class HandleBotasAdvisory(ContainerBuildHandler):
    Handles event that was created by transition of an advisory filed by
    name = "HandleBotasAdvisory"
    # This prefix should be added to event reason, when skipping the event.
    # Because Release Driver checks event's reason for certain prefixes,
    # to determine if there is an error in bundles processing.
    _no_bundle_prefix = "No bundles to rebuild: "

    def __init__(self, pyxis=None):
        if pyxis:
            self._pyxis = pyxis
            if not conf.pyxis_server_url:
                raise ValueError("'PYXIS_SERVER_URL' parameter should be set")
            self._pyxis = Pyxis(conf.pyxis_server_url)

        if not conf.freshmaker_root_url or "://" not in conf.freshmaker_root_url:
            raise ValueError(
                "'FRESHMAKER_ROOT_URL' parameter should be set to "
                "a valid URL")
        # Currently processed event
        self.event = None

    def can_handle(self, event):
        if (isinstance(event, BotasErrataShippedEvent)
                and 'docker' in event.advisory.content_types):
            return True
        # This handler can handle manual bundle rebuilds too
        if isinstance(event, ManualBundleRebuild):
            return True

        return False

    def handle(self, event):
        if event.dry_run:
        self.event = event

        db_event = Event.get_or_create_from_event(db.session, event)


        # Check if event is allowed by internal policies
        if not self.event.is_allowed(self):
            msg = ("This image rebuild is not allowed by internal policy. "
                   f"message_id: {event.msg_id}")
            db_event.transition(EventState.SKIPPED, msg)
            return []

        if isinstance(event, ManualBundleRebuild):
            bundles_to_rebuild = self._handle_manual_rebuild(db_event)
            bundles_to_rebuild = self._handle_auto_rebuild(db_event)

        if not bundles_to_rebuild:
            return []

        builds = self._prepare_builds(db_event, bundles_to_rebuild)

        # Reset context to db_event.

        msg = f"Advisory {db_event.search_key}: Rebuilding " \
              f"{len(db_event.builds.all())} bundle images."
        db_event.transition(EventState.BUILDING, msg)

        return []

    def _handle_auto_rebuild(self, db_event):
        Handle auto rebuild for an advisory created by Botas

        :param db_event: database event that represent rebuild event
        :rtype: list
        :return: list of advisories that should be rebuilt
        # Mapping of original build nvrs to rebuilt nvrs in advisory
        nvrs_mapping = self._create_original_to_rebuilt_nvrs_map()

        original_nvrs = nvrs_mapping.keys()
            "Orignial nvrs of build in the advisory #{0} are: {1}".format(
                self.event.advisory.errata_id, " ".join(original_nvrs)))

        # Get image manifest_list_digest for all original images, manifest_list_digest is used
        # in pullspecs in bundle's related images
        original_digests_by_nvr = {}
        original_nvrs_by_digest = {}
        for nvr in original_nvrs:
            digest = self._pyxis.get_manifest_list_digest_by_nvr(nvr)
            if digest:
                original_digests_by_nvr[nvr] = digest
                original_nvrs_by_digest[digest] = nvr
                    f"Image manifest_list_digest not found for original image {nvr} in Pyxis, "
                    "skip this image")

        if not original_digests_by_nvr:
            msg = f"None of the original images have digests in Pyxis: {','.join(original_nvrs)}"
            db_event.transition(EventState.SKIPPED, msg)
            return []

        # Get image manifest_list_digest for all rebuilt images, manifest_list_digest is used
        # in pullspecs of bundle's related images
        rebuilt_digests_by_nvr = {}
        rebuilt_nvrs = nvrs_mapping.values()
        for nvr in rebuilt_nvrs:
            # Don't require that the manifest list digest be published in this case because
            # there's a delay from after an advisory is shipped and when the published repositories
            # entry is populated
            digest = self._pyxis.get_manifest_list_digest_by_nvr(
                nvr, must_be_published=False)
            if digest:
                rebuilt_digests_by_nvr[nvr] = digest
                    f"Image manifest_list_digest not found for rebuilt image {nvr} in Pyxis, "
                    "skip this image")

        if not rebuilt_digests_by_nvr:
            msg = f"None of the rebuilt images have digests in Pyxis: {','.join(rebuilt_nvrs)}"
            db_event.transition(EventState.SKIPPED, msg)
            return []

        index_images = self._pyxis.get_operator_indices()
        # get latest bundle images per channel per index image filtered
        # by the highest semantic version
        all_bundles = self._pyxis.get_latest_bundles(index_images)
            "There are %d bundles that are latest in a channel in the found index images",

