Esempio n. 1
def _smoke_shooter_push(entity):
	_x, _y = movement.get_position(entity)
	_direction = movement.get_direction(entity)
	_mod = random.randint(-35, 35)
	_alpha = flags.get_flag(entity, 'alpha')
	if _mod < 0:
		_mod = numbers.clip(_mod, -35, -20)
		_mod = numbers.clip(_mod, 20, 35)
	_direction += _mod
	_v_x, _v_y = numbers.velocity(_direction, random.uniform(.65, .85))
	if not int(round(_x + _v_x)) == int(round(_x)) or not int(round(_y + _v_y)) == int(round(_y)):
		#smoke_cloud(_x + _v_x, _y + _v_y, random.randint(1, 2), start_alpha=_alpha, decay_amount=1.2)
		smoke(_x + _v_x, _y + _v_y, .75, start_amount=_alpha, decay_amount=random.uniform(3.0, 4.0))
	_x += _v_x
	_y += _v_y
	if (int(round(_x)), int(round(_y))) in zones.get_active_solids({}, no_life=True):
	entities.trigger_event(entity, 'set_direction', direction=_direction)
	entities.trigger_event(entity, 'set_position', x=_x, y=_y)
	entities.trigger_event(entity, 'set_flag', flag='alpha', value=_alpha - .05)
Esempio n. 2
def _printer_move(entity):
	_x, _y = flags.get_flag(entity, 'text_pos')
	_move_direction = flags.get_flag(entity, 'move_direction')
	_vx, _vy = numbers.velocity(_move_direction, 1)
	_x += int(round(_vx))
	_y += int(round(_vy))
	entities.trigger_event(entity, 'set_flag', flag='text_pos', value=(_x, _y))
Esempio n. 3
def _push_tank(entity, direction):
	_degrees_to = entity['movement']['direction']-direction
	if (_degrees_to > 0 and abs(_degrees_to) <= 180) or (_degrees_to < 0 and abs(_degrees_to) > 180):
		entity['movement']['direction'] -= entity['movement']['turn_speed']
	elif (_degrees_to > 0 and abs(_degrees_to) > 180) or (_degrees_to < 0 and abs(_degrees_to) <= 180):
		entity['movement']['direction'] += entity['movement']['turn_speed']
	_nx, _ny = numbers.velocity(entity['movement']['direction'], 1)

	_push(entity, _nx, _ny)
Esempio n. 4
def _blood_splatter_push(entity):
	_x, _y = movement.get_position(entity)
	_direction = movement.get_direction(entity) + random.randint(-25, 25)
	_v_x, _v_y = numbers.velocity(_direction, random.uniform(.55, .75))
	if not int(round(_x + _v_x)) == int(round(_x)) or not int(round(_y + _v_y)) == int(round(_y)):
		blood(_x + _v_x, _y + _v_y)
	_x += _v_x
	_y += _v_y
	entities.trigger_event(entity, 'set_direction', direction=_direction)
	entities.trigger_event(entity, 'set_position', x=_x, y=_y)
Esempio n. 5
def _push_tank(entity, direction):
    _degrees_to = entity['movement']['direction'] - direction

    if (_degrees_to > 0
            and abs(_degrees_to) <= 180) or (_degrees_to < 0
                                             and abs(_degrees_to) > 180):
        entity['movement']['direction'] -= entity['movement']['turn_speed']
    elif (_degrees_to > 0
          and abs(_degrees_to) > 180) or (_degrees_to < 0
                                          and abs(_degrees_to) <= 180):
        entity['movement']['direction'] += entity['movement']['turn_speed']

    _nx, _ny = numbers.velocity(entity['movement']['direction'], 1)

