Esempio n. 1
def round_edge_grill(alpha, l=None, Dh=None, fd=None):
    r'''Returns the loss coefficient for a rounded square grill or square bar
    screen or perforated plate with rounded edges of thickness l, as shown in

    for Dh < l < 50D

    .. math::
        K = lookup(alpha)


    .. math::
        K = lookup(alpha) + \frac{fl}{\alpha^2D}

    alpha : float
        Fraction of grill open to flow [-]
    l : float, optional
        Thickness of the grill or plate [m]
    Dh : float, optional
        Hydraulic diameter of gap in grill, [m]
    fd : float, optional
        Darcy friction factor [-]

    K : float
        Loss coefficient [-]

    If l, Dh, or fd is not provided, the first expression is used instead.
    The alteration of the expression to include friction factor is there
    if the grill is long enough to have considerable friction along the
    surface of the grill.
    alpha must be between 0.3 and 0.7.

    The velocity the loss coefficient relates to is the approach velocity
    before the grill.

    >>> round_edge_grill(.4)
    >>> round_edge_grill(.4, l=.15, Dh=.002, fd=.0185)

    .. [1] Blevins, Robert D. Applied Fluid Dynamics Handbook. New York, N.Y.:
       Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1984.
    t1 = float(splev(alpha, grills_rounded_tck))
    if Dh and l and fd and l > 50.0 * Dh:
        return t1 + fd * l / Dh
        return t1
Esempio n. 2
def round_edge_grill(alpha, l=None, Dh=None, fd=None):
    r'''Returns the loss coefficient for a rounded square grill or square bar
    screen or perforated plate with rounded edges of thickness l, as shown in

    for Dh < l < 50D

    .. math::
        K = lookup(alpha)


    .. math::
        K = lookup(alpha) + \frac{fl}{\alpha^2D}

    alpha : float
        Fraction of grill open to flow [-]
    l : float, optional
        Thickness of the grill or plate [m]
    Dh : float, optional
        Hydraulic diameter of gap in grill, [m]
    fd : float, optional
        Darcy friction factor [-]

    K : float
        Loss coefficient [-]

    If l, Dh, or fd is not provided, the first expression is used instead.
    The alteration of the expression to include friction factor is there
    if the grill is long enough to have considerable friction along the
    surface of the grill.
    alpha must be between 0.3 and 0.7.

    >>> round_edge_grill(.4)
    >>> round_edge_grill(.4, l=.15, Dh=.002, fd=.0185)

    .. [1] Blevins, Robert D. Applied Fluid Dynamics Handbook. New York, N.Y.:
       Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1984.
    t1 = float(splev(alpha, grills_rounded_tck))
    if Dh and l and fd and l > 50*Dh:
        return t1 + fd*l/Dh
        return t1
Esempio n. 3
def K_separator_Watkins(x, rhol, rhog, horizontal=False, method='spline'):
    r'''Calculates the Sounders-Brown `K` factor as used in determining maximum
    allowable gas velocity in a two-phase separator in either a horizontal or
    vertical orientation. This function approximates a graph published in [1]_
    to determine `K` as used in the following equation:

    .. math::
        v_{max} =  K_{SB}\sqrt{\frac{\rho_l-\rho_g}{\rho_g}}

    The graph has `K_{SB}` on its y-axis, and the following as its x-axis:

    .. math::
        = \frac{(1-x)}{x}\sqrt{\rho_g/\rho_l}

    Cubic spline interpolation is the default method of retrieving a value
    from the graph, which was digitized with Engauge-Digitizer.

    Also supported are two published curve fits to the graph. The first is that
    of Blackwell (1984) [2]_, as follows:

    .. math::
        K_{SB} = \exp(-1.942936 -0.814894X -0.179390 X^2 -0.0123790 X^3
        + 0.000386235 X^4 + 0.000259550 X^5)

        X = \ln\left[\frac{(1-x)}{x}\sqrt{\rho_g/\rho_l}\right]

    The second is that of Branan (1999), as follows:

    .. math::
        K_{SB} = \exp(-1.877478097 -0.81145804597X -0.1870744085 X^2
        -0.0145228667 X^3 -0.00101148518 X^4)

        X = \ln\left[\frac{(1-x)}{x}\sqrt{\rho_g/\rho_l}\right]

    x : float
        Quality of fluid entering separator, [-]
    rhol : float
        Density of liquid phase [kg/m^3]
    rhog : float
        Density of gas phase [kg/m^3]
    horizontal : bool, optional
        Whether to use the vertical or horizontal value; horizontal is 1.25
    method : str
        One of 'spline, 'blackwell', or 'branan'

    K : float
        Sounders Brown horizontal or vertical `K` factor for two-phase
        separator design only, [m/s]

    Both the 'branan' and 'blackwell' models are used frequently. However,
    the spline is much more accurate.

