def buffet_altitude(vehicle, mass, altitude, limit_altitude, mach_climb):
    wing = vehicle['wing']
    wing_surface = wing['area']
    step = 100
    load_factor = 1.3
    gamma = 1.4
    delta_ISA = 0

    # Typical values of wing loading for jet airplanes around 5749 [Pascal]
    wing_loading_constraint = 6000
    _, _, _, _, P_ISA, _, _ = atmosphere_ISA_deviation(limit_altitude,
    CL_constraint = ((2) /
                     (gamma * P_ISA * mach_climb**2)) * wing_loading_constraint

    CL = 0.1

    while CL < CL_constraint:
        theta, delta, sigma, T_ISA, P_ISA, rho_ISA, a = atmosphere_ISA_deviation(
            altitude, delta_ISA)
        CL = ((2*load_factor)/(gamma*P_ISA*mach_climb*mach_climb)) * \
        altitude = altitude + step

    return altitude
def landing_field_length(vehicle, weight_landing):
    # Aircraft data import

    aircraft = vehicle['aircraft']
    wing = vehicle['wing']
    airport_destination = vehicle['airport_destination']

    CL_max_landing = aircraft['CL_maximum_landing']
    wing_surface = wing['area']  # [m2]

    # Airport data import
    airfield_elevation = airport_destination['elevation']  # [ft]
    delta_ISA = airport_destination['delta_ISA']  # [deg C]

    _, _, sigma, _, _, rho, _ = atmosphere_ISA_deviation(
        airfield_elevation, delta_ISA)  # [kg/m3]

    gamma_bar = 0.1  # mean value of (D-T)/W
    h_landing = 15.3  # screen height in landing - [m]
    g = 9.807  # [m/s2]
    a_bar_g = 0.4  # mean_deceleration, between 0.4 to 0.5 for jets
    Delta_n = 0.1  # incremental_load_factor during flare
    f_land = 5 / 3  # landing safe factor FAR Part 91

    aux1 = 1 / gamma_bar
    aux2 = 1.69 * ((weight_landing / wing_surface) /
                   (h_landing * rho * g * CL_max_landing))
    aux3 = (1 / a_bar_g) * (1 -
                            ((gamma_bar**2) / Delta_n)) + (gamma_bar / Delta_n)

    S_landing_h_landing = aux1 + aux2 * aux3

    return S_landing_h_landing * h_landing * f_land
def climb(time, state, climb_V_cas, mach_climb, delta_ISA, vehicle):

    aircraft = vehicle['aircraft']

    distance = state[0]
    altitude = state[1]
    mass = state[2]
    _, _, _, _, _, rho_ISA, _ = atmosphere_ISA_deviation(altitude, delta_ISA)
    throttle_position = 1.0

    if climb_V_cas > 0:
        mach = V_cas_to_mach(climb_V_cas, altitude, delta_ISA)
        mach = mach_climb

    thrust_force, fuel_flow = turbofan(
        altitude, mach, throttle_position)  # force [N], fuel flow [kg/hr]
    thrust_to_weight = aircraft['number_of_engines'] * thrust_force / (mass *
    rate_of_climb, V_tas, climb_path_angle = rate_of_climb_calculation(
        thrust_to_weight, altitude, delta_ISA, mach, mass, vehicle)
    if rate_of_climb < 300:
        print('rate of climb violated!')

    x_dot = (V_tas * 101.269) * np.cos(climb_path_angle)  # ft/min
    h_dot = rate_of_climb  # ft/min
    W_dot = -2 * fuel_flow * 0.01667  # kg/min
    time_dot = h_dot
    dout = np.array([x_dot, h_dot, W_dot])

    dout = dout.reshape(3, )

    return dout
def mach_to_V_tas(mach, h, delta_ISA):
        -  Converts mach number to True Air Speed
        - Mach number
        - Altitude [ft]
        - Delta ISA [deg C]
        - true airspeed [knots]
    theta, _, _, _, _, _, _ = atmosphere_ISA_deviation(h, delta_ISA)
    speed_of_sound = 661.4786  # sea level [knots]
    return speed_of_sound * mach * np.sqrt(theta)
def maximum_range_mach(mass, cruise_altitude, delta_ISA, vehicle):
    knots_to_meters_second = 0.514444
    wing = vehicle['wing']
    wing_surface = wing['area']

    VMO = 340
    altitude = cruise_altitude

    VMO = V_cas_to_V_tas(VMO - 10, altitude, delta_ISA)

    initial_mach = 0.2

    mach = np.linspace(initial_mach, 0.82, 100)

    V_tas = mach_to_V_tas(mach, altitude, delta_ISA)

    _, _, _, _, _, rho_ISA, a = atmosphere_ISA_deviation(altitude, delta_ISA)

    CL_required = (2*mass*GRAVITY) / \

    phase = 'cruise'

    # CD = zero_fidelity_drag_coefficient(aircraft_data, CL_required, phase)

    CD = []
    for i in range(len(CL_required)):
        # Input for neural network: 0 for CL | 1 for alpha
        switch_neural_network = 0
        alpha_deg = 1
        CD_aux, _ = aerodynamic_coefficients_ANN(vehicle, altitude, mach[i],

    MLD = mach * (CL_required / CD)

    index, value = max(enumerate(MLD), key=operator.itemgetter(1))

    mach_maximum_cruise = mach[index]

    V_maximum = mach_to_V_tas(mach_maximum_cruise, altitude, delta_ISA)

    if V_maximum > VMO:
        V_maximum = VMO
        mach_maximum_cruise = V_maximum / a

    return mach_maximum_cruise
def V_cas_to_mach(V_cas, h, delta_ISA):
        - Converts calibrated air speed to mach
        - Calibrated air speed [knots]
        - Altitude [ft]
        - Delta ISA [deg C]
        - Mach number
    _, delta, _, _, _, _, _ = atmosphere_ISA_deviation(h, delta_ISA)
    speed_of_sound = 661.4786  # sea level [knots]
    aux1 = ((1 + 0.2 * ((V_cas / speed_of_sound)**2))**3.5) - 1
    aux2 = ((1 / delta) * aux1 + 1)**((1.4 - 1) / 1.4)
    return np.sqrt(5 * (aux2 - 1))
def V_cas_to_V_tas(V_cas, h, delta_ISA):
        -  Converts Calibrated Air Speed to True Air Speed
        - Calibrated air speed [knots]
        - Altitude [ft]
        - Delta ISA [deg C]
        - True airspeed [knots]
    speed_of_sound = 661.4786  # sea level [knots]
    theta, delta, _, _, _, _, _ = atmosphere_ISA_deviation(h, delta_ISA)
    aux1 = (1 + 0.2 * (V_cas / speed_of_sound)**2)**3.5
    aux2 = ((1 / delta) * (aux1 - 1) + 1)**(1 / 3.5)
    aux3 = np.sqrt(theta * (aux2 - 1))
    return 1479.1 * aux3
def mach_to_V_cas(mach, h, delta_ISA):
        - Converts mach number to Calibrated Air Speed
        - Mach number
        - Altitude [ft]
        - Delta ISA [deg C]
        - Calibated airspeed [knots]
    _, delta, _, _, _, _, _ = atmosphere_ISA_deviation(h, delta_ISA)