    _push(entity, _nx, _ny)
Esempio n. 6
def smoke_shooter(x, y, direction):
	_blood = _create(x, y)
	_x, _y = (int(round(x)), int(round(y)))
	_v_x, _v_y = numbers.velocity(direction, random.randint(4, 6))
	_x = int(round(_x + _v_x))
	_y = int(round(_y + _v_y))
	entities.trigger_event(_blood, 'set_flag', flag='alpha', value=1.0)
	entities.trigger_event(_blood, 'set_direction', direction=direction)
	entities.trigger_event(_blood, 'create_timer', time=random.randint(3, 6), repeat=random.randint(2, 4), repeat_callback=_smoke_shooter_push,
Esempio n. 7
def show_noise(entity, x, y, accuracy, direction, text, show_on_sight, callback):
	if settings.OBSERVER_MODE:
	if not zones.is_zone_active():
	if life.can_see_position(entity, (x, y)) and not show_on_sight:
	#TODO: Hearing stat
	if accuracy <= .75 and accuracy < random.uniform(0, 1):
	if not direction == -1000:
		_moving = True
		_move_direction = direction
		_moving = False
		_move_direction = 90
	#TODO: Redo
	if not show_on_sight:
		_i = 100
		while _i:
			_nx, _ny = numbers.velocity(random.randint(0, 359), 5 * (1-accuracy))
			_x = int(round(x + _nx))
			_y = int(round(y + _ny))
			if not life.can_see_position(entity, (_x, _y)):
			_i -= 1
		_x, _y = x, y
		if show_on_sight:
			_y -= 1
	return printer(_x, _y, text, moving=_moving, move_direction=_move_direction, show_mod=1, speed_mod=0.3, free_tick=True)
Esempio n. 8
def generate(width, height):
	_weight_map, _tile_map, _solids, _node_grid = mapgen.create_map(width, height)
	_zoom = .95
	_noise = tcod.noise_new(3)
	_low_grass = 25
	_fsl = {}
	_building_space = set()
	_walls = set()
	_possible_trees = set()
	_river_start_x = random.randint(int(round(width * .35)), int(round(width * .65)))
	_river_start_y = 0#random.randint(int(round(height * .15)), int(round(height * .85)))
	_x = _river_start_x
	_y = _river_start_y
	_px, _py = _river_start_x, _river_start_y
	_river_direction = 270
	_turn_rate = random.randint(-1, 1)
	_river_tiles = set()
	_river_size = random.randint(7, 10)
	_ground_tiles = set()
	_possible_camps = set()
	while 1:
		for i in range(4, 10):
			for __x, __y in, _y, _river_size):
				if __x < 0 or __y < 0 or __x >= width or __y >= height or (__x, __y) in _solids:
				_river_tiles.add((__x, __y))
				_tile = tiles.swamp_water(__x, __y)
				_tile_map[__y][__x] = _tile
				_weight_map[__y][__x] = _tile['w']
			_river_direction += _turn_rate
			_xv, _yv = numbers.velocity(_river_direction, 1)
			_px += _xv
			_py += _yv
			_x = int(round(_px))
			_y = int(round(_py))
			if _x < 0 or _y < 0 or _x >= width or _y >= height or (_x, _y) in _solids:
		if _x < 0 or _y < 0 or _x >= width or _y >= height:
		_turn_rate = random.uniform(-2.5, 2.5)
		_river_size = numbers.clip(_river_size + random.randint(-1, 1), 7, 10)
	for y in range(height):
		for x in range(width):
			if (x, y) in _river_tiles:
			_tile = tiles.grass(x, y)
			_tile_map[y][x] = _tile
			_weight_map[y][x] = _tile['w']
			_ground_tiles.add((x, y))
	tcod.noise_set_type(_noise, tcod.NOISE_WAVELET)
	for y in range(height):
		for x in range(width):
			if (x, y) in _river_tiles:
			_noise_values = [(_zoom * x / (constants.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH)),
					         (_zoom * y / (constants.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT))]
			_noise_value = 100 * tcod.noise_get_turbulence(_noise, _noise_values, tcod.NOISE_WAVELET)
			if _low_grass <= _noise_value <= 100:
				_tile = tiles.tall_grass(x, y)
				if _noise_value >= 40:
					if not x < width * .15 and not x > width * .85 and not y < height * .15 and not y > height * .85:
						_possible_camps.add((x, y))
				if random.uniform(0, 1) > .5:
					_possible_trees.add((x, y))
			elif _noise_value >= _low_grass - 10 and 10 * random.uniform(0, 1) > _low_grass-_noise_value:
				_tile = tiles.grass(x, y)
				_tile = tiles.rock(x, y)
				_solids.add((x, y))
			_tile_map[y][x] = _tile
			_weight_map[y][x] = _tile['w']
	_trees = {}
	_tree_plots = _possible_trees - _solids - _river_tiles
	_used_trees = random.sample(_tree_plots, numbers.clip(int(round((width * height) * .002)), 0, len(_tree_plots)))
	for x, y in _used_trees:
		_size = random.randint(1, 3)
		for _x, _y in, y, _size):
			if _x < 0 or _y < 0 or _x >= width or _y >= height or (_x, _y) in _solids:
			_tile = tiles.tree(_x, _y)
			_weight_map[_y][_x] = _tile['w']
			_tile_map[_y][_x] = _tile
			_trees[_x, _y] = random.uniform(2, 3.5) * _size
			_solids.add((_x, _y))
	_ground_tiles = _ground_tiles - _solids
	_plot_pole_x, _plot_pole_y = width/2, height/2
	_bushes = random.sample(_ground_tiles, numbers.clip(int(round((width * height) * .0003)), 0, len(_ground_tiles)))
	_camps = set()
	while len(_possible_camps):
		_camp_1 = random.choice(list(_possible_camps))
		for camp_2 in _possible_camps.copy():
			_dist = numbers.distance(_camp_1, camp_2)
			if _dist <= 250:
	for x, y in _bushes:
		_walker_x = x
		_walker_y = y
		_last_dir = -2, -2
		for i in range(random.randint(10, 15)):
			_tile = tiles.tree(_walker_x, _walker_y)
			_weight_map[_walker_y][_walker_x] = _tile['w']
			_tile_map[_walker_y][_walker_x] =_tile
			_dir = random.randint(-1, 1), random.randint(-1, 1)
			_n_x = _walker_x + _dir[0]
			_n_y = _walker_y + _dir[1]

