Esempio n. 1
def dumpXmlBlocks(basic_blocks, filename, options):
    import clr
    from System.Xml import XmlTextWriter, Formatting
    writer = XmlTextWriter(filename, None)
    writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented
    print basic_blocks
    for entry_block in basic_blocks.values():
        for block in depthFirstSearch(entry_block):
            writeBlock(writer, block)
    for entry_block in basic_blocks.values():
        for block in depthFirstSearch(entry_block):    
            for statement in block.statements:
                writeStatementEdges(writer, statement)   
Esempio n. 2
    def generateMethodBody(self, type_builder, basic_blocks):
        # The first statement of the first basic block is the entry point
        entry_point_node = basic_blocks[0].entryPoint
            name =
            if name == 'Main':
                name = 'FNMain'
            clr_method_name = self.owl_to_clr_method_names[name]
        except KeyError:
            print self.owl_to_clr_method_names
            assert 0
        logging.debug("Creating CIL for %s", clr_method_name)
        method_builder = self.method_builders[clr_method_name]
        logging.debug("entry_point_node = %s", entry_point_node)

        # Create the visitor which holds the code generator 
        cv = CilVisitor(self, type_builder, method_builder, self.line_mapper, self.doc)
        # Declare LOCAL variables and attach load and store emitters to the symbols
        for node in depthFirstSearch(entry_point_node):
            if isinstance(node, Local):
                symbol_table = node.symbolTable
                for symbol in symbol_table.symbols.values():
                    local_builder = cv.generator.DeclareLocal(cts.symbolType(symbol))
                    local_builder.SetLocalSymInfo( # Provide symbol name for debugger
                    self.createAndAttachLocalEmitters(local_builder, symbol)
        # TODO: Declare PRIVATE variables and attach load and store emitters to the symbols
        # For each basic block (including the first, if it has an in-degree > 1)
        # define a label, and attach it to the block
        for basic_block in basic_blocks:
            basic_block.label = cv.generator.DefineLabel()
            basic_block.is_label_marked = False

        # Generate the code for blocks and statements in sequence
        for basic_block in basic_blocks:
            for statement in basic_block.statements:
                if statement.startLine and statement.startColumn and statement.endLine and statement.endColumn:
                    cv.generator.MarkSequencePoint(self.doc, statement.startLine, statement.startColumn,
                                                            statement.endLine,   statement.endColumn)
                cv.checkMark(statement) # TODO: Could push this out a level to be per block
                assert statement.block.is_label_marked
            self.transferControlToNextBlock(cv.generator, basic_block)
def inferTypeOfFunction(entry_point):
    Infer the type of the function defined at entry_point by discovering the
    type of all of the return points from the function.  If the types are
    different numeric types, promote IntegerTypes to FloatTypes.  If the types
    are a mixture of StringTypes and NumericTypes box the return value in an
    object type.
    :param entry_point: A DefineFunction AstNode at the start of a user
                        defined function.
    :returns: The infered type of the function. One of IntegerType, FloatType,
              StringType or ObjectType.  If the type of the function could not
              be inferred (possibly because other function types need inferring too)
              return PendingType.
    print "DEF ",
    return_types = set()
    for vertex in depthFirstSearch(entry_point):
        if isinstance(vertex, ReturnFromFunction):
    for type in return_types:
        print " =", type
    # If there is only one return type, set the type of the function, and exit
    if len(return_types) == 0:
        errors.warning("%s never returns at line %s" % (, entry_point.lineNum))
    elif PendingOwlType() in return_types:
         return_type = PendingOwlType()
    elif len(return_types) == 1:
        return_type = representative(return_types)
    elif reduce(operator.and_, [type.isA(NumericOwlType()) for type in return_types]):
        # TODO: Modify all function returns to cast to FloatOwlType, if necessary
        return_type = FloatOwlType()
        # TODO: Modify all function returns to box to ObjectOwlType, if necessary
        # TODO: Modify all function calls to unbox from ObjectOwlType, to what?
        return_type =  ObjectOwlType()
    entry_point.returnType = return_type
    return return_type