def main(): """Schedule and run strategy.""" url, port, plantID, devID, ts_url, ts_port = functions.read_file(FILE) thread1 = SchedulingThread(1, "thread1") thread1.start() while True: url, port, plantID, devID, ts_url, ts_port = functions.read_file(FILE) string = ("http://" + url + ":" + port + "/info/" + plantID) data = json.loads(requests.get(string).text) hours = data["hours"] env = data["environment"] global TIME_LIST for h in hours: t = h["time"] delayed_hour = functions.delay_h(t, -300) entry = { "hour": t, "schedule_time": delayed_hour, # "schedule_time": "15:43", "env": env } TIME_LIST.append(entry) # Fill timetable. print("Rain check at: %s - %s" % (delayed_hour, plantID)) time.sleep(86400) # One day TIME_LIST = [] # Reset timetable
def main(): """Start all threads.""" url, port, plantID, devID, ts_url, ts_port = functions.read_file(FILE) thread1 = SchedulingThread(1, "thread1") thread1.start() while True: url, port, plantID, devID, ts_url, ts_port = functions.read_file(FILE) string = ("http://" + url + ":" + port + "/info/" + plantID) data = json.loads(requests.get(string).text) hours = data["hours"] global TIME_LIST for h in hours: t = h["time"] s_t = h["time"] entry = { "hour": t, "schedule_time": s_t, "plantID": plantID, "devID": devID } TIME_LIST.append(entry) print("Schedule: %s - %s" % (t, plantID)) time.sleep(86400) TIME_LIST = []
def main(): config = {} execfile("./ignore_files/project.conf", config) # print config["value1"] my_file = "/Users/bethnakamura/Projects/html_data_scraper/ignore_files/ge-sr-software-capabilty.txt" print functions.read_file(my_file) print "Main function ran"
def test_write_file(self): from os import remove empty_string = "" text = "123\n456\n" file_path = AuxiliaryTestMethods.create_temp_text_file(empty_string) self.assertEqual(functions.read_file(file_path), empty_string) self.assertNotEqual(functions.read_file(file_path), text) functions.write_file(file_path, text) self.assertEqual(functions.read_file(file_path), text) remove(file_path)
def test_save_file_should_create_a_students_file_with_one_name_given_a_single_student_name( ): # arrange # act functions.save_file("Kevin") functions.read_file() # assert assert len(functions.students) == 1 assert functions.students[0]["student_name"] == "Kevin\n"
def test_read_file(self): from sys import argv from os import remove text1 = functions.read_file(argv[0]) text2 = functions.read_file(argv[0]) self.assertEqual(text1, text2) self.assertTrue("def test_read_file(self):" in text1) string = "123\n456\n" file_path = AuxiliaryTestMethods.create_temp_text_file(string) text3 = functions.read_file(file_path) self.assertNotEqual(text1, text3) self.assertEqual(text3, string) remove(file_path)
def _setup_for_new_branch(commit): """Create working files and rewrite index for the current branch.""" new_content_index = '' content_snap = read_file(lgit_path + '/.lgit/snapshots/%s' % commit).split('\n') for line_snap in content_snap: content = read_file(lgit_path + '/.lgit/objects/%s/%s' % (line_snap[:2], line_snap[2:40])) file_name = content_snap[41:] _create_working_files(file_name, content) timestamp = format_mtime(file_name) new_content_index += (timestamp + (' ' + line_snap[:40]) * 3 + ' ' + file_name + '\n') write_file(lgit_path + '/.lgit/index', new_content_index)
def print_hi(name): option = int( input( "Introdueix què vols fer amb el fitxer: 1)Crear 2)Mostrar contingut 3)modificar contingut 4)sortir" )) if option == 1: fc.create_file_content() elif option == 2: fc.read_file() elif option == 3: fc.append_text() elif option == 4: print("Has sortit del programa")
def main(): arguments = sys.argv if arguments[1] == "--read": functions.read_file(arguments[2]) elif arguments[1] == "--write": functions.write_file(arguments[2]) elif arguments[1] == "--append": functions.append_file(arguments[2]) elif arguments[1] == "--read-remote": functions.read_remote_file() elif arguments[1] == "--help": print( "To read a file use --read followed by a file name, to read a file on a remote server use --read-remote, to write a new file use --write followed by a file name, and to edit a file already exisiting use --append followed by the file name." )