			if _n_x < 0 or _n_y < 0 or _n_x >= width or _n_y >= height or (_n_x, _n_y) in _solids:
			_last_dir = _dir[0] * -1, _dir[0] * -1
			_walker_x = _n_x
			_walker_y = _n_y
	_camp_info = {}
	for c_x, c_y in _camps:
		_building_walls = random.sample(['north', 'south', 'east', 'west'], random.randint(2, 3))
		_broken_walls = random.sample(_building_walls, numbers.clip(random.randint(0, 3), 0, len(_building_walls)))
		_camp = {'center': (c_x, c_y)}
		_camp_ground = []
		for y in range(-10, 10+1):
			for x in range(-10, 10+1):
				_x = x + c_x
				_y = y + c_y
				if (_x, _y) in _solids or (_x, _y) in _river_tiles:
				if (x == -10 and 'west' in _building_walls) or (y == -10 and 'north' in _building_walls) or (x == 10 and 'east' in _building_walls) or (y == 10 and 'south' in _building_walls):
					if x == -10 and 'west' in _building_walls and 'west' in _broken_walls and random.uniform(0, 1) > .75:
					if x == 10 and 'east' in _building_walls and 'east' in _broken_walls and random.uniform(0, 1) > .75:
					if y == -10 and 'north' in _building_walls and 'north' in _broken_walls and random.uniform(0, 1) > .75:
					if y == 10 and 'south' in _building_walls and 'south' in _broken_walls and random.uniform(0, 1) > .75:
					_tile = tiles.wooden_fence(_x, _y)
					_weight_map[_y][_x] = _tile['w']
					_tile_map[_y][_x] = _tile
					_solids.add((_x, _y))
				elif (x > -10 and x <= 10) and (y > -10 and y <= 10):
					_camp_ground.append((_x, _y))
		_camp['ground'] = _camp_ground[:]
		_camp_info[c_x, c_y] = _camp
	mapgen.build_node_grid(_node_grid, _solids)
	for c_x, c_y in _camps:
		mapgen.add_plot_pole(c_x, c_y, 40, _solids)
	_fsl = {'Terrorists': {'bases': 1, 'squads': 0, 'trader': False, 'type': life.human_runner}}
	#        #'Militia': {'bases': 0, 'squads': 1, 'trader': False, 'type': life.human_bandit},
	#        'Wild Dogs': {'bases': 0, 'squads': 1, 'trader': False, 'type': life.wild_dog}}
	return width, height, _node_grid, mapgen.NODE_SETS.copy(), _weight_map, _tile_map, _solids, _fsl, _trees, _building_space - _walls
Esempio n. 9
def generate(width, height):
    _weight_map, _tile_map, _solids, _node_grid = mapgen.create_map(
        width, height)
    _zoom = .95
    _noise = tcod.noise_new(3)
    _low_grass = 25
    _fsl = {}
    _building_space = set()
    _walls = set()
    _possible_trees = set()
    _river_start_x = random.randint(int(round(width * .35)),
                                    int(round(width * .65)))
    _river_start_y = 0  #random.randint(int(round(height * .15)), int(round(height * .85)))
    _x = _river_start_x
    _y = _river_start_y
    _px, _py = _river_start_x, _river_start_y
    _river_direction = 270
    _turn_rate = random.randint(-1, 1)
    _river_tiles = set()
    _river_size = random.randint(7, 10)
    _ground_tiles = set()
    _possible_camps = set()

