def _monitoring_execute(self, *args, **kwargs): new_status = None had_warning = False if (self._force_monitoring or self._is_controlled) and self._sub.has_buffered(self._diagnostics_topic): new_status = "" diag_msg = self._sub.get_from_buffer(self._diagnostics_topic) for status in diag_msg.status: if not in self._monitored_keys.keys(): continue if status.level == DiagnosticStatus.WARN: had_warning = True if not + "_warn" in self._sent_keys: self._sent_keys.append( + "_warn") Logger.logwarn("%s: %s" % (, status.message)) if status.level == DiagnosticStatus.ERROR: if not + "_err" in self._sent_keys: self._sent_keys.append( + "_err") Logger.logerr("%s: %s" % (, status.message)) new_status = if new_status == "": self._current_status = None new_status = None if not had_warning: self._sent_keys = list() if new_status is None or self._current_status == new_status: return self.__execute(*args, **kwargs) self._current_status = new_status return self._monitored_keys[self._current_status]
def _mirror_structure_callback(self, msg): Logger.localinfo("--> Creating behavior structure for mirror...") self._pub.publish('flexbe/mirror/structure', self._build_structure_msg()) Logger.localinfo("<-- Sent behavior structure for mirror.") # enable control of states since a mirror is listening self._enable_ros_control()
def _execute_current_state(self): # catch any exception and keep state active to let operator intervene try: outcome = super(OperatableStateMachine, self)._execute_current_state() self._last_exception = None except Exception as e: outcome = None self._last_exception = e Logger.logerr('Failed to execute state %s:\n%s' % (self.current_state_label, str(e))) # provide explicit sync as back-up functionality # should be used only if there is no other choice # since it requires additional 8 byte + header update bandwith and time to restart mirror if self._inner_sync_request and self.get_deep_state() is not None: self._inner_sync_request = False if is None: self.parent._inner_sync_request = True else: msg = BehaviorSync() msg.behavior_id = msg.current_state_checksum = zlib.adler32( self.get_deep_state().path.encode()) & 0x7fffffff self._pub.publish('flexbe/mirror/sync', msg) return outcome
def _monitoring_execute(self, *args, **kwargs): new_status = None had_warning = False if (self._force_monitoring or self._is_controlled) and self._sub.has_buffered( self._diagnostics_topic): new_status = "" diag_msg = self._sub.get_from_buffer(self._diagnostics_topic) for status in diag_msg.status: if not in self._monitored_keys.keys(): continue if status.level == DiagnosticStatus.WARN: had_warning = True if not + "_warn" in self._sent_keys: self._sent_keys.append( + "_warn") Logger.logwarn("%s: %s" % (, status.message)) if status.level == DiagnosticStatus.ERROR: if not + "_err" in self._sent_keys: self._sent_keys.append( + "_err") Logger.logerr("%s: %s" % (, status.message)) new_status = if new_status == "": self._current_status = None new_status = None if not had_warning: self._sent_keys = list() if new_status is None or self._current_status == new_status: return self.__execute(*args, **kwargs) self._current_status = new_status return self._monitored_keys[self._current_status]
def setupClient(self, topic, msg_type, wait_duration=10): """ Tries to set up an action client for calling it later. @type topic: string @param topic: The topic of the action to call. @type msg_type: msg type @param msg_type: The type of messages of this action client. @type wait_duration: int @param wait_duration: Defines how long to wait for the given client if it is not available right now. """ if topic not in ProxyActionClient._clients: client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(topic, msg_type) t = Timer(1, self._print_wait_warning, [topic]) t.start() available = client.wait_for_server( rospy.Duration.from_sec(wait_duration)) warning_sent = False try: t.cancel() except Exception as ve: # already printed the warning warning_sent = True if not available: Logger.logerr("Action client %s timed out!" % topic) else: ProxyActionClient._clients[topic] = client if warning_sent: Logger.loginfo("Finally found action client %s..." % (topic))