    No limits checking is enforced. However, the x-axis spans only 0.006 to
    5.4, and the function should not be used outside those limits.

    >>> K_separator_Watkins(0.88, 985.4, 1.3, horizontal=True)

    .. [1] Watkins (1967). Sizing Separators and Accumulators, Hydrocarbon
       Processing, November 1967.
    .. [2] Blackwell, W. Wayne. Chemical Process Design on a Programmable
       Calculator. New York: Mcgraw-Hill, 1984.
    .. [3] Branan, Carl R. Pocket Guide to Chemical Engineering. 1st edition.
       Houston, Tex: Gulf Professional Publishing, 1999.
    factor = (1. - x) / x * sqrt(rhog / rhol)
    if method == 'spline':
        K = exp(float(splev(log(factor), tck_Watkins)))
    elif method == 'blackwell':
        X = log(factor)
        A = -1.877478097
        B = -0.81145804597
        C = -0.1870744085
        D = -0.0145228667
        E = -0.00101148518
        K = exp(A + X * (B + X * (C + X * (D + E * X))))
    elif method == 'branan':
        X = log(factor)
        A = -1.942936
        B = -0.814894
        C = -0.179390
        D = -0.0123790
        E = 0.000386235
        F = 0.000259550
        K = exp(A + X * (B + X * (C + X * (D + X * (E + F * X)))))
        raise ValueError(
            "Only methods 'spline', 'branan', and 'blackwell' are supported.")
    K *= foot  # Converts units of ft/s to m/s; the graph and all fits are in ft/s
    if horizontal:
        K *= 1.25  # Watkins recommends a factor of 1.25 for horizontal separators over vertical separators
    return K
Esempio n. 4
def Bhirud_normal(T, Tc, Pc, omega):
    r'''Calculates saturation liquid density using the Bhirud [1]_ CSP method.
    Uses Critical temperature and pressure and acentric factor.

    The density of a liquid is given by:

    .. math::
        \ln \frac{P_c}{\rho RT} = \ln U^{(0)} + \omega\ln U^{(1)}

    .. math::
        \ln U^{(0)} = 1.396 44 - 24.076T_r+ 102.615T_r^2
        -255.719T_r^3+355.805T_r^4-256.671T_r^5 + 75.1088T_r^6

    .. math::
        \ln U^{(1)} = 13.4412 - 135.7437 T_r + 533.380T_r^2-
        1091.453T_r^3+1231.43T_r^4 - 728.227T_r^5 + 176.737T_r^6

    T : float
        Temperature of fluid [K]
    Tc : float
        Critical temperature of fluid [K]
    Pc : float
        Critical pressure of fluid [Pa]
    omega : float
        Acentric factor for fluid, [-]

    Vm : float
        Saturated liquid molar volume, [mol/m^3]

    Claimed inadequate by others.

    An interpolation table for ln U values are used from Tr = 0.98 - 1.000.
    Has terrible behavior at low reduced temperatures.


    >>> Bhirud_normal(280.0, 469.7, 33.7E5, 0.252)

    .. [1] Bhirud, Vasant L. "Saturated Liquid Densities of Normal Fluids."
       AIChE Journal 24, no. 6 (November 1, 1978): 1127-31.
    Tr = T / Tc
    if Tr <= 0.98:
        lnU0 = Tr * (Tr *
                     (Tr * (Tr *
                            (Tr *
                             (75.1088 * Tr - 256.671) + 355.805) - 255.719) +
                      102.615) - 24.076) + 1.39644
        lnU1 = Tr * (Tr *
                     (Tr * (Tr *
                            (Tr *
                             (176.737 * Tr - 728.227) + 1231.43) - 1091.453) +
                      533.38) - 135.7437) + 13.4412
    elif Tr > 1.0:
        raise ValueError('Critical phase, correlation does not apply')
        lnU0 = float(splev(Tr, Bhirud_normal_lnU0_tck))
        lnU1 = float(splev(Tr, Bhirud_normal_lnU1_tck))