        # A mapping of digests to bundle metadata. This metadata is used to
        # for the CSV metadata updates.
        bundle_mds_by_digest = {}

        # get bundle digests for original images
        bundle_digests_by_related_nvr = {}
        for image_nvr, image_digest in original_digests_by_nvr.items():
            bundles = self._pyxis.get_bundles_by_related_image_digest(
                image_digest, all_bundles)
            if not bundles:
                    f"No latest bundle image with the related image of {image_nvr}"

            for bundle in bundles:
                bundle_digest = bundle['bundle_path_digest']
                bundle_mds_by_digest[bundle_digest] = bundle
                    image_nvr, []).append(bundle_digest)

        if not bundle_digests_by_related_nvr:
            msg = "None of the original images have related bundles, skip."
            db_event.transition(EventState.SKIPPED, msg)
            return []
        self.log_info("Found %d bundles with relevant related images",

        # Mapping of bundle digest to bundle data
        # {
        #     digest: {
        #         "images": [image_amd64, image_aarch64],
        #         "nvr": NVR,
        #         "auto_rebuild": True/False,
        #         "osbs_pinning": True/False,
        #         "pullspecs": [...],
        #     }
        # }
        bundles_by_digest = {}
        default_bundle_data = {
            'images': [],
            'nvr': None,
            'auto_rebuild': False,
            'osbs_pinning': False,
            # CSV modifications for the rebuilt bundle image
            'pullspec_replacements': [],
            'update': {},

        # Get images for each bundle digest, a bundle digest can have multiple images
        # with different arches.
        for digest in bundle_mds_by_digest:
            bundles = self._pyxis.get_images_by_digest(digest)
            # If no bundle image found, just skip this bundle digest
            if not bundles:
                    'The bundle digest %r was not found in Pyxis. Skipping.',

            bundles_by_digest[digest]['nvr'] = bundles[0]['brew']['build']
            bundles_by_digest[digest]['images'] = bundles

        # Unauthenticated koji session to fetch build info of bundles
        koji_api = KojiService(conf.koji_profile)

        # For each bundle, check whether it should be rebuilt by comparing the
        # auto_rebuild_tags of repository and bundle's tags
        for digest, bundle_data in bundles_by_digest.items():
            bundle_nvr = bundle_data['nvr']

            # Images are for different arches, just check against the first image
            image = bundle_data['images'][0]
            if self.image_has_auto_rebuild_tag(image):
                bundle_data['auto_rebuild'] = True

            # Fetch buildinfo
            buildinfo = koji_api.get_build(bundle_nvr)
            related_images = (buildinfo.get('extra', {}).get('image', {}).get(
                'operator_manifests', {}).get('related_images', {}))
            bundle_data['osbs_pinning'] = related_images.get(
                'created_by_osbs', False)
            # Save the original pullspecs
            bundle_data['pullspec_replacements'] = related_images.get(
                'pullspecs', [])

        # Digests of bundles to be rebuilt
        to_rebuild_digests = set()

        # Now for each bundle, replace the original digest with rebuilt
        # digest (override pullspecs)
        for digest, bundle_data in bundles_by_digest.items():
            # Override pullspecs only when auto_rebuild is enabled and OSBS-pinning
            # mechanism is used.
            if not (bundle_data['auto_rebuild']
                    and bundle_data['osbs_pinning']):
                    'The bundle %r does not have auto-rebuild tags (%r) and/or OSBS pinning (%r)',

            csv_name = bundle_mds_by_digest[digest]['csv_name']
            version = bundle_mds_by_digest[digest]['version']
            bundle_data.update(self._get_csv_updates(csv_name, version))

            for pullspec in bundle_data['pullspec_replacements']:
                # A pullspec item example:
                # {
                #   'new': '<sha256-value>',
                #   'original': '',
                #   'pinned': True,
                #   # value used for internal purpose during manual rebuilds, it's an old pullspec that was replaced
                #   '_old': '<previous-sha256-value>,
                # }

                # A pullspec path is in format of "registry/repository@digest"
                pullspec_elems = pullspec.get('new').split('@')
                old_digest = pullspec_elems[1]

                if old_digest not in original_nvrs_by_digest:
                    # This related image is not one of the original images

                # This related image is one of our original images
                old_nvr = original_nvrs_by_digest[old_digest]
                new_nvr = nvrs_mapping[old_nvr]
                new_digest = rebuilt_digests_by_nvr[new_nvr]