def setupClient(self, topic, msg_type, wait_duration=10): """ Tries to set up an action client for calling it later. @type topic: string @param topic: The topic of the action to call. @type msg_type: msg type @param msg_type: The type of messages of this action client. @type wait_duration: int @param wait_duration: Defines how long to wait for the given client if it is not available right now. """ if topic not in ProxyActionClient._clients: client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(topic, msg_type) t = Timer(1, self._print_wait_warning, [topic]) t.start() available = client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration.from_sec(wait_duration)) warning_sent = False try: t.cancel() except Exception as ve: # already printed the warning warning_sent = True if not available: Logger.logerr("Action client %s timed out!" % topic) else: ProxyActionClient._clients[topic] = client if warning_sent: Logger.loginfo("Finally found action client %s..." % (topic))
def _set_autonomy_level(self, msg): """ Sets the current autonomy level. """ if OperatableStateMachine.autonomy_level != Logger.localinfo('--> Autonomy changed to %d' % if < 0: self.preempt() else: OperatableStateMachine.autonomy_level = self._pub.publish('flexbe/command_feedback', CommandFeedback(command="autonomy", args=[]))
def add_joint_values(self, joint_values): joint_names = ProxyMoveitClient._robot.get_joint_names(self._move_group) if len(joint_names) != len(joint_values): Logger.logwarn("Amount of given joint values (%d) does not match the amount of joints (%d)." % (len(joint_values), len(joint_names))) #return goal_constraints = Constraints() for i in range(len(joint_names)): goal_constraints.joint_constraints.append(JointConstraint(joint_name=joint_names[i], position=joint_values[i])) self._goal.request.goal_constraints.append(goal_constraints)
def has_topic(self, topic): """ Determines if the given topic is already subscribed. @type topic: string @param topic: The topic of interest. """ Logger.logwarn( 'Deprecated (ProxySubscriberCached): use "is_available(topic)" instead of "has_topic(topic)".' ) return self.is_available(topic)
def _sync_callback(self, msg): Logger.localinfo("--> Synchronization requested...") msg = BehaviorSync() msg.behavior_id = # make sure we are already executing self.wait(condition=lambda: self.get_deep_state() is not None) msg.current_state_checksum = zlib.adler32( self.get_deep_state().path.encode()) & 0x7fffffff self._pub.publish('flexbe/mirror/sync', msg) self._pub.publish('flexbe/command_feedback', CommandFeedback(command="sync", args=[])) Logger.localinfo("<-- Sent synchronization message for mirror.")
def _attach_callback(self, msg): Logger.localinfo("--> Enabling control...") # set autonomy level OperatableStateMachine.autonomy_level = # enable control of states self._enable_ros_control() self._inner_sync_request = True # send command feedback cfb = CommandFeedback(command="attach") cfb.args.append( self._pub.publish('flexbe/command_feedback', cfb) Logger.localinfo("<-- Sent attach confirm.")
def __init__(self): if not ProxyMoveitClient._is_initialized: ProxyMoveitClient._is_initialized = True Logger.loginfo("Initializing proxy MoveIt client...") moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) ProxyMoveitClient._robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() ProxyMoveitClient._client = ProxyActionClient({ProxyMoveitClient._action_topic: MoveAction}) self._goal = None self._move_group = "" self._result = None self._planner_id = "RRTConnectkConfigDefault" self._target_link_axis = []
def _operatable_execute(self, *args, **kwargs): outcome = self.__execute(*args, **kwargs) if self._is_controlled: # reset previously requested outcome if applicable if self._last_requested_outcome is not None and outcome is None: self._pub.publish( self._request_topic, OutcomeRequest(outcome=255, target=self.path)) self._last_requested_outcome = None # request outcome because autonomy level is too low if not self._force_transition and ( not self.parent.is_transition_allowed(, outcome) or outcome is not None and self.is_breakpoint): if outcome != self._last_requested_outcome: self._pub.publish( self._request_topic, OutcomeRequest(outcome=self.outcomes.index(outcome), target=self.path)) Logger.localinfo("<-- Want result: %s > %s" % (, outcome)) StateLogger.log( 'flexbe.operator', self, type='request', request=outcome, autonomy=self.parent.autonomy_level, required=self.parent.get_required_autonomy(outcome)) self._last_requested_outcome = outcome outcome = None # autonomy level is high enough, report the executed transition elif outcome is not None and outcome in self.outcomes: Logger.localinfo("State result: %s > %s" % (, outcome)) self._pub.publish(self._outcome_topic, UInt8(self.outcomes.index(outcome))) self._pub.publish(self._debug_topic, String("%s > %s" % (self.path, outcome))) if self._force_transition: StateLogger.log('flexbe.operator', self, type='forced', forced=outcome, requested=self._last_requested_outcome) self._last_requested_outcome = None self._force_transition = False return outcome
