Esempio n. 1
def test_session_scope():
    """Test the session scope object."""
    db = DB(connect_url=TEST_URL, web_app=False)
    with db.session() as session:
        session.add(User(user_id='U', name='U', secret='U', active=True))
    # Query all users. Expects two objects in the resulting list (te created
    # user and the default user).
    with db.session() as session:
        assert len(session.query(User).all()) == 2
    # Error when adding user with duplicate key.
    with pytest.raises(IntegrityError):
        with db.session() as session:
            session.add(User(user_id='U', name='U', secret='U', active=True))
    # Query all users. Still expects one object in the resulting list.
    with db.session() as session:
        assert len(session.query(User).all()) == 2
    # Raise an exception within the session scope.
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        with db.session() as session:
            session.add(User(user_id='W', name='W', secret='W', active=True))
            raise ValueError('some error')
    # Query all users. Still expects two object in the resulting list.
    with db.session() as session:
        assert len(session.query(User).all()) == 2
Esempio n. 2
def init_db(env: Dict) -> DB:
    """Create an instance of the database object based on the given configuration
    settings. Sets the respective variables to the default value if not set.

    env: dict, default=None
        Dictionary that provides access to configuration parameter values.

    # Get the web app flag. Use True as the default if the value is not set.
    if WEBAPP not in env:
        env[WEBAPP] = True
    web_app = env[WEBAPP]
    # Ensure that the databse connection Url is specified in the configuration.
    url = env.get(DATABASE)
    if url is None:
        # Use a SQLite database in the dabase directory as default.
        # This database needs to be initialized if it does not exist.
        dbfile = '{}/flowserv.db'.format(env[config.FLOWSERV_BASEDIR])
        url = 'sqlite:///{}'.format(dbfile)
        env[DATABASE] = url
        # Maintain a reference to the local database instance for use
        # when creating API instances.
        db = DB(connect_url=url, web_app=web_app)
        if not os.path.isfile(dbfile):
            # Initialize the database if the database if the configuration
            # references the default database and the database file does
            # not exist.
        # If the database Url is specified in the configuration we create the
        # database object for that Url. In this case we assume that the referenced
        # database has been initialized.
        db = DB(connect_url=env[DATABASE], web_app=web_app)
    # Return the created database object.
    return db
Esempio n. 3
def database():
    """Create a fresh instance of the database."""
    db = DB(connect_url=TEST_URL)
    return db
Esempio n. 4
def test_db_webapp(web_app, echo):
    """Basic tests to ensure that the different parameter options for DB
    instantiation work without generating errors.
    db = DB(connect_url=TEST_URL, web_app=web_app, echo=echo)