    while 1:
        for i in range(4, 10):
            for __x, __y in, _y, _river_size):
                if __x < 0 or __y < 0 or __x >= width or __y >= height or (
                        __x, __y) in _solids:

                _river_tiles.add((__x, __y))
                _tile = tiles.swamp_water(__x, __y)
                _tile_map[__y][__x] = _tile
                _weight_map[__y][__x] = _tile['w']

            _river_direction += _turn_rate
            _xv, _yv = numbers.velocity(_river_direction, 1)
            _px += _xv
            _py += _yv
            _x = int(round(_px))
            _y = int(round(_py))

            if _x < 0 or _y < 0 or _x >= width or _y >= height or (
                    _x, _y) in _solids:

        if _x < 0 or _y < 0 or _x >= width or _y >= height:

        _turn_rate = random.uniform(-2.5, 2.5)
        _river_size = numbers.clip(_river_size + random.randint(-1, 1), 7, 10)

    for y in range(height):
        for x in range(width):
            if (x, y) in _river_tiles:

            _tile = tiles.grass(x, y)
            _tile_map[y][x] = _tile
            _weight_map[y][x] = _tile['w']

            _ground_tiles.add((x, y))

    tcod.noise_set_type(_noise, tcod.NOISE_WAVELET)

    for y in range(height):
        for x in range(width):
            if (x, y) in _river_tiles:

            _noise_values = [(_zoom * x / (constants.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH)),
                             (_zoom * y / (constants.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT))]
            _noise_value = 100 * tcod.noise_get_turbulence(
                _noise, _noise_values, tcod.NOISE_WAVELET)

            if _low_grass <= _noise_value <= 100:
                _tile = tiles.tall_grass(x, y)

                if _noise_value >= 40:
                    if not x < width * .15 and not x > width * .85 and not y < height * .15 and not y > height * .85:
                        _possible_camps.add((x, y))

                if random.uniform(0, 1) > .5:
                    _possible_trees.add((x, y))

            elif _noise_value >= _low_grass - 10 and 10 * random.uniform(
                    0, 1) > _low_grass - _noise_value:
                _tile = tiles.grass(x, y)

                _tile = tiles.rock(x, y)
                _solids.add((x, y))

            _tile_map[y][x] = _tile
            _weight_map[y][x] = _tile['w']

    _trees = {}
    _tree_plots = _possible_trees - _solids - _river_tiles
    _used_trees = random.sample(
        numbers.clip(int(round((width * height) * .002)), 0, len(_tree_plots)))

    for x, y in _used_trees:
        _size = random.randint(1, 3)

        for _x, _y in, y, _size):
            if _x < 0 or _y < 0 or _x >= width or _y >= height or (
                    _x, _y) in _solids:

            _tile = tiles.tree(_x, _y)
            _weight_map[_y][_x] = _tile['w']
            _tile_map[_y][_x] = _tile
            _trees[_x, _y] = random.uniform(2, 3.5) * _size

            _solids.add((_x, _y))

    _ground_tiles = _ground_tiles - _solids
    _plot_pole_x, _plot_pole_y = width / 2, height / 2
    _bushes = random.sample(
        numbers.clip(int(round((width * height) * .0003)), 0,
    _camps = set()

    while len(_possible_camps):
        _camp_1 = random.choice(list(_possible_camps))

        for camp_2 in _possible_camps.copy():
            _dist = numbers.distance(_camp_1, camp_2)

            if _dist <= 250:

    for x, y in _bushes:
        _walker_x = x
        _walker_y = y
        _last_dir = -2, -2

        for i in range(random.randint(10, 15)):
            _tile = tiles.tree(_walker_x, _walker_y)
            _weight_map[_walker_y][_walker_x] = _tile['w']
            _tile_map[_walker_y][_walker_x] = _tile

