Esempio n. 1
    def get_automaton(self, chat_id):
        Получает конечный автомат для конкретного пользователя
        Находим в словаре (в режиме POLLING) или загружаем из pickle (в режиме WEBHOOK) автомат по ID пользователя
        Если сохраненного автомата нет, создаем его и помещаем в хранилище
        if self.mode == BotMode.POLLING:
            if chat_id in self.chats:
                automaton = self.chats[chat_id]
                automaton = FSA(chat_id, self.command_tree,,
                self.chats[chat_id] = automaton
            assert self.fsa_serializer != None, "Property 'fsa_serializer' must be set in 'webhook' mode"
            automaton = FSA(chat_id, self.command_tree,, self.logger)
            automaton_loaded = self.fsa_serializer.load_fsa(chat_id)
            if automaton_loaded:
                filtered_fields = {
                    key: value
                    for key, value in automaton_loaded.__dict__.items()
                    if key not in FSA.unstored_fields

        return automaton
Esempio n. 2
def generate_transactions(version):
    fsas = []
    insert_fn = insert_v1 if int(version) == 1 else insert_v2
    engine = create_engine(config["db_connect"])
    conn = engine.connect()
    for idx in range(config['fsa1_count']):
        fsas.append(FSA(idx, lambda x: insert_fn(x, conn), 1, config['fsa1']))
    for idx in range(config['fsa2_count']):
        fsas.append(FSA(config['fsa1_count'] + idx, lambda x: insert_fn(x, conn), 1, config['fsa2']))
    idx = config['fsa1_count'] + config['fsa2_count']
    while len(fsas) > 0:
        fsa = random.choice(fsas)
        if fsa.done():
            log.debug(f"FSA({fsa.fsa_id}) done")
        if random.uniform(0, 1) < config['fsa1_birthrate']:
            log.debug("new fsa1")
            fsas.append(FSA(idx, lambda x: insert_fn(x, conn), 1, config['fsa1']))
            idx += 1
        if random.uniform(0, 1) < config['fsa2_birthrate']:
            log.debug("new fsa2")
            fsas.append(FSA(idx, lambda x: insert_fn(x, conn), 2, config['fsa2']))
            idx += 1
        log.debug(f"counts {np.unique([f.fsa_type for f in fsas], return_counts=True)}")
 def parse_table(name, table, subsets):
     lines = table.split('\n')
     if len(lines) < 4:
         raise ValueError,\
         "Rule %s has too few lines to be an FSA table." % name
     pairs1 = lines[1].strip().split()
     pairs2 = lines[2].strip().split()
     if len(pairs1) != len(pairs2):
         raise ValueError,\
         "Rule %s has pair definitions that don't line up." % name
     pairs = [KimmoPair(p1, p2) for p1, p2 in zip(pairs1, pairs2)]
     finals = []
     fsa = FSA()
     for line in lines[3:]:
         line = line.strip()
         if not line: continue
         groups = re.match(r'(\w+)(\.|:)\s*(.*)', line)
         if groups is None:
             raise ValueError,\
             "Can't parse this line of the state table for rule %s:\n%s"\
             % (name, line)
         state, char, morestates = groups.groups()
         if fsa.start() == 0: fsa.set_start(state)
         if char == ':': finals.append(state)
         morestates = morestates.split()
         if len(morestates) != len(pairs):
             raise ValueError,\
             "Rule %s has a row of the wrong length:\n%s\ngot %d items, should be %d"\
             % (name, line, len(morestates), len(pairs))
         for pair, nextstate in zip(pairs, morestates):
             fsa.insert_safe(state, pair, nextstate)
     return KimmoFSARule(name, fsa, subsets)
    def from_dfa_dict(name, states, subsets):
        fsa = FSA()
        pairs = set([KimmoPair.make('@')])
        for (statename, trans) in states.items():
            for label in trans:
                if label != 'others':
        for (statename, trans) in states.items():
            parts = statename.split()
            source = parts[-1]
            if not parts[0].startswith('rej'):

            if fsa.start() == 0 and source in ['begin', 'Begin', '1', 1]:
            if source in ['start', 'Start']:

            used_pairs = set()
            for label in trans:
                if label != 'others':
            for label, target in trans.items():
                if label.lower() == 'others':
                    fsa.insert_safe(source, KimmoPair.make('@'), target)
                    for pair in pairs.difference(used_pairs):
                        fsa.insert_safe(source, pair, target)
                    fsa.insert_safe(source, KimmoPair.make(label), target)
        return KimmoFSARule(name, fsa, subsets)
Esempio n. 5
def fsa_test(test_string):
    # Defining FSA which accepts strings with even number of a's and b's
    fsa_states = ["q0", "q1", "q2", "q3"]
    fsa_alph = ["a", "b"]
    fsa_start = "q0"
    fsa_final = ["q0"]
    fsa_trans = {
        "q0": {
            "a": "q2",
            "b": "q1"
        "q1": {
            "a": "q3",
            "b": "q0"
        "q2": {
            "a": "q0",
            "b": "q3"
        "q3": {
            "a": "q1",
            "b": "q2"

    test_fsa = FSA(fsa_states, fsa_alph, fsa_final, fsa_start, fsa_trans)

    if (test_fsa.accept_string(test_string)):
        print "Yay! this FSA does accept the string  : " + test_string
        print "NO! this FSA doesnt accept the string : " + test_string
 def from_text(text):
     fsa = FSA([], {}, 'Begin', ['End'])
     state = 'Begin'
     for line in text.split('\n'):
         line = line.strip()
         if not line or line.startswith(';'): continue
         if line[-1] == ':':
             state = line[:-1]
             if line.split()[0].endswith(':'):
                 parts = line.split()
                 name = parts[0][:-1]
                 next_states = parts[1:]
                 for next in next_states:
                     fsa.insert_safe(name, None, next)
             elif len(line.split()) > 2:
                 # this is a lexicon entry
                 word, next, features = line.split(None, 2)
                 if word.startswith('"') or\
                 word.startswith("'") and word.endswith("'"):
                     word = eval(word)
                 if features:
                     if features == 'None': features = None
                     elif features[0] in '\'"{':
                         features = YAMLwrapper(features)
                 fsa.insert_safe(state, (word, features), next)
             elif len(line.split()) == 2:
                 word, next = line.split()
                 features = ''
                 if word == "''":
                     word = ''
                 fsa.insert_safe(state, (word, features), next)
                 print "Ignoring line in morphology: %r" % line
     return KimmoMorphology(fsa)
    def _parse_context(self, tokens, i, reverse):
        (j, tree) = self._parse_list(tokens, i)
        if j == i: return (i, None)

        sigma = set()
        self._collect_alphabet(tree, sigma)
        fsa = FSA(sigma)
        final_state = self._build_fsa(fsa, fsa.start(), tree, reverse)
        dfa = fsa.dfa()
        return (j, dfa)
Esempio n. 8
 def setUp(self):
     self.fsa = FSA()