self): # handle pagination parser = paginageParser.copy() parser.add_argument('active', type=str) parser.add_argument('patient_id', type=int) parser.add_argument('service_id', type=int) args = parser.parse_args() page = args.get('page') limit = args.get('limit') active = args.get('active') patient_id = args.get('patient_id') service_id = args.get('service_id') # type = args.get('type') # handle search q = request.args.get('q') if q: return marshal(, users_fields) service = None patient = None if service_id: service = serviceRepo.get( service_id ) if patient_id: patient = patientRepo.get( patient_id ) result = doctorRepo.getDoctors(patient=patient, service=service, active=active, page=page ,limit=limit) return marshal(result, users_fields)
def get(self, contributor, navitia, id=None): self.navitia = navitia if id: return marshal( {'disruption': models.Disruption.get(id,}, one_disruption_fields ) else: args = self.parsers['get'].parse_args() page_index = args['start_page'] if page_index == 0: abort(400, message="page_index argument value is not valid") items_per_page = args['items_per_page'] if items_per_page == 0: abort(400, message="items_per_page argument value is not valid") publication_status = args['publication_status[]'] tags = args['tag[]'] uri = args['uri'] statuses = args['status[]'] g.current_time = args['current_time'] result = models.Disruption.all_with_filter( page_index=page_index, items_per_page=items_per_page,, publication_status=publication_status, tags=tags, uri=uri, statuses=statuses ) response = {'disruptions': result.items, 'meta': make_pager(result, 'disruption')} return marshal(response, disruptions_fields)
def put(self, id): """ Product id, rating, comment (optional), and time frame (UTC) are added to the ProductsRatings table. First we check the id which clients wants to rate, is exist or not. Then, we check the entered rating is with in our ratings or not. """ products = [marshal(product, product_fields) for product in db.session.query(Products).all()] product = [product for product in products if product['product_id'] == id] if len(product) == 0: abort(404) args = self.reqparse.parse_args() # retrive the all allowed ratings from database allowed_ratings = [marshal(r, rating_field) for r in db.session.query(Ratings).all()] rating = [ r['rating'] for r in allowed_ratings if r['rating'] == int(args['rating'])] if len(rating) == 0: return {'result': 'Failed! Please enter your rating betweeen 1 to 5'} # abort(404) rating = rating[0] product = [product for product in products if product['product_id'] == id] product = product[0] product_id = id comment = args['comment'] time_frame = datetime.utcnow() feedback = ProductsRatings(product_id=product_id, rating=rating, comment=comment, time_frame=time_frame) feedback_add = feedback.add(feedback) if not feedback_add: return make_response(jsonify({'result': 'Your rating successfully added'}), 202) else: return make_response(jsonify({'result': 'Failed!'}), 400)
def get(self, client, id=None): if id: response = {'tag': models.Tag.get(id,} return marshal(response, one_tag_fields) else: response = {'tags': models.Tag.all(, 'meta': {}} return marshal(response, tags_fields)
def get(self): # handle pagination parser = paginageParser.copy() parser.add_argument('active', type=str) parser.add_argument('employee_id', type=int) parser.add_argument('attendanceDate', type=str) args = parser.parse_args() page = args.get('page') limit = args.get('limit') active = args.get('active') employee_id = args.get('employee_id') attendanceDate = args.get('attendanceDate') # type = args.get('type') # handle search q = request.args.get('q') if q: return marshal(, attendances_fields) if attendanceDate: attendanceRepo.getByDate(attendanceDate) if employee_id: attendanceRepo.getByEmployee(employee_id) if q: return marshal(, attendances_fields) return marshal(attendanceRepo.paginate(page, limit, False), attendances_fields)
def post(self, course_uuid, assignment_uuid): course = Course.get_active_by_uuid_or_404(course_uuid) assignment = Assignment.get_active_by_uuid_or_404(assignment_uuid) require(CREATE, AssignmentComment( new_assignment_comment = AssignmentComment( params = new_assignment_comment_parser.parse_args() new_assignment_comment.content = params.get("content") if not new_assignment_comment.content: return {"error": "The comment content is empty!"}, 400 new_assignment_comment.user_id = db.session.add(new_assignment_comment) db.session.commit() on_assignment_comment_create.send( self,, user=current_user,, assignment_comment=new_assignment_comment, data=marshal(new_assignment_comment, dataformat.get_assignment_comment(False))) return marshal(new_assignment_comment, dataformat.get_assignment_comment())
def post(self): params = new_consumer_parser.parse_args() consumer = LTIConsumer() require(CREATE, consumer, title="Consumer Not Saved", message="Sorry, your system role does not allow you to save LTI consumers.") consumer.oauth_consumer_key = params.get("oauth_consumer_key") consumer.oauth_consumer_secret = params.get("oauth_consumer_secret") consumer.global_unique_identifier_param = params.get("global_unique_identifier_param") consumer.student_number_param = params.get("student_number_param") try: db.session.add(consumer) db.session.commit() on_consumer_create.send( self,, user=current_user, consumer=consumer, data={'consumer': marshal(consumer, dataformat.get_lti_consumer())} ) except exc.IntegrityError: db.session.rollback() abort(409, title="Consumer Not Saved", message="An LTI consumer with the same consumer key already exists. Please double-check the consumer key and try saving again.") return marshal(consumer, dataformat.get_lti_consumer(include_sensitive=True))
def get(self): # handle pagination parser = paginageParser.copy() parser.add_argument('patient_id', type=int) parser.add_argument('orderDateTime', type=str) parser.add_argument('service_id', type=int) # parser.add_argument('limit', type=int) args = parser.parse_args() page = args.get('page') limit = args.get('limit') patient_id = args.get('patient_id') orderDateTime = args.get('orderDateTime') service_id = args.get('service_id') # handle search q = request.args.get('q') if patient_id: serviceOrderRepo.addFilter((ServiceOrder.patient_id == patient_id)) if orderDateTime: serviceOrderRepo.addFilter((ServiceOrder.orderDateTime == orderDateTime)) if service_id: serviceOrderRepo.addFilter((ServiceOrder.service_id == service_id)) if q: return marshal([entity for entity in], serviceOrder_fields) return marshal(serviceOrderRepo.paginate(page, limit, False), serviceOrders_fields)
