Esempio n. 1
def InterBeam(xpol, ypol, freq, jd, ra, dec):
  Interpolate beam at given frequency and sky position (RA and DEC)

  - xpol : Input beam model for xx polarization; type:string
  - ypol : Input beam model for yy polarization; type:string
  - freq : Frequency in Hz; type:float
  - ra   : Right ascensions; type: numpy.ndarray
  - dec  : Declinations; type:numpy.ndarray

    # Reading FEKO BEAMS ..."
    fekoX = fmt.FEKO(xpol)
    fekoY = fmt.FEKO(ypol)
    fields = fekoX.fields
    feko_xpol = fekoX.fields[0]
    feko_ypol = fekoY.fields[0]
    phi = feko_xpol.phi * np.pi / 180.  # azimuth
    theta = feko_xpol.theta * np.pi / 180.  # zenith
    theta = np.pi / 2 - theta  # pyephem wants the elevation rather than the zenith angle

    beamFreqs = np.zeros(11)
    beamFreqs[0] = 100e6
    for i in range(1, 11):
        beamFreqs[i] = beamFreqs[i - 1] + 10e6

    # Computing BEAMS
    gxx = feko_xpol.etheta * np.conj(
        feko_xpol.etheta) + feko_xpol.ephi * np.conj(feko_xpol.ephi)
    beam = np.ndarray(shape=(gxx.shape[0], 4, len(beamFreqs)), dtype=complex)
    for j in range(len(beamFreqs)):
        feko_xpol = fekoX.fields[j]
        feko_ypol = fekoY.fields[j]

        for k in range(len(phi)):
            R_phi = np.array(
                [[np.cos(phi[k]), -1 * np.sin(phi[k])],
                 [np.sin(phi[k]), np.cos(phi[k])]]
            )  # rotation matrix to convert for Ludwig-3 coordinates to normal alt-az coordinate system
            Ex = np.array([[feko_xpol.etheta[k]],
            Ey = np.array([[feko_ypol.etheta[k]],
            Ex_hv =, Ex)
            Ey_hv =, Ey)

            beam[k, 0, j] = Ex_hv[0]
            beam[k, 1, j] = Ex_hv[1]
            beam[k, 2, j] = Ey_hv[0]
            beam[k, 3, j] = Ey_hv[1]

        beam[:, 0, j] = beam[:, 0, j] / np.max(beam[:, 0, j])
        beam[:, 3, j] = beam[:, 3, j] / np.max(beam[:, 3, j])
    # Create OBSERVER
    paper = ephem.Observer(), paper.long, paper.elevation = '-30:43:17', '21:25:40.08', 0.0
    j0 = ephem.julian_date(0) = float(jd) - j0 + 5. / 60 / 24

    beamRA = np.ndarray(shape=(phi.shape[0]), dtype=float)
    beamDEC = np.ndarray(shape=(phi.shape[0]), dtype=float)
    for k in range(beamRA.shape[0]):
        ra0, dec0 = paper.radec_of(phi[k], theta[k])
        beamRA[k] = ra0  # RA in radians
        beamDEC[k] = dec0  # DEC in radians

    InterBeamF = np.ndarray(shape=(beam.shape[0], beam.shape[1]),
    dist = np.abs(freq -
                  np.array(beamFreqs))  # calculating the frequency distance
    ind = np.argsort(dist)

    for p in range(4):
        if dist[ind[0]] == 0:
            InterBeamF[:, p] = beam[:, p, ind[0]]
            # 2-closest point interpolation
            weights = dist[ind[0]]**(-2) + dist[ind[1]]**(-2)
                       p] = (beam[:, p, ind[0]] * dist[ind[0]]**(-2) +
                             beam[:, p, ind[1]] * dist[ind[1]]**(-2)) / weights

