Esempio n. 1
def is_too_close_to_empire_home_systems(system, home_systems):
    Checks if a system is too close to the player home systems.

    Player home systems should be at least 2 jumps away.
    for home_system in home_systems:
        if fo.jump_distance(system, home_system) < 2:
            return True
    return False
Esempio n. 2
def find_systems_with_min_jumps_between(num_systems, systems_pool, min_jumps):
    Find requested number of systems out of a pool that are at least a specified number of jumps apart.
    # make several tries to get the requested number of systems
    attempts = min(100, len(systems_pool))
    while attempts > 0:
        attempts -= 1
        # shuffle our pool of systems so each try the candidates are tried in different order
        # (otherwise each try would yield the same result, which would make trying several times kind of pointless...)
        # try to find systems that meet our condition until we either have the requested number
        # or we have tried all systems in our pool
        accepted = []
        for candidate in systems_pool:
            # check if our candidate is at least min_jumps away from all other systems we already found
            if all(fo.jump_distance(candidate, system) >= min_jumps for system in accepted):
                # if yes, add the candidate to the list of accepted systems
                # if we have the requested number of systems, we can stop and return the systems we found
                if len(accepted) >= num_systems:
                    return accepted
    # all tries failed, return an empty list to indicate failure
    return []