    speed_of_sound = 661.4786  # sea level [knots]
    aux1 = ((0.2 * (mach**2) + 1)**3.5) - 1
    aux2 = (delta * aux1 + 1)**(1 / 3.5)
    return speed_of_sound * np.sqrt(5 * (aux2 - 1))
Esempio n. 9
def wing_mass(maximum_takeoff_weight, landing_gear_position, spoilers, wing_aspect_ratio, wing_area, wing_taper_ratio, wing_sweep_c_4, mach, wing_mean_thickness, altitude):
    Description: Methodology from Isikveren 2002, pag. 56, eq. 84
        - Calculates the wing mass in kg
        - maximum takeoff weight [kg]
        - wing position
        - landing gear position
        - spoilers presence
        - wing aspect ratio
        - wing area [m2]
        - wing taper ration
        - wing sweep at c/4
        - mach number
        - wing mean thickness
        - altitude [ft]
        - wing mass [kg]
    # Assiciative constants definition
    safety_factor = 1.5
    YEIS = 2016  # Year of entry into service
    alpha_w = 0.0328
    phi_w = 0.656
    Beta_w = 1.5
    delta_w = 1.5
    epsilon_w = 1.5
    Chi_w = 1.1
    rho_sls_g = 0.125

    _, _, _, _, _, _, a = atmosphere_ISA_deviation(
        altitude, 0)

    V_MO = mach*a*kn_to_m_s  # Maximum operating speed [m/s]

    # limit load factor - Roskam, pag. 37, eq 4.23
    n_limit = 2.1 + 24000/((kg_to_lb*MTOW) + 10000)

    if n_limit <= 2.5:
        n_limit = 2.5

    # wing installation philosophy
    if wing['position'] == 1:
        k_co = 1.17
    else wing['position']:
        k_co = 1.25
def missed_approach_climb_OEI(vehicle, maximum_takeoff_weight, weight_landing):
    aircraft = vehicle['aircraft']
    wing = vehicle['wing']
    airport_destination = vehicle['airport_destination']

    maximum_landing_weight = weight_landing
    CL_maximum_landing = aircraft['CL_maximum_landing']
    wing_surface = wing['area']
    airfield_elevation = airport_destination['elevation']
    airfield_delta_ISA = airport_destination['delta_ISA']
    phase = 'climb'

    _, _, _, _, _, rho, a = atmosphere_ISA_deviation(
        airfield_elevation, airfield_delta_ISA)  # [kg/m3]

    V = 1.3 * np.sqrt(2 * maximum_landing_weight /
                      (CL_maximum_landing * wing_surface * rho))
    mach = V / a

    # Input for neural network: 0 for CL | 1 for alpha
    switch_neural_network = 0
    alpha_deg = 1

    CD_landing, _ = aerodynamic_coefficients_ANN(vehicle, airfield_elevation,
                                                 mach, CL_maximum_landing,
    # CD_landing = zero_fidelity_drag_coefficient(aircraft_data, CL_maximum_landing, phase)

    L_to_D = CL_maximum_landing / CD_landing
    if aircraft['number_of_engines'] == 2:
        steady_gradient_of_climb = 0.021  # 2.4% for two engines airplane
    elif aircraft['number_of_engines'] == 3:
        steady_gradient_of_climb = 0.024  # 2.4% for two engines airplane
    elif aircraft['number_of_engines'] == 4:
        steady_gradient_of_climb = 0.027  # 2.4% for two engines airplane

    aux1 = (aircraft['number_of_engines'] /
            (aircraft['number_of_engines'] - 1))
    aux2 = (1 / L_to_D) + steady_gradient_of_climb
    aux3 = maximum_landing_weight / maximum_takeoff_weight
    thrust_to_weight_landing = aux1 * aux2 * aux3
    return thrust_to_weight_landing
def balanced_field_length(vehicle, weight_takeoff):
    Note: for project design the case of delta_gamma2 = 0 presents most
    interest, as the corresponding weight is limited by the second segment
    climb requirement (Torenbeek, 1982)

    wing = vehicle['wing']
    aircraft = vehicle['aircraft']
    airport_departure = vehicle['airport_departure']

    # Aircraft data import
    CL_max_takeoff = aircraft['CL_maximum_takeoff']
    wing_surface = wing['area']  # [m2]
    T_avg = aircraft['average_thrust']  # [N]

    # Airport data import
    airfield_elevation = airport_departure['elevation']  # [ft]
    delta_ISA = airport_departure['delta_ISA']  # [deg C]

    # horizontal distance from airfield surface requirement according to FAR 25 - [m]
    h_takeoff = 10.7
    delta_gamma2 = 0.024
    delta_S_takeoff = 200  # [m]
    g = 9.807  # [m/s2]
    CL_2 = 0.694 * CL_max_takeoff
    mu = 0.01 * CL_max_takeoff + 0.02
    _, _, sigma, _, _, rho, _ = atmosphere_ISA_deviation(
        airfield_elevation, delta_ISA)  # [kg/m3]

    aux1 = 0.863 / (1 + (2.3 * delta_gamma2))
    aux2 = ((weight_takeoff / wing_surface) / (rho * g * CL_2)) + h_takeoff

    # To high takeoff weight will made this coeficient less than mu resulting in a negative
    # landing field, when that happend this code will use twice the takeoff weight as coefficient
    # to continue with the iteration
    if T_avg / weight_takeoff > mu:
        aux3 = (1 / ((T_avg / weight_takeoff) - mu)) + 2.7
        aux3 = weight_takeoff * 2

    aux4 = delta_S_takeoff / np.sqrt(sigma)

    return aux1 * aux2 * aux3 + aux4  # [m]
def second_segment_climb(vehicle, weight_takeoff):

    aircraft = vehicle['aircraft']
    wing = vehicle['wing']
    airport_departure = vehicle['airport_departure']

    CL_maximum_takeoff = aircraft['CL_maximum_takeoff']
    wing_surface = wing['area']
    maximum_takeoff_weight = weight_takeoff  # [N]

    airfield_elevation = airport_departure['elevation']
    airfield_delta_ISA = airport_departure['delta_ISA']

    _, _, _, _, _, rho, a = atmosphere_ISA_deviation(
        airfield_elevation, airfield_delta_ISA)  # [kg/m3]

