Esempio n. 1
def test_likelihoods():
    """ The output should be samples of a chi squared distribution with lik_FT.nz_modes d.o.f. """
    cls = [cl_pp, cl_noise, cl_unl]
    labels = ["pp", "noise", "unl"]
    sim_libs = [lib_pp, lib_noise, lib_cmb_unl]
    ress = [HD_res, LD_res, HD_res]
    histos = []

    def is_ok(sig):
        if abs(sig) < 0.01:
            return "** deviation suspiciously small **"
        if abs(sig) >= 0.01 and abs(sig) < 3.0:
            return " Test OK"
        if abs(sig) >= 3.0:
            return "** deviation suspiciously large **"

    for cl, label, sims, res in zip(cls, labels, sim_libs, ress):
        histo = []
        lik_FT = likelihoods.circulant_Gauss_pdf_fourierspace(cl, (res, res), lside)
        for i, idx in enumerate_progress(np.arange(nsims), "+ test_likelihoods::collecting chi2 " + label + " sims"):
            sim = sims.get_sim(idx)
            Npix = lik_FT.dof
            histo.append((lik_FT.eval_log(sim) + lik_FT.lnZ) / Npix)
        histo = np.array(histo)
        # A chi sqd distribution with k d.o.f. has mean k and variance 2k
        # The loglikelihood is - 1/2 chi sqd where d.o.f. is the number of modes with nonzero spectrum.
        dev = (1.0 + 2 * np.mean(histo)) / np.sqrt(2.0 / lik_FT.dof / nsims)
        print "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
        print "+ Number of sims  :", str(nsims)
        print "+ d.o.f. / Npix   :", np.round(float(lik_FT.dof) / (2 ** res) ** 2, 2)
        print "+ Mean chi2, " + label + " sims, dev. from theory", np.round(dev, 3), " sig. "
        print "+ ---->", is_ok((1.0 + 2 * np.mean(histo)) / np.sqrt(2.0 / lik_FT.dof / nsims))
        print "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
    return histos
Esempio n. 2
    def get_inverse(self,NR_iter= None,use_Pool = 0):
        Returns inverse displacement of the full map.
        if use_Pool > 0 :
            if not self.is_dxdy_ondisk() :
                assert self.has_lib_dir(),"Specify lib. dir. if you want to use Pool."
                print "lens_map::writing displacements on disk :"
                self.write_npy( self.lib_dir + '/temp_displ' + str(pbs.rank)) # this turns dx and dy to the paths
            dx_inv,dy_inv = lens_Pool.get_inverse_Pooled(self.mk_args('',self.dx,self.dy),root_Nthreads = use_Pool)
            return ffs_displacement(dx_inv,dy_inv,lib_dir=self.lib_dir,
                   LD_res=self.LD_res,verbose = self.verbose,spline_order=self.k,NR_iter= self.NR_iter)

        if NR_iter is None : NR_iter = self.NR_iter
        spliter_lib = map_spliter.periodicmap_spliter() # library to split periodic maps.
        dx_inv,dy_inv = np.empty(self.shape),np.empty(self.shape)
        label = 'ffs_displacement::calculating inverse displ. field'
        for i,N in utils.enumerate_progress(xrange(self.N_chks),label = label):
            # Doing chunk N
            dx_inv_N,dy_inv_N = self.get_inverse_chk_N(N,NR_iter=NR_iter)
            sLDs,sHDs = spliter_lib.get_slices_chk_N(N,self.LD_res,self.HD_res,self.buffers,inverse = True)
            # Pasting it onto the full map
            dx_inv[sHDs[0]] = dx_inv_N[sLDs[0]]
            dy_inv[sHDs[0]] = dy_inv_N[sLDs[0]]
        return ffs_displacement(dx_inv,dy_inv,lib_dir=self.lib_dir,
                                LD_res=self.LD_res,verbose = self.verbose,spline_order=self.k,NR_iter= self.NR_iter)
Esempio n. 3
def test_cl():
    bins_l = np.int64(np.linspace(10.,3000,100))
    bins_u = bins_l[1:] -1
    bins_l = bins_l[0:len(bins_l)-1]
    binner = jc_utils.binner(bins_l,bins_u)
    del bins_l,bins_u
    import pylab as pl
    from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
    stats_len = jc_utils.stats(binner.Nbins())
    for i,idx in enumerate_progress(xrange(nsims),label = 'test_cl::collecting cls'):
        sim_cl_len = lib_cmb_unl.map2cl(lib_cmb_len.get_sim(idx))
    camb_binned = binner.bin_that(np.arange(len(cl_len)),cl_len)
    camb_unl_binned = binner.bin_that(np.arange(len(cl_unl)),cl_unl)