    InterHealBeam = np.ndarray(shape=(ra.shape[0], beam.shape[1]),

    for r in range(ra.shape[0]):
        ra[r] = ra[r] - 2 * np.pi if ra[r] > (
            2 * np.pi) else ra[r]  # wrapping over ra
        dist = np.sqrt((ra[r] - beamRA)**2 +
                       (dec[r] - beamDEC)**2)  # calculating distance
        ind = np.argsort(dist)
        ind = ind.flatten()
        weights = dist[ind[0]]**(-1) + dist[ind[1]]**(-1) + dist[ind[2]]**(-1)

        for p in range(4):
            # 3-closest point interpolation
            InterHealBeam[r, p] = InterBeamF[ind[0], p] * dist[ind[0]]**(
                -1) + InterBeamF[ind[1], p] * dist[ind[1]]**(
                    -1) + InterBeamF[ind[2], p] * dist[ind[2]]**(-1)
            InterHealBeam[r, p] = InterHealBeam[r, p] / weights

    np.savez(open('Beam-f%.4g_j%.5f.npz' % (freq * 1e-6, np.float(jd)), 'wb'),
    return InterHealBeam
Esempio n. 2
def genInterpBeam(freq,fits):
  beam_freqs = np.zeros((11),)
  beam_freqs[0] = 1e8
  for k in range(1,len(beam_freqs)):
    beam_freqs[k] = beam_freqs[k-1] + 1e7

  gxx = feko_xpol.etheta*np.conj(feko_xpol.etheta)+feko_xpol.ephi*np.conj(feko_xpol.ephi)
  beam = np.ndarray(shape=(gxx.shape[0],4,beam_freqs.shape[0]),dtype=complex)
  for j in range(0,len(beam_freqs)):
    feko_xpol = fekoX.fields[j]
    feko_ypol = fekoY.fields[j] 
    beam[:,0,j] = feko_xpol.etheta*np.conj(feko_xpol.etheta)+feko_xpol.ephi*np.conj(feko_xpol.ephi)
    beam[:,0,j] = beam[:,0,j] / np.max(beam[:,0,j])						
    beam[:,1,j] = feko_xpol.etheta*np.conj(feko_ypol.etheta)+feko_xpol.ephi*np.conj(feko_ypol.ephi)
    beam[:,2,j] = feko_ypol.etheta*np.conj(feko_xpol.etheta)+feko_ypol.ephi*np.conj(feko_xpol.ephi)
    beam[:,3,j] = feko_ypol.etheta*np.conj(feko_ypol.etheta)+feko_ypol.ephi*np.conj(feko_ypol.ephi)
    beam[:,3,j] = beam[:,3,j] / np.max(beam[:,3,j])	    
  im,hdr,axisInfo=fitsUtil.readFITS(fits,hdr=True,axis=True) #load template FITS
  for aid,aname in enumerate(axisInfo):
    if aname.startswith('RA'): axisDict['RA']=aid
    if aname.startswith('DEC'): axisDict['DEC']=aid
    if aname.startswith('FREQ'): axisDict['FREQ']=aid
    if aname.startswith('STOKES'): axisDict['STOKES']=aid

  #(l,m) grid for spatial interpolation
  #drop beam points near zenith as this can create artefacts
  deltaTheta=(np.pi/2.)/100. #delta of theta away from pi/2 to ignore
  #Generate a WCS structure with the same resolution as the template FITS file, but centered at the North Pole
  wcs = pywcs.WCS(naxis=2)
  wcs.wcs.crval = [0.,90.]
  wcs.wcs.crpix = [hdr['raPix'],hdr['decPix']]
  wcs.wcs.cdelt = [hdr['dra'],hdr['ddec']]
  wcs.wcs.ctype = ["RA---SIN", "DEC--SIN"]
  #compute the sky coordinates for each pixel
  imPhi,imTheta=wcs.wcs_pix2sky(np.array(mms.flatten(), np.float_),np.array(lls.flatten(), np.float_),1)  #compute phi(RA)/theta(DEC)
  print "Frequency Interpolation"
  InterBeamF = np.zeros(shape=(gxx.shape[0],4),dtype=complex)
  df = np.abs(beam_freqs - freq)
  ind = np.argsort(df)
  for pid,plabel in enumerate(polID):
    if freq==beam_freqs[ind[0]]:
       InterBeamF[:,pid] = beam[:,pid,ind[0]]    
       InterBeamF[:,pid] = (beam[:,pid,ind[0]]* df[ind[0]]**(-2.) + beam[:,pid,ind[1]]* df[ind[1]]**(-2.))/(df[ind[0]]**(-2.)+df[ind[1]]**(-2.))
  print "Spatial Interpolation" 
  for pid,plabel in enumerate(polID):
    InterpBeamIm0 = interpolate.griddata(np.column_stack((phi0, theta0)), freqInterpBeams[plabel],np.column_stack((imPhi.flatten(),imTheta.flatten())),method='linear') 
  return InterpBeamIm
        'Interpolate the inverted beam, use if output is being used to correct image'
        help='Output the Stokes beams instead of the complex gain beams')
    opts, args = o.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])

