def setUp(self): host = socket.socket() host.bind(("", 0)) host.listen(1) self.client_sock = cs = socket.socket() cs.setblocking(False) cs.connect_ex(host.getsockname()) self.serverSock, self.clientEndpoint = host.accept() host.close() self.loop = pyev.Loop() _prepare_cert() s = Storage("security", "private") self.certfile = s.get_path("cert.pem") self.keyfile = s.get_path("sslkey.pem")
def update_mbfw(cls): cls.reset_mainboard() sleep(1.0) storage = Storage("update_fw") tty = cls.get_mainboard_port() if not storage.exists("mainboard.bin"): raise RuntimeWarning("mainboard.bin not found") if os.system("stty -F %s 1200" % tty) != 0: raise RuntimeWarning("stty exec failed") sleep(2.0) fw_path = storage.get_path("mainboard.bin") if os.system("bossac -p %s -e -w -v -b %s" % (tty.split("/")[-1], fw_path)) != 0: raise RuntimeWarning("bossac exec failed") os.rename(fw_path, fw_path + ".updated") os.system("sync") sleep(0.75) cls.reset_mainboard() sleep(0.75)
def __init__(self, loop, taskfile, terminated_callback=None): storage = Storage("run") oldpid = load_pid(storage.get_path("")) if oldpid is not None: try: os.kill(oldpid, SIGKILL) logger.error("Kill old player process: %i", oldpid) except Exception: logger.exception("Error while kill old process: %i", oldpid) s = create_mainboard_socket() try: s.send("\n@DISABLE_LINECHECK\nX5S115\n") if os.path.exists(PLAY_ENDPOINT): os.unlink(PLAY_ENDPOINT) ff = FCodeFile(taskfile) self.playinfo = ff.metadata, ff.image_buf cmd = [ "fluxplayer", "-c", PLAY_ENDPOINT, "--task", taskfile, "--log", storage.get_path("fluxplayerd.log"), "--pid", storage.get_path("") ] if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= 10: cmd += ["--debug"] f = open(storage.get_path("fluxplayerd.err.log"), "a") proc = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stderr=f.fileno()) child_watcher = loop.child(, False, self.on_process_dead, terminated_callback) child_watcher.start() metadata.update_device_status(1, 0, "N/A", err_label="") self.child_watcher = child_watcher self.proc = proc except FCodeError as e: s.send("X5S0\n") raise RuntimeError(FILE_BROKEN, *e.args) except Exception as e: s.send("X5S0\n") raise RuntimeError(UNKNOWN_ERROR) finally: s.close()
def get_cert(): from binascii import b2a_base64 as to_base64 from OpenSSL import crypto from import Storage s = Storage("security", "private") try: key = crypto.load_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, s["sslkey.pem"]) except (crypto.Error, TypeError): pkey = get_private_key() s["sslkey.pem"] = pem = pkey.export_pem() key = crypto.load_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, pem) try: cert = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, s["cert2.pem"]) except (crypto.Error, TypeError): issuersubj = crypto.X509Name(crypto.X509().get_subject()) issuersubj.C = "TW" issuersubj.L = "Taipei" issuersubj.O = "FLUX Inc." cert = crypto.X509() subj = cert.get_subject() subj.O = "FLUX 3D Delta Printer" subj.CN = (get_uuid() + ":" + get_serial() + ":") ext = crypto.X509Extension("nsComment", True, to_base64(get_identify())) cert.add_extensions((ext, )) cert.set_serial_number(1001) cert.gmtime_adj_notBefore(0) cert.gmtime_adj_notAfter(60 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60) cert.set_issuer(cert.get_subject()) cert.set_pubkey(key) cert.sign(key, 'sha512') s["cert2.pem"] = crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert) return s.get_path("cert2.pem"), s.get_path("sslkey.pem")
class CloudService(ServiceBase): config_ts = -1 error_counter = 0 config_enable = None cloud_netloc = None storage = None _notify_up_required = False _notify_last_st = {"st_id": None} _notify_last_ts = 0 _notify_aggressive = 0 _notify_retry_counter = 0 aws_client = None postback_url = None def __init__(self, options): super(CloudService, self).