def make_response(data, marshal_table, cursors=None): if util.is_iterable(data): response = { 'status': 'success', 'count': len(data), 'now': datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), 'result': map(lambda l: flask_restful.marshal(l, marshal_table), data), } if cursors: if isinstance(cursors, dict): if cursors.get('next'): response['next_cursor'] = cursors['next'] response['next_url'] = util.generate_next_url(cursors['next']) if cursors.get('prev'): response['prev_cursor'] = cursors['prev'] response['prev_url'] = util.generate_next_url(cursors['prev']) else: response['next_cursor'] = cursors response['next_url'] = util.generate_next_url(cursors) return util.jsonpify(response) return util.jsonpify({ 'status': 'success', 'now': datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), 'result': flask_restful.marshal(data, marshal_table), })
def get(self): """ 获取拼车信息 API请求地址: /interaction/api/v2/carpool 方法: GET 参数: type 可选, 默认为0, 位置: query参数, 0 表示按照拼车id获取拼车信息(即返回指定的单个拼车信息) id 位置: query参数, 值意为用户的uid, 或者拼车信息的id(由参数type决定) """ # 决定搜索类型 self.GET_PARSER.add_argument("type", type=int, location="args") self.GET_PARSER.add_argument("id", required=True, type=int, location="args") args = self.GET_PARSER.parse_args() # 默认按照拼车id寻找 type_ = args["type"] or self.QUERY_BY_ID id_ = args['id'] if type_ == self.QUERY_BY_ID: carpool = common.query_single_by_id(models.Carpool, id_) if carpool is not None: return marshal(carpool, CARPOOL_STRUCTURE) else: return {"error": "not found"}, 404 else: carpools = models.Carpool.query\ .join(models.Passenger, == models.Passenger.carpool_id)\ .filter(models.Passenger.uid == id_)\ .all() if len(carpools) == 0: return {"error": "not found"}, 404 else: return marshal(carpools, CARPOOL_STRUCTURE)
def post(self): data = request.get_json(force=True) userId = data['userId'] # 对方id userType = data['userType'] # 对方type number = data.get('number') if userType == 0: # 卖家查看买家的评论 if number: OrderComments = OrderComment.query.filter(OrderComment.client_comment != None, OrderComment.client_user_id == userId).order_by( OrderComment.client_comment_ts.desc()).limit(number).all() else: OrderComments = OrderComment.query.filter(OrderComment.client_comment != None, OrderComment.client_user_id == userId).order_by( OrderComment.client_comment_ts.desc()).all() if OrderComments: return jsonify(code='ACK', message='获取买家信息成功', data=marshal(OrderComments, client_orderComment_fields)) else: return jsonify(code='NACK', message='该买家暂未收到评论') if userType == 1: # 买家查看卖家的评论 if number: OrderComments = OrderComment.query.filter(OrderComment.courier_comment != None, OrderComment.courier_user_id == userId).order_by( OrderComment.courier_comment_ts.desc()).limit(number).all() else: OrderComments = OrderComment.query.filter(OrderComment.courier_comment != None, OrderComment.courier_user_id == userId).order_by( OrderComment.courier_comment_ts.desc()).all() if OrderComments: return jsonify(code='ACK', message='获取卖家信息成功', data=marshal(OrderComments, courier_orderComment_fields)) else: return jsonify(code='NACK', message='改卖家暂未收到评论')
def get(self, client, id=None): if id: response = {'category': models.Category.get(id,} return marshal(response, one_category_fields) else: response = {'categories': models.Category.all(, 'meta': {}} return marshal(response, categories_fields)
def post(self): args = self.reqparse.parse_args() email = args['email'] username = args['username'] user = User.query.filter(db.or_( == email, User.username == username)).first() if user: return marshal({}, user_fields), 301 user = User() = args['id'] user.username = username = email user.head_ico = args['head_ico'] user.role = args['role'] user.password = args['password'] detail_args = self.parse_detail(**args) if detail_args: user.detail = UserDetail() = detail_args['id'] user.detail.real_name = detail_args['real_name'] user.detail.intro = detail_args['intro'] db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() return {'user': marshal(user.to_dict(), user_fields)}, 201
def get(self, client, id=None): if id: response = {'channel': models.Channel.get(id,} return marshal(response, one_channel_fields) else: response = {'channels': models.Channel.all(, 'meta': {}} return marshal(response, channels_fields)
def delete(self, client, id): property = models.Property.get(, id) if property is None: return marshal({ 'error': {'message': 'Property {} not found'.format(id)} }, error_fields), 404 can_be_deleted = property.disruptions.filter( models.Disruption.status != 'archived', models.AssociateDisruptionProperty.disruption_id == ).count() == 0 if can_be_deleted: db.session.delete(property) db.session.commit() else: return marshal({ 'error': { 'message': 'The current {} is linked to at least one disruption\ and cannot be deleted'.format(property) } }, error_fields), 409 return None, 204
def format_entity_revision(revision, base): entity_revision_fields = structures.ENTITY_REVISION.copy() if base is None: right = revision.children else: try: right = [db.session.query(Revision). filter_by(revision_id=base).one()] except NoResultFound: return marshal(revision, entity_revision_fields) if revision.entity_data is None: return marshal(revision, entity_revision_fields) changes = [revision.entity_data.diff(r.entity_data) for r in right] if not changes: changes = [revision.entity_data.diff(None)] data_fields = DATA_MAPPER[type(revision.entity_data)] entity_revision_fields['changes'] = \ fields.List(fields.Nested(data_fields, allow_null=True)) revision.changes = changes return marshal(revision, entity_revision_fields)
def format_relationship_revision(revision, base): relationship_revision_fields = structures.RELATIONSHIP_REVISION.copy() if base is None: right = revision.children else: try: right = [db.session.query(Revision). filter_by(revision_id=base).one()] except NoResultFound: return marshal(revision, relationship_revision_fields) if revision.relationship_data is None: return marshal(revision, relationship_revision_fields) changes = [revision.relationship_data.diff(r.relationship_data) for r in right] if not changes: changes = [revision.relationship_data.diff(None)] relationship_revision_fields['changes'] = fields.List( fields.Nested(structures.RELATIONSHIP_DIFF, allow_null=True) ) revision.changes = changes return marshal(revision, relationship_revision_fields)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): resp = f(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(resp, tuple): data, code, headers = unpack(resp) if code != 200 or data.get('success') is False: return resp return marshal(data, self.fields, self.envelope), code, headers else: return marshal(resp, self.fields, self.envelope)
def get(self, client, id=None): args = self.parsers['get'].parse_args() category_id = args['category'] if id: response = {'cause': models.Cause.get(id,, category_id)} return marshal(response, one_cause_fields) else: response = {'causes': models.Cause.all(, category_id), 'meta': {}} return marshal(response, causes_fields)