    fn = args[0]

    #Read in FEKO format beam models
    fekoX = fmt.FEKO(opts.xpol)
    fekoY = fmt.FEKO(opts.ypol)

    beam = genInterpBeam(fekoX, fekoY, fn, invert=opts.invert)

    #convert output to Stokes if option set
    stokesStr = ''
    if opts.stokes:
        print 'Generating Stokes beams'
        stokesBeam = np.zeros((4, beam.shape[1], beam.shape[2], beam.shape[3]))
        cplxBeam = np.zeros((4, beam.shape[1], beam.shape[2], beam.shape[3]),
        cplxBeam[0] = beam[0]
        cplxBeam[1] = beam[1] + 1j * beam[2]
        cplxBeam[2] = beam[3] + 1j * beam[4]
        cplxBeam[3] = beam[5]
Esempio n. 4
def old_PAPER_instrument_setup(z0_cza):
    # hack hack hack
    import sys
    )  # make this whatever it needs to be so that fmt can be imported

    import fmt
    nu0 = str(int(p.nu_axis[0] / 1e6))
    nuf = str(int(p.nu_axis[-1] / 1e6))
    band_str = nu0 + "-" + nuf

    local_jones0_file = 'local_jones0/PAPER/nside' + str(
        p.nside) + '_band' + band_str + '_Jdata.npy'
    if os.path.exists(local_jones0_file) == True:
        return np.load(local_jones0_file)

    fekoX = fmt.FEKO('PAPER_beams/PAPER_FF_X.ffe')
    fekoY = fmt.FEKO('PAPER_beams/PAPER_FF_Y.ffe')

    thetaF = np.radians(fekoX.fields[0].theta)
    phiF = np.radians(fekoX.fields[0].phi)

    nfreq = 11
    npixF = thetaF.shape[0]
    nthetaF = 91  # don't think these are used
    nphiF = 73

    jonesFnodes_ludwig = np.zeros((nfreq, npixF, 2, 2), dtype='complex128')
    for f in range(nfreq):
        jonesFnodes_ludwig[f, :, 0, 0] = fekoX.fields[f].etheta
        jonesFnodes_ludwig[f, :, 0, 1] = fekoX.fields[f].ephi
        jonesFnodes_ludwig[f, :, 1, 0] = fekoY.fields[f].etheta
        jonesFnodes_ludwig[f, :, 1, 1] = fekoY.fields[f].ephi

    # getting out of the Ludwig-3 basis. Seriously, wtf?
    # Copied Chuneeta/PolSims/genHealpyBeam.
    R_phi = np.array([[np.cos(phiF), np.sin(phiF)],
                      [-np.sin(phiF), np.cos(phiF)]]).transpose(2, 0, 1)

    jonesFnodes = np.einsum('...ab,...bc->', jonesFnodes_ludwig, R_phi)