    Unonpolar = exp(lnU0 + omega * lnU1)
    Vm = Unonpolar * R * T / Pc
    return Vm
Esempio n. 5
def K_separator_Watkins(x, rhol, rhog, horizontal=False, method='spline'):
    r'''Calculates the Sounders-Brown `K` factor as used in determining maximum 
    allowable gas velocity in a two-phase separator in either a horizontal or
    vertical orientation. This function approximates a graph published in [1]_ 
    to determine `K` as used in the following equation:
    .. math::
        v_{max} =  K_{SB}\sqrt{\frac{\rho_l-\rho_g}{\rho_g}}
    The graph has `K_{SB}` on its y-axis, and the following as its x-axis:
    .. math::
        = \frac{(1-x)}{x}\sqrt{\rho_g/\rho_l}
    Cubic spline interpolation is the default method of retrieving a value
    from the graph, which was digitized with Engauge-Digitizer.
    Also supported are two published curve fits to the graph. The first is that
    of Blackwell (1984) [2]_, as follows:
    .. math::
        K_{SB} = \exp(-1.942936 -0.814894X -0.179390 X^2 -0.0123790 X^3
        + 0.000386235 X^4 + 0.000259550 X^5)

        X = \log\left[\frac{(1-x)}{x}\sqrt{\rho_g/\rho_l}\right]
    The second is that of Branan (1999), as follows:
    .. math::
        K_{SB} = \exp(-1.877478097 -0.81145804597X -0.1870744085 X^2 
        -0.0145228667 X^3 -0.00101148518 X^4)
        X = \log\left[\frac{(1-x)}{x}\sqrt{\rho_g/\rho_l}\right]

    x : float
        Quality of fluid entering separator, [-]
    rhol : float
        Density of liquid phase [kg/m^3]
    rhog : float
        Density of gas phase [kg/m^3]
    horizontal : bool, optional
        Whether to use the vertical or horizontal value; horizontal is 1.25 
    method : str
        One of 'spline, 'blackwell', or 'branan'

    K : float
        Sounders Brown horizontal or vertical `K` factor for two-phase 
        separator design only, [m/s]

    Both the 'branan' and 'blackwell' models are used frequently. However,
    the spline is much more accurate.
    No limits checking is enforced. However, the x-axis spans only 0.006 to
    5.4, and the function should not be used outside those limits.

    >>> K_separator_Watkins(0.88, 985.4, 1.3, horizontal=True)

    .. [1] Watkins (1967). Sizing Separators and Accumulators, Hydrocarbon 
       Processing, November 1967.
    .. [2] Blackwell, W. Wayne. Chemical Process Design on a Programmable 
       Calculator. New York: Mcgraw-Hill, 1984.
    .. [3] Branan, Carl R. Pocket Guide to Chemical Engineering. 1st edition. 
       Houston, Tex: Gulf Professional Publishing, 1999.
    factor = (1. - x)/x*(rhog/rhol)**0.5
    if method == 'spline':
        K = exp(float(splev(log(factor), tck_Watkins)))
    elif method == 'blackwell':
        X = log(factor)    
        A = -1.877478097
        B = -0.81145804597
        C = -0.1870744085
        D = -0.0145228667
        E = -0.00101148518
        K = exp(A + X*(B + X*(C + X*(D + E*X))))
    elif method == 'branan':
        X = log(factor)
        A = -1.942936
        B = -0.814894
        C = -0.179390
        D = -0.0123790
        E = 0.000386235
        F = 0.000259550
        K = exp(A + X*(B + X*(C + X*(D + X*(E + F*X)))))
        raise Exception("Only methods 'spline', 'branan', and 'blackwell' are supported.")
    K *= foot # Converts units of ft/s to m/s; the graph and all fits are in ft/s 
    if horizontal:
        K *= 1.25 # Watkins recommends a factor of 1.25 for horizontal separators over vertical separators
    return K