    V = 1.2*np.sqrt(2*maximum_takeoff_weight /
    mach = V/a
    phase = 'takeoff'

    # CD_takeoff = zero_fidelity_drag_coefficient(aircraft_data, CL_maximum_takeoff, phase)
    # Input for neural network: 0 for CL | 1 for alpha
    switch_neural_network = 0
    alpha_deg = 1
    CD_takeoff, _ = aerodynamic_coefficients_ANN(
        vehicle, airfield_elevation, mach, CL_maximum_takeoff,alpha_deg,switch_neural_network)

    L_to_D = CL_maximum_takeoff/CD_takeoff
    if aircraft['number_of_engines']  == 2:
        steady_gradient_of_climb = 0.024  # 2.4% for two engines airplane
    elif aircraft['number_of_engines']  == 3:
        steady_gradient_of_climb = 0.027  # 2.4% for two engines airplane
    elif aircraft['number_of_engines']  == 4:
        steady_gradient_of_climb = 0.03  # 2.4% for two engines airplane

    aux1 = (aircraft['number_of_engines'] /(aircraft['number_of_engines'] -1))
    aux2 = (1/L_to_D) + steady_gradient_of_climb

    thrust_to_weight_takeoff = aux1*aux2
    return thrust_to_weight_takeoff
Esempio n. 13
def climb(time, state, climb_V_cas, mach_climb, delta_ISA, vehicle):

    aircraft = vehicle['aircraft']
    distance = state[0]
    altitude = state[1]
    mass = state[2]
    _, _, _, _, _, rho_ISA, _ = atmosphere_ISA_deviation(altitude, delta_ISA)
    throttle_position = 0.3

    if climb_V_cas > 0:
        mach = V_cas_to_mach(climb_V_cas, altitude, delta_ISA)
        mach = mach_climb

    thrust_force, fuel_flow = turbofan(
        altitude, mach, throttle_position)  # force [N], fuel flow [kg/hr]

    total_thrust_force = thrust_force * aircraft['number_of_engines']
    total_fuel_flow = fuel_flow * aircraft['number_of_engines']
    step_throttle = 0.1

    while (total_fuel_flow < 0 and throttle_position <= 1):
        thrust_force, fuel_flow = turbofan(
            altitude, mach, throttle_position)  # force [N], fuel flow [kg/hr]
        TSFC = (fuel_flow * GRAVITY) / thrust_force
        total_fuel_flow = aircraft['number_of_engines'] * fuel_flow
        throttle_position = throttle_position + step_throttle

    thrust_to_weight = aircraft['number_of_engines'] * thrust_force / (mass *
    rate_of_climb, V_tas, climb_path_angle = rate_of_climb_calculation(
        thrust_to_weight, altitude, delta_ISA, mach, mass, vehicle)

    x_dot = (V_tas * 101.269) * np.cos(climb_path_angle)  # ft/min
    h_dot = rate_of_climb  # ft/min
    W_dot = -2 * fuel_flow * 0.01667  # kg/min
    # time_dot =  h_dot
    dout = np.array([x_dot, h_dot, W_dot])

    dout = dout.reshape(3, )

    return dout
Esempio n. 14
def acceleration_factor_calculation(h, delta_ISA, mach):
    lambda_rate = 0.0019812
    tropopause = (71.5 + delta_ISA) / lambda_rate

    T, _, _, _ = atmosphere(h)
    _, _, _, T_ISA, _, _, _ = atmosphere_ISA_deviation(h, delta_ISA)

    if h < tropopause:
        # For constant calibrated airspeed below the tropopause:
        acceleration_factor_V_CAS = (0.7 * mach**2) * (phi_factor(mach) -
                                                       0.190263 * (T_ISA / T))
        # For constant Mach number below the tropopause:
        acceleration_factor_mach = (-0.13318 * mach**2) * (T_ISA / T)
    elif h > tropopause:
        # For constant calibrated airspeed above the tropopause:
        acceleration_factor_V_CAS = (0.7 * mach**2) * phi_factor(mach)
        # For constant Mach number above the tropopause:
        acceleration_factor_mach = 0

    return acceleration_factor_V_CAS, acceleration_factor_mach
def specific_fuel_consumption(vehicle, mach, altitude, delta_ISA, mass):
    aircraft = vehicle['aircraft']
    wing = vehicle['wing']
    knots_to_meters_second = 0.514444
    wing_surface = wing['area']

    V_tas = mach_to_V_tas(mach, altitude, delta_ISA)
    _, _, _, _, _, rho_ISA, _ = atmosphere_ISA_deviation(altitude, delta_ISA)

    CL_required = (2*mass*GRAVITY) / \
    phase = 'cruise'
    # CD = zero_fidelity_drag_coefficient(aircraft_data, CL_required, phase)

    # Input for neural network: 0 for CL | 1 for alpha
    switch_neural_network = 0
    alpha_deg = 1
    CD, _ = aerodynamic_coefficients_ANN(vehicle, altitude, mach, CL_required,
                                         alpha_deg, switch_neural_network)
    L_over_D = CL_required / CD
    throttle_position = 0.6

    thrust_force, fuel_flow = turbofan(
        altitude, mach, throttle_position)  # force [N], fuel flow [kg/hr]

    FnR = mass * GRAVITY / L_over_D

    step_throttle = 0.01
    throttle_position = 0.6
    total_thrust_force = 0

    while (total_thrust_force < FnR and throttle_position <= 1):
        thrust_force, fuel_flow = turbofan(
            altitude, mach, throttle_position)  # force [N], fuel flow [kg/hr]
        TSFC = (fuel_flow * GRAVITY) / thrust_force
        total_thrust_force = aircraft['number_of_engines'] * thrust_force
        throttle_position = throttle_position + step_throttle

    L_over_D = CL_required / CD

    return TSFC, L_over_D, fuel_flow, throttle_position
Esempio n. 16
def rate_of_climb_calculation(thrust_to_weight, h, delta_ISA, mach, mass,
    wing = vehicle['wing']

    wing_surface = wing['area']

    knots_to_feet_minute = 101.268
    knots_to_meters_second = 0.514444

    phase = "climb"

    V_tas = mach_to_V_tas(mach, h, delta_ISA)

    _, _, _, _, _, rho_ISA, _ = atmosphere_ISA_deviation(h, delta_ISA)

    CL = (2*mass*GRAVITY) / \
    CL = float(CL)

    # CD = zero_fidelity_drag_coefficient(aircraft_data, CL, phase)
    # Input for neural network: 0 for CL | 1 for alpha
    switch_neural_network = 0
    alpha_deg = 1
    CD, _ = aerodynamic_coefficients_ANN(vehicle, h, mach, CL, alpha_deg,

