sep2ij[sep] = C.dfm.grid2ij(aa.ant_layout)[0][sep].split(',') s += C.dfm.grid2ij(aa.ant_layout)[0][sep] + ',' for ij in sep2ij[sep]: ij2sep[ij] = sep conj = {} toconj = C.dfm.grid2ij(aa.ant_layout)[1] for k in toconj.keys(): conj['%d_%d'%a.miriad.bl2ij(k)] = toconj[k] #Get filters with proper conjugation etc. Using one for each baseline type #too much time to generate al lof them. filters = {} for sep in seps.keys(): beam_w_fr = frf_conv.get_beam_w_fr(aa, seps[sep]) t, firs, frbins,frspace = frf_conv.get_fringe_rate_kernels(beam_w_fr, inttime, opts.filt_width) filters[sep] = firs # _d = {} _w = {} times, data, flags = C.arp.get_dict_of_uv_data(args, s, pol, verbose=True) for bl in data.keys(): if not _d.has_key(bl): _d[bl],_w[bl] = {}, {} #get filter which is baseline dependent. b1,b2 = map(int,a.miriad.bl2ij(bl)) sep = ij2sep['%d_%d'%(b1,b2)] firs = filters[sep] print b1,b2, sep
if True: print 'Zaki method of FR filtering-OLD' import frf_conv b1,b2 = ubl2bl(opts.sep) print 'using basline %d_%d'%(b1,b2) t, firs, frbins, frkers = frf_conv.get_oldfilter(aa, (1,4), 42.8, 401, freqs) firs = firs.take(chans, axis=0) firs = n.conj(firs) scalar = scalar/1.9 #if True: if False: print 'Zaki method of FR filtering' import frf_conv b1,b2 = ubl2bl(opts.sep) print 'using basline %d_%d'%(b1,b2) beam_w_fr = frf_conv.get_beam_w_fr(aa, (b1,b2)) #I have been using (49,41) t, firs, frbins, frkers = frf_conv.get_fringe_rate_kernels(beam_w_fr, 42.8, 401) firs = firs.take(chans, axis=0) firs = n.conj(firs) #Scaling for aggressive fringe rate filtering scalar = scalar if False: #if True: print 'Aaron method of FR filtering' t = n.arange(-200,200,1) * 42.8 w = a.dsp.gen_window(t.size, 'blackman-harris') sig = .000288*(fq/.1788)#was found in fr cen = .001059 * (fq/.1788)#was found in fr firg = n.exp(-(t**2)/(2*(1./(2*n.pi*sig)**2))).astype(n.complex) * w #note that this is in time. #firg = n.exp(-(t**2)/(2*(1./(sig)**2))).astype(n.complex) * w #note that this is in time. firg /= firg.sum()
cs = m.contour(x,y, d, levels, linewidth=8, linestyles=linestyles, colors=colors) p.clabel(cs, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt='%4.2f')#, manual=manual) #m.drawmapboundary() #m.drawmeridians(n.arange(0,360,30)) #m.drawparallels(n.arange(0,90,10)) return cs xyz = h.px2crd(n.arange(h.npix()), ncrd=3) top =, xyz) bl = aa.get_baseline(0,16,'r') * FQ print 'Baseline:', bl fng = frf_conv.mk_fng(bl, *xyz) #plot_hmap(fng, mode='real'); frf,bins,wgt,(cen,wid) = frf_conv.get_optimal_kernel_at_ref(aa, 0, (0,16)) bwfrs = frf_conv.get_beam_w_fr(aa, (0,16), ref_chan=0) tbins,firs,frbins,frfs = frf_conv.get_fringe_rate_kernels(bwfrs,42.9,403) wgt = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(frbins, frfs[0], kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) fng_wgt = wgt(fng) _bmx = aa[0].bm_response(top,pol='x')[0] _bmy = aa[0].bm_response(top,pol='y')[0] bm = 0.5 * (_bmx**2 + _bmy**2) bm = n.where(top[-1] > 0, bm, 0) fng_bm = fng_wgt * bm fig = p.figure(figsize=(5,6.5)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[3,1]) fig.subplots_adjust(left=.16, top=.95, bottom=.10, wspace=.05, hspace=.05, right=0.90)
o.add_option('--ntaps', type='int', default=20, help='Number of taps to use in FIR filter.') o.set_usage(' [options] *.uv') o.set_description(__doc__) opts,args = o.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) uv = a.miriad.UV(args[0]) print "inttime = uv['inttime']*4 #hack for *E files:inttime set incorrectly" inttime = uv['inttime']*4 #hack for *E files:inttime set incorrectly nchans = uv['nchan'] aa =, uv['sdf'], uv['sfreq'], uv['nchan']) del(uv) #kernels for all frequencies #beam_w_fr= frf_conv.get_beam_w_fr(aa, (49,41))#, binwidth=5e-6) beam_w_fr= frf_conv.get_beam_w_fr(aa, (1,4))#, binwidth=5e-6) tb, ks = frf_conv.get_fringe_rate_kernels(beam_w_fr, 42.8, 14*14) p.figure(100) p.plot(tb,ks[160].real) p.plot(tb,ks[160].imag) #capo.arp.waterfall(beam_w_fr, mx=-1, drng=5) #take = n.where(n.log10(beam_w_fr) > -5) #maxtake = n.max(take[1]) #mintake = n.min(take[1]) #print maxtake, mintake #bins = bins[mintake:maxtake] #beam_w_fr = beam_w_fr[:,mintake:maxtake]