def marshal_user_data(user): if impersonation.is_impersonating() and == # when retrieving the profile of the student being impersonated, # don't include full profile (i.e. no email) return marshal(user, dataformat.get_user(False)) elif allow(MANAGE, user) or == return marshal(user, dataformat.get_full_user()) else: return marshal(user, dataformat.get_user(is_user_access_restricted(user)))
def get(self, id): c = Candidate.query.get(id) c.e = [e.election for e in c.elections] candidate = {} candidate["bio"] = c candidate["elections"] = c.elections return {"candidate": marshal(c, candidate_fields), "elections": marshal(c.e, election_fields)}
def post(self): """ Create new course """ require(CREATE, Course, title="Course Not Saved", message="Sorry, your role in the system does not allow you to save courses.") params = new_course_parser.parse_args() new_course = Course( name=params.get("name"), year=params.get("year"), term=params.get("term"), sandbox=params.get("sandbox"), start_date=params.get('start_date'), end_date=params.get('end_date', None) ) if new_course.start_date is not None: new_course.start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( new_course.start_date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') if new_course.end_date is not None: new_course.end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( new_course.end_date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') if new_course.start_date and new_course.end_date and new_course.start_date > new_course.end_date: abort(400, title="Course Not Saved", message="Course end time must be after course start time.") try: # create the course db.session.add(new_course) # also need to enrol the user as an instructor new_user_course = UserCourse( course=new_course,, course_role=CourseRole.instructor ) db.session.add(new_user_course) db.session.commit() except exc.SQLAlchemyError as e: db.session.rollback() current_app.logger.error("Failed to add new course. " + str(e)) raise on_course_create.send( self,, user=current_user, course=new_course, data=marshal(new_course, dataformat.get_course())) return marshal(new_course, dataformat.get_course())
def post(self, course_uuid, assignment_uuid, answer_uuid): """ Create comment for an answer """ course = Course.get_active_by_uuid_or_404(course_uuid) assignment = Assignment.get_active_by_uuid_or_404(assignment_uuid) answer = Answer.get_active_by_uuid_or_404(answer_uuid) require(CREATE, AnswerComment( answer_comment = AnswerComment( params = new_answer_comment_parser.parse_args() answer_comment.draft = params.get("draft") answer_comment.content = params.get("content") # require content not empty if not a draft if not answer_comment.content and not answer_comment.draft: return {"error": "The comment content is empty!"}, 400 if params.get("user_id") and current_user.system_role == SystemRole.sys_admin: user = User.get_by_uuid_or_404(params.get("user_id")) answer_comment.user_id = else: answer_comment.user_id = comment_types = [ AnswerCommentType.public.value, AnswerCommentType.private.value, AnswerCommentType.evaluation.value, AnswerCommentType.self_evaluation.value, ] comment_type = params.get("comment_type") if comment_type not in comment_types: abort(400) answer_comment.comment_type = AnswerCommentType(comment_type) db.session.add(answer_comment) db.session.commit() # update course & assignment grade for user if self-evaluation is completed if not answer_comment.draft and answer_comment.comment_type == AnswerCommentType.self_evaluation: assignment.calculate_grade(answer_comment.user) course.calculate_grade(answer_comment.user) on_answer_comment_create.send( self,, user=current_user,, answer_comment=answer_comment, data=marshal(answer_comment, dataformat.get_answer_comment(False)), ) return marshal(answer_comment, dataformat.get_answer_comment())
def get(self, audit_id): """ .. http:get:: /api/1/issue/1234 Get a specific issue **Example Request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/1/issue/1234 HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json **Example Response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept Content-Type: application/json { justification: null, name: "example_name", issue: "Example Audit Issue", notes: "Example Notes on Audit Issue", auth: { authenticated: true, user: "******" }, score: 0, item_id: 704, region: "us-east-1", justified: false, justified_date: null, id: 704 } :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 401: Authentication Error. Please login. """ query = ItemAudit.query.join("item").filter( == audit_id) result = query.first() issue_marshaled = marshal(result, AUDIT_FIELDS) item_marshaled = marshal(result.item, ITEM_FIELDS) issue_marshaled = dict( issue_marshaled.items() + item_marshaled.items() + {'auth': self.auth_dict}.items() ) return issue_marshaled, 200
def post(self): data = request.get_json() # This will be valid here, due to authentication. user = request.oauth.user user.total_revisions += 1 user.revisions_applied += 1 entity = self.entity_class() entity_data = self.entity_data_class.create(data, db.session) if entity_data is None: abort(400) revision = EntityRevision(user_id=user.user_id) revision.entity = entity revision.entity_data = entity_data note_content = data.get('revision', {}).get('note', '') if note_content != '': note = RevisionNote(user_id=user.user_id, revision_id=revision.revision_id, content=data['revision']['note']) revision.notes.append(note) entity.master_revision = revision db.session.add(revision) # Commit entity, data and revision try: db.session.commit() except IntegrityError: # There was an issue with the data we received, so 400 print traceback.format_exc() abort(400) entity_out = marshal(revision.entity, structures.ENTITY_EXPANDED) data_out = marshal(revision.entity_data, self.entity_data_fields) entity_out.update(data_out) # Don't 500 if we fail to index; commit still succeeded try: es_conn = Elasticsearch() index_entity(es_conn, entity_out) except ElasticsearchException: pass return marshal(revision, { 'entity': fields.Nested(self.entity_stub_fields) })
