Esempio n. 1
def rivers_by_station_number(stations, N):
    """Returns a list of tuples
    (river, number of stations on that river)"""
    river_counts = []
    river_dict = stations_by_river(stations)
    for (river, river_stations) in river_dict.items():
        river_counts.append((river, len(river_stations)))

    # sort the list of rivers by number of stations, then by alphabetical
    # removes any ambiguity for tied rivers
    sorted_rivers = sorted_by_key(river_counts, 0)
    sorted_rivers = sorted_by_key(sorted_rivers, 1, reverse=True)

    return list(first_N_with_ties(sorted_rivers, N, i=1))
Esempio n. 2
def rivers_by_station_number(stations, N):
    """1E.  Determine the N rivers with the greatest number of monitoring stations. 
    It should return a list of (river name, number of stations) tuples, sorted by the number of stations. 
    In the case that there are more rivers with the same number of stations as the N th entry, include these rivers in the list"""
    stationsbyriver = stations_by_river(stations)
    convertedlist = []
    for river, stations in stationsbyriver.items():
        #loop and find number of stations for each river
        convertedlist.append((river, len(stations)))

        #sort according to number of stations
    convertedlist = sorted_by_key(convertedlist, 1)
    #reverse the list so that can start with river with greatest umber of stations
    copy = convertedlist
    #create final list without repeats first
    final = copy[:N]
    for x in range(N, len(copy)):
        #loop over and use copy for comprison
        if copy[x][1] == final[-1][1]:
            #after comparing, if there are rivers with same no of stations not in final, append to final
    for x in range (N):
        for y in copy:
            if y[1]==max:
        for z in range (counter):
            del copy[0]"""

    return final
Esempio n. 3
def stations_level_over_threshold(stations, tol):
    """Return the stations whose relative water level exceed a threshold.

    The stations are listed in order of decreasing relative water level.

    stations : list[MonitoringStation]
    tol : float
        threshold for relative water level

    list[(MonitoringStation, float)]
        A list of tuples containing the MonitoringStation object and its
        relative water level.

    output = []

    for station in stations:
        relative_level = station.relative_water_level()

        if relative_level is not None:
            if relative_level > tol:
                output.append((station, relative_level))

    return sorted_by_key(output, 1, reverse=True)
def stations_highest_rel_level(stations, N):
    '''This function creates a sorted list of all stations in order of relative water level
    it then returns the highest N values from that list'''

    if N >= len(stations):
        l = [("list is shorter than range", "soz")]
        return l

        l = []
        for i in stations:
            x = i.relative_water_level()
            name = str(
            if x != 0:
                if i.typical_range_consistent() == True:
                    if i.latest_level is not None:
                        y = (name, x)

        l = sorted_by_key(l, 1, reverse=True)
        highest_rel_range = []

        for i in range(N):

        return highest_rel_range
Esempio n. 5
def run():
    """Requirement for task 2G"""

    #build a list of stations
    stations = build_station_list()
    stations_at_risk = stations_highest_rel_level(stations, 10)

    # Fetch data over past 2 days
    dt = 0.5
    danger_stations = []
    for station in stations_at_risk:
        dates, levels = fetch_measure_levels(station.measure_id,

            prediction = predicted_value(dates, levels)
            danger_level = danger_assigning(station, prediction)
            if danger_level is not None:
                if danger_level[1] == "severe" or danger_level[1] == "high":

    sorted_stations = sorted_by_key(danger_stations, 1, reverse=True)
    for i in sorted_stations:
        print(i[0] + ":" + i[1])
Esempio n. 6
def run():
    """Requirement for Task 2E"""
    #Initialise variables
    data = build_station_list()
    ls = []
    ID = []

    #Number of days in past taken data from
    dt = 7
    #How many graphs per window
    limit = 4
    #How many stations
    number = 6

    #Create list of measuring_id's sorted by water level
    for station in data:
        if station.typical_range_consistent(
        ) == True and station.relative_water_level() != None:
            ls.append((station, station.relative_water_level()))

    ls = sorted_by_key(ls, 1)

    for station in ls:

    s = count_inconsistent_sets(ID[:number], dt)