    L_to_D = CL / CD

    if mach > 0:
        acceleration_factor, _ = acceleration_factor_calculation(
            h, delta_ISA, mach)
        climb_path_angle = np.arcsin(
            (thrust_to_weight - 1 / (L_to_D)) / (1 + acceleration_factor))
        _, acceleration_factor = acceleration_factor_calculation(
            h, delta_ISA, mach)
        climb_path_angle = np.arcsin(
            (thrust_to_weight - 1 / (L_to_D)) / (1 + acceleration_factor))
    rate_of_climb = knots_to_feet_minute * V_tas * np.sin(climb_path_angle)
    return rate_of_climb, V_tas, climb_path_angle
Esempio n. 17
def mission(origin_destination_distance):
    global GRAVITY
    GRAVITY = 9.80665
    gallon_to_liter = 3.7852
    feet_to_nautical_miles = 0.000164579
    tolerance = 100

    airport_departure = vehicle['airport_departure']
    airport_destination = vehicle['airport_destination']

    # [kg]
    max_zero_fuel_weight = aircraft['maximum_zero_fuel_weight'] / GRAVITY
    # [kg]
    max_fuel_capacity = aircraft['maximum_fuel_capacity'] / GRAVITY
    operational_empty_weight = aircraft['operational_empty_weight'] / GRAVITY
    passenger_capacity_initial = aircraft['passenger_capacity']
    engines_number = aircraft['number_of_engines']
    max_engine_thrust = engine['maximum_thrust']

    reference_load_factor = 0.85

    heading = 2

    # Operations and certification parameters:
    buffet_margin = 1.3  # [g]
    residual_rate_of_climb = 300  # [ft/min]
    ceiling = 40000  # [ft] UPDATE INPUT!!!!!!!!!
    descent_altitude = 1500
    # Network and mission parameters
    fuel_density = 0.81  # [kg/l]
    fuel_price_per_kg = 1.0  # [per kg]
    fuel_price = (fuel_price_per_kg / fuel_density) * gallon_to_liter
    time_between_overhaul = 2500  # [hr]
    taxi_fuel_flow_reference = 5  # [kg/min]
    contingency_fuel_pct = 0.1  # pct ??????????????????
    min_cruise_time = 3  # [min]
    go_around_allowance = 300

    # Initial flight speed schedule
    climb_V_cas = 280
    mach_climb = 0.78
    cruise_V_cas = 310
    descent_V_cas = 310
    mach_descent = 0.78

    delta_ISA = 0

    captain_salary, first_officer_salary, flight_attendant_salary = crew_salary(

    regulated_takeoff_mass = regulated_takeoff_weight(vehicle)
    regulated_landing_mass = regulated_landing_weight(vehicle)

    max_takeoff_mass = regulated_takeoff_mass
    max_landing_mass = regulated_landing_mass

    takeoff_allowance_mass = 200 * max_takeoff_mass / 22000
    approach_allowance_mass = 100 * max_takeoff_mass / 22000
    average_taxi_in_time = 5
    average_taxi_out_time = 10

    payload = round(passenger_capacity_initial * operations['passenger_mass'] *

    initial_altitude = airport_departure['elevation']

    f = 0
    while f == 0:
        step = 500
        out = 0

        while out == 0:

            # Maximum altitude calculation
            max_altitude, rate_of_climb = maximum_altitude(
                vehicle, initial_altitude, ceiling, max_takeoff_mass,
                climb_V_cas, mach_climb, delta_ISA)
            # Optimal altitude calculation
            optim_altitude, rate_of_climb, _ = optimum_altitude(
                vehicle, initial_altitude, ceiling, max_takeoff_mass,
                climb_V_cas, mach_climb, delta_ISA)
            # Maximum altitude with minimum cruise time check
            g_climb = 4 / 1000
            g_descent = 3 / 1000
            K1 = g_climb + g_descent
            # Minimum distance at cruise stage
            Dmin = 10 * operations['mach_cruise'] * min_cruise_time

            K2 = (origin_destination_distance - Dmin + g_climb *
                  (airport_departure['elevation'] + 1500) + g_descent *
                  (airport_destination['elevation'] + 1500))
            max_altitude_check = K2 / K1

            if max_altitude_check > ceiling:
                max_altitude_check = ceiling

            if max_altitude > max_altitude_check:
                max_altitude = max_altitude_check

            if optim_altitude < max_altitude:
                final_altitude = optim_altitude
                final_altitude = max_altitude

            'TODO: this should be replaced for information from ADS-B'
            # Check for next lower feasible RVSN FK check according to
            # present heading
            final_altitude = 1000 * (math.floor(final_altitude / 1000))

            flight_level = final_altitude / 100
            odd_flight_level = [
                90, 110, 130, 150, 170, 190, 210, 230, 250, 270, 290, 310, 330,
                350, 370, 390, 410, 430, 450, 470, 490, 510

            even_flight_level = [
                80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 320,
                340, 360, 380, 400, 420, 440, 460, 480, 500, 520

            if (heading > 0 and heading <= 180):
                flight_level = min(odd_flight_level,
                                   key=lambda x: abs(x - flight_level))
                final_altitude = flight_level * 100
            elif (heading > 180 and heading <= 360):
                flight_level = min(even_flight_level,
                                   key=lambda x: abs(x - flight_level))
                final_altitude = flight_level * 100

            # Initial climb fuel estimation
            initial_altitude = initial_altitude + 1500
            _, _, total_burned_fuel0, _ = climb_integration(
                max_takeoff_mass, mach_climb, climb_V_cas, delta_ISA,
                final_altitude, initial_altitude, vehicle)

            # Calculate best cruise mach
            mass_at_top_of_climb = max_takeoff_mass - total_burned_fuel0
            operations['mach_cruise'] = maximum_range_mach(
                mass_at_top_of_climb, final_altitude, delta_ISA, vehicle)
            mach_climb = operations['mach_cruise']
            mach_descent = operations['mach_cruise']

            # Recalculate climb with new mach
            final_distance, total_climb_time, total_burned_fuel, final_altitude = climb_integration(
                max_takeoff_mass, mach_climb, climb_V_cas, delta_ISA,
                final_altitude, initial_altitude, vehicle)

            delta = total_burned_fuel0 - total_burned_fuel

            if delta < tolerance:
                out = 1

        mass_at_top_of_climb = max_takeoff_mass - total_burned_fuel

        initial_cruise_altitude = final_altitude

        distance_climb = final_distance * feet_to_nautical_miles

        distance_cruise = origin_destination_distance - distance_climb

        altitude = initial_cruise_altitude
        flag = 1

        while flag == 1:

            transition_altitude = crossover_altitude(operations['mach_cruise'],
                                                     cruise_V_cas, delta_ISA)
            _, _, _, _, _, rho_ISA, _ = atmosphere_ISA_deviation(
                initial_cruise_altitude, delta_ISA)

            if altitude <= 10000:
                mach = V_cas_to_mach(250, altitude, delta_ISA)

            if (altitude > 10000 and altitude <= transition_altitude):
                mach = V_cas_to_mach(cruise_V_cas, altitude, delta_ISA)

            if altitude > transition_altitude:
                mach = operations['mach_cruise']

