async def cozmo_program(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot): visible = 0 c**t = 0 while True: robotPose = Frame2D.fromPose(robot.pose) #print("Robot pose: " + str(robotPose)) cubeIDs = (cozmo.objects.LightCube1Id,cozmo.objects.LightCube2Id,cozmo.objects.LightCube3Id) c**t += 1 for cubeID in cubeIDs: cube = if cube.is_visible: visible += 1 if c**t % 100 == 0: c**t = 0 print("cube visibility visibility ------> ",(visible / 100 ) * 100," %") visible = 0 for cubeID in cubeIDs: cube = if cube.is_visible: print("Visible: " + cube.descriptive_name + " (id=" + str(cube.object_id) + ")") cubePose = Frame2D.fromPose(cube.pose) print(" pose: " + str(cubePose)) print(" relative pose (2D): " + str(robotPose.inverse().mult(cubePose))) await asyncio.sleep(0.05)
def target_pose_to_velocity_spline(relativeTarget: Frame2D): # TODO velocity=0 angular=0 gin = 10 global didhut x = relativeTarget.mat[0, 2] y = relativeTarget.mat[1, 2] s = np.sqrt(((x * x) + (y * y))) l = np.sqrt(((x * x) + (y * y))) t = relativeTarget.mat[1, 2] hy = relativeTarget.mat[1,0] k = 2 * (3 * t - s * hy) / (s * s) #print("Distance from target -> ", l) angular = l * k velocity = l if s > 30 and not(didhut): # print("test1") return [velocity / gin, angular / gin] else: didhut = True if didhut: dAngular = relativeTarget.angle() # print("test2") return [0, dAngular / gin] return [velocity / gin , angular / gin]
def target_pose_to_velocity_linear(relativeTarget: Frame2D): # TODO velocity=0 angular=0 global didhut x = relativeTarget.mat[0,2] y = relativeTarget.mat[1,2] d = np.sqrt(((x * x) + (y * y))) theta = math.atan2(y,x) print("\n") print("theta -------> ", theta) print("Distance from target -> ", d) if d > 50 and abs(theta) > 0.1 and not(didhut): print("test1") print("didhut = -------> ", didhut) return [velocity, theta] if d > 50 and not(didhut): print("test2") return [0.2 * d, theta] else: didhut = True if didhut: dAngular = relativeTarget.angle() print("test3") print("dAngular - > ", dAngular) return [0, dAngular] return [velocity, angular]
async def cozmo_program(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot): while True: robotPose = Frame2D.fromPose(robot.pose) print("Robot pose: " + str(robotPose)) cubeIDs = (cozmo.objects.LightCube1Id, cozmo.objects.LightCube2Id, cozmo.objects.LightCube3Id) for cubeID in cubeIDs: cube = if cube is not None and cube.is_visible: print("Visible: " + cube.descriptive_name + " (id=" + str(cube.object_id) + ")") cubePose = Frame2D.fromPose(cube.pose) print(" pose: " + str(cubePose)) print(" relative pose (2D): " + str(robotPose.inverse().mult(cubePose))) print() await asyncio.sleep(1)
def cozmo_cliff_sensor_model(robotPose: Frame2D, m: CozmoMap, cliffDetected): def is_in_map(m: CozmoMap, x, y): if x < m.grid.minX() or m.grid.maxX() < x: return False if y < m.grid.minY() or m.grid.maxY() < y: return False return True sensorPose = robotPose.mult(Frame2D.fromXYA(20, 0, 0)) if not is_in_map(m, robotPose.x(), robotPose.y()): return 0 if not is_in_map(m, sensorPose.x(), sensorPose.y()): return 0 c = Coord2D(sensorPose.x(), sensorPose.y()) if m.grid.isOccupied(c) == cliffDetected: return 0.99 else: return 0.01
def loadU08520Map(): # based on a 60cm x 80cm layout sizeX = 32 # sizeY = 42 sizeY = 44 grid = OccupancyGrid(Coord2D(-10, -10), 20.0, sizeX, sizeY) grid.setOccupied(Coord2DGrid(0, 0), Coord2DGrid(sizeX, sizeY)) grid.setFree(Coord2DGrid(1, 1), Coord2DGrid(sizeX - 1, sizeY - 1)) grid.setOccupied(Coord2DGrid(16, 21), Coord2DGrid(sizeX, 23)) landmarks = { cozmo.objects.LightCube1Id: Frame2D.fromXYA(540, 40, 0), cozmo.objects.LightCube2Id: Frame2D.fromXYA(40, 440, 0), cozmo.objects.LightCube3Id: Frame2D.fromXYA(540, 500, 0) } targets = [Frame2D.fromXYA(400, 760, 0)] return CozmoMap(grid, landmarks, targets)
