Esempio n. 1
def test_check_058():
    """ Glyph names are all valid? """
    from fontbakery.specifications.general import com_google_fonts_check_058 as check

    test_font_path = os.path.join("data", "test", "nunito",

    test_font = TTFont(test_font_path)
    status, _ = list(check(test_font))[-1]
    assert status == PASS

    bad_name1 = "a" * 32
    bad_name2 = "3cents"
    bad_name3 = ".threecents"
    good_name1 = "b" * 31
    test_font.glyphOrder[2] = bad_name1
    test_font.glyphOrder[3] = bad_name2
    test_font.glyphOrder[4] = bad_name3
    test_font.glyphOrder[5] = good_name1
    status, message = list(check(test_font))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL
    assert bad_name1 in message
    assert bad_name2 in message
    assert bad_name3 in message
    assert good_name1 not in message

    # Upgrade to post format 3.0 and roundtrip data to update TTF object.
    test_font = TTFont(test_font_path)
    test_font["post"].formatType = 3.0
    test_file = io.BytesIO()
    test_font = TTFont(test_file)
    status, message = list(check(test_font))[-1]
    assert status == SKIP
Esempio n. 2
def test_check_037():
    """ MS Font Validator checks """
    from fontbakery.specifications.general import com_google_fonts_check_037 as check

    font = "data/test/mada/Mada-Regular.ttf"
    RASTER_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = ("MS-FonVal: An exception occurred"
                                " during rasterization testing")
    # we want to run all FValidator checks only once,
    # so here we cache all results:
    fval_results = list(check(font))

    # Then we make sure that the freetype backend we're using
    # supports the hinting instructions validation checks,
    # which are refered to as "rasterization testing":
    # (See also:
    for status, message in fval_results:
        assert RASTER_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE not in message

        # and finally, we make sure that there wasn't an ERROR
        # which would mean FontValidator is not properly installed:
        assert status != ERROR

    # Simulate FontVal missing.
    old_path = os.environ["PATH"]
    os.environ["PATH"] = ""
    with pytest.raises(OSError) as _:
        status, message = list(check(font))[-1]
        assert status == ERROR
    os.environ["PATH"] = old_path
Esempio n. 3
def test_check_059():
    """ Font contains unique glyph names? """
    from fontbakery.specifications.general import com_google_fonts_check_059 as check

    test_font_path = os.path.join("data", "test", "nunito",

    test_font = TTFont(test_font_path)
    status, _ = list(check(test_font))[-1]
    assert status == PASS

    # Fonttools renames duplicate glyphs with #1, #2, ... on load.
    # Code snippet from
    glyph_names = test_font.getGlyphOrder()
    glyph_names[2] = glyph_names[3]
    # Load again, we changed the font directly.
    test_font = TTFont(test_font_path)
    test_font['post']  # Just access the data to make fonttools generate it.
    test_file = io.BytesIO()
    test_font = TTFont(test_file)
    status, message = list(check(test_font))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL
    assert "space" in message

    # Upgrade to post format 3.0 and roundtrip data to update TTF object.
    test_font = TTFont(test_font_path)
    test_font["post"].formatType = 3.0
    test_file = io.BytesIO()
    test_font = TTFont(test_file)
    status, message = list(check(test_font))[-1]
    assert status == SKIP
Esempio n. 4
def test_check_049():
    """ Whitespace glyphs have ink? """
    from fontbakery.specifications.general import com_google_fonts_check_049 as check

    test_font = TTFont(
        os.path.join("data", "test", "nunito", "Nunito-Regular.ttf"))
    status, _ = list(check(test_font))[-1]
    assert status == PASS

    print("Test for whitespace character having composites (with ink).")
    test_font["cmap"].tables[0].cmap[0x0020] = "uni1E17"
    status, _ = list(check(test_font))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL

    print("Test for whitespace character having outlines (with ink).")
    test_font["cmap"].tables[0].cmap[0x0020] = "scedilla"
    status, _ = list(check(test_font))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL

    print("Test for whitespace character having composites (without ink).")
    import fontTools.pens.ttGlyphPen
    pen = fontTools.pens.ttGlyphPen.TTGlyphPen(test_font.getGlyphSet())
    pen.addComponent("space", (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0))
    test_font["glyf"].glyphs["uni200B"] = pen.glyph()
    status, _ = list(check(test_font))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL
Esempio n. 5
def test_check_053():
  """ Are there unwanted tables ? """
  from fontbakery.specifications.general import com_google_fonts_check_053 as check

  unwanted_tables = [
    "FFTM", # FontForge
    "TTFA", # TTFAutohint
    "TSI0", # TSI* = VTT
    "prop" # FIXME: Why is this one unwanted?
  # Our reference Mada Regular font is good here:
  ttFont = TTFont("data/test/mada/Mada-Regular.ttf")

  # So it must PASS the check:
  print ("Test PASS with a good font...")
  status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
  assert status == PASS

  # We now add unwanted tables one-by-one to validate the FAIL code-path:
  for unwanted in unwanted_tables:
    print (f"Test FAIL with unwanted table {unwanted} ...")
    ttFont = TTFont("data/test/mada/Mada-Regular.ttf")
    ttFont.reader.tables[unwanted] = "foo"
    status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL
Esempio n. 6
def test_check_036():
  """ Checking with ots-sanitize. """
  from fontbakery.specifications.general import com_google_fonts_check_036 as check

  sanitary_font = os.path.join("data", "test", "cabin", "Cabin-Regular.ttf")
  status, _ = list(check(sanitary_font))[-1]
  assert status == PASS

  bogus_font = os.path.join("data", "test", "README.txt")
  status, output = list(check(bogus_font))[-1]
  assert status == FAIL
  assert "invalid version tag" in output
  assert "Failed to sanitize file!" in output
Esempio n. 7
def test_check_ftxvalidator_is_available():
  """ Is the command `ftxvalidator` (Apple Font Tool Suite) available? """
  from fontbakery.specifications.general import com_google_fonts_check_ftxvalidator_is_available as check

  # code-paths:
  # - PASS, "ftxvalidator is available."
  # - WARN, "ftxvalidator is not available."
  status, output = check(True)
  assert status == PASS
  assert "is available" in output

  status, output = check(False)
  assert status == WARN
  assert "is not available" in output
Esempio n. 8
def test_check_046():
  """ Font contains the first few mandatory glyphs (.null or NULL, CR and
  space)? """
  from fontbakery.specifications.general import com_google_fonts_check_046 as check

  test_font = TTFont(os.path.join("data", "test", "nunito", "Nunito-Regular.ttf"))
  status, _ = list(check(test_font))[-1]
  assert status == PASS

  import fontTools.subset
  subsetter = fontTools.subset.Subsetter()
  subsetter.populate(glyphs="n")  # Arbitrarily remove everything except n.
  status, _ = list(check(test_font))[-1]
  assert status == WARN
Esempio n. 9
def test_check_ttx_roundtrip():
    """ Checking with fontTools.ttx """
    from fontbakery.specifications.general import com_google_fonts_check_ttx_roundtrip as check

    good_font_path = os.path.join("data", "test", "mada", "Mada-Regular.ttf")
    status, _ = list(check(good_font_path))[-1]
    assert status == PASS
Esempio n. 10
def test_check_036():
    """ Checking with ots-sanitize. """
    from fontbakery.specifications.general import com_google_fonts_check_036 as check

    sanitary_font = os.path.join("data", "test", "cabin", "Cabin-Regular.ttf")
    status, _ = list(check(sanitary_font))[-1]
    assert status == PASS

    bogus_font = os.path.join("data", "test", "cabinvfbeta", "CabinVFBeta.ttf")
    status, _ = list(check(bogus_font))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL

    old_path = os.environ["PATH"]
    os.environ["PATH"] = ""
    status, _ = list(check(bogus_font))[-1]
    assert status == ERROR
    os.environ["PATH"] = old_path
Esempio n. 11
def test_check_048():
    """ Font has **proper** whitespace glyph names ? """
    from fontbakery.specifications.general import com_google_fonts_check_048 as check

    def deleteGlyphEncodings(font, cp):
        """ This routine is used on to introduce errors
        in a given font by removing specific entries
        in the cmap tables.
        for subtable in font['cmap'].tables:
            if subtable.isUnicode():
                subtable.cmap = {
                    codepoint: name
                    for codepoint, name in subtable.cmap.items()
                    if codepoint != cp

    # Our reference Mada Regular font is good here:
    ttFont = TTFont("data/test/mada/Mada-Regular.ttf")

    # So it must PASS the check:
    print("Test PASS with a good font...")
    status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
    assert status == PASS

    print("Test SKIP with post.formatType == 3.0 ...")
    value = ttFont["post"].formatType
    ttFont["post"].formatType = 3.0
    status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
    assert status == SKIP
    # and restore good value:
    ttFont["post"].formatType = value

    print("Test FAIL with bad glyph name for char 0x0020 ...")
    deleteGlyphEncodings(ttFont, 0x0020)
    status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL and message.code == "bad20"

    # restore the original font object in preparation for the next test-case:
    ttFont = TTFont("data/test/mada/Mada-Regular.ttf")

    print("Test FAIL with bad glyph name for char 0x00A0 ...")
    deleteGlyphEncodings(ttFont, 0x00A0)
    status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL and message.code == "badA0"
Esempio n. 12
def test_check_002():
    """ Fonts are all in the same directory. """
    from fontbakery.specifications.general import com_google_fonts_check_002 as check
    same_dir = [
    multiple_dirs = [
    print(f'Test PASS with same dir: {same_dir}')
    status, message = list(check(same_dir))[-1]
    assert status == PASS

    print(f'Test FAIL with multiple dirs: {multiple_dirs}')
    status, message = list(check(multiple_dirs))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL
Esempio n. 13
def DISABLED_test_check_078():
    """ Check that glyph names do not exceed max length. """
    from fontbakery.specifications.general import com_google_fonts_check_078 as check

    # TTF
    test_font = defcon.Font("data/test/test.ufo")
    test_ttf = ufo2ft.compileTTF(test_font)
    status, _ = list(check(test_ttf))[-1]
    assert status == PASS

    test_glyph = defcon.Glyph()
    test_glyph.unicode = 0x1234 = ("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

    test_ttf = ufo2ft.compileTTF(test_font, useProductionNames=False)
    status, _ = list(check(test_ttf))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL

    test_ttf = ufo2ft.compileTTF(test_font, useProductionNames=True)
    status, _ = list(check(test_ttf))[-1]
    assert status == PASS

    # Upgrade to post format 3.0 and roundtrip data to update TTF object.
    test_ttf["post"].formatType = 3.0
    test_file = io.BytesIO()
    test_ttf = TTFont(test_file)
    status, message = list(check(test_ttf))[-1]
    assert status == PASS
    assert "format 3.0" in message

    del test_font, test_ttf, test_file  # Prevent copypasta errors.

