def test_vbr_flowfilter_audit_1(): print "****CREATE Controller with valid IP****" retval = controller.add_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "Controller Create Failed" exit(1) print """TEST 1 : create VTN and VBR FLOWFILTER when controller is down change the controller status to up trigger Audit and validate""" # Delay for AUDIT retval = controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst',"up") if retval != 0: print "controller state change failed" exit(1) print "****Create VTN****" retval = vtn_vbr.create_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) print "****Create VBR****" retval = vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrTwo','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne','VbrTwo','VbrIfTwo') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "After Create VBRIF Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrTwo','ControllerFirst', presence = 'yes', position = 1) if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrTwo','VbrIfTwo','ControllerFirst', presence = 'yes', position = 0) if retval != 0: print "After Create VBRIF Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowList Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "FlowlistEntry Create Failed" exit(1) print "****UPDATE Controller IP to invalid****" test_invalid_ipaddr= vtn_testconfig.ReadValues(CONTROLLERDATA,'ControllerFirst')['invalid_ipaddr'] retval = controller.update_controller_ex('ControllerFirst',ipaddr=test_invalid_ipaddr) if retval != 0: print "controller invalid_ip update failed" exit(1) # Delay for AUDIT retval = controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst',"down") if retval != 0: print "controller state change failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.create_flowfilter('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilter Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.create_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry Create Failed" exit(1) print "****UPDATE Controller IP to Valid****" test_controller_ipaddr= vtn_testconfig.ReadValues(CONTROLLERDATA,'ControllerFirst')['ipaddr'] retval = controller.update_controller_ex('ControllerFirst',ipaddr=test_controller_ipaddr) if retval != 0: print "controller valid_ip update failed" exit(1) # Delay for AUDIT retval = controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst',"up") if retval != 0: print "controller state change failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry Validate Failed at Co-ordinator" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'FlowfilterOne', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation Failed at Controller" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.delete_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.delete_flowfilter('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilter deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.delete_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowilistEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.delete_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "Flowilist deletete Failed" exit(1) print "****Delete VTN****" retval = vtn_vbr.delete_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "VTN Delete Failed in coordinator" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'FlowfilterOne', presence='no', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation Failed after deleting" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne','ControllerFirst',presence="no") if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) print "DELETE CONTROLLER" retval = controller.delete_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "CONTROLLER delete failed" exit(1) print "VBR->FLOWFILTER AUDIT_1 TEST SUCCESS"
def negative_vbr_flowfilter(): print "CREATE Controller" retval = controller.add_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "Controller Create Failed" exit(1) print "Negative test scenario test cases" print 'TEST 3 : VBR->FLOWFILTER TEST: Create Three VBR and VbrFlowFilterEntry with vbrone negative the VbrFlowFilterEntry to vbrthree' # Delay for AUDIT retval=controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst', "up") if retval != 0: print "Controller state check Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrTwo','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne','VbrTwo','VbrIfTwo') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "After Create VBRIF Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrTwo','ControllerFirst', presence = 'yes', position = 1) if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrTwo','VbrIfTwo','ControllerFirst', presence = 'yes', position = 0) if retval != 0: print "After Create VBRIF Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowList Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "FlowlistEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.create_flowfilter('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilter Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.create_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry Validation at Co-ordinator Failed " exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'FlowfilterOne', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation at Controller Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrThree','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne','VbrThree', 'VbrIfThree') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.update_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne', 'NegativeFlowfilter') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry at negative priority and dscp has Failed" print "Because flowfilter priority range up 63 and dscp range up to 7 its more than test was faild its showing Bad error" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne|NegativeFlowfilter', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry Negative Validate Failed at Co-ordinator" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.delete_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.delete_flowfilter('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilter deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.delete_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowilistEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.delete_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "Flowilist deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VbrTwo', 'ControllerFirst', 'FlowfilterOne', presence='no', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation Failed after deleting" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.delete_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "DELETE VTN Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne','ControllerFirst', presence='no') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) print "DELETE CONTROLLER" retval=controller.delete_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "CONTROLLER delete failed" exit(1) print "VBR->UPDATE FLOWFILTER TEST SUCCESS"
