Esempio n. 1
def parse_cch(fname):
    topo = fnss.parse_rocketfuel_isp_map(fname)
    topo = topo.to_undirected()

    components = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(topo)
    cmpnodes = lambda x, y: x if x.number_of_nodes() > y.number_of_nodes() else y
    largest_g = reduce(cmpnodes,  components)

    devices = {}
    for node, nbrs in largest_g.adjacency_iter():
        nid = 'uid_' + str(node)
        devices[nid] = []
        for nbr in nbrs:
            nbr_id = 'uid_' + str(nbr)
    return devices
Esempio n. 2
    def _parse_rocketfuel_topology(self):
        topo = fnss.parse_rocketfuel_isp_map('3257.r0.cch').to_undirected()
        degree =
        server, = [i for i in degree if degree[i]==max(degree.values())]
        topo.node[server]['type'] = 'root'
        edges = [i for i in degree if degree[i]==1]        
        for i in edges:
            topo.node[i]['type'] = 'leaf'
        for i in topo.node.keys():
            topo.node[i]['server'] = server
            if i not in edges and i is not server:
                topo.node[i]['type'] = 'intermediate'

        return topo
Esempio n. 3
def main(filename):
    topology = fnss.parse_rocketfuel_isp_map(filename).to_undirected()

    old_nodes = topology.number_of_nodes()
    old_links = topology.number_of_edges()

    # Keeping the largest connected component
    max = 0
    for component in nx.connected_component_subgraphs(topology):
        l = len(component.nodes())
        if l > max:
            max = l
            topology = component

    num_nodes = topology.number_of_nodes()
    num_links = topology.number_of_edges()

    print "%(filename)s %(num_nodes)s (%(old_nodes)s) & %(num_links)s (%(old_links)s) links" % locals(
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, asnum=1755):
        super(RocketfuelTopo, self).__init__()
        fname = os.path.join(RocketfuelTopo.dataset_path,
        if not os.path.isfile(fname):
            raise Exception(
                "Invalid AS number: {0} does not exist".format(fname))

        topo = fnss.parse_rocketfuel_isp_map(fname)

        # TODO: support directed topologies
        renames = {}
        for node in sorted(topo.nodes()):
            renames[node] = "s{0}".format(len(renames))

        if topo.is_directed():
            g = networkx.DiGraph()
            g = networkx.Graph()

        for m, n in topo.edges():
            g.add_edge(renames[m], renames[n])

Esempio n. 5
 def test_parse_rockefuel_isp_map(self):
     rocketfuel_file = path.join(RES_DIR, 'rocketfuel-2914.cch')
     topology = fnss.parse_rocketfuel_isp_map(rocketfuel_file)
     self.assertEquals(10961, topology.number_of_nodes())
     self.assertEquals(26070, topology.number_of_edges())
Esempio n. 6
def topology_tiscali2(**kwargs):
    """Return a scenario based on Tiscali topology, parsed from RocketFuel dataset

    Differently from plain Tiscali, this topology some receivers are appended to
    routers and only a subset of routers which are actually on the path of some
    traffic are selected to become ICN routers. These changes make this
    topology more realistic.

    seed : int, optional
        The seed used for random number generation

    topology : fnss.Topology
        The topology object
    # 240 nodes in the main component
    topology = fnss.parse_rocketfuel_isp_map(path.join(TOPOLOGY_RESOURCES_DIR,
    topology = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(topology))[0]
    # degree of nodes
    deg =
    # nodes with degree = 1
    onedeg = [v for v in topology.nodes() if deg[v] == 1]  # they are 80
    # we select as caches nodes with highest degrees
    # we use as min degree 6 --> 36 nodes
    # If we changed min degrees, that would be the number of caches we would have:
    # Min degree    N caches
    #  2               160
    #  3               102
    #  4                75
    #  5                50
    #  6                36
    #  7                30
    #  8                26
    #  9                19
    # 10                16
    # 11                12
    # 12                11
    # 13                 7
    # 14                 3
    # 15                 3
    # 16                 2
    icr_candidates = [v for v in topology.nodes() if deg[v] >= 6]  # 36 nodes
    # Add remove caches to adapt betweenness centrality of caches
    for i in [181, 208, 211, 220, 222, 250, 257]:
    icr_candidates.extend([232, 303, 326, 363, 378])
    # sources are node with degree 1 whose neighbor has degree at least equal to 5
    # we assume that sources are nodes connected to a hub
    # they are 44
    sources = [v for v in onedeg if deg[list(topology.edge[v].keys())[0]] > 4.5]  # they are
    # receivers are node with degree 1 whose neighbor has degree at most equal to 4
    # we assume that receivers are nodes not well connected to the network
    # they are 36
    receivers = [v for v in onedeg if deg[list(topology.edge[v].keys())[0]] < 4.5]
    # we set router stacks because some strategies will fail if no stacks
    # are deployed
    routers = [v for v in topology.nodes() if v not in sources + receivers]