                # save pullspec that image had before rebuild
                pullspec['_old'] = pullspec.get('new')

                # Replace the old digest with new digest
                pullspec_elems[1] = new_digest
                new_pullspec = '@'.join(pullspec_elems)
                pullspec['new'] = new_pullspec
                # Always set pinned to True when it was replaced by Freshmaker
                # since it indicates that the pullspec was modified from the
                # original pullspec
                pullspec['pinned'] = True

                # Once a pullspec in this bundle has been overrided, add this bundle
                # to rebuild list
                    'Changing pullspec %r to %r in the bundle %r',

        if not to_rebuild_digests:
            msg = self._no_bundle_prefix + "No bundle images to rebuild for " \
                                           f"advisory {}"
            db_event.transition(EventState.SKIPPED, msg)
            return []

        bundles_to_rebuild = list(
            map(lambda x: bundles_by_digest[x], to_rebuild_digests))
        return bundles_to_rebuild

    def _handle_manual_rebuild(self, db_event):
        Handle manual rebuild submitted by Release Driver for an advisory created by Botas

        :param db_event: database event that represents a rebuild event
        :rtype: list
        :return: list of advisories that should be rebuilt
        old_to_new_pullspec_map = self._get_pullspecs_mapping()

        if not old_to_new_pullspec_map:
            msg = self._no_bundle_prefix + 'None of the bundle images have ' \
                                           'applicable pullspecs to replace'
            db_event.transition(EventState.SKIPPED, msg)
            return []

        # Unauthenticated koji session to fetch build info of bundles
        koji_api = KojiService(conf.koji_profile)
        rebuild_nvr_to_pullspecs_map = dict()
        # compare replaced pullspecs with pullspecs in 'container_images' and
        # create map for bundles that should be rebuilt with their nvrs
        for container_image_nvr in self.event.container_images:
            artifact_build = db.session.query(ArtifactBuild).filter(
                ArtifactBuild.rebuilt_nvr == container_image_nvr,
                ArtifactBuild.type == ArtifactType.IMAGE.value,
            pullspecs = []
            # Try to find build in FM database, if it's not there check in Brew
            if artifact_build:
                pullspecs = artifact_build.bundle_pullspec_overrides[
                # Fetch buildinfo from Koji
                buildinfo = koji_api.get_build(container_image_nvr)
                # Get the original pullspecs
                pullspecs = (buildinfo.get('extra', {}).get('image', {}).get(
                    'operator_manifests', {}).get('related_images',
                                                  {}).get('pullspecs', []))

            for pullspec in pullspecs:
                if pullspec.get('new') not in old_to_new_pullspec_map:
                # use newer pullspecs in the image
                pullspec['new'] = old_to_new_pullspec_map[pullspec['new']]
                rebuild_nvr_to_pullspecs_map[container_image_nvr] = pullspecs

        if not rebuild_nvr_to_pullspecs_map:
            msg = self._no_bundle_prefix + 'None of the container images have ' \
                                           'applicable pullspecs from the input bundle images'
            db_event.transition(EventState.SKIPPED, msg)
            return []

        # list with metadata about every bundle to do rebuild
        to_rebuild_bundles = []
        # fill 'append' and 'update' fields for bundles to rebuild
        for nvr, pullspecs in rebuild_nvr_to_pullspecs_map.items():
            bundle_digest = self._pyxis.get_manifest_list_digest_by_nvr(nvr)
            if bundle_digest is not None:
                bundles = self._pyxis.get_bundles_by_digest(bundle_digest)
                temp_bundle = bundles[0]
                csv_updates = (self._get_csv_updates(temp_bundle['csv_name'],
                    'nvr': nvr,
                    'update': csv_updates['update'],
                    'pullspec_replacements': pullspecs,
                log.warning('Can\'t find manifest_list_digest for bundle '
                            f'"{nvr}" in Pyxis')

        if not to_rebuild_bundles:
            msg = 'Can\'t find digests for any of the bundles to rebuild'
            db_event.transition(EventState.FAILED, msg)
            return []

        return to_rebuild_bundles

    def _get_pullspecs_mapping(self):
        Get map of all replaced pullspecs from 'bundle_images' provided in an event.

        :rtype: dict
        :return: map of all '_old' pullspecs that was replaced by 'new'
            pullspecs in previous Freshmaker rebuilds
        old_to_new_pullspec_map = dict()
        for bundle_nvr in self.event.bundle_images:
            artifact_build = db.session.query(ArtifactBuild).filter(
                ArtifactBuild.rebuilt_nvr == bundle_nvr,
                ArtifactBuild.type == ArtifactType.IMAGE.value,
            if artifact_build is None:
                    f'Can\'t find build for a bundle image "{bundle_nvr}"')
            pullspec_overrides = artifact_build.bundle_pullspec_overrides
            for pullspec in pullspec_overrides['pullspec_replacements']:
                old_pullspec = pullspec.get('_old', None)
                if old_pullspec is None:
                old_to_new_pullspec_map[old_pullspec] = pullspec['new']

        return old_to_new_pullspec_map

    def _get_csv_updates(cls, csv_name, version):
        Determine the CSV updates required for the bundle image.