def test_vtn_flowfilter_audit_1(): print "****CREATE Controller with valid IP****" retval = controller.add_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "Controller Create Failed" exit(1) print """TEST 1 : create VTN FLOWFILTER when controller is up change the controller status to down delete VTN and VBR trigger Audit""" # Delay for AUDIT retval = controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst', "up") if retval != 0: print "controller state change failed" exit(1) print "****Create VTN****" retval = vtn_vbr.create_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) print "****Create VBR****" retval = vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne', 'VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne', 'VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.create_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowList Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.create_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "FlowlistEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.create_flowfilter('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilter Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.create_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilterEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilterEntry Validate Failed at Co-ordinator" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'VTNFlowfilterOne', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation Failed" exit(1) print "****UPDATE Controller IP to invalid****" test_invalid_ipaddr = vtn_testconfig.ReadValues( CONTROLLERDATA, 'ControllerFirst')['invalid_ipaddr'] retval = controller.update_controller_ex('ControllerFirst', ipaddr=test_invalid_ipaddr) if retval != 0: print "controller invalid_ip update failed" exit(1) # Delay for AUDIT retval = controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst', "down") if retval != 0: print "controller state change failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.delete_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilterEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.delete_flowfilter('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilter deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.delete_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowilistEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.delete_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "Flowilist deletete Failed" exit(1) print "****Delete VTN****" retval = vtn_vbr.delete_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "VTN Delete Failed in coordinator" exit(1) print "****UPDATE Controller IP to Valid****" test_controller_ipaddr = vtn_testconfig.ReadValues( CONTROLLERDATA, 'ControllerFirst')['ipaddr'] retval = controller.update_controller_ex('ControllerFirst', ipaddr=test_controller_ipaddr) if retval != 0: print "controller valid_ip update failed" exit(1) # Delay for AUDIT retval = controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst', "up") if retval != 0: print "controller state change failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'VTNFlowfilterOne', presence='no', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation Failed after deleting" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne', 'ControllerFirst', presence="no") if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) print "DELETE CONTROLLER" retval = controller.delete_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "CONTROLLER delete failed" exit(1) print "VTN->FLOWFILTER TEST SUCCESS"
def update_vbrif_flowfilter_pass_audit(): print "CREATE Controller" retval = controller.add_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "Controller Create Failed" exit(1) print "TEST 4 : VBRIF->Update AUDIT FLOWFILTER DROP TEST" # Delay for AUDIT retval=controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst', "up") if retval != 0: print "Controller state check Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrTwo','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne','VbrTwo','VbrIfTwo') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_portmap('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne'); if retval != 0: print "Portmap Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_portmap('VtnOne','VbrTwo','VbrIfTwo'); if retval != 0: print "Portmap Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "After Create VBRIF Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrTwo','ControllerFirst', presence = 'yes', position = 0) if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrTwo','VbrIfTwo','ControllerFirst', presence = 'yes', position = 0) if retval != 0: print "After Create VBRIF Validate Failed" exit(1) print "****UPDATE Controller IP to invalid****" test_invalid_ipaddr= vtn_testconfig.ReadValues(CONTROLLERDATA,'ControllerFirst')['invalid_ipaddr'] retval = controller.update_controller_ex('ControllerFirst',ipaddr=test_invalid_ipaddr) if retval != 0: print "controller invalid_ip update failed" exit(1) # Delay for AUDIT retval = controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst',"down") if retval != 0: print "controller state change failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowList Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "FlowlistEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.create_flowfilter('VtnOne|VbrOne|VbrIfOne', 'FlowfilterOnePass') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilter Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.create_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne|VbrIfOne', 'FlowfilterOnePass') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry Create Failed" exit(1) print "****UPDATE Controller IP to Valid****" test_controller_ipaddr= vtn_testconfig.ReadValues(CONTROLLERDATA,'ControllerFirst')['ipaddr'] retval = controller.update_controller_ex('ControllerFirst',ipaddr=test_controller_ipaddr) if retval != 0: print "controller valid_ip update failed" exit(1) # Delay for AUDIT retval = controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst',"up") if retval != 0: print "controller state change failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VbrOne|VbrIfOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'FlowfilterOnePass', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation at Controller Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrThree','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne','VbrThree', 'VbrIfThree') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_portmap('VtnOne','VbrThree','VbrIfThree'); if retval != 0: print "Portmap Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.update_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne|VbrIfOne', 'FlowfilterOnePass', 'UpdateFlowfilterOnePass') if retval != 0: print "VBRFIFlowFilterEntry Update Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VbrOne|VbrIfOne', 'ControllerFirst','UpdateFlowfilterOnePass', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "VBRFIFlowFilterEntry Updatation Validate Failed at Co-ordinator" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.delete_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne|VbrIfOne', 'FlowfilterOnePass') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.delete_flowfilter('VtnOne|VbrOne|VbrIfOne', 'FlowfilterOnePass') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilter deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.delete_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowilistEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.delete_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "Flowilist deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VbrOne|VbrIfOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'FlowfilterOnePass', presence='no', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation Failed after deleting" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.delete_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "DELETE VTN Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne','ControllerFirst', presence='no') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) print "DELETE CONTROLLER" retval=controller.delete_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "CONTROLLER delete failed" exit(1) print "VBR->AUDIT UPDATE FLOWFILTER DROP TEST SUCCESS"