    Rb = np.array([[0, 0, -1], [0, -1, 0], [-1, 0, 0]])

    tb, pb = rotate_sphr_coords(Rb, thetaF, phiF)

    tF_v = t_hat_cart(thetaF, phiF)
    pF_v = p_hat_cart(thetaF, phiF)

    tb_v = t_hat_cart(tb, pb)

    fRtF_v = np.einsum('ab...,b...->a...', Rb, tF_v)
    fRpF_v = np.einsum('ab...,b...->a...', Rb, pF_v)

    cosX = np.einsum('a...,a...', fRtF_v, tb_v)
    sinX = np.einsum('a...,a...', fRpF_v, tb_v)

    basis_rot = np.array([[cosX, sinX], [-sinX, cosX]])
    basis_rot = np.transpose(basis_rot, (2, 0, 1))

    jonesFnodes_b = np.einsum('...ab,...bc->', jonesFnodes, basis_rot)

    nside_F = 2**5
    npix_F = hp.nside2npix(nside_F)

    h = lambda m: healpixellize(m, tb, pb, nside_F)

    jones_hpx_b = np.zeros((nfreq, npix_F, 2, 2), dtype='complex128')

    for f in range(nfreq):
        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(2):
                Re = h((jonesFnodes_b.real)[f, :, i, j])
                Im = h((jonesFnodes_b.imag)[f, :, i, j])
                jones_hpx_b[f, :, i, j] = Re + 1j * Im

    # note that Rb is an involution, Rb = Rb^-1
    jones = np.zeros_like(jones_hpx_b)
    for i in range(11):
        jones[i] = rotate_jones(
            jones_hpx_b[i], Rb, multiway=True
        )  # rotate scalar components so instrument is pointed to northpole of healpix coordinate frame

    npix = hp.nside2npix(nside_F)
    hpxidx = np.arange(npix)
    cza, ra = hp.pix2ang(nside_F, hpxidx)

    z0 = r_hat_cart(z0_cza, 0.)

    RotAxis = np.cross(z0, np.array([0, 0, 1.]))
    RotAxis /= np.sqrt(, RotAxis))
    RotAngle = np.arccos(, [0, 0, 1.]))

    R_z0 = rotation_matrix(RotAxis, RotAngle)

    t0, p0 = rotate_sphr_coords(R_z0, cza, ra)

    hm = np.zeros(npix)
    hm[np.where(cza < (np.pi / 2. + np.pi / 20.)
                )] = 1  # Horizon mask; is 0 below the local horizon.
    # added some padding. Idea being to allow for some interpolation near the horizon. Questionable.
    npix_out = hp.nside2npix(p.nside)

    Jdata = np.zeros((11, npix_out, 2, 2), dtype='complex128')
    for i in range(11):
        J_f = flatten_jones(jones[i])  # J_f.shape = (npix_in, 8)

        J_f = J_f * np.tile(hm, 8).reshape(8, npix).transpose(
            1, 0)  # Apply horizon mask

        # Could future "rotation" of these zeroed-maps have small errors at the
        # edges of the horizon? due to the way healpy interpolates.
        # Unlikely to be important.
        # Comment update: Yep, it turns out this happens, BUT it is approximately
        # power-preserving. The pixels at the edges of the rotated mask are not
        # identically 1, but the sum over the mask is maintained to about a part
        # in 1e-5

        # Perform a scalar rotation of each component so that the instrument's boresight
        # is pointed toward (z0_cza, 0), the location of the instrument on the
        # earth in the Current-Epoch-RA/Dec coordinate frame.
        J_f = rotate_jones(J_f, R_z0, multiway=False)

        if p.nside != nside_F:
            # Change the map resolution as needed.

            #d = lambda m: hp.ud_grade(m, nside=p.nside, power=-2.)
            # I think these two ended up being (roughly) the same?
            # The apparent normalization problem was really becuase of an freq. interpolation problem.
            # irf.harmonic_ud_grade is probably better for increasing resolution, but hp.ud_grade is
            # faster because it's just averaging/tiling instead of doing SHT's
            d = lambda m: harmonic_ud_grade(m, nside_F, p.nside)
            J_f = (np.asarray(map(d, J_f.T))).T
            # The inner transpose is so that correct dimension is map()'ed over,
            # and then the outer transpose returns the array to its original shape.