def _preemptable_execute(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._is_controlled and self._sub.has_msg(self._preempt_topic): self._sub.remove_last_msg(self._preempt_topic) self._pub.publish(self._feedback_topic, CommandFeedback(command="preempt")) PreemptableState.preempt = True Logger.localinfo("--> Behavior will be preempted") if PreemptableState.preempt: if not self._is_controlled: Logger.localinfo("Behavior will be preempted") self._force_transition = True return self._preempted_name return self.__execute(*args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self): if not ProxyMoveitClient._is_initialized: ProxyMoveitClient._is_initialized = True Logger.loginfo("Initializing proxy MoveIt client...") moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) ProxyMoveitClient._robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() ProxyMoveitClient._client = ProxyActionClient( {ProxyMoveitClient._action_topic: MoveAction}) self._goal = None self._move_group = "" self._result = None self._planner_id = "RRTConnectkConfigDefault" self._target_link_axis = []
def get_behavior(self, be_id): """ Provides the library entry corresponding to the given ID. @type be_id: int @param be_id: Behavior ID to look up. @return Corresponding library entry or None if not found. """ try: return self._behavior_lib[be_id] except KeyError: Logger.logwarn("Did not find ID %d in libary, updating..." % be_id) self.parse_packages() return self._behavior_lib.get(be_id, None)
def add_joint_values(self, joint_values): joint_names = ProxyMoveitClient._robot.get_joint_names( self._move_group) if len(joint_names) != len(joint_values): Logger.logwarn( "Amount of given joint values (%d) does not match the amount of joints (%d)." % (len(joint_values), len(joint_names))) #return goal_constraints = Constraints() for i in range(len(joint_names)): goal_constraints.joint_constraints.append( JointConstraint(joint_name=joint_names[i], position=joint_values[i])) self._goal.request.goal_constraints.append(goal_constraints)
def add_behavior(self, behavior_class, behavior_id): """ Adds another behavior as part of this behavior. This other behavior should be declared as contained in the behavior manifest. @type behavior_class: class @param behavior_class: The class implementing the other behavior. @type behavior_id: string @param behavior_id: Unique identifier for this behavior instance. """ if not hasattr(self, 'contains'): Logger.logerr( 'Behavior was not initialized! Please call superclass constructor.' ) instance = behavior_class() self.contains[behavior_id] = instance
def get_from_buffer(self, topic): """ Pops the oldest buffered message of the given topic. @type topic: string @param topic: The topic of interest. """ if not ProxySubscriberCached._topics[topic]['buffered']: Logger.logwarn('Attempted to access buffer of non-buffered topic!') return None if len(ProxySubscriberCached._topics[topic]['msg_queue']) == 0: return None msg = ProxySubscriberCached._topics[topic]['msg_queue'][0] ProxySubscriberCached._topics[topic][ 'msg_queue'] = ProxySubscriberCached._topics[topic]['msg_queue'][ 1:] return msg
def _execute_single_state(self, state, force_exit=False): result = None try: with UserData(reference=self._userdata, remap=self._remappings[], input_keys=state.input_keys, output_keys=state.output_keys) as userdata: if force_exit: state._entering = True state.on_exit(userdata) else: result = state.execute(userdata) except Exception as e: result = None self._last_exception = e Logger.logerr('Failed to execute state %s:\n%s' % (self.current_state_label, str(e))) return result
def _execute_unlock(self, target): if target == self.path or (self._locked and target == ''): target = self.path found_target = True self._locked = False else: found_target = self._parent.unlock(target) # provide feedback about unlock self._pub.publish( self._feedback_topic, CommandFeedback(command="unlock", args=[target, target if found_target else ""])) if not found_target: Logger.logwarn( "Wanted to unlock %s, but could not find it in current path %s." % (target, self.path)) else: Logger.localinfo("--> Unlocking in state %s" % target)