def update_vbr_flowfilter_pass(): print "CREATE Controller" retval = controller.add_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "Controller Create Failed" exit(1) print 'TEST 6 : VBR->FLOWFILTER TEST: Create Three VBR and VbrFlowFilterEntry with vbrone update the VbrFlowFilterEntry to vbrthree' # Delay for AUDIT retval = controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst', "up") if retval != 0: print "Controller state check Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.create_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne', 'VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne', 'VbrOne', 'VbrIfOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne', 'VbrTwo', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne', 'VbrTwo', 'VbrIfTwo') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne', 'VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval = vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_at_controller( 'VtnOne', 'VbrOne', 'VbrIfOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "After Create VBRIF Validate Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne', 'VbrTwo', 'ControllerFirst', presence='yes', position=1) if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval = vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_at_controller('VtnOne', 'VbrTwo', 'VbrIfTwo', 'ControllerFirst', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "After Create VBRIF Validate Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.create_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowList Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.create_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "FlowlistEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.create_flowfilter('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOnePass') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilter Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.create_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOnePass') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'FlowfilterOnePass', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation at Controller Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.update_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOnePass', 'UpdateFlowfilterOnePass') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry Update Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller( 'VtnOne|VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'UpdateFlowfilterOnePass', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry Updatation Validate Failed at Co-ordinator" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.delete_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOnePass') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.delete_flowfilter('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOnePass') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilter deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.delete_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowilistEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.delete_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "Flowilist deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VbrTwo', 'ControllerFirst', 'FlowfilterOnePass', presence='no', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation Failed after deleting" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.delete_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "DELETE VTN Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne', 'ControllerFirst', presence='no') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) print "DELETE CONTROLLER" retval = controller.delete_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "CONTROLLER delete failed" exit(1) print "VBR->UPDATE FLOWFILTER TEST SUCCESS"
def test_vbr_flowfilter_drop(): print "CREATE Controller" retval = controller.add_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "Controller Create Failed" exit(1) print "TEST 1 : VBR->FLOWFILTER TEST" # Delay for AUDIT retval = controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst', "up") if retval != 0: print "Controller state check Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.create_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne', 'VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne', 'VbrOne', 'VbrIfOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne', 'VbrTwo', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne', 'VbrTwo', 'VbrIfTwo') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne', 'VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval = vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_at_controller( 'VtnOne', 'VbrOne', 'VbrIfOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "After Create VBRIF Validate Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne', 'VbrTwo', 'ControllerFirst', presence='yes', position=1) if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval = vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_at_controller('VtnOne', 'VbrTwo', 'VbrIfTwo', 'ControllerFirst', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "After Create VBRIF Validate Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.create_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowList Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.create_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "FlowlistEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.create_flowfilter('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOneDrop') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilter Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.create_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOneDrop') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'FlowfilterOneDrop', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation at Controller Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.delete_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOneDrop') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.delete_flowfilter('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOneDrop') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilter deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.delete_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowilistEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.delete_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "Flowilist deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'FlowfilterOneDrop', presence='no', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation Failed after deleting" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.delete_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "DELETE VTN Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne', 'ControllerFirst', presence='no') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) print "DELETE CONTROLLER" retval = controller.delete_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "CONTROLLER delete failed" exit(1) print "VBR->FLOWFILTER TEST SUCCESS"
