Esempio n. 1
class TestBitCoinForceDecimal(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.b = BtcConverter(force_decimal=True)

    def test_latest_price_valid_currency(self):
        price = self.b.get_latest_price('USD')
        self.assertEqual(type(price), Decimal)

    def test_latest_price_invalid_currency(self):
        price = self.b.get_latest_price('XYZ')

    def test_previous_price_valid_currency(self):
        date_obj = - datetime.timedelta(days=15)
        price = self.b.get_previous_price('USD', date_obj)
        self.assertEqual(type(price), Decimal)

    def test_previous_price_invalid_currency(self):
        date_obj = - datetime.timedelta(days=15)
        self.assertRaises(RatesNotAvailableError, self.b.get_previous_price,
                          'XYZ', date_obj)

    def test_previous_price_list_with_valid_currency(self):
        start_date = - datetime.timedelta(days=15)
        end_date =
        price_list = self.b.get_previous_price_list('USD', start_date,
        self.assertEqual(type(price_list), dict)

    def test_previous_price_list_with_invalid_currency(self):
        start_date = - datetime.timedelta(days=15)
        end_date =
        price_list = self.b.get_previous_price_list('XYZ', start_date,
        self.assertEqual(type(price_list), dict)

    def test_convet_to_btc_with_valid_currency(self):
        coins = self.b.convert_to_btc(Decimal('250'), 'USD')
        self.assertEqual(type(coins), Decimal)

    def test_convet_to_btc_with_invalid_currency(self):
        self.assertRaises(RatesNotAvailableError, self.b.convert_to_btc,
                          Decimal('250'), 'XYZ')

    def test_convert_btc_to_cur_valid_currency(self):
        amount = self.b.convert_btc_to_cur(Decimal('2'), 'USD')
        self.assertEqual(type(amount), Decimal)

    def test_convert_btc_to_cur_invalid_currency(self):
        self.assertRaises(RatesNotAvailableError, self.b.convert_btc_to_cur,
                          Decimal('250'), 'XYZ')

    def test_convert_to_btc_on_with_valid_currency(self):
        date_obj = - datetime.timedelta(days=15)
        coins = self.b.convert_to_btc_on(Decimal('300'), 'USD', date_obj)
        self.assertEqual(type(coins), Decimal)

    def test_convert_to_btc_on_with_invalid_currency(self):
        date_obj = - datetime.timedelta(days=15)
        self.assertRaises(RatesNotAvailableError, self.b.convert_to_btc_on,
                          Decimal('250'), 'XYZ', date_obj)

    def test_convert_to_btc_on_with_valid_currency(self):
        date_obj = - datetime.timedelta(days=15)
        amount = self.b.convert_btc_to_cur_on(Decimal('250'), 'USD', date_obj)
        self.assertEqual(type(amount), Decimal)

    def test_convert_to_btc_on_with_invalid_currency(self):
        date_obj = - datetime.timedelta(days=15)
        self.assertRaises(RatesNotAvailableError, self.b.convert_btc_to_cur_on,
                          Decimal('3'), 'XYZ', date_obj)
Esempio n. 2
print('\n' + from_currency + " To " + to_currency, amount)
print('The current conversion rate for {} to {} is {}'.format(from_currency, to_currency, c.get_rate(from_currency, to_currency)))    #Get conversion rate from USD to INR
result = c.convert(from_currency, to_currency, amount)   #Convert the amount
print('Latest Conversion: ',result)

#Get conversion rate as of 2021-01-01
print('\nThe conversion rate from {} to {} as per 1st Jan 2021 is {}'.format(from_currency, to_currency, c.get_rate(from_currency, to_currency, date_obj)))
print('The conversion as per 1st Jan 2021: ', c.convert(from_currency, to_currency, amount, date_obj))

b = BtcConverter()
print('\n\nBitcoin Symbol: ', b.get_symbol())  # get_btc_symbol()
print('Bitcoin Latest Price in USD : ', b.get_latest_price('USD'))     #Get latest Bitcoin price.
print('Convert 10 Million USD to Bitcoin', b.convert_to_btc(10000000, 'USD'))     #Convert Amount to Bitcoins based on latest exchange price.
print('The Equivalent of 10.99 Bitcoin in USD: ',b.convert_btc_to_cur(10.99, 'USD'))         #Convert Bitcoins to valid currency amount based on lates price

print('\nBitcoin price as per 1st Jan 2021: ',b.get_previous_price('USD', date_obj)) #Get price of Bitcoin based on prevois date
print('The conversion of 10 Million Dollars to Bitcoin as of 1st Jan 2021',b.convert_to_btc_on(10000000, 'USD', date_obj))      #Convert Amount to bitcoins based on previous date prices
print('The conversion of 10.99 Bitcoin in USD as of 1st Jan 2021: ',b.convert_btc_to_cur_on(10.99, 'USD', date_obj))       #Convert Bitcoins to valid currency amount based on previous date price

start_date = datetime.datetime(2021, 2, 1, 19, 39, 36, 815417)
end_date = datetime.datetime(2021, 2, 7, 19, 39, 36, 815417)
print('\nBitcoin rates over the week in USD: ',b.get_previous_price_list('USD', start_date, end_date))         #Get list of prices list for given date range

d = CurrencyCodes()
print('\nUS Dollar Symbol:', d.get_symbol('USD'))          #Get currency symbol using currency code
print(d.get_currency_name('USD'))          #Get Currency Name using currency code

print('\nThe latest rate of USD for various currencies\n', c.get_rates('USD'))          #list all latest currency rates for "USD"
print('\nThe rate of USD for various currencies as per 1st Jan 2021\n',c.get_rates('USD', date_obj))             #List all Currency rates for “USD” on 2021-01-01