class SVGFileUpload(StripWhitespaceForm): file = FileField_wtf( 'Upload an SVG logo', validators=[ FileAllowed(['svg'], 'SVG Images only!'), DataRequired(message="You need to upload a file to submit") ] )
class PDFUploadForm(StripWhitespaceForm): file = FileField_wtf( 'Upload a letter in PDF format to check if it fits in the printable area', validators=[ FileAllowed(['pdf'], 'PDF documents only!'), DataRequired(message="You need to upload a file to submit") ] )
class ServiceCreateEmailBranding(StripWhitespaceForm): name = StringField('Name') colour = StringField( 'Colour', render_kw={'onchange': 'update_colour(this)'}, validators=[ Regexp(regex="^$|^#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$", message='Must be a valid color hex code') ] ) file = FileField_wtf('Upload a PNG logo', validators=[FileAllowed(['png'], 'PNG Images only!')])
class ServiceManageOrg(StripWhitespaceForm): name = StringField('Name') colour = StringField('Colour', render_kw={ 'onkeyup': 'update_colour_span()', 'onblur': 'update_colour_span()' }) file = FileField_wtf('Upload a PNG logo', validators=[FileAllowed(['png'], 'PNG Images only!')])
class ServiceUpdateEmailBranding(StripWhitespaceForm): name = StringField('Name of brand') text = StringField('Text') colour = StringField( 'Colour', validators=[ Regexp(regex="^$|^#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$", message='Must be a valid color hex code (starting with #)') ] ) file = FileField_wtf('Upload a PNG logo', validators=[FileAllowed(['png'], 'PNG Images only!')]) brand_type = RadioField( "Brand type", choices=[ ('both', 'Notication and branding'), ('org', 'Branding only'), ('org_banner', 'Branding banner'), ('no_branding', 'No branding'), ] ) def validate_name(form, name): op = request.form.get('operation') if op == 'email-branding-details' and not raise ValidationError('This field is required')