Esempio n. 1
def parseXML(xmlSnippet):
    """Parses a snippet of XML.

    Input can be either a single string (unicode or UTF-8 bytes), or a
    a sequence of strings.

    The result is in the same format that would be returned by
    XMLReader, but the parser imposes no constraints on the root
    element so it can be called on small snippets of TTX files.
    # To support snippets with multiple elements, we add a fake root.
    reader = TestXMLReader_()
    xml = b"<root>"
    if isinstance(xmlSnippet, bytes):
        xml += xmlSnippet
    elif isinstance(xmlSnippet, str):
        xml += tobytes(xmlSnippet, 'utf-8')
    elif isinstance(xmlSnippet, Iterable):
        xml += b"".join(tobytes(s, 'utf-8') for s in xmlSnippet)
        raise TypeError("expected string or sequence of strings; found %r" %
    xml += b"</root>"
    reader.parser.Parse(xml, 0)
    return reader.root[2]
Esempio n. 2
    def test_newlinestr(self):
        header = b'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'

        for nls in (None, '\n', '\r\n', '\r', ''):
            writer = XMLWriter(BytesIO(), newlinestr=nls)

            linesep = tobytes(os.linesep) if nls is None else tobytes(nls)

                header + linesep + b"hello" + linesep + b"world" + linesep,
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self, buf=b'', encoding="ascii"):
     # Force self.buf to be a byte string
     buf = tobytes(buf)
     self.buf = buf
     self.len = len(buf)
     self.pos = 0
     self.closed = False
     self.encoding = encoding
Esempio n. 4
def test_decompile_magic_length_last_extra(empty_font):
    indextable = empty_font['TSI0']
    indextable.extra_indices[-1] = (0xFFFD, 0x8000, 0)
    content = "0" * (0x8000 + 1)
    data = tobytes(content)

    table = table_T_S_I__1()
    table.decompile(data, empty_font)

    assert table.extraPrograms['fpgm'] == content
Esempio n. 5
 def compile(self, ttFont):
     self.recordsCount = len(self.gmapRecords)
     self.fontNameLength = len(self.psFontName)
     self.recordsOffset = 4 * (((self.fontNameLength + 12) + 3) // 4)
     data = sstruct.pack(GMAPFormat, self)
     data = data + tobytes(self.psFontName)
     data = data + b"\0" * (self.recordsOffset - len(data))
     for record in self.gmapRecords:
         data = data + record.compile(ttFont)
     return data
Esempio n. 6
    def test_from_svg_file(self):
        pen = RecordingPen()
        with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as tmp:
            svg = SVGPath(

        assert pen.value == EXPECTED_PEN_COMMANDS
Esempio n. 7
    def toBytes(self, errors='strict'):
        """ If self.string is a bytes object, return it; otherwise try encoding
		the Unicode string in self.string to bytes using the encoding of this
		entry as returned by self.getEncoding(); Note that self.getEncoding()
		returns 'ascii' if the encoding is unknown to the library.

		If the Unicode string cannot be encoded to bytes in the chosen encoding,
		the error is handled according to the errors parameter to this function,
		which is passed to the underlying encode() function; by default it throws a
		UnicodeEncodeError exception.
        return tobytes(self.string, encoding=self.getEncoding(), errors=errors)
    def compile(self, ttFont):
        if not hasattr(self, "glyphPrograms"):
            self.glyphPrograms = {}
            self.extraPrograms = {}
        data = b''
        indextable = ttFont[self.indextable]
        glyphNames = ttFont.getGlyphOrder()

        indices = []
        for i in range(len(glyphNames)):
            if len(data) % 2:
                data = data + b"\015"  # align on 2-byte boundaries, fill with return chars. Yum.
            name = glyphNames[i]
            if name in self.glyphPrograms:
                text = tobytes(self.glyphPrograms[name], encoding="utf-8")
                text = b""
            textLength = len(text)
            if textLength >= 0x8000:
                textLength = 0x8000
            indices.append((i, textLength, len(data)))
            data = data + text

