Esempio n. 1
def configure(*to_delete, **to_save):
    # Get the "home_directory" and the "config_file" for saving.
    import os, time, builtins
    from fmodpy.config import home_directory, config_file
    # Use the built-in print function, instead of the fmodpy one (default).
    from builtins import print
    # Otherwise, add the given configuration values to the config file.
    path = os.path.join(home_directory, config_file)
    # Read the existing file, if it's there.
    lines = []
    if (os.path.exists(path)):
        with open(path, "r") as f:
            lines = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()]
    # If no arguments were given, print the current
    # configuration to standard output.
    if ((len(to_delete) == 0) and (len(to_save) == 0)):
        import fmodpy
        from fmodpy.config import load_config
        existing = {
            ''.join([v.strip() for v in l.split("=")[:1]])
            for l in lines
        conf = load_config()
        # Collect the lines of the printout.
        lines = [f"fmodpy ({fmodpy.__version__}):"]
        finished_existing = False
        if (len(existing) > 0):
            lines += [f" # configuration declared in {path}"]
        for name in sorted(sorted(conf), key=lambda n: n not in existing):
            if (len(existing) >
                    0) and (name not in existing) and (not finished_existing):
                lines += ["", " # default values"]
                finished_existing = True
            lines.append(f"  {name} = {str([conf[name]])[1:-1]}")
        # Print the output.
        print("\n".join(lines + [""]))
        # Overwrite the file, commenting out all the old stuff.
        with open(path, "w") as f:
            to_remove = {n for n in to_delete}.union(set(to_save))
            # Write the old contents, commented out.
            for l in lines:
                # If this variable is being overwritten, comment out the former.
                comment_out = any(v.strip() in to_remove
                                  for v in l.split("=")[:1])
                if comment_out: l = "# " + l
                # Add the line to the file (so there is a history).
                print(l, file=f)
            # Write the new contents.
            print("", file=f)
            print("# ", time.ctime(), file=f)
            for name in sorted(to_save):
                value = to_save[name]
                str_value = str([to_save[name]])[1:-1]
                print(f"{name} = {str_value}", file=f)
Esempio n. 2
 def parse(self, list_of_lines):
     self.lines += 1
     line = list_of_lines.pop(0).strip().split()
     # Remove any comments on the line that may exist.
     if ("!" in line): line = line[:line.index("!")]
     # Catch a potential parsing error.
     if (len(line) <= 1):
         from fmodpy.exceptions import ParseError
         raise (ParseError(
             f"Expected 'MODULE <NAME>', but the line did not contain the name of module.\n  {list_of_lines[0]}"
     # Get the name of this module. = line[1]
     # ------- Default parsing operations -------
     # ------------------------------------------
     # Get the set of things declared private.
     private = set(self.private)
     # Remove any instances of things that are declared private.
     if (len(private) > 0):
         for attr in ("arguments", "interfaces", "types", "subroutines",
             codes = getattr(self, attr)
             to_remove = [
                 i for (i, c) in enumerate(codes) if ( in private)
             for i in reversed(to_remove):
             if (len(to_remove) > 0):
                 from fmodpy.config import fmodpy_print as print
                     f"  removed {len(to_remove)} from '{attr}' declared PRIVATE.."
     # Remove any things not declared public if this MODULE is private.
     if (self.status == "PRIVATE"):
         public = set(self.public)
         for attr in ("interfaces", "types", "subroutines", "functions"):
             codes = getattr(self, attr)
             to_remove = [
                 i for (i, c) in enumerate(codes) if ( not in public)
             for i in reversed(to_remove):
             if (len(to_remove) > 0):
                 from fmodpy.config import fmodpy_print as print
                     f"  removed {len(to_remove)} from '{attr}' because this MODULE is PRIVATE.."
     # Make sure all "arguments" don't show intent.
     for a in self.arguments:
         a.show_intent = False
Esempio n. 3
def prepare_build_directory(source_dir, build_dir):
    import os
    # Create a build directory.
    if (build_dir is None):
        # Create a temporary directory for building.
        from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
        temp_dir = TemporaryDirectory()
        build_dir =
        print(f"Using temporary build directory at '{build_dir}'.")
        # Otherwise, assume a path was given, convert to absolute form.
        temp_dir = None
        build_dir = os.path.abspath(build_dir)
        # Create the directory for the build if it does not exist.
        if (not os.path.exists(build_dir)):
            print(f"Making build directory at '{build_dir}'.")
            os.makedirs(build_dir)  #, exist_ok=True)