            _dir = random.randint(-1, 1), random.randint(-1, 1)
            _n_x = _walker_x + _dir[0]
            _n_y = _walker_y + _dir[1]

            if _n_x < 0 or _n_y < 0 or _n_x >= width or _n_y >= height or (
                    _n_x, _n_y) in _solids:

            _last_dir = _dir[0] * -1, _dir[0] * -1
            _walker_x = _n_x
            _walker_y = _n_y

    _camp_info = {}

    for c_x, c_y in _camps:
        _building_walls = random.sample(['north', 'south', 'east', 'west'],
                                        random.randint(2, 3))
        _broken_walls = random.sample(
            numbers.clip(random.randint(0, 3), 0, len(_building_walls)))
        _camp = {'center': (c_x, c_y)}
        _camp_ground = []

        for y in range(-10, 10 + 1):
            for x in range(-10, 10 + 1):
                _x = x + c_x
                _y = y + c_y

                if (_x, _y) in _solids or (_x, _y) in _river_tiles:

                if (x == -10 and 'west' in _building_walls) or (
                        y == -10 and 'north' in _building_walls) or (
                            x == 10 and 'east' in _building_walls) or (
                                y == 10 and 'south' in _building_walls):
                    if x == -10 and 'west' in _building_walls and 'west' in _broken_walls and random.uniform(
                            0, 1) > .75:

                    if x == 10 and 'east' in _building_walls and 'east' in _broken_walls and random.uniform(
                            0, 1) > .75:

                    if y == -10 and 'north' in _building_walls and 'north' in _broken_walls and random.uniform(
                            0, 1) > .75:

                    if y == 10 and 'south' in _building_walls and 'south' in _broken_walls and random.uniform(
                            0, 1) > .75:

                    _tile = tiles.wooden_fence(_x, _y)
                    _weight_map[_y][_x] = _tile['w']
                    _tile_map[_y][_x] = _tile
                    _solids.add((_x, _y))

                elif (x > -10 and x <= 10) and (y > -10 and y <= 10):
                    _camp_ground.append((_x, _y))

        _camp['ground'] = _camp_ground[:]
        _camp_info[c_x, c_y] = _camp

    mapgen.build_node_grid(_node_grid, _solids)

    for c_x, c_y in _camps:
        mapgen.add_plot_pole(c_x, c_y, 40, _solids)

    _fsl = {
        'Terrorists': {
            'bases': 1,
            'squads': 0,
            'trader': False,
            'type': life.human_runner
    #        #'Militia': {'bases': 0, 'squads': 1, 'trader': False, 'type': life.human_bandit},
    #        'Wild Dogs': {'bases': 0, 'squads': 1, 'trader': False, 'type': life.wild_dog}}