    # set weights and delays on all links
    fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1.0)
    fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, INTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms')

    # deploy stacks
    topology.graph['icr_candidates'] = set(icr_candidates)
    for v in sources:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'source')
    for v in receivers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver')
    for v in routers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'router')

    # label links as internal or external
    for u, v in topology.edges():
        if u in sources or v in sources:
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'external'
            # this prevents sources to be used to route traffic
            fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1000.0, [(u, v)])
            fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, EXTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms', [(u, v)])
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'internal'
    return IcnTopology(topology)
Esempio n. 7
 def _load_rocketfuel_topology(self):
     # name: rocketfuel-as_name-heuristic-...
     as_name, heuristic = self._name[1:3]
     filename = '%s/maps/%s.%s' % (ROCKETFUEL_PATH, as_name, heuristic)
     self._topology = fnss.parse_rocketfuel_isp_map(
Esempio n. 8
 def test_parse_rockefuel_isp_map(self):
     rocketfuel_file = path.join(RES_DIR, 'rocketfuel-2914.cch')
     topology = fnss.parse_rocketfuel_isp_map(rocketfuel_file)
     self.assertEquals(10961, topology.number_of_nodes())
     self.assertEquals(26070, topology.number_of_edges())
def topology_tiscali2(**kwargs):
    """Return a scenario based on Tiscali topology, parsed from RocketFuel dataset

    Differently from plain Tiscali, this topology some receivers are appended to
    routers and only a subset of routers which are actually on the path of some
    traffic are selected to become ICN routers. These changes make this
    topology more realistic. 

    seed : int, optional
        The seed used for random number generation
    topology : fnss.Topology
        The topology object
    # 240 nodes in the main component
    topology = fnss.parse_rocketfuel_isp_map(path.join(TOPOLOGY_RESOURCES_DIR,
    topology = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(topology))[0]
    # degree of nodes
    deg =
    # nodes with degree = 1
    onedeg = [v for v in topology.nodes() if deg[v] == 1] # they are 80
    # we select as caches nodes with highest degrees
    # we use as min degree 6 --> 36 nodes
    # If we changed min degrees, that would be the number of caches we would have:
    # Min degree    N caches
    #  2               160
    #  3               102
    #  4                75
    #  5                50
    #  6                36
    #  7                30
    #  8                26
    #  9                19
    # 10                16
    # 11                12
    # 12                11
    # 13                 7
    # 14                 3
    # 15                 3
    # 16                 2
    icr_candidates = [v for v in topology.nodes() if deg[v] >= 6] # 36 nodes
    # Add remove caches to adapt betweenness centrality of caches
    for i in [181, 208, 211, 220, 222, 250, 257]:
    icr_candidates.extend([232, 303, 326, 363, 378])
    # sources are node with degree 1 whose neighbor has degree at least equal to 5
    # we assume that sources are nodes connected to a hub
    # they are 44
    sources = [v for v in onedeg if deg[list(topology.edge[v].keys())[0]] > 4.5] # they are 
    # receivers are node with degree 1 whose neighbor has degree at most equal to 4
    # we assume that receivers are nodes not well connected to the network
    # they are 36   
    receivers = [v for v in onedeg if deg[list(topology.edge[v].keys())[0]] < 4.5]
    # we set router stacks because some strategies will fail if no stacks
    # are deployed 
    routers = [v for v in topology.nodes() if v not in sources + receivers]