    # If the working directory is not the same as the file directory,
    # copy all the contents of the file directory into the working
    # directory (in case any of them are used by the fortran project)
    if (os.path.abspath(source_dir) != os.path.abspath(build_dir)):
        print("Build directory is different from source directory..")
        for f in os.listdir(source_dir):
            # Get the full path of this source file.
            source = os.path.join(source_dir, f)
            # Do not make links to python files (because they shouldn't be needed)
            if (f[-3:] == ".py"): continue
            # Do not make links to the directory itself.
            if (source == build_dir): continue
            # Create a symbolic link to all source files in the build directory.
            destination = os.path.join(build_dir, f)
            print(" sym-linking '%s' to '%s'" % (source, destination))
            # Remove existing symbolic links (in case they are dead).
            if (os.path.islink(destination)):
                # Skip existing files (copied in manually, do not delete).
            elif (os.path.exists(destination)):
            # Create a new symbolic link.
            os.symlink(source, destination)

    # Return the prepared working directory
    return build_dir, temp_dir
Esempio n. 4
 def parse(self, list_of_lines):
     # Pre-fetch the "result" and modify the first line so that it
     # can be parsed correctly by the Subroutine.parse function.
     declaration_line = list_of_lines[0].strip().split()
     arg_start = declaration_line.index("(")
     arg_end = declaration_line.index(")")
     argument_names = declaration_line[arg_start + 1:arg_end]
     while "," in argument_names:
     name = declaration_line[:arg_start][-1]
     rest_of_line = declaration_line[arg_end + 1:]
     # Get the result from the end of the line.
     if ("RESULT" in rest_of_line):
         if ("(" not in rest_of_line) or (")" not in rest_of_line):
             from fmodpy.exceptions import ParseError
             raise (ParseError(
                 f"Found 'RESULT' but no '(<name>)' on line.\n{list_of_lines[0].strip()}"
         self.result = ''.join(rest_of_line[rest_of_line.index("(") +
         self.result = name
         0] = f"SUBROUTINE {name} ( {' , '.join(argument_names)} )"
     # ------------------------------------------------------------
     # Use Subroutine parse code.
     # ------------------------------------------------------------
     # Find the result in the identified arguments, make sure its
     # intent is not declared (it will make Fortran compilers angry).
     for arg in self.arguments:
         if ( == self.result):
             arg.intent = "OUT"
             arg.show_intent = False
         from fmodpy.config import fmodpy_print as print
         print("Did not find output argument in parsed list..")
         raise (NotImplementedError)
Esempio n. 5
def make_wrapper(source_file, build_dir, module_name):
    import os
    from fmodpy.parsing import simplify_fortran_file, after_dot
    from fmodpy.parsing.file import Fortran
    from fmodpy.exceptions import ParseError

    # Make a simplified version of the fortran file that only contains
    # the relevant syntax to defining a wrapper in python.
    is_fixed_format = after_dot(source_file) == "f"
    simplified_file = simplify_fortran_file(source_file, is_fixed_format)
    # Write the simplified file to the build directory.
    simplified_file_path = os.path.join(
        build_dir, "fmodpy_simplified_" + os.path.basename(source_file))
    with open(simplified_file_path, "w") as f:
    # Parse the simplified fortran file into an abstract syntax.
        abstraction = Fortran(simplified_file)
    except ParseError as exc:
        from fmodpy.config import end_is_named
        if (is_fixed_format and (not end_is_named)):
                "\nWARNING: Encountered unnamed 'END' in source for a fixed format file. Consider setting 'end_is_named=False' configuration when wrapping this file.\n"
        raise (exc)
    print("-" * 70)
    print("-" * 70)
    # Generate the C <-> Fortran code.
    fortran_file = abstraction.generate_fortran()
    # Evaluate the sizes of all the Fortran variables.
    # Generate the python <-> C code.
    python_file = abstraction.generate_python()
    # Return the two files that can be used to construct the wrapper.
    return fortran_file, python_file
Esempio n. 6
def fimport(input_fortran_file,
    # Import parsing functions.
    from fmodpy.parsing import after_dot, before_dot, legal_module_name
    from fmodpy.config import run, load_config, \
    # Import "os" for os operations and "importlib" for importing a module.
    import os, sys, shutil, importlib

