class TestForecaster(ForecasterTester): """ Tests Forecaster. """ def setUp(self): """ Builds default strategies, persons, etc. """ # Use a default settings object: # (This is conditional so that subclasses can assign their own # settings object before calling super().setUp()) if not hasattr(self, 'settings'): self.settings = Settings() # To simplify tests, modify Settings so that forecasts are # just 2 years with easy-to-predict contributions ($1000/yr) self.settings.num_years = 2 self.settings.living_expenses_strategy = ( LivingExpensesStrategy.strategy_const_contribution) self.settings.living_expenses_base_amount = 1000 # Allow subclasses to use subclasses of Forecaster by assigning # to forecaster_type if not hasattr(self, 'forecaster_type'): self.forecaster_type = Forecaster # Build default `SubForecast` inputs based on `settings`: self.initial_year = self.settings.initial_year self.scenario = Scenario(inflation=self.settings.inflation, stock_return=self.settings.stock_return, bond_return=self.settings.bond_return, other_return=self.settings.other_return, management_fees=self.settings.management_fees, initial_year=self.settings.initial_year, num_years=self.settings.num_years) self.living_expenses_strategy = LivingExpensesStrategy( strategy=self.settings.living_expenses_strategy, base_amount=self.settings.living_expenses_base_amount, rate=self.settings.living_expenses_rate, inflation_adjust=self.scenario.inflation_adjust) self.saving_strategy = TransactionStrategy( strategy=self.settings.saving_strategy, weights=self.settings.saving_weights) self.withdrawal_strategy = TransactionStrategy( strategy=self.settings.withdrawal_strategy, weights=self.settings.withdrawal_weights) self.allocation_strategy = AllocationStrategy( strategy=self.settings.allocation_strategy, min_equity=self.settings.allocation_min_equity, max_equity=self.settings.allocation_max_equity, target=self.settings.allocation_target, standard_retirement_age=( self.settings.allocation_std_retirement_age), risk_transition_period=self.settings.allocation_risk_trans_period, adjust_for_retirement_plan=( self.settings.allocation_adjust_retirement)) self.debt_payment_strategy = DebtPaymentStrategy( strategy=self.settings.debt_payment_strategy) self.tax_treatment = Tax( tax_brackets=self.settings.tax_brackets, personal_deduction=self.settings.tax_personal_deduction, credit_rate=self.settings.tax_credit_rate, inflation_adjust=self.scenario.inflation_adjust) # Now build some Ledger objects to test against: # A person making $10,000/yr self.person = Person(initial_year=self.initial_year, name="Test 1", birth_date="1 January 1980", retirement_date="31 December 2040", gross_income=10000, raise_rate=0, spouse=None, tax_treatment=self.tax_treatment) # An account with $1000 in it (and no interest) self.account = Account(owner=self.person, balance=1000) # A debt with a $100 balance (and no interest) self.debt = Debt(owner=self.person, balance=100) # Init a Forecaster object here for convenience: self.forecaster = self.forecaster_type(settings=self.settings) def setUp_decimal(self): """ Builds default strategies/persons/etc. with Decimal inputs. """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name # This name is based on `setUp`, which doesn't follow Pylint's rules # pylint: enable=invalid-name # Use a default settings object: # (This is conditional so that subclasses can assign their own # settings object before calling super().setUp()) if not hasattr(self, 'settings'): self.settings = Settings() # To simplify tests, modify Settings so that forecasts are # just 2 years with easy-to-predict contributions ($1000/yr) self.settings.num_years = 2 self.settings.living_expenses_strategy = ( LivingExpensesStrategy.strategy_const_contribution) self.settings.living_expenses_base_amount = Decimal(1000) # Allow subclasses to use subclasses of Forecaster by assigning # to forecaster_type if not hasattr(self, 'forecaster_type'): self.forecaster_type = Forecaster # Build default `SubForecast` inputs based on `settings`: self.initial_year = self.settings.initial_year self.scenario = Scenario( inflation=Decimal(self.settings.inflation), stock_return=Decimal(self.settings.stock_return), bond_return=Decimal(self.settings.bond_return), other_return=Decimal(self.settings.other_return), management_fees=Decimal(self.settings.management_fees), initial_year=self.settings.initial_year, num_years=self.settings.num_years) self.living_expenses_strategy = LivingExpensesStrategy( strategy=self.settings.living_expenses_strategy, base_amount=Decimal(self.settings.living_expenses_base_amount), rate=Decimal(self.settings.living_expenses_rate), inflation_adjust=self.scenario.inflation_adjust) self.saving_strategy = TransactionStrategy( strategy=self.settings.saving_strategy, weights={ year: Decimal(val) for (year, val) in