    pp = PdfPages(path_to_figs+'/lenclvscamb.pdf')
    pl.title('len Cl vs CAMB, ' +str(nsims) + ' sims.')
    pl.plot(binner.bin_centers(),stats_len.mean()/camb_binned -1.,label = 'sim/camb -1.,100 bins, res ' + str(HD_res))
    pl.hlines([-0.001,0.001],np.min(binner.bins_l),np.max(binner.bins_r),linestyles='--',color = 'grey')
    pl.legend(frameon = False)
    pl.title('cl_len / cl_unlCAMB, ' +str(nsims) + ' sims.')
    pl.plot(binner.bin_centers(),stats_len.mean()/camb_unl_binned -1.,label = 'sim/camb_unl -1.,binned, res ' + str(HD_res))
    pl.plot(binner.bin_centers(),camb_binned/camb_unl_binned -1.,label = 'camb_len/camb_unl -1.,binned.')
    pl.legend(frameon = False)
Esempio n. 4
def generate_sims(sim_lib, label=''):
    if pbs.rank  == 0 :
        for i, idx in enumerate_progress(np.arange(par.nsims)[::pbs.size], 'building sims:' + label):
            sim = sim_lib.get_sim(idx)
    else :
        for idx in np.arange(par.nsims)[pbs.rank::pbs.size] :
            sim = sim_lib.get_sim(idx)
Esempio n. 5
def plot_gradients(number_of_sims=1):
    Plot the total curvature (F. info) for phi and Omega for different volumes.
    import pylab as pl

    FT_lik = likelihoods.circulant_Gauss_pdf_fourierspace(cl_pp, (HD_res, HD_res), lside)
    curvp, curvO, curvpO = Fisher_lib.get_curvature_matrix_PhiOmega_ell()
    curvp = (1j + 1.0) * curvp
    # curvp += FT_lik.eval_curv()
    grad = curvp * 0
    print "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
    for i, idx in enumerate_progress(np.arange(number_of_sims), label="plot_gradients::collecting sims"):
        dat = sim_lib_fixedphi.get_sim(idx)
        umap = len_cov.apply_cg_inverse(dat)[0].reshape(LD_shape)
        grad += len_cov.likelihood_gradient_phiOmega_ell(umap, nodisplacement=True)[0]

    # Estimate of phi
    nz = np.where(curvp != 0.0)
    phik_est = grad * 0
    phik_est[nz] = -grad[nz] / curvp[nz]
    phi_est = np.fft.irfft2(phik_est, HD_shape) * / np.sqrt(len_cov.HD_cub.vol())
    counts, Cl_raw = rfft2_utils.rfft2cl(np.fft.rfft2(phi_est), lside)
    ell = np.arange(len(counts))
    nz = np.where(counts > 0.0)
    N0 = np.zeros(len(counts))
    ell_N0 = rfft2_utils.k2ell(Fisher_lib.kx_from_index(np.arange(1, Fisher_lib.N_2p1 - 1)))
    N0[ell_N0] = 1.0 / (0.5 * curvp.real[0, 1 : Fisher_lib.N_2p1 - 1])
    N0[10:] = np.exp(np.interp(np.log(ell[10:]), np.log(ell[ell_N0]), np.log(N0[ell_N0])))

