def fix(db, sess, src, srcname, destname, domain, password, msgid, cmdtext, is_local): dom, text = db.prepare("select domain, text from addresses where id=$1").first(src) if dom != db.FTN_domains["node"]: raise FTNFail("not our domain") print(text) link_id, addr_id, myaddr_id = ftnaccess.check_link(db, text, password, True) if myaddr_id is None: reply=["wrong password"] elif link_id is None: reply=["unknown link"] elif not is_local: reply=["request delivered not directly, please consider changing the password"] else: reply=[] for cmd in map(str.strip, cmdtext.upper().strip().split("\n")): if cmd.startswith("---"): break elif len(cmd)==0: continue elif cmd.startswith("%PING"): reply.append("NOP: "+cmd) elif cmd.startswith("%QUERY"): for area in ftnexport.get_node_subscriptions(db, text, domain): reply.append(area) elif cmd.startswith("%HELP"): reply.append("Use following command:") reply.append(" %QUERY -- list of subscribed areas") reply.append(" %LIST -- list of all areas") reply.append(" +areaname -- subscribe, or:") reply.append(" areaname -- subscribe") reply.append(" -areaname -- unsubscribe") reply.append(" you can use ? to substitite any one character an area name") reply.append(" or * to substitude any number of any characters in area name") reply.append(" areaname must be UPPERCASE") reply.append(" %RESET area YYYY-MM-DD -- reset area to specified date") reply.append("") elif cmd.startswith("%LIST"): for area in ftnexport.get_all_targets(db, domain): reply.append(area) elif cmd.startswith("%AVAIL"): reply.append("Sorry not implemented: "+cmd) elif cmd.startswith("%PAUSE"): reply.append("Sorry not implemented: "+cmd) elif cmd.startswith("%RESET"): reply += reset(db, sess, text, domain, cmd[7:]) elif cmd.startswith("-"): reply += unsubscribe(db, sess, text, domain, cmd[1:]) elif cmd.startswith("+"): reply += subscribe(db, sess, text, domain, cmd[1:]) elif cmd.startswith("%"): reply.append("Unknown command: "+cmd) print(cmd) # 1/0 else: reply+=subscribe(db, sess, text, domain, cmd) reply.append("") sess.send_message(ftnconfig.get_taddr(db, myaddr_id), destname+" Robot", ("node", text), srcname, msgid, "report", "\n".join(reply), sendmode="direct") print(reply)
with ftnimport.session(db) as sess: fix(db, sess, src, sn, "AreaFix", "echo", h, mi, b, is_local) db.prepare("update messages set processed=1 where id=$1")(id_msg) for id_msg, src, _, sn, h, mi, b, is_local in fixes_f: with ftnimport.session(db) as sess: fix(db, sess, src, sn, "FileFix", "fileecho", h, mi, b, is_local) db.prepare("update messages set processed=1 where id=$1")(id_msg) exit() #for s in ftnexport.get_node_subscriptions(db, "2:5020/12000", "node"): # print(db.prepare("select a.domain, a.text from addresses a, subscriptions s where$1 and")(s)[0]) for sub_id, target_id, lastsent in ftnexport.get_node_subscriptions(db, ADDRESS, "node"): print(sub_id, ": mail directed to", db.prepare("select a.domain, a.text from addresses a, subscriptions s where$1 and").first(sub_id)) for id_msg, srcdom, srctext, msgid, header, body, recvfrom in ftnexport.get_messages(db, target_id, lastsent): print("*************"+str(id_msg)+"*"+msgid+"*****************") print("From:", header.find("sendername").text.encode("utf-8"), srcdom,srctext) print("To :", header.find("recipientname").text.encode("utf-8"), "node",ADDRESS) print("Date:", header.find("date").text.encode("utf-8")) print("Subj:", header.find("subject").text.encode("utf-8")) print(body.encode("utf-8")) # process # if fail abort # if ok update watermark update_subscription_watermark(db, localnetmailsubscription, id_msg)
sess.check_addr(domain, area) sess.add_subscription(True, domain, area, subscriber) if subscriber != ftnconfig.ADDRESS: sess.send_message(my_addr, ftnconfig.SYSOP, ("node", subscriber), robot, None, pw, "+"+area, sendmode="direct") else: print ("local subscription") elif cmd == "query": # send areafix request sess.send_message(my_addr, ftnconfig.SYSOP, ("node", subscriber), robot, None, pw, "%QUERY", sendmode="direct") elif cmd == "list": # send areafix request sess.send_message(my_addr, ftnconfig.SYSOP, ("node", subscriber), robot, None, pw, "%LIST", sendmode="direct") elif cmd == "show": # show subscribed areas if area==".": # show for link for x in ftnexport.get_node_subscriptions(db, subscriber, domain): print (x) else: # show from area tid = ftnconfig.get_addr_id(db, db.FTN_domains[domain], area) print (tid) for aid, vital, level in ftnexport.get_subscribers(db, tid): print (ftnconfig.get_addr(db, aid)) elif cmd == "showuplink": # show areas subsribed as vital if area==".": # show for link for x in ftnexport.get_node_subscriptions(db, subscriber, domain, asuplink=True): print (x) else: # show from area tid = ftnconfig.get_addr_id(db, db.FTN_domains[domain], area) print (tid) for x in ftnexport.get_subscribers(db, tid, True):