self.settings.saving_weights.items() }) self.withdrawal_strategy = TransactionStrategy( strategy=self.settings.withdrawal_strategy, weights={ year: Decimal(val) for (year, val) in self.settings.withdrawal_weights.items() }) self.allocation_strategy = AllocationStrategy( strategy=self.settings.allocation_strategy, min_equity=Decimal(self.settings.allocation_min_equity), max_equity=Decimal(self.settings.allocation_max_equity), target=Decimal(self.settings.allocation_target), standard_retirement_age=( self.settings.allocation_std_retirement_age), risk_transition_period=self.settings.allocation_risk_trans_period, adjust_for_retirement_plan=( self.settings.allocation_adjust_retirement)) self.debt_payment_strategy = DebtPaymentStrategy( strategy=self.settings.debt_payment_strategy, high_precision=Decimal) self.tax_treatment = Tax( tax_brackets={ year: { Decimal(lower): Decimal(upper) } for (year, vals) in self.settings.tax_brackets.items() for (lower, upper) in vals.items() }, personal_deduction={ year: Decimal(val) for (year, val) in self.settings.tax_personal_deduction.items() }, credit_rate={ year: Decimal(val) for (year, val) in self.settings.tax_credit_rate.items() }, inflation_adjust=self.scenario.inflation_adjust, high_precision=Decimal) # Now build some Ledger objects to test against: # A person making $10,000/yr self.person = Person(initial_year=self.initial_year, name="Test 1", birth_date="1 January 1980", retirement_date="31 December 2040", gross_income=Decimal(10000), raise_rate=Decimal(0), spouse=None, tax_treatment=self.tax_treatment, high_precision=Decimal) # An account with $1000 in it (and no interest) self.account = Account(owner=self.person, balance=Decimal(1000), high_precision=Decimal) # A debt with a $100 balance (and no interest) self.debt = Debt(owner=self.person, balance=Decimal(100), high_precision=Decimal) # Init a Forecaster object here for convenience: self.forecaster = self.forecaster_type(settings=self.settings, high_precision=Decimal) def test_init_default(self): """ Tests Forecaster.__init__ with default parameters. """ self.forecaster = Forecaster() # For most params, not being passed means they should be None: self.assertEqual(self.forecaster.living_expenses_strategy, None) self.assertEqual(self.forecaster.saving_strategy, None) self.assertEqual(self.forecaster.withdrawal_strategy, None) self.assertEqual(self.forecaster.allocation_strategy, None) # For two of the params, they should be initialized to whatever # is provided by default by the Settings class: self.assertEqual(self.forecaster.settings, Settings()) def test_build_living_exp_strat(self): """ Test Forecaster.build_param for living_expenses_strategy. """ param = self.forecaster.get_param(Parameter.LIVING_EXPENSES_STRATEGY) self.assertEqual(param, self.living_expenses_strategy) def test_build_saving_strat(self): """ Test Forecaster.build_param for contribution_strategy. """ param = self.forecaster.get_param(Parameter.SAVING_STRATEGY) self.assertEqual(param, self.saving_strategy) def test_build_withdraw_strat(self): """ Test Forecaster.build_param for withdrawal_strategy. """ param = self.forecaster.get_param(Parameter.WITHDRAWAL_STRATEGY) self.assertEqual(param, self.withdrawal_strategy) def test_build_allocation_strat(self): """ Test Forecaster.build_param for allocation_strategy. """ param = self.forecaster.get_param(Parameter.ALLOCATION_STRATEGY) self.assertEqual(param, self.allocation_strategy) def test_build_tax_treatment(self): """ Test Forecaster.build_param for tax_treatment. """ param = self.forecaster.get_param(Parameter.TAX_TREATMENT) self.assertEqual(param, self.tax_treatment) def test_run_forecast_basic(self): """ Test Forecaster.run_forecast with simple arguments. """ # Run a simple forecast with $10,000 income, $500 in annual # contributions, and $1000 in starting balances with no growth: self.forecaster = Forecaster( living_expenses_strategy=LivingExpensesStrategy( strategy=LivingExpensesStrategy.strategy_const_contribution, base_amount=500, inflation_adjust=None), settings=self.settings) forecast = self.forecaster.run_forecast(people={self.person}, accounts={self.account}, debts={}) # Test that it starts and ends in the right place and that # income and total balance (principal) are correct self.assertEqual(forecast.scenario, self.scenario) # Pylint has trouble with attributes added by metaclass # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertEqual(len(forecast.principal_history), self.scenario.num_years) # pylint: enable=no-member # Test that the $500 in contributions have been added to the # initial $1000 principal by the start of year 2: self.assertAlmostEqual(forecast.principal, 1500, places=2) # Gross income should be unchanged at $10,000: self.assertAlmostEqual(forecast.income_forecast.gross_income, 10000, places=2) def