Esempio n. 1
def test_sequence_type():
    tc = gc_scope_top_level()
    s_value = crep.cpp_value('0.0', tc, ctyp.terminal('int', False))
    i_value = crep.cpp_value('1.0', tc, ctyp.terminal('object', False))

    seq = crep.cpp_sequence(s_value, i_value, tc)
    seq_array = crep.cpp_sequence(seq, i_value, tc)

    assert seq_array.sequence_value().cpp_type().type == 'std::vector<int>'
Esempio n. 2
    def call_Where(self, node: ast.AST, args: List[ast.AST]):
        'Apply a filtering to the current loop.'

        assert len(args) == 2
        source = args[0]
        filter = args[1]
        assert isinstance(filter, ast.Lambda)

        # Make sure we are in a loop
        seq = self.as_sequence(source)

        # Simulate the filtering call - we want the resulting value to test.
        filter = lambda_unwrap(filter)
        c = ast.Call(func=filter, args=[seq.sequence_value().as_ast()])
        rep = self.get_rep(c)

        # Create an if statement

        # Ok - new sequence. This the same as the old sequence, only the sequence value is updated.
        # Protect against sequence of sequences (LOVE type checkers, which caught this as a possibility)
        w_val = seq.sequence_value()
        if isinstance(w_val, crep.cpp_sequence):
            raise Exception("Error: A Where clause must evaluate to a value, not a sequence")
        new_sequence_var = w_val.copy_with_new_scope(self._gc.current_scope())
        node.rep = crep.cpp_sequence(new_sequence_var, seq.iterator_value(), self._gc.current_scope())  # type: ignore

        self._result = node.rep  # type: ignore
    def write_cpp_files(self, ast: ast.AST,
                        output_path: Path) -> xAODExecutionInfo:
        Given the AST generate the C++ files that need to run. Return them along with
        the input files.

        # Find the base file dataset and mark it.
        from func_adl import find_EventDataset
        file = find_EventDataset(ast)
        iterator = crep.cpp_variable("bogus-do-not-use",
        file.rep = crep.cpp_sequence(iterator, iterator,
                                     top_level_scope())  # type: ignore

        # Visit the AST to generate the code structure and find out what the
        # result is going to be.
        qv = query_ast_visitor()
        result_rep = qv.get_rep(ast) if _is_format_request(ast) \
            else qv.get_as_ROOT(ast)

        # Emit the C++ code into our dictionaries to be used in template generation below.
        query_code = _cpp_source_emitter()
        book_code = _cpp_source_emitter()
        class_dec_code = qv.class_declaration_code()
        includes = qv.include_files()

        # The replacement dict to pass to the template generator can now be filled
        info = {}
        info['query_code'] = query_code.lines_of_query_code()
        info['book_code'] = book_code.lines_of_query_code()
        info['class_dec'] = class_dec_code
        info['include_files'] = includes

        # We use jinja2 templates. Write out everything.
        template_dir = _find_dir("func_adl_xAOD/R21Code")
        j2_env = jinja2.Environment(
        self._copy_template_file(j2_env, info, '',
        self._copy_template_file(j2_env, info, 'package_CMakeLists.txt',
        self._copy_template_file(j2_env, info, 'query.cxx', output_path)
        self._copy_template_file(j2_env, info, 'query.h', output_path)
        self._copy_template_file(j2_env, info, '', output_path)

        (output_path / '').chmod(0o755)

        # Build the return object.
        return xAODExecutionInfo(result_rep, output_path, '', [
            '', 'package_CMakeLists.txt', 'query.cxx',
            'query.h', ''
def test_as_root_as_single_column():
    q = query_ast_visitor()
    node = ast.parse('1/1')
    value_obj = crep.cpp_value('i', gc_scope_top_level(), ctyp.terminal('int'))
    sequence = crep.cpp_sequence(
        crep.cpp_value('i', gc_scope_top_level(), ctyp.terminal('int')),
    node.rep = sequence  # type: ignore
    as_root = q.get_as_ROOT(node)

    assert isinstance(as_root, rh.cpp_ttree_rep)
Esempio n. 5
    def make_sequence_from_collection(self, rep):
        Take a collection and produce a sequence. Eventually this should likely be some sort of
        plug-in architecture. But for now, we will just assume everything looks like a vector. When
        it comes time for a new type, this is where it should go.
        element_type = rep.cpp_type().element_type()
        iterator_value = crep.cpp_value(unique_name("i_obj"), None, element_type)  # type: ignore
        l_statement = statement.loop(iterator_value, crep.dereference_var(rep))  # type: ignore

        # For a new sequence like this the sequence and iterator value are the same
        return crep.cpp_sequence(iterator_value, iterator_value, self._gc.current_scope())
def test_as_root_as_dict():
    q = query_ast_visitor()
    node = ast.parse('1/1')
    dict_obj = crep.cpp_dict(
            crep.cpp_value('i', gc_scope_top_level(), ctyp.terminal('int'))
        }, gc_scope_top_level())
    sequence = crep.cpp_sequence(
        dict_obj,  # type: ignore
        crep.cpp_value('i', gc_scope_top_level(), ctyp.terminal('int')),
    node.rep = sequence  # type: ignore
    as_root = q.get_as_ROOT(node)

    assert isinstance(as_root, rh.cpp_ttree_rep)
Esempio n. 7
async def exe_from_qastle(q: str):
    'Dummy executor that will return the ast properly rendered. If qastle_roundtrip is true, then we will round trip the ast via qastle first.'
    # Round trip qastle if requested.
    import qastle
    a = qastle.text_ast_to_python_ast(q).body[0].value