vis_del = n.fft.fftshift(n.fft.fft(vis,axis=1),axes=1) #get fr bins for plotting. frates = n.fft.fftshift(n.fft.fftfreq(len(vis), 42.8) * 1e3) #mHz step = frates[1] - frates[0] f1, f2 = frates[0] - .5*step, frates[-1]+.5*step #plot fringe rate transform. p.figure(3);C.arp.waterfall(vis_tft, extent=(chans[0],chans[-1],f2,f1), drng=5);p.colorbar(shrink=.5) p.title('Stokes I in Fringe rate domain (mHz)') p.figure(4);C.arp.waterfall(vis_del);p.colorbar(shrink=.5) #Now filter with aggressive fringe rate filter. b1 = 1; b2 = 4 #sep24 is the 0,1 spacing. beam_w_fr = frf_conv.get_beam_w_fr(aa, (b1,b2)) #returns the beam weighted fringe rates in fr domain. test = beam_w_fr[110] #using a filter that is 3.5785bar hours long = 301 samples. t, firs, frbins, frspace = frf_conv.get_fringe_rate_kernels(beam_w_fr, 42.8, 51) fr_bins = n.fft.fftshift(n.fft.fftfreq(51, 42.8)) #show filters in both spaces. print firs.shape print frspace.shape p.figure(20) C.arp.waterfall(firs,extent=(t[0],t[-1],0,203),mx=0,drng=5);p.colorbar(shrink=.5) p.figure(21) C.arp.waterfall(frspace,extent=(f1,f2,203,0), mx=0,drng=4.5);p.colorbar(shrink=.5)
bmYYm = bmYY * bm_pol hpol, bin_edges = n.histogram(fng, bins=bin_edges, weights=(bmXXm-bmYYm)**2) htot, bin_edges = n.histogram(fng, bins=bin_edges, weights=(bmXXm+bmYYm)**2) bins = 0.5 * (bin_edges[:-1] + bin_edges[1:]) #match = n.where(hpol > 0, n.sqrt(htot/hpol), 0); match /= match.max() # XXX sqrt here or no? match = n.where(hpol > 0, htot/hpol, 0); match /= match.max() # XXX sqrt here or no? wgt_pol = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(bins, match, kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) tbins,firs,frbins,frfs= frf_conv.get_fringe_rate_kernels(n.array([wgt_pol]),42.9,403) frfs[0] /= frfs[0].max() wgt_pol = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(frbins, frfs[0], kind='linear') frf,bins,wgt,(cen,wid) = frf_conv.get_optimal_kernel_at_ref(aa, 0, (0,16)) bwfrs = frf_conv.get_beam_w_fr(aa, (0,16), ref_chan=0) # XXX check our ref_chan print bwfrs tbins,firs,frbins,frfs = frf_conv.get_fringe_rate_kernels(bwfrs,42.9,403) wgt = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(frbins, frfs[0], kind='linear') #p.plot(bins,wgt(bins)) #p.plot(bins,wgt_pol(bins)) #p.plot(bins,wgt(bins)*wgt_pol(bins)); pol_wgt = wgt_pol(fng).real fng_wgt = wgt(fng).real #bmXXm_fng = bmXXm * fng_wgt #bmYYm_fng = bmYYm * fng_wgt bmI = 0.5 * (bmXX + bmYY) bmQ = 0.5 * (bmXX - bmYY) bmIm = 0.5 * (bmXXm + bmYYm) bmQm = 0.5 * (bmXXm - bmYYm)
if False: print 'Zaki method of FR filtering-OLD' import frf_conv b1,b2 = ubl2bl(opts.sep) print 'using basline %d_%d'%(b1,b2) t, firs, frbins, frkers = frf_conv.get_oldfilter(aa, (1,4), 42.8, 401, freqs) firs = firs.take(chans, axis=0) firs = n.conj(firs) scalar = scalar/1.9 #if True: if False: print 'Zaki method of FR filtering' import frf_conv b1,b2 = ubl2bl(opts.sep) print 'using basline %d_%d'%(b1,b2) beam_w_fr = frf_conv.get_beam_w_fr(aa, (b1,b2)) #I have been using (49,41) t, firs, frbins, frkers = frf_conv.get_fringe_rate_kernels(beam_w_fr, 42.8, 401) firs = firs.take(chans, axis=0) firs = n.conj(firs) #Scaling for aggressive fringe rate filtering scalar = scalar if False: #if True: print 'Aaron method of FR filtering' t = n.arange(-200,200,1) * 42.8 w = a.dsp.gen_window(t.size, 'blackman-harris') sig = .000288*(fq/.1788)#was found in fr cen = .001059 * (fq/.1788)#was found in fr firg = n.exp(-(t**2)/(2*(1./(2*n.pi*sig)**2))).astype(n.complex) * w #note that this is in time. #firg = n.exp(-(t**2)/(2*(1./(sig)**2))).astype(n.complex) * w #note that this is in time. firg /= firg.sum()