        J_f = inverse_flatten_jones(
            J_f)  # Change shape to (nfreq,npix,2,2), complex-valued
        J_f = transform_basis(
            p.nside, J_f, z0_cza, R_z0
        )  # right-multiply by the basis transformation matrix from RA/Dec to the Local CST basis.
        Jdata[i, :, :, :] = J_f

    if os.path.exists(local_jones0_file) == False:, Jdata)

    return Jdata
Esempio n. 5
def PAPER_instrument_setup(parameters_dict, z0_cza):

    param = Parameters(parameters_dict)

    import sys
    import fmt

    fekoX = fmt.FEKO('PAPER_beams/PAPER_FF_X.ffe')

    fekoY = fmt.FEKO('PAPER_beams/PAPER_FF_Y.ffe')

    thetaF = np.radians(fekoX.fields[0].theta)
    phiF = np.radians(fekoX.fields[0].phi)

    nfreq = 11
    npixF = thetaF.shape[0]
    nthetaF = 91
    nphiF = 73

    ttF = thetaF.reshape(nthetaF, nphiF, order='F')
    ppF = phiF.reshape(nthetaF, nphiF, order='F')

    jonesFnodes = np.zeros((nfreq, npixF, 2, 2), dtype='complex128')

    tv = ttF[:, 0]
    pv = ppF[0, :]

    jonesFnodes = np.zeros((nfreq, npixF, 2, 2), dtype='complex128')

    tx, ty, px, py = [
        np.zeros((nfreq, npixF), dtype='complex128') for x in range(4)

    for f in range(nfreq):
        tx[f] = fekoX.fields[f].etheta
        px[f] = fekoX.fields[f].ephi

        ty[f] = fekoY.fields[f].etheta
        py[f] = fekoY.fields[f].ephi

    Ibeam = (tx * tx.conj() + px * px.conj() + ty * ty.conj() +
             py * py.conj()).real / 2.
    norm_factor = np.outer(np.sqrt(np.amax(Ibeam, axis=1)), np.ones(npixF))

    cosp = np.outer(np.ones(nfreq), np.cos(phiF))
    sinp = np.outer(np.ones(nfreq), np.sin(phiF))

    jonesFnodes[:, :, 0, 0] = cosp * tx - sinp * px
    jonesFnodes[:, :, 0, 1] = sinp * tx + cosp * px
    jonesFnodes[:, :, 1, 0] = cosp * ty - sinp * py
    jonesFnodes[:, :, 1, 1] = sinp * ty + cosp * py

    # jonesFnodes[:,:,0,0] = tx
    # jonesFnodes[:,:,0,1] = px
    # jonesFnodes[:,:,1,0] = ty
    # jonesFnodes[:,:,1,1] = py

    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(2):
            jonesFnodes[:, :, i, j] /= norm_factor

    jonesFimage = np.zeros((nfreq, nthetaF, nphiF, 2, 2), dtype='complex128')
    for f in range(nfreq):
        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(2):
                jonesFimage[f, :, :, i, j] = jonesFnodes[f, :, i,

    jre = np.real(jonesFimage)
    jim = np.imag(jonesFimage)

    nside = 16
    npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
    hpxidx = np.arange(npix)
    cza, ra = hp.pix2ang(nside, hpxidx)

    jones_hpx = np.zeros((nfreq, npix, 2, 2), dtype='complex128')

    for f in range(11):
        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(2):
                jre_interpolant = interpolate.interp2d(pv,
                                                       jre[f, :, :, i, j],
                jim_interpolant = interpolate.interp2d(pv,
                                                       jim[f, :, :, i, j],

                jrehp = np.zeros(npix)
                jimhp = np.zeros(npix)
                for p in range(npix):
                    jrehp[p] = jre_interpolant(ra[p], cza[p])
                    jimhp[p] = jim_interpolant(ra[p], cza[p])

                jones_hpx[f, :, i, j] = jrehp - 1j * jimhp

    freqs = np.linspace(100., 200., 11, endpoint=True)
    nfreq_in = len(freqs)
    npix = jones_hpx.shape[1]

    jflat = np.zeros((nfreq_in, npix, 8), dtype='float64')
    for f in range(nfreq_in):
        jflat[f] = flatten_jones(jones_hpx[f])