def test_vtn_flowfilter(): print "CREATE Controller" retval = controller.add_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "Controller Create Failed" exit(1) print "TEST 1 : VTN->FLOWFILTER TEST" # Delay for AUDIT retval=controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst', "up") if retval != 0: print "Controller state check Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowList Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "FlowlistEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.create_flowfilter('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilter Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.create_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilterEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilterEntry Validate Failed at Co-ordinator" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'VTNFlowfilterOne', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.delete_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilterEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.delete_flowfilter('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilter deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.delete_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowilistEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.delete_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "Flowilist deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'VTNFlowfilterOne', presence='no', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation Failed after deleting" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.delete_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "DELETE VTN Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne','ControllerFirst', presence='no') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) print "DELETE CONTROLLER" retval=controller.delete_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "CONTROLLER delete failed" exit(1) print "VTN->FLOWFILTER TEST SUCCESS"
def negative_vbrif_flowfilter_out(): print "CREATE Controller" retval = controller.add_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "Controller Create Failed" exit(1) print "TEST 1 : VBRIF->Negative test scenario FLOWFILTER TEST" # Delay for AUDIT retval=controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst', "up") if retval != 0: print "Controller state check Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VBR Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrTwo','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VBR Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne','VbrTwo','VbrIfTwo') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "After Create VBRIF Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrTwo','ControllerFirst', presence = 'yes', position = 1) if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrTwo','VbrIfTwo','ControllerFirst', presence = 'yes', position = 0) if retval != 0: print "After Create VBRIF Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_portmap('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne'); if retval != 0: print "Portmap Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_portmap('VtnOne','VbrTwo','VbrIfTwo'); if retval != 0: print "Portmap Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowList Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "FlowlistEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.create_flowfilter('VtnOne|VbrOne|VbrIfOne', 'FlowfilterOneOut') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilter Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.create_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne|VbrIfOne', 'FlowfilterOneOut') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne|VbrIfOne', 'FlowfilterOneOut', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry Validation at Co-ordinator Failed " exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VbrOne|VbrIfOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'FlowfilterOneOut', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation at Controller Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrThree','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne','VbrThree', 'VbrIfThree') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_portmap('VtnOne','VbrThree','VbrIfThree'); if retval != 0: print "Portmap Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.update_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne|VbrIfOne', 'FlowfilterOneOut', 'NegativeFlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRFIFlowFilterEntry Negative test case DSCP,Priority Failed" print "Because DSCP range was up to (0-63) and priority range (0-7) its more than higher its showing Bad command so test failed " exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne|VbrIfOne', 'FlowfilterOneOut|NegativeFlowfilterOne', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print retval print "VBRFIFlowFilterEntry Updatation Validate Failed at Co-ordinator" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.delete_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne|VbrIfOne', 'FlowfilterOneOut') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.delete_flowfilter('VtnOne|VbrOne|VbrIfOne', 'FlowfilterOneOut') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilter deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.delete_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowilistEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.delete_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "Flowilist deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VbrOne|VbrIfOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'FlowfilterOneOut', presence='no', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation Failed after deleting" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.delete_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "DELETE VTN Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne','ControllerFirst', presence='no') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) print "DELETE CONTROLLER" retval=controller.delete_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "CONTROLLER delete failed" exit(1) print "VBR->UPDATE FLOWFILTER TEST SUCCESS"