    # Configure this runtime of fmodpy
    pre_config = load_config()  # <- gets the configuration dictionary
    if (len(kwargs) > 0):
        load_config(**kwargs)  # <- assigns given configuration
    # Import some locally used settings.
    from fmodpy.config import wrap, rebuild, autocompile, \
        verbose_module, f_compiler, f_compiler_args, delete_destination

    # Print the configuration (when verbose).
    print("_" * 70)
    print("fmodpy configuration:")
    c = load_config()
    for n in sorted(c):
        print(f"  {n} = {str([c[n]])[1:-1]}")
    if (len(c) > 0): del n
    del c

    # Get the source file and the source directory.
    source_path = os.path.abspath(input_fortran_file)
    source_file = os.path.basename(source_path)
    source_dir = os.path.dirname(source_path)

    # If the name is not defined, then try to automatically produce it.
    if (name is None): name = before_dot(source_file)

    # Check to make sure that the module name is legal.
    if not legal_module_name(name):
        from fmodpy.exceptions import NameError
        raise (NameError((f"'{name}' is not an allowed module name,\n" +
                          " must match the regexp `^[a-zA-Z_]+" +
                          "[a-zA-Z0-9_]*`. Set the name with:\n" +
                          " fmodpy.fimport(<file>, name='<legal name>')" +
                          " OR\n $ fmodpy <file> name=<legal_name>")))

    # Set the default output directory
    if (output_dir is None): output_dir = os.getcwd()
    else: output_dir = os.path.abspath(output_dir)

    # Initialize the list of depended files if they were not given.
    if (dependencies is None):
        dependencies = [source_file]
        # Given a string, assume it should be split by spaces.
    elif (type(dependencies) is str):
        dependencies = dependencies.split()
        # If something else was given, then copy it into a list (because files will be appended).
        dependencies = list(dependencies)

    # Determine whether or not the module needs to be rebuilt.
    should_rebuild = rebuild or should_rebuild_module(
        [os.path.join(source_dir, d) for d in dependencies], name, output_dir)
    if not should_rebuild:
        print("No new modifications to '%s' module, exiting." % (name))
        print("^" * 70)
        return importlib.import_module(name)

    # Generate the names of files that will be created by this
    # program, so that we can copy them to an "old" directory if necessary.
    fortran_wrapper_file = name + FORT_WRAPPER_EXT
    python_wrapper_file = name + PYTHON_WRAPPER_EXT + PY_EXT
    build_dir_name = build_dir if (build_dir
                                   is not None) else "temporary directory"
    bar_width = 23 + max(
        map(len, (source_dir, source_file, name, build_dir_name,
                  fortran_wrapper_file, python_wrapper_file, output_dir)))
    print("=" * bar_width)
    print("Input file directory: ", source_dir)
    print("Input file name:      ", source_file)
    print("Base module name:     ", name)
    print("Using build dir:      ", build_dir_name)
    print("  fortran wrapper:    ", fortran_wrapper_file)
    print("  python wrapper:     ", python_wrapper_file)
    print("Output module path:   ", output_dir)
    print("=" * bar_width)

    # Prepare the build directory, link in the necessary files.
    build_dir, temp_dir = prepare_build_directory(source_dir, build_dir)

    # Automatically compile fortran files.
    if autocompile:
        print("Attempting to autocompile..")
        built, failed = autocompile_files(build_dir, dependencies)
        dependencies = dependencies + [
            f for f in built if (f not in dependencies)
        if (len(built) > 0):
            print("Identified dependencies:")
            for f in built:
                print(" ", os.path.basename(f))