    lmax = 3 * nside - 1
    nlm = hp.Alm.getsize(lmax)
    joneslm = np.zeros((nfreq_in, nlm, 8), dtype='complex128')

    sht = lambda x: hp.map2alm(x, lmax=lmax)

    for f in range(nfreq_in):
        joneslm[f] = (np.asarray(map(sht, jflat[f].T))).T

    joneslm_re = joneslm.real
    joneslm_im = joneslm.imag

    interpolant_re = interpolate.interp1d(freqs,
    interpolant_im = interpolate.interp1d(freqs,

    freqs_out = param.nu_axis / 1e6
    nfreq_out = len(freqs_out)

    joneslm_re_flat = interpolant_re(freqs_out)
    joneslm_im_flat = interpolant_im(freqs_out)

    joneslm_flat = joneslm_re_flat + 1j * joneslm_im_flat

    nside2 = param.nside
    npix2 = hp.nside2npix(nside2)

    hpxidx = np.arange(npix2)
    cza, ra = hp.pix2ang(nside2, hpxidx)

    z0 = r_hat_cart(z0_cza, 0.)

    RotAxis = np.cross(z0, np.array([0, 0, 1.]))
    RotAxis /= np.sqrt(, RotAxis))
    RotAngle = np.arccos(, [0, 0, 1.]))

    R_z0 = rotation_matrix(RotAxis, RotAngle)

    hm = np.zeros(npix2)
    hm[np.where(cza < (np.pi / 2. + np.pi / 20.))] = 1

    isht = lambda x: hp.alm2map(
        np.ascontiguousarray(x), nside2, verbose=False
    )  # I think the contiguaty of the array comes from when the FEKO data was read in Fortran ordering
    jones_up = np.zeros((nfreq_out, npix2, 2, 2), dtype='complex128')
    for f in range(nfreq_out):
        temp = (np.asarray(map(isht, joneslm_flat[f].T))).T
        temp *= np.tile(hm, 8).reshape(8, npix2).transpose(1, 0)
        temp = rotate_jones(temp, R_z0, multiway=False)
        jones_up[f] = inverse_flatten_jones(temp)

    theta, phi = rotate_sphr_coords(R_z0, cza, ra)

    cosp = np.outer(np.ones(nfreq_out), np.cos(phi))
    sinp = np.outer(np.ones(nfreq_out), np.sin(phi))

    # invRphi = np.array([
    #         [cosp,sinp],
    #         [-sinp,cosp]
    #     ]).transpose((2,3,0,1))

    xa, xb, ya, yb = [jones_up[:, :, i, j] for i in range(2) for j in range(2)]

    jones_up2 = np.zeros_like(jones_up)

    jones_up2[:, :, 0, 0] = cosp * xa + sinp * xb
    jones_up2[:, :, 0, 1] = -sinp * xa + cosp * xb
    jones_up2[:, :, 1, 0] = cosp * ya + sinp * yb
    jones_up2[:, :, 1, 1] = -sinp * ya + cosp * yb

    Jdata = np.zeros((param.nfreq, param.npix, 2, 2), dtype='complex128')

    for f in range(param.nfreq):
        # J_f = flatten_jones(jones_up2[f])

        # J_f *= np.tile(hm, 8).reshape(8, npix2).transpose(1,0)

        # J_f = rotate_jones(J_f, R_z0, multiway=False)

        # J_f = inverse_flatten_jones(J_f)

        J_f = PAPER_transform_basis(param.nside, jones_up2[f], z0_cza, R_z0)