def signUp(): name = request.json['name'] email = request.json['email'] password = request.json['password'] users = read_file() userFound = False idx = 1 if users: for user in users: if user['email'] == email: userFound = True break idx = users[-1]['id'] if userFound: return json.dumps({'message': 'User already exists!!!', 'error': True}) else: salt = generate_salt() password_hash = generate_hash(password, salt) users.append({ 'id': idx, 'name': name, 'email': email, 'salt': salt, 'password_hash': password_hash }) write_file(users) return json.dumps({ 'message': 'User created Successfully!!!', 'error': False })
def login(): email = request.json['email'] password = request.json['password'] userFound = False users = read_file() idx = 0 for i, user in enumerate(users): if user['email'] == email: userFound = True idx = i break if not userFound: return json.dumps({ 'message': "User does not exists!!!", 'error': True }) else: salt = users[idx]['salt'] password_hash = generate_hash(password, salt) if password_hash == users[idx]['password_hash']: return json.dumps({ 'message': 'User login Successful!!!', 'error': False }) else: return json.dumps({ 'message': 'Wrong Password Entered!!!', 'error': True })
def show_main_page(): st.title('Задача про покриття множини') input_type ='Оберіть вид вводу даних', ('Завантаження даних з файлу', 'Генерація даних')) if input_type == 'Завантаження даних з файлу': file = st.file_uploader('Завантажте файл:') candidates = read_file(file) elif input_type == 'Генерація даних': st.subheader('Оберіть параметри') num_of_candidates = st.slider('Кількість кандидатів:', 2, 100, 10) num_of_groups = st.slider('Кількість груп:', 1, 10, 5) subgroups = [3]*num_of_groups st.subheader('Оберіть кількість підгруп в кожній групі') for group in range(num_of_groups): subgroups[group] = st.slider(f'Кількість підгруп в групі {group+1}', 2, 6, 3) candidates = get_data(num_of_candidates, subgroups) if isinstance(candidates, bool): st.header('Перевірте обрані параметри, будь ласка') else: if st.button('Показати дані'): st.dataframe(pd.DataFrame(candidates)) algorithms = st.multiselect('Оберіть алгоритм', ('Жадібний алгоритм #1','Жадібний алгоритм #2','Жадібний алгоритм #3','Генетичний алгоритм #1','Генетичний алгоритм #2')) if 'Генетичний алгоритм #1' in algorithms or 'Генетичний алгоритм #2' in algorithms: st.subheader('Оберіть параметри для генетичного алгоритму') population_size = st.slider('Розмір популяції:', 0, 100, 10) alpha = st.slider('Альфа:', 0.0, 1.0, 0.5) iter_num = st.slider('Кількість ітерацій:', 1, 100, 20) if st.button('Розв\'язати задачу!'): st.header('Відповідь') for algorithm in algorithms: args = [candidates] if algorithm == 'Жадібний алгоритм #1': fn = first_greedy_algorithm args.append([0]) elif algorithm == 'Жадібний алгоритм #2': fn = second_greedy_algorithm elif algorithm == 'Жадібний алгоритм #3': fn = third_greedy_algorithm elif algorithm == 'Генетичний алгоритм #1' or algorithm == 'Генетичний алгоритм #2': args.append(population_size) args.append(alpha) args.append(iter_num) if algorithm == 'Генетичний алгоритм #1': fn = first_genetic_algorithm else: fn = second_genetic_algorithm result = fn(*args) st.subheader(f'Метод розв\'язання - {algorithm}') st.write(f'Значення цільової функції: {len(result)}') st.write(f'Комітет складається з наступних кандидатів: {str(result)}') st.altair_chart(create_chart(candidates, result), use_container_width=True)
def _display_commit(file): """Display each commit.""" content = read_file(lgit_path + '/.lgit/commits/%s' % file).split('\n') print('commit ' + file) print('Author: ' + content[0]) print('Date: ' + get_readable_date(file), end='\n\n') print(' %s\n' % content[3])