            # Breguet calculation type for cruise performance
            total_cruise_time, final_cruise_mass = cruise_performance(
                altitude, delta_ISA, mach, mass_at_top_of_climb,
                distance_cruise, vehicle)

            final_cruise_altitude = altitude

            # Type of descent: 1 = full calculation | 2 = no descent computed
            type_of_descent = 1

            if type_of_descent == 1:

                # Recalculate climb with new mach
                final_distance, total_descent_time, total_burned_fuel, final_altitude = descent_integration(
                    final_cruise_mass, mach_descent, descent_V_cas, delta_ISA,
                    descent_altitude, final_cruise_altitude, vehicle)
                distance_descent = final_distance * feet_to_nautical_miles
                distance_mission = distance_climb + distance_cruise + distance_descent
                distance_error = np.abs(origin_destination_distance -

                if distance_error <= 1.0:
                    flag = 0
                    distance_cruise = distance_cruise - distance_error

            if type_of_descent == 2:
                flag = 0
                total_burned_fuel = 0
                final_distance = 0
                total_decent_time = 0
                total_burned_fuel = 0
                final_altitude = 0

        final_mission_mass = final_cruise_mass - total_burned_fuel
        total_mission_burned_fuel = max_takeoff_mass - final_mission_mass
        total_mission_flight_time = total_climb_time + \
            total_cruise_time + total_descent_time
        total_mission_distance = distance_mission

        # Rule of three to estimate fuel flow during taxi
        taxi_fuel_flow = taxi_fuel_flow_reference * max_takeoff_mass / 22000
        taxi_in_fuel = average_taxi_in_time * taxi_fuel_flow
        takeoff_fuel = total_mission_burned_fuel + takeoff_allowance_mass + taxi_in_fuel
        taxi_out_fuel = average_taxi_out_time * taxi_fuel_flow
        total_fuel_on_board = takeoff_fuel + taxi_out_fuel
        remaining_fuel = takeoff_fuel - total_mission_burned_fuel - \
            approach_allowance_mass - taxi_in_fuel

        # Payload range envelope check

        MTOW_ZFW = max_zero_fuel_weight + total_fuel_on_board
        MTOW_LW = max_landing_mass + total_mission_burned_fuel

        delta_1 = max_takeoff_mass - MTOW_ZFW
        delta_2 = total_fuel_on_board - max_fuel_capacity
        delta_3 = max_takeoff_mass - MTOW_LW

        extra = (max_takeoff_mass - operational_empty_weight -
                 payload) - takeoff_fuel[0]
        delta = max([delta_1, delta_2, delta_3, extra])

        if delta > tolerance:
            max_takeoff_mass = max_takeoff_mass - delta
            # Payload reduction if restricted
            max_takeoff_mass = min([max_takeoff_mass, MTOW_ZFW, MTOW_LW])
            payload_calculation = max_takeoff_mass - \
                takeoff_fuel - operational_empty_weight
            if payload_calculation > payload:
                payload = payload
                payload = payload_calculation

            f = 1

        passenger_capacity = np.round(payload / operations['passenger_mass'])
        load_factor = passenger_capacity / passenger_capacity_initial * 100

    # DOC calculation
    fuel_mass = total_mission_burned_fuel + \
        (average_taxi_out_time + average_taxi_in_time)*taxi_fuel_flow

    DOC = direct_operational_cost(
        time_between_overhaul, total_mission_flight_time, fuel_mass,
        operational_empty_weight, total_mission_distance, max_engine_thrust,
        engines_number, 0.35 * operational_empty_weight, max_takeoff_mass)

    return (DOC)
Esempio n. 18
    vertical_tail_sweep_leading_edge = 1/(deg_to_rad*(np.arctan(np.tan(deg_to_rad*vertical_tail_sweep_c_4) + 1/(vertical_tail['aspect_ratio']*(1 - vertical_tail['taper_ratio'])/(1 + vertical_tail['taper_ratio'])))))
    vertical_tail_sweep_c_2 = 1/(deg_to_rad*(np.arctan(np.tan(deg_to_rad*vertical_tail_sweep_c_4) - 1/(vertical_tail['aspect_ratio']*(1 - vertical_tail['taper_ratio'])/(1 + vertical_tail['taper_ratio'])))))
    vertical_tail_sweep_trailing_edge = 1/(deg_to_rad*(np.arctan(np.tan(deg_to_rad*vertical_tail['sweep']) - 3/(vertical_tail['aspect_ratio']*(1 - vertical_tail['taper_ratio'])/(1 + vertical_tail['taper_ratio'])))))

    vertical_tail_root_thickness = 0.11
    vertical_tail_tip_thickness = 0.11
    vertical_tail_mean_thickness = (vertical_tail_root_chord + 3*vertical_tail_tip_thickness)/4
    vertical_tail_wetted_area = 2*vertical_tail['area']*(1 + 0.25*vertical_tail_root_thickness*(1 + (vertical_tail_root_thickness/vertical_tail_tip_thickness)*vertical_tail['taper_ratio'])/(1 + vertical_tail['taper_ratio']))

    if horizontal_tail['position']  == 1:
        kv = 1  # vertical tail mounted in the fuselage
        zh = 0.95*vertical_tail_span
        kv = 1 + 0.15*((horizontal_tail['area']*zh)/(vertical_tail['area']*vertical_tail_span))

    theta, delta, sigma, T_ISA, P_ISA, rho_ISA, a = atmosphere_ISA_deviation(
        altitude, 0)

    V_dive = mach*a
    aux_1 = (vertical_tail['area']**0.2 * V_dive)/(1000*np.sqrt(np.cos(vertical_tail_sweep_c_2*deg_to_rad)))
    vertical_tail_weight = kv*vertical_tail['area']*(62*aux_1 - 2.5)
    vertical_tail_weight = vertical_tail_weight*kg_to_lb
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
Esempio n. 19
def parametric_analysis(h, M0, beta, C_TOL, C_TOH, h_PR, epsilon1, epsilon2,
                        pi_b, pi_dmax, pi_n, e_cL, e_cH, e_tH, e_tL, e_tF,
                        eta_b, eta_mL, eta_mH, eta_mPL, eta_mPH, eta_prop,
                        eta_g, pi_cL, pi_cH, tau_t, Tt4, m0_dot):
    # ========================================================================
    # Inputs:
    # =========================================================================
    # --------------Flight and Atmosphere-------------------------
    delta_ISA = 0
    _, _, _, T0, P0, _, _ = atmosphere_ISA_deviation(h, delta_ISA)
    # Flight parametres
    P0 = P0  # Pa
    T0 = T0  # K
    # T0 and P0 are obtained from altitude
    # Others
    g_0 = 9.80665
    g_c = 1
    # ========================================================================
    # Execution:
    # =========================================================================

