def article_archive(request): # 告警 messageinfo_list = models_frame.TabAlarmInfo.objects.all() type = request.GET.get('type') author_id = request.GET.get('author_id') blog_tags = models_blog.BlogTag.objects.all() blog_views = models_blog.BlogArticle.objects.order_by('-views')[:10] sql = """ select, date_format(a.created_time,'%%Y-%%m-%%d') created_time, date_format(a.created_time,'%%Y') created_year, date_format(a.created_time,'%%m') created_month, a.title, a.body, a.pub_time, a.type, a.subtype, a.views, a.author_id, b.username from blog_article a left join accounts_bloguser b on a.author_id = b. id where if ('%s'='None',1=1,a.type='%s') and if ('%s'='None',1=1,a.author_id='%s') order by desc """ % (type, type, author_id, author_id) blog_articles = tools.mysql_django_query(sql) now = if request.method == 'POST': if request.POST.has_key('search'): search = request.POST.get('search', None) return HttpResponseRedirect('/blog_index?search=%s' % search) else: logout(request) return HttpResponseRedirect('/login/') if messageinfo_list: msg_num = len(messageinfo_list) msg_last = models_frame.TabAlarmInfo.objects.latest('id') msg_last_content = msg_last.alarm_content tim_last = ( - msg_last.alarm_time).seconds / 60 else: msg_num = 0 msg_last_content = '' tim_last = '' return render_to_response( 'my_blog/article_archive.html', { 'messageinfo_list': messageinfo_list, 'msg_num': msg_num, 'now': now, 'msg_last_content': msg_last_content, 'tim_last': tim_last, 'blog_articles': blog_articles, 'blog_tags': blog_tags, 'blog_views': blog_views })
def article_detail(request): # 告警 article_id = request.GET.get('id') messageinfo_list = models_frame.TabAlarmInfo.objects.all() blog_tags = models_blog.BlogTag.objects.all() blog_views = models_blog.BlogArticle.objects.order_by('-views')[:10] sql = """ select, date_format(a.created_time,'%%Y-%%m-%%d') created_time, a.title, a.body, a.pub_time, a.type, a.subtype, a.views, a.author_id, b.username from blog_article a left join accounts_bloguser b on a.author_id = b. id where %s """ % article_id article_detail = tools.mysql_django_query(sql) sql = "update blog_article a set a.views = a.views+1 where id = %s " % article_id tools.mysql_exec(sql, '') now = if request.method == 'POST': if request.POST.has_key('search'): search = request.POST.get('search', None) return HttpResponseRedirect('/blog_index?search=%s' % search) else: logout(request) return HttpResponseRedirect('/login/') if messageinfo_list: msg_num = len(messageinfo_list) msg_last = models_frame.TabAlarmInfo.objects.latest('id') msg_last_content = msg_last.alarm_content tim_last = ( - msg_last.alarm_time).seconds / 60 else: msg_num = 0 msg_last_content = '' tim_last = '' return render_to_response( 'my_blog/article_detail.html', { 'messageinfo_list': messageinfo_list, 'msg_num': msg_num, 'now': now, 'msg_last_content': msg_last_content, 'tim_last': tim_last, 'article_detail': article_detail, 'blog_tags': blog_tags, 'blog_views': blog_views })
def mysql_slowquery(request): messageinfo_list = models_frame.TabAlarmInfo.objects.all() tagsinfo = models_mysql.MysqlDb.objects.filter(mon_status='connected') tagsdefault = request.GET.get('tagsdefault') if not tagsdefault: tagsdefault = models_mysql.MysqlDb.objects.filter(mon_status='connected').order_by('tags')[0].tags sql = "select host,port,user,password,user_os,password_os from tab_mysql_servers where tags= '%s' " % tagsdefault mysql_conf = tools.mysql_query(sql) host = mysql_conf[0][0] port = mysql_conf[0][1] user = mysql_conf[0][2] password = mysql_conf[0][3] password = base64.decodestring(password) user_os = mysql_conf[0][4] password_os = mysql_conf[0][5] password_os = base64.decodestring(password_os) conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=password, port=int(port), connect_timeout=5, charset='utf8') # 获取慢查询日志文件 slow_log_file = check_msql.get_mysql_para(conn,'slow_query_log_file') # 清空历史解析结果 sql = "delete from mysql_slowquery where tags='%s' " %tagsdefault tools.mysql_exec(sql,'') # 解析慢查询日志 logparser.mysql_slow_query(tagsdefault,host,port,user_os,password_os,slow_log_file) # 查询解析结果 sql = """ select id, host,port,start_time,client_host,db_name,substr(sql_text,1,30) sql_text,sql_text sql_text_full,query_time,lock_time,rows_examined,rows_sent from mysql_slowquery where tags='%s' order by start_time desc """ %tagsdefault slow_query_list = tools.mysql_django_query(sql) if request.method == 'POST': if request.POST.has_key('select_tags'): tagsdefault = request.POST.get('select_tags', None).encode("utf-8") return HttpResponseRedirect('/mysql_slowquery?tagsdefault=%s' % ( tagsdefault)) else: logout(request) return HttpResponseRedirect('/login/') if messageinfo_list: msg_num = len(messageinfo_list) msg_last = models_frame.TabAlarmInfo.objects.latest('id') msg_last_content = msg_last.alarm_content tim_last = ( - msg_last.alarm_time).seconds / 60 else: msg_num = 0 msg_last_content = '' tim_last = '' return render(request, 'mysql_mon/mysql_slowquery.html', {'tagsdefault': tagsdefault, 'tagsinfo':tagsinfo, 'msg_num':msg_num, 'msg_last_content':msg_last_content, 'tim_last':tim_last, 'slow_query_list':slow_query_list})