def get_result(env, hour): """Get data from ThingSpeak adaptor and decide. Get the last entries on rain field and decides if it is necessary or not to irrigate. """ url, port, plantID, devID, ts_url, ts_port = functions.read_file(FILE) resource = "rain" time = "minutes" tval = str(5 * 60) # Check if it has rained in previous hours string = ("http://" + ts_url + ":" + ts_port + "/data/" + plantID + "/" + resource + "?time=" + time + "&tval=" + tval + "&plantID=" + plantID + "&devID=" + devID) print(string) data = json.loads(requests.get(string).text) data = data["data"] # Rain strategy. if data != []: m = np.mean(data) if m >= 0.6: # Rain for at least 60% of the time duration = -900000 # Do not irrigate elif (m >= 0.4) and (m < 0.6): # Rain from 40-60% of the time duration = -200 # Remove 200 seconds else: # Almost no rain duration = None # No modifications if duration is not None: functions.post_mod(plantID, hour, duration, 0, url, port)
def add_new_story(): ''' Writes the new story to the file, based on the user inputs. ''' if functions.valid_value( request.form['business_value']) and functions.valid_time( request.form['estimation_time']): with open('result.txt', 'a') as file: file.write( str(int(functions.read_file('result.txt')[-1][0]) + 1) + ',') file.write( str(functions.convert_string(request.form['story_title'])) + ',') file.write( str(functions.convert_string(request.form['user_story'])) + ',') file.write( str( functions.convert_string( request.form['acceptance_criteria'])) + ',') file.write(str(int(request.form['business_value'])) + ',') file.write( str(functions.correct_time(request.form['estimation_time'])) + ',') file.write(str(request.form['status']) + '\n') return redirect('/list') else: return render_template('error.html')
def upload_file(): print("Uploading CSV... ") error = '' # os.remove('') try: if request.method == 'POST': f = request.files['file'] df = read_file(f.filename) df_out = model_run(df) print("Out from model_run") #df.to_csv('',sep=',',index=False) #os.remove(f.filename) #return render_template("view.html",tables=[df1.to_html()], titles = ['Predicted O/P']) return render_template( "formout.html", tables=[df, df_out], titles=['Inputs Given', 'O/p Predicted by different Models']) #return render_template("view.html",name='Predicted O/P', tables=[df_summ.to_html(),df1.to_html()], titles = ['Error Metrics','Predicted O/P']) #jsonfiles = json.loads(df.head().to_json(orient='records')) #return render_template('view.html', ctrsuccess=jsonfiles) #tables=[df.to_html(classes='dataframe')], titles = ['na', 'Predicted O/P']) #flash("File uploaded") error = "File Not uploaded" return render_template("dashboard.html", error=error) except Exception as e: #flash(e) print(e) return render_template("dashboard.html", error=error)
def modify_story(story_id): ''' Saves the changes to the file, based on the user inputs. ''' if functions.valid_value( request.form['business_value']) and functions.valid_time( request.form['estimation_time']): story_list = functions.read_file('result.txt') for story in story_list: if int(story[0]) == int(story_id): story[1] = str( functions.convert_string(request.form['story_title'])) story[2] = str( functions.convert_string(request.form['user_story'])) story[3] = str( functions.convert_string( request.form['acceptance_criteria'])) story[4] = str(int(request.form['business_value'])) story[5] = str( functions.correct_time(request.form['estimation_time'])) story[6] = str(request.form['status']) break functions.write_file('result.txt', story_list) return redirect('/list') else: return render_template('error.html')
def models(model): try: models = functions.read_file('models/model_list.json', json_format=True)['models'] filepath = 'models/{modelname}.json'.format( modelname=models[model.lower()]['modelName']) model = functions.read_file(filepath, json_format=True) model = functions.build_full_model(model) example = functions.build_example_json(model) return functions.render_view( 'model.html', { 'model': model, 'example': json.dumps(example, indent=4, sort_keys=True) }) except: return "404"