        :param str csv_name: the name field in the bundle's ClusterServiceVersion file
        :param str version: the version of the bundle image being rebuilt
        :return: a dictionary of the CSV updates needed
        :rtype: dict
        csv_modifications = {}
        new_version, fm_suffix = cls._get_rebuild_bundle_version(version)
        new_csv_name = cls._get_csv_name(csv_name, version, new_version,
        csv_modifications['update'] = {
            'metadata': {
                # Update the name of the CSV to something uniquely identify the rebuild
                'name': new_csv_name,
                # Declare that this rebuild is a substitute of the bundle being rebuilt
                'annotations': {
                    'olm.substitutesFor': version
            'spec': {
                # Update the version of the rebuild to be unique and a newer version than the
                # the version of the bundle being rebuilt
                'version': new_version,

        return csv_modifications

    def _get_rebuild_bundle_version(cls, version):
        Get a bundle version for the Freshmaker rebuild of the bundle image.

            1.2.3 => 1.2.3+0.$timestamp.p (no build ID and not a rebuild)
            1.2.3+48273 => 1.2.3+48273.0.$timestamp.p (build ID and not a rebuild)
            1.2.3+48273.0.1616457250.p => 1.2.3+48273.0.$timestamp.p (build ID and a rebuild)

        :param str version: the version of the bundle image being rebuilt
        :return: a tuple of the bundle version of the Freshmaker rebuild of the bundle image and
            the suffix that was added by Freshmaker
        :rtype: tuple(str, str)
        parsed_version = semver.VersionInfo.parse(version)
        # Strip off the microseconds of the timestamp
        timestamp = int(datetime.utcnow().timestamp())
        new_fm_suffix = f'0.{timestamp}.p'
            # Check if the bundle was a Freshmaker rebuild. Include .patched
            # for backwards compatibility with the old suffix.
            fm_suffix_search =
            if fm_suffix_search:
                fm_suffix = fm_suffix_search.groupdict()['fm_suffix']
                # Get the build without the Freshmaker suffix. This may include a build ID
                # from the original build before Freshmaker rebuilt it or be empty.
                build_wo_fm_suffix =[:-len(fm_suffix)]
                new_build = f"{build_wo_fm_suffix}{new_fm_suffix}"
                # This was not previously rebuilt by Freshmaker so just append the suffix
                # to the existing build ID with '.' separating it.
                new_build = f"{}.{new_fm_suffix}"
            # If there is existing build ID, then make the Freshmaker suffix the build ID
            new_build = new_fm_suffix

        # Don't use the replace method in order to support semver 2.8.1
        new_version_dict = parsed_version._asdict()
        new_version_dict["build"] = new_build
        new_version = str(semver.VersionInfo(**new_version_dict))

        return new_version, new_fm_suffix

    def _get_csv_name(csv_name, version, rebuild_version, fm_suffix):
        Get a bundle CSV name for the Freshmaker rebuild of the bundle image.

        :param str csv_name: the name of the ClusterServiceVersion (CSV) file of the bundle image
        :param str version: the version of the bundle image being rebuilt
        :param str rebuild_version: the new version being assigned by Freshmaker for the rebuild
        :param str fm_suffix: the portion of rebuild_version that was generated by Freshmaker
        :return: the bundle ClusterServiceVersion (CSV) name of the Freshmaker rebuild of the bundle
        :rtype: str
        # The CSV name must be in the format of a valid DNS name, which means the + from the
        # build ID must be replaced. In the event this was a previous Freshmaker rebuild, version
        # may have a build ID that would be the DNS safe version in the CSV name.
        dns_safe_version = version.replace('+', '-')
        if dns_safe_version in csv_name:
            dns_safe_rebuild_version = rebuild_version.replace('+', '-')
            return csv_name.replace(dns_safe_version, dns_safe_rebuild_version)
            return f'{csv_name}.{fm_suffix}'

    def get_published_original_nvr(self, rebuilt_nvr):
        Search for an original build, that has been built and published to a
            repository, and get original_nvr from it

