def muscle(self): """Do an alignment with muscle. Its all done in memory -- no files are written. An alignment object is returned. The order of the sequences in the new alignment is made to be the same as the order in self. """ flob = cStringIO.StringIO() self.writeFasta(fName=flob) p = Popen(["muscle"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) ret = p.communicate(input=flob.getvalue()) flob.close() try: a = func.readAndPop(ret[0]) except P4Error: print ret raise P4Error("Something didn't work ...") a.makeSequenceForNameDict() newSequenceList = [] for sSelf in self.sequences: newSequenceList.append(a.sequenceForNameDict[]) a.sequences = newSequenceList return a
def clustalo(self): """Do an alignment with clustalo. Its all done in memory -- no files are written. An alignment object is returned. The order of the sequences in the new alignment is made to be the same as the order in self. """ flob = cStringIO.StringIO() self.writeFasta(fName=flob) p = Popen(["clustalo", "-i", "-"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) ret = p.communicate(input=flob.getvalue()) # ret = p.communicate() if ret[1]: print ret raise P4Error("clustalo() Something wrong here ...") flob.close() a = func.readAndPop(ret[0]) a.makeSequenceForNameDict() newSequenceList = [] for sSelf in self.sequences: newSequenceList.append(a.sequenceForNameDict[]) a.sequences = newSequenceList return a
def clustalo(self): """Do an alignment with clustalo. Its all done in memory -- no files are written. An alignment object is returned. The order of the sequences in the new alignment is made to be the same as the order in self. """ flob = cStringIO.StringIO() self.writeFasta(fName=flob) p = Popen(["clustalo", "-i", "-"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) ret = p.communicate(input=flob.getvalue()) #ret = p.communicate() #print ret flob.close() a = func.readAndPop(ret[0]) a.makeSequenceForNameDict() newSequenceList = [] for sSelf in self.sequences: newSequenceList.append(a.sequenceForNameDict[]) a.sequences = newSequenceList return a