def multifit_std_err_scale_analysis(folder, file): # fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex='all', sharey='all') magopter = Magopter(folder, file, ts_filename=ts_file) magopter.prepare(down_sampling_rate=1, roi_b_plasma=True, crit_freq=4000, crit_ampl=None) index = int(0.5 * len(magopter.iv_arrs[0])) scales = np.arange(0.5, 1.2, 0.05) chis = np.zeros_like(scales) plt.figure() for i, fitter in enumerate([f.SimpleIVFitter(), f.FullIVFitter()]): raw_iv_data = magopter.iv_arrs[0][index].copy() sigma = raw_iv_data[c.SIGMA] for j, scaler in enumerate(scales): raw_iv_data[c.SIGMA] = sigma * scaler fitdata = raw_iv_data.multi_fit(iv_fitter=fitter) print('Sigma * {}'.format(scaler)) fitdata.print_fit_params() chis[j] = fitdata.reduced_chi2 plt.plot(scales, chis, plt.axhline(y=1.0, color='black', linewidth=1) plt.xlabel('$\delta I$ ($\sigma$)') plt.ylabel(r'Reduced $\chi^2$') plt.legend()
def fit_and_save(folderfile): # Run analysis for shot. folder, f, count = folderfile dsr = 1 print('\nAnalysing file: {} \n'.format(f)) m = Magopter(folder, f) m.prepare(down_sampling_rate=dsr, roi_b_plasma=True, crit_freq=4000, crit_ampl=None) fit_df_0, fit_df_1 = fit_param_df = pd.DataFrame(fit_df_0[[c.ION_SAT, c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.ION_SAT), c.ELEC_TEMP, c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.ELEC_TEMP), c.SHEATH_EXP, c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.SHEATH_EXP), c.FLOAT_POT, c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.FLOAT_POT), c.REDUCED_CHI2]]) if m.ts_temp is not None: temps = [np.max(temp) / flopter.core.constants.ELEM_CHARGE for temp in m.ts_temp[mag.DATA]] denss = [np.max(dens) for dens in m.ts_dens[mag.DATA]] T_e_ts = np.mean(temps) d_T_e_ts = np.std(temps) / np.sqrt(len(temps)) n_e_ts = np.mean(denss) d_n_e_ts = np.std(denss) / np.sqrt(len(denss)) else: T_e_ts = None d_T_e_ts = None n_e_ts = None d_n_e_ts = None fit_param_df['T_e_ts'] = T_e_ts fit_param_df['d_T_e_ts'] = d_T_e_ts fit_param_df['n_e_ts'] = n_e_ts fit_param_df['d_n_e_ts'] = d_n_e_ts for j, data_tag in enumerate([mag.TARGET_CHAMBER_PRESSURE, mag.TARGET_TILT]): t, data = m.magnum_data[data_tag] if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = data.mean() if data_tag is mag.TARGET_TILT: data = data * (180 / np.pi) fit_param_df[data_tag] = data csv_filename = '{}{}{}ndsfile{}.csv'.format(pth.Path.home(), m._FOLDER_STRUCTURE,, count) print('Saving fit data from {} to csv: {}'.format(f, csv_filename)) fit_param_df.to_csv(path_or_buf=csv_filename) del m, fit_df_0, fit_df_1, fit_param_df, T_e_ts, d_T_e_ts, n_e_ts, d_n_e_ts import gc gc.collect()
def multifit_trim_iv_analysis(probe_0, folder, file, trim_upper_fl=False, trim_lower_fl=True): magopter = Magopter(folder, file, ts_filename=ts_file) magopter.prepare(down_sampling_rate=1, roi_b_plasma=True, plot_fl=False, crit_freq=4000, crit_ampl=None) print('0: {}, 1: {}'.format(len(magopter.iv_arrs[0]), len(magopter.iv_arrs[1]))) index = int(0.5 * len(magopter.iv_arrs[0])) magopter.iv_arrs[0] = [magopter.iv_arrs[0][index]] magopter.iv_arrs[1] = [] if magopter.ts_temp is not None: temps = [np.max(temp) / flopter.core.constants.ELEM_CHARGE for temp in magopter.ts_temp[mag.DATA]] denss = [np.max(dens) for dens in magopter.ts_dens[mag.DATA]] T_e_ts = np.mean(temps) d_T_e_ts = np.std(temps) / np.sqrt(len(temps)) n_e_ts = np.mean(denss) d_n_e_ts = np.std(denss) / np.sqrt(len(denss)) else: T_e_ts = 1.61 d_T_e_ts = 0.01 n_e_ts = 1.4e20 d_n_e_ts = 0.1e20 if not magopter.offline: t, data = magopter.magnum_data[mag.TARGET_TILT] theta_perp = data.mean() else: alpha = 9.95 theta_perp = np.radians(alpha) d_theta_perp = np.radians(0.8) A_coll_0 = probe_0.get_collection_area(theta_perp) d_A_coll = np.abs(probe_0.get_collection_area(theta_perp + d_theta_perp) - A_coll_0) if trim_lower_fl: trim_lower = [0.0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.12, 0.14, 0.16, 0.18] # trim_upper = [1.0, 0.98, 0.96] measured_vals = [[] for dummy in range(len(trim_lower))] ivs = [[] for dummy in range(len(trim_lower))] for i, tl in enumerate(trim_lower): # for tu in trim_upper: magopter.trim(trim_beg=tl, trim_end=0.9) fit_df_0, fit_df_1 = iv_data = fit_df_0.iloc[[0]] ivs[i] = [iv_data[c.RAW_X].tolist()[0], iv_data[c.RAW_Y].tolist()[0]] # Extract individual values from dataframe v_f = iv_data[c.FLOAT_POT].values[0] T_e = iv_data[c.ELEC_TEMP].values[0] a = iv_data[c.SHEATH_EXP].values[0] I_sat = iv_data[c.ION_SAT].values[0] chi2 = iv_data[c.CHI2].values[0] red_chi2 = iv_data[c.REDUCED_CHI2].values[0] d_v_f = iv_data[c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.FLOAT_POT)].values[0] d_T_e = iv_data[c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.ELEC_TEMP)].values[0] d_a = iv_data[c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.SHEATH_EXP)].values[0] d_I_sat = iv_data[c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.ION_SAT)].values[0] c_s = lp.sound_speed(T_e, gamma_i=1) d_c_s = lp.d_sound_speed(c_s, T_e, d_T_e) n_e = lp.electron_density(I_sat, c_s, A_coll_0) d_n_e = lp.d_electron_density(n_e, c_s, d_c_s, A_coll_0, d_A_coll, I_sat, d_I_sat) # print('iv = {}: \n' # '\t v_f = {:.3g} +- {:.1g} \n' # '\t T_e = {:.3g} +- {:.1g} \n' # '\t I_sat = {:.3g} +- {:.1g} \n' # '\t n_e = {:.3g} +- {:.1g} \n' # '\t a = {:.3g} +- {:.1g} \n' # '\t c_s = {:.3g} +- {:.1g} \n' # '\t A_coll = {:.3g} +- {:.1g} \n' # .format(i, v_f, d_v_f, T_e, d_T_e, I_sat, d_I_sat, n_e, # d_n_e, a, d_a, c_s, d_c_s, A_coll_0, d_A_coll)) measured_vals[i] = [v_f, d_v_f, T_e, d_T_e, I_sat, d_I_sat, n_e, d_n_e, a, d_a, c_s, d_c_s, A_coll_0, d_A_coll, chi2, red_chi2] measured_vals = np.array(measured_vals) plt.figure() for i, iv in enumerate(ivs): plt.plot(iv[0], iv[1], label=trim_lower[i]) plt.xlabel('Voltage (V)') plt.ylabel('Current (A)') plt.legend() plt.figure() plt.errorbar(trim_lower, measured_vals[:, 2], yerr=measured_vals[:, 3]) plt.xlabel('Lower_trim percentage') plt.ylabel('Measured Temperature (eV)') plt.figure() plt.errorbar(trim_lower, measured_vals[:, 0], yerr=measured_vals[:, 1]) plt.xlabel('Lower_trim percentage') plt.ylabel('Measured Floating potential (V)') plt.figure() plt.errorbar(trim_lower, measured_vals[:, 6], yerr=measured_vals[:, 7]) plt.xlabel('Lower_trim percentage') plt.ylabel(r'Measured density (m$^{-3}$)') plt.figure() # plt.plot(trim_lower, measured_vals[:, 14], label=r'$\chi^2$') plt.plot(trim_lower, measured_vals[:, 15], label=r'Reduced $\chi^2$') plt.axhline(y=1, linestyle='dashed', color='red') plt.xlabel('Lower_trim percentage') plt.legend() if trim_upper_fl: trim_upper = [1.0, 0.96, 0.92, 0.88, 0.84, 0.80, 0.76, 0.72, 0.68, 0.64] measured_vals = [[] for dummy in range(len(trim_upper))] ivs = [[] for dummy in range(len(trim_upper))] for i, tu in enumerate(trim_upper): # for tu in trim_upper: magopter.trim(trim_beg=0.0, trim_end=tu) fit_df_0, fit_df_1 = iv_data = fit_df_0.iloc[[0]] ivs[i] = [iv_data[c.RAW_X].tolist()[0], iv_data[c.RAW_Y].tolist()[0]] # Extract individual values from dataframe v_f = iv_data[c.FLOAT_POT].values[0] T_e = iv_data[c.ELEC_TEMP].values[0] a = iv_data[c.SHEATH_EXP].values[0] I_sat = iv_data[c.ION_SAT].values[0] d_v_f = iv_data[c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.FLOAT_POT)].values[0] d_T_e = iv_data[c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.ELEC_TEMP)].values[0] d_a = iv_data[c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.SHEATH_EXP)].values[0] d_I_sat = iv_data[c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.ION_SAT)].values[0] c_s = lp.sound_speed(T_e, gamma_i=1) d_c_s = lp.d_sound_speed(c_s, T_e, d_T_e) n_e = lp.electron_density(I_sat, c_s, A_coll_0) d_n_e = lp.d_electron_density(n_e, c_s, d_c_s, A_coll_0, d_A_coll, I_sat, d_I_sat) # print('iv = {}: \n' # '\t v_f = {:.3g} +- {:.1g} \n' # '\t T_e = {:.3g} +- {:.1g} \n' # '\t I_sat = {:.3g} +- {:.1g} \n' # '\t n_e = {:.3g} +- {:.1g} \n' # '\t a = {:.3g} +- {:.1g} \n' # '\t c_s = {:.3g} +- {:.1g} \n' # '\t A_coll = {:.3g} +- {:.1g} \n' # .format(i, v_f, d_v_f, T_e, d_T_e, I_sat, d_I_sat, n_e, # d_n_e, a, d_a, c_s, d_c_s, A_coll_0, d_A_coll)) measured_vals[i] = [v_f, d_v_f, T_e, d_T_e, I_sat, d_I_sat, n_e, d_n_e, a, d_a, c_s, d_c_s, A_coll_0, d_A_coll] measured_vals = np.array(measured_vals) plt.figure() for i, iv in enumerate(ivs): plt.plot(iv[0], iv[1], label=trim_upper[i]) plt.xlabel('Voltage (V)') plt.ylabel('Current (A)') plt.legend() plt.figure() plt.errorbar(trim_upper, measured_vals[:, 2], yerr=measured_vals[:, 3]) plt.xlabel('Upper_trim percentage') plt.ylabel('Measured Temperature (eV)') plt.figure() plt.errorbar(trim_upper, measured_vals[:, 0], yerr=measured_vals[:, 1]) plt.xlabel('Upper_trim percentage') plt.ylabel('Measured Floating potential (V)') plt.figure() plt.errorbar(trim_upper, measured_vals[:, 6], yerr=measured_vals[:, 7]) plt.xlabel('Upper_trim percentage') plt.ylabel(r'Measured density (m$^{-3}$)')
def multifit_trim_filter_analysis(probe_0, folder, file): # noinspection PyTypeChecker fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, sharey=True) fitter = f.FullIVFitter() for i, freq in enumerate([None, 4000]): magopter = Magopter(folder, file, ts_filename=ts_file) magopter.prepare(down_sampling_rate=1, roi_b_plasma=True, crit_freq=freq, crit_ampl=None) index = int(0.5 * len(magopter.iv_arrs[0])) iv_data = magopter.iv_arrs[0][index] fitdata = iv_data.multi_fit(iv_fitter=fitter) iv_data.trim_beg = 0.01 iv_data.trim_end = 0.45 fitdata_1 = iv_data.multi_fit(iv_fitter=fitter) print('{}:{}'.format(iv_data.trim_beg, iv_data.trim_end)) fitdata_1.print_fit_params() # fitdata_1_fvf = iv_data.multi_fit(plot_fl=False, fix_vf_fl=True) untrimmed_x = iv_data[c.POTENTIAL] untrimmed_y = iv_data[c.CURRENT] custom_params = [1.08, 0.006, 4.30, -15.1] # Plot the raw signal and the untrimmed fit[i]) plt.title('Critical Frequency is {}'.format('{}Hz'.format(freq) if freq is not None else 'not set')) plt.errorbar(untrimmed_x, untrimmed_y, fmt='.', yerr=iv_data[c.SIGMA], label='Raw', color='silver', zorder=-1) plt.plot(untrimmed_x, fitdata.fit_function(untrimmed_x), label='Fit - No Trim', color='green', zorder=10) # Plot the comparion between fixed vf and free vf plt.plot(untrimmed_x, fitdata_1.fit_function(untrimmed_x), color='red', linewidth=1, label=r'T_e = {:.3g}, $\chi^2$ = {:.3g}'.format(fitdata_1.get_temp().value, fitdata_1.reduced_chi2)) plt.axvline(x=np.max(fitdata_1.raw_x), label='Trim Min/Max', color='red', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1) plt.axvline(x=np.min(fitdata_1.raw_x), color='red', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1) # plt.plot(untrimmed_x, fitdata_1_fvf.fit_function(untrimmed_x), label=r'Fixed $V_f$ Fit - {}:{}' # .format(iv_data.trim_end, iv_data.trim_beg), color='red', linestyle='-.') # # Plot the raw signal and the untrimmed fit # plt.figure() # plt.errorbar(untrimmed_x, untrimmed_y, fmt='.', yerr=iv_data[c.SIGMA], label='Raw', color='silver', zorder=-1) # plt.plot(untrimmed_x, fitdata.fit_function(untrimmed_x), label='Fit - No Trim', color='green') # Trim and plot again iv_data.trim_beg = -0.05 iv_data.trim_end = 0.45 fitdata_2 = iv_data.multi_fit(iv_fitter=fitter) print('{}:{}'.format(iv_data.trim_beg, iv_data.trim_end)) fitdata_2.print_fit_params() # fitdata_2_fvf = iv_data.multi_fit(fix_vf_fl=True) plt.plot(untrimmed_x, fitdata_2.fit_function(untrimmed_x), color='blue', linewidth=1, label=r'T_e = {:.3g}, $\chi^2$ = {:.3g}'.format(fitdata_2.get_temp().value, fitdata_2.reduced_chi2)) plt.axvline(x=np.max(fitdata_2.raw_x), label='Trim Min/Max', color='blue', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1) plt.axvline(x=np.min(fitdata_2.raw_x), color='blue', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1) # plt.plot(untrimmed_x, fitdata_0160_fvf.fit_function(untrimmed_x), label=r'Fixed $V_f$ Fit - {}:{}' # .format(iv_data.trim_end, iv_data.trim_beg), color='blue', linestyle='-.') # Trim and plot again iv_data.trim_beg = -0.1 iv_data.trim_end = 0.45 fitdata_3 = iv_data.multi_fit(iv_fitter=fitter) print('{}:{}'.format(iv_data.trim_beg, iv_data.trim_end)) fitdata_3.print_fit_params() # fitdata_3_fvf = iv_data.multi_fit(fix_vf_fl=True) plt.plot(untrimmed_x, fitdata_3.fit_function(untrimmed_x), color='orange', linewidth=1, label=r'T_e = {:.3g}, $\chi^2$ = {:.3g}'.format(fitdata_3.get_temp().value, fitdata_3.reduced_chi2)) plt.axvline(x=np.max(fitdata_3.raw_x), label='Trim Min/Max', color='orange', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1) plt.axvline(x=np.min(fitdata_3.raw_x), color='orange', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1) # Plot the custom fit and an axis line through 0 # plt.plot(untrimmed_x, f.FullIVFitter().fit_function(untrimmed_x, *custom_params), label='Custom Fit {}' # .format(', '.join([str(i) for i in custom_params]))) plt.axhline(color='black', linewidth=1) plt.ylim(-1.1, 1.6) plt.xlabel('Voltage (V)') plt.ylabel('Current (A)') plt.legend()
def deeper_iv_analysis(probe_0, folder, file, plot_comparison_fl=False, plot_timeline_fl=False): magopter = Magopter(folder, file, ts_filename=ts_file) dsr = 1 magopter.prepare(down_sampling_rate=dsr, roi_b_plasma=True, plot_fl=False, crit_freq=None, crit_ampl=None) print('0: {}, 1: {}'.format(len(magopter.iv_arrs[0]), len(magopter.iv_arrs[1]))) index = int(0.5 * len(magopter.iv_arrs[0])) if plot_timeline_fl: magopter.quick_plot(coax=0, index=index) magopter.iv_arrs[0] = magopter.iv_arrs[0][index:index + 3] magopter.iv_arrs[1] = [] # magopter.trim(trim_beg=0.05, trim_end=0.7) fit_df_0, fit_df_1 = if magopter.ts_temp is not None: temps = [np.max(temp) / flopter.core.constants.ELEM_CHARGE for temp in magopter.ts_temp[mag.DATA]] denss = [np.max(dens) for dens in magopter.ts_dens[mag.DATA]] T_e_ts = np.mean(temps) d_T_e_ts = np.std(temps) / np.sqrt(len(temps)) n_e_ts = np.mean(denss) d_n_e_ts = np.std(denss) / np.sqrt(len(denss)) else: T_e_ts = 1.61 d_T_e_ts = 0.01 n_e_ts = 1.4e20 d_n_e_ts = 0.1e20 count = fit_df_0[c.ELEC_TEMP].count() positions = [0.1, 0.5, 0.7] iv_indices = [int(pos * count) for pos in positions] iv_datas = [fit_df_0.iloc[[iv_index]] for iv_index in iv_indices] print('count={}, 0={}, 1={}, 2={}'.format(count, *iv_indices)) alpha = 9.95 theta_perp = np.radians(alpha) d_theta_perp = np.radians(0.8) A_coll_0 = probe_0.get_collection_area(theta_perp) d_A_coll = np.abs(probe_0.get_collection_area(theta_perp + d_theta_perp) - A_coll_0) # deg_freedom = 2 # gamma_i = (deg_freedom + 2) / 2 gamma_i = 1 c_s = np.sqrt((flopter.core.constants.ELEM_CHARGE * (fit_df_0[c.ELEC_TEMP] + gamma_i * fit_df_0[c.ELEC_TEMP])) / flopter.core.constants.PROTON_MASS) d_c_s = np.abs((c_s * fit_df_0[c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.ELEC_TEMP)]) / (2 * fit_df_0[c.ELEC_TEMP])) n_e = fit_df_0[c.ION_SAT] / (flopter.core.constants.ELEM_CHARGE * c_s * A_coll_0) d_n_e = np.abs(n_e) * np.sqrt((d_c_s / c_s) ** 2 + (d_A_coll / A_coll_0) ** 2 + ( fit_df_0[c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.ION_SAT)] / fit_df_0[c.ION_SAT]) ** 2) ################################################## # Time line of IVs in shot # ################################################## if plot_timeline_fl: plt.figure() plt.errorbar(fit_df_0.index, n_e, yerr=d_n_e, fmt='x', color='silver', label=r'$\alpha$ = {}'.format(alpha)) plt.axhline(y=n_e_ts, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, color='m', label='TS') plt.axhline(y=n_e_ts + d_n_e_ts, linestyle='dotted', linewidth=0.5, color='m') plt.axhline(y=n_e_ts - d_n_e_ts, linestyle='dotted', linewidth=0.5, color='m') for i, colour in enumerate(['r', 'b', 'g']): plt.axvline(x=iv_datas[i].index, color=colour) plt.ylabel(r'Density (m$^{-3}$)') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.legend() plt.figure() plt.errorbar(fit_df_0.index, fit_df_0[c.ELEC_TEMP], yerr=fit_df_0[c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.ELEC_TEMP)], fmt='x', color='silver', label=r'$\alpha$ = {}'.format(alpha)) plt.axhline(y=T_e_ts, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, color='m', label='TS') plt.axhline(y=T_e_ts + d_T_e_ts, linestyle='dotted', linewidth=0.5, color='m') plt.axhline(y=T_e_ts - d_T_e_ts, linestyle='dotted', linewidth=0.5, color='m') for i, colour in enumerate(['r', 'b', 'g']): plt.axvline(x=iv_datas[i].index, color=colour) plt.ylabel(r'Temperature (eV)') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.legend() ################################################## # Examination of 3 different IVs # ################################################## for i, iv_data in enumerate(iv_datas): # Extract individual values from dataframe v_f_fitted = iv_data[c.FLOAT_POT].values[0] T_e_fitted = iv_data[c.ELEC_TEMP].values[0] a_fitted = iv_data[c.SHEATH_EXP].values[0] I_sat_fitted = iv_data[c.ION_SAT].values[0] d_v_f_fitted = iv_data[c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.FLOAT_POT)].values[0] d_T_e_fitted = iv_data[c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.ELEC_TEMP)].values[0] d_a_fitted = iv_data[c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.SHEATH_EXP)].values[0] d_I_sat_fitted = iv_data[c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.ION_SAT)].values[0] v_f_approx = - 3 * T_e_fitted d_v_f_approx = 0.05 * v_f_approx c_s_fitted = lp.sound_speed(T_e_fitted, gamma_i=1) d_c_s_fitted = lp.d_sound_speed(c_s_fitted, T_e_fitted, d_T_e_fitted) n_e_fitted = lp.electron_density(I_sat_fitted, c_s_fitted, A_coll_0) d_n_e_fitted = lp.d_electron_density(n_e_fitted, c_s_fitted, d_c_s_fitted, A_coll_0, d_A_coll, I_sat_fitted, d_I_sat_fitted) print('iv = {}: \n' '\t v_f = {:.3g} +- {:.1g} \n' '\t T_e = {:.3g} +- {:.1g} \n' '\t I_sat = {:.3g} +- {:.1g} \n' '\t n_e = {:.3g} +- {:.1g} \n' '\t a = {:.3g} +- {:.1g} \n' '\t c_s = {:.3g} +- {:.1g} \n' '\t A_coll = {:.3g} +- {:.1g} \n' .format(i, v_f_fitted, d_v_f_fitted, T_e_fitted, d_T_e_fitted, I_sat_fitted, d_I_sat_fitted, n_e_fitted, d_n_e_fitted, a_fitted, d_a_fitted, c_s_fitted, d_c_s_fitted, A_coll_0, d_A_coll)) I_f = probe_0.get_analytical_iv(iv_data[c.RAW_X].tolist()[0], v_f_fitted, theta_perp, T_e_fitted, n_e_fitted, print_fl=True) I_ts = probe_0.get_analytical_iv(iv_data[c.RAW_X].tolist()[0], v_f_approx, theta_perp, T_e_ts, n_e_ts, print_fl=True) plt.figure() plt.errorbar(iv_data[c.RAW_X].tolist()[0], iv_data[c.RAW_Y].tolist()[0], yerr=iv_data[c.SIGMA].tolist()[0], fmt='x', label='Raw IV', ecolor='silver', color='silver', zorder=-1) # plt.plot(iv_data[c.RAW_X].tolist()[0], I_f, label='Analytical - measured', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, color='r') plt.plot(iv_data[c.RAW_X].tolist()[0], I_ts, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, color='m', label='Analytical from TS - ({:.2g}eV, {:.2g}m'.format(T_e_ts, n_e_ts)+'$^{-3}$)') plt.plot(iv_data[c.RAW_X].tolist()[0], iv_data[c.FIT_Y].tolist()[0], color='orange', label='Fit - ({:.2g}eV, {:.2g}m'.format(T_e_fitted, n_e_fitted)+r'$^{-3}$)') plt.legend() # plt.title('Comparison of analytical to measured IV curves for the small area probe') plt.xlabel('Voltage (V)') plt.ylabel('Current (A)') plt.ylim([-0.35, 1.55]) ################################################## # Comparison of Parameter Scales # ################################################## if plot_comparison_fl: plt.figure() for alpha in [2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10]: theta_perp = np.radians(alpha) d_theta_perp = np.radians(0.1) A_coll_0 = probe_0.get_collection_area(theta_perp) d_A_coll = np.abs(probe_0.get_collection_area(theta_perp + d_theta_perp) - A_coll_0) # deg_freedom = 2 # gamma_i = (deg_freedom + 2) / 2 gamma_i = 1 c_s = lp.sound_speed(fit_df_0[c.ELEC_TEMP]) d_c_s = lp.d_sound_speed(c_s, fit_df_0[c.ELEC_TEMP], fit_df_0[c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.ELEC_TEMP)]) # n_e = fit_df_0[c.ION_SAT] / (nrm.ELEM_CHARGE * c_s * A_coll_0) n_e = lp.electron_density(fit_df_0[c.ION_SAT], c_s, A_coll_0) d_n_e = lp.d_electron_density(n_e, c_s, d_c_s, A_coll_0, d_A_coll, fit_df_0[c.ION_SAT], fit_df_0[c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.ION_SAT)]) plt.errorbar(fit_df_0.index, n_e, yerr=d_n_e, fmt='x', label=r'$\alpha$ = {}'.format(alpha)) plt.axhline(y=n_e_ts, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, color='red', label='TS') plt.axhline(y=n_e_ts + d_n_e_ts, linestyle='dotted', linewidth=0.5, color='red') plt.axhline(y=n_e_ts - d_n_e_ts, linestyle='dotted', linewidth=0.5, color='red') plt.ylabel(r'Density (m$^{-3}$)') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.legend() plt.figure() for I_sat_scale in [0.5, 1.0, 2.5]: theta_perp = np.radians(9.95) d_theta_perp = np.radians(0.1) A_coll_0 = probe_0.get_collection_area(theta_perp) d_A_coll = np.abs(probe_0.get_collection_area(theta_perp + d_theta_perp) - A_coll_0) deg_freedom = 2 gamma_i = (deg_freedom + 2) / 2 # gamma_i = 1 c_s = np.sqrt((flopter.core.constants.ELEM_CHARGE * (fit_df_0[c.ELEC_TEMP] + gamma_i * fit_df_0[c.ELEC_TEMP])) / flopter.core.constants.PROTON_MASS) d_c_s = np.abs((c_s * fit_df_0[c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.ELEC_TEMP)]) / (2 * fit_df_0[c.ELEC_TEMP])) I_sat = fit_df_0[c.ION_SAT] * I_sat_scale d_I_sat = fit_df_0[c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.ION_SAT)] * I_sat_scale n_e = I_sat / (flopter.core.constants.ELEM_CHARGE * c_s * A_coll_0) d_n_e = np.abs(n_e) * np.sqrt((d_c_s / c_s)**2 + (d_A_coll / A_coll_0)**2 + (d_I_sat / I_sat)**2) plt.errorbar(fit_df_0.index, n_e, yerr=d_n_e, fmt='x', label=r'$Scale$ = {}'.format(I_sat_scale)) plt.axhline(y=n_e_ts, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, color='red', label='TS') plt.axhline(y=n_e_ts + d_n_e_ts, linestyle='dotted', linewidth=0.5, color='red') plt.axhline(y=n_e_ts - d_n_e_ts, linestyle='dotted', linewidth=0.5, color='red') plt.ylabel(r'Density (m$^{-3}$)') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.legend()