def mysql_ctl(request): # 告警 messageinfo_list = models_frame.TabAlarmInfo.objects.all() oper_type = request.GET.get('oper_type') host = request.GET.get('host') if oper_type: log_type = 'Mysql启停' sql = '''select user,password from tab_linux_servers where host='%s' ''' % host mysql = tools.mysql_query(sql) user = mysql[0][0] password = mysql[0][1] password = base64.decodestring(password) if oper_type == 'startup': # ora_do.oracle_startup(host, user, password) return HttpResponseRedirect('/mysql_ctl/') elif oper_type == 'shutdown': # ora_do.oracle_shutdown(host, user, password) return HttpResponseRedirect('/mysql_ctl/') else: # ora_do.oracle_shutdown(host, user, password) # ora_do.oracle_startup(host, user, password) return HttpResponseRedirect('/mysql_ctl/') else: # 数据库操作面板 mysql_ctl_sql = '''select t1.tags,, t1.port, (case t2.mon_status when 'connected' then 'running' else 'suspend' end) run_status, (case t2.mon_status when 'connected' then 'success' else 'danger' end) is_run, (case t2.mon_status when 'connected' then 'red' else 'green' end) run_color, (case t2.mon_status when 'connected' then 'shutdown' else 'startup' end) oper_type from tab_mysql_servers t1 left join mysql_db t2 on t1.tags = t2.tags''' mysql_ctl_list = tools.mysql_django_query(mysql_ctl_sql) paginator_mysql_ctl = Paginator(mysql_ctl_list, 5) page_mysql_ctl = request.GET.get('page_mysql_ctl') try: mysql_ctls = except PageNotAnInteger: # If page is not an integer, deliver first page. mysql_ctls = except EmptyPage: # If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results. mysql_ctls = now = if request.method == 'POST': logout(request) return HttpResponseRedirect('/login/') if messageinfo_list: msg_num = len(messageinfo_list) msg_last = models_frame.TabAlarmInfo.objects.latest('id') msg_last_content = msg_last.alarm_content tim_last = ( - msg_last.alarm_time).seconds / 60 return render_to_response('mysql_mon/mysql_ctl.html', {'messageinfo_list': messageinfo_list, 'mysql_ctls': mysql_ctls, 'msg_num': msg_num, 'now': now, 'msg_last_content': msg_last_content, 'tim_last': tim_last}) else: msg_num = 0 msg_last_content = '' tim_last = '' return render_to_response('mysql_mon/mysql_ctl.html', {'messageinfo_list': messageinfo_list, 'mysql_ctls': mysql_ctls, 'now': now, 'msg_last_content': msg_last_content, 'tim_last': tim_last})
def blog_index(request): # 告警 messageinfo_list = models_frame.TabAlarmInfo.objects.all() type = request.GET.get('type') subtype = request.GET.get('subtype') search = request.GET.get('search') author_id = request.GET.get('author_id') blog_tags = models_blog.BlogTag.objects.all() blog_views = models_blog.BlogArticle.objects.order_by('-views')[:10] sql = """ select, date_format(a.created_time,'%%Y-%%m-%%d') created_time, a.title, a.body, a.pub_time, a.type, a.subtype, a.views, a.author_id, b.username from blog_article a left join accounts_bloguser b on a.author_id = b. id where if ('%s'='None',1=1,a.type='%s') and if ('%s'='None',1=1,a.author_id='%s') and if ('%s'='None',1=1,a.subtype='%s') and if ('%s'='None',1=1,a.title like '%%%s%%' ) order by desc """ % (type, type, author_id, author_id, subtype, subtype, search, search) blog_article_list = tools.mysql_django_query(sql) if blog_article_list: paginator = Paginator(blog_article_list, 10) page = request.GET.get('page') try: blog_articles = except PageNotAnInteger: # If page is not an integer, deliver first page. blog_articles = except EmptyPage: # If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results. blog_articles = else: blog_articles = {} now = if request.method == 'POST': if request.POST.has_key('search'): search = request.POST.get('search', None) return HttpResponseRedirect('/blog_index?search=%s' % search) else: logout(request) return HttpResponseRedirect('/login/') if messageinfo_list: msg_num = len(messageinfo_list) msg_last = models_frame.TabAlarmInfo.objects.latest('id') msg_last_content = msg_last.alarm_content tim_last = ( - msg_last.alarm_time).seconds / 60 else: msg_num = 0 msg_last_content = '' tim_last = '' return render_to_response( 'my_blog/blog_index.html', { 'messageinfo_list': messageinfo_list, 'msg_num': msg_num, 'now': now, 'msg_last_content': msg_last_content, 'tim_last': tim_last, 'blog_articles': blog_articles, 'blog_tags': blog_tags, 'blog_views': blog_views, 'type': type, 'subtype': subtype, 'search': search })