    return width, height, _node_grid, mapgen.NODE_SETS.copy(
    ), _weight_map, _tile_map, _solids, _fsl, _trees, _building_space - _walls
Esempio n. 10
def generate(width, height):
	_weight_map, _tile_map, _solids, _node_grid = mapgen.create_map(width, height)
	_c_x, _c_y = width/2, height/2
	_zoom = 1.2
	_noise = tcod.noise_new(3)
	_possible_trees = set()
	for y in range(height):
		for x in range(width):
			_c_dist = numbers.float_distance((x, y), (_c_x, _c_y)) / float(max([width, height]))
			_noise_values = [(_zoom * x / (constants.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH)),
					         (_zoom * y / (constants.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT))]
			_noise_value = numbers.clip(tcod.noise_get_turbulence(_noise, _noise_values, tcod.NOISE_SIMPLEX) - .7, .5-_c_dist, 1)
			if _noise_value > .3:
				_tile = tiles.grass(x, y)
				_possible_trees.add((x, y))
			elif _noise_value > .2:
				if random.uniform(.2, .3) + (_noise_value-.2) > .3:
					if _c_dist < .35:
						_tile = tiles.grass(x, y)
						_possible_trees.add((x, y))
						_tile = tiles.grass(x, y)
						_possible_trees.add((x, y))
					#TODO: Slowly dither in swamp water
					if _c_dist < .35:
						_tile = tiles.swamp_water(x, y)
						_tile = tiles.swamp_water(x, y)
			elif _noise_value >= 0:
				_r_val = random.uniform(0, .2) + (_noise_value)
				if _r_val > .2:
					_tile = tiles.swamp_water(x, y)
					if random.uniform(0, .2) + (_noise_value) > .2:
						_tile = tiles.swamp_water(x, y)
						_tile = tiles.tall_grass(x, y)
			elif _noise_value < 0:
				_tile = tiles.tall_grass(x, y)
				_possible_trees.add((x, y))
				_tile = tiles.swamp(x, y)
			_tile_map[y][x] = _tile
			_weight_map[y][x] = _tile['w']
	#Trader camp#
	_s_x, _s_y = ((width/2)-20, (height/2)-20)
	_building_space = set()
	_walls = set()
	_width, _height = random.choice([(20, 20), (12, 20), (20, 12)])
	_random_dir = random.randint(0, 3)
	if _random_dir == 1:
		_door_x = _width / 2
		_door_y = 0
	elif _random_dir == 2:
		_door_x = _width / 2
		_door_y = _height
	elif _random_dir == 3:
		_door_x = 0
		_door_y = _height / 2
		_door_x = _width
		_door_y = _height / 2
	if _width > _height:
		if _random_dir in [1, 3]:
			_mod = .75
			_mod = .25
		_trade_room_x = int(round(_width * _mod))
		_trade_room_y = -1
		_trade_window_x = _trade_room_x
		_trade_window_y = _height / 2
		if _random_dir == 1:
			_mod = .75
			_mod = .25
		_trade_room_x = -1
		_trade_room_y = int(round(_height * _mod))
		_trade_window_x = _width / 2
		_trade_window_y = _trade_room_y
	for y in range(_height+1):
		_y = _s_y+y
		for x in range(_width+1):
			_x = _s_x+x
			if (x, y) == (_door_x, _door_y):
				_tile = tiles.concrete(_x, _y)
			elif x == 0 or y == 0 or x == _width or y == _height:
				_tile = tiles.wooden_fence(_x, _y)
				_solids.add((_x, _y))
				_walls.add((_x, _y))
				if x == _trade_window_x and y == _trade_window_y:
					_tile = tiles.trade_window(_x, _y)
				elif x == _trade_room_x or y == _trade_room_y:
					_tile = tiles.wooden_fence(_x, _y)
					_solids.add((_x, _y))
					_walls.add((_x, _y))
					_tile = tiles.wood_floor(_x, _y)
			_weight_map[_y][_x] = _tile['w']
			_tile_map[_y][_x] = _tile
			_building_space.add((_x, _y))
	_width, _height = _width * 4, _height * 4
	_ground_space = set()
	for y in range(_height + 1):
		_y = _s_y + y
		_yy = _y - int(round(_height * .4))
		for x in range(_width + 1):
			_x = _s_x + x
			_xx = _x - int(round(_width * .4))
			if random.uniform(0, 1) >= .75:
			if x == 0 or y == 0 or x == _width or y == _height:
				_tile = tiles.wooden_fence(_xx, _yy)
				if (_xx, _yy) in _building_space:
				_ground_space.add((_xx, _yy))
			_weight_map[_yy][_xx] = _tile['w']
			_tile_map[_yy][_xx] = _tile
			_solids.add((_xx, _yy))
	#Ground: Inside wall - outside building
	_ground_seeds = random.sample(list(_ground_space - _building_space), 50)
	for x, y in _ground_seeds:
		_walker_x = x
		_walker_y = y
		_last_dir = -2, -2
		for i in range(random.randint(80, 90)):
			_tile = tiles.concrete_striped(_walker_x, _walker_y)
			_weight_map[_walker_y][_walker_x] = _tile['w']
			_tile_map[_walker_y][_walker_x] =_tile
			_dir = random.randint(-1, 1), random.randint(-1, 1)
			_n_x = _walker_x + _dir[0]
			_n_y = _walker_y + _dir[1]
			while (_n_x, _n_y) in _building_space or (_n_x, _n_y) in _solids or _last_dir == _dir:
				_dir = random.randint(-1, 1), random.randint(-1, 1)
				_n_x = _walker_x + _dir[0]
				_n_y = _walker_y + _dir[1]
			_last_dir = _dir[0] * -1, _dir[0] * -1
			_walker_x = _n_x
			_walker_y = _n_y
	#Bushes around outside wall