test_run_forecast_mutation(self): """ Test that Forecaster.run_forecast doesn't mutate arguments. """ # Run a forecast and check whether the inputs were mutated: forecast = self.forecaster.run_forecast(people={self.person}, accounts={self.account}, debts={self.debt}) # The originally-provided Person's history dicts should have # length 1 (since they haven't been mutated). They should be # length 2 for the Person held by the Forecast. # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertEqual(len(self.person.gross_income_history), 1) # pylint: enable=no-member self.assertEqual(len(next(iter(forecast.people)).gross_income_history), 2) def test_decimal(self): """ Test Forecaster.run_forecast with Decimal arguments. """ # Convert values to Decimal: self.setUp_decimal() # This test is based on test_run_forecast_basic # Run a simple forecast with $10,000 income, $500 in annual # contributions, and $1000 in starting balances with no growth: living_expenses_strategy = LivingExpensesStrategy( strategy=LivingExpensesStrategy.strategy_const_contribution, base_amount=Decimal(500), inflation_adjust=None, high_precision=Decimal) self.forecaster = Forecaster( living_expenses_strategy=living_expenses_strategy, settings=self.settings, high_precision=Decimal) forecast = self.forecaster.run_forecast(people={self.person}, accounts={self.account}, debts={}) # Test that it starts and ends in the right place and that # income and total balance (principal) are correct self.assertEqual(forecast.scenario, self.scenario) # Pylint has trouble with attributes added by metaclass # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertEqual(len(forecast.principal_history), self.scenario.num_years) # pylint: enable=no-member # Test that the $500 in contributions have been added to the # initial $1000 principal by the start of year 2: self.assertAlmostEqual(forecast.principal, Decimal(1500), places=2) # Gross income should be unchanged at $10,000: self.assertAlmostEqual(forecast.income_forecast.gross_income, Decimal(10000), places=2)
class TestForecaster(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests Forecaster. """ def setUp(self): """ Builds default strategies, persons, etc. """ # Use a default settings object: # (This is conditional so that subclasses can assign their own # settings object before calling super().setUp()) if not hasattr(self, 'settings'): self.settings = Settings() # To simplify tests, modify Settings so that forecasts are # just 2 years with easy-to-predict contributions ($1000/yr) self.settings.num_years = 2 self.settings.living_expenses_strategy = ( LivingExpensesStrategy.strategy_const_contribution) self.settings.living_expenses_base_amount = Decimal(1000) # Allow subclasses to use subclasses of Forecaster by assigning # to forecaster_type if not hasattr(self, 'forecaster_type'): self.forecaster_type = Forecaster # Build default `SubForecast` inputs based on `settings`: self.initial_year = self.settings.initial_year self.scenario = Scenario(inflation=self.settings.inflation, stock_return=self.settings.stock_return, bond_return=self.settings.bond_return, other_return=self.settings.other_return, management_fees=self.settings.management_fees, initial_year=self.settings.initial_year, num_years=self.settings.num_years) self.living_expenses_strategy = LivingExpensesStrategy( strategy=self.settings.living_expenses_strategy, base_amount=self.settings.living_expenses_base_amount, rate=self.settings.living_expenses_rate, inflation_adjust=self.scenario.inflation_adjust) self.saving_strategy = TransactionStrategy( strategy=self.settings.saving_strategy, weights=self.settings.saving_weights) self.withdrawal_strategy = TransactionStrategy( strategy=self.settings.withdrawal_strategy, weights=self.settings.withdrawal_weights) self.allocation_strategy = AllocationStrategy( strategy=self.settings.allocation_strategy, min_equity=self.settings.allocation_min_equity, max_equity=self.settings.allocation_max_equity, target=self.settings.allocation_target, standard_retirement_age=( self.settings.allocation_std_retirement_age), risk_transition_period=self.settings.allocation_risk_trans_period, adjust_for_retirement_plan=( self.settings.allocation_adjust_retirement)) self.debt_payment_strategy = DebtPaymentStrategy( strategy=self.settings.debt_payment_strategy) self.tax_treatment = Tax( tax_brackets=self.settings.tax_brackets, personal_deduction=self.settings.tax_personal_deduction, credit_rate=self.settings.tax_credit_rate, inflation_adjust=self.scenario.inflation_adjust) # Now build some Ledger objects to test against: # A person making $10,000/yr self.person = Person(initial_year=self.initial_year, name="Test 1", birth_date="1 January 1980", retirement_date="31 December 2040", gross_income=Money(10000), raise_rate=Decimal(0), spouse=None, tax_treatment=self.tax_treatment) # An