def get(self, id): """ .. http:get:: /api/1/auditscores/<int:id> Get the overide audit score with given ID. **Example Request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/1/auditscores/123 HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json, text/javascript **Example Response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept Content-Type: application/json { "id": 123, "method": "check_xxx", "technology": "policy", "score": "1", auth: { authenticated: true, user: "******" } } :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 404: item with given ID not found :statuscode 401: Authentication failure. Please login. """ result = ItemAuditScore.query.filter( == id).first() if not result: return {"status": "Override Audit Score with the given ID not found."}, 404 auditscore_marshaled = marshal(result.__dict__, AUDIT_SCORE_FIELDS) auditscore_marshaled['auth'] = self.auth_dict account_pattern_scores_marshaled = [] for account_pattern_score in result.account_pattern_scores: account_pattern_score_marshaled = marshal(account_pattern_score, ACCOUNT_PATTERN_AUDIT_SCORE_FIELDS) account_pattern_scores_marshaled.append(account_pattern_score_marshaled) auditscore_marshaled['account_pattern_scores'] = account_pattern_scores_marshaled return auditscore_marshaled, 200
def output(self, key, val): if isinstance(val, dict) and 'impacts' in val: return marshal(val, { 'pagination': FieldPaginateImpacts(), 'impacts': PaginateObjects(fields.Nested(impact_fields, display_null=False)) }, display_null=False) val.impacts = [impact for impact in val.impacts if impact.status == 'published'] return marshal(val, { 'pagination': FieldPaginateImpacts(attribute='impacts'), 'impacts': PaginateObjects(fields.Nested(impact_fields, display_null=False, attribute='impacts')) }, display_null=False)
def get(self, item_type): args = self.parser.parse_args() callback = args['callback'] top_classifys = [] classifys = [] for tc, c in db.session.query(TopClassify, Classify).filter( #tc_json = json.dumps(marshal(tc, top_classify_fields)) #c_json = json.dumps(marshal(c, classify_fields)) #classifys.append({'top_classify':tc_json, 'classify':c_json}) top_classifys.append(marshal(tc, top_classify_fields)) classifys.append(marshal(c, classify_fields)) return json_response(top_classifys=top_classifys, classifys=classifys)
def post(self): data = author_parser.parse_args() data['created_at'] = return marshal(data, author_field), 201
def execute_query(self, resource_name, query, service_class, filter_args={}, sort_args={}, search_args={}, paging_args={}, resource_fields={}, operator_args={}, from_cache=True, **kwargs): resp = {"endpoint": resource_name} order_by, asc_desc = sort_args.get("order_by"), sort_args.get( "asc_desc") page, per_page, error_out = paging_args.get("page"), paging_args.get( "per_page"), paging_args.get("error_out") search_q = search_args.get("query") search_id = search_args.get("id") op = operator_args.get("op") # TODO implement permission check here self.is_permitted() # execute limit query: query = self.limit_query(query) # apply the query filters for name, value in filter_args.items(): query = operator_func(query, service_class, op, name, value) # apply sorting _sort = sort_func( asc_desc) # Extracts which sorting direction is required query = query.order_by( _sort(getattr(service_class.model_class, order_by))) if self.first_result_only: res = query.first() if not res: abort(404, status='Result not Found', message='') output_fields = self.output_fields output_fields.update(self.resource_fields) return marshal(res, output_fields), 200 # execute the query and include paging paging = query.paginate(page, per_page, error_out) resp["order_by"] = order_by resp["asc_desc"] = asc_desc resp["page"] = resp["total"] = resp["pages"] = paging.pages resp["per_page"] = per_page resp["op"] = op resp["pagers"] = self.pagers resp["filters"] = self.filters resp["sorters"] = self.sorters # extract the request args and modify them for paging request_args = copy_dict(request.args, {}) if paging.has_next: # build next page query parameters request_args["page"] = paging.next_num resp["next"] = paging.next_num resp["next_page"] = "%s%s" % ("?", urllib.urlencode(request_args)) if paging.has_prev: # build previous page query parameters request_args["page"] = paging.prev_num resp["prev"] = paging.prev_num resp["prev_page"] = "%s%s" % ("?", urllib.urlencode(request_args)) output_fields = self.output_fields _resource_fields = resource_fields or self.resource_fields output_fields.update(_resource_fields) resp["results"] = marshal(paging.items, output_fields) # TODO: Figure out how to handle exceptions so that it works out well return resp, 200
def post(self): args = self.reqparse.parse_args() tarefa = {'id': tarefa[-1]['id'] + 1, 'title': args['title']} tarefas.append(tarefa) return {'tarefas ': marshal(tarefa, campos_tarefas)}, 201
def test_marshal_field(self): fields = {'foo': flask_restful.fields.Raw()} output = flask_restful.marshal({'foo': 'bar', 'bat': 'baz'}, fields) self.assertEquals(output, {'foo': 'bar'})
def get(self): new_quotes = [marshal(quote, quote_fields) for quote in] return (new_quotes, 201)
def get(self): todos = [marshal(todos, todo_fields) for todos in] return todos
def get(self): PackageListUpdate.get_os() return {'agent': [marshal(host, pack_fields) for host in packs]}
def get(self): user = current_token.user return {'user': marshal(user.serialize, user_fields)}
def get(self): claims = get_jwt_claims() qry = Clients.query.get(claims['id']) if qry is not None: return marshal(qry, Clients.response_fields_jwt), 200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} return {'status': 'Client Not Found'}, 404, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
def post(self): if not current_app.config.get('DEMO_INSTALLATION', False): abort( 404, title="Demo Accounts Unavailable", message= "Sorry, the system settings do now allow the use of demo accounts." ) params = new_user_demo_parser.parse_args() user = User() user.password = "******" system_role = params.get("system_role") check_valid_system_role(system_role) user.system_role = SystemRole(system_role) user_count = User.query \ .filter_by(system_role=user.system_role) \ .count() user_count += 1 # username while True: if user.system_role == SystemRole.sys_admin: user.username = "******" + str(user_count) elif user.system_role == SystemRole.instructor: user.username = "******" + str(user_count) else: user.username = "******" + str(user_count) username_exists = User.query.filter_by( username=user.username).first() if not username_exists: break else: user_count += 1 if user.system_role == SystemRole.sys_admin: user.firstname = "Admin" user.lastname = str(user_count) user.displayname = "Admin " + str(user_count) elif user.system_role == SystemRole.instructor: user.firstname = "Instructor" user.lastname = str(user_count) user.displayname = "Instructor " + str(user_count) # create new enrollment new_user_course = UserCourse(user=user, course_id=1, course_role=CourseRole.instructor) db.session.add(new_user_course) else: user.firstname = "Student" user.lastname = str(user_count) user.displayname = display_name_generator() while True: user.student_number = random_generator(8, string.digits) student_number_exists = User.query.filter_by( student_number=user.student_number).first() if not student_number_exists: break # create new enrollment new_user_course = UserCourse(user=user, course_id=1, course_role=CourseRole.student) db.session.add(new_user_course) try: db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() on_user_demo_create.send(self,, user=current_user, data=marshal(user, dataformat.get_user(False))) except exc.IntegrityError: db.session.rollback() current_app.logger.error("Failed to add new user. Duplicate.") return { 'error': 'A user with the same identifier already exists.' }, 400 authenticate(user, login_method="Demo") return marshal(user, dataformat.get_user())