	"""for room in _rooms:
		_build_doors = []

		for plot_x, plot_y in room['plots']:
			_room = _building[(plot_x, plot_y)]
			_build_walls = ['north', 'south', 'east', 'west']

			for n_plot_x, n_plot_y in [(plot_x-1, plot_y), (plot_x+1, plot_y), (plot_x, plot_y-1), (plot_x, plot_y+1)]:
				if ((n_plot_x, n_plot_y) == _room['door_plot']) or (not _build_doors and not (n_plot_x, n_plot_y) in room['plots'] and (n_plot_x, n_plot_y) in _building):
					if n_plot_x - plot_x == -1:

						if 'west' in _build_walls:

					elif n_plot_x - plot_x == 1:

						if 'east' in _build_walls:

					if n_plot_y - plot_y == -1:

						if 'north' in _build_walls:

					elif n_plot_y - plot_y == 1:

						if 'south' in _build_walls:

				if (n_plot_x, n_plot_y) in _building:
					if n_plot_x - plot_x == -1 and not _building[(n_plot_x, n_plot_y)]['type'] in buildinggen.ROOM_TYPES[room['type']]['avoid_rooms']:
						if 'west' in _build_walls:

					elif n_plot_x - plot_x == 1 and not _building[(n_plot_x, n_plot_y)]['type'] in buildinggen.ROOM_TYPES[room['type']]['avoid_rooms']:
						if 'east' in _build_walls:

					if n_plot_y - plot_y == -1 and not _building[(n_plot_x, n_plot_y)]['type'] in buildinggen.ROOM_TYPES[room['type']]['avoid_rooms']:
						if 'north' in _build_walls:

					elif n_plot_y - plot_y == 1 and not _building[(n_plot_x, n_plot_y)]['type'] in buildinggen.ROOM_TYPES[room['type']]['avoid_rooms']:
						if 'south' in _build_walls:

			_x, _y = (_s_x + (plot_x*_room_size)), (_s_y + (plot_y*_room_size))

			for y in range(_y, _y+_room_size):
				for x in range(_x, _x+_room_size):
					if ((x-_x == 0 and 'west' in _build_walls) or (y-_y == 0 and 'north' in _build_walls) or (x-_x == _room_size-1 and 'east' in _build_walls) or (y-_y == _room_size-1 and 'south' in _build_walls)):
						_weight_map[y][x] = _tile['w']
						_tile_map[y][x] = tiles.wooden_fence(x, y)
						_solids.add((x, y))

						_tile_map[y][x] = buildinggen.ROOM_TYPES[room['type']]['tiles'](x, y)
						_building_space.add((x, y))

			for y in range(_y, _y+_room_size):
				for x in range(_x-1, _x+_room_size+1):
					if (x-_x in [-1, 0] and 'west' in _build_doors and (y-_y<=2 or y-_y>=_room_size-3)) or (x-_x in [_room_size, _room_size+1] and 'east' in _build_doors and (y-_y<=2 or y-_y>=_room_size-3)):
						_weight_map[y][x] = _tile['w']
						_tile_map[y][x] = tiles.wooden_fence(x, y)

						_solids.add((x, y))

			for y in range(_y-1, _y+_room_size+1):
				for x in range(_x, _x+_room_size):
					if (y-_y in [-1, 0] and 'north' in _build_doors and (x-_x<=2 or x-_x>=_room_size-3)) or (y-_y in [_room_size, _room_size+1] and 'south' in _build_doors and (x-_x<=2 or x-_x>=_room_size-3)):
						_weight_map[y][x] = _tile['w']
						_tile_map[y][x] = tiles.wooden_fence(x, y)
						_solids.add((x, y))

			_last_plot_x, _last_plot_y = plot_x, plot_y

	#TODO: Make this into a function?
	_min_x, _max_x = (width, 0)
	_min_y, _max_y = (height, 0)

	for x, y in _building:
		_x, _y = (_s_x + (x*_room_size)), (_s_y + (y*_room_size))

		if _x > _max_x:
			_max_x = _x

		if _x < _min_x:
			_min_x = _x

		if _y > _max_y:
			_max_y = _y

		if _y < _min_y:
			_min_y = _y"""