    # set weights and delays on all links
    fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1.0)
    fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, INTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms')
    # deploy stacks
    topology.graph['icr_candidates'] = set(icr_candidates)
    for v in sources:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'source')
    for v in receivers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver')
    for v in routers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'router')

    # label links as internal or external
    for u, v in topology.edges():
        if u in sources or v in sources:
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'external'
            # this prevents sources to be used to route traffic
            fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1000.0, [(u, v)])
            fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, EXTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms', [(u, v)])
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'internal'
    return IcnTopology(topology)
Esempio n. 10
def topology_tiscali(min_delay=INTERNAL_LINK_DELAY / 1000,
                     max_delay=EXTERNAL_LINK_DELAY / 1000,
    """Return a scenario based on Tiscali topology, parsed from RocketFuel dataset

    seed : int, optional
        The seed used for random number generation

    topology : fnss.Topology
        The topology object
    # 240 nodes in the main component
    topology = fnss.parse_rocketfuel_isp_map(
        path.join(TOPOLOGY_RESOURCES_DIR, '3257.r0.cch')).to_undirected()
    topology = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(topology))[0]
    # degree of nodes
    deg =
    # nodes with degree = 1
    onedeg = [v for v in topology.nodes() if deg[v] == 1]  # they are 80
    fifteendeg = [v for v in topology.nodes() if deg[v] == 15]
    # we select as caches nodes with highest degrees
    # we use as min degree 6 --> 36 nodes
    # If we changed min degrees, that would be the number of caches we would have:
    # Min degree    N caches
    #  2               160
    #  3               102
    #  4                75
    #  5                50
    #  6                36
    #  7                30
    #  8                26
    #  9                19
    # 10                16
    # 11                12
    # 12                11
    # 13                 7
    # 14                 3
    # 15                 3
    # 16                 2
    #icr_candidates = [v for v in topology.nodes() if deg[v] >= 6]  # 36 nodes REPLACED:
    icr_candidates = [v for v in topology.nodes() if deg[v] >= 2]  # 102 nodes
    topology.graph['type'] = "ROCKET_FUEL"
    # sources are node with degree 1 whose neighbor has degree at least equal to 5
    # we assume that sources are nodes connected to a hub
    # they are 44
    #sources = [v for v in onedeg if deg[list(topology.edge[v].keys())[0]] > 4.5]  # they are REPLACED:
    sources = [random.choice(onedeg)]  # they are
    # receivers are node with degree 1 whose neighbor has degree at most equal to 4
    # we assume that receivers are nodes not well connected to the network
    # they are 36
    #receivers = [v for v in onedeg if deg[list(topology.edge[v].keys())[0]] < 4.5] REPLACED:
    receivers = [v for v in onedeg]
    edge_routers = []  #[list(topology.edge[v].keys())[0] for v in onedeg]

    for v in receivers:
        edge_router = list(topology.edge[v].keys())[0]
        if edge_router not in edge_routers:

    routers = [v for v in topology.nodes() if v not in sources + receivers]

    print "There are " + repr(
        len(edge_routers)) + " edge routers: " + repr(edge_routers)
    print "There are " + repr(
        len(receivers)) + " receivers: " + repr(receivers)
    print "There are " + repr(len(sources)) + " sources: " + repr(sources)
    #print "There are " + repr(len(icr_candidates)) + " cache candidates"
    print "There are " + repr(len(routers)) + " routers: " + repr(routers)

    # set weights and delays on all links
    fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1.0)
    fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, INTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms')
    topology.graph['max_delay'] = 0.0  #[0.0]*n_classes
    topology.graph['min_delay'] = float('inf')  #[0.0]*n_classes

    topology.graph['icr_candidates'] = set(icr_candidates)
    topology.graph['n_classes'] = n_classes
    # Deploy stacks
    for v in sources:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'source')
    for v in receivers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver')
    for v in routers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'router')

    topology.graph['receivers'] = receivers
    topology.graph['sources'] = sources
    topology.graph['routers'] = routers
    topology.graph['edge_routers'] = edge_routers
    topology.graph['parent'] = {x: None for x in topology.nodes()}
    topology.graph['n_edgeRouters'] = len(edge_routers)