pw, "%QUERY", sendmode="direct") elif cmd == "list": # send areafix request sess.send_message(my_addr, ftnconfig.SYSOP, ("node", subscriber), robot, None, pw, "%LIST", sendmode="direct") elif cmd == "show": # show subscribed areas if area == ".": # show for link for x in ftnexport.get_node_subscriptions(db, subscriber, domain): print(x) else: # show from area tid = ftnconfig.get_addr_id(db, db.FTN_domains[domain], area) print(tid) for aid, vital, level in ftnexport.get_subscribers(db, tid): print(ftnconfig.get_addr(db, aid)) elif cmd == "showuplink": # show areas subsribed as vital if area == ".": # show for link for x in ftnexport.get_node_subscriptions(db, subscriber, domain, asuplink=True): print(x) else: # show from area
def fix(db, sess, src, srcname, destname, domain, password, msgid, cmdtext, is_local): dom, text = db.prepare( "select domain, text from addresses where id=$1").first(src) if dom != db.FTN_domains["node"]: raise FTNFail("not our domain") print("*fix for:", text) link_id, addr_id, myaddr_id = ftnaccess.check_link(db, text, password, True) if myaddr_id is None: reply = ["wrong password"] raise (Exception("cannot find my address to reply to *fix message")) elif link_id is None: reply = ["unknown link"] elif not is_local: reply = [ "request delivered not directly, please consider changing the password" ] else: reply = [] for cmd in map(str.strip, cmdtext.upper().strip().split("\n")): if cmd.startswith("---"): break elif len(cmd) == 0: continue elif cmd.startswith("%PING"): reply.append("NOP: " + cmd) elif cmd.startswith("%QUERY"): for area in ftnexport.get_node_subscriptions(db, text, domain): reply.append(area) elif cmd.startswith("%HELP"): reply.append("Use following command:") reply.append(" %QUERY -- list of subscribed areas") reply.append(" %LIST -- list of all areas") reply.append(" +areaname -- subscribe, or:") reply.append(" areaname -- subscribe") reply.append(" -areaname -- unsubscribe") reply.append( " you can use ? to substitite any one character an area name" ) reply.append( " or * to substitude any number of any characters in area name" ) reply.append(" areaname must be UPPERCASE") reply.append( " %RESET area YYYY-MM-DD -- reset area to specified date") reply.append("") elif cmd.startswith("%LIST"): for area in ftnexport.get_all_targets(db, domain): reply.append(area) elif cmd.startswith("%AVAIL"): reply.append("Sorry not implemented: " + cmd) elif cmd.startswith("%PAUSE"): reply.append("Sorry not implemented: " + cmd) elif cmd.startswith("%RESET"): reply += reset(db, sess, text, domain, cmd[7:]) elif cmd.startswith("-"): reply += unsubscribe(db, sess, text, domain, cmd[1:]) elif cmd.startswith("+"): reply += subscribe(db, sess, text, domain, cmd[1:]) elif cmd.startswith("%"): reply.append("Unknown command: " + cmd) print(cmd) # 1/0 else: reply += subscribe(db, sess, text, domain, cmd) reply.append("") print("*fix reply from:", myaddr_id, ftnconfig.get_taddr(db, myaddr_id)) sess.send_message(ftnconfig.get_taddr(db, myaddr_id), destname + " Robot", ("node", text), srcname, msgid, "report", "\n".join(reply), sendmode="direct") print(reply)
for id_msg, src, _, sn, h, mi, b, is_local in fixes_f: with ftnimport.session(db) as sess: print("fix:", sess, src, sn, "AreaFix", "echo", h, mi, b, is_local) try: fix(db, sess, src, sn, "FileFix", "fileecho", h, mi, b, is_local) db.prepare("update messages set processed=1 where id=$1")(id_msg) except Exception as e: print(e) continue exit() #for s in ftnexport.get_node_subscriptions(db, "2:5020/12000", "node"): # print(db.prepare("select a.domain, a.text from addresses a, subscriptions s where$1 and")(s)[0]) for sub_id, target_id, lastsent in ftnexport.get_node_subscriptions( db, ADDRESS, "node"): print( sub_id, ": mail directed to", db.prepare( "select a.domain, a.text from addresses a, subscriptions s where$1 and" ).first(sub_id)) for id_msg, srcdom, srctext, msgid, header, body, recvfrom in ftnexport.get_messages( db, target_id, lastsent): print("*************" + str(id_msg) + "*" + msgid + "*****************") print("From:", header.find("sendername").text.encode("utf-8"), srcdom, srctext) print("To :", header.find("recipientname").text.encode("utf-8"), "node", ADDRESS)