    ID = ID[:number + s]

    plot_water_levels(ID, dt, limit, s)
Esempio n. 7
def rivers_by_station_number(stations, N):
    output_list = []
    rivers = []
    number_of_rivers = []
    for i in stations:
        """Iterates through stations that are given to the function"""
        if i.river not in rivers:
            """Adds a new entry to rivers when new river is seen and 
            initializes that rivers number to 1"""
            """Keeps adding 1 to every river that is already in the list"""
            for j in range(0, len(rivers)):
                if rivers[j] == i.river:
                    number_of_rivers[j] = number_of_rivers[j] + 1
    for w in range(0, len(rivers)):
        """combines the rivers and number of rivers list into one as tuples"""
        output_list.append((rivers[w], number_of_rivers[w]))
    """sorts them based on the number of rivers"""
    output_list = sorted_by_key(output_list, 1)
    """orders it from highest to lowest"""
    output_list = output_list[::-1]
    while output_list[N - 1][1] == output_list[N][1]:
        """Checks if the next few rivers also have the same number and 
        outputs them if they do"""
        N = N + 1
    return (output_list[:N])
Esempio n. 8
def run():
    """Requirements for Task 1B"""
    cam_coord = (52.2053, 0.1218)  #coordinates of Cambridge city centre

    #build station list
    stations = build_station_list()

    #calculate the distances to coordinates
    distances_to_cam = stations_by_distance(stations, cam_coord)

    #10 closest will be the first 10 items in the list
    close10 = distances_to_cam[:10]

    #reverse the order and take the first 10 items of the re-orderd list
    distances_to_cam = sorted_by_key(distances_to_cam, 1, reverse=True)
    far10 = distances_to_cam[:10]

    #format outputs
    close10formatted = []
    far10formatted = []
    for i in close10:
        close10formatted.append((i[0].name, i[0].town, i[1]))
    for i in far10:
        far10formatted.append((i[0].name, i[0].town, i[1]))

    print("Closest 10 stations to Cambride:")
    for i in close10formatted:
    print("Furthest 10 stations from Cambridge:")
    for i in far10formatted:
Esempio n. 9
def stations_by_distance(stations, p):
    a = []
    for i in stations:
        x = float(haversine(p, i.coord, miles=False))
        y = (i, x)
    a = sorted_by_key(a, 1)
    return a
def low_and_moderate_staions(stations):
    output_list = []
    output_list_low = []
    output_list_moderate = []
    stations_that_are_flooding = []
    relative_water_level = []
    for i in stations:
        if i.relative_water_level() != None:
            """adding all things  that are low"""
            if i.relative_water_level() > 0 and i.relative_water_level() < 1:
    for j in range(1, len(stations_that_are_flooding)):
        """putting them in one tuple"""
            (stations_that_are_flooding[j], relative_water_level[j]))
    """sorting stuff out"""
    output_list = sorted_by_key(output_list, 1)
    output_list = output_list[::-1]
    output_list_low = output_list

    output_list = []
    moderate_list = []
    stations_that_are_flooding = []
    relative_water_level = []
    for i in stations:
        if i.relative_water_level() != None:
            """adding all things  that are moderate"""
            if i.relative_water_level() > 1:
                """FOR YOU TO USE"""
    for j in range(1, len(stations_that_are_flooding)):
        """putting them in one tuple"""
            (stations_that_are_flooding[j], relative_water_level[j]))
    """sorting stuff out"""
    output_list = sorted_by_key(output_list, 1)
    output_list = output_list[::-1]
    output_list_moderate = output_list
    return (
        "The list of stations that have a low risk are: " +
        str(output_list_low) +
        "....................................................... The list of stations that have a moderate risk are: "
        + str(output_list_moderate))
Esempio n. 11
def stations_by_distance(stations, p):
    """Function to sort stations distance from a coordinate"""
    sdlist = []  # List store all the station and distance with p
    distance = 0
    for station in stations:  # Loop for all the stations
        cord = station.coord  # Coordinate of the station
        distance = haversine(p, cord)  # Use function to get the distance
        sdlist.append((, distance))  # Add  Tuple to the List
    return sorted_by_key(sdlist, 1)  # Return the sorted list
Esempio n. 12
def stations_by_distance(stations, p):
    "function returns a list of tuples in format (station name, distance from p)"
    stations_and_distances = []
    for station in stations:
        distance = haversine(station.coord, p)
        stations_and_distances.append((station, distance))
    final = sorted_by_key(stations_and_distances, 1, reverse=False)