def get(self, id): qry = ProductTypes.query.get(id) if qry is not None: return marshal(qry, ProductTypes.response_field), 200 return {'status': 'NOT_FOUND'}, 404
def get(self): schemas = models.Schema.query.filter_by() data = [marshal(schema, schema_fields) for schema in schemas] return {'data': data}, HTTP_OK
def marshal_response(*args, **kwargs): return marshal(func(*args, **kwargs), ListResponse.resource_fields)
def patch(self, id): movie = MovieModel.query.get(id) if not movie: abort(404, message='没有此电影信息') movie_patch_parser_args = movie_patch_parser.parse_args() show_name = movie_patch_parser_args.get('show_name') or movie.show_name show_name_en = movie_patch_parser_args.get( 'show_name_en') or movie.show_name_en director = movie_patch_parser_args.get('director') or movie.director leading_role = movie_patch_parser_args.get( 'leading_role') or movie.leading_role movie_type = movie_patch_parser_args.get('type') or movie.type country = movie_patch_parser_args.get('country') or language = movie_patch_parser_args.get('language') or movie.language duration = movie_patch_parser_args.get('duration') or movie.duration screening_model = movie_patch_parser_args.get( 'screening_model') or movie.screening_model flag = movie_patch_parser_args.get('flag') or movie.flag is_delete = movie_patch_parser_args.get( 'is_delete') if movie_patch_parser_args.get( 'is_delete') is None else movie.is_delete if bool(movie_patch_parser_args.get('is_delete')) != movie.is_delete: is_delete = not movie.is_delete open_day = movie_patch_parser_args.get( 'open_day') if movie_patch_parser_args.get( 'open_day') else movie.open_day background_picture = movie_patch_parser_args.get( 'background_picture') or movie.background_picture if movie_patch_parser_args.get('background_picture'): old_background_picture = os.path.join( current_app.config.get('PROJECT_PATH'), movie.background_picture) if not del_file(old_background_picture): abort(400, message='更换电影背景图失败') new_filename, path = uploads_images_path( filename=background_picture.filename) movie.background_picture = os.path.join( current_app.config.get('UPLOADS_IMAGES_REL_PATH'), new_filename) os.path.join(current_app.config.get('UPLOADS_IMAGES_PATH'), new_filename)) movie.show_name = show_name movie.show_name_en = show_name_en movie.director = director movie.leading_role = leading_role movie.type = movie_type = country movie.language = language movie.duration = duration movie.screening_model = screening_model movie.open_day = open_day movie.flag = flag movie.is_delete = is_delete if not abort(400, message='修改电影信息失败') data = { 'status': current_app.config.get('HTTP_CREATE_OK'), 'msg': '成功更新一条电影信息', 'data': marshal(movie, movie_field), } return data
def wrap_list_items(response): wrapped_items = self.wrap_with_response_object(response.items) response.items = marshal(wrapped_items, fields_to_include) return response
def put(self, book_id): # Take input from users parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument('id_kategori', location = 'json', required = True, type = int) parser.add_argument('judul', location = 'json', required = True) parser.add_argument('penerbit', location = 'json', required = True) parser.add_argument('nomor_isbn', location = 'json', required = True) parser.add_argument('id_penulis', location = 'json', required = True, type = list) args = parser.parse_args() # Check emptyness if ( args['id_kategori'] == '' or args['id_kategori'] is None or args['judul'] == '' or args['judul'] is None or args['penerbit'] == '' or args['penerbit'] is None or args['nomor_isbn'] == '' or args['nomor_isbn'] is None or args['id_penulis'] == [] or args['id_penulis'] == '' or args['id_penulis'] is None ): return {'pesan': 'Tidak boleh ada kolom yang dikosongkan'}, 400 # Check duplicate ISBN related_book = Buku.query.filter_by(id = book_id).first() duplicate_isbn = Buku.query.filter_by(nomor_isbn = args['nomor_isbn']).first() if duplicate_isbn is not None and duplicate_isbn.nomor_isbn != related_book.nomor_isbn: return {'pesan': 'Buku dengan nomor ISBN tersebut sudah ada di database'}, 409 # ----- Edit record in database ----- # Search for the book if related_book is None: return {'pesan': 'Buku yang ingin kamu edit tidak ditemukan'}, 404 # Check the existence of writer writers = [] for writer_id in args['id_penulis']: # Check whether the id exists or not related_writer = Penulis.query.filter_by(id = writer_id).first() if related_writer is None: return {'pesan': 'Penulis dengan nomor ID ' + writer_id + ' tidak ada'}, 400 writers.append(related_writer.nama) writers = ", ".join(writers) # Edit the record in "Buku" table related_book.id_kategori = args['id_kategori'] related_book.judul = args['judul'] related_book.penerbit = args['penerbit'] related_book.nomor_isbn = args['nomor_isbn'] related_book.updated_at ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') db.session.commit() # Remove the old record in "PenulisBuku" table old_book_writers = PenulisBuku.query.filter_by(id_buku = book_id) for old_book_writer in old_book_writers: db.session.delete(old_book_writer) db.session.commit() # Add new record in "PenulisBuku" table for writer_id in args['id_penulis']: new_record = PenulisBuku(book_id, writer_id) db.session.add(new_record) db.session.commit() # Return the result related_book = marshal(related_book, Buku.response_fields) related_book['penulis'] = writers return {'pesan': 'Sukses mengubah informasi buku', 'buku': related_book}, 200
def get(self): return {'agent': [marshal(host, pack_fields) for host in packs]}