        Jdata[f, :, :, :] = J_f
        print f

    return Jdata
Esempio n. 6
def make_primary_beams(image_name,lst,stokes_choice,beam_filename):
# define the frequencies of the simulated beams
 freq_beams = np.zeros(11)
 freq_beams[0] = 100e6
 for j in range(1,11):
  freq_beams[j] = freq_beams[j - 1] + 10e6
# read the input cube
 q_cube = tb.getcol('map')
#  ra = np.ndarray(shape=(image.shape[0],image.shape[1]),dtype=float)
#  dec = np.ndarray(shape=(image.shape[0],image.shape[1]),dtype=float)
 summary = ia.summary()		# read the image summary
 cube_shape = summary['shape']		# read the image shape: RA, DEC, Stokes, Freq
 ra = np.ndarray(shape=(cube_shape[0],cube_shape[1]),dtype=float)
 dec = np.ndarray(shape=(cube_shape[0],cube_shape[1]),dtype=float)
 nchan = cube_shape[3]			# number of channels in the cube
 start_freq = summary['refval'][3]	# start frequencies in Hz
 df = summary['incr'][3]		# frequency increment in Hz
# ra and dec will contain the RA and DEC corresponding to the pixel values in the image
 for j in range(0,cube_shape[0]):
  for k in range(0,cube_shape[1]):
   a=ia.toworld([j,k,0,0])	# a dictionary is returned with the world coordinates of that pixel
   b=a['numeric']		# the array is extracted from the dictionary a 
   ra[j,k] = b[0]		# save the RA for pixel j,k
   dec[j,k] = b[1]		# save the DEC for pixel j,k
#   print ra[j,k] * 12/np.pi,dec[j,k] * 180/np.pi,j,k
 print 'RA and DEC calculated'
# read the beams
 phi=feko_xpol.phi*np.pi/180.					# phi is the azimuth
 theta=feko_xpol.theta*np.pi/180.				# theta is the zenith angle
 theta = np.pi/2 - theta					# pyephem wants the elevation rather than the zenith angle
 ra_beams = np.ndarray(shape=(phi.shape[0]),dtype=float)	# array of RA corresponding to (phi,theta)
 dec_beams = np.ndarray(shape=(phi.shape[0]),dtype=float)	# array of DEC corresponding to (phi,theta)
# compute complex beams
# define an array that will contain all the simulated beams
 beams = np.ndarray(shape=(gxx.shape[0],4,freq_beams.shape[0]),dtype=float)
# read all the beam models and save them in the beams array
 for j in range(0,freq_beams.shape[0]):
  feko_xpol = fekoX.fields[j]		# these two lines give an error, I need to check with Griffin how to fix it
  feko_ypol = fekoY.fields[j]
  gxx = feko_xpol.etheta*np.conj(feko_xpol.etheta)+feko_xpol.ephi*np.conj(feko_xpol.ephi)
  gyy = feko_ypol.etheta*np.conj(feko_ypol.etheta)+feko_ypol.ephi*np.conj(feko_ypol.ephi)
  gxy = feko_xpol.etheta*np.conj(feko_ypol.etheta)+feko_xpol.ephi*np.conj(feko_ypol.ephi)
  gyx = feko_ypol.etheta*np.conj(feko_xpol.etheta)+feko_ypol.ephi*np.conj(feko_xpol.ephi)
# make the stokes beams
  beams[:,0,j] = (gxx+gyy).real
#  beams[:,0,j] = beams[:,0,j] / np.max(beams[:,0,j])	# normalize the beams to be 1 at zenith
  beams[:,1,j] = (gxx-gyy).real
  beams[:,2,j] = (gxy+gyx).real
  beams[:,3,j] = (gxy-gyx).imag
 norm_beam = np.max(beams[:,0,5]) 			# beam peak at 150 MHz
 beams[:,0,:] = beams[:,0,:] / norm_beam		# normalize the beams to be 1 at zenith at 150 MHz
 print norm_beam,np.max(beams[:,0,:])
 print 'Beams read'
# bring the beam to RA,DEC coordinates
# Create an observer 
 paper = Observer()
# Set the observer at the Karoo
#, paper.long, paper.elevation = '-30:43:17', '21:25:40.08', 0.0
# j0 = ephem.julian_date(0)			# invoked this way if    import ephem
 j0 = julian_date(0)				# invoked this way if    from ephem import *
# = float(lst) = float(lst) - j0 + 5./60/24	# I think I need this. At
  						# they seem to suggest that this is needed in order to get the right date and I seem to get the right 
						# RA if I include this. The factor 5./60/24 needs to be added as the lst reported in the filename refers to
						# the beginning of the integration which is ~10 min long
 for j in range(0,ra_beams.shape[0]):
  a = paper.radec_of(phi[j],theta[j])
  ra_beams[j] = a[0]				# RA is in radians
  dec_beams[j] = a[1]				# DEC is in radians
# now interpolate the beams in frequency
 interp_beam = np.ndarray(shape=(beams.shape[0],beams.shape[1],nchan),dtype=float)
 cube_freq = start_freq
 for chan in range(0,nchan):
  a = np.max(q_cube[:,:,0,chan,0])
  b = np.min(q_cube[:,:,0,chan,0])
  if (a != 0 and b != 0):			# if the image is not empty, then proceed
   freq_dist = np.abs(cube_freq - freq_beams)
   freq_dist_s = np.sort(freq_dist)
   w = np.where(freq_dist == freq_dist_s[0])
   if freq_dist_s[0] == 0:
# if the beam is simulated at the exact frequency channel, then do not interpolate
    for j in range(0,4):
     interp_beam[:,j,chan] = beams[:,j,w[0][0]]
# if they are not, perform a weighted average of the two closest beams in frequency. The weights are the inverse of the frequency distance squared
    w1 = np.where(freq_dist == freq_dist_s[1])
    for j in range(0,4):
     interp_beam[:,j,chan] = (beams[:,j,w[0][0]] * freq_dist_s[0]**(-2) + beams[:,j,w1[0][0]] * freq_dist_s[1]**(-2)) / (freq_dist_s[0]**(-2) + freq_dist_s[1]**(-2))
  cube_freq = cube_freq + df
 print 'Beams interpolated in frequency'
# now interpolate the beam at the observed RA,DEC
 interp_beam_maps_q = np.ndarray(shape=(ra.shape[0],ra.shape[1],1,nchan,1),dtype=float) 
 for j in range(0,ra.shape[0]):
  for k in range(0,ra.shape[1]):
# interpolating amongst the three closest points
#   x = np.cos(ra[j,k])*np.cos(ra_beams)*np.cos(dec[j,k])*np.cos(dec_beams)
#   y = np.sin(ra[j,k])*np.sin(ra_beams)*np.cos(dec[j,k])*np.cos(dec_beams)
#   z = np.sin(dec[j,k])*np.sin(dec_beams)
#   dist = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
   dist = np.sqrt((ra[j,k] - ra_beams)**2 + (dec[j,k] - dec_beams)**2)
   dist_s = np.sort(dist)
   w0 = np.where(dist == dist_s[0])
   w1 = np.where(dist == dist_s[1])
   w2 = np.where(dist == dist_s[2])
   interp_beam_maps_q[j,k,0,:,0] = interp_beam[w0[0][0],stokes_choice,:] / dist_s[0] + interp_beam[w1[0][0],stokes_choice,:] / dist_s[1] + interp_beam[w2[0][0],stokes_choice,:] / dist_s[2]
   interp_beam_maps_q[j,k,0,:,0] = interp_beam_maps_q[j,k,0,:,0] / (dist_s[0]**(-1) + dist_s[1]**(-1) + dist_s[2]**(-1))
# nearest neighbour interpolation
#   dist = np.sqrt((ra[j,k] - ra_beams)**2 + (dec[j,k] - dec_beams)**2)
#   dist_s = np.sort(dist)
#   w0 = np.where(dist == dist_s[0])
#   interp_beam_maps_q[j,k,0,:,0] = interp_beam[w0[0][0],stokes_choice,:]
 print 'Beams interpolated in angle'
# store the beams into an image
# beam_filename = image_name.strip('.image')
 cmd = 'rm -rf ' + beam_filename + '.beams'
 cmd = 'cp -r ' + image_name + ' ' + beam_filename + '.beams'
# + '.beams',nomodify=False)
 tb.done() + '.beams')
 ia.tofits(beam_filename + '_beams.fits',overwrite=true)