        extra_indices = []
        codes = sorted(self.extras.items())
        for i in range(len(codes)):
            if len(data) % 2:
                data = data + b"\015"  # align on 2-byte boundaries, fill with return chars.
            code, name = codes[i]
            if name in self.extraPrograms:
                text = tobytes(self.extraPrograms[name], encoding="utf-8")
                text = b""
            textLength = len(text)
            if textLength >= 0x8000:
                textLength = 0x8000
            extra_indices.append((code, textLength, len(data)))
            data = data + text
        indextable.set(indices, extra_indices)
        return data
Esempio n. 9
def test_decompile_offset_past_end(empty_font):
    empty_font.glyphOrder = ['foo', 'bar']
    content = 'baz'
    data = tobytes(content)
    empty_font['TSI0'].indices = [(0, len(data), 0), (1, 1, len(data) + 1)]

    table = table_T_S_I__1()
    with CapturingLogHandler(table.log, "WARNING") as captor:
        table.decompile(data, empty_font)

    # the 'bar' program is skipped because its offset > len(data)
    assert table.glyphPrograms == {'foo': 'baz'}
    assert any("textOffset > totalLength" in r.msg for r in captor.records)
 def compile(self, ttFont):
     d = self.__dict__.copy()
     d["nameLength"] = bytechr(len(self.baseGlyphName))
     d["uniqueName"] = self.compilecompileUniqueName(self.uniqueName, 28)
     METAMD5List = eval(self.METAMD5)
     d["METAMD5"] = b""
     for val in METAMD5List:
         d["METAMD5"] += bytechr(val)
     assert (len(d["METAMD5"]) == 16
             ), "Failed to pack 16 byte MD5 hash in SING table"
     data = sstruct.pack(SINGFormat, d)
     data = data + tobytes(self.baseGlyphName)
     return data
Esempio n. 11
 def compile(self, ttFont):
     dataList = [
         struct.pack(">LLL", self.version, self.flags, len(self.tags))
     stringPool = ""
     for tag in self.tags:
         offset = stringPool.find(tag)
         if offset < 0:
             offset = len(stringPool)
             stringPool = stringPool + tag
         offset = offset + 12 + len(self.tags) * 4
         dataList.append(struct.pack(">HH", offset, len(tag)))
     return bytesjoin(dataList)
Esempio n. 12
    def compile(self, ttFont):
        version = 0
        offsetToSVGDocIndex = SVG_format_0Size  # I start the SVGDocIndex right after the header.
        # get SGVDoc info.
        docList = []
        entryList = []
        numEntries = len(self.docList)
        datum = struct.pack(">H", numEntries)
        curOffset = len(datum) + doc_index_entry_format_0Size * numEntries
        seenDocs = {}
        allCompressed = getattr(self, "compressed", False)
        for i, doc in enumerate(self.docList):
            if isinstance(doc, (list, tuple)):
                doc = SVGDocument(*doc)
                self.docList[i] = doc
            docBytes = tobytes(, encoding="utf_8")
            if (allCompressed or
                    doc.compressed) and not docBytes.startswith(b"\x1f\x8b"):
                import gzip
                bytesIO = BytesIO()
                # mtime=0 strips the useless timestamp and makes gzip output reproducible;
                # equivalent to `gzip -n`
                with gzip.GzipFile(None, "w", fileobj=bytesIO,
                                   mtime=0) as gzipper:
                gzipped = bytesIO.getvalue()
                if len(gzipped) < len(docBytes):
                    docBytes = gzipped
                del gzipped, bytesIO
            docLength = len(docBytes)
            if docBytes in seenDocs:
                docOffset = seenDocs[docBytes]
                docOffset = curOffset
                curOffset += docLength
                seenDocs[docBytes] = docOffset
            entry = struct.pack(">HHLL", doc.startGlyphID, doc.endGlyphID,
                                docOffset, docLength)
        svgDocData = bytesjoin(entryList)