account with $1000 in it (and no interest) self.account = Account(owner=self.person, balance=Money(1000)) # A debt with a $100 balance (and no interest) self.debt = Debt(owner=self.person, balance=Money(100)) # Init a Forecaster object here for convenience: self.forecaster = self.forecaster_type(settings=self.settings) def assertEqual_dict(self, first, second, msg=None, memo=None): """ Extends equality testing for dicts with complex members. """ # We're mimicking the name of assertEqual, so we can live with # the unusual method name. # pylint: disable=invalid-name # For dicts, first confirm they represent the same keys: # (The superclass can handle this) if first.keys() != second.keys(): super().assertEqual(first, second) # Then recursively check each pair of values: for key in first: self.assertEqual(first[key], second[key], msg=msg, memo=memo) def assertEqual_list(self, first, second, msg=None, memo=None): """ Extends equality testing for lists with complex members. """ # We're mimicking the name of assertEqual, so we can live with # the unusual method name. # pylint: disable=invalid-name # First confirm that they have the same length. if len(first) != len(second): super().assertEqual(first, second) # Then iterate over the elements in sequence: for first_value, second_value in zip(first, second): self.assertEqual(first_value, second_value, msg=msg, memo=memo) def assertEqual_set(self, first, second, msg=None, memo=None): """ Extends equality testing for sets with complex members. """ # We're mimicking the name of assertEqual, so we can live with # the unusual method name. # pylint: disable=invalid-name # First confirm that they have the same length. if len(first) != len(second): super().assertEqual(first, second, msg=msg) # For sets or other unordered iterables, we can't rely on # `in` (because complex objects might not have equality or # hashing implemented beyond the standard id() # implementation), so we want to test each element in one # set against every element in the other set. for val1 in first: match = False for val2 in second: try: # Each pair of compared objects is automatically # added to the memo, so make a copy (which will # be discarded if the objects are not equal). memo_copy = copy(memo) self.assertEqual(val1, val2, msg=msg, memo=memo_copy) except AssertionError: # If we didn't find a match, advance to the next # value in second and try that. continue # If we did find a match, record that fact and # advance to the next value in second. match = True memo.update(memo_copy) break if not match: # If we couldn't find a match, the sets are not # equal; the entire test should fail. raise AssertionError(str(first) + ' != ' + str(second)) def assertEqual_complex(self, first, second, msg=None, memo=None): """ Extends equality testing for complex objects. """ # We're mimicking the name of assertEqual, so we can live with # the unusual method name. # pylint: disable=invalid-name # For complicated objects, recurse onto the attributes dict: self.assertEqual(first.__dict__, second.__dict__, msg=msg, memo=memo) def assertEqual(self, first, second, msg=None, memo=None): """ Tests complicated class instances for equality. This method is used (instead of __eq__) because equality semantics are only needed for testing code and can mess up things like set membership, require extensive (and inefficient) comparisons, and/or can result in infinite recursion. """ # We add a memo argument to avoid recursion. We don't pass it # to the superclass, so pylint's objection isn't helpful. # pylint: disable=arguments-differ # The memo dict maps each object to the set of objects that it's # been compared to. If they've been compared, that means that we # don't need to re-evaluate their equality - if they're unequal, # that'll be discovered at a higher level of recursion: if memo is None: memo = collections.defaultdict(set) if id(second) in memo[id(first)]: # We've previously compared these objects and found them to # be equal, so return without failing. return else: memo[id(first)].add(id(second)) memo[id(second)].add(id(first)) try: # If these are equal under ordinary comparison, accept that # and don't so any further special testing. super().assertEqual(first, second, msg=msg) return except AssertionError as error: # If the superclass assertEqual doesn't find equality, run # a few additional equality tests based on object type: # 1) Dicts; keys and values both need to be checked. # 2) Ordered iterables; values need to be checked in order. # 3) Unordered iterables; check values for membership. # 4) Complex objects; compare attributes via __dict__. # Most of these tests won't work if the objects are # different types, and we don't deal with the case anyways. # In that case, accept the error and raise it on up. if (not isinstance(first, type(second)) and not isinstance(second, type(first))): raise error elif isinstance(first, dict): self.assertEqual_dict(first, second, msg=msg, memo=memo) elif isinstance(first, self.assertEqual_list(first, second, msg=msg, memo=memo) elif isinstance(first, self.assertEqual_set(first, second, msg=msg, memo=memo) elif hasattr(first, '__dict__'): self.assertEqual_complex(first, second, msg=msg, memo=memo) else: # If none of our special tests apply, accept the error. raise error def assertNotEqual(self, first, second, msg=None): """ Overloaded to test non-equality of complex objects. """ try: self.assertEqual(first, second, msg=msg) except AssertionError: # We want assertEqual to throw an error (since we're # expecting non-equality) return # Raise a suitable error if the equality test didn't fail: raise AssertionError(str(first) + ' == ' + str(second)) def test_assertEqual(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Tests overloaded TestForecaster.assertEqual. """ # Compare an object to itself person1 = self.person self.assertEqual(person1, self.person) # Compare two idential instances of an object: person2 = deepcopy(person1) self.assertEqual(person1, person2) # Compare two instances of an object that differ only in a # complicated attribute. (Simple case: set it to None) person2.tax_treatment = None self.assertNotEqual(person1, person2) def test_init_default(self): """ Tests Forecaster.__init__ with default parameters. """ self.forecaster = Forecaster() # For most params, not being passed means they should be None: self.assertEqual(self.forecaster.living_expenses_strategy, None) self.assertEqual(self.forecaster.saving_strategy, None) self.assertEqual(self.forecaster.withdrawal_strategy, None) self.assertEqual(self.forecaster.allocation_strategy, None) # For two of the params, they should be initialized to whatever # is provided by default by the Settings class: self.assertEqual(self.forecaster.settings, Settings()) def test_build_living_exp_strat(self): """ Test Forecaster.build_param for living_expenses_strategy. """ param = self.forecaster.get_param(Parameter.LIVING_EXPENSES_STRATEGY) self.assertEqual(param, self.living_expenses_strategy) def test_build_saving_strat(self): """ Test Forecaster.build_param for contribution_strategy. """ param = self.forecaster.get_param(Parameter.SAVING_STRATEGY) self.assertEqual(param, self.saving_strategy) def test_build_withdraw_strat(self): """ Test Forecaster.build_param for withdrawal_strategy. """ param = self.forecaster.get_param(Parameter.WITHDRAWAL_STRATEGY) self.assertEqual(param, self.withdrawal_strategy) def test_build_allocation_strat(self): """ Test Forecaster.build_param for allocation_strategy. """ param = self.forecaster.get_param(Parameter.ALLOCATION_STRATEGY) self.assertEqual(param, self.allocation_strategy) def test_build_tax_treatment(self): """ Test Forecaster.build_param for tax_treatment. """ param = self.forecaster.get_param(Parameter.TAX_TREATMENT) self.assertEqual(param, self.tax_treatment) def test_run_forecast_basic(self): """ Test Forecaster.run_forecast with simple arguments. """ # Run a simple forecast with $10,000 income, $500 in annual # contributions, and $1000 in starting balances with no growth: self.forecaster = Forecaster( living_expenses_strategy=LivingExpensesStrategy( strategy=LivingExpensesStrategy.strategy_const_contribution, base_amount=Money(500), inflation_adjust=None), settings=self.settings) forecast = self.forecaster.run_forecast(people={self.person}, accounts={self.account}, debts={}) # Test that it starts and ends in the right place and that # income and total balance (principal) are correct self.assertEqual(forecast.scenario, self.scenario) # Pylint has trouble with attributes added by metaclass # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertEqual(len(forecast.principal_history), self.scenario.num_years) # pylint: enable=no-member # Test that the $500 in contributions have been added to the # initial $1000 principal by the start of year 2: self.assertAlmostEqual(forecast.principal, Money(1500), places=2) # Gross income should be unchanged at $10,000: self.assertAlmostEqual(forecast.income_forecast.gross_income, Money(10000), places=2) def test_run_forecast_mutation(self): """ Test that Forecaster.run_forecast doesn't mutate arguments. """ # Run a forecast and check whether the inputs were mutated: forecast = self.forecaster.run_forecast(people={self.person}, accounts={self.account}, debts={self.debt}) # The originally-provided Person's history dicts should have # length 1 (since they haven't been mutated). They should be # length 2 for the Person held by the Forecast. # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertEqual(len(self.person.gross_income_history), 1) # pylint: enable=no-member self.assertEqual(len(next(iter(forecast.people)).gross_income_history), 2)