if os.path.splitext(warpFile)[1] == '.tif': print('calculating warp parameters from image: '+warpFile) warpFilePath = os.path.split(warpFile[:-len(os.path.splitext(warpFile)[1])]+'.warp')[1] saveWarp(warpFile, pixLens, warpFilePath, linearWarp) warpFile = warpFilePath elif os.path.splitext(warpFile)[1] == '.warp': print('using previously-calculated warp parameters from file: '+warpFile) print('Processing the sequence in folder: ' + workingPath) print('Saving the sequence to folder: ' + savePath) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if batchMode == 0: print('Processing raw LF image: ') single_stacker(magnification, NA, workingPath, pixLens, warpFile, numSlices, umPerSlice, savePath) elif batchMode == 1: folder_stacker(workingPath, startTP, warpFile, linearWarp, emailInterval, magnification, NA, pixLens, numSlices, umPerSlice, savePath) elif batchMode == 2: #*** needs work # ask for folder of folders location with GUI... root = Tkinter.Tk() root.withdraw() pathFolder = askdirectory(initialdir=pathInit) # title='choose folder folder') print('Processing folder: ' + pathFolder) folder_stacker(pathFolder, startTP, usePrevWarp, emailInterval, magnification, NA, pixLens, numSlices, umPerSlice) elif batchMode == 3: pathDate = workingPath date_stacker(pathDate, warpFile, linearWarp, emailInterval, magnification, NA, pixLens, numSlices, umPerSlice, savePath)