    return final
Esempio n. 13
def stations_by_distance(stations, p):
    output_list = []
    for i in stations:
        """Iterates through the list named "stations" given to the function"""
        dist = haversine(p, i.coord)
        output_list.append((i, dist))
    output_list = sorted_by_key(output_list, 1)
    """This uses the function from the utils file and outputs the same list, 
    but sorted based on the 2nd element which has i=1"""
    return (output_list)
Esempio n. 14
def stations_level_over_threshold(stations, tol):
    "Function returns a list of tuples of stations at which the current relative water level is greater than tol in the form (station name, relative water level)"
    relatives = []
    for station in stations:
        if station.relative_water_level(
        ) != None and station.relative_water_level() >= tol:
            relatives.append((, station.relative_water_level()))

    descending_relatives = sorted_by_key(relatives, 1, reverse=True)
    return descending_relatives
Esempio n. 15
def stations_highest_rel_level(stations, N):
    station_rel_level = []
    for station in stations:
        if station.relative_water_level() == None:
            #Same as previous but this time does not check if above tolerance, do for all stations
            name_level = (, station.relative_water_level())
    sorted_station = sorted_by_key(station_rel_level, 1, True)
    return sorted_station[:N]
Esempio n. 16
def stations_by_distance_with_town(stations, p):
    """function for doing 1B demonstration program"""
    sdlist = []  # List store all the station and distance with p
    distance = 0
    for station in stations:  # Loop for all the stations
        cord = station.coord  # Coordinate of the station
        distance = haversine(p, cord)  # Use function to get the distance
        town =
            ((, town), distance))  # Add  Tuple to the List
    return sorted_by_key(sdlist, 1)  # Return the sorted list
Esempio n. 17
def stations_by_distance(stations, p):
    """Given a list of station objects and a coordinate, the function returns a list of tuples
    (station, distance)"""
    distances = []
    for station in stations:
        coordinate = station.coord
        distance = haversine(coordinate, p)
        distances.append((station, distance))

    sorted_distances = sorted_by_key(distances, 1)

    return sorted_distances
def stations_level_over_threshold(stations, tol):
    for station in stations:
        if station.relative_water_level() == None:
        if station.relative_water_level()>tol:

    return stationsleveloverthreshold
Esempio n. 19
def stations_level_over_threshold(stations, tol):
    """Returns a list of tuples, each holding a station at which the latest relative
    water level is over tol and the relative water level at that station"""
    water_level_stations = []
    for station in stations:
        relative_level = station.relative_water_level()
        if relative_level is not None and relative_level > tol:
            details = (station, relative_level)

    sorted_stations = sorted_by_key(water_level_stations, 1, True)

    return sorted_stations
Esempio n. 20
def stations_highest_rel_level(stations, N):
    """Returns a list of the N stations at which the water level, relative to the typical
    range, is highest"""
    water_level_stations = []
    for station in stations:
        relative_level = station.relative_water_level()
        if relative_level is not None:
            details = (station, relative_level)

    sorted_by_water_level = sorted_by_key(water_level_stations, 1, True)
    sorted_stations = [i[0] for i in sorted_by_water_level]

    return sorted_stations[:N]
def stations_highest_rel_level(stations, N):
    for station in stations:
        if station.relative_water_level()==None:

#sort with highest at level at the start
    #take the top 10
    return stationshighestratio
Esempio n. 22
def stations_by_distance(p):
    distance = []
    stationname = []
    name_distance = []

    stations = build_station_list()
    for station in stations:
        distance.append(haversine(station.coord, p))
    i = 0
    while i < len(stationname):
        name_distance.append((stationname[i], distance[i]))
        i += 1
    return sorted_by_key((name_distance), 1)
Esempio n. 23
def stations_level_over_threshold(stations, tol):
    #Create empty list that will hold station that is above the tolerance
    flood_stations = []
    for station in stations:
        #Ignore stations where there is no relative water level
        if station.relative_water_level() == None:
            #Add station and the water level to list if the relative water level is above tolerance
            if station.relative_water_level() > tol:
                high_station_level = (, station.relative_water_level())
    #Return list sorted by relative water level
    return sorted_by_key(flood_stations, 1, True)
Esempio n. 24
def stations_highest_rel_level(stations, N):
    Sorts list of stations by highest to lowest relative water level and returns highest N stations

    :param stations: Stations to be sorted
    :param N: Number of stations to be returned
    :return: List of N stations with highest relative water level
    stations_level = []
    for station in stations:
        if station.relative_water_level() is not None:
            stations_level.append((station, station.relative_water_level()))
    sorted_levels = sorted_by_key(stations_level, 1, True)
    return [x[0] for x in sorted_levels[:N]]
Esempio n. 25
def station_by_distance(stations, p):
    """ This function returns a list of (station, distance) tuples,
    where distance(float) is the distance of the station(MonitoringStation)
    from the coordinate p given a list of stations """

    #Initialising variables
    ls = []

    #Add stations and distance of station from p to list
    for station in stations:
        distance = haversine(station.coord, p)
        ls.append((station, distance))

    #Returns list sorted by distance
    return sorted_by_key(ls, 1)
Esempio n. 26
def age_in_years(stations):
    """ Function that takes in MonitoringStation object and calculates how 
    many years there are between its opening date and the current date,
    returns a list of tuples with name of staion and age"""

    #Initialise variables
    d2 =
    d = []

    for station in stations:
        #Convert to datetime object
        d1 = parser.parse(station.dateOpened).date()
        #Calculates age in days and rounds to nearest year
        d.append((station, round(abs((d2 - d1).days) / 365.25)))

    return sorted_by_key(d, 1)
Esempio n. 27
def stations_by_distance(station, p):

    distance_list = []

    for i in station:
        name =
        town =
        coordinate = i.coord
        #Taking the desired values from the list of monitoring stations
        distance = haversine(coordinate, p)
        d = (name, town, distance)


#Putting the desired value into a new list, along with the distance
    return sorted_by_key(distance_list, 2)
Esempio n. 28
def stations_highest_rel_level(stations, N):
    output_list = []
    station_name = []
    relative_water_level = []
    for i in stations:
        """Making up a randomish list of all sttaions and relative levels"""
        if i.relative_water_level() != None:
    for j in range(1, len(station_name)):
        """putting them in one tuple"""
        output_list.append((station_name[j], relative_water_level[j]))
    """sorting the stuff out well and good"""
    output_list = sorted_by_key(output_list, 1)
    output_list = output_list[::-1]
    output_list = output_list[0:N]
    return (output_list)
Esempio n. 29
def run():
    # Build list of stations
    stations = build_station_list()

    # Update latest level data for all stations

    #Initiate empty list
    levellist = []

    #initiate temperory storage for water level data for error processing
    templevel = 0

    # iterate for all stations
    for station in stations:
        templevel = station.latest_level
        # Change NonType to zero for data analysis
        if templevel == None:
            templevel = 0
        # Change negative error data to zero
        if templevel < 0:
            templevel = 0
        # append to a list
        levellist.append((, templevel))

    # Sorted after iteration
    levellist = sorted_by_key(levellist, 1)
    # get the greatest five station
    levellist = levellist[-5:]
    # Get the name of the 5 stations (first entry of the tumple)
    stationname = []
    for llist in levellist:

    for station_name in stationname:
        station_temp = None
        for station in stations:
            if == station_name:
                station_temp = station
        dt = 12
        dates, levels = fetch_measure_levels(station_temp.measure_id,
        plot_water_level_with_fit(station_name, dates, levels, 4)
Esempio n. 30
def stations_by_distance(stations, p):
    """1.B  In the submodule geo implement a function that, 
    given a list of station objects and a coordinate p,
     returns a list of (station, distance) tuples, where distance (float) is the distance of the station (MonitoringStation) from the coordinate p. 
    The returned list should be sorted by distance. """
    #create empty list
    stationsorteddistance = []
    #looop over all stations
    for station in stations:
        #compute distance for each station
        distance = float(haversine(p, station.coord))
        #for each station create tuple containing station name and distance)
        s = (,, distance)
        #append each new entry to the list
    #sort the list according to station distance
    stationsorteddistance = sorted_by_key(stationsorteddistance, 2)
    return stationsorteddistance