    # label links as internal or external
    for u, v in topology.edges():
        if u in sources or v in sources:
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'external'
            # this prevents sources to be used to route traffic
            fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1000.0, [(u, v)])
            fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, EXTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms',
                                     [(u, v)])
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'internal'
    return IcnTopology(topology)
Esempio n. 11
def topology_tiscali(network_cache=0.05, n_contents=100000, seed=None):
    Return a scenario based on Tiscali topology, parsed from RocketFuel dataset
    network_cache : float
        Size of network cache (sum of all caches) normalized by size of content
    n_contents : int
        Size of content population
    seed : int, optional
        The seed used for random number generation
    topology : fnss.Topology
        The topology object
    # 240 nodes in the main component
    topology = fnss.parse_rocketfuel_isp_map(
        path.join(TOPOLOGY_RESOURCES_DIR, '3257.r0.cch')).to_undirected()
    topology = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(topology))[0]
    # degree of nodes
    deg =
    # nodes with degree = 1
    onedeg = [v for v in topology.nodes() if deg[v] == 1]  # they are 80
    # we select as caches nodes with highest degrees
    # we use as min degree 6 --> 36 nodes
    # If we changed min degrees, that would be the number of caches we would have:
    # Min degree    N caches
    #  2               160
    #  3               102
    #  4                75
    #  5                50
    #  6                36
    #  7                30
    #  8                26
    #  9                19
    # 10                16
    # 11                12
    # 12                11
    # 13                 7
    # 14                 3
    # 15                 3
    # 16                 2
    caches = [v for v in topology.nodes() if deg[v] >= 6]  # 36 nodes
    # sources are node with degree 1 whose neighbor has degree at least equal to 5
    # we assume that sources are nodes connected to a hub
    # they are 44
    sources = [
        v for v in onedeg if deg[list(topology.edge[v].keys())[0]] > 4.5
    ]  # they are
    # receivers are node with degree 1 whose neighbor has degree at most equal to 4
    # we assume that receivers are nodes not well connected to the network
    # they are 36
    receivers = [
        v for v in onedeg if deg[list(topology.edge[v].keys())[0]] < 4.5
    # we set router stacks because some strategies will fail if no stacks
    # are deployed
    routers = [
        v for v in topology.nodes() if v not in caches + sources + receivers

    # set weights and delays on all links
    fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1.0)
    fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, INTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms')
    # randomly allocate contents to sources
    content_placement = uniform_content_placement(topology,
                                                  range(1, n_contents + 1),
    for v in sources:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'source',
                       {'contents': content_placement[v]})
    for v in receivers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver', {})
    for v in routers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'router', {})

    # label links as internal or external
    for u, v in topology.edges():
        if u in sources or v in sources:
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'external'
            # this prevents sources to be used to route traffic
            fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1000.0, [(u, v)])
            fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, EXTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms',
                                     [(u, v)])
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'internal'

    cache_placement = uniform_cache_placement(topology,
                                              network_cache * n_contents,
    for node, size in cache_placement.iteritems():
        fnss.add_stack(topology, node, 'cache', {'size': size})
    return topology
Esempio n. 12
def scenario_tiscali(net_cache=[0.05], n_contents=100000, alpha=[0.6, 0.8, 1.0]):
    Return a scenario based on Tiscali topology, parsed from RocketFuel dataset
    scenario_id : str
        String identifying the scenario (will be in the filename)
    net_cache : float
        Size of network cache (sum of all caches) normalized by size of content
    n_contents : int
        Size of content population
    alpha : float
        List of alpha of Zipf content distribution
    rate = 12.0
    warmup = 9000
    duration = 36000
    T = 'TISCALI' # name of the topology
    # 240 nodes in the main component
    topology = fnss.parse_rocketfuel_isp_map(path.join(scenarios_dir, 'resources/3257.r0.cch')).to_undirected()
    topology = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(topology)[0]
    deg =
    onedeg = [v for v in topology.nodes() if deg[v] == 1] # they are 80
    # we select as caches nodes with highest degrees
    # we use as min degree 6 --> 36 nodes
    # If we changed min degrees, that would be the number of caches we would have:
    # Min degree    N caches
    #  2               160
    #  3               102
    #  4                75
    #  5                50
    #  6                36
    #  7                30
    #  8                26
    #  9                19
    # 10                16
    # 11                12
    # 12                11
    # 13                 7
    # 14                 3
    # 15                 3
    # 16                 2
    caches = [v for v in topology.nodes() if deg[v] >= 6] # 36 nodes
    # sources are node with degree 1 whose neighbor has degree at least equal to 5
    # we assume that sources are nodes connected to a hub
    # they are 44
    sources = [v for v in onedeg if deg[list(topology.edge[v].keys())[0]] > 4.5] # they are 