    # Far upstream of freestream ==============================================
    # in: T0 K | out: h0 J/kg Pr0 Pa R0 J/KgK
    _, h0, Pr0, _, _, R0, gamma0, a0 = FAIR(item=1, f=0, T=T0)
    V0 = M0 * a0  # m/s
    ht0 = h0 + (V0**2) / (2)  # J/kg

    # in: ht0 J/kg | out: Prt0 Pa
    _, _, Prt0, _, _, _, _, _ = FAIR(item=2, f=0, h=ht0)
    tau_r = ht0 / h0
    pi_r = Prt0 / Pr0
    pi_d = pi_dmax

    # Compressor LP ===========================================================

    ht2 = ht0  # J/kg
    Prt2 = Prt0  # Pa
    Prt2_5 = Prt2 * pi_cL**(1 / e_cL)  # Pa

    # in: Prt2_5 Pa  | out: ht2_5 J/kg
    _, ht2_5, _, _, _, _, _, _ = FAIR(item=3, f=0, Pr=Prt2_5)
    tau_cL = ht2_5 / ht2
    Prt2_5i = Prt2 * pi_cL  # Pa

    # in: Prt2_5i Pa  | out: ht2_5i J/kg
    _, ht2_5i, _, _, _, _, _, _ = FAIR(item=3, f=0, Pr=Prt2_5i)
    eta_cL = (ht2_5i - ht2) / (ht2_5 - ht2)

    # Compressor HP ===========================================================

    Prt3 = Prt2_5 * pi_cH**(1 / e_cH)  # Pa
    # in: Prt3 Pa  | out: ht3 J/kg
    _, ht3, _, _, _, _, _, _ = FAIR(item=3, f=0, Pr=Prt3)
    tau_cH = ht3 / ht2_5
    Prt3i = Prt2_5 * pi_cH  # Pa

    Prt3_Prt2 = Prt3 / Prt2

    # in: Prt3i Pa  | out: ht3i J/kg
    _, ht3i, _, _, _, _, _, _ = FAIR(item=3, f=0, Pr=Prt3i)
    eta_cH = (ht3i - ht2_5) / (ht3 - ht2_5)

    # Turbine HP ==============================================================
    # Set initial value of fuel/air ratio at station 4
    f4i = 0.06
    while True:
        # in: T4 K f4i | out: ht4 J/kg
        _, ht4, _, _, _, _, _, _ = FAIR(item=1, f=f4i, T=Tt4)
        f = (ht4 - ht3) / (eta_b * h_PR - ht4)
        if np.abs(f - f4i) > 0.0001:
            f4i = f

    M4 = 1
    _, _, _, MFP4 = RGCOMPR(item=1, Tt=Tt4, M=M4, f=f)

    tau_lambda = ht4 / h0
    tau_m1 = ((1 - beta - epsilon1 - epsilon2) * (1 + f) +
              ((epsilon1 * tau_r * tau_cL * tau_cH) / tau_lambda)) / (
                  (1 - beta - epsilon1 - epsilon2) * (1 + f) + epsilon1)
    tau_tH = 1 - ((tau_r * tau_cL * (tau_cH - 1) + (C_TOL / (eta_mPH))) /
                  (eta_mH * tau_lambda *
                   ((1 - beta - epsilon1 - epsilon2) * (1 + f) +
                    ((epsilon1 * tau_r * tau_cL * tau_cH) / tau_lambda))))
    ht4_1 = ht4 * tau_m1  # J/kg
    f4_1 = f / ((1 + f + epsilon1) / (1 - beta - epsilon1 - epsilon2))

    # in: ht4_1 J/kg f4_1 | out: Prt4_1 Pa
    _, _, Prt4_1, _, _, _, _, _ = FAIR(item=2, f=f4_1, h=ht4_1)
    ht4_4 = ht4_1 * tau_tH  # J/kg

    # in: ht4_4 J/kg f4_1 | out: Prt4_4 Pa
    _, _, Prt4_4, _, _, _, _, _ = FAIR(item=2, f=f4_1, h=ht4_4)
    pi_tH = (Prt4_4 / Prt4_1)**(1 / e_tH)
    Prt4_4i = pi_tH * Prt4_1  # Pa

    # in: Prt4_4i Pa f4_1 | out: ht4_4i J/kg
    _, ht4_4i, _, _, _, _, _, _ = FAIR(item=3, f=f4_1, Pr=Prt4_4i)
    eta_tH = (ht4_1 - ht4_4) / (ht4_1 - ht4_4i)

    # Turbine LP ==============================================================
    tau_m2 = ((1 - beta - epsilon1 - epsilon2) * (1 + f) + epsilon1 +
              (epsilon2 * ((tau_r * tau_cL * tau_cH) /
                           (tau_lambda * tau_m1 * tau_tH)))) / (
                               (1 - beta - epsilon1 - epsilon2) *
                               (1 + f) + epsilon1 + epsilon2)

    ht4_5 = ht4_4 * tau_m2  # J/kg

    f4_5 = f / (1 + f + ((epsilon1 + epsilon2) /
                         (1 - beta - epsilon1 - epsilon2)))

    # in: ht4_5 J/kg f4_5 | out: Prt4_5 Pa
    _, _, Prt4_5, _, _, _, _, _ = FAIR(item=2, f=f4_5, h=ht4_5)
    tau_tL = 1 - ((tau_r * (tau_cL - 1) + (C_TOL / (eta_mPL))) /
                  (eta_mH * tau_lambda * tau_tH *
                   ((1 - beta - epsilon1 - epsilon2) * (1 + f) +
                    (((epsilon1 + epsilon2) / tau_tH) * tau_r * tau_cL *
                     tau_cH / tau_lambda))))
    ht5 = ht4_5 * tau_tL  # J/kg

    # in: ht5 J/kg f4_5 | out: Prt5 Pa Tt5 K
    Tt5, _, Prt5, _, _, _, _, _ = FAIR(item=2, f=f4_5, h=ht5)
    pi_tL = (Prt5 / Prt4_5)**(1 / e_tL)
    Prt5i = pi_tL * Prt4_5  # Pa

    # in: Prt5i Pa f4_5 | out: ht5i J/kg
    _, ht5i, _, _, _, _, _, _ = FAIR(item=3, f=f4_5, Pr=Prt5i)
    eta_tL = (ht4_5 - ht5) / (ht4_5 - ht5i)