    pl.loglog(binner.bin_centers(), binner.bin_that(ell[nz], (Cl_raw * ell ** 4 / np.pi / 2.0)[nz]), label="Clraw")
        binner.bin_that(ell[nz], ((Cl_raw - number_of_sims * N0) * ell ** 4 / np.pi / 2.0)[nz]),
        label="Clraw - N0",

    pl.plot(np.arange(len(cl_pp)), cl_pp * np.arange(len(cl_pp)) ** 4 / np.pi / 2.0)
    nz0 = np.where(N0 > 0.0)
    pl.plot(ell[nz0], number_of_sims * (N0 * ell ** 4 / 2.0 / np.pi)[nz0], label="N0")
    pl.ylabel("$C_L L^2 (L+1)^2 /2 \pi$")
    pl.ylim(1e-10, 2e-7)

    pl.savefig(path_to_figs + "/reconstruction.pdf")


    print "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
Esempio n. 6
    def lens_map(self,map,use_Pool = 0):
        Lens the input map according to the displacement fields dx dy. 'map' typically would be (8192 * 8192) np array,
        or the path to the array on disk.

        Does this by splitting the job in chunks (of typically (256 * 256), as specified by the LD_res parameters)
        allowing a buffer size to ensure the junctions are properly performed.

        Set use_Pool to a power of two to use explicit threading via the multiprocessing module.
        'use_Pool' ** 2 is the number of threads. On laptop and Darwin use_Pool = 16 has the best performances.
        It use_Pool is set, then 'map' must be the path to the map to lens.

        if use_Pool > 0 :
            if not isinstance(map,str) :
                assert self.has_lib_dir(),"Specify lib. dir. if you want to use Pool."
       + '/temp_maptolens.npy',map)
            if not self.is_dxdy_ondisk() :
                assert self.has_lib_dir(),"Specify lib. dir. if you want to use Pool."
                print "lens_map::writing displacements on disk :"
                self.write_npy( self.lib_dir + '/temp_displ' + str(pbs.rank)) # this turns dx and dy to the paths
            path_to_map = map if isinstance(map,str) else self.lib_dir + '/temp_maptolens.npy'
            return lens_Pool.get_lens_Pooled(self.mk_args(path_to_map,self.dx,self.dy),root_Nthreads = use_Pool)

        assert map.shape == self.shape,map.shape
        s = self.chk_shape
        idc0,idc1 = np.indices(s) # Two (256 * 256) maps
        dx_gu = np.empty(s) # will dx displ. in grid units of each chunk (typ. (256 * 256) )
        dy_gu = np.empty(s) # will dy displ. in grid units of each chunk (typ. (256 * 256) )
        map_chk = np.empty(s) # Will be map chunk
        # (typ. (256 * 256) )
        lensed_map = np.empty(self.shape)
        spliter_lib = map_spliter.periodicmap_spliter() # library to split periodic maps.
        for i,N in utils.enumerate_progress(xrange(self.N_chks),label = 'ffs_displacement::lensing map'):
            # doing chunk N
            sLDs,sHDs = spliter_lib.get_slices_chk_N(N,self.LD_res,self.HD_res,self.buffers)
            for sLD,sHD in zip(sLDs,sHDs):
                # Displacements chunk in grid units, and map chunk to displace.
                dx_gu[sLD] =  self.get_dx()[sHD] / self.rmin[1]
                dy_gu[sLD] =  self.get_dy()[sHD] / self.rmin[0]
                map_chk[sLD] = map[sHD]
            lx = (idc1 + dx_gu).flatten() # No need to enforce periodicity here.
            ly = (idc0 + dy_gu).flatten() # No need to enforce periodicity here.
            sLDs,sHDs = spliter_lib.get_slices_chk_N(N,self.LD_res,self.HD_res,self.buffers,inverse = True)
            lensed_map[sHDs[0]] = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(np.arange(s[0]), np.arange(s[1]),
                                    map_chk, kx=self.k, ky=self.k).ev(ly, lx).reshape(self.chk_shape)[sLDs[0]]
        return lensed_map
Esempio n. 7
def Pool_generic(func,arg,root_Nthreads):
    assert len(arg) == 9,arg
    path_to_map,path_to_dx,path_to_dy,buff0,buff1,HD_res0,HD_res1,NR_iter,kspl = arg