        :param str rebuilt_nvr: rebuilt NVR to look build by
        :rtype: str or None
        :return: original NVR from the first published FM build for given NVR
        original_nvr = None
        # artifact build should be only one in database, or raise an error
        artifact_build = db.session.query(ArtifactBuild).filter(
            ArtifactBuild.rebuilt_nvr == rebuilt_nvr,
            ArtifactBuild.type == ArtifactType.IMAGE.value,
        # recursively search for original artifact build
        if artifact_build is not None:
            original_nvr = artifact_build.original_nvr

            # check if image is published
            request_params = {'include': 'data.repositories', 'page_size': 1}
            images = self._pyxis._pagination(f'images/nvr/{original_nvr}',
            if not images:
                return None
            # stop recursion if the image is published in some repo
            if any(repo['published']
                   for repo in images[0].get('repositories')):
                return original_nvr

            next_nvr = self.get_published_original_nvr(original_nvr)
            if next_nvr is not None:
                original_nvr = next_nvr

        return original_nvr

    def image_has_auto_rebuild_tag(self, image):
        """ Check if image has a tag enabled for auto rebuild.

        :param dict image: Dict representation of an image entity in Pyxis.
        :rtype: bool
        :return: True if image has a tag enabled for auto rebuild in repository, otherwise False.
        for repo in image['repositories']:
            # Skip unpublished repository
            if not repo['published']:

            auto_rebuild_tags = self._pyxis.get_auto_rebuild_tags(
                repo['registry'], repo['repository'])
            tags = [t['name'] for t in repo.get('tags', [])]
            if set(auto_rebuild_tags) & set(tags):
                return True

        # It'd be more efficient to do this check first, but the exceptions are edge cases
        # (e.g. testing) and it's best to not use it unless absolutely necessary
        nvr = image['brew']['build']
        parsed_nvr = parse_nvr(nvr)
        nv = f'{parsed_nvr["name"]}-{parsed_nvr["version"]}'
        if nv in conf.bundle_autorebuild_tag_exceptions:
                'The bundle %r has an exception for being tagged with an auto-rebuild tag',
            return True

        return False

    def _create_original_to_rebuilt_nvrs_map(self):
        Creates mapping of original build NVRs to rebuilt NVRs in advisory.
        Including NVRs of the builds from the blocking advisories

        :rtype: dict
        :return: map of the original NVRs as keys and rebuilt NVRs as values
        nvrs_mapping = {}

        # Get builds from all blocking advisories
        blocking_advisories_builds = \
        # Get builds NVRs from the advisory attached to the message/event and
        # then get original NVR for every build
        for product_info in self.event.advisory.builds.values():
            for build in product_info['builds']:
                # Each build is a one key/value pair, and key is the build NVR
                build_nvr = next(iter(build))

                # Search for the first build that triggered the chain of rebuilds
                # for every shipped NVR to get original NVR from it
                original_nvr = self.get_published_original_nvr(build_nvr)
                if original_nvr is None:
                nvrs_mapping[original_nvr] = build_nvr
                parsed_build_nvr = parse_nvr(build_nvr)

                # Check builds from blocking advisories and add to the mapping
                # all of them, that have overlapping package names
                for block_build in blocking_advisories_builds:
                    block_build_nvr = parse_nvr(block_build)
                    if block_build_nvr['name'] == parsed_build_nvr['name'] and \
                            block_build_nvr['version'] == parsed_build_nvr['version']:
                        nvrs_mapping[block_build] = build_nvr
        return nvrs_mapping

    def _prepare_builds(self, db_event, to_rebuild_bundles):
        Prepare models.ArtifactBuild instance for every bundle that will be

        :param models.Event db_event: database event that will contain builds
        :param list to_rebuild_bundles: bundles to rebuild
        :return: builds that already in database and ready to be submitted to brew
        :rtype: list
        builds = []
        csv_mod_url = conf.freshmaker_root_url + "/api/2/pullspec_overrides/{}"
        for bundle in to_rebuild_bundles:
            # Reset context to db_event for each iteration before
            # the ArtifactBuild is created.