def reset_joint_constraints(self, move_group=None): ''' Reset the planning options to match the defaults @param move_group : string or list specifying a particular move group(s) (default: None - change all relevant ) ''' flag = False if move_group is None: for group in self._move_group_list: try: ret = self.reset_joint_constraints(group) if ret: flag=ret except: pass # Check to see that something was reset if flag: return flag else: raise Exception(" Failed to reset joint constraints for any relevant topic for move_group=(%s) !" % (str(move_group))) elif bool(move_group) and all([isinstance(elem,basestring) for elem in move_group]): # List of strings for group in move_group: try: ret = self.reset_joint_constraints(group) if ret: flag=ret except: pass # Check to see that something was reset if flag: return flag else: raise Exception(" Failed to reset joint constraints for any relevant topic for move_group=(%s) !" % (str(move_group))) else: # Base case to reset specified motion plan requests options try: # Reset the planning options for a given move group ProxyMoveItClient._joint_constraints[move_group] = copy.deepcopy(ProxyMoveItClient._default_joint_constraints[move_group]) return True except Exception as e: Logger.logerr(" Invalid move group %s for joint constraints - not configured yet!" % (str(move_group))) return False
def __init__(self, verbose=False): if not ProxyTrajectoryClient._is_initialized: ProxyTrajectoryClient._is_initialized = True Logger.loginfo( "Initializing proxy FollowJointTrajectory client...") ProxyTrajectoryClient._client = ProxyActionClient({ ProxyTrajectoryClient._action_topic: FollowJointTrajectoryAction }) ProxyTrajectoryClient._verbose = verbose # enable the IK Service ik_ns = "ExternalTools/" + ProxyTrajectoryClient._limb + "/PositionKinematicsNode/IKService" ProxyTrajectoryClient._iksvc = rospy.ServiceProxy( ik_ns, SolvePositionIK) rospy.wait_for_service(ik_ns, 5.0) # enable the Baxter ProxyTrajectoryClient._rs = baxter_interface.RobotEnable( baxter_interface.CHECK_VERSION) ProxyTrajectoryClient._init_state = ProxyTrajectoryClient._rs.state( ).enabled print("Enabling robot... ") ProxyTrajectoryClient._rs.enable() # enable baxter limb interface ProxyTrajectoryClient._baxter_limb_interface = baxter_interface.limb.Limb( ProxyTrajectoryClient._limb) # Get the names from joints ProxyTrajectoryClient._joint_name = [ joint for joint in ProxyTrajectoryClient._baxter_limb_interface.joint_names() ] ProxyTrajectoryClient._gripper = baxter_interface.Gripper( ProxyTrajectoryClient._limb) self._goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() self._result = None self._goal_time_tolerance = rospy.Time(0.1) self._goal.goal_time_tolerance = self._goal_time_tolerance
def publish(self, topic, msg): """ Publishes a message on the specified topic. @type topic: string @param topic: The topic to publish on. @type msg: message class (defined when created publisher) @param msg: The message to publish. """ if topic not in ProxyPublisher._topics: Logger.logwarn('ProxyPublisher: topic %s not yet registered!' % topic) return try: ProxyPublisher._topics[topic].publish(msg) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Something went wrong when publishing to %s!\n%s' % (topic, str(e)))
def use_behavior(self, behavior_class, behavior_id, default_keys=None, parameters=None): """ Creates a state machine implementing the given behavior to use it in the behavior state machine. Behavior has to be added first. @type behavior_class: class @param behavior_class: The class implementing the other behavior. @type behavior_id: string @param behavior_id: Same identifier as used for adding. @type default_keys: list @param default_keys: List of input keys of the behavior which should be ignored and instead use the default values as given by the behavior. @type parameters: dict @param parameters: Optional assignment of values to behavior parameters. Any assigned parameter will be ignored for runtime customization, i.e., cannot be overwritten by a user who runs the behavior. """ if behavior_id not in self.contains: Logger.logerr('Tried to use a behavior without adding it!') return None if parameters is not None: for parameter, value in parameters.items(): setattr(self.contains[behavior_id], parameter, value) state_machine = self.contains[behavior_id]._get_state_machine() if default_keys is not None: state_machine._input_keys = list( set(state_machine._input_keys) - set(default_keys)) for key in state_machine._input_keys: state_machine._own_userdata(remove_key=key) return state_machine
def setup_action_client(self, action_topic, action_type, wait_duration): """ Tries to set up a MoveIt MoveGroup action client for calling it later. @param action_topic : string - The topic of the action to call. @param action_type : string - class definition name for interface @param wait_duration : Defines how long to wait for the given client if it is not available right now. """ if not isinstance(action_topic,str): raise Exception(" ProxyMoveItClient - Invalid action topic %s " % ( action_topic )) if action_topic not in ProxyMoveItClient._action_clients: # We have not initialized this client yet Logger.loginfo("Initializing proxy MoveIt client for "+action_topic+" ...") try: ProxyMoveItClient._action_clients[action_topic] = ProxyActionClient({action_topic: eval(action_type) }, wait_duration) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn("ProxyMoveItClient setup error - %s"% (str(e))) raise e
def _check_topic_available(self, topic, wait_duration=1): """ Checks whether a topic is available. @type topic: string @param topic: The topic of the action. @type wait_duration: int @param wait_duration: Defines how long to wait for the given client if it is not available right now. """ client = ProxyActionClient._clients.get(topic) if client is None: Logger.logerr( "Action client %s not yet registered, need to add it first!" % topic) return False t = Timer(.5, self._print_wait_warning, [topic]) t.start() available = client.wait_for_server( rospy.Duration.from_sec(wait_duration)) warning_sent = False try: t.cancel() except Exception: # already printed the warning warning_sent = True if not available: Logger.logerr("Action client %s timed out!" % topic) return False else: if warning_sent: Logger.loginfo("Finally found action client %s..." % (topic)) return True
def get_group_state(self, config_name, group_name, robot_name=None ): ''' Get named configuration from semantic description @param config_name string name of configuration @param group_name string move group name that the configuration belongs to @param robot_name string robot (default uses current or first robot in SRDF) ''' config = None try: # Find the designated robot (or first in file) if (robot_name is not None and robot_name != ProxyMoveItClient._robot_name): for r in ProxyMoveItClient._srdf_ET.iter('robot'): if robot_name == r.attrib['name']: ProxyMoveItClient._robot_name = r.attrib['name'] ProxyMoveItClient._robot_semantics = r Logger.loginfo(" Switching proxy to robot %s " % (ProxyMoveItClient._robot_name) ) if ProxyMoveItClient._robot_semantics is None: Logger.logwarn('Did not find robot name in SRDF - %s' % robot_name) return None # Find the desired configuration for c in ProxyMoveItClient._robot_semantics.iter('group_state'): if (group_name is None or group_name == '' or group_name == c.attrib['group']) \ and c.attrib['name'] == config_name: config = c break return config except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Unable to find named configuration in SRDF -\n%s' % str(e)) return None
def wait_for_any(self, topic, timeout=5.0): """ Blocks until there are any subscribers to the given topic. @type topic: string @param topic: The topic to publish on. @type timeout: float @param timeout: How many seconds should be the maximum blocked time. """ pub = ProxyPublisher._topics.get(topic) if pub is None: Logger.logerr( "Publisher %s not yet registered, need to add it first!" % topic) return False t = Timer(.5, self._print_wait_warning, [topic]) t.start() available = self._wait_for_subscribers(pub, timeout) warning_sent = False try: t.cancel() except Exception: # already printed the warning warning_sent = True if not available: Logger.logerr("Waiting for subscribers on %s timed out!" % topic) return False else: if warning_sent: Logger.loginfo("Finally found subscriber on %s..." % (topic)) return True
def _manually_transitionable_execute(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._is_controlled and self._sub.has_buffered( self._transition_topic): command_msg = self._sub.get_from_buffer(self._transition_topic) self._pub.publish( self._feedback_topic, CommandFeedback(command="transition", args=[,])) if != Logger.logwarn( "Requested outcome for state %s but active state is %s" % (, else: self._force_transition = True outcome = self.outcomes[command_msg.outcome] Logger.localinfo( "--> Manually triggered outcome %s of state %s" % (outcome, return outcome # otherwise, return the normal outcome self._force_transition = False return self.__execute(*args, **kwargs)
def setupService(self, topic, msg_type, persistent=False, wait_duration=10): """ Tries to set up a service caller for calling it later. @type topic: string @param topic: The topic of the service to call. @type msg_type: service class @param msg_type: The type of messages of this service. @type persistent: bool @param persistent: Defines if this service caller is persistent. @type wait_duration: int @param wait_duration: Defines how long to wait for the given service if it is not available right now. """ if topic not in ProxyServiceCaller._services: warning_sent = False available = False try: t = Timer(1, self._print_wait_warning, [topic]) t.start() rospy.wait_for_service(topic, wait_duration) available = True except rospy.exceptions.ROSException, e: available = False try: t.cancel() except Exception as ve: # already printed the warning warning_sent = True if not available: Logger.logerr("Service client %s timed out!" % topic) else: ProxyServiceCaller._services[topic] = rospy.ServiceProxy(topic, msg_type, persistent) if warning_sent: Logger.loginfo("Finally found action client %s..." % (topic))