def negative_vtn_flowfilter(): print "CREATE Controller" retval = controller.add_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "Controller Create Failed" exit(1) print "NEGATIVE FLOWFILTER TEST" print "TEST 3 : VTN->Negative FLOWFILTER TEST " # Delay for AUDIT retval = controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst', "up") if retval != 0: print "Controller state check Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.create_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne', 'VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne', 'VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.create_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowList Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.create_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "FlowlistEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.create_flowfilter('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilter Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.create_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilterEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilterEntry Validate Failed at Co-ordinator" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'VTNFlowfilterOne', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.update_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne', 'NegativeVTNFlowfilter') if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilterEntry Negative test case Failed at priority and dscp " print "Because at priority range up to 63 and dscp range up to 7 its more than its showing bad request so test has faild" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_entry( 'VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne|NegativeVTNFlowfilter', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilterEntry Updatation Validate Failed at Co-ordinator" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.delete_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilterEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.delete_flowfilter('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilter deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.delete_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowilistEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.delete_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "Flowilist deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'VTNFlowfilterOne', presence='no', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation Failed after deleting" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.delete_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "DELETE VTN Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne', 'ControllerFirst', presence='no') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) print "DELETE CONTROLLER" retval = controller.delete_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "CONTROLLER delete failed" exit(1) print "VTN->UPDATE FLOWFILTER TEST SUCCESS"
def negative_vtn_flowfilter(): print "CREATE Controller" retval = controller.add_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "Controller Create Failed" exit(1) print "NEGATIVE FLOWFILTER TEST" print "TEST 3 : VTN->Negative FLOWFILTER TEST " # Delay for AUDIT retval=controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst', "up") if retval != 0: print "Controller state check Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowList Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "FlowlistEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.create_flowfilter('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilter Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.create_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilterEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilterEntry Validate Failed at Co-ordinator" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'VTNFlowfilterOne', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.update_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne', 'NegativeVTNFlowfilter') if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilterEntry Negative test case Failed at priority and dscp " print "Because at priority range up to 63 and dscp range up to 7 its more than its showing bad request so test has faild" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne|NegativeVTNFlowfilter', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilterEntry Updatation Validate Failed at Co-ordinator" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.delete_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilterEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.delete_flowfilter('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilter deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.delete_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowilistEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.delete_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "Flowilist deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'VTNFlowfilterOne', presence='no', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation Failed after deleting" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.delete_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "DELETE VTN Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne','ControllerFirst', presence='no') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) print "DELETE CONTROLLER" retval=controller.delete_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "CONTROLLER delete failed" exit(1) print "VTN->UPDATE FLOWFILTER TEST SUCCESS"
def update_vtn_flowfilter(): print "CREATE Controller" retval = controller.add_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "Controller Create Failed" exit(1) print "TEST 2 : VTN->UPDATE FLOWFILTER TEST " # Delay for AUDIT retval = controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst', "up") if retval != 0: print "Controller state check Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.create_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne', 'VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne', 'VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.create_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowList Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.create_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "FlowlistEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.create_flowfilter('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilter Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.create_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilterEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilterEntry Validate Failed at Co-ordinator" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'VTNFlowfilterOne', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.update_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne', 'UpdateVTNFlowfilter') if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilterEntry Update Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_entry( 'VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne|UpdateVTNFlowfilter', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilterEntry Updatation Validate Failed at Co-ordinator" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.delete_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilterEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.delete_flowfilter('VtnOne', 'VTNFlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTNFlowFilter deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.delete_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowilistEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.delete_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "Flowilist deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'VTNFlowfilterOne', presence='no', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation Failed after deleting" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.delete_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "DELETE VTN Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne', 'ControllerFirst', presence='no') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) print "DELETE CONTROLLER" retval = controller.delete_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "CONTROLLER delete failed" exit(1) print "VTN->UPDATE FLOWFILTER TEST SUCCESS"
def test_vtermif_flowfilter_drop_audit(): print "CREATE Controller" retval = controller.add_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "Controller Create Failed" exit(1) print "TEST 5 : VTERMIF->AUDIT FLOWFILTER TEST" # Delay for AUDIT retval=controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst', "up") if retval != 0: print "Controller state check Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrTwo','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne','VbrTwo','VbrIfTwo') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "After Create VBRIF Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_portmap('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne'); if retval != 0: print "Portmap Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_portmap('VtnOne','VbrTwo','VbrIfTwo'); if retval != 0: print "Portmap Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vterm.create_vterm('VtnOne','VTermOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTERM Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vtermif_portmap.create_vtermif('VtnOne','VTermOne','VTermIfOne') if retval != 0: print "VTERMIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlist('FlowlistOne') retval = vtermif_portmap.create_portmap('VtnOne','VTermOne','VTermIfOne'); if retval != 0: print "Portmap Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowList Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "FlowlistEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.create_flowfilter('VtnOne|VTermOne|VbrIfOne|VTermIfOne', 'FlowfilterOneDrop') if retval != 0: print "VTERMFlowFilter Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.create_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VTermOne|VbrIfOne|VTermIfOne', 'FlowfilterOneDrop') if retval != 0: print "VTERMFlowFilterEntry Create Failed" exit(1) print "****UPDATE Controller IP to invalid****" test_invalid_ipaddr= vtn_testconfig.ReadValues(CONTROLLERDATA,'ControllerFirst')['invalid_ipaddr'] retval = controller.update_controller_ex('ControllerFirst',ipaddr=test_invalid_ipaddr) if retval != 0: print "controller invalid_ip update failed" exit(1) # Delay for AUDIT retval = controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst',"down") if retval != 0: print "controller state change failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.delete_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VTermOne|VbrIfOne|VTermIfOne', 'FlowfilterOneDrop') if retval != 0: print "VTERMFlowFilterEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.delete_flowfilter('VtnOne|VTermOne|VbrIfOne|VTermIfOne', 'FlowfilterOneDrop') if retval != 0: print "VTERMFlowFilter deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.delete_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowilistEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.delete_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "Flowilist deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.delete_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "DELETE VTN Failed" exit(1) print "DELETE CONTROLLER" retval=controller.delete_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "CONTROLLER delete failed" exit(1) print "VTERM->AUDIT FLOWFILTER TEST SUCCESS"
def update_vbr_flowlist(): print "CREATE Controller" retval = controller.add_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "Controller Create Failed" exit(1) print 'TEST 3 : VBR->FLOWLISTTEST:Update the VbrFlowListEntry' # Delay for AUDIT retval=controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst', "up") if retval != 0: print "Controller state check Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrTwo','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne','VbrTwo','VbrIfTwo') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_portmap('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne'); if retval != 0: print "Portmap Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_portmap('VtnOne','VbrTwo','VbrIfTwo'); if retval != 0: print "Portmap Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "After Create VBRIF Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrTwo','VbrIfTwo','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "After Create VBRIF Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_portmap_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne','ControllerFirst',presence="yes"); if retval != 0: print "Portmap Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_portmap_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrTwo','VbrIfTwo','ControllerFirst',presence="yes"); if retval != 0: print "Portmap Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrTwo','ControllerFirst', presence="yes", position = 1) if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrTwo','VbrIfTwo','ControllerFirst', presence = 'yes', position = 0) if retval != 0: print "After Create VBRIF Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowList Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "FlowlistEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.create_flowfilter('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilter Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.create_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry Validation at Co-ordinator Failed " exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'FlowfilterOne', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation at Controller Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.update_flowlist_entry('FlowlistOne', 'UpdateFlowlistentryOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowListEntry Update Failed" exit(1) # retval=flowlistentry.validate_flowlist_entry('FlowlistOne', 'UpdateFlowlistentryOne','ControllerFirst', presence='yes', position=0) # if retval != 0: # print "VBRFlowListEntry Updatation Validate Failed at Co-ordinator" # exit(1) retval=flowfilter.delete_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.delete_flowfilter('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilter deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.delete_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowilistEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.delete_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "Flowilist deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VbrTwo', 'ControllerFirst', 'FlowfilterOne', presence='no', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation Failed after deleting" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.validate_flowlist_at_controller('FlowlistOne', 'ControllerFirst', presence='no', position=0) if retval != 0: print "Flowlist validation Failed after deleting" exit(1) # retval=flowlistentry.validate_flowlist_entry('FlowlistOne', 'UpdateFlowlistentryOne','ControllerFirst', presence='no', position=0) # if retval != 0: # print "VBRFlowListEntry Delete Validate Failed at Co-ordinator" # exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.delete_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "DELETE VTN Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne','ControllerFirst', presence='no') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) print "DELETE CONTROLLER" retval=controller.delete_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "CONTROLLER delete failed" exit(1) print "VBR->UPDATE FLOWLIST TEST SUCCESS"
def test_vbr_flowfilter_pass(): print "CREATE Controller" retval = controller.add_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "Controller Create Failed" exit(1) print "action type create pass" print "TEST 5 : VBR->FLOWFILTER TEST" # Delay for AUDIT retval=controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst', "up") if retval != 0: print "Controller state check Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrTwo','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne','VbrTwo','VbrIfTwo') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "After Create VBRIF Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrTwo','ControllerFirst', presence = 'yes', position = 1) if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrTwo','VbrIfTwo','ControllerFirst', presence = 'yes', position = 0) if retval != 0: print "After Create VBRIF Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowList Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "FlowlistEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.create_flowfilter('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOnePass') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilter Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.create_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOnePass') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'FlowfilterOnePass', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation at Controller Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.delete_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOnePass') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.delete_flowfilter('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOnePass') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilter deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.delete_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowilistEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.delete_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "Flowilist deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'FlowfilterOnePass', presence='no', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation Failed after deleting" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.delete_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "DELETE VTN Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne','ControllerFirst', presence='no') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) print "DELETE CONTROLLER" retval=controller.delete_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "CONTROLLER delete failed" exit(1) print "VBR->FLOWFILTER TEST SUCCESS"
def negative_vbr_flowfilter(): print "CREATE Controller" retval = controller.add_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "Controller Create Failed" exit(1) print "Negative test scenario test cases" print 'TEST 3 : VBR->FLOWFILTER TEST: Create Three VBR and VbrFlowFilterEntry with vbrone negative the VbrFlowFilterEntry to vbrthree' # Delay for AUDIT retval = controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst', "up") if retval != 0: print "Controller state check Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.create_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne', 'VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne', 'VbrOne', 'VbrIfOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne', 'VbrTwo', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne', 'VbrTwo', 'VbrIfTwo') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne', 'VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval = vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_at_controller( 'VtnOne', 'VbrOne', 'VbrIfOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "After Create VBRIF Validate Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne', 'VbrTwo', 'ControllerFirst', presence='yes', position=1) if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval = vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_at_controller('VtnOne', 'VbrTwo', 'VbrIfTwo', 'ControllerFirst', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "After Create VBRIF Validate Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.create_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowList Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.create_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "FlowlistEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.create_flowfilter('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilter Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.create_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry Validation at Co-ordinator Failed " exit(1) retval = flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'FlowfilterOne', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation at Controller Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne', 'VbrThree', 'ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne', 'VbrThree', 'VbrIfThree') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.update_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne', 'NegativeFlowfilter') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry at negative priority and dscp has Failed" print "Because flowfilter priority range up 63 and dscp range up to 7 its more than test was faild its showing Bad error" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_entry( 'VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne|NegativeFlowfilter', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry Negative Validate Failed at Co-ordinator" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.delete_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.delete_flowfilter('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilter deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.delete_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowilistEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowlistentry.delete_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "Flowilist deletete Failed" exit(1) retval = flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VbrTwo', 'ControllerFirst', 'FlowfilterOne', presence='no', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation Failed after deleting" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.delete_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "DELETE VTN Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne', 'ControllerFirst', presence='no') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) print "DELETE CONTROLLER" retval = controller.delete_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "CONTROLLER delete failed" exit(1) print "VBR->UPDATE FLOWFILTER TEST SUCCESS"
def update_vbr_flowfilter_drop(): print "CREATE Controller" retval = controller.add_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "Controller Create Failed" exit(1) print 'TEST 8 : VBR->FLOWFILTER TEST: Create Three VBR and VbrFlowFilterEntry with vbrone update the VbrFlowFilterEntry to vbrthree' # Delay for AUDIT retval=controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst', "up") if retval != 0: print "Controller state check Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrTwo','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne','VbrTwo','VbrIfTwo') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "After Create VBRIF Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrTwo','ControllerFirst', presence = 'yes', position = 1) if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrTwo','VbrIfTwo','ControllerFirst', presence = 'yes', position = 0) if retval != 0: print "After Create VBRIF Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowList Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "FlowlistEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.create_flowfilter('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOneDrop') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilter Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.create_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOneDrop') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'FlowfilterOneDrop', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation at Controller Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.update_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOneDrop', 'UpdateFlowfilterOneDrop') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry Update Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'ControllerFirst','UpdateFlowfilterOneDrop', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry Updatation Validate Failed at Co-ordinator" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.delete_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOneDrop') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilterEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.delete_flowfilter('VtnOne|VbrOne', 'FlowfilterOneDrop') if retval != 0: print "VBRFlowFilter deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.delete_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowilistEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.delete_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "Flowilist deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VbrTwo', 'ControllerFirst', 'FlowfilterOneDrop', presence='no', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation Failed after deleting" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.delete_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "DELETE VTN Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne','ControllerFirst', presence='no') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) print "DELETE CONTROLLER" retval=controller.delete_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "CONTROLLER delete failed" exit(1) print "VBR->UPDATE FLOWFILTER TEST SUCCESS"
def test_vtermif_flowfilter_1(): print "CREATE Controller" retval = controller.add_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "Controller Create Failed" exit(1) print "TEST 2 : VTERMIF->FLOWFILTER TEST" # Delay for AUDIT retval=controller.wait_until_state('ControllerFirst', "up") if retval != 0: print "Controller state check Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrTwo','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne','VbrTwo','VbrIfTwo') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.create_vbr('VtnOne','VbrThree','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_vbrif('VtnOne','VbrThree','VbrIfThree') if retval != 0: print "VBRIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vbr_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VBR Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.validate_vbrif_at_controller('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "After Create VBRIF Validate Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_portmap('VtnOne','VbrOne','VbrIfOne'); if retval != 0: print "Portmap Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_portmap('VtnOne','VbrTwo','VbrIfTwo'); if retval != 0: print "Portmap Create Failed" exit(1) retval=vbrif_portmap.create_portmap('VtnOne','VbrThree','VbrIfThree'); if retval != 0: print "Portmap Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vtn_vterm.create_vterm('VtnOne','VTermOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "VTERM Create Failed" exit(1) retval = vtermif_portmap.create_vtermif('VtnOne','VTermOne','VTermIfOne') if retval != 0: print "VTERMIF Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlist('FlowlistOne') retval = vtermif_portmap.create_portmap('VtnOne','VTermOne','VTermIfOne'); if retval != 0: print "Portmap Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowList Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.create_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne','ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "FlowlistEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.create_flowfilter('VtnOne|VTermOne|VbrIfOne|VTermIfOne', 'FlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTERMFlowFilter Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.create_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VTermOne|VbrIfOne|VTermIfOne', 'FlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTERMFlowFilterEntry Create Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VTermOne|VbrIfOne|VTermIfOne', 'FlowfilterOne', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "VTERMFlowFilterEntry Validation at Co-ordinator Failed " exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VTermOne|VbrIfOne|VTermIfOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'FlowfilterOne', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation at Controller Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.update_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VTermOne|VbrIfOne|VTermIfOne', 'FlowfilterOne', 'UpdateFlowfilter') if retval != 0: print "VTERMIFFlowFilterEntry Update Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VTermOne|VbrIfOne|VTermIfOne', 'FlowfilterOne|UpdateFlowfilter', presence='yes', position=0) if retval != 0: print "VTERMIFFlowFilterEntry Updatation Validate Failed at Co-ordinator" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.delete_flowfilter_entry('VtnOne|VTermOne|VbrIfOne|VTermIfOne', 'FlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTERMFlowFilterEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.delete_flowfilter('VtnOne|VTermOne|VbrIfOne|VTermIfOne', 'FlowfilterOne') if retval != 0: print "VTERMFlowFilter deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.delete_flowlistentry('FlowlistOne', 'FlowlistentryOne') if retval != 0: print "FlowilistEntry deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowlistentry.delete_flowlist('FlowlistOne') if retval != 0: print "Flowilist deletete Failed" exit(1) retval=flowfilter.validate_flowfilter_at_controller('VtnOne|VTermOne|VbrIfOne|VTermIfOne', 'ControllerFirst', 'FlowfilterOne', presence='no', position=0) if retval != 0: print "FlowFilter validation Failed after deleting" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.delete_vtn('VtnOne') if retval != 0: print "DELETE VTN Failed" exit(1) retval=vtn_vbr.validate_vtn_at_controller('VtnOne','ControllerFirst', presence='no') if retval != 0: print "VTN Validate Failed" exit(1) print "DELETE CONTROLLER" retval=controller.delete_controller_ex('ControllerFirst') if retval != 0: print "CONTROLLER delete failed" exit(1) print "VTERMIF->FLOWFILTER TEST SUCCESS"