        reserved = 0
        header = struct.pack(">HLL", version, offsetToSVGDocIndex, reserved)
        data = [header, svgDocData]
        data = bytesjoin(data)
        return data
Esempio n. 13
def pack(fmt, obj):
    formatstring, names, fixes = getformat(fmt, keep_pad_byte=True)
    elements = []
    if not isinstance(obj, dict):
        obj = obj.__dict__
    for name in names:
        value = obj[name]
        if name in fixes:
            # fixed point conversion
            value = fl2fi(value, fixes[name])
        elif isinstance(value, str):
            value = tobytes(value)
    data = struct.pack(*(formatstring, ) + tuple(elements))
    return data
Esempio n. 14
def _makeMacName(name, nameID, language, font=None):
    """Create a NameRecord for Apple platforms

	'language' is an arbitrary IETF BCP 47 language identifier such
	as 'en', 'de-CH', 'de-AT-1901', or 'fa-Latn'. When possible, we
	create a Macintosh NameRecord that is understood by old applications
	(platform ID 1 and an old-style Macintosh language enum). If this
	is not possible, we create a Unicode NameRecord (platform ID 0)
	whose language points to the font’s 'ltag' table. The latter
	can encode any string in any language, but legacy applications
	might not recognize the format (in which case they will ignore
	those names).

	'font' should be the TTFont for which you want to create a name.
	If 'font' is None, we only return NameRecords for legacy Macintosh;
	in that case, the result will be None for names that need to
	be encoded with an 'ltag' table.

	See the section “The language identifier” in Apple’s specification:
    macLang = _MAC_LANGUAGE_CODES.get(language.lower())
    macScript = _MAC_LANGUAGE_TO_SCRIPT.get(macLang)
    if macLang is not None and macScript is not None:
        encoding = getEncoding(1, macScript, macLang, default="ascii")
        # Check if we can actually encode this name. If we can't,
        # for example because we have no support for the legacy
        # encoding, or because the name string contains Unicode
        # characters that the legacy encoding cannot represent,
        # we fall back to encoding the name in Unicode and put
        # the language tag into the ltag table.
            _ = tobytes(name, encoding, errors="strict")
            return makeName(name, nameID, 1, macScript, macLang)
        except UnicodeEncodeError:
    if font is not None:
        ltag = font.tables.get("ltag")
        if ltag is None:
            ltag = font["ltag"] = newTable("ltag")
        # 0 = Unicode; 4 = “Unicode 2.0 or later semantics (non-BMP characters allowed)”
        # “The preferred platform-specific code for Unicode would be 3 or 4.”
        return makeName(name, nameID, 0, 4, ltag.addTag(language))
        log.warning("cannot store language %s into 'ltag' table "
                    "without having access to the TTFont object" % language)
        return None
Esempio n. 15
 def test_include_absolute_path(self):
     with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as included:
             feature kern {
                 pos A B -40;
             } kern;
     including = StringIO("include(%s);" %
         lexer = IncludingLexer(including)
         files = set(loc.file for _, _, loc in lexer)
         self.assertIn(, files)
Esempio n. 16
    def compile(self, ttFont):
        version = 0
        offsetToSVGDocIndex = SVG_format_0Size  # I start the SVGDocIndex right after the header.
        # get SGVDoc info.
        docList = []
        entryList = []
        numEntries = len(self.docList)
        datum = struct.pack(">H", numEntries)
        curOffset = len(datum) + doc_index_entry_format_0Size * numEntries
        seenDocs = {}
        for doc, startGlyphID, endGlyphID in self.docList:
            docBytes = tobytes(doc, encoding="utf_8")
            if getattr(self, "compressed",
                       False) and not docBytes.startswith(b"\x1f\x8b"):
                import gzip
                bytesIO = BytesIO()
                with gzip.GzipFile(None, "w", fileobj=bytesIO) as gzipper:
                gzipped = bytesIO.getvalue()
                if len(gzipped) < len(docBytes):
                    docBytes = gzipped
                del gzipped, bytesIO
            docLength = len(docBytes)
            if docBytes in seenDocs:
                docOffset = seenDocs[docBytes]
                docOffset = curOffset
                curOffset += docLength
                seenDocs[docBytes] = docOffset
            entry = struct.pack(">HHLL", startGlyphID, endGlyphID, docOffset,
        svgDocData = bytesjoin(entryList)