def setupService(self, topic, msg_type, persistent=False, wait_duration=10): """ Tries to set up a service caller for calling it later. @type topic: string @param topic: The topic of the service to call. @type msg_type: service class @param msg_type: The type of messages of this service. @type persistent: bool @param persistent: Defines if this service caller is persistent. @type wait_duration: int @param wait_duration: Defines how long to wait for the given service if it is not available right now. """ if topic not in ProxyServiceCaller._services: warning_sent = False available = False try: t = Timer(1, self._print_warning, [topic]) t.start() rospy.wait_for_service(topic, wait_duration) available = True except rospy.exceptions.ROSException, e: available = False try: t.cancel() except Exception as ve: # already printed the warning warning_sent = True if not available: Logger.logerr("Service client %s timed out!" % topic) else: ProxyServiceCaller._services[topic] = rospy.ServiceProxy(topic, msg_type, persistent) if warning_sent: Logger.loginfo("Finally found action client %s..." % (topic))
def find_behavior(self, be_name): """ Searches for a behavior with the given name and returns it along with its ID. @type be_name: string @param be_name: Behavior ID to look up. @return Tuple (be_id, be_entry) corresponding to the name or (None, None) if not found. """ find = lambda: next((id, be) for (id, be) # noqa: E731 (allow lambda, only used locally here) in self._behavior_lib.items() if be["name"] == be_name) try: return find() except StopIteration: Logger.logwarn("Did not find behavior '%s' in libary, updating..." % be_name) self.parse_packages() try: return find() except StopIteration: Logger.logerr("Still cannot find behavior '%s' in libary after update, giving up!" % be_name) return None, None
def get_sourcecode_filepath(self, be_id, add_tmp=False): """ Constructs a file path to the source code of corresponding to the given ID. @type be_id: int @param be_id: Behavior ID to look up. @type add_tmp: bool @param add_tmp: Append "_tmp" to the file to consider a temporary version. @return String containing the absolute path to the source code file. """ be_entry = self.get_behavior(be_id) if be_entry is None: # rely on get_behavior to handle/log missing package return None try: module_path = __import__(be_entry["package"]).__path__[-1] except ImportError: Logger.logwarn("Cannot import behavior package '%s', using 'rospack find' instead" % be_entry["package"]) # rp can find it because otherwise, the above entry would not exist module_path = os.path.join(self._rp.get_path(be_entry["package"]), "src", be_entry["package"]) filename = be_entry["file"] + '.py' if not add_tmp else '' return os.path.join(module_path, filename)
def get_goal_joint_constraints(self, move_group, joint_values, joint_names=None): ''' Creates a JointConstraint for list of goal constraints, and creates a new goal based on list of joint constraints for the current plan request specification @param move_group : string specifying a particular move group @param joint_values : list of joint values (must match the given joint names) @param joint_names : list of string joint names (default: None uses all joints in group) ''' if joint_names is None: joint_names = ProxyMoveItClient._joint_names[move_group] if len(joint_names) != len(joint_values): Logger.logerr("Amount of given joint values (%d) does not match the amount of joints (%d) in group %s." % (len(joint_values), len(joint_names), move_group)) raise Exception("Amount of given joint values (%d) does not match the amount of joints (%d) in group %s." % (len(joint_values), len(joint_names), move_group)) joint_constraints = [] for i, name in enumerate(joint_names): constraint = copy.deepcopy(ProxyMoveItClient._joint_constraints[move_group][name]) constraint.position = joint_values[i] joint_constraints.append( constraint ) return joint_constraints
def _print_wait_warning(self, topic): Logger.logwarn("Waiting for action client %s..." % (topic))
def _print_warning(self, topic): Logger.logwarn("Waiting for service client %s..." % (topic))