def ts_ir_comparison(probe_0, probe_1, folder, file, ts_file): dsr = 5 m_ir = Magopter(folder, file) m_ir.prepare(down_sampling_rate=dsr) m_ir.trim(trim_end=0.83) fit_ir_df_0, fit_ir_df_1 = m_ts = Magopter(folder, ts_file) m_ts.prepare(down_sampling_rate=dsr) m_ts.trim(trim_end=0.83) fit_ts_df_0, fit_ts_df_1 = tarpos_t_ir = np.array(m_ir.magnum_data[mag.TARGET_POS][0]) tarpos_x_ir = m_ir.magnum_data[mag.TARGET_POS][1] tarpos_func_ir = interp1d(tarpos_t_ir, tarpos_x_ir) tarpos_t_ts = np.array(m_ts.magnum_data[mag.TARGET_POS][0]) tarpos_x_ts = m_ts.magnum_data[mag.TARGET_POS][1] tarpos_func_ts = interp1d(tarpos_t_ts, tarpos_x_ts) theta_perp = np.radians(10) A_coll_0 = probe_0.get_collection_area(theta_perp) A_coll_1 = probe_1.get_collection_area(theta_perp) if m_ts.ts_temp is not None: T_e = np.mean([np.max(temp) for temp in m_ts.ts_temp[mag.DATA]]) / flopter.core.constants.ELEM_CHARGE n_e = np.mean([np.max(dens) for dens in m_ts.ts_dens[mag.DATA]]) print('T = {}, n = {}'.format(T_e, n_e)) else: T_e = 1.61 n_e = 1.41e20 fwhm = 12.4 plt.figure() ax1 = plt.subplot(211) plt.title('Small Probe Electron Temperature Measurements') plt.ylabel(r'$T_e$ (eV)') plt.errorbar(fit_ir_df_0.index, c.ELEC_TEMP, yerr=c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.ELEC_TEMP), data=fit_ir_df_0, fmt='x', label='IR position') plt.errorbar(fit_ts_df_0.index, c.ELEC_TEMP, yerr=c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.ELEC_TEMP), data=fit_ts_df_0, fmt='x', label='TS position') plt.axhline(y=T_e, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, color='gray', label='TS') plt.legend() plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) deg_freedom = 3 gamma_i = (deg_freedom + 2) / 2 c_s = np.sqrt((flopter.core.constants.ELEM_CHARGE * (T_e + gamma_i * T_e)) / flopter.core.constants.PROTON_MASS) n_e_ir = fit_ir_df_0[c.ION_SAT] / (flopter.core.constants.ELEM_CHARGE * c_s * A_coll_0) n_e_ts = fit_ts_df_0[c.ION_SAT] / (flopter.core.constants.ELEM_CHARGE * c_s * A_coll_1) ax2 = plt.subplot(212, sharex=ax1) plt.title('Electron Density Measurements') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel(r'$n_e$ (m$^{-3}$)') plt.plot(fit_ir_df_0.index, n_e_ir, 'x', label='IR position') plt.plot(fit_ts_df_0.index, n_e_ts, 'x', label='TS position') plt.axhline(y=n_e, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, color='gray', label='TS') plt.legend() # plt.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) fitter = f.ExponentialFitter() fitdata_ir =, n_e_ir) fitdata_ts =, n_e_ts) plt.figure() plt.plot(tarpos_func_ir(fit_ir_df_0.index), n_e_ir, 'kx', label='Infrared') plt.plot(tarpos_func_ts(fit_ts_df_0.index), n_e_ts, 'mx', label='Thomson') plt.plot(2.93e-3, n_e, 'bx', label='TS Result') fitdata_ir.plot(show_fl=False) fitdata_ts.plot(show_fl=False) plt.xlabel('Target position (m)') plt.ylabel(r'Density (m$^{-3}$)') plt.legend() plt.figure() plt.semilogy(tarpos_func_ir(fit_ir_df_0.index), n_e_ir, 'kx', label='Infrared') plt.semilogy(tarpos_func_ts(fit_ts_df_0.index), n_e_ts, 'mx', label='Thomson') plt.plot(2.93e-3, n_e, 'bx', label='TS Result') plt.xlabel('Target position (m)') plt.ylabel(r'Density (m$^{-3}$)') plt.legend()
def integrated_analysis(probe_coax_0, probe_coax_1, folder, file, ts_file=None): magopter = Magopter(folder, file, ts_filename=ts_file) dsr = 1 magopter.prepare(down_sampling_rate=dsr, roi_b_plasma=True, crit_freq=4000, crit_ampl=None) # magopter.trim(trim_end=0.83) fit_df_0, fit_df_1 = theta_perp = np.radians(10) A_coll_0 = probe_coax_0.get_collection_area(theta_perp) A_coll_1 = probe_coax_1.get_collection_area(theta_perp) if magopter.ts_temp is not None: temps = [np.max(temp) / flopter.core.constants.ELEM_CHARGE for temp in magopter.ts_temp[mag.DATA]] denss = [np.max(dens) for dens in magopter.ts_dens[mag.DATA]] T_e = np.mean(temps) d_T_e = np.std(temps) / np.sqrt(len(temps)) n_e = np.mean(denss) d_n_e = np.std(denss) / np.sqrt(len(denss)) print('T = {}+-{}, n = {}+-{}'.format(T_e, d_T_e, n_e, d_n_e)) else: T_e = 1.61 d_T_e = 0.01 n_e = 1.41e20 d_n_e = 0.01e20 fwhm = 12.4 # t_0 = -0.35 t_0 = 0 target_pos_t, target_pos_x = magopter.magnum_data[mag.TARGET_POS] # target_pos_t, target_pos_x = magopter.magnum_db.pad_continuous_variable(magopter.magnum_data[mag.TARGET_POS]) target_pos_t = np.array(target_pos_t) target_voltage_t = np.array(magopter.magnum_data[mag.TARGET_VOLTAGE][0]) target_voltage_x = np.array(magopter.magnum_data[mag.TARGET_VOLTAGE][1]) deg_freedom = 2 # gamma_i = (deg_freedom + 2) / 2 gamma_i = 1 c_s_0 = np.sqrt((flopter.core.constants.ELEM_CHARGE * (fit_df_0[c.ELEC_TEMP] + gamma_i * fit_df_0[c.ELEC_TEMP])) / flopter.core.constants.PROTON_MASS) c_s_1 = np.sqrt((flopter.core.constants.ELEM_CHARGE * (fit_df_1[c.ELEC_TEMP] + gamma_i * fit_df_1[c.ELEC_TEMP])) / flopter.core.constants.PROTON_MASS) n_e_0 = fit_df_0[c.ION_SAT] / (flopter.core.constants.ELEM_CHARGE * c_s_0 * A_coll_0) n_e_1 = fit_df_1[c.ION_SAT] / (flopter.core.constants.ELEM_CHARGE * c_s_1 * A_coll_1) I_sat_0 = c_s_0 * n_e * flopter.core.constants.ELEM_CHARGE * A_coll_0 I_sat_1 = c_s_1 * n_e * flopter.core.constants.ELEM_CHARGE * A_coll_1 J_sat_0 = fit_df_0[c.ION_SAT] / A_coll_0 J_sat_1 = fit_df_1[c.ION_SAT] / A_coll_1 plt.figure() ax1 = plt.subplot(211) plt.title('Electron Temperature Measurements') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel(r'$T_e$ (eV)') plt.errorbar(fit_df_0.index, c.ELEC_TEMP, yerr=c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.ELEC_TEMP), data=fit_df_0, fmt='x', label='Half area') plt.errorbar(fit_df_1.index, c.ELEC_TEMP, yerr=c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.ELEC_TEMP), data=fit_df_1, fmt='x', label='Cylinder area') plt.axhline(y=T_e, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, color='gray', label='TS') plt.axhline(y=T_e + d_T_e, linestyle='dotted', linewidth=0.5, color='gray') plt.axhline(y=T_e - d_T_e, linestyle='dotted', linewidth=0.5, color='gray') plt.legend() plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax2 = plt.subplot(212, sharex=ax1) plt.title('Electron Density Measurements') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel(r'$n_e$ (m$^{-3}$)') plt.plot(fit_df_0.index, n_e_0, 'x', label='Half Area') plt.plot(fit_df_1.index, n_e_1, 'x', label='Cylinder Area') plt.axhline(y=n_e, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, color='gray', label='TS') plt.legend() plt.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) for ax in [ax1, ax2]: ax3 = ax.twinx() # for i in range(np.shape(magopter.magnum_data[mag.BEAM_DUMP_DOWN])[1]): # if magopter.magnum_data[mag.BEAM_DUMP_DOWN][1][i]: # plt.axvline(x=magopter.magnum_data[mag.BEAM_DUMP_DOWN][0][i], color='r', linestyle='--', linewidth=1) # if magopter.magnum_data[mag.BEAM_DUMP_UP][1][i]: # plt.axvline(x=magopter.magnum_data[mag.BEAM_DUMP_UP][0][i], color='b', linestyle='--', linewidth=1) for j in range(np.shape(magopter.magnum_data[mag.PLASMA_STATE])[1]): plt.axvline(x=magopter.magnum_data[mag.PLASMA_STATE][0][j], color='g', linestyle='--', linewidth=1) # for k in range(np.shape(magopter.magnum_data[mag.TRIGGER_START])[1]): # plt.axvline(x=magopter.magnum_data[mag.TRIGGER_START][0][k], color='b', linestyle='--', linewidth=1) # print(magopter.magnum_data[mag.TRIGGER_START][0][k]) if magopter.ts_temp is not None: for k in range(len(magopter.ts_temp[0])): if k == 0: plt.axvline(x=magopter.ts_temp[0][k], color='m', linestyle='--', linewidth=1, label='TS') else: plt.axvline(x=magopter.ts_temp[0][k], color='m', linestyle='--', linewidth=1) # plt.plot(target_pos_t, target_pos_x, color='k', label='Target Position') # plt.axvline(x=0, color='k', linewidth=1, linestyle='-.') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.legend() ######################################### # Whole IV plot # ######################################### fig, ax = plt.subplots() max_currents = [[], []] for iv_curve in magopter.iv_arrs[0]: plt.plot(iv_curve[c.TIME], -iv_curve[c.CURRENT]) # plt.plot(iv_curve.time, iv_curve.voltage) max_current = np.max(iv_curve[c.CURRENT]) max_currents[1].append(np.max(iv_curve[c.CURRENT])) max_currents[0].append(iv_curve[c.TIME][list(iv_curve[c.CURRENT]).index(max_current)]) ax1 = ax.twinx() plt.plot(target_pos_t, target_pos_x, color='k', label='Target Position') # plt.plot(target_voltage_t,target_voltage_x, color='m', label='Target Voltage') for arc in magopter.arcs: plt.axvline(x=arc, color='r', linewidth=1, linestyle='-.') iv_data = fit_df_0.iloc[[10]] plt.axvline(x=iv_data.index, color='gray', linestyle='--') ######################################### # Analytical IV Comparison # ######################################### plt.figure() plt.plot(iv_data[c.RAW_X].tolist()[0], iv_data[c.RAW_Y].tolist()[0], 'x', label='Raw IV') plt.plot(iv_data[c.RAW_X].tolist()[0], iv_data[c.FIT_Y].tolist()[0], label='Fit IV') v_f_fitted = iv_data[c.FLOAT_POT].values[0] n_e_fitted = n_e_0.iloc[[10]].values[0] I_s = probe_coax_0.get_analytical_iv(iv_data[c.RAW_X].tolist()[0], v_f_fitted, theta_perp, T_e, n_e) I_s_shifted = probe_coax_0.get_analytical_iv(iv_data[c.RAW_X].tolist()[0], v_f_fitted, theta_perp, T_e, n_e_fitted) plt.plot(iv_data[c.RAW_X].tolist()[0], I_s, label='Analytical 1', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, color='r') plt.plot(iv_data[c.RAW_X].tolist()[0], I_s_shifted, label='Analytical 2', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, color='g') plt.legend() plt.title('Comparison of analytical to measured IV curves for the small area probe') plt.xlabel('Voltage (V)') plt.ylabel('Current (A)') ######################################### # target_pos sweep # ######################################### plt.figure() ax1 = plt.subplot(211) plt.title('Smoothed Max Current') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel(r'$I^+_{sat}$ (eV)') plt.plot(max_currents[0], sig.savgol_filter(max_currents[1], 51, 2), 'xk', label='Max current') # plt.axhline(y=I_sat_0, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, color='r', label='Expected I_sat (s)') # ax2 = ax1.twinx() # for t_0 in np.linspace(-3, 1, 11): plt.plot(target_pos_t, target_pos_x + 1, label='Target Position') plt.axvline(x=0, color='k', linewidth=1, linestyle='-.') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.legend() # plt.subplot(312) # plt.plot(max_currents[0], np.gradient(sig.savgol_filter(max_currents[1], 51, 2)), 'xk', label='Max current') # plt.plot(target_pos_t, np.gradient(target_pos_x + 1), label='t_0 = {:.1f}'.format(t_0)) plt.subplot(212) # matching_times = [] # for t in (target_pos_t): # matching_times.append(min(abs(t - fit_df_0.index))) target_pos_func = interp1d(target_pos_t, target_pos_x) lo = min(target_pos_t) hi = max(target_pos_t) # t_range = np.linspace(lo, hi, len(fit_df_0[c.ION_SAT])) plt.plot(target_pos_func(max_currents[0]), max_currents[1], 'kx') plt.xlabel('Target position (m)') plt.ylabel('Ion saturation current (A)') plt.legend() ############################## # density vs target pos. plt.figure() ax1 = plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(fit_df_0.index, n_e_0, 'kx') plt.ylabel(r'Density (m$^{-3}$)') plt.axhline(y=n_e, color='gray', linestyle='--', linewidth=2) ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.plot(target_pos_t, target_pos_x, color='r') ax2.tick_params('y', colors='r') ax2.set_ylabel('Target position', color='r') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.subplot(212) # densities = np.array(max_currents[1]) / (nrm.ELEM_CHARGE * c_s * A_coll_0) # plt.plot(target_pos_func(max_currents[0]), densities, 'kx') plt.plot(target_pos_func(fit_df_0.index), n_e_0, 'kx', label='Measured') plt.plot(2.93e-3, n_e, 'bx', label='TS Result') plt.xlabel('Target position (m)') plt.ylabel(r'Density (m$^{-3}$)') plt.legend()
def main_magopter_analysis(): folders = ['2018-05-01_Leland/', '2018-05-02_Leland/', '2018-05-03_Leland/', '2018-06-05_Leland/', '2018-06-06_Leland/', '2018-06-07_Leland/'] files = [] file_folders = [] for folder1 in folders: os.chdir(Magopter.get_data_path() + folder1) files.extend(glob.glob('*.adc')) file_folders.extend([folder1] * len(glob.glob('*.adc'))) # files = [f.replace(' ', '_') for f in files] files.sort() # file = '2018-05-01_12h_55m_47s_TT_06550564404491814477.adc' # 8 # file = '2018-05-03_11h_31m_41s_TT_06551284859908422561.adc' # 82 files_of_interest = { 8: "First analysed", 82: "Higher Temp", 97: "Angular Sweep with different probes" } file_index = 82 # file = files[file_index] file = files[-2] ts_file = files[-1] folder = file_folders[-2] print(folder, file) print(flopter.magnum.database.human_time_str(adc.get_magnumdb_timestamp(ts_file))) print(ts_file) magopter = Magopter(folder, ts_file) # print(file, magopter.magnum_db.get_time_range(filename=file)) # plt.figure() # plt.errorbar(magopter.ts_coords, magopter.ts_temp, yerr=magopter.ts_temp_d, label='Temperature') # exit() # length = len(magopter.t_file) # for i in range(1, 20): # split = int(length / i) # plt.figure() # plt.title('i = {}'.format(i)) # plt.log # for j in range(i): # plt.semilogy(magopter.t_file[j*split:j+1*split], label='j = {}'.format(j)) # dsr = 10 magopter.prepare(down_sampling_rate=dsr, plot_fl=True) # magopter.trim(trim_end=0.82) magopter.trim(trim_end=0.83) fit_df_0, fit_df_1 = iv_data = fit_df_0.iloc[[125]] plt.figure() for iv_curve in magopter.iv_arrs[0]: plt.plot(iv_curve.time, iv_curve.current) plt.axvline(x=iv_data.index) # Flush probe measurements L_small = 3e-3 # m a_small = 2e-3 # m b_small = 3e-3 # m g_small = 2e-3 # m theta_f_small = np.radians(72) L_large = 5e-3 # m a_large = 4.5e-3 # m b_large = 6e-3 # m g_large = 1e-3 # m theta_f_large = np.radians(73.3) L_reg = 5e-3 # m a_reg = 2e-3 # m b_reg = 3.34e-3 # m g_reg = 1e-3 # m theta_f_reg = np.radians(75) L_cyl = 4e-3 # m g_cyl = 5e-4 # m # T_e = 1.78 # eV # n_e = 5.1e19 # m^-3 # fwhm = 14.3 # mm # T_e = 0.67 # eV # n_e = 2.3e19 # m^-3 # fwhm = 16 # mm # T_e = 1.68 # n_e = 1.93e19 # fwhm = 16.8 # T_e = 0.75 # n_e = 1.3e20 # fwhm = 16.8 # T_e = 0.76 # n_e = 1.0e20 # fwhm = 16.8 T_e = 1.61 n_e = 1.41e20 fwhm = 12.4 deg_freedom = 3 gamma_i = (deg_freedom + 2) / 2 d_perp = 3e-4 # m theta_p = np.radians(10) theta_perp = np.radians(10) probe_s = lp.AngledTipProbe(a_small, b_small, L_small, g_small, d_perp, theta_f_small, theta_p) probe_l = lp.AngledTipProbe(a_large, b_large, L_large, g_large, d_perp, theta_f_large, theta_p) probe_r = lp.AngledTipProbe(a_reg, b_reg, L_reg, g_reg, d_perp, theta_f_reg, theta_p) probe_c = lp.FlushCylindricalProbe(L_cyl / 2, g_cyl, d_perp) A_coll_s = lp.calc_probe_collection_area(a_small, b_small, L_small, g_small, d_perp, theta_perp, theta_p, print_fl=False) A_coll_l = lp.calc_probe_collection_area(a_large, b_large, L_large, g_large, d_perp, theta_perp, theta_p, print_fl=False) A_coll_r = lp.calc_probe_collection_area(a_reg, b_reg, L_reg, g_reg, d_perp, theta_perp, theta_p, print_fl=False) A_coll_c = probe_c.get_collection_area(theta_perp) print('Small area: {}, Large area: {}, Regular area: {}, Cylindrical area: {}'.format(A_coll_s, A_coll_l, A_coll_r, A_coll_c)) # Plotting analytical IV over the top of the raw IVs print(fit_df_0) plt.figure() # for iv_curve in magopter.iv_arr_coax_0: # plt.plot(iv_curve.voltage, iv_curve.current) plt.plot(iv_data[c.RAW_X].tolist()[0], iv_data[c.RAW_Y].tolist()[0], 