            rebuild_reason = RebuildReason.DIRECTLY_AFFECTED.value
            bundle_name = koji.parse_NVR(bundle["nvr"])["name"]

            build = self.record_build(db_event,

            # Set context to particular build so logging shows this build
            # in case of error.

            build.transition(ArtifactBuildState.PLANNED.value, "")

            additional_data = ContainerImage.get_additional_data_from_koji(
            build.build_args = json.dumps({
                # The build system always enforces that bundle images build from
                # "scratch", so there is no parent image. See:
            build.bundle_pullspec_overrides = {
                "pullspec_replacements": bundle["pullspec_replacements"],
                "update": bundle["update"],

        return builds
class TestQueryPyxis(helpers.FreshmakerTestCase):
    def setUp(self):

        self.patcher = helpers.Patcher(

        self.fake_server_url = 'https://pyxis.localhost/'
        self.px = Pyxis(self.fake_server_url)
        self.response = create_autospec(requests.Response)
        self.response.status_code = HTTPStatus.OK
        self.bad_requests_response = {
            "detail": [
                "Unable to parse the filter from URL.",
                "Please verify the 'Field Name' in the RSQL Expression.",
                "Please visit the following end-point for more details:",
                "    /v1/docs/filtering-language"
            "status": 400,
            "title": "Bad Request",
            "type": "about:blank"

        self.empty_response_page = {
            "data": [],
            "page": 0,
            "page_size": 100,
            "total": 0

        self.indices = [
                "_id": "1",
                "created_by": "meteor",
                "creation_date": "2020-01-01T09:32:31.692000+00:00",
                "last_update_date": "2020-01-01T09:32:31.692000+00:00",
                "last_updated_by": "meteor",
                "ocp_version": "4.5",
                "organization": "org",
                "path": "path/to/registry:v4.5"
                "_id": "2",
                "created_by": "meteor",
                "creation_date": "2020-01-01T09:32:38.486000+00:00",
                "last_update_date": "2020-01-01T09:32:38.486000+00:00",
                "last_updated_by": "meteor",
                "ocp_version": "4.6",
                "organization": "org",
                "path": "path/to/registry:v4.6"
                "_id": "2",
                "created_by": "meteor",
                "creation_date": "2020-01-01T09:32:38.486000+00:00",
                "last_update_date": "2020-01-01T09:32:38.486000+00:00",
                "last_updated_by": "meteor",
                "ocp_version": "4.6",
                "organization": "org",
                "path": ""

        self.bundles = [
                "channel_name": "streams-1.5.x",
                "related_images": [
                        "image": "registry/amq7/amq-streams-r-operator@sha256:111",
                        "name": "strimzi-cluster-operator",
                        "digest": "sha256:111"
                        "image": "registry/amq7/amq-streams-kafka-24-r@sha256:222",
                        "name": "strimzi-kafka-24",
                        "digest": "sha256:222"
                        "image": "registry/amq7/amq-streams-kafka-25-r@sha256:333",
                        "name": "strimzi-kafka-25",
                        "digest": "sha256:333"
                        "image": "registry/amq7/amq-streams-bridge-r@sha256:444",
                        "name": "strimzi-bridge",
                        "digest": "sha256:444"
                "version": "1.5.3"
                "channel_name": "streams-1.5.x",
                "related_images": [
                        "image": "registry/amq7/amq-streams-r-operator@sha256:555",
                        "name": "strimzi-cluster-operator",
                        "digest": "sha256:555"
                        "image": "registry/amq7/amq-streams-kafka-24-r@sha256:666",
                        "name": "strimzi-kafka-24",
                        "digest": "sha256:666"
                        "image": "registry/amq7/amq-streams-kafka-25-r@sha256:777",
                        "name": "strimzi-kafka-25",
                        "digest": "sha256:777"
                        "image": "registry/amq7/amq-streams-bridge-r@sha256:888",
                        "name": "strimzi-bridge",
                        "digest": "sha256:888"
                "version": "1.5.4"
                "channel_name": "stable",
                "related_images": [
                        "image": "registry/amq7/amq--operator@sha256:999",
                        "name": "strimzi-cluster-operator",
                        "digest": "sha256:999"
                        "image": "registry/amq7/kafka-24-r@sha256:aaa",
                        "name": "strimzi-kafka-24",
                        "digest": "sha256:aaa"
                        "image": "registry/amq7/kafka-25-r@sha256:bbb",
                        "name": "strimzi-kafka-25",
                        "digest": "sha256:bbb"
                        "image": "registry/amq7/amq-streams-bridge-r@sha256:ccc",
                        "name": "strimzi-bridge",
                        "digest": "sha256:ccc"
                "version": "1.5.3"
                "channel_name": "stable",
                "related_images": [
                        "image": "registry/tracing/j-operator:1.13.2",
                        "name": "j-1.13.2-annotation",
                        "digest": "sha256:fff"
                        "image": "registry/tracing/j-operator:1.13.2",
                        "name": "j-operator",
                        "digest": "sha256:ffff"
                "version": "1.5.2"
                "channel_name": "quay-v3.3",
                "related_images": [
                        "image": "registry/quay/quay-operator@sha256:ddd",
                        "name": "quay-operator-annotation",
                        "digest": "sha256:ddd"
                        "image": "registry/quay/quay-security-r-operator@sha256:eee",
                        "name": "container-security-operator",
                        "digest": "sha256:eee"
                "version": "3.3.1"