    # Write the wrappers to the files so they can be compiled.
    existing_fortran_wrapper_path = os.path.join(output_dir, name,
    fortran_wrapper_path = os.path.join(build_dir, fortran_wrapper_file)
    existing_python_wrapper_path = os.path.join(output_dir, name,
    python_wrapper_path = os.path.join(build_dir, python_wrapper_file)
    # Move the existing wrapper to the new build directory (if it is to be kept).
    if (os.path.exists(existing_fortran_wrapper_path) and (not wrap)):
        shutil.move(existing_fortran_wrapper_path, fortran_wrapper_path)
    if (os.path.exists(existing_python_wrapper_path) and (not wrap)):
        shutil.move(existing_python_wrapper_path, python_wrapper_path)
    # Check for the existence of the wrapper files (in the build or output directories).
    fortran_wrapper_exists = os.path.exists(fortran_wrapper_path)
    python_wrapper_exists = os.path.exists(python_wrapper_path)
    # Generate the wrappers for going from python <-> fortran.
    if (wrap or (not fortran_wrapper_exists) or (not python_wrapper_exists)):
        fortran_wrapper, python_wrapper = make_wrapper(source_path, build_dir,
        # Add fortran wrapper to dependencies and remove any
        #  duplicates from the "dependencies" list.
        i = len(dependencies)
        while (i > 1):
            i -= 1
            while (dependencies.index(dependencies[i]) < i):
                i -= 1
        # Fill all the missing components of the python_wrapper string.
        python_wrapper = python_wrapper.format(
    # Write the wrapper files if this program is supposed to.
    if (not fortran_wrapper_exists) or wrap:
        with open(fortran_wrapper_path, "w") as f:
    if (not python_wrapper_exists) or wrap:
        with open(python_wrapper_path, "w") as f:

    # Make the `` for the newly created Python module a link.
    init_file = os.path.join(build_dir, "")
    if os.path.exists(init_file): os.remove(init_file)
    print(f"Making symlink from '{python_wrapper_file}' to ''")
    os.symlink(os.path.join(".", python_wrapper_file), init_file)
    # Generate the final module path, move into location.
    final_module_path = os.path.join(output_dir, name)
    # Move the compiled module to the output directory.
    print("Moving from:",
          f"  {build_dir}",
          f"  {final_module_path}",
    if not (build_dir == final_module_path):
        # Remove the existing wrapper module if it exists.
        if os.path.exists(final_module_path):
            if (delete_destination):
                    f" deleting existing directory at '{final_module_path}'..")
                # Keep previous compilation in "old" directory.
                old_module_path = final_module_path + "_OLD"
                # Remove old directories permanently.
                if os.path.exists(old_module_path):
                        f" removing old wrapper of '{name}' at '{old_module_path}'.."
                    f" moving existing directory at '{final_module_path}' to '{old_module_path}'.."
                shutil.move(final_module_path, old_module_path)
        # Move the compiled wrapper to the destination.
        shutil.move(build_dir, final_module_path)
        # Remove all files (symlinks) that are not dependencies.
        all_kept_files = set(dependencies) | {
            fortran_wrapper_file, python_wrapper_file, ""
        for p in os.listdir(final_module_path):
            if ((p not in all_kept_files) and (after_dot(p) != 'mod')):
                print(f" removing unnecessary file '{p}'..")
                p = os.path.join(final_module_path, p)

    print(f"\nFinished making module '{name}'.\n")
    print("^" * 70)

    # Clean up the the temporary directory if one was created.
    if temp_dir is not None:
        except FileNotFoundError:
        del temp_dir

    # Re-configure 'fmodpy' to work the way it did before this execution.
    if (len(kwargs) > 0): load_config(**pre_config)