    # Setup the rep for this filter
    from func_adl import find_EventDataset
    file = find_EventDataset(a)
    iterator = cpp_variable("bogus-do-not-use",
    file.rep = cpp_sequence(iterator, iterator,
                            top_level_scope())  # type: ignore

    # Use the dummy executor to process this, and return it.
    exe = dummy_executor()
    return exe
Esempio n. 8
    def call_Select(self, node: ast.Call, args: List[ast.arg]):
        'Transform the iterable from one form to another'

        assert len(args) == 2
        source = args[0]
        selection = cast(ast.Lambda, args[1])

        # Make sure we are in a loop
        seq = self.as_sequence(source)

        # Simulate this as a "call"
        selection = lambda_unwrap(selection)
        c = ast.Call(func=selection, args=[seq.sequence_value().as_ast()])
        new_sequence_value = self.get_rep(c)

        # We need to build a new sequence.
        rep = crep.cpp_sequence(new_sequence_value, seq.iterator_value(), self._gc.current_scope())

        node.rep = rep  # type: ignore
        self._result = rep
        return rep
Esempio n. 9
    async def execute_result_async(self, a: ast.AST) -> Any:
        'Dummy executor that will return the ast properly rendered. If qastle_roundtrip is true, then we will round trip the ast via qastle first.'
        # Round trip qastle if requested.
        if self._q_roundtrip:
            import qastle
            print(f'before: {ast.dump(a)}')
            a_text = qastle.python_ast_to_text_ast(a)
            a = qastle.text_ast_to_python_ast(a_text).body[0].value
            print(f'after: {ast.dump(a)}')

        # Setup the rep for this dataset
        from func_adl import find_EventDataset
        file = find_EventDataset(a)
        iterator = cpp_variable("bogus-do-not-use",
        file.rep = cpp_sequence(iterator, iterator,
                                top_level_scope())  # type: ignore

        # Use the dummy executor to process this, and return it.
        exe = dummy_executor()
        rnr = atlas_xaod_executor()
        return exe
Esempio n. 10
    def get_as_ROOT(self, node: ast.AST) -> rh.cpp_ttree_rep:
        '''For a given node, return a root ttree rep.

        This is used to make sure whatever the sequence is, that it returns a RootTTree. Use this
        when the user may not have explicitly requested an output format. For example, if they end
        with a tuple or a dict request, but not a AsAwkwardArray or similar.

        1. If the top level ast node already requests an ROOTTTree, the representation is returned.
        1. If the node is a sequence of `cpp_values`, then a single column tree is created.
        1. If the node is a sequence of dict's, a ttree is created that uses the dictionary
           key's as column names.
        1. Anything else causes an exception to be raised.

            node (ast.AST): Top level `func_adl` expression that is to be renered as a ROOT file.

            rh.cpp_ttree_rep: The resulting node that will generate a root file.

            ValueError: If we end with something other than above, we raise `ValueError` to
                        indicate that we can't figure out how to convert something into a ROOT
        r = self.get_rep(node)
        if isinstance(r, rh.cpp_ttree_rep):
            return r

        # If this isn't a sequence, then we are totally blown here.
        if not isinstance(r, crep.cpp_sequence):
            raise ValueError(f'Do not know how to convert {r} into a ROOT file')

        # If this is a dict, then pull out each item and re-assemble into a tuple
        # which we can feed to the root guy.
        values = r.sequence_value()
        if isinstance(values, crep.cpp_dict):
            values = cast(crep.cpp_dict, values)
            col_values = values.value_dict.values()
            col_names = ast.List(elts=list(values.value_dict.keys()))
            s_tuple = crep.cpp_tuple(tuple(col_values), values.scope())
            tuple_sequence = crep.cpp_sequence(s_tuple, r.iterator_value(), r.scope())  # type: ignore
            ast_dummy_source = ast.Constant(value=1)
            ast_dummy_source.rep = tuple_sequence  # type: ignore
            ast_ttree = function_call('ResultTTree',
                                       ast.parse('"xaod_tree"').body[0].value,  # type: ignore
                                       ast.parse('"xaod_output"').body[0].value])  # type: ignore
            result = self.get_rep(ast_ttree)
            assert isinstance(result, rh.cpp_ttree_rep)
            return result
        if isinstance(values, crep.cpp_tuple):
            col_names = ast.List(elts=[ast.parse(f"'col{i}'").body[0].value for i, _ in enumerate(values.values())])  # type: ignore
            ast_ttree = function_call('ResultTTree',
                                       ast.parse('"xaod_tree"').body[0].value,  # type: ignore
                                       ast.parse('"xaod_output"').body[0].value])  # type: ignore
            result = self.get_rep(ast_ttree)
            assert isinstance(result, rh.cpp_ttree_rep)
            return result
        elif isinstance(values, crep.cpp_value) or isinstance(values, crep.cpp_sequence):
            ast_ttree = function_call('ResultTTree',
                                       ast.parse('"col1"').body[0].value,  # type: ignore
                                       ast.parse('"xaod_tree"').body[0].value,  # type: ignore
                                       ast.parse('"xaod_output"').body[0].value])  # type: ignore
            result = self.get_rep(ast_ttree)
            assert isinstance(result, rh.cpp_ttree_rep)
            return result
            raise ValueError(f'Do not know how to convert a sequence of {r.sequence_value()} into a ROOT file.')

        raise NotImplementedError()