def get(self, id=None): current_user = get_jwt_identity() if (id != None): qry = Posting.query.filter_by(user_UserID=current_user) qry = qry.filter_by(PostID=id) posts = marshal(qry.first(), posting_field) qry = Comment.query.filter_by(posting_PostID=id) comments = marshal(qry.all(), comment_field) if posts["Title"] == None: return {'status': 'Post not found!'}, 404 else: postComm = {"Post": posts, "Comment": comments} return postComm, 200 parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument("p", type=int, location='args', default=1) parser.add_argument("rp", type=int, location='args', default=5) parser.add_argument("PostID", type=int, help='PostID must be an integer', location='args') parser.add_argument("Title", type=str, help='Title must be string type', location='args') parser.add_argument("Likes", type=str, help='Likes must be an integer', location='args') parser.add_argument("Watch", type=str, help='Watch must be string type', location='args') parser.add_argument("user_UserID", type=int, help='user_UserID must be an integer', location='args') parser.add_argument("orderBy", help='invalid orderBy', location='args', choices=('PostID', 'Title', 'Likes', 'Watch', 'CreatedAt', 'UpdatedAt', 'user_UserID')) parser.add_argument("sort", help='invalid sort value', location='args', choices=('asc', 'desc'), default='asc') args = parser.parse_args() qry = Posting.query.filter_by(user_UserID=current_user) if args['p'] == 1: offset = 0 else: offset = (args['p'] * args['rp']) - args['rp'] if args["PostID"] != None: qry = qry.filter_by(PostID=args["PostID"]) if args["Title"] != None: qry = qry.filter_by(Title=args["Title"]) if args["Likes"] != None: qry = qry.filter_by(Likes=args["Likes"]) if args["Watch"] != None: qry = qry.filter_by(Watch=args["Watch"]) if args['orderBy'] != None: if args["orderBy"] == "PostID": field_sort = Posting.PostID elif args["orderBy"] == "Title": field_sort = Posting.Title elif args["orderBy"] == "Likes": field_sort = Posting.Likes elif args["orderBy"] == "Watch": field_sort = Posting.Watch elif args["orderBy"] == "CreatedAt": field_sort = Posting.CreatedAt elif args["orderBy"] == "UpdatedAt": field_sort = Posting.UpdatedAt elif args["orderBy"] == "user_UserID": field_sort = Posting.user_UserID if args['sort'] == 'desc': qry = qry.order_by(desc(field_sort)) else: qry = qry.order_by(field_sort) rows = qry.count() qry = qry.limit(args['rp']).offset(offset) tp = math.ceil(rows / args['rp']) ans = { "page": args['p'], "total_page": tp, "per_page": args['rp'], "data": [] } rows = [] for row in qry.all(): rows.append(marshal(row, posting_field)) ans["data"] = rows return ans, 200
def patch(self, id): #check id in querry or not qry_file_subject = FilesSubject.query.filter_by(status=True).filter_by( id=id).first() if qry_file_subject is None: return {'status': 'File Subject is NOT_FOUND'}, 404 parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument("subject_id", location="form") parser.add_argument("name", location="form") parser.add_argument("content_file", type=werkzeug.datastructures.FileStorage, location='files') parser.add_argument("category_file", location="form", help='category file not available', choices=("presentation", "video")) args = parser.parse_args() if args['subject_id'] is not None: qry_file_subject.subject_id = args["subject_id"] if args['name'] is not None: = args["name"] if args['content_file'] is not None: #Check content file subject in query if qry_file_subject.content_file is not None: filename = qry_file_subject.content_file #Remove content file subject in storage if qry_file_subject.category_file == "presentation": UPLOAD_FOLDER = app.config["UPLOAD_MEDIA_PRESENTATION"] elif qry_file_subject.category_file == "video": UPLOAD_FOLDER = app.config["UPLOAD_MEDIA_VIDEO"] os.remove(os.path.join("." + UPLOAD_FOLDER, filename)) content_file = args["content_file"] #Change content file subject in storage if content_file: if args["category_file"] == "presentation": UPLOAD_FOLDER = app.config["UPLOAD_MEDIA_PRESENTATION"] elif args["category_file"] == "video": UPLOAD_FOLDER = app.config["UPLOAD_MEDIA_VIDEO"] randomstr = uuid.uuid4().hex filename = randomstr + "_" + content_file.filename os.path.join("." + UPLOAD_FOLDER, filename)) qry_file_subject.content_file = filename else: if args["category_file"] == "presentation": UPLOAD_FOLDER = app.config["UPLOAD_MEDIA_PRESENTATION"] elif args["category_file"] == "video": UPLOAD_FOLDER = app.config["UPLOAD_MEDIA_VIDEO"] content_file = args["content_file"] #Change content file subject in storage if content_file: randomstr = uuid.uuid4().hex filename = randomstr + "_" + content_file.filename os.path.join("." + UPLOAD_FOLDER, filename)) qry_file_subject.content_file = filename if args['category_file'] is not None: qry_file_subject.category_file = args["category_file"] db.session.commit() return marshal(qry_file_subject, FilesSubject.response_fields), 200
def get(self): prov = [ marshal(prov, prov_fields) for prov in ] return {'success': True, 'data': prov}
def post(self, obj_id=None, resource_name=None): """ Execute a post request based on criteria given by the above parameters. If obj_id isn't passed. It implies a create function call. If there's an obj_id, it implies and update. if resource_name is passed, it implies a sub update method call It also contains logic for a bulk update """ # extract bulk ids from the list to see how it works group_args = self.group_parser() obj_ids = group_args.get("group_ids", None) if obj_id is None and obj_ids is None: # when obj_id isn't passed, this executes the save function call self.is_permitted() # check if you're permitted first attrs, files = self.validate(self.validation_form, adjust_func=self.adjust_form_fields) # update the form data using this interceptor. i.e inject a domain group id (merchant_id, courier_id etc.) attrs = self.adjust_form_data(attrs) try: res =, files) # execute save method [] output_fields = self.output_fields output_fields.update(self.resource_fields or {}) return marshal(res, output_fields), 201 except Exception as e: raise IntegrityException(e) elif obj_id is not None and resource_name is None: # when an obj_id is passed but resource_name doesn't exist, this implies an update method call obj = self.service_class.get(obj_id) obj = self.is_permitted(obj) # check if you're permitted first attrs, files = self.validate(self.validation_form, obj=obj, adjust_func=self.adjust_form_fields) attrs = self.adjust_form_data(attrs) try: res = self.update( obj_id, attrs, files) # execute update method [self.update()] output_fields = self.output_fields output_fields.update(self.resource_fields or {}) return marshal(res, output_fields), 201 except Exception as e: logger.error(e) raise IntegrityException(e) elif obj_id is not None and resource_name is not None: # when obj_id is passed along with a resource_name. this implies a do_method call. obj = self.service_class.get(obj_id) self.is_permitted(obj) # check if you're permitted first adjust_func = getattr(self, "%s_adjust_form_fields" % resource_name, None) do_method = getattr(self, "do_%s" % resource_name, None) validation_form = getattr(self, "%s_validation_form" % resource_name, None) if do_method is None: abort( 405, status="Not Authorized", message= "The requested resource is not yet authorized for access") try: attrs = or {} files = None # if there is a validation form, use it if validation_form: attrs, files = self.validate(validation_form, obj, adjust_func=adjust_func) attrs = self.adjust_form_data(attrs) res = do_method( obj_id, attrs, files) # Functionality for saving data implemented here output_fields = self.output_fields output_fields.update(self.resource_fields or {}) return marshal(res, output_fields), 201 except Exception: raise elif obj_id is None and resource_name is None and obj_ids is not None: # attempting a bulk update. only occurs when bulk_ids values are present and there's not obj_id self.is_permitted() # check if you're permitted first # cannot use validation form here, values will be derived from an update parser attrs = self.group_action_parser() files = None try: resp, status = self.execute_group_action(obj_ids, attrs, files) return resp, status except Exception as e: raise IntegrityException(e)