def pos(): global particles global globalPos global difrens aveX = 0.0 aveY = 0.0 aveQ = [] for i in range(0, numParticles): aveX += particles[i].x() aveY += particles[i].y() aveQ.append(particles[i].angle()) aveX = aveX / numParticles aveY = aveY / numParticles return Frame2D.fromXYA(aveX, aveY, mean_angle(aveQ)) print(globalPos)
def track_speed_to_pose_change(left, right, time): # TODO lDis = left * time rDis = right * time theta = (rDis - lDis) / wheelDistance x = rDis y = 0 if (abs(theta) > 0.001): r = (rDis + lDis) / (2 * theta) x = np.sin(theta) * r y = (np.cos(theta) - 1) * (-1 * r) else: x = (rDis + lDis) / 2 y = 0 return Frame2D.fromXYA(x,y,theta)
def cozmo_drive_to_target(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot): global currentPose didhut = False while True: relativeTarget = Frame2D() # TODO determine current position of target relative to robot relativeTarget = currentPose.inverse().mult(targetPose) print("relativeTarget"+str(relativeTarget)) velocity = target_pose_to_velocity_linear(relativeTarget) print("velocity"+str(velocity)) trackSpeed = velocity_to_track_speed(velocity[0],velocity[1]) print("trackSpeedCommand"+str(trackSpeed)) lspeed = robot.left_wheel_speed.speed_mmps rspeed = robot.right_wheel_speed.speed_mmps print("trackSpeed"+str([lspeed, rspeed])) delta = track_speed_to_pose_change(lspeed, rspeed,interval) currentPose = delta.mult(currentPose) print("currentPose"+str(currentPose)) print() robot.drive_wheel_motors(l_wheel_speed=trackSpeed[0],r_wheel_speed=trackSpeed[1]) time.sleep(interval)
def cozmo_program(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot): global posiblePos timeInterval = 0.1 threading.Thread(target=runMCLLoop, args=(robot,)).start() threading.Thread(target=runPlotLoop, args=(robot,)).start() robot.enable_stop_on_cliff(True) # main loop # TODO insert driving and navigation behavior HERE # t = 0 # targetPose=Frame2D.fromXYA(400,700,0.5*3.1416) # this is the target position # relativeTarget = targetPose differentTarget = [] targetPose = Frame2D.fromXYA(180, 320, 0.5 * 3.1416) differentTarget.append(targetPose) targetPose = Frame2D.fromXYA(400, 700, 0.5 * 3.1416) differentTarget.append(targetPose) # explore, move action = "move1" timer = 0 while True: if robot.is_cliff_detected: robot.drive_wheel_motors(l_wheel_speed=-25, r_wheel_speed=-25) time.sleep(5) robot.drive_wheel_motors(l_wheel_speed=15, r_wheel_speed=-15) time.sleep(10.5) if (action == "move1"): #robot.turn_in_place(degrees(360), speed=degrees(13)).wait_for_completed() robot.drive_wheel_motors(l_wheel_speed= 15, r_wheel_speed=-15) time.sleep(15.6) print("yeszzzz") action = "move" elif (action == "move"): if (timer < 300): timer += 1 print(timer ,"timer") else: timer = 0 action = "move1" # spline approach currentPose = pos() relativeTarget = currentPose.inverse().mult(targetPose) #print("relativeTarget" + str(relativeTarget)) velocity = target_pose_to_velocity_spline( relativeTarget) # target pose to velocity is the method for spline driving #print("velocity" + str(velocity)) trackSpeed = velocity_to_track_speed(velocity[0], velocity[1]) #print("trackSpeedCommand" + str(trackSpeed)) robot.drive_wheel_motors(l_wheel_speed=trackSpeed[0], r_wheel_speed=trackSpeed[1]) #print("currentPose" + str(currentPose)) print() else: print("error") exit(-1) print(action) print() time.sleep(timeInterval)