def get_result(env, hour): """Get data from ThingSpeak adaptor and decide. Get the last entries on humidity field and decides if it is necessary or not to modify duration of irrigation. """ url, port, plantID, devID, ts_url, ts_port = functions.read_file(FILE) resource = "humidity" time = "minutes" tval = str(5 * 60) # Check humidity trending in previous hours string = ("http://" + ts_url + ":" + ts_port + "/data/" + plantID + "/" + resource + "?time=" + time + "&tval=" + tval + "&plantID=" + plantID + "&devID=" + devID) print(string) data = json.loads(requests.get(string).text) data = data["data"] # Humidity strategy. if data != []: m = np.mean(data) diff = np.abs(env["humidity"] - m) duration = 100 * np.arctan(0.05 * diff) # Add 300 seconds. duration = round(duration) else: duration = None if duration is not None: functions.post_mod(plantID, hour, duration, 0, url, port)
def get_result(env, hour, type): """Get data from ThingSpeak adaptor and decide. Get the last entries on light field and decides if it is necessary or not to modify duration of irrigation. """ url, port, plantID, devID, ts_url, ts_port = functions.read_file(FILE) resource = "light" time = "minutes" tval = str(2 * 60) # Check light trending in previous hours string = ("http://" + ts_url + ":" + ts_port + "/data/" + plantID + "/" + resource + "?time=" + time + "&tval=" + tval + "&plantID=" + plantID + "&devID=" + devID) print(string) data = json.loads(requests.get(string).text) data = data["data"] # Light strategy. delay = 0 if data != []: m = np.mean(data) print("Resistance: %d" % m) if type == 'evening': print("Checking evening light condition...") if (m >= 140) and (m < 160): # Very dark delay = -1800 # Anticipation of 30 minutes elif (m >= 110) and (m < 140): # Dark delay = -900 # Anticipation of 15 minutes elif (m >= 90 and m < 110): # Ideal delay = 0 # Ideal time, no delay elif (m >= 70 and m < 90): # Bright delay = 1800 # Posticipation of 30 minutes elif (m < 70): # Very bright delay = 3600 # Posticipation of 60 minutes elif type == 'morning': print("Checking morning light condition...") if (m >= 140) and (m < 160): # Very dark delay = 3600 # Posticipation of 60 minutes elif (m >= 110) and (m < 140): # Dark delay = 1800 # Posticipation of 30 minutes elif (m >= 90 and m < 110): # Ideal delay = 0 # Ideal time, no delay elif (m >= 70 and m < 90): # Bright delay = -900 # Anticipation of 15 minutes elif (m < 70): # Very bright delay = -1800 # Anticipation of 30 minutes if delay != 0: functions.post_mod(plantID, hour, 0, delay, url, port)
def list_lgit_files(args, lgit_path): """Show information about files in the index and the working tree.""" content_index = read_file(lgit_path + '/.lgit/index').split('\n') list_files = [] for line in content_index: list_files.append(line[138:]) for file in sorted(list_files): if file != '': print(file)
def get_result(env, hour): """Get data from ThingSpeak adaptor and decide. Get the last entries on wind field and decides if it is necessary or not to modify duration of irrigation. """ url, port, plantID, devID, ts_url, ts_port = functions.read_file(FILE) resource = "wind" time = "minutes" # Check wind trending in previous minutes (short term). tval = str(10) string = ("http://" + ts_url + ":" + ts_port + "/data/" + plantID + "/" + resource + "?time=" + time + "&tval=" + tval + "&plantID=" + plantID + "&devID=" + devID) print(string) data = json.loads(requests.get(string).text) data_short = data["data"] # Check wind trending in previous hours (long term). tval = str(10 * 60) string = ("http://" + ts_url + ":" + ts_port + "/data/" + plantID + "/" + resource + "?time=" + time + "&tval=" + tval + "&plantID=" + plantID + "&devID=" + devID) print(string) data = json.loads(requests.get(string).text) data_long = data["data"] # Wind strategy. val1 = 0 val2 = 0 # During an extended period of