    # (Re)Import the module.
    sys.path.insert(0, output_dir)
    module = importlib.import_module(name)
    module = importlib.reload(module)
    # Return the module to be stored as a variable.
    return module
Esempio n. 7
def autocompile_files(build_dir, dependencies):
    import os, time
    from fmodpy.parsing import after_dot
    # Get configuration parameters.
    from fmodpy.config import run, f_compiler, f_compiler_args, \
        wait_warning_sec, GET_SIZE_PROG_FILE, GET_SIZE_EXEC_FILE
    # Make compilation option substititions for speed.
    f_compiler_args = [
        arg if (arg not in {"-O3", "-O2", "-O1"}) else "-O0"
        for arg in f_compiler_args
    # Set the wait time and start time.
    wait_warning_sec = int(wait_warning_sec)
    start_time = time.time()
    # Try and compile the rest of the files (that might be fortran) in
    # the working directory in case any are needed for linking.
    should_compile = dependencies[:]
    dependencies = set(dependencies)
    # generate the list of files that we sould try to autocompile
    for f in os.listdir(build_dir):
        f = os.path.join(build_dir, f.strip())
        # Skip the preprocessed file, the size program, and directories
        if ((os.path.isdir(f)) or ("." not in f) or ("f" not in after_dot(f))
                or (GET_SIZE_PROG_FILE in f)):
            print(f" skipping '{f}'")
        # Try opening the file, if it can't be decoded, then skip
        # Make sure the file does not have any immediate exclusions,
        # if it does then skip it
            with open(f) as fort_file:
                f = os.path.basename(f)
                print(f" reading '{f}' to check if it can be autocompiled.. ",
                exclude_this_file = False
                # Read through the file, look for exclusions
                for line in fort_file.readlines():
                    line = line.strip().upper().split()
                    if (len(line) > 0) and ("PROGRAM" in line[0]):
                        exclude_this_file = True
                if exclude_this_file:
                    print(f"no. The file '{f}' contains 'PROGRAM'.")
        # Some failure occurred while reading that file, skip it
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
        # No failures or obvious red-flags, this file might be useful
    # Handle dependencies by doing rounds of compilation, presuming
    # only files with fewest dependencies will compile first
    ordered_depends = []
    successes = {None}
    made_mod = set()
    failed = set()
    # Get the list of existing "mod" files (Fortran module definitions).
    current_mod_files = sum(
        (1 for f in os.listdir(build_dir) if after_dot(f) == "mod"))
    previous_mod_files = current_mod_files
    # Continue rounds until (everything compiled) or (no successes nor new mod files)
    while (len(should_compile) > 0) and ((len(successes) > 0) or
                                         (len(made_mod) > 0)):
        successes = set()
        made_mod = set()
        for f in should_compile:
            # Check to see if compilation is taking unexpectedly long.
            if (time.time() - start_time > wait_warning_sec):
                import warnings
                    "\n  Automatic compilation is taking longer than expected, consider"
                    "\n  providing explicitly ordered dependencies (precompiled or not) with"
                    "\n    fmodpy.fimport('<target>', dependencies=['<path>', ...], ...)\n"
                start_time = float(
                    'inf')  # <- do this to prevent further warnings

            # Try to compile all files that have "f" in the extension.
            print(f"Compiling '{f}'.. ")
            # Reuse the "GET_SIZE_EXEC_FILE" name for compilation checks.
            compiled_file_path = os.path.join(build_dir, GET_SIZE_EXEC_FILE)
            cmd = [f_compiler] + f_compiler_args + ["-o", compiled_file_path] + \
                  [d for d in ordered_depends if (d != f)] + [f]
            print(f" {' '.join(cmd)}".replace(build_dir, "."))
            code, stdout, stderr = run(cmd, cwd=build_dir)
            # Update the list of existing mod files.
            previous_mod_files = current_mod_files
            current_mod_files = sum(
                (1 for f in os.listdir(build_dir) if after_dot(f) == "mod"))
            if (code == 0):
                if (f not in ordered_depends):
                print("  success.")
                # If all dependencies have been successfully
                #  compiled, then exit (because we are done).
                if (f in dependencies):
                if (len(dependencies) == 0):
                    should_compile = []
                # Since a file was successfully compiled, break, which
                #  will trigger another attempt at compiling the
                #  target file (if there is a target).
            elif (current_mod_files > previous_mod_files):
                print("  failed, but created new '.mod' file, continuing.")
                if (f not in ordered_depends):
                # Record failed compilations.
                if (f not in failed): failed.add(f)
                print("  failed.")
                print("NAME:", f)