        reserved = 0
        header = struct.pack(">HLL", version, offsetToSVGDocIndex, reserved)
        data = [header, svgDocData]
        data = bytesjoin(data)
        return data
Esempio n. 17
def test_decompile_magic_length_last_glyph(empty_font):
    empty_font.glyphOrder = ['foo', 'bar']
    indextable = empty_font['TSI0']
    indextable.indices = [(0, 3, 0), (1, 0x8000, 3)
                          ]  # the actual length of 'bar' program is
    indextable.extra_indices = [  # the difference between the first extra's
        (0xFFFA, 0, 0x8004),  # offset and 'bar' offset: 0x8004 - 3
        (0xFFFB, 0, 0x8004),
        (0xFFFC, 0, 0x8004),
        (0xFFFD, 0, 0x8004)
    foo_content = "0" * 3
    bar_content = "1" * (0x8000 + 1)
    data = tobytes(foo_content + bar_content)

    table = table_T_S_I__1()
    table.decompile(data, empty_font)

    assert table.glyphPrograms['foo'] == foo_content
    assert table.glyphPrograms['bar'] == bar_content
Esempio n. 18
def unpack(fmt, data, obj=None):
    if obj is None:
        obj = {}
    data = tobytes(data)
    formatstring, names, fixes = getformat(fmt)
    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        d = obj
        d = obj.__dict__
    elements = struct.unpack(formatstring, data)
    for i in range(len(names)):
        name = names[i]
        value = elements[i]
        if name in fixes:
            # fixed point conversion
            value = fi2fl(value, fixes[name])
        elif isinstance(value, bytes):
                value = tostr(value)
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
        d[name] = value
    return obj
Esempio n. 19
def test_decompile_magic_length_non_last(empty_font):
    indextable = empty_font['TSI0']
    indextable.extra_indices = [
        (0xFFFA, 3, 0),
        (0xFFFB, 0x8000, 3),  # the actual length of 'cvt' program is:
        (0xFFFC, 0, 0x8004),  # nextTextOffset - textOffset: 0x8004 - 3
        (0xFFFD, 0, 0x8004)
    ppgm_content = "0" * 3
    cvt_content = "1" * (0x8000 + 1)
    data = tobytes(ppgm_content + cvt_content)

    table = table_T_S_I__1()
    table.decompile(data, empty_font)

    assert table.extraPrograms['ppgm'] == ppgm_content
    assert table.extraPrograms['cvt'] == cvt_content

    table = table_T_S_I__1()
    with CapturingLogHandler(table.log, "WARNING") as captor:
        table.decompile(data[:-1], empty_font)  # last entry is truncated
    captor.assertRegex("nextTextOffset > totalLength")
    assert table.extraPrograms['cvt'] == cvt_content[:-1]
 def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, ttFont):
     self.ulFormat = safeEval(attrs["format"])
     self.usReserved1 = safeEval(attrs.get("reserved1", "0"))
     self.usReserved2 = safeEval(attrs.get("reserved2", "0"))
     self.pkcs7 = base64.b64decode(
         tobytes(strjoin(filter(pem_spam, content))))
Esempio n. 21
def readPlistFromString(data):
    return loads(tobytes(data, encoding="utf-8"), use_builtin_types=False)
Esempio n. 22
def packPStrings(strings):
    data = b""
    for s in strings:
        data = data + bytechr(len(s)) + tobytes(s, encoding="latin1")
    return data
Esempio n. 23
 def _tobytes(self, s, errors="strict"):
     return tobytes(s, self.encoding, errors)
	def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, ttFont):
		lines = strjoin(content).split("\n") = tobytes("\r".join(lines[1:-1]))