time. if data_long != []: m2 = np.mean(data_long) if (m2 >= 3) and (m2 <= 10): # Light wind val2 = 60 # Augment duration by 60 seconds elif m2 > 10: # Strong wind val2 = 120 # Augment duration by 120 seconds else: # No wind val2 = 0 # No modification # In real time. if data_short != []: m1 = np.mean(data_short) if (m1 >= 3) and (m1 <= 10): # Light wind val1 = 90 # Augment duration by 90 seconds elif m1 > 10: # Strong wind val1 = 150 # Augment duration by 150 seconds else: # No wind val1 = 0 # No modification duration = val1 + val2 if duration is not None: functions.post_mod(plantID, hour, duration, 0, url, port)
def content_handler(view='index'): view = view.lower() if view in constants.content_items: try: filepath = 'content/{view}.md'.format(view=view) view_contents = functions.read_file(filepath, json_format=False) title = view_contents.split('---')[0] content = Markup(markdown.markdown(view_contents.split('---')[1])) except: filepath = 'content/{view}.html'.format(view=view) view_contents = functions.read_file(filepath, json_format=False) title = view_contents.split('---')[0] content = view_contents.split('---')[1] return functions.render_view('content.html', { 'title': title, 'content': content }) else: return "404"
def delete_story(story_id): ''' Deletes the chosen story from the file. ''' story_list = functions.read_file('result.txt') for story in story_list: if int(story[0]) == int(story_id): story_list.remove(story) functions.write_file('result.txt', story_list) return redirect('/list')
def main(): try: functions.read_file(sys.argv[1]) functions.get_app_num_pub_filing_date() if data.values[0] and data.values[1] != "": # to check if the page is a patent or not functions.get_title() functions.get_abstract() functions.get_name_of_applicant() functions.get_name_of_inventor() functions.get_int_class_priorty_doc_num() functions.get_int_app_pub_num() functions.print_data() else: print "Not a patent" except: print "Error in extracting"
def show_story(story_id): ''' Redirects to a page where the user can change the elements of the chosen story. ''' story_list = functions.restore_comma(functions.read_file('result.txt')) selected_story = '' for story in story_list: if int(story[0]) == int(story_id): selected_story = story break return render_template('form.html', story=selected_story, story_id=story_id)
def main(nqubits, instance, T, chainstrength, numruns, greedy, inspect): """ Args: nqubits (int): number of qubits for the file that contains the information of an Exact Cover instance. instance (int): intance used for the desired number of qubits. T (float): Returns: """ control, solution, clauses = functions.read_file(nqubits, instance) nqubits = int(control[0]) times = functions.times(nqubits, clauses) sh, smap = functions.h_problem(nqubits, clauses) Q, constant = functions.symbolic_to_dwave(sh, smap) model = dimod.BinaryQuadraticModel.from_qubo(Q, offset = 0.0) if not chainstrength: chainstrength = dwave.embedding.chain_strength.uniform_torque_compensation(model) print(f'Automatic chain strength: {chainstrength}\n') else: print(f'Chosen chain strength: {chainstrength}\n') if solution: print(f'Target solution that solves the problem: {" ".join(solution)}\n') sampler = EmbeddingComposite(DWaveSampler()) if greedy: solver_greedy = SteepestDescentSolver() sampleset = sampler.sample(model, chain_strength=chainstrength, num_reads=numruns, annealing_time=T, answer_mode='raw') response = solver_greedy.sample(model, initial_states=sampleset) else: response = sampler.sample(model, chain_strength=chainstrength, num_reads=numruns, annealing_time=T, answer_mode='histogram') best_sample = response.record.sample[0] best_energy =[0] print(f'Best result found: {best_sample}\n') print(f'With energy: {best_energy+constant}\n') good_samples = response.record.sample[:min(len(response.record.sample), nqubits)] good_energies =[:min(len(, nqubits)] print(f'The best {len(good_samples)} samples found in the evolution are:\n') for i in range(len(good_samples)): print(f'Sample: {good_samples[i]} with energy: {good_energies[i]+constant}\n') if inspect:
def models_home(): filepath = 'models/model_list.json' model_list = functions.read_file(filepath, json_format=True) models = model_list['models_order'] event_core = model_list['event_core'] event_elements = model_list['event_elements'] event_booking = model_list['event_booking'] return functions.render_view( 'models.html', { 'models': models, 'event_core': event_core, 'event_elements': event_elements, 'event_booking': event_booking })
def _create_commit_object(message): """Create the commit object when commit the changes.""" # Get the author name for the commits: author = read_file(lgit_path + '/.lgit/config').strip('\n') # If the config file is empty: if not author: exit() try: with open(lgit_path + '/.lgit/commits/%s' % ms_timestamp_now, 'w') as commit: # Write file in the commits directory: commit.write('%s\n%s\n\n%s\n\n' % (author, timestamp_now, message)) except PermissionError: pass
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--input', help='input help') args = parser.parse_args() filename = args.input # read the url #url="" #data=urllib.request.urlopen(url).read() #buffer=data.decode('UTF-8') buffer=read_file(filename=filename) content=buffer.splitlines() #print(content) '''catch the key number and words''' size= int(content[0]) list1=listcreate(size) x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 for line in content[1:]: value=line.split() #print(line) #print(value) number=re.findall("[-+]?\d+[\.]?\d*[eE]?[-+]?\d*", line) #print(re.findall("[-+]?\d+[\.]?\d*[eE]?[-+]?\d*", line)) '''get the key number from file and assigned them to x1, x2, y1, y2''' x1=int(number[0]) y1=int(number[1]) x2=int(number[2]) y2=int(number[3]) '''get the key word of command and exctue the right funcion''' #print(value,x1,x2,y1,y2) if value[0]=='turn' and value[1]=='on': turnon(list1,x1,x2,y1,y2) elif value[0]=='turn' and value[1]=='off': turnoff(list1,x1,x2,y1,y2) elif value[0]=='switch': switch(list1,x1,x2,y1,y2) else: continue result=countlight(list1) list2=[filename,result] return list2
def add(paths): """Adiciona os paths ao .git/index.""" paths = [p.replace('\\', '/') for p in paths] all_entries = read_index() entries = [e for e in all_entries if e.path not in paths] for path in paths: sha1 = hash_object(read_file(path), 'blob') st = os.stat(path) flags = len(path.encode()) assert flags < (1 << 12) entry = IndexEntry(int(st.st_ctime), 0, int(st.st_mtime), 0, st.st_dev, st.st_ino, st.st_mode, st.st_uid, st.st_gid, st.st_size, bytes.fromhex(sha1), flags, path) entries.append(entry) entries.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('path')) write_index(entries)
def _remove_file_index(a_file): """Remove the information of the tracked a_file. Args: a_file: The tracked file. Returns: True/False: if a_file exist in the index file. """ content_index = read_file(lgit_path + '/.lgit/index').split('\n') had_file = False for line in content_index: if line.endswith(a_file): # Remove the index of file: content_index.remove(line) had_file = True write_file(lgit_path + '/.lgit/index', '\n'.join(content_index)) return had_file
def get_xml_elements(f_file_name, element_name): return parseString(f.read_file(f_file_name)).getElementsByTagName(element_name)
def get_used_space(top_directory):'du -c ' +top_directory+ '| grep total > du_tmp/used.du',shell=True) return int(fun.read_file('du_tmp/used.du','r').split('\t')[0])
def test_reads_file_properly(self): expected = self.test_file_content self.assertEqual(expected, f.read_file(self.infile))
def test_write_file_to_html(self): f.write_file_to_html(self.infile, '../', self.test_file_content) expected = self.test_file_content self.assertEqual(expected, f.read_file(self.infile))
def get_item_space(item):'du ' +item+ ' > du_tmp/item.du',shell=True) return int(fun.read_file('du_tmp/item.du','r').split('\t')[0])