                if (max(len(stdout), len(stderr)) > 0): print('-' * 70)
                if len(stdout) > 0:
                    print("STANDARD OUTPUT:")
                if len(stderr) > 0:
                    stderr_str = "\n".join(stderr)
                    print("STANDARD ERROR:")
                    # If there is a pure "error" in the target file, raise it.
                    if ("\nError:" in stderr_str) and (f in dependencies):
                        from fmodpy.exceptions import CompileError
                        raise CompileError(
                            f"Failed to compile '{f}' with error:\n\n{stderr_str}"
                if (max(len(stdout), len(stderr)) > 0): print('-' * 70)
        # Remove the files that were successfully compiled from
        # the list of "should_compile" and the list of "failed".
        for f in successes:
            if (f in failed):
            # The only way that "f" could not be in "should_compile"
            #  is if all dependencies were compiled successfully and
            #  "should_compile" was overwritten with an empty list.
            if (f not in made_mod) and (len(should_compile) > 0):
    # Log the files that failed to compile.
    for f in should_compile:
        print(f"Failed to compile '{f}'.")
    # Raise an error if there was a target file and it was not compiled.
    failed_dependencies = dependencies & failed
    if (len(failed_dependencies) > 0):
        from fmodpy.exceptions import CompileError
        raise (CompileError(
            f"Failed to compile {failed_dependencies}.\n  Current compilation arguments are:\n    {f_compiler_args}\n  Is a necessary compilation argument or dependency missing?"
    # Return the list of files that were successfully compiled in
    # the order they were compiled and the files that failed to compile.
    return ordered_depends, failed
Esempio n. 8
 def parse(self, list_of_lines):
     from fmodpy.config import fmodpy_print as print
     print(f"{self.type.title()}.parse {}")
     # Extract documentation first.
     while (len(list_of_lines) > 0):
         stripped_line = list_of_lines[0].strip() + '!'
         if (stripped_line[0] == '!'):
    += "\n" + list_of_lines.pop(0)
         # If this is not a comment line, the docs are done.
         else: break
     # Strip off any whitespace from the edges of the docs. =
     # Strip off all empty comment lines from the end of the comment block.
     while ([-2:] == "\n!"): =[:-2]
     # Parse the rest of the file (popping out lines from list).
     ended = False
     comments = ""
     while (len(list_of_lines) > 0):
         line = list_of_lines[0].strip().split()
         if len(line) == 0:
             comments = "" # empty new lines before something indicate no comment connection
         # Check if this is a comment (line should not be empty).
         elif (line[0][:1] == "!"):
             comments += "\n" + list_of_lines.pop(0)
         # Check to see if this is the END of this object.
         elif (line[0] == "END"):
             # If this line only contains the keyword "END" ...
             if (len(line) <= 1):
                 from fmodpy.config import end_is_named
                 if end_is_named:
                     from fmodpy.exceptions import ParseError
                     raise(ParseError("Encountered unexpected 'END' without block type (e.g. SUBROUTINE, MODULE)."))
                     ended = True
             # Otherwise, check what is ending ...
             elif (line[1] == self.type):
                 if (self.named_end):
                     if (len(line) < 3):
                         from fmodpy.exceptions import ParseError
                         raise(ParseError(f"Encountered unexpected '{list_of_lines[0].strip()}' without named ending."))
                     elif (line[2] ==
                         ended = True
                 # This does not require a named ending, we are done.
                     ended = True
             # This is the end of something else (not me), ignore it.
         # Parse the contained objects out of the file.
         for (parser, name) in self.can_contain:
             pre_length = len(list_of_lines)
             instances = parser(list_of_lines, comments, self)
             length = pre_length - len(list_of_lines)
             self.lines += length
             # If instances were found, we have a match, break.
             if (len(instances) > 0):
                 for inst in instances:
                     getattr(self,name).append( inst )
                 comments = ""
             # If any parsing was done otherwise, then it was a match, break.
             elif (length > 0): break
             # Look for things that will be parsed, but ignored.
             for parser in self.will_ignore:
                 pre_length = len(list_of_lines)
                 instances = parser(list_of_lines, comments, self)
                 length = len(list_of_lines) - pre_length
                 self.lines += length
                 if ((len(instances) > 0) or (length > 0)): break
                 # This is an unknown block of code.
                 if self.allowed_unknown:
                     comments = ""
                     # This is an un-identifiable line, it belongs ???
                     print(f"  skipping line '{list_of_lines.pop(0)}'")
                     from . import class_name
                     from fmodpy.exceptions import ParseError
                     raise(ParseError(f"\n\nEncountered unrecognized line while parsing {class_name(self)}:\n\n  {str([list_of_lines.pop(0)])[1:-1]}\n\n"))
     # Check for correct ending.
     if (self.needs_end and (not ended)):
         from fmodpy.exceptions import ParseError
         raise(ParseError(f"File ended without observing 'END {self.type}'."))
     # Finalize docs (knowing they will be formatted soon). ="{","{{").replace("}","}}")
     # Denote the end of the docs.
     print(f" {self.type.title()}.parse done.")