    # receivers are node with degree 1 whose neighbor has degree at most equal to 4
    # we assume that receivers are nodes not well connected to the network
    # they are 36   
    receivers = [v for v in onedeg if deg[list(topology.edge[v].keys())[0]] < 4.5]

    # we set router stacks because some strategies will fail if no stacks
    # are deployed 
    routers = [v for v in topology.nodes() if v not in caches + sources + receivers]

    # set weights and delays on all links
    fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1.0)
    fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, internal_link_delay, 'ms')

    # randomly allocate contents to sources
    contents = dict([(v, []) for v in sources])
    for c in range(1, n_contents + 1):
        s = choice(sources)
    for v in sources:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'source', {'contents': contents[v]})
    for v in receivers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver', {})
    for v in routers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'router', {})

    # label links as internal or external
    for u, v in topology.edges():
        if u in sources or v in sources:
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'external'
            # this prevents sources to be used to route traffic
            fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1000.0, [(u, v)])
            fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, external_link_delay, 'ms', [(u, v)])
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'internal'
    for nc in net_cache:
        size = (float(nc)*n_contents)/len(caches) # size of a single cache
        C = str(nc)
        for v in caches:
            fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'cache', {'size': size})
        fnss.write_topology(topology, path.join(scenarios_dir, topo_prefix + 'T=%s@C=%s' % (T, C)  + '.xml'))
        print('[WROTE TOPOLOGY] T: %s, C: %s' % (T, C))
    for a in alpha:
        event_schedule = gen_req_schedule(receivers, rate, warmup, duration, n_contents, a)
        fnss.write_event_schedule(event_schedule, path.join(scenarios_dir, es_prefix + 'T=%s@A=%s' % (T, str(a)) + '.xml'))
        print('[WROTE SCHEDULE] T: %s, Alpha: %s, Events: %d' % (T, str(a), len(event_schedule)))
Esempio n. 13
def topology_tiscali(network_cache=0.05, n_contents=100000, seed=None):
    Return a scenario based on Tiscali topology, parsed from RocketFuel dataset
    network_cache : float
        Size of network cache (sum of all caches) normalized by size of content
    n_contents : int
        Size of content population
    seed : int, optional
        The seed used for random number generation
    topology : fnss.Topology
        The topology object
    # 240 nodes in the main component
    topology = fnss.parse_rocketfuel_isp_map(path.join(TOPOLOGY_RESOURCES_DIR,
    topology = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(topology)[0]
    # degree of nodes
    deg =
    # nodes with degree = 1
    onedeg = [v for v in topology.nodes() if deg[v] == 1] # they are 80
    # we select as caches nodes with highest degrees
    # we use as min degree 6 --> 36 nodes
    # If we changed min degrees, that would be the number of caches we would have:
    # Min degree    N caches
    #  2               160
    #  3               102
    #  4                75
    #  5                50
    #  6                36
    #  7                30
    #  8                26
    #  9                19
    # 10                16
    # 11                12
    # 12                11
    # 13                 7
    # 14                 3
    # 15                 3
    # 16                 2
    caches = [v for v in topology.nodes() if deg[v] >= 6] # 36 nodes
    # sources are node with degree 1 whose neighbor has degree at least equal to 5
    # we assume that sources are nodes connected to a hub
    # they are 44
    sources = [v for v in onedeg if deg[list(topology.edge[v].keys())[0]] > 4.5] # they are 
    # receivers are node with degree 1 whose neighbor has degree at most equal to 4
    # we assume that receivers are nodes not well connected to the network
    # they are 36   
    receivers = [v for v in onedeg if deg[list(topology.edge[v].keys())[0]] < 4.5]
    # we set router stacks because some strategies will fail if no stacks
    # are deployed 
    routers = [v for v in topology.nodes() if v not in caches + sources + receivers]