    # Turbine Free ============================================================
    ht5_5 = ht5
    # in: ht5_5 J/kg f4_5 | out: Prt5_5 Pa Tt5_5 K
    Tt5_5, _, Prt5_5, _, _, _, _, _ = FAIR(item=2, f=f4_5, h=ht5_5)

    tau_tF = tau_t / tau_tL
    ht6 = ht5_5 * tau_tF

    Tt6, _, Prt6, _, _, _, _, _ = FAIR(item=2, f=f4_5, h=ht6)

    pi_tF = (Prt6 / Prt5)**(1 / e_tF)
    Prt6i = pi_tF * Prt5_5  # Pa

    # in: Prt5i Pa f4_5 | out: ht5i J/kg
    _, ht6i, _, _, _, _, _, _ = FAIR(item=3, f=f4_5, Pr=Prt6i)

    eta_tF = (ht5_5 - ht6) / (ht5_5 - ht6i)

    # ========================= Engine Exit ====================================
    ht9 = ht6  # J/kg
    Tt9 = Tt6  # K
    Prt9 = Prt6  # Pa
    f9 = f4_5
    M9 = 1

    # in: Tt0 K M f9 | Tt_T9 Pt_P9
    _, Tt_T9, Pt9_P9, _ = RGCOMPR(item=1, Tt=Tt9, M=M9, f=f9)

    Pt9_P0 = pi_r * pi_d * pi_cL * pi_cH * pi_b * pi_tH * pi_tL * pi_tF * pi_n

    if Pt9_P0 >= Pt9_P9:
        T9 = Tt9 / (Tt_T9)  # K
        # in: T9 K f9 | out: h9 J/kg Pr9 Pa R9 J/KgK a9 m/s
        _, h9, Pr9, _, _, R9, _, a9 = FAIR(item=1, f=f9, T=T9)
        P0_P9 = Pt9_P9 / Pt9_P0
        Pr9 = Prt9 / Pt9_P0
        # in: Pr9 Pa f9 | out: h9 J/kg T0 K
        T9, h9, _, _, _, R9, _, a9 = FAIR(item=3, f=f9, Pr=Pr9)
        P0_P9 = 1

    P9_P0 = 1 / P0_P9
    T9_T0 = T9 / T0

    # ========================= Engine Exit ====================================

    V9 = np.sqrt(2 * g_c * (ht9 - h9))  # m/s
    M9 = V9 / a9
    f0 = f * (1 - beta - epsilon1 - epsilon2)

    C_c = (gamma0 - 1) * M0 * (
        (1 + f0 - beta) * (V9 / a0) - M0 + (1 + f0 - beta) *
        ((R9 / R0) * ((T9 / T0) / (V9 / a0)) *
         ((1 - P0_P9) / gamma0)))  # dimensionless

    V9_a0 = V9 / a0  # dimensionless

    # Propeller work interaction coefficient:
    # C_prop = eta_prop*eta_g*(eta_mL*(1+f0-beta)*tau_lambda*tau_m1*tau_tH*tau_m2*(1-tau_tL)*tau_tF - (C_TOL/eta_mPL)) # dimensionless
    C_prop = eta_prop * eta_g * (
        eta_mL *
        (1 + f0 - beta) * tau_lambda * tau_m1 * tau_tH * tau_m2 * tau_tL *
        (1 - tau_tF) - (C_TOL / eta_mPL))  # dimensionless

    C_TOTAL = C_prop + C_c  # dimensionless

    # Uninstalled specific power of the engine:
    P_m0_dot = C_TOTAL * h0  # J/Kg
    # Power
    P = m0_dot * C_TOTAL * h0  # W
    # Uninstalled power specific fuel consumption:
    S_P = f0 / (C_TOTAL * h0)  # Kg/J
    # S_P = 1e6*(S_P) # mg/W.s

    # Uninstalled equivalent specific thrust:
    F_m0_dot = (C_TOTAL * h0) / V0  # J.s/Kg.m
    # Thrust
    F = F_m0_dot * m0_dot  # N

    # Uninstalled thrust specific fuel consumption:
    # S = f0*V0/(C_TOTAL*h0) # Kg.m/J.s
    S = (f0 / (F_m0_dot))  # Kg.m/J.s
    S_mg = S * 1e6  # mg/N-s

    # Propulsive efficiency:
    eta_P = C_TOTAL / ((C_prop / eta_prop) + ((gamma0 - 1) / 2) *
                       ((1 + f0 - beta) * ((V9 / a0)**2) - M0**2))

    # Thermanl efficiency:
    eta_TH = (C_TOTAL + C_TOL + C_TOH) / ((f0 * h_PR) / h0)

    return (F_m0_dot, S, P_m0_dot, S_P, f0, C_c, C_prop, eta_P, eta_TH, V9_a0,
            pi_tH, pi_tL, tau_cL, tau_cH, tau_tH, tau_tL, tau_tF, tau_lambda,
            tau_m1, tau_m2, f, eta_cL, eta_cH, eta_tH, eta_tL, eta_tF, M9,
            Pt9_P9, P9_P0, Prt3_Prt2, T9_T0, M0, T0, P0, F, P, pi_r, MFP4, h0,
def sizing_horizontal_tail(vehicle, Mach, Ceiling):

    wing = vehicle['wing']
    winglet = vehicle['winglet']
    horizontal_tail = vehicle['horizontal_tail']
    vertical_tail = vehicle['vertical_tail']
    fuselage = vehicle['fuselage']

    rad = np.pi / 180
    m22ft2 = (1 / 0.3048)**2
    kt2ms = 1 / 1.943844  # [kt] para [m/s]

    horizontal_tail['sweep_c_4'] = wing['sweep_c_4'] + 5
    horizontal_tail['aspect_ratio'] = horizontal_tail[
        'aspect_ratio']  # alongamento EH
    horizontal_tail['taper_ratio'] = horizontal_tail[
        'taper_ratio']  # Afilamento EH
    horizontal_tail['root_chord'] = 0.10  # [#]espessura relativa raiz
    horizontal_tail['tip_chord'] = 0.10  # [#]espessura relativa ponta
    horizontal_tail['mean_chord'] = (
        horizontal_tail['root_chord'] +
        horizontal_tail['tip_chord']) / 2  # [#]espessura media
    horizontal_tail['tail_to_wing_area_ratio'] = horizontal_tail[
        'area'] / wing['area']  # rela�ao de areas
    horizontal_tail['twist'] = 0  # torcao EH