    assert os.path.exists(path_to_dx) and os.path.exists(path_to_dy)
    assert IsPowerOfTwo(root_Nthreads)
    diff0,diff1 = Log2ofPowerof2( (root_Nthreads,root_Nthreads) )
    HD_shape = (2 ** HD_res0, 2** HD_res1)
    LD = (HD_res0 - diff0,HD_res1 - diff1)
    pool = setup_Pool()
    ret_list =,[[i,path_to_map,path_to_dx,path_to_dy,buff0,buff1,HD_res0,HD_res1,NR_iter,kspl,LD[0],LD[1]]
                                for i in range(root_Nthreads ** 2)])
    # Recombines from the lensed_chks :
    spliter_lib = periodicmap_spliter() # library to split periodic maps.
    ret = [] # one map for lens, two for inverse
    for i in range(len(ret_list[0])) :
        map = np.empty(HD_shape)
        for j,N in enumerate_progress(xrange(root_Nthreads ** 2),label = 'Pool_generic:patching chks together'):
            sLDs,sHDs = spliter_lib.get_slices_chk_N(N,LD,(HD_res0,HD_res1),(buff0,buff1),inverse=True)
            map[sHDs[0]] = ret_list[N][i][sLDs[0]]
    return ret
Esempio n. 8
def generate_sims(sim_lib, label=""):
    for i, idx in enumerate_progress(xrange(nsims), "test_suite::regenerating sims: " + label):
        sim = sim_lib.get_sim(idx)
Esempio n. 9
def plot_cls(parfile,type = 'len',mc_sims = None,Nbins = 100):
    Plots the sims cls in comparison to input cl_len.
    assert type in ['len','unl','pp','OO']
    par = imp.load_source('par',parfile)
    lib = {'len':par.lib_cmb_len,'unl':par.lib_cmb_unl,'pp':par.lib_pp,'OO':par.lib_OO}[type]
    if lib is None :
        print 'no such lib, returning'
    input_cl = {'len':par.cl_len,'unl':par.cl_unl,'pp':par.cl_pp,'OO':par.lib_OO}[type]
    if not os.path.exists(par.lib_dir + '/figs') : os.mkdir(par.lib_dir + '/figs')
    bins_l = np.int64(np.linspace(10.,3000,Nbins))
    bins_u = bins_l[1:] -1
    bins_l = bins_l[0:len(bins_l)-1]
    binner = utils.binner(bins_l,bins_u)
    stats_len = utils.stats(binner.Nbins())

    if mc_sims is None : mc_sims = np.arange(par.nsims)
    for i,idx in utils.enumerate_progress(mc_sims,label = 'test_cl::collecting cls'):
        sim_cl = par.lib_cmb_unl.map2cl(lib.get_sim(idx))
        ell = np.arange(len(sim_cl))
        if i == 0 :
            cl_unb  = sim_cl.copy()
            sig_unb = sim_cl.copy() ** 2
        else :
            cl_unb  += sim_cl
            sig_unb += sim_cl ** 2
    cl_unb  /= (i  + 1.)
    sig_unb /= (i  + 1.)
    sig_unb = np.sqrt(sig_unb  - cl_unb ** 2) # Unbinned sigmas.

