def show_profile(user_id): """Show individual user profile""" if not g.user: flash("Access unauthorized. Please login to view profile!", "danger") return redirect("/") user = User.query.get_or_404(user_id) saved_recipes = User.get_user_fav_recipes(user_id) form = UserAddForm() delete_form = DeleteAccountForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): User.update_user(user, form) db.session.commit() return redirect(f'/users/{user_id}') if delete_form.validate_on_submit(): valid = User.authenticate(user.username, if (valid): User.remove_user(user_id) db.session.commit() do_logout() return redirect("/") return render_template('/users/profile.html', saved_recipes=saved_recipes, user=user, form=form, delete_form=delete_form)
def user_delete(): form_delete = DeleteAccountForm(request.form,user_id=str( if form_delete.validate_on_submit(): try: for reserva in current_user.reservas: reserva.delete_instance() current_user.delete_instance() logout_user() except: None return redirect(url_for('index'))
def settings(): loggedin_user = get_user() user, allplayers, leaders = get_leaderboard(loggedin_user) form = PasswordResetForm(request.form) deleteform = DeleteAccountForm(request.form) title = "{}'s account settings".format( if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): if == user.password: flash("Your password has been reset.") user.password = db.session.commit() password_reset_email(user) return redirect(url_for('user')) else: flash("Your old password was incorrect. Please try again.") return redirect(url_for('settings')) elif request.method == 'POST' and not form.validate(): flash("Something went wrong; please try again.") return redirect(url_for('settings')) else: return render_template('settings.html', title=title, loggedin_user=loggedin_user, user=user, form=form, deleteform=deleteform)
def delete_account(): deleteform = DeleteAccountForm(request.form) loggedin_user = get_user() user, allplayers, leaders = get_leaderboard(loggedin_user) if request.method == "POST" and deleteform.validate(): if == "DELETE": db.session.delete(user) db.session.commit() flash("Your account has been deleted.") return redirect(url_for("logout")) else: flash( 'Type "DELETE" in the field below if you are sure you want to delete your account; this cannot be undone.' ) return redirect(url_for("settings")) elif request.method == "POST" and not deleteform.validate(): flash( 'Type "DELETE" in the field below if you are sure you want to delete your account; this cannot be undone.' ) return redirect(url_for("settings"))
def delete_account(): deleteform = DeleteAccountForm(request.form) loggedin_user = get_user() user, allplayers, leaders = get_leaderboard(loggedin_user) if request.method == 'POST' and deleteform.validate(): if == 'DELETE': db.session.delete(user) db.session.commit() flash("Your account has been deleted.") return redirect(url_for('logout')) else: flash( 'Type "DELETE" in the field below if you are sure you want to delete your account; this cannot be undone.' ) return redirect(url_for('settings')) elif request.method == 'POST' and not deleteform.validate(): flash( 'Type "DELETE" in the field below if you are sure you want to delete your account; this cannot be undone.' ) return redirect(url_for('settings'))
def deleteAccount(): """ The '/deleteAccount' route directs a user to a form where they can request the superuser to delete their account. """ if 'username' not in session: return redirect(url_for('login')) if session['type_of_user'] == 'superuser': return redirect(url_for('dashboard_superuser')) if session['type_of_user'] == 'applicant': return redirect(url_for('dashboard_applicant')) form = DeleteAccountForm() if request.method == 'GET': return render_template("deleteAccount.html", form=form) elif request.method == 'POST': if DeleteRequest(session['username']) return redirect(url_for('dashboard')) elif return redirect(url_for('dashboard'))
def profile(request): '''The profile page containing * password change form; * forms to associate and dissociate OpenID's; * a button to delete account. **Authentication restrictions** If a user that is not logged in tries to visit this page, he will be redirected to the login page. If he successfully logs in there, he'll be redirected back here. **Templates** `"authentication/profile/profile.html"` Page template. **Context** ``form_change_password`` A :class:`django.contrib.auth.forms.SetPasswordForm`. ``form_add_openid_msg`` Form errors for ``form_add_openid`` (see below). ``form_add_openid`` An :class:`django_authopenid.forms.AssociateOpenID`. ``form_delete_openid`` An :class:`authentication.forms.DeleteOpenidForm`. ``form_delete`` An :class:`authentication.forms.DeleteAccountForm`. `"authentication/profile/password_changed.html"` Templates rendered after the change password form was submitted and user's password was successfull changed. **Context** ``next`` The link for previous page tracking or ``''`` if it is unknown (i.e., was not passed); ''' from django.contrib.auth.forms import SetPasswordForm from django_authopenid.forms import AssociateOpenID from forms import DeleteOpenidForm, DeleteAccountForm redirect_to = next = request.GET.get('next') if not redirect_to or '://' in redirect_to: redirect_to = settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL next = '' form_change_password = SetPasswordForm(request.user) form_add_openid_msg = '' form_add_openid = AssociateOpenID(request.user) form_delete_openid = form_delete = DeleteAccountForm() if request.method == 'POST': if 'new_password1' in request.POST.keys(): form_change_password = SetPasswordForm(request.user, request.POST) if form_change_password.is_valid(): request.user.set_password(form_change_password.cleaned_data['new_password1']) return render_to_response2(request, 'authentication/profile/password_changed.html', {'next': next}) elif 'openid_url' in request.POST.keys(): form_add_openid = AssociateOpenID(request.user, request.POST) if form_add_openid.is_valid(): openid_url = form_add_openid.cleaned_data['openid_url'] redirect_url = "%s?%s" % ( request.build_absolute_uri(request.path), urllib.urlencode({'next': redirect_to, 'openid_url': openid_url}) ) try: return Overrides.Authopenid.ask_openid(request, openid_url, redirect_url) except Overrides.Authopenid.OpenidError, e: form_add_openid_msg = unicode(e) elif 'openid_url_to_delete' in request.POST.keys(): form_delete_openid = DeleteOpenidForm.process(request.user, request.POST) else: form_delete = DeleteAccountForm(request.POST) if form_delete.is_valid(): request.user.delete() auth.logout(request) return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_to)