def extend(directory): for k, v in directory['parameters'].items(): if k == 'password': directory['parameters'][k] = Password(v) directory['status'] = lazy(self.dispatcher.call_sync, '', directory['id']) return directory
def change_password(self, user_name, password): user = self.datastore.get_one('users', ('username', '=', user_name)) if not user: raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT)) self.context.client.call_task_sync('user.update', user['id'], {'password': Password(password)})
def extend_query(): for i in self.datastore.query_stream('peers', ('type', '=', 'vmware')): password = q.get(i, 'credentials.password') if password: q.set(i, 'credentials.password', Password(password)) i['status'] = lazy(self.get_status, i['id']) yield i
def decode_hook(obj): if len(obj) == 1: if '$date' in obj: return parse(obj['$date']) if '$binary' in obj: return base64.b64decode(obj['$binary']) if '$regex' in obj: return re.compile(obj['$regex']) if '$password' in obj: return Password(obj['$password']) return obj
def extend(certificate): if certificate['type'].startswith('CA_'): cert_path = '/etc/certificates/CA' else: cert_path = '/etc/certificates' if certificate.get('certificate'): certificate['certificate_path'] = os.path.join( cert_path, '{0}.crt'.format(certificate['name'])) if certificate.get('privatekey'): certificate['privatekey'] = Password(certificate['privatekey']) certificate['privatekey_path'] = os.path.join( cert_path, '{0}.key'.format(certificate['name'])) if certificate.get('csr'): certificate['csr_path'] = os.path.join( cert_path, '{0}.csr'.format(certificate['name'])) return certificate
def run(self, context, args, kwargs, opargs): if not kwargs.get('username') or not kwargs.get('password'): raise CommandException( 'You have to provide a bug tracking system password and username in order to submit a ticket' ) if not kwargs.get('subject'): raise CommandException( _('You have to provide a subject for a ticket')) if not kwargs.get('description'): raise CommandException( _('You have to provide a description for a ticket')) if not kwargs.get('type'): raise CommandException( _('You have to provide a type of the ticket: bug/feature')) if not kwargs.get('category'): raise CommandException( _('You have to provide a category for the ticket')) if not kwargs.get('attach_debug_data'): kwargs['debug'] = True else: kwargs['debug'] = True if kwargs.pop( 'attach_debug_data') == 'yes' else False if kwargs.get('attachments') and isinstance(kwargs['attachments'], str): kwargs['attachments'] = [kwargs['attachments']] if not self.ticket_categories: self.ticket_categories.update( context.call_sync('support.categories', kwargs['username'], kwargs['password'])) kwargs['category'] = self.ticket_categories[kwargs['category']] kwargs['password'] = Password(kwargs['password']) tid = context.submit_task('support.submit', kwargs) return TaskPromise(context, tid)
def complete(self, context, **kwargs): props = [] username = q.get(kwargs, 'kwargs.username') password = q.get(kwargs, 'kwargs.password') if username and password: if not self.ticket_categories: self.ticket_categories.update( context.call_sync('support.categories', str(username), Password(str(password)))) if self.ticket_categories: props += [ EnumComplete('category=', list(self.ticket_categories.keys())) ] props += [NullComplete('subject=')] props += [NullComplete('description=')] props += [EnumComplete('type=', ['bug', 'feature'])] props += [EnumComplete('attach_debug_data=', ['yes', 'no'])] props += [NullComplete('attachments=')] return props + [ NullComplete('username='******'password='), ]
def get_config(self): state = ConfigNode('', self.configstore).__getstate__() state['monitor_password'] = Password(state['monitor_password']) return state
def get_config(self): state = ConfigNode('service.webdav', self.configstore).__getstate__() state['password'] = Password(state['password']) return state
def __init__(self, name, context): super(UsersNamespace, self).__init__(name, context) self.primary_key_name = 'username' self.entity_subscriber_name = 'user' self.create_task = 'user.create' self.update_task = 'user.update' self.delete_task = 'user.delete' self.save_key_name = 'id' self.required_props = ['name', ['password', 'password_disabled']] self.extra_query_params = [[ 'or', [('builtin', '=', False), ('username', '=', 'root')] ]] if not UsersNamespace.shells: UsersNamespace.shells = context.call_sync('shell.get_shells') self.localdoc['CreateEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: create <name> password=<password> <property>=<value> ... Examples: create myuser password=mypassword home=/mnt/mypool/myuserhome create someuser group=somegroup password_disabled=true Creates a user account. For a list of properties, see 'help properties'.""" ) self.entity_localdoc['SetEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: set <property>=<value> ... Examples: set group=users set password_disabled=True set groups=wheel, ftp, operator Sets a user property. For a list of properties, see 'help properties'.""" ) self.entity_localdoc['DeleteEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: delete <property>=<value> ... Examples: delete delete delete_home_directory=yes delete_own_group=yes Deletes the specified user. Note that built-in user accounts can not be deleted.""") self.localdoc['ListCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: show Lists all users. Optionally, filter or sort by property. Use 'help account user properties' to list available properties. Examples: show show | search username == root show | search uid > 1000 show | search fullname~=John | sort fullname""") self.entity_localdoc['GetEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: get <field> Examples: get username get uid get fullname Display value of specified