def ticker_detail(request, ticker_symbol): try: ticker = Ticker.objects.get(ticker_symbol=ticker_symbol) except: # if the ticker isn't found, redirect to the listing of all tickers return redirect('ticker_overview') if request.POST: form = TickerForm(request.POST, instance=ticker) if form.is_valid(): model_instance = form = TickerForm(instance=ticker) context = { 'title_value': '%s (%s)' % (ticker.company_name, ticker.ticker_symbol), 'form': form, 'ticker':ticker } return render(request, 'satellite/ticker_detail.html', context)
def coverage_detail(request, ticker_symbol): try: ticker = Ticker.objects.get(ticker_symbol=ticker_symbol) except: # if the ticker isn't found, redirect to the listing of all tickers return redirect('coverage_index') services_to_filter_by = None service_filter_description = None tickers_to_filter_by = None single_authors = get_authors_from_article_set() form = TickerForm(instance=ticker) if request.POST: form = TickerForm(request.POST, instance=ticker) if form.is_valid(): model_instance = if 'coverage' in request.POST: # delete records that are already there coverage_type_objects = CoverageType.objects.filter(ticker=ticker) print 'deleting existing CoverageType records for %s (%d)' % (ticker.ticker_symbol, len(coverage_type_objects)) coverage_type_objects.delete() # replace them with the records passed along in POST # we expect the keys per selection to have this format: "cid_x__sid_y", where x is a content choice integer value, y is a service id selected_keys = [k for k in request.POST if k.startswith('author_')] for k in selected_keys: k = k.replace('author_','') print k, '---------------' choice_id, service_id = k.replace("cid_","").replace("sid_","").split('__') ct = CoverageType() ct.coverage_type = int(choice_id) ct.ticker = ticker ct.service = Service.objects.get(id=service_id) author_key = 'author_'+k print author_key if author_key in request.POST: = request.POST[author_key] print 'added CoverageType record: %s %s %d %s' % (ct.service.pretty_name, ct.ticker.ticker_symbol, ct.coverage_type, else: pass else: pass services = Service.objects.all() today = date_today = ninety_days_ago = (date_today - timedelta(days=90)) articles = [a for a in Article.objects.filter(ticker=ticker).exclude(tags=None).exclude(tags='') if a.date_pub is not None and >= ninety_days_ago] relevant_articles = set() ten_percent_promises = set() everlasting = set() analysis = set() featured = set() earnings = set() mission_log = set() buy_recommendations = set() five_and_three = set() best_buys_now = set() two_minute_drills = set() commentary = set() news = set() for a in articles: if '10 promise' in a.tags: ten_percent_promises.add(a) if 'everlasting' in a.tags: everlasting.add(a) if 'analysis' in a.tags: analysis.add(a) if 'featured' in a.tags: featured.add(a) if 'earnings' in a.tags: earnings.add(a) if 'mission_log' in a.tags: mission_log.add(a) if 'buy recommendation' in a.tags: buy_recommendations.add(a) if '5 and 3' in a.tags: five_and_three.add(a) if 'best buys now' in a.tags: best_buys_now.add(a) if '2 minute drill' in a.tags: two_minute_drills.add(a) if 'commentary' in a.tags: commentary.add(a) if 'news' in a.tags: news.add(a) dictionary_of_values = { 'ticker': ticker, 'form': form, 'coverage_type_choices': COVERAGE_CHOICES, 'services': services, 'single_authors': single_authors, 'title_value': '%s (%s)' % (ticker.company_name, ticker.ticker_symbol), 'relevant_articles': relevant_articles, 'ten_percent_promises': ten_percent_promises, 'everlasting': everlasting, 'featured': featured, 'earnings': earnings, 'mission_log': mission_log, 'buy_recommendations': buy_recommendations, 'five_and_three': five_and_three, 'best_buys_now': best_buys_now, 'two_minute_drills': two_minute_drills, 'commentary': commentary, 'news': news, } return render(request, 'satellite/coverage_detail.html', dictionary_of_values)