def read_raw_data(filename):
    ''' Read .mat file from Ros. Returns table, attributes. '''
    data =, squeeze_me=True)
    data = data['magno']
    # convert from array to hash
    assert isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray)
    data = dict([(field, data[field]) for field in data.dtype.fields])
    # convert from array to string
    for k in list(data.keys()):
        # maybe this only for ROS :(
        if data[k].dtype == numpy.dtype('object'):
            data[k] = data[k].item()
        if data[k].dtype.char == 'U':
            data[k] = str(data[k])
            # print('converted attribute to %r' % data[k])
    # make sure everything is 1d array
    def as1d(x):  
        if x.dtype == 'object':
            x = x.tolist()
        return x.reshape(len(x))
    orientation = as1d(data.pop('exp_orientation'))
    timestamp = as1d(data.pop('exp_timestamps'))
    assert len(orientation) == len(timestamp)
    n = len(orientation)
    #dtype = [(('timestamp', 'Timestamp (seconds since the epoch)'), 'float64'),
    #         (('orientation', 'Fly orientation (degrees)'), 'float64')]
    dtype = [('timestamp', 'float64'),
             ('orientation', 'float64')]
    table = numpy.ndarray(shape=(n,), dtype=dtype)
    table['timestamp'][:] = timestamp[:]
    table['orientation'][:] = numpy.rad2deg(straighten_up_theta(orientation[:]))
    return table, data
Esempio n. 2
def main():
    parser = OptionParser(usage=description)
                      help="Peter's pickle file", default='weir.pkl')
    parser.add_option("--data", help="Main data directory", default='.')
    parser.add_option("--nocache", action='store_true',
                      default=False, help="Do not skip files if already present.")
    booleans = {'yes':True, 'no':False}
    parser.add_option("--write_matlab", help="Writes out Matlab files.",
                      default='yes', type='choice', choices=booleans.keys())
    parser.add_option("--write_pickle", help="Writes out pickle files",
                      default='no', type='choice', choices=booleans.keys())
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    options.write_matlab = booleans[options.write_matlab]
    options.write_pickle = booleans[options.write_pickle]

    if args:
        raise Exception('Extraneous arguments: %s' % args.__repr__())

    if not os.path.exists(options.peters_pickle):
        raise Exception('File %s does not exist. ' % options.peters_pickle)
    print "Loading file %s ..." % options.peters_pickle
    data = pickle.load(open(options.peters_pickle, 'rb'))
    print "...done."

    for experiment, flies in data.items():
        experiment = experiment.replace('/', '')
        for fly, fly_data in flies.items(): #@UnusedVariable
            times = fly_data.pop('times')
            date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(times[0])            
            timestamp = date.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')
            sample_id = '%s_%s' % (experiment, timestamp)
            dirname = os.path.join(, experiment)
            if not os.path.exists(dirname):
            pickle_filename = os.path.join(dirname, 'data_' + sample_id + '.pickle')
            mat_filename = os.path.join(dirname, 'data_' + sample_id + '.mat')

            if not options.nocache and \
                (os.path.exists(pickle_filename) or not options.write_pickle) and \
                (os.path.exists(mat_filename) or not options.write_matlab):
                print "Skipping %s" % sample_id

            # first fix orientation
            exp_orientation = fly_data.pop('orientations')
            problematic, = np.nonzero(
            print problematic, exp_orientation[problematic]
            # just replace with the previous one
            for i in problematic:
                exp_orientation[i] = exp_orientation[i - 1]

            # renormalize so it's easier to visualize
            exp_orientation = degrees(straighten_up_theta(radians(exp_orientation))) 
            # now fix timestamps
            #dt = np.diff(times)
            # there are a few big errors, and many low errors
            #dt_guess = np.percentile(dt, 80)
            dt_guess = (times[-1] - times[0]) / len(times)
            # recompute the timestamps
            exp_timestamps = times[0] + dt_guess * np.array(range(0, len(times)))
            max_var = np.abs(exp_timestamps - times).max()
            print "Estimated real dt: %f  corresponding to %.2f FPS" % (dt_guess,
                                                                        1 / dt_guess)
            print "Maximum deviation: %fs" % max_var
            print "Length: %d seconds " % (exp_timestamps[-1] - exp_timestamps[0])

            # other fields
            data = {
                'experiment': experiment,
                'species': 'Dmelanogaster',
                'sample': sample_id,
                'exp_orientation': exp_orientation,
                'exp_timestamps': exp_timestamps,
                'dt_guess': dt_guess,
                'fps_guess': 1 / dt_guess
            # put other fields specific to Peter
            for k, v in fly_data.items():
#                if v is None or \
#                    (isinstance(v, np.ndarray) and (v[0] is None)):
#                    # cannot represent this in matlab
#                    v = 'none'
                if k == 'background':
                    if v is None:
                        v = []
                    if isinstance(v, np.ndarray):
                        print v.dtype
                        if str(v.dtype) == 'object' or len(v) == 1:
                            v = []
                data[k] = v
            if options.write_pickle:                
                if os.path.exists(pickle_filename) and not options.nocache:
                    print "File %s already exists; not re-writing." % pickle_filename
                    print "Writing ID %s to %s " % (sample_id, pickle_filename)
                    with open(pickle_filename, 'wb') as f:
                        pickle.dump(data, f)
            if options.write_matlab:
                if os.path.exists(mat_filename) and not options.nocache:
                    print "File %s already exists; not re-writing." % mat_filename
                    print "Writing ID %s to %s " % (sample_id, mat_filename)
              , {'data': data}, oned_as='row',
                    except Exception as e:
                        print "ERROR: Could not write to %s: %s" % (mat_filename, e)
def import_sample(flydra_db, experiment, fly, fly_data): #@UnusedVariable
    times = fly_data.pop('times')
    date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(times[0])            
    timestamp = date.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')
    sample_id = '%s_%s' % (experiment, timestamp)

    # first fix orientation
    exp_orientation = fly_data.pop('orientations')
    problematic, = numpy.nonzero(
    print problematic, exp_orientation[problematic]
    # just replace with the previous one
    for i in problematic:
        exp_orientation[i] = exp_orientation[i - 1]

    # renormalize so it's easier to visualize
    exp_orientation = degrees(straighten_up_theta(radians(exp_orientation))) 
    # now fix timestamps
    dt_guess = (times[-1] - times[0]) / len(times)
    # recompute the timestamps
    exp_timestamps = times[0] + dt_guess * numpy.array(range(0, len(times)))
    max_var = numpy.abs(exp_timestamps - times).max()
    print("Estimated real dt: %f  corresponding to %.2f FPS" % 
          (dt_guess, 1 / dt_guess))
    print("Maximum deviation: %fs" % max_var)
    print("Length: %d seconds " % (exp_timestamps[-1] - exp_timestamps[0]))

    dtype = [('timestamp', 'float64'),
              ('orientation', 'float64')]
    table = numpy.ndarray(shape=(len(exp_timestamps),), dtype=dtype)
    table['timestamp'][:] = exp_timestamps[:]
    table['orientation'][:] = exp_orientation[:]
    # other fields
    attributes = {
        'experiment': experiment,
        'species': 'Dmelanogaster',
        'sample': sample_id,
        'dt_guess': dt_guess,
        'fps_guess': 1 / dt_guess
    # put other fields specific to Peter
    for k, v in fly_data.items(): 
        if k == 'background':
            if v is None:
                v = []
            if isinstance(v, numpy.ndarray):
                print v.dtype
                if str(v.dtype) == 'object' or len(v) == 1:
                    v = []
        attributes[k] = v
    if not flydra_db.has_sample(sample_id):
    flydra_db.add_sample_to_group(sample_id, experiment)
    flydra_db.add_sample_to_group(sample_id, 'peter')
    flydra_db.set_table(sample=sample_id, table=EXP_DATA_TABLE,
    for k, v in attributes.items():
            flydra_db.set_attr(sample_id, k, v)
            print("Can't set attribute %r of class %s." % (k, v.__class__))