field.""") self.entity_localdoc['EditEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: edit <field> Examples: edit username Opens the default editor for the specified property. The default editor is inherited from the shell's $EDITOR which can be set from the shell. For a list of properties for the current namespace, see 'help properties'.""" ) self.entity_localdoc['ShowEntityCommand'] = ("""\ Usage: show Examples: show Display the property values for user.""") self.skeleton_entity = {'username': None, 'group': None} self.createable = lambda entity: not entity['builtin'] self.add_property( width=5, descr='User ID', name='uid', get='uid', list=True, usage=_("An unused number greater than 1000 and less than 65535."), type=ValueType.NUMBER) self.add_property(width=15, descr='User name', name='name', get='username', usage=_("""\ Maximum 16 characters, though a maximum of 8 is recommended for interoperability. Can not begin with a hyphen or contain a space, a tab, a double quote, or any of these characters: , : + & # % ^ & ( ) ! @ ~ * ? < > = If a $ is used, it can only be the last character."""), list=True) self.add_property( width=20, descr='Full name', name='fullname', get='full_name', usage=_("Place within double quotes if contains a space."), list=True) self.add_property(width=20, descr='Primary group', name='group', get_name='group', get=self.display_group, usage=_("""\ By default when a user is created, a primary group with the same name as the user is also created. When specifying a different group name, that group must already exist."""), set=self.set_group) self.add_property(descr='Auxiliary groups', name='groups', get=self.display_aux_groups, get_name='groups', usage=_("""\ List of additional groups the user is a member of. To add the user to other groups, enclose a space delimited list between double quotes and ensure the groups already exist."""), set=self.set_aux_groups, type=ValueType.SET, list=False) self.add_property(descr='Login shell', name='shell', get='shell', usage=_("""\ Default is "/bin/sh". Can be set to full path of an existing shell. Type 'shells' to see the list of available shells."""), list=False, enum=UsersNamespace.shells) self.add_property(descr='Home directory', name='home', get='home', usage=_("""\ By default when a user is created, their home directory is not created. To create one, specify the full path to an existing dataset between double quotes."""), list=False) self.add_property(descr='Password', name='password', type=ValueType.PASSWORD, get=lambda o: Password(''), set='password', usage=_("""\ Mandatory unless "password_disabled=true" is specified when creating the user. Passwords cannot contain a question mark."""), list=False) self.add_property(width=20, descr='Password Disabled', name='password_disabled', get='password_disabled', set='password_disabled', usage=_("""\ Can be set to true or false. When set to true, disables password logins and authentication to CIFS shares but still allows key-based logins."""), type=ValueType.BOOLEAN) self.add_property(descr='Locked', name='locked', get='locked', usage=_("""\ Can be set to true or false. While set to true, the account is disabled."""), list=False, type=ValueType.BOOLEAN) self.add_property(descr='Email address', name='email', get='email', usage=_("""\ Specify email address, enclosed between double quotes, to send that user's notifications to."""), list=False) self.add_property(descr='Administrator privileges', name='administrator', get='sudo', usage=_("""\ Can be set to true or false. When set to true, the user is allowed to use sudo to run commands with administrative permissions."""), list=False, type=ValueType.BOOLEAN) self.add_property(descr='SSH public key', name='pubkey', get='sshpubkey', usage=_("""\ To configure key-based authentication, use the 'set' command to paste the user's SSH public key."""), type=ValueType.STRING, list=False) self.add_property(width=20, descr='Domain', name='domain', get='origin.domain', set=None, type=ValueType.STRING, list=True) self.add_property(descr='Delete own group', name='delete_own_group', get=None, list=False, set='0.delete_own_group', delete_arg=True, type=ValueType.BOOLEAN) self.add_property(descr='Delete home directory', name='delete_home_directory', get=None, list=False, set='0.delete_home_directory', delete_arg=True, type=ValueType.BOOLEAN) self.primary_key = self.get_mapping('name') self.extra_commands = {'shells': ShellsCommand()}
def read_value(value, tv=ValueType.STRING): if value is None: if tv == ValueType.ARRAY: return [] if tv == ValueType.DICT: return {} if tv == ValueType.SET: return set() if tv == ValueType.BOOLEAN: return False return value if tv in (ValueType.STRING, ValueType.TEXT_FILE): return str(value) if tv in (ValueType.NUMBER, ValueType.SIZE): return int(value) if tv == ValueType.BOOLEAN: if type(value) is bool: return value if str(value).lower() in ('true', 'yes', 'on', '1'): return True if str(value).lower() in ('false', 'no', 'off', '0'): return False if tv == ValueType.SET: if type(value) is list: return set(value) else: return {value} if tv == ValueType.ARRAY: if type(value) is list: return value else: return [value] if tv == ValueType.DICT: if type(value) is dict: return value if tv == ValueType.OCTNUMBER: return int(value) if tv == ValueType.PERMISSIONS: if isinstance(value, str): value = string_to_int(value) else: if value > 0o777: raise ValueError( 'Invalid permissions format - use octal notation with maximum value of 0o777' ) return get_unix_permissions(value) if tv == ValueType.PASSWORD: return Password(str(value)) raise ValueError( _("Invalid value '{0}', expected {1} value".format( value, str(tv).split('ValueType.')[-1].lower())))
def get_config(self) -> AlertEmitterEmail: node = ConfigNode('mail', self.configstore).__getstate__() node['password'] = Password(node['password']) return AlertEmitterEmail(node)