    # set weights and delays on all links
    fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1.0)
    fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, INTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms')
    # randomly allocate contents to sources
    content_placement = uniform_content_placement(topology, range(1, n_contents+1),
                                                  sources, seed=seed)
    for v in sources:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'source', {'contents': content_placement[v]})
    for v in receivers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver', {})
    for v in routers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'router', {})

    # label links as internal or external
    for u, v in topology.edges():
        if u in sources or v in sources:
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'external'
            # this prevents sources to be used to route traffic
            fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1000.0, [(u, v)])
            fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, EXTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, 'ms', [(u, v)])
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'internal'
    cache_placement = uniform_cache_placement(topology, network_cache*n_contents, caches)
    for node, size in cache_placement.iteritems():
        fnss.add_stack(topology, node, 'cache', {'size': size})
    return topology
Esempio n. 14
def topology_tiscali(**kwargs):
    """Return a scenario based on Tiscali topology, parsed from RocketFuel dataset

    seed : int, optional
        The seed used for random number generation

    topology : fnss.Topology
        The topology object
    # 240 nodes in the main component
    topology = fnss.parse_rocketfuel_isp_map(
        path.join(TOPOLOGY_RESOURCES_DIR, "3257.r0.cch")).to_undirected()
    topology = largest_connected_component_subgraph(topology)
    # degree of nodes
    deg =
    # nodes with degree = 1
    onedeg = [v for v in topology.nodes() if deg[v] == 1]  # they are 80
    # we select as caches nodes with highest degrees
    # we use as min degree 6 --> 36 nodes
    # If we changed min degrees, that would be the number of caches we would have:
    # Min degree    N caches
    #  2               160
    #  3               102
    #  4                75
    #  5                50
    #  6                36
    #  7                30
    #  8                26
    #  9                19
    # 10                16
    # 11                12
    # 12                11
    # 13                 7
    # 14                 3
    # 15                 3
    # 16                 2
    icr_candidates = [v for v in topology.nodes() if deg[v] >= 6]  # 36 nodes
    # sources are node with degree 1 whose neighbor has degree at least equal to 5
    # we assume that sources are nodes connected to a hub
    # they are 44
    sources = [v for v in onedeg if deg[list(topology.adj[v].keys())[0]] > 4.5]
    # receivers are node with degree 1 whose neighbor has degree at most equal to 4
    # we assume that receivers are nodes not well connected to the network
    # they are 36
    receivers = [
        v for v in onedeg if deg[list(topology.adj[v].keys())[0]] < 4.5
    # we set router stacks because some strategies will fail if no stacks
    # are deployed
    routers = [v for v in topology.nodes() if v not in sources + receivers]

    # set weights and delays on all links
    fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1.0)
    fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, INTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, "ms")

    # Deploy stacks
    topology.graph["icr_candidates"] = set(icr_candidates)
    for v in sources:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, "source")
    for v in receivers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, "receiver")
    for v in routers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, "router")

    # label links as internal or external
    for u, v in topology.edges():
        if u in sources or v in sources:
            topology.adj[u][v]["type"] = "external"
            # this prevents sources to be used to route traffic
            fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1000.0, [(u, v)])
            fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, EXTERNAL_LINK_DELAY, "ms",
                                     [(u, v)])
            topology.adj[u][v]["type"] = "internal"
    return IcnTopology(topology)
Esempio n. 15
Rocketfuel topology and traffic matrix

This example shows how to import a topology from RocketFuel, configure it
(assign capacities, weights and delays), generate a traffic matrix and
save topology and traffic matrix to XML files.
import fnss
import random

