def build(self, variable, ftp): """Build initial dataset.""" # We need to build these three files paths = self.get_paths(variable) # Retrieve rasters self.get_rasters(variable, ftp) # Reproject for area calculations for file in glob(os.path.join(self.tif_folder, "*tif")): self.reproject(file) # Convert originals to NetCDF file files = glob(os.path.join(self.tif_folder, variable + "*tif")) toNetCDF(tfiles=files, ncfiles=None, savepath=paths["original"], index=variable, proj=4326, year1=1895, month1=1, year2=TODAYS_DATE.year - 2, month2=12, wmode="w", percentiles=False) # Convert projected files to NetCDF file files = glob(os.path.join(self.tif_folder, "proj_*tif")) toNetCDFAlbers(tfiles=files, ncfiles=None, savepath=paths["albers"], index=variable, proj=PROJ, year1=1895, month1=1, year2=TODAYS_DATE.year - 2, month2=12, wmode="w", percentiles=False) # Create a percentile dataset toNetCDFPercentile(paths["original"], paths["percentile"]) # Clear temp folder self._clear_tif()
del base_data del base_data_proj # Write changes to file and close times[n] = days times_proj[n] = days values[n] = array values_proj[n] = array_proj old.close() old_proj.close() # Now recreate the entire percentile data set print('Reranking percentiles...') pc_path = os.path.join(pc_folder, index + '.nc') os.remove(pc_path) toNetCDFPercentile(original_path, pc_path) ############## If we need to start over ################################### else: print(original_path + " not detected, building new dataset...\n") # Get all of the last day of month files for the index ftp_years = ftp.nlst() ftp_years = [f for f in ftp_years if isInt(f)] # First Date ftp.cwd( os.path.join('/Projects/EDDI/CONUS_archive/data/', ftp_years[0])) ftp_files = ftp.nlst() ftp_files = [ f for f in ftp_files if f[-17:-13] == "{:02d}mn".format(scale)
# Write changes to file and close times[n] = days times_p[n] = days values[n] = array values_p[n] = array_p old.close() old_p.close() # Now recreate the entire percentile data set print('Reranking percentiles...') pc_path = os.path.join( data_path, 'data/droughtindices/netcdfs/percentiles', index_map[index] + '.nc') os.remove(pc_path) toNetCDFPercentile(nc_path, pc_path) else: ############## If we need to start over ####################### print(nc_path + " not detected, building new data set...") # Get the data from wwdt print("Downloading the 12 netcdf files for " + index + "...") for i in tqdm(range(1, 13), position=0): # These come in monthly files - e.g. all januaries in one file file_name = '{}_{}'.format(index, i) target_url = wwdt_url + '/' + index + '/' + file_name temp_path = os.path.join(local_path, 'temp_{}.nc'.format(i)) # Download try:
year2=todays_date.year, month2=12, wmode='w', percentiles=False) toNetCDFAlbers(tfiles=tfiles_proj, ncfiles=None, savepath=albers_path, index=variable, proj=proj, year1=1895, month1=1, year2=todays_date.year, month2=12, wmode='w', percentiles=False) toNetCDFPercentile(original_path, percentile_path) # Empty tif folder for t in glob(os.path.join(tif_folder, '*')): os.remove(t) # One last thing, we only have min and max vapor pressure deficit meanNC(minsrc='data/droughtindices/netcdfs/albers/', maxsrc='data/droughtindices/netcdfs/albers/', dst='data/droughtindices/netcdfs/albers/') meanNC(minsrc='data/droughtindices/netcdfs/percentiles/', maxsrc='data/droughtindices/netcdfs/percentiles/', dst='data/droughtindices/netcdfs/percentiles/') meanNC(minsrc='data/droughtindices/netcdfs/', maxsrc='data/droughtindices/netcdfs/', dst='data/droughtindices/netcdfs/')
# Save another projected version toNetCDFAlbers(tfiles=tfiles_proj, ncfiles=None, savepath=ncdir_proj, index=index, year1=1980, month1=1, year2=todays_date.year, month2=todays_date.month, proj=proj, percentiles=False, wmode='w') # Now lets get the percentile values pc_path = os.path.join(data_path, "data/droughtindices/netcdfs/" + "percentiles", index + ".nc") toNetCDFPercentile(ncdir, pc_path) # Close connection with FTP server ftp.quit() print("Update Complete.") print("####################################################") print("#######################################") print("#######################") print("############") print("#####") print("##")
def update(self, variable, ftp): """Update dataset.""" # We need to build these three files paths = self.get_paths(variable) # Find the missing files needed_dates = self.needed_dates(variable, ftp) # Download needed files for year, months in needed_dates.items(): # Get all files availabel for this year ftp.cwd("/monthly/" + variable + "/" + year) rfiles = ftp.nlst() rfiles = [f for f in rfiles if "_" + year + "_" not in f] rfiles.sort() for rfile in rfiles: for month in months: if rfile[-10: -8] == month: # Update the WGS file self._clear_temp("*bil") self._retrieve(variable, rfile, year, ftp) lfile = os.path.join(self.tif_folder, f"{variable}_{year}{month}.tif") with Dataset(paths["original"], "r+") as old: times = old.variables["time"] values = old.variables["value"] n = times.shape[0] base_data = gdal.Open(lfile) array = base_data.ReadAsArray() del base_data # Catch the day date = dt.datetime(int(year), int(month), day=15) days = date - dt.datetime(1900, 1, 1) days = np.float64(days.days) # Write changes to file and close times[n] = days values[n] = array # Update the Albers file self.reproject(lfile) pfile = os.path.join( self.tif_folder, f"proj_{variable}_{year}{month}.tif" ) with Dataset(paths["albers"], "r+") as old: times = old.variables["time"] values = old.variables["value"] n = times.shape[0] base_data = gdal.Open(pfile) array = base_data.ReadAsArray() del base_data # Catch the day date = dt.datetime(int(year), int(month), day=15) days = date - dt.datetime(1900, 1, 1) days = np.float64(days.days) # Write changes to file and close times[n] = days values[n] = array # Reset the percentiles file toNetCDFPercentile(paths["original"], paths["percentile"])