__init__(logger, options) mqttlogger = logging.getLogger( "AWSIoTPythonSDK.core.protocol.mqttCore") if logger.getEffectiveLevel() < logging.INFO: mqttlogger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: mqttlogger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) = Storage("cloud") self.uuidhex = security.get_uuid() if"/"): self.cloud_netloc =[:-1] else: self.cloud_netloc = self.diagnosis() def on_start(self):"Cloud service started (version=%s)", __version__) if security.get_serial() == "XXXXXXXXXX": logger.error("Serial invalid, cloud deamon will be silenced.") else: self.timer = self.loop.timer(3., 3., self.on_timer) self.timer.start() def require_identify(self): logger.debug("Require identify") url = urlparse("%s/axon/require_identify" % self.cloud_netloc) pkey = security.get_private_key() publickey_base64 = b2a_base64(pkey.export_pubkey_der()) serial = security.get_serial() model = get_model_id() identify_base64 = b2a_base64(security.get_identify()) try: conn = get_connection(url) logger.debug("Require identify request sent") conn.post_request( url.path, { "serial": serial, "uuid": self.uuidhex, "model": model, "version": __version__, "publickey": publickey_base64, "signature": identify_base64 }) resp = conn.get_json_response() if resp.get("status") == "ok": return resp["token"].encode(), resp["subject"] elif resp.get("status") == "error": raise RuntimeWarning(*resp["error"]) else: logger.error("require_identify response unknown response: %s", resp) raise RuntimeWarning("RESPONSE_ERROR") except socket.gaierror as e: raise RuntimeError("REQUIRE_IDENTIFY", "DNS_ERROR", e) except socket.error as e: raise RuntimeError("REQUIRE_IDENTIFY", "CONNECTION_ERROR", e) except RuntimeWarning as e: raise RuntimeError("REQUIRE_IDENTIFY", *e.args) except Exception as e: logger.exception("Error in require identify") raise RuntimeError("REQUIRE_IDENTIFY", "UNKNOWN_ERROR", e) def get_identify(self, token, request_asn1): logger.debug("Get identify") url = urlparse("%s/axon/identify" % self.cloud_netloc) uuidhex = security.get_uuid() try: conn = get_connection(url) logger.debug("Get identify request sent") conn.post_request( url.path, { "uuid": uuidhex, "token": token, "x509_request": request_asn1, "metadata": { "version": __version__ } }) resp = conn.get_json_response() if resp.get("status") == "ok": return resp elif resp.get("status") == "error": raise RuntimeWarning(*resp["error"]) else: logger.error("get identify response unknown response: %s", resp) raise RuntimeWarning("RESPONSE_ERROR") except socket.gaierror as e: raise RuntimeError("GET_IDENTIFY", "DNS_ERROR", e) except socket.error as e: raise RuntimeError("GET_IDENTIFY", "CONNECTION_ERROR", e) except RuntimeWarning as e: raise RuntimeError("GET_IDENTIFY", *e.args) except Exception as e: logger.exception("Error in get identify") raise RuntimeError("GET_IDENTIFY", "UNKNOWN_ERROR", e) def generate_certificate_request(self, subject_list): from subprocess import Popen, PIPE fxkey = security.get_private_key()["key.pem"] = fxkey.export_pem() subject_str = "/" + "/".join(("=".join(i) for i in subject_list)) proc = Popen([ "openssl", "req", "-new", "-key","key.pem"), "-subj", subject_str, "-keyform", "pem", "-nodes", "-sha256" ], stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) stdoutdata, stderrdata = proc.communicate(input="") while proc.poll() is None: pass if proc.returncode > 0: error = stdoutdata if stdoutdata else stderrdata if error: error = error.decode("utf8") else: error = "Process return %i" % proc.returncode raise SystemError(error) else: return stdoutdata # csr = crypto.X509Req() # subj = csr.get_subject() # for name, value in subject_list: # if name == "CN": # add_result = crypto._lib.X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID( # subj._name, 13, crypto._lib.MBSTRING_UTF8, # value.encode('utf-8'), -1, -1, 0) # if not add_result: # crypto._raise_current_error() # else: # setattr(subj, name, value) # fxkey = security.get_private_key() # opensslkey = crypto.load_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, # fxkey.export_der()) #["key.pem"] = fxkey.export_pem() # csr.set_pubkey(opensslkey) # csr.sign(opensslkey, "sha256") # return crypto.dump_certificate_request(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, csr) def fetch_identify(self):"Fetch identify") token, subject_list = self.require_identify()"Require identify return token=%s, subject=%s", token, subject_list) request_asn1 = self.generate_certificate_request(subject_list) doc = self.get_identify(token, request_asn1)"Get identify return %s", doc["status"])["token"] = token["endpoint"] = doc["endpoint"]["client_id"] = doc["client_id"]["certificate_reqs.pem"] = doc["certificate_reqs"]["certificate.pem"] = doc["certificate"] def notify_up(self, c): payload = json.dumps({ "state": { "reported": { "version": __version__, "token":["token"], "nickname": metadata.nickname } } }) c.publish(self._notify_topic, payload, 1) def postback_status(self, st_id): url = Storage("general", "meta")["player_postback_url"] if url: try: if '"' in url or '\\' in url: logger.error("Bad url: %r", url) else: url = url % {"st_id": st_id} os.system("curl -s -o /dev/null \"%s\"" % url) except Exception: logger.exception("Error while post back status, url: %s", url) def notify_update(self, new_st, now): if metadata.verify_mversion() is False: self._notify_up_required = True new_st_id = new_st["st_id"] if self._notify_last_st["st_id"] == new_st_id: if self._notify_last_ts > self._notify_aggressive: # notify aggressive is invalid if now - self._notify_last_ts < 1200: # update every 1200 seconds return else: # notify aggressive is valid if new_st_id <= 0 and now - self._notify_last_ts < 1200: # update every 1200 seconds if device is idle or occupy return elif new_st_id in (48, 64, 128): # paused, completed, aborted self.postback_status(new_st_id) c = self.aws_client.getMQTTConnection() payload = json.dumps({"state": {"reported": new_st}}) if self._notify_up_required: self.notify_up(c) self._notify_up_required = False c.publish(self._notify_topic, payload, 0) self._notify_last_st = new_st self._notify_last_ts = now def aws_on_request_callback(self, client, userdata, message): # incommint topic format: "device/{token}/request/{action}" # response topic format: "device/{token}/response/{action}" action = message.topic.split("/", 3)[-1] logger.debug("IoT request: %s", action) response_topic = "device/%s/response/%s" % (self.aws_token, action) try: payload = json.loads(message.payload) except ValueError: logger.error("IoT request payload error: %s", message.payload) client.publish(response_topic, message.payload) return if payload.get("uuid") != self.uuidhex: client.publish( response_topic, json.dumps({ "status": "reject", "cmd_index": payload.get("cmd_index") })) return cmd_index = payload.get("cmd_index") try: if action == "getchu": try: current_hash = metadata.cloud_hash access_id, signature = payload.get("validate_message") client_key = security.get_keyobj(access_id=access_id) if client_key.verify(current_hash, a2b_base64(signature)): client.publish( response_topic, json.dumps({ "status": "ok", "cmd_index": cmd_index })) else: client.publish( response_topic, json.dumps({ "status": "reject", "cmd_index": cmd_index })) finally: metadata.cloud_hash = os.urandom(32) elif action == "monitor": self._notify_aggressive = time() + 180 self._notify_last_st["st_id"] = None client.publish( response_topic, json.dumps({ "status": "ok", "cmd_index": cmd_index })) elif action == "camera": self.require_camera(payload["camera_id"], payload["endpoint"], payload["token"]) client.publish( response_topic, json.dumps({ "status": "ok", "cmd_index": cmd_index })) elif action == "control": self.require_control(payload["endpoint"], payload["token"]) client.publish( response_topic, json.dumps({ "status": "ok", "cmd_index": cmd_index })) else: client.publish( response_topic, json.dumps({ "status": "error", "cmd_index": cmd_index })) except Exception: logger.exception("Handle aws request error") client.publish( response_topic, json.dumps({ "status": "error", "cmd_index": cmd_index })) def begin_session(self):"Begin Session") if not["certificate.pem"]: metadata.cloud_status = (False, ("INIT", )) self.fetch_identify() self.setup_session() metadata.cloud_status = (True, ()) def setup_session(self):"Setup session") from AWSIoTPythonSDK.MQTTLib import AWSIoTMQTTShadowClient from AWSIoTPythonSDK.core.protocol.mqttCore import ( connectTimeoutException) client_id, token =["client_id"],["token"] if not client_id or not token: raise SystemError("client_id or token error") try: ipaddr, port =["endpoint"].split(":") except (AttributeError, ValueError): raise SystemError("endpoint error") cafile ="certificate_reqs.pem") cert ="certificate.pem") key ="key.pem") if False in map(lambda p: os.path.exists(p), (cafile, cert, key)): raise SystemError("cafile or cert or key not