def post(self): """ .. http:post:: /api/1/ignorelistentries Create a new ignore list entry. **Example Request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /api/1/ignorelistentries HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json { "prefix": "noisy_", "notes": "Security Monkey shouldn't track noisy_* objects", "technology": "securitygroup" } **Example Response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 201 Created Vary: Accept Content-Type: application/json { "id": 123, "prefix": "noisy_", "notes": "Security Monkey shouldn't track noisy_* objects", "technology": "securitygroup" } :statuscode 201: created :statuscode 401: Authentication Error. Please Login. """ self.reqparse.add_argument( 'prefix', required=True, type=text_type, help= 'A prefix must be provided which matches the objects you wish to ignore.', location='json') self.reqparse.add_argument('notes', required=False, type=text_type, help='Add context.', location='json') self.reqparse.add_argument('technology', required=True, type=text_type, help='Technology name required.', location='json') args = self.reqparse.parse_args() prefix = args['prefix'] technology = args.get('technology', True) notes = args.get('notes', None) entry = IgnoreListEntry() entry.prefix = prefix if notes: entry.notes = notes technology = Technology.query.filter( == technology).first() if not technology: return { "status": "Could not find a technology with the given name" }, 500 entry.tech_id = db.session.add(entry) db.session.commit() db.session.refresh(entry) ignorelistentry_marshaled = marshal(entry.__dict__, IGNORELIST_FIELDS) ignorelistentry_marshaled['technology'] = ignorelistentry_marshaled['auth'] = self.auth_dict return ignorelistentry_marshaled, 201
def get(self, id_tarefa): tarefa = [tarefa for tarefa in tarefas if tarefa['id'] == id_tarefa] if len(tarefa) == 0: abort(404) return {'tarefa': marshal(tarefa[0], campos_tarefas)}
def get(self): """ .. http:get:: /api/1/ignorelistentries Get a list of Ignorelist entries. **Example Request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/1/ignorelistentries HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json, text/javascript **Example Response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept Content-Type: application/json { count: 1, items: [ { "id": 123, "prefix": "noisy_", "notes": "Security Monkey shouldn't track noisy_* objects", "technology": "securitygroup" }, ], total: 1, page: 1, auth: { authenticated: true, user: "******" } } :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 401: Authentication failure. Please login. """ self.reqparse.add_argument('count', type=int, default=30, location='args') self.reqparse.add_argument('page', type=int, default=1, location='args') args = self.reqparse.parse_args() page = args.pop('page', None) count = args.pop('count', None) result = IgnoreListEntry.query.order_by( page, count, error_out=False) items = [] for entry in result.items: ignorelistentry_marshaled = marshal(entry.__dict__, IGNORELIST_FIELDS) ignorelistentry_marshaled["technology"] = items.append(ignorelistentry_marshaled) marshaled_dict = { 'total':, 'count': len(items), 'page':, 'items': items, 'auth': self.auth_dict } return marshaled_dict, 200
def get(self): # dates = Bing.query.filter_by() return Common.returnTrueJson( Common, marshal(Bing.query.all(), resource_full_fields))
def put(self, item_id): """ .. http:get:: /api/1/ignorelistentries/<int:id> Update the ignorelist entry with the given ID. **Example Request**: .. sourcecode:: http PUT /api/1/ignorelistentries/123 HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json, text/javascript { "id": 123, "prefix": "noisy_", "notes": "Security Monkey shouldn't track noisy_* objects", "technology": "securitygroup" } **Example Response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept Content-Type: application/json { "id": 123, "prefix": "noisy_", "notes": "Security Monkey shouldn't track noisy_* objects", "technology": "securitygroup", auth: { authenticated: true, user: "******" } } :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 404: item with given ID not found :statuscode 401: Authentication failure. Please login. """ self.reqparse.add_argument( 'prefix', required=True, type=text_type, help= 'A prefix must be provided which matches the objects you wish to ignore.', location='json') self.reqparse.add_argument('notes', required=False, type=text_type, help='Add context.', location='json') self.reqparse.add_argument('technology', required=True, type=text_type, help='Technology name required.', location='json') args = self.reqparse.parse_args() prefix = args['prefix'] technology = args.get('technology', True) notes = args.get('notes', None) result = IgnoreListEntry.query.filter( == item_id).first() if not result: return { "status": "Ignore list entry with the given ID not found." }, 404 result.prefix = prefix result.notes = notes technology = Technology.query.filter( == technology).first() if not technology: return { "status": "Could not find a technology with the given name" }, 500 result.tech_id = db.session.add(result) db.session.commit() db.session.refresh(result) ignorelistentry_marshaled = marshal(result.__dict__, IGNORELIST_FIELDS) ignorelistentry_marshaled['technology'] = ignorelistentry_marshaled['auth'] = self.auth_dict return ignorelistentry_marshaled, 200
def get(self): courses = [ marshal(add_reviews(course), course_fields) for course in ] return {'courses': courses}
def get(self): """Get all existing Todo items""" todos = [marshal(todo, todo_fields) for todo in] return todos, 200, {'Location': url_for('resources.todos.todos')}