# Import RocketFuel topology
# Replace the filename with the actual location of the file you want to parse
topology = fnss.parse_rocketfuel_isp_map("rocket-fuel-topo-file.cch")

# add capacities
capacities = [1, 10, 40]
capacity_unit = 'Gbps'
fnss.set_capacities_edge_betweenness(topology, capacities, capacity_unit,

# add weights proportional to inverse of capacity

# add constant link delays of 2 ms
fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, 2, delay_unit='ms')

# generate cyclostationary traffic matrix (period 7 days, 24 samples per day)
tmc = fnss.sin_cyclostationary_traffic_matrix(
       mean=0.5,  # average flow in TM is 0,5 Gbps
def scenario_tiscali(net_cache=[0.05],
                     alpha=[0.6, 0.8, 1.0]):
    Return a scenario based on Tiscali topology, parsed from RocketFuel dataset
    scenario_id : str
        String identifying the scenario (will be in the filename)
    net_cache : float
        Size of network cache (sum of all caches) normalized by size of content
    n_contents : int
        Size of content population
    alpha : float
        List of alpha of Zipf content distribution
    rate = 12.0
    warmup = 9000
    duration = 36000

    T = 'TISCALI'  # name of the topology
    # 240 nodes in the main component
    topology = fnss.parse_rocketfuel_isp_map(
        path.join(scenarios_dir, 'resources/3257.r0.cch')).to_undirected()
    topology = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(topology))[0]

    deg =
    onedeg = [v for v in topology.nodes() if deg[v] == 1]  # they are 80

    # we select as caches nodes with highest degrees
    # we use as min degree 6 --> 36 nodes
    # If we changed min degrees, that would be the number of caches we would have:
    # Min degree    N caches
    #  2               160
    #  3               102
    #  4                75
    #  5                50
    #  6                36
    #  7                30
    #  8                26
    #  9                19
    # 10                16
    # 11                12
    # 12                11
    # 13                 7
    # 14                 3
    # 15                 3
    # 16                 2
    caches = [v for v in topology.nodes() if deg[v] >= 6]  # 36 nodes

    # sources are node with degree 1 whose neighbor has degree at least equal to 5
    # we assume that sources are nodes connected to a hub
    # they are 44
    sources = [
        v for v in onedeg if deg[list(topology.edge[v].keys())[0]] > 4.5
    ]  # they are

    # receivers are node with degree 1 whose neighbor has degree at most equal to 4
    # we assume that receivers are nodes not well connected to the network
    # they are 36
    receivers = [
        v for v in onedeg if deg[list(topology.edge[v].keys())[0]] < 4.5

    # we set router stacks because some strategies will fail if no stacks
    # are deployed
    routers = [
        v for v in topology.nodes() if v not in caches + sources + receivers

    # set weights and delays on all links
    fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1.0)
    fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, internal_link_delay, 'ms')

    # randomly allocate contents to sources
    contents = dict([(v, []) for v in sources])
    for c in range(1, n_contents + 1):
        s = choice(sources)

    for v in sources:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'source', {'contents': contents[v]})
    for v in receivers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver', {})
    for v in routers:
        fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'router', {})

    # label links as internal or external
    for u, v in topology.edges():
        if u in sources or v in sources:
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'external'
            # this prevents sources to be used to route traffic
            fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1000.0, [(u, v)])
            fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, external_link_delay, 'ms',
                                     [(u, v)])
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'internal'

    for nc in net_cache:
        size = (float(nc) * n_contents) / len(caches)  # size of a single cache
        C = str(nc)
        for v in caches:
            fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'cache', {'size': size})
                      topo_prefix + 'T=%s@C=%s' % (T, C) + '.xml'))
        print('[WROTE TOPOLOGY] T: %s, C: %s' % (T, C))

    for a in alpha:
        event_schedule = gen_req_schedule(receivers, rate, warmup, duration,
                                          n_contents, a)
                      es_prefix + 'T=%s@A=%s' % (T, str(a)) + '.xml'))
        print('[WROTE SCHEDULE] T: %s, Alpha: %s, Events: %d' %
              (T, str(a), len(event_schedule)))