    # CFF
    test_font = defcon.Font("data/test/test.ufo")
    test_otf = ufo2ft.compileOTF(test_font)
    status, _ = list(check(test_otf))[-1]
    assert status == PASS


    test_otf = ufo2ft.compileOTF(test_font, useProductionNames=False)
    status, _ = list(check(test_otf))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL

    test_otf = ufo2ft.compileOTF(test_font, useProductionNames=True)
    status, _ = list(check(test_otf))[-1]
    assert status == PASS
Esempio n. 14
def test_check_047():
    """ Font contains glyphs for whitespace characters ? """
    from fontbakery.specifications.general import com_google_fonts_check_047 as check
    from fontbakery.specifications.shared_conditions import missing_whitespace_chars

    # Our reference Mada Regular font is good here:
    ttFont = TTFont("data/test/mada/Mada-Regular.ttf")
    missing = missing_whitespace_chars(ttFont)

    # So it must PASS the check:
    print("Test PASS with a good font...")
    status, message = list(check(ttFont, missing))[-1]
    assert status == PASS

    # Then we remove the nbsp char (0x00A0) so that we get a FAIL:
    print("Test FAIL with a font lacking a nbsp (0x00A0)...")
    for table in ttFont['cmap'].tables:
        if 0x00A0 in table.cmap:
            del table.cmap[0x00A0]

    missing = missing_whitespace_chars(ttFont)
    status, message = list(check(ttFont, missing))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL

    # restore original Mada Regular font:
    ttFont = TTFont("data/test/mada/Mada-Regular.ttf")

    # And finally remove the space character (0x0020) to get another FAIL:
    print("Test FAIL with a font lacking a space (0x0020)...")
    for table in ttFont['cmap'].tables:
        if 0x00A0 in table.cmap:
            del table.cmap[0x00A0]

    missing = missing_whitespace_chars(ttFont)
    status, message = list(check(ttFont, missing))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL
Esempio n. 15
def test_check_052():
    """ Font contains all required tables ? """
    from fontbakery.specifications.general import com_google_fonts_check_052 as check

    required_tables = [
        "cmap", "head", "hhea", "hmtx", "maxp", "name", "OS/2", "post"
    optional_tables = [
        "cvt ", "fpgm", "loca", "prep", "VORG", "EBDT", "EBLC", "EBSC", "BASE",
        "GPOS", "GSUB", "JSTF", "DSIG", "gasp", "hdmx", "kern", "LTSH", "PCLT",
        "VDMX", "vhea", "vmtx"
    # Our reference Mada Regular font is good here
    ttFont = TTFont("data/test/mada/Mada-Regular.ttf")

    # So it must PASS the check:
    print("Test PASS with a good font...")
    status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
    assert status == PASS

    # Now we test the special cases for variable fonts:

    print("Test FAIL with fvar but no STAT...")
    # Note: A TTF with an fvar table but no STAT table
    #       is probably a GX font. For now we're OK with
    #       rejecting those by emitting a FAIL in this case.
    # TODO: Maybe we could someday emit a more explicit
    #       message to the users regarding that...
    ttFont.reader.tables["fvar"] = "foo"
    status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL

    print("Test PASS with STAT on a non-variable font...")
    del ttFont.reader.tables["fvar"]
    ttFont.reader.tables["STAT"] = "foo"
    status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
    assert status == PASS

    # and finally remove what we've just added:
    del ttFont.reader.tables["STAT"]
    # Now we remove required tables one-by-one to validate the FAIL code-path:
    for required in required_tables:
        print(f"Test FAIL with missing mandatory table {required} ...")
        ttFont = TTFont("data/test/mada/Mada-Regular.ttf")
        if required in ttFont.reader.tables:
            del ttFont.reader.tables[required]
        status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
        assert status == FAIL

    # Then, in preparation for the next step, we make sure
    # there's no optional table (by removing them all):
    for optional in optional_tables:
        if optional in ttFont.reader.tables:
            del ttFont.reader.tables[optional]

    # Then re-insert them one by one to validate the INFO code-path:
    for optional in optional_tables:
        print(f"Test INFO with optional table {required} ...")
        ttFont.reader.tables[optional] = "foo"
        # and ensure that the second to last logged message is an
        # INFO status informing the user about it:
        status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-2]
        assert status == INFO
        # remove the one we've just inserted before trying the next one:
        del ttFont.reader.tables[optional]