def post(self, org_id, location_id, role_id): """ create a new shift """ parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument("start", type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument("stop", type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument("user_id", type=int) parser.add_argument("published", type=inputs.boolean) parser.add_argument("description", type=str) parameters = parser.parse_args() # Filter out null values parameters = dict((k, v) for k, v in parameters.iteritems() if v is not None) default_tz = get_default_tz() local_tz = Location.query.get(location_id).timezone_pytz # start time try: start = iso8601.parse_date(parameters.get("start")) except iso8601.ParseError: return { "message": "Start time needs to be in ISO 8601 format" }, 400 else: start = (start + start.utcoffset()).replace(tzinfo=default_tz) # stop time try: stop = iso8601.parse_date(parameters.get("stop")) except iso8601.ParseError: return {"message": "Stop time needs to be in ISO 8601 format"}, 400 else: stop = (stop + stop.utcoffset()).replace(tzinfo=default_tz) # stop can't be before start if start >= stop: return {"message": "Stop time must be after start time"}, 400 # shifts are limited to 23 hours in length if int((stop - start).total_seconds()) > MAX_SHIFT_LENGTH: return { "message": "Shifts cannot be more than %s hours long" % (MAX_SHIFT_LENGTH / SECONDS_PER_HOUR) }, 400 shift = Shift2( role_id=role_id, start=start, stop=stop, published=parameters.get("published", False)) if "description" in parameters: description = parameters.get("description") if len(description) > Shift2.MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH: return { "message": "Description cannot me more than %s characters" % Shift2.MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH }, 400 shift.description = description user_id = parameters.get("user_id") # if user_id defined, and if not for unassigned shift, check if user is in role # and make sure it won't overlap with existing shifts if user_id is not None: if user_id > 0: role_to_user = RoleToUser.query.filter_by( user_id=user_id, role_id=role_id, archived=False).first() if role_to_user is None: return { "message": "User does not exist or is not apart of role" }, 400 # check if this shift can be assigned to the user shift.user_id = user_id if shift.has_overlaps(): return { "message": "This shift overlaps with an existing shift" }, 400 db.session.add(shift) try: db.session.commit() except: abort(500) g.current_user.track_event("created_shift") # check if a schedule exists during this time - if so, bust the cache schedule = Schedule2.query \ .filter( Schedule2.role_id == role_id, Schedule2.start <= shift.start, Schedule2.stop > shift.start, ).first() if schedule is not None: Shifts2Cache.delete( # timezone stuff local_datetime = default_tz.localize(shift.start).astimezone(local_tz) # only send emails if future and published if not shift.is_in_past and shift.published: # if shift is unassigned - alert people that it's available if shift.user_id is None: # get all users who are eligible for the shift eligible_users, _ = shift.eligible_users() alert_available_shifts(org_id, location_id, role_id, local_datetime, eligible_users) # Otherwise send an alert_changed_shift notification # (function has logic for whether to send) elif ( != shift.user_id): alert_changed_shift(org_id, location_id, role_id, local_datetime, shift.user_id) return marshal(shift, shift_fields), 201
def get(self, org_id, location_id, role_id): # NOTE - we always include user's name with shifts. This helps the front-end. parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument("start", type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument("end", type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument("user_id", type=int) parser.add_argument("csv_export", type=inputs.boolean, default=False) parser.add_argument( "include_summary", type=inputs.boolean, default=False) parser.add_argument( "filter_by_published", type=inputs.boolean, default=False) parameters = parser.parse_args( ) # Strict breaks calls from parent methods? Sigh. # Filter out null values parameters = dict((k, v) for k, v in parameters.iteritems() if v is not None) default_tz = get_default_tz() shifts = Shift2.query.filter_by(role_id=role_id) # start and end must be supplied - check if in ok format try: start = iso8601.parse_date(parameters.get("start")) except iso8601.ParseError: return { "message": "Start time parameter needs to be in ISO 8601 format" }, 400 else: start = (start + start.utcoffset()).replace(tzinfo=default_tz) try: end = iso8601.parse_date(parameters.get("end")) except iso8601.ParseError: return { "message": "End time parameter time needs to be in ISO 8601 format" }, 400 else: end = (end + end.utcoffset()).replace(tzinfo=default_tz) shifts = shifts \ .filter( Shift2.start < end, Shift2.start >= start, ) if "user_id" in parameters: user_id_value = parameters["user_id"] if user_id_value == 0: user_id_value = None shifts = shifts.filter_by(user_id=user_id_value) # filter by only published shifts if parameters.get("filter_by_published"): shifts = shifts.filter_by(published=True) # now execute the query shifts = shifts \ .order_by( Shift2.start.asc(), ) \ .all() # determine if csv export if parameters.get("csv_export"): csv_rows = [self.CSV_HEADER] role_name = Role.query.get_or_404(role_id).name download_name = "shifts-%s-%s-%s.csv" % (role_name, start, end) for shift in shifts: if shift.user_id is None: user_name = "Unassigned Shift" shift_status = "open" else: user = User.query.get_or_404(shift.user_id) user_name = if else shift_status = "closed" start_date = shift.start.strftime("%-m/%-d/%y") start_time = shift.start.strftime("%-I%p") stop_date = shift.stop.strftime("%-m/%-d/%y") stop_time = shift.stop.strftime("%-I%p") open_value = 1 if shift_status == "open" else "" csv_rows.append('"%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","","%s","%s"' % (user_name, role_name, start_date, stop_date, start_time, stop_time, shift_status, open_value)) response = make_response("\n".join(csv_rows)) response.headers[ "Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=%s" % download_name return response output = { API_ENVELOPE: map(lambda shift: marshal(shift, shift_fields), shifts) } if parameters.get("include_summary"): users_summary = {} for shift in shifts: user_id = shift.user_id if shift.user_id else 0 if user_id in users_summary.keys(): users_summary[user_id]["shifts"] += 1 users_summary[user_id]["minutes"] += int( (shift.stop - shift.start).total_seconds() / 60) else: if user_id == 0: name = "Unassigned shifts" else: user = User.query.get_or_404(shift.user_id) name = if else users_summary[user_id] = { "user_id": user_id, "user_name": name, "shifts": 1, "minutes": int((shift.stop - shift.start).total_seconds() / 60) } output["summary"] = users_summary.values() return output