exist") client = AWSIoTMQTTShadowClient(client_id) client.configureEndpoint(ipaddr, int(port)) client.configureCredentials(cafile, key, cert) client.configureConnectDisconnectTimeout(10) client.configureMQTTOperationTimeout(5) try: client.connect() except SSLError as e: raise RuntimeError("SESSION", "TLS_ERROR", "%s" % e.reason) except (connectTimeoutException, socket.gaierror, socket.error): raise RuntimeError("SESSION", "CONNECTION_ERROR") conn = client.getMQTTConnection() conn.subscribe("device/%s/request/+" %["token"], 1, self.aws_on_request_callback) self.aws_client = client self.aws_token = token self._notify_topic = "$aws/things/%s/shadow/update" % (["client_id"]) self.notify_up(conn) metadata.cloud_hash = os.urandom(32)"Session ready") def teardown_session(self): if self.aws_client: aws_client = self.aws_client self.aws_client = None conn = aws_client.getMQTTConnection() try: if conn._mqttCore._pahoClient._thread.isAlive(): aws_client.disconnect() else: logger.error("MQTT thread closed, remove directly") except Exception: logger.exception("AWS panic while disconnect from aws, " "make a ugly bugfix") try: conn._mqttCore._pahoClient._thread_terminate = True if conn._mqttCore._pahoClient._sock: conn._mqttCore._pahoClient._sock.close() return except Exception: logger.exception("AWS panic ugly bugfix failed") def on_timer(self, watcher, revent): try: if self.config_ts != metadata.mversion: self.error_counter = 0 if metadata.enable_cloud == "R": logger.warning("Refetch required") if self.aws_client: self.teardown_session() metadata.enable_cloud = "A" metadata.cloud_status = (False, ("INIT", )) self.fetch_identify() self.config_ts = metadata.mversion self.config_enable = (metadata.enable_cloud == "A") if self.config_enable is False: metadata.cloud_status = (False, ("DISABLE", )) if self.config_enable: if self.aws_client: self.notify_update(metadata.format_device_status, time()) self.error_counter = max(self.error_counter - 1, 0) else: if self.error_counter in ERROR_COUNTER_MATCH: self.begin_session() self.error_counter = max(self.error_counter - 1, 0) elif self.error_counter > ERROR_COUNTER_MATCH[-1]: self.error_counter = ERROR_COUNTER_MATCH[-2] else: self.error_counter += 1 else: if self.aws_client: self.teardown_session() self._notify_retry_counter = 0 except publishQueueDisabledException: metadata.cloud_status = (False, ("SESSION", "CONNECTION_ERROR")) self._notify_retry_counter += 1 logger.exception("publishQueueDisabledException raise in notify") if self._notify_retry_counter > 10: self.teardown_session() self.error_counter += 1 except RuntimeError as e: logger.error(e) metadata.cloud_status = (False, e.args) self.error_counter += 1 self.diagnosis() except Exception: logger.exception("Unhandle error") metadata.cloud_status = (False, ("UNKNOWN_ERROR", )) self.error_counter += 1 def on_shutdown(self): pass def require_camera(self, camera_id, endpoint, token): payload = msgpack.packb((0x80, camera_id, endpoint, token)) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX) s.connect(CAMERA_ENDPOINT) s.send(payload) rl = select((s, ), (), (), 0.25)[0] if rl: logger.debug("Require camera return %s", msgpack.unpackb(s.recv(4096))) s.close() def require_control(self, endpoint, token): payload = msgpack.packb((0x80, endpoint, token)) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX) s.connect(ROBOT_ENDPOINT) s.send(payload) rl = select((s, ), (), (), 0.25)[0] if rl: logger.debug("Require robot return %s", msgpack.unpackb(s.recv(4096))) s.close() def diagnosis(self): from fluxmonitor.misc._process import Process from time import time as epoch"Diagnosis...") try: 'ntp dns testing...\n%s\n%s', Process.call_with_output('getent', 'hosts', ''), Process.call_with_output('getent', 'hosts', '')) except Exception: logger.exception('ntp dns testing failed') try:'ntp service status...\n%s', Process.call_with_output('service', 'ntp', 'status')) except Exception: logger.exception('fetch ntp service status failed') try: if epoch() < 1505720271: logger.error( "System time error, fixing...\n%s", Process.call_with_output('ntp-wait', '-s', '1', '-n', '1')) if epoch() < 1505720271: logger.error("System time sync failed") except Exception: logger.exception("cloud diagnosis error")