        self.images = [
                "brew": {
                    "build": "s2i-1-2",
                    "completion_date": "2020-08-12T11:31:39+00:00",
                    "nvra": "s2i-1-2.ppc64le",
                    "package": "s2i-core-container"
                "repositories": [
                        "manifest_list_digest": "sha256:1111",
                        "published": False,
                        "registry": "reg1",
                        "repository": "repo1",
                        "tags": [{"name": "tag0"}]
                        "manifest_list_digest": "sha256:1112",
                        "published": True,
                        "registry": "reg2",
                        "repository": "repo2",
                        "tags": [{"name": "tag1"}, {"name": "tag2"}]
                "brew": {
                    "build": "s2i-1-2",
                    "completion_date": "2020-08-12T11:31:39+00:00",
                    "nvra": "s2i-1-2.s390x",
                    "package": "s2i-core-container"
                "repositories": [
                        "manifest_list_digest": "sha256:2222",
                        "published": True,
                        "registry": "reg2",
                        "repository": "repo2",
                        "tags": [{"name": "tag2"}]
                "brew": {
                    "build": "s2i-1-2",
                    "completion_date": "2020-08-12T11:31:39+00:00",
                    "nvra": "s2i-1-2.amd64",
                    "package": "s2i-core-container"
                "repositories": [
                        "manifest_list_digest": "sha256:3333",
                        "published": True,
                        "registry": "reg3",
                        "repository": "repo3",
                        "tags": [{"name": "latest"}]
                "brew": {
                    "build": "s2i-1-2",
                    "completion_date": "2020-08-12T11:31:39+00:00",
                    "nvra": "s2i-1-2.arm64",
                    "package": "s2i-core-container"
                "repositories": [
                        "manifest_list_digest": "sha256:4444",
                        "published": True,
                        "registry": "reg4",
                        "repository": "repo4",
                        "tags": [{"name": "tag1"}]

    def tearDown(self):

    def copy_call_args(mock):
        Copy args of Mock to another Mock so we can check call args if we call
        mock with mutable args and change it between calls
        new_mock = Mock()

        def side_effect(*args, **kwargs):
            args = deepcopy(args)
            kwargs = deepcopy(kwargs)
            return new_mock(*args, **kwargs)
        mock.side_effect = side_effect
        return new_mock

    def test_make_request(self, get, auth):
        get.return_value = self.response
        test_params = {'key1': 'val1'}
        self.px._make_request('test', test_params)

        get_url = self.fake_server_url + 'v1/test'
        test_params['page_size'] = "100"
        get.assert_called_once_with(get_url, params=test_params, auth=auth(),

    def test_make_request_error(self, get, auth):
        get.return_value = self.response
        self.response.ok = False
        self.response.json.side_effect = ValueError
        self.response.json.text = 'test message'
        self.response.request = Mock()
        self.response.request.url = 'test/url'

        with self.assertRaises(PyxisRequestError, msg='test message'):
            self.px._make_request('test', {})

    def test_pagination(self, request, auth):
        my_request = self.copy_call_args(request)
        my_request.side_effect = [
            {"page": 0, "data": ["fake_data1"]},
            {"page": 1, "data": ["fake_data2"]},
            {"page": 2, "data": []}
        test_params = {'include': ['total', 'field1']}
        entity = 'test'
        auth.return_value = 1
        self.px._pagination(entity, test_params)

        self.assertEqual(request.call_count, 3)
        default_params = {'page_size': '100', 'include': ['total', 'field1']}
        calls = [call('test', params={**default_params, 'page': 0}),
                 call('test', params={**default_params, 'page': 1}),
                 call('test', params={**default_params, 'page': 2})

    @patch.object(conf, 'pyxis_index_image_organizations', new=['org1', 'org2'])
    def test_get_operator_indices(self, page):
            'operators/indices', {'filter': 'organization==org1 or organization==org2'})

