def holidays(year): os.environ['TZ'] = 'Europe/Copenhagen' time.tzset() url = "" % (year) response = html = response.text soup = Soup(html) rows = soup.find("table", attrs={"class" : "table1"}).findAll("tr") del rows[0] # Create an array of months mapping danish name->month number months = {} months["january"] = "01" months["february"] = "02" months["march"] = "03" months["april"] = "04" months["may"] = "05" months["june"] = "06" months["july"] = "07" months["august"] = "08" months["september"] = "09" months["october"] = "10" months["november"] = "11" months["december"] = "12" days = [] # Loop over the rows for row in rows: elements = row.findAll("td") # Locate the day in integer and month in string dayProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day>[0-9]*)\. (?P<month>[a-zA-Z]*)") groups =[0].find("span").text)) days.append({ "date" : datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(time.strptime("%s %s %s" % ( functions.zeroPadding("day")), months["month")], year), "%d %m %Y"))), "title" : unicode(elements[2].find("a").text).replace(" %s" % (year),""), "link" : elements[2].find("a")["href"], "year" : year, "country" : "en-US", "source" : "", "_updated" :, "_created" : }) return { "status" : "ok", "days" : days }
def flag_days (): url = "" response = requests.get(url) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) rows = soup.findAll("tr") rows.pop(0) flag_days = [] # Create an array