'x', label='Raw IV') plt.plot(iv_data[c.RAW_X].tolist()[0], iv_data[c.FIT_Y].tolist()[0], label='Fit IV') iv_v_f = -10 I_s = lp.analytical_iv_curve(iv_data[c.RAW_X].tolist()[0], iv_v_f, T_e, n_e, theta_perp, A_coll_s, L=L_small, g=g_small) I_c = lp.analytical_iv_curve(iv_data[c.RAW_X].tolist()[0], iv_v_f, T_e, n_e, theta_perp, A_coll_c, L=L_small, g=g_small) plt.plot(iv_data[c.RAW_X].tolist()[0], I_s, label='Analytical', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, color='r') # plt.plot(iv_data[c.RAW_X].tolist()[0], I_c, label='Analytical (c)', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, color='g') plt.legend() plt.title('Comparison of analytical to measured IV curves for the small area probe') plt.xlabel('Voltage (V)') plt.ylabel('Current (A)') # A_coll_s = calc_probe_collection_A_alt(a_small, b_small, L_small, theta_perp, theta_p) # A_coll_l = calc_probe_collection_A_alt(a_large, b_large, L_large, theta_perp, theta_p) # A_coll_l = (26.25 * 1e-6) * np.sin(theta_perp + theta_p) # print('Small area: {}, Large area: {}'.format(A_coll_s, A_coll_l)) c_s = np.sqrt((flopter.core.constants.ELEM_CHARGE * (T_e + gamma_i * T_e)) / flopter.core.constants.PROTON_MASS) n_e_0 = fit_df_0[c.ION_SAT] / (flopter.core.constants.ELEM_CHARGE * c_s * A_coll_s) n_e_1 = fit_df_1[c.ION_SAT] / (flopter.core.constants.ELEM_CHARGE * c_s * A_coll_c) I_sat_0 = c_s * n_e * flopter.core.constants.ELEM_CHARGE * A_coll_s I_sat_1 = c_s * n_e * flopter.core.constants.ELEM_CHARGE * A_coll_c J_sat_0 = fit_df_0[c.ION_SAT] / A_coll_s J_sat_1 = fit_df_1[c.ION_SAT] / A_coll_c plt.figure() plt.subplot(221) plt.title('Electron Temperature Measurements') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel(r'$T_e$ (eV)') plt.errorbar(fit_df_0.index, c.ELEC_TEMP, yerr=c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.ELEC_TEMP), data=fit_df_0, fmt='x', label='Half area') plt.errorbar(fit_df_1.index, c.ELEC_TEMP, yerr=c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.ELEC_TEMP), data=fit_df_1, fmt='x', label='Cylinder area') plt.axhline(y=T_e, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, color='r', label='TS') plt.legend() plt.subplot(222) plt.title('Ion Saturation Current Measurements') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel(r'$I^+_{sat}$ (eV)') plt.errorbar(fit_df_0.index, c.ION_SAT, yerr=c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.ION_SAT), data=fit_df_0, label='Half area', fmt='x') plt.errorbar(fit_df_1.index, c.ION_SAT, yerr=c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.ION_SAT), data=fit_df_1, label='Cylinder area', fmt='x') # for arc in magopter.arcs: # plt.axvline(x=arc, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, color='r') plt.axhline(y=I_sat_0, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, color='r', label='Expected I_sat (s)') plt.legend() # plt.figure() # plt.subplot(223) # plt.title('Current Density Measurements') # plt.xlabel('Time (s)') # plt.ylabel(r'$J_{sat}$ (Am$^{-2}$)') # plt.plot(fit_df_0.index, J_sat_0, label='Half area') # plt.plot(fit_df_1.index, J_sat_1, label='Cylinder area') # for arc in magopter.arcs: # plt.axvline(x=arc, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, color='r') # plt.legend() # plt.figure() plt.subplot(223) plt.title('Electron Density Measurements') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel(r'$n_e$ (m$^{-3}$)') plt.plot(fit_df_0.index, n_e_0, 'x', label='Half Area') plt.plot(fit_df_1.index, n_e_1, 'x', label='Cylinder Area') plt.axhline(y=n_e, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, color='r', label='TS') plt.legend() a_s = lp.calc_sheath_expansion_param(T_e, n_e, L_small, g_small, theta_perp) a_c = lp.calc_sheath_expansion_param(T_e, n_e, L_cyl, g_cyl, theta_perp) print(a_s, a_c) plt.subplot(224) plt.title('Sheath Expansion Coefficient Measurements') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel(r'$a$') plt.errorbar(fit_df_0.index, c.SHEATH_EXP, yerr=c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.SHEATH_EXP), data=fit_df_0, fmt='x', label='Half Area') plt.errorbar(fit_df_1.index, c.SHEATH_EXP, yerr=c.ERROR_STRING.format(c.SHEATH_EXP), data=fit_df_1, fmt='x', label='Cylinder Area') plt.axhline(y=a_s, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, color='r', label='Expected - small') plt.axhline(y=a_c, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, color='b', label='Expected - cyl') plt.legend()
del m, fit_df_0, fit_df_1, fit_param_df, T_e_ts, d_T_e_ts, n_e_ts, d_n_e_ts import gc gc.collect() def multi_file_analysis(probe_0, folder, files, save_fl=True, deallocate_fl=True): print('\nRunning multi-file analysis. Analysing {} file(s).\n'.format(len(files))) params = np.zeros([10, len(files)]) # Execute fitting and saving of files concurrently with cf.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:, [[folder, file, i] for i, file in enumerate(files)]) if __name__ == '__main__': data_path = Magopter.get_data_path() folders = next(os.walk(data_path))[1] files = [] file_folders = [] for folder1 in folders: os.chdir(Magopter.get_data_path() + folder1) files.extend(glob.glob('*.adc')) file_folders.extend([folder1] * len(glob.glob('*.adc'))) files.sort() for i, file in enumerate(files): print('{}: {}'.format(i, file)) # file = files[286] file = files[285]