	_plot_pole_x, _plot_pole_y = _s_x, _s_y
	_tree_plots = _possible_trees - _solids
	_tree_plots = list(_tree_plots - _building_space)
	_trees = {}
	_used_trees = random.sample(_tree_plots, numbers.clip(int(round((width * height) * .001)), 0, len(_tree_plots)))
	_bush_plots = set(_tree_plots) - set(_used_trees)
	_used_bush = random.sample(_bush_plots, numbers.clip(int(round((width * height) * .003)), 0, len(_bush_plots)))
	_swamp_plots = set(_tree_plots) - set(_used_bush)
	_used_swamp = random.sample(_swamp_plots, numbers.clip(int(round((width * height) * .003)), 0, len(_swamp_plots)))
	for x, y in _used_trees:
		_size = random.randint(7, 12)
		_trees[x, y] = _size
		for w in range(random.randint(1, 2)):
			_walker_x = x
			_walker_y = y
			_walker_direction = random.randint(0, 359)
			for i in range(random.randint(_size/4, _size/2)):
				_actual_x, _actual_y = int(round(_walker_x)), int(round(_walker_y))
				if _actual_x < 0 or _actual_y < 0 or _actual_x >= width or _actual_y >= height or (_actual_x, _actual_y) in _solids:
				_center_mod = numbers.float_distance((_actual_x, _actual_y), (x, y)) / float(_size)
				_tile = tiles.tree(_actual_x, _actual_y)
				_weight_map[_actual_y][_actual_x] = _tile['w']
				_tile_map[_actual_y][_actual_x] = _tile
				if random.randint(0, 3):
					_trees[_actual_x, _actual_y] = random.randint(1, _size)
				_solids.add((_actual_x, _actual_y))
				_walker_direction += random.randint(-45, 45)
				_n_x, _n_y = numbers.velocity(_walker_direction, 1)
				_walker_x += _n_x
				_walker_y += _n_y
	for x, y in _used_bush:
		_center_mod = numbers.float_distance((x, y), (_plot_pole_x, _plot_pole_y)) / 60.0
		_walker_x = x
		_walker_y = y
		for i in range(int(round(random.randint(44, 55) * _center_mod))):
			_tile = tiles.swamp_water(_walker_x, _walker_y)
			_weight_map[_walker_y][_walker_x] = _tile['w']
			_tile_map[_walker_y][_walker_x] =_tile
			_walker_x += random.randint(-1, 1)
			_walker_y += random.randint(-1, 1)
			if _walker_x < 0 or _walker_y < 0 or _walker_x >= width or _walker_y >= height or (_walker_x, _walker_y) in _solids:
	for x, y in _used_swamp:
		_center_mod = numbers.float_distance((x, y), (_plot_pole_x, _plot_pole_y)) / 120.0
		_walker_x = x
		_walker_y = y
		for i in range(int(round(random.randint(44, 55) * (1-_center_mod)))):
			_tile = tiles.swamp(_walker_x, _walker_y)
			_weight_map[_walker_y][_walker_x] = _tile['w']
			_tile_map[_walker_y][_walker_x] =_tile
			_walker_x += random.randint(-1, 1)
			_walker_y += random.randint(-1, 1)
			if _walker_x < 0 or _walker_y < 0 or _walker_x >= width or _walker_y >= height or (_walker_x, _walker_y) in _solids:

	mapgen.build_node_grid(_node_grid, _solids)
	mapgen.add_plot_pole(_plot_pole_x, _plot_pole_y, 40, _solids)
	_fsl = {'Terrorists': {'bases': 1, 'squads': 0, 'trader': True, 'type': life.human_runner},
	        'Militia': {'bases': 0, 'squads': 1, 'trader': False, 'type': life.human_bandit}}
	#'Wild Dogs': {'bases': 0, 'squads': 1, 'trader': False, 'type': life.wild_dog}}
	return width, height, _node_grid, mapgen.NODE_SETS.copy(), _weight_map, _tile_map, _solids, _fsl, _trees, _building_space - _walls
Esempio n. 11
def _muzzle_flash_move(entity):
	_direction = movement.get_direction(entity)
	_nx, _ny = numbers.velocity(_direction, 1)
	movement.push(entity, _nx, _ny, time=3)