    @patch.object(conf, "product_pages_api_url", new="")
    def test_get_operator_indices_with_unreleased_filtered_out(self, page):
        pp_mock_data = [
                "url": "",
                "json": [{"name": "GA", "date_finish": "2020-02-05"}]
                "url": "",
                "json": [{"name": "GA", "date_finish": "2020-05-23"}]
                "url": "",
                "json": [{"name": "GA", "date_finish": "2021-08-12"}]
        page.return_value = self.indices + [
                "_id": "3",
                "created_by": "meteor",
                "creation_date": "2020-11-01T08:23:28.253000+00:00",
                "last_update_date": "2020-11-01T08:23:28.253000+00:00",
                "last_updated_by": "meteor",
                "ocp_version": "4.8",
                "organization": "org",
                "path": ""
        now = datetime(year=2020, month=12, day=15, hour=0, minute=0, second=0)

        with requests_mock.Mocker() as http:
            for data in pp_mock_data:
                http.get(data["url"], json=data["json"])

            with freeze_time(now):
                indices = self.px.get_operator_indices()

        assert len(indices) == 3
        assert "4.8" not in [i["ocp_version"] for i in indices]

    def test_get_latest_bundles(self, page):
        page_copy = self.copy_call_args(page)
        # Ensure this one is ignored
        bad_version_bundle = {
            "channel_name": "test-v2.3",
            "related_images": [
                    "image": "registry/quay/quay-operator@sha256:ddd",
                    "name": "quay-operator-annotation",
                    "digest": "sha256:ddd"
                    "image": "registry/quay/quay-security-r-operator@sha256:eee",
                    "name": "container-security-operator",
                    "digest": "sha256:eee"
            "version": "version_me"
        page_copy.side_effect = [self.bundles[:3] + [bad_version_bundle], []]

        out = self.px.get_latest_bundles(self.indices)
        expected_out = self.bundles[:3]

        self.assertEqual(out, expected_out)
                 {'include': 'data.channel_name,data.version,'
                  'filter': 'latest_in_channel==true and '
                 {'include': 'data.channel_name,data.version,'
                  'filter': 'latest_in_channel==true and '

    def test_get_manifest_list_digest_by_nvr(self, page):
        page.return_value = self.images
        digest = self.px.get_manifest_list_digest_by_nvr('s2i-1-2')

        expected_digest = 'sha256:1112'
        self.assertEqual(digest, expected_digest)
            {'include': 'data.brew,data.repositories'}

    def test_get_manifest_list_digest_by_nvr_unpublished(self, page):
        page.return_value = [
                "brew": {
                    "build": "s2i-1-2",
                    "completion_date": "2020-08-12T11:31:39+00:00",
                    "nvra": "s2i-1-2.arm64",
                    "package": "s2i-core-container"
                "repositories": [
                        "manifest_list_digest": "sha256:4444",
                        "published": False,
                        "registry": "reg4",
                        "repository": "repo4",
                        "tags": [{"name": "tag1"}]
        digest = self.px.get_manifest_list_digest_by_nvr('s2i-1-2', False)

        expected_digest = 'sha256:4444'
        self.assertEqual(digest, expected_digest)
            {'include': 'data.brew,data.repositories'}

    def test_get_bundles_by_related_image_digest(self):
        digest = 'sha256:111'
        new_bundles = self.px.get_bundles_by_related_image_digest(
            digest, self.bundles)

        expected_bundles = [self.bundles[0]]
        self.assertListEqual(new_bundles, expected_bundles)

    def test_get_bundles_by_digest(self, page):
        page.return_value = {"some_bundle"}
        digest = "some_digest"


        page.assert_called_once_with("operators/bundles", {
            "include": "data.version,data.csv_name",
            "filter": "bundle_path_digest==some_digest"

    def test_get_images_by_digest(self, mock_get):
        image_1 = {
            'brew': {
                'build': 'foo-operator-2.1-2',
                'nvra': 'foo-operator-2.1-2.amd64',
                'package': 'foo',
            'repositories': [
                    'content_advisory_ids': [],
                    'manifest_list_digest': 'sha256:12345',
                    'manifest_schema2_digest': 'sha256:23456',
                    'published': True,
                    'registry': '',
                    'repository': 'foo/foo-operator-bundle',
                    'tags': [{'name': '2'}, {'name': '2.1'}],
        fake_responses = [Mock(ok=True), Mock(ok=True)]
        fake_responses[0].json.return_value = {'data': [image_1]}
        fake_responses[1].json.return_value = {'data': []}
        mock_get.side_effect = fake_responses

        digest = 'sha256:23456'
        images = self.px.get_images_by_digest(digest)
        self.assertListEqual(images, [image_1])

    def test_get_auto_rebuild_tags(self, mock_get):
        mock_get.return_value = Mock(ok=True)
        mock_get.return_value.json.return_value = {
            '_links': {},
            'auto_rebuild_tags': [

        tags = self.px.get_auto_rebuild_tags('', 'foo/foo-operator-bundle')
        self.assertListEqual(tags, ['2.3', 'latest'])