    cl_input_binned = binner.bin_that(np.arange(len(par.cl_len)),input_cl)

    prefix = '' if not hasattr(par,'prefix') else par.prefix
    if not os.path.exists('./figs/' + prefix) :
        os.mkdir('./figs/' + prefix)

    pp = PdfPages('./figs/' + prefix+'/cl'+type +'_vs_input. Nb'+str(Nbins)+'.pdf')
    pl.figure('Cl ratios')
    pl.title('Binned cl vs input, ' +str(len(mc_sims)) + ' sims.')
    pl.plot(binner.bin_centers(),stats_len.mean()/cl_input_binned -1.,label = 'sim/input -1.,binned, res ' + str(par.HD_res))
    pl.hlines([-0.001,0.001],np.min(binner.bins_l),np.max(binner.bins_r),linestyles='--',color = 'grey')
    pl.legend(frameon = False)

    pl.figure('Unbinned Cl mean')
    pl.title('Unbinned Cl mean')
    counts = par.lib_cmb_unl.get_ellcounts()
    ell = np.arange(len(counts))
    nz = np.where(counts[0:len(input_cl)-1] > 0)
    pl.plot(ell[nz],cl_unb[nz]/input_cl[nz] -1.,label = 'cl sim / input -1 ')
    pl.plot(ell[nz],  np.sqrt(1./counts[nz]/len(mc_sims)),linestyle = '--',color = 'black',label = '$\sigma $ Gauss.')
    pl.plot(ell[nz], -np.sqrt(1./counts[nz]/len(mc_sims)),linestyle = '--',color = 'black')
    pl.plot(ell[nz],- np.sqrt(2./(2*ell[nz] + 1)/len(mc_sims)),linestyle = '--',color = 'black' )
    pl.plot(ell[nz],  np.sqrt(2./(2*ell[nz] + 1)/len(mc_sims)),linestyle = '--',color = 'black' )
    pl.hlines([0.],0.,max(ell[nz]),color = 'grey',linestyle = '--')

    pl.legend(frameon= False)

    pl.figure('Unbinned Cl variance')
    pl.title('Unbinned Cl variance')
    counts = par.lib_cmb_unl.get_ellcounts()
    ell = np.arange(len(counts))
    nz = np.where(counts[0:len(input_cl) - 1] > 0)
    pl.plot(ell[nz],sig_unb[nz]/np.sqrt(2 * input_cl[nz] ** 2 / (2 * ell[nz] + 1.)) -1.,label = 'sim sig./ Gauss sig -1. ')
    pl.plot(ell[nz],sig_unb[nz]/np.sqrt(input_cl[nz] ** 2 / counts[nz]) -1.,label = 'incl. discrtness')
    pl.hlines([0.],0.,max(ell[nz]),color = 'grey',linestyle = '--')
    pl.legend(frameon = False)
Esempio n. 10
par = imp.load_source('par',parfile)

if pbs.rank == 0 :
    print "++++ Setup ok."
    print "I see ",pbs.size," MPI proc."
    if os.getenv("OMP_NUM_THREADS") is not None :
        print "I see ",int(os.getenv("OMP_NUM_THREADS"))," OMP NUM THREADS"

def generate_sims(sim_lib, label=''):
    if pbs.rank  == 0 :
        for i, idx in enumerate_progress(np.arange(par.nsims)[::pbs.size], 'building sims:' + label):
            sim = sim_lib.get_sim(idx)
    else :
        for idx in np.arange(par.nsims)[pbs.rank::pbs.size] :
            sim = sim_lib.get_sim(idx)

# Generating lowest levels sims (in fact only storing the rng states) :
np.random.set_state(mk_session_seed(verbose = False))
for lib in par.base_libs:
    if lib is not None and not lib.is_full() : generate_sims(lib,label = lib.lib_dir)

# Performing lensing operations on sims :
if pbs.rank  == 0 :
    for i, idx in enumerate_progress(np.arange(par.nsims)[::pbs.size], 'lensing sims: '):
        sim = par.lib_cmb_len.get_sim(idx)
else :
    for idx in np.arange(par.nsims)[pbs.rank::pbs.size] :
        sim = par.lib_cmb_len.get_sim(idx)