def runMCLLoop(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot): global particles particleWeights = np.zeros([numParticles]) cubeIDs = [cozmo.objects.LightCube1Id, cozmo.objects.LightCube2Id, cozmo.objects.LightCube3Id] # main loop timeInterval = 0.1 t = 0 while True: t0 = time.time() # read cube sensors robotPose = Frame2D.fromPose(robot.pose) cubeVisibility = {} cubeRelativeFrames = {} numVisibleCubes = 0 for cubeID in cubeIDs: cube = relativePose = Frame2D() visible = False if cube is not None and cube.is_visible: cubePose = Frame2D.fromPose(cube.pose) relativePose = robotPose.inverse().mult(cubePose) visible = True numVisibleCubes = numVisibleCubes + 1 cubeVisibility[cubeID] = visible cubeRelativeFrames[cubeID] = relativePose # read cliff sensor cliffDetected = robot.is_cliff_detected # read track speeds lspeed = robot.left_wheel_speed.speed_mmps rspeed = robot.right_wheel_speed.speed_mmps # read global variable currentParticles = particles poseChange = track_speed_to_pose_change(lspeed, rspeed, timeInterval) poseChangeXYA = poseChange.toXYA() # MCL step 1: prediction (shift particle through motion model) # For each particle for i in range(0, numParticles): # add gaussian error to x,y,a poseChangeXYAnoise = np.add(poseChangeXYA, xyaNoise.sample()) # integrate change poseChangeNoise = Frame2D.fromXYA(poseChangeXYAnoise) currentParticles[i] = currentParticles[i].mult(poseChangeNoise) # TODO Instead: shift particles along deterministic motion model, then add perturbation with xyaNoise (see above) # See under "Run simulations" visible = False # MCL step 2: weighting (weigh particles with sensor model for i in range(0, numParticles): # TODO this is all wrong (again) ... p = cozmo_cliff_sensor_model(currentParticles[i], m, cliffDetected) invFrame = Frame2D.fromXYA(currentParticles[i].x(), currentParticles[i].y(), currentParticles[i].angle()).inverse() for cubeID in cubeIDs: relativeTruePose = invFrame.mult(m.landmarks[cubeID]) p = p * cube_sensor_model(relativeTruePose, cubeVisibility[cubeID], cubeRelativeFrames[cubeID]) if cubeVisibility[cubeID]: visible = cubeVisibility[cubeID] particleWeights[i] = p # TODO instead, assign the product of all individual sensor models as weight (including cozmo_cliff_sensor_model!) # See under "compute position beliefs" if visible: # MCL step 3: resampling (proportional to weights) # TODO not completely wrong, but not yet solving the problem newParticles = resampleIndependent(currentParticles, particleWeights, numParticles - 15 , xyaResampleNoise) # TODO Draw a number of "fresh" samples from all over the map and add them in order # to recover form mistakes (use sampleFromPrior from ampleFromPrior = sampleFromPrior(mapPrior, 15) # TODO Keep the overall number of samples at numParticles # TODO Compare the independent re-sampling with "resampleLowVar" from particl = resampleLowVar(particles,particleWeights,numParticles - 15,xyaResampleNoise) # TODO Find reasonable amplitues for the resampling noise xyaResampleNoise (see above) # TODO Can you dynamically determine a reasonable number of "fresh" samples. # For instance: under which circumstances could it be better to insert no fresh samples at all? # write global variable particles = particl + ampleFromPrior else: particles = resampleLowVar(particles, particleWeights, numParticles,xyaResampleNoise) print("t = " + str(t)) t = t + 1 t1 = time.time() timeTaken = t1 - t0 if timeTaken < timeInterval: time.sleep(timeInterval - timeTaken) else: print("Warning: loop iteration tool more than " + str(timeInterval) + " seconds (t=" + str(timeTaken) + ")")