    if horizontal_tail['position'] == 1:
        # [�] enflechamento bordo de ataque
        horizontal_tail['sweep_leading_edge'] = 1/rad * \
            (np.arctan(np.tan(rad*horizontal_tail['sweep_c_4']) +
        horizontal_tail['sweep_c_2'] = 1 / rad * (np.arctan(
            np.tan(rad * horizontal_tail['sweep_c_4']) -
            1 / horizontal_tail['aspect_ratio'] *
            (1 - horizontal_tail['taper_ratio']) /
            (1 + horizontal_tail['taper_ratio'])))  # [�] enflechamento C/2
        # [�] enflechamento bordo de fuga
        horizontal_tail['sweep_trailing_edge'] = 1/rad * \
            (np.arctan(np.tan(rad*horizontal_tail['sweep_c_4']) -
        horizontal_tail['span'] = np.sqrt(
            horizontal_tail['aspect_ratio'] *
            horizontal_tail['area'])  # evergadura EH
        horizontal_tail['center_chord'] = 2 * horizontal_tail['area'] / (
            horizontal_tail['span'] *
            (1 + horizontal_tail['taper_ratio']))  # corda de centro
        horizontal_tail['tip_chord'] = horizontal_tail[
            'taper_ratio'] * horizontal_tail['center_chord']  # corda na ponta
        horizontal_tail['dihedral'] = 3
        horizontal_tail['center_chord'] = vertical_tail['tip_chord']
        horizontal_tail['tip_chord'] = horizontal_tail[
            'taper_ratio'] * horizontal_tail['center_chord']
        horizontal_tail['span'] = 2 * horizontal_tail['area'] / (
            horizontal_tail['tip_chord'] + horizontal_tail['center_chord'])
        horizontal_tail['aspect_ratio'] = horizontal_tail[
            'span']**2 / horizontal_tail['area']
        # if "T" config a negative dihedral angle to help relaxe  lateral stability
        horizontal_tail['dihedral'] = -2
        # [�] enflechamento bordo de ataque
        horizontal_tail['sweep_leading_edge'] = 1/rad * \
            (np.arctan(np.tan(rad*horizontal_tail['sweep_c_4']) +
        horizontal_tail['sweep_c_2'] = 1 / rad * (np.arctan(
            np.tan(rad * horizontal_tail['sweep_c_4']) -
            1 / horizontal_tail['aspect_ratio'] *
            (1 - horizontal_tail['taper_ratio']) /
            (1 + horizontal_tail['taper_ratio'])))  # [�] enflechamento C/2
        # [�] enflechamento bordo de fuga
        horizontal_tail['sweep_trailing_edge'] = 1/rad * \
            (np.arctan(np.tan(rad*horizontal_tail['sweep_c_4']) -

    # corda da ponta
    horizontal_tail['mean_geometrical_chord'] = horizontal_tail[
        'area'] / horizontal_tail['span']  # mgc
    horizontal_tail['mean_aerodynamic_chord'] = 2/3*horizontal_tail['center_chord']*(1+horizontal_tail['taper_ratio']+horizontal_tail['taper_ratio']**2) / \
        (1+horizontal_tail['taper_ratio'])  # mean aerodynamic chord
    horizontal_tail['mean_aerodynamic_chord_yposition'] = horizontal_tail[
        'span'] / 6 * (1 + 2 * horizontal_tail['taper_ratio']) / (
            1 + horizontal_tail['taper_ratio'])
    ######################### HT Wetted area ######################################
        'tau'] = horizontal_tail['root_chord'] / horizontal_tail['tip_chord']
    #ht.thicknessavg = horizontal_tail['mean_chord']*0.50*(horizontal_tail['center_chord']+horizontal_tail['tip_chord'])
    horizontal_tail['wetted_area'] = 2.*horizontal_tail['area'] * \
        (1+0.25*horizontal_tail['root_chord']*(1+(horizontal_tail['tau'] * horizontal_tail['taper_ratio']))/(1+horizontal_tail['taper_ratio']))  # [m2]
    # HT aerodynamic center
    if horizontal_tail['position'] == 1:
        horizontal_tail['aerodynamic_center'] = (
            0.92 * fuselage['length'] - horizontal_tail['center_chord'] +
            horizontal_tail['mean_aerodynamic_chord_yposition'] *
            np.tan(rad * horizontal_tail['sweep_leading_edge']) +
            horizontal_tail['aerodynamic_center'] *
        horizontal_tail['aerodynamic_center'] = 0.95*fuselage['length']-vertical_tail['center_chord']+vertical_tail['span'] * \
            np.tan(rad*vertical_tail['sweep_leading_edge'])+horizontal_tail['aerodynamic_center'] * \
            horizontal_tail['mean_aerodynamic_chord']+horizontal_tail['mean_aerodynamic_chord_yposition'] *np.tan(rad*horizontal_tail['sweep_leading_edge'])

    theta, delta, sigma, T_ISA, P_ISA, rho_ISA, a = atmosphere_ISA_deviation(
        Ceiling, 0)  # propriedades da atmosfera
    va = a  # velocidade do som [m/s]
    sigma = sigma
    # velocidade de cruzeiro meta, verdadeira [m/s]
    vc = Mach * va
    # velocidade de cruzeiro meta [KEAS]
    vckeas = vc * sigma**0.5 / kt2ms
    vdkeas = 1.25 * vckeas
    # empenagem horizontal movel
    kh = 1.1
    prod1 = 3.81 * (
        ((horizontal_tail['area'] * m22ft2)**0.2) * vdkeas)  # termo 1
    prod2 = (1000 * (np.cos(horizontal_tail['sweep_c_2'] * rad))**0.5
             )  # termo 2
    prodf = prod1 / prod2  # termo 3
    horizontal_tail['weight'] = 1.25 * kh * (horizontal_tail['area'] *
                                             m22ft2) * (prodf - 0.287)

    return (vehicle)
Esempio n. 21
from framework.Attributes.Atmosphere.atmosphere_ISA_deviation import atmosphere_ISA_deviation
from framework.baseline_aircraft import baseline_aircraft
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

g = 9.81
gamma = 1.4
delta_ISA = 0
load_factor = 1.3
weight = 43112

maximum_altitude = 41000
theta, delta, sigma, T_ISA, P_ISA, rho_ISA, a = atmosphere_ISA_deviation(
    maximum_altitude, delta_ISA)
mach_design = 0.78
CL_constraint = ((2) / (gamma * P_ISA * mach_design * mach_design)) * 6000

aircraft_data = baseline_aircraft()
wing_surface = wing['area']
# altitude = 20000
# theta, delta, sigma, T_ISA, P_ISA, rho_ISA, a = atmosphere_ISA_deviation(altitude, delta_ISA)

# CL = (2*load_factor*weight*9.81)/(1.4*P_ISA*M*M*S)
delta_altitude = 100
initial_altitude = 100

altitude = initial_altitude
CL = 0

while CL < CL_constraint: