Esempio n. 1
def animate_update(block_count, iq_data, block_size, rf_coeff, audio_coeff):

	global audio_data, state_i_lpf_100k, state_q_lpf_100k, state_phase

	if (block_count+1)*block_size > len(iq_data):
		print('Finished processing the raw I/Q samples')
		# write audio data to file (assumes audio_data samples are -1 to +1)
		wavfile.write("../data/fmMonoAnim.wav", int(audio_Fs), np.int16((audio_data/2)*32767))

	# filter to extract the FM channel (I samples are even, Q samples are odd)
	i_filt, state_i_lpf_100k = signal.lfilter(rf_coeff, 1.0, \
	q_filt, state_q_lpf_100k = signal.lfilter(rf_coeff, 1.0, \

	# downsample the FM channel
	i_ds = i_filt[::rf_decim]
	q_ds = q_filt[::rf_decim]

	# FM demodulator
	fm_demod, state_phase = fmDemodArctan(i_ds, q_ds, state_phase)

	# PSD after FM demodulation
	ax0.psd(fm_demod, NFFT=512, Fs=(rf_Fs/rf_decim)/1e3)
	# freq, my_psd = estimatePSD(fm_demod, NFFT=512, Fs=(rf_Fs/rf_decim)/1e3)
	# ax0.plot(freq, my_psd)
	ax0.set_ylabel('PSD (dB/Hz)')
	ax0.set_xlabel('Freq (kHz)')
	ax0.set_title('Demodulated FM (block ' + str(block_count) + ')')
Esempio n. 2
def rf_frontend():
    # coefficients for the front-end low-pass filter
    rf_coeff = signal.firwin(rf_taps, rf_Fc / (rf_Fs / 2), window=('hann'))
    #  rf_coeff = lp_impulse(rf_Fc, rf_Fs, rf_taps)

    # filter to extract the FM channel (I samples are even, Q samples are odd)
    i_filt = signal.lfilter(rf_coeff, 1.0, iq_data[0::2])
    q_filt = signal.lfilter(rf_coeff, 1.0, iq_data[1::2])

    block_size = int(len(iq_data[0::2]))
    # print(block_size)
    # i_filt, buf_wave = conv(iq_data[0::2], rf_coeff, np.zeros(len(rf_coeff)-1))
    # q_filt, buf_wave = conv(iq_data[1::2], rf_coeff, np.zeros(len(rf_coeff)-1))

    # downsample the FM channel
    i_ds = i_filt[::rf_decim]
    q_ds = q_filt[::rf_decim]
    print("ARCTAN DEMOD BEGIN (LEN I = " + str(len(i_ds)) + ")")
    # FM demodulator (check the library)
    fm_demod = fmDemodArctan(i_ds, q_ds)
    print("ARCTAN DEMOD EMD")
    return fm_demod
Esempio n. 3
        print('Processing block ' + str(block_count))

        # filter to extract the FM channel (I samples are even, Q samples are odd)
        i_filt, state_i_lpf_100k = signal.lfilter(rf_coeff, 1.0, \
        q_filt, state_q_lpf_100k = signal.lfilter(rf_coeff, 1.0, \

        # downsample the I/Q data from the FM channel
        i_ds = i_filt[::rf_decim]
        q_ds = q_filt[::rf_decim]

        # FM demodulator
        fm_demod, state_phase = fmDemodArctan(i_ds, q_ds, state_phase)

        tone_filt, state_tone = signal.lfilter(tone_pass_coeff, 1.0, \

        stereo_filt, state_stereo = signal.lfilter(stereo_pass_coeff, 1.0, \

        ncoOut, state_integrator, state_phaseEst, state_feedbackI, state_feedbackQ, state_ncoOut0, state_trigOffset \
             = fmPll(tone_filt,19e3,rf_Fs/rf_decim,ncoScale = 2, \
Esempio n. 4
	#  rf_coeff = lp_impulse(rf_Fc, rf_Fs, rf_taps)

	# filter to extract the FM channel (I samples are even, Q samples are odd)
	i_filt = signal.lfilter(rf_coeff, 1.0, iq_data[0::2])
	q_filt = signal.lfilter(rf_coeff, 1.0, iq_data[1::2])
	block_size = int(len(iq_data[0::2]))
	# print(block_size)
	# i_filt, buf_wave = conv(iq_data[0::2], rf_coeff, np.zeros(len(rf_coeff)-1))
	# q_filt, buf_wave = conv(iq_data[1::2], rf_coeff, np.zeros(len(rf_coeff)-1))

	# downsample the FM channel
	i_ds = i_filt[::rf_decim]
	q_ds = q_filt[::rf_decim]

	# FM demodulator (check the library)
	fm_demod, buf_I, buf_Q = fmDemodArctan(i_ds, q_ds)
	# we use a dummy because there is no state for this single-pass model

	# set up drawing
	fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=3)
	fig.subplots_adjust(hspace = 1.0)

	# PSD after FM demodulation
	ax0.psd(fm_demod, NFFT=512, Fs=(rf_Fs/rf_decim)/1e3)
	ax0.set_ylabel('PSD (db/Hz)')
	ax0.set_title('Demodulated FM')

	# coefficients for the filter to extract mono audio
	# audio_coeff = np.array([]) # to be updated by you during in-lab
	audio_coeff = signal.firwin(audio_taps, audio_Fc/(24e4/2), window=('hann'))
	# audio_coeff = lp_impulse(audio_Fc, 24e4, audio_taps)
Esempio n. 5
        q_filt, state_q_lpf_state = signal.lfilter(rf_coeff, 1.0, \

        # i_filt, state_i_lpf_100k = conv(iq_data[(block_count)*block_size:(block_count+1)*block_size:2], rf_coeff, state_i_lpf_100k)
        # q_filt, state_q_lpf_100k = conv(iq_data[(block_count)*block_size+1:(block_count+1)*block_size:2], rf_coeff, state_q_lpf_100k)

        # downsample the FM channel
        i_ds = i_filt[::rf_decim]
        q_ds = q_filt[::rf_decim]

        # FM demodulator
        # fm_demod, state_phase = fmDemodArctan(i_ds, q_ds, state_phase)
        fm_demod, buf_I, buf_Q = fmDemodArctan(i_ds, q_ds, block_count, buf_I,

        # extract the mono audio data through filtering
        # audio_filt = ... change as needed
        mono_filt, mono_lpf_state = signal.lfilter(audio_coeff, 1.0, \
        # audio_filt, mono_lpf_100k = conv(fm_demod, audio_coeff, mono_lpf_100k)

        # downsample audio data
        # audio_block = ... change as needed
        mono_block = mono_filt[::audio_decim]

        stereo_channel, stereo_channel_state = signal.lfilter(
            stereo_channel_coeff, 1.0, fm_demod, zi=stereo_channel_state)
Esempio n. 6
    iq_data = np.fromfile(in_fname, dtype='float32')
    print("Read raw RF data from \"" + in_fname + "\" in float32 format")

    # coefficients for the front-end low-pass filter
    rf_coeff = signal.firwin(rf_taps, rf_Fc / (rf_Fs / 2), window=('hann'))

    # filter to extract the FM channel (I samples are even, Q samples are odd)
    i_filt = signal.lfilter(rf_coeff, 1.0, iq_data[0::2])
    q_filt = signal.lfilter(rf_coeff, 1.0, iq_data[1::2])

    # downsample the FM channel
    i_ds = i_filt[::rf_decim]
    q_ds = q_filt[::rf_decim]

    # FM demodulator (check the library)
    fm_demod, dummy = fmDemodArctan(i_ds, q_ds)
    # we use a dummy because there is no state for this single-pass model

    # set up drawing
    fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=3)

    # PSD after FM demodulation
    ax0.psd(fm_demod, NFFT=512, Fs=(rf_Fs / rf_decim) / 1e3)
    ax0.set_ylabel('PSD (db/Hz)')
    ax0.set_title('Demodulated FM')

    # coefficients for the filter to extract mono audio
    audio_coeff = np.array([])  # to be updated by you during in-lab

    # extract the mono audtio data through filtering