Esempio n. 1
def get_topbooks(data,user):
    topbooks = []
    top3match = []
    profiles = function2.get_by_gender_age(data,user)#Getting the user age and gender
    user_bookinlist = ' '.join(user["books"])#user will join the books together eg.("human philosophy")
    user_temporary = user_bookinlist.split(' ')#matching person's will split the books  eg. ("human","philosophy")
    for i in range (len(profiles)): # making use of function 2,all the people by gender and by age 
        bookcounter = 0 # to get the counter to be reset for every person
        matchingpersons_string = ' '.join(profiles[i]["books"])#matching person's will join the books together eg. ("human philosophy")
        matchingpersonslist = matchingpersons_string.split(' ')#matching person's will split the books  eg. ("human","philosophy")
        for book in user_temporary: # loop my user books which is in the form of ("human","philosophy")
            if book in matchingpersonslist:#to check if the word "human" is in the matchingpersonlist
              bookcounter+= 1 #if the book is found in the list counter +1

        if bookcounter > 0 :
          profiles[i]["bookcounter"] = bookcounter#key and values for my profile dictionary

    sortedlistvalues = sorted(topbooks,key=lambda x:x["bookcounter"]) ##using list then first x is the def(x)second x is the index of counter
    if len(topbooks) > 3 : # if result is bigger than 3, return top 3
      return sortedlistvalues[-3:]
      return sortedlistvalues 
Esempio n. 2
def get_by_likes_dislikes(data, user):
    profiles = function2.get_by_gender_age(data, user)
    topMatches = []

    #loop through all profiles
    for i in range(len(profiles)):
        likesCounter, dislikesCounter, total = 0,0,0

        #loop through all user's likes
        for like in user["likes"]:
            #if what user like, the matching also like
            if like in profiles[i]["likes"]:
                likesCounter += 1
                total += 1

            #if what user like, the matching doesn't like
            elif like in profiles[i]["dislikes"]:
                likesCounter -= 1
                total -= 1

        #loop through all user's dislikes
        for dislike in user["dislikes"]:
            #if what user dislike, the matching also dislike
            if dislike in profiles[i]["dislikes"]:
                dislikesCounter += 1
                total += 1

            #if what user dislike, the matching person like
            elif dislike in profiles[i]["likes"]:
                dislikesCounter -=1
                total -= 1

        #if total counter is bigger than 0
        #update the profile with the total, likes and dislikes counter
        #append profile (dictionary) into top possible matches
        if total > 0 :
            profiles[i]["likesCounter"] = likesCounter
            profiles[i]["dislikesCounter"] = dislikesCounter
            profiles[i]["total"] = total

    #sort result (list) by dictionaary key 'total' in ascending order    
    result = sorted(topMatches, key=lambda x: x['total'])

    #if result is more than 3, return last 3 which is the top 3
    if len(result) > 3:
        return result[-3:]

    #if result is lesser than 3, return all
        return result
Esempio n. 3
def get_by_country(data, user):
    """ getting profiles based on country """
    result = []

    #making use of funtion2 function
    #loop through the list of profiles
    for profile in f2.get_by_gender_age(data, user):

        #if user acceptable country is not empty
        if len(user["acceptable_country"]) > 0:
            #if profile's country is in user acceptable country list
            #append profile (dictionary) into result
            if profile["country"] in user["acceptable_country"]:

    return result