import time # this data structure represents the map m = loadU08520Map() # this probability distribution represents a uniform distribution over the entire map in any orientation mapPrior = Uniform( np.array([m.grid.minX(), m.grid.minY(), 0]), np.array([m.grid.maxX(), m.grid.maxY(), 2 * math.pi])) HANDOUT = False # TODO Major parameter to choose: number of particles numParticles = 150 globalPos = Frame2D() difrens = 999999999999 # The main data structure: array for particles, each represnted as Frame2D particles = sampleFromPrior(mapPrior, numParticles) # noise injected in re-sampling process to avoid multiple exact duplications of a particle # TODO Choose sensible re-sampling variation xyaResampleVar = np.diag([10, 10, 10 * math.pi / 35000]) # note here: instead of creating new gaussian random numbers every time, which is /very/ expensive, # precompute a large table of them an recycle. GaussianTable does that internally xyaResampleNoise = GaussianTable(np.zeros([3]), xyaResampleVar, 10000) # Motor error model xyaNoiseVar = np.diag([cozmoOdomNoiseX, cozmoOdomNoiseY, cozmoOdomNoiseTheta])
speeds = np.load("test4.npy") trackSpeeds = speeds # Setup Noise model zero3 = np.zeros([3]) zero33 = np.zeros([3, 3]) xyaNoiseVar = np.diag([cozmoOdomNoiseX, cozmoOdomNoiseY, cozmoOdomNoiseTheta]) xyaNoise = Gaussian(zero3, xyaNoiseVar) numParticles = 20 # 3D array for positions of particles. Index 1: Particle index. Index 2: timestep. Index 3: x,y,a poseVecs = np.zeros([numParticles, len(trackSpeeds) + 1, 3]) # 2D array for frames of particles. Index 1: Particle index. Index 2: timestep. poseFrames = [] for run in range(0, numParticles): poseFrames.append([Frame2D()]) # Run simulations for t in range(0, len(trackSpeeds)): # Deterministic model poseChange = track_speed_to_pose_change(trackSpeeds[t, 0], trackSpeeds[t, 1], 0.1) poseChangeXYA = poseChange.toXYA() # Individual probabilistic sampling per particle for run in range(0, numParticles): # add gaussian error to x,y,a poseChangeXYAnoise = np.add(poseChangeXYA, xyaNoise.sample(1)) # integrate change poseChangeNoise = Frame2D.fromXYA(poseChangeXYAnoise) pose = poseFrames[run][t].mult(poseChangeNoise) poseXYA = pose.toXYA()
import cozmo from cozmo.util import degrees, Pose, distance_mm, speed_mmps import numpy as np from frame2d import Frame2D from cozmo_interface import wheelDistance, target_pose_to_velocity_linear, velocity_to_track_speed, \ track_speed_to_pose_change ,cool import time currentPose = Frame2D() interval = 0.1 arr = [] def recod(acon, robot: cozmo.robot.Robot): global currentPose while not acon.is_completed: lspeed = robot.left_wheel_speed.speed_mmps rspeed = robot.right_wheel_speed.speed_mmps delta = track_speed_to_pose_change(lspeed, rspeed, interval) currentPose = currentPose.mult(delta) arr.append([rspeed, lspeed]) print("trackSpeed" + str([lspeed, rspeed])) time.sleep(interval)
def sampleFromPrior(mapPrior, numParticles): particles = [] for i in range(0, numParticles): xya = mapPrior.sample() particles.append(Frame2D.fromXYA(xya)) return particles
def resample(particle, xyaDistro=None): # re-sample if xyaDistro is None: return particle else: return particle.mult(Frame2D.fromXYA(xyaDistro.sample()))
async def cozmo_program(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot): # load map and create plot m = loadU08520Map() plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect=1) ax.set_xlim(m.grid.minX(), m.grid.maxX()) ax.set_ylim(m.grid.minY(), m.grid.maxY()) plotMap(ax, m) # setup belief grid data structures grid = m.grid minX = grid.minX() maxX = grid.maxX() minY = grid.minY() maxY = grid.maxY() tick = grid.gridStepSize numX = grid.gridSizeX numY = grid.gridSizeY gridXs = [] gridYs = [] gridCs = [] for xIndex in range(0, numX): for yIndex in range(0, numY): gridXs.append(minX + 0.5 * tick + tick * xIndex) gridYs.append(minY + 0.5 * tick + tick * yIndex) gridCs.append((1, 1, 1)) pop = plt.scatter(gridXs, gridYs, c=gridCs) # TODO try me out: choose which robot angles to compute probabilities for gridAs = [0] # just facing one direction #gridAs = np.linspace(0, 2 * math.pi, 11) # facing different possible directions # TODO try me out: choose which cubes are considered cubeIDs = [cozmo.objects.LightCube3Id] #cubeIDs = [cozmo.objects.LightCube1Id, cozmo.objects.LightCube2Id, cozmo.objects.LightCube3Id] # precompute inverse coordinate frames for all x/y/a grid positions index = 0 positionInverseFrames = [ ] # 3D array of Frame2D objects (inverse transformation of every belief position x/y/a on grid) for xIndex in range(0, numX): yaArray = [] x = minX + 0.5 * tick + tick * xIndex for yIndex in range(0, numY): aArray = [] y = minY + 0.5 * tick + tick * yIndex for a in gridAs: aArray.append(Frame2D.fromXYA(x, y, a).inverse()) yaArray.append(aArray) positionInverseFrames.append(yaArray) # main loop while True: # read sensors robotPose = Frame2D.fromPose(robot.pose) cubeVisibility = {} cubeRelativeFrames = {} for cubeID in cubeIDs: cube = print(cube) relativePose = Frame2D() visible = False if cube is not None and cube.is_visible: print("Visible: " + cube.descriptive_name + " (id=" + str(cube.object_id) + ")") cubePose = Frame2D.fromPose(cube.pose) print(" pose: " + str(cubePose)) relativePose = robotPose.inverse().mult(cubePose) print(" relative pose (2D): " + str(relativePose)) visible = True cubeVisibility[cubeID] = visible cubeRelativeFrames[cubeID] = relativePose # compute position beliefs over grid (and store future visualization colors in gridCs) index = 0 for xIndex in range(0, numX): # x = minX+0.5*tick+tick*xIndex for yIndex in range(0, numY): # y = minY+0.5*tick+tick*yIndex maxP = 0 for aIndex in range(len(gridAs)): invFrame = positionInverseFrames[xIndex][yIndex][ aIndex] # precomputes inverse frames p = 1. # empty product of probabilities (initial value) is 1.0 for cubeID in cubeIDs: # compute pose of cube relative to robot relativeTruePose = invFrame.mult(m.landmarks[cubeID]) # overall probability is the product of individual probabilities (assumed conditionally independent) p = p * cube_sensor_model(relativeTruePose, cubeVisibility[cubeID], cubeRelativeFrames[cubeID]) # maximum probability over different angles is the one visualized in the end if maxP < p: maxP = p gridCs[index] = (1 - maxP, 1 - maxP, 1 - maxP) index = index + 1 # update position belief plot pop.set_facecolor(gridCs) plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) await asyncio.sleep(1)
''' import cozmo from cozmo.util import degrees, Pose, distance_mm, speed_mmps import numpy as np from frame2d import Frame2D from cozmo_interface import wheelDistance, target_pose_to_velocity_linear,velocity_to_track_speed,track_speed_to_pose_change ,didhut import time currentPose=Frame2D() # TODO allow the target to be chosen as console parameter targetPose=Frame2D.fromXYA(250,150,3) interval = 0.1 def cozmo_drive_to_target(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot): global currentPose didhut = False while True: relativeTarget = Frame2D() # TODO determine current position of target relative to robot relativeTarget = currentPose.inverse().mult(targetPose) print("relativeTarget"+str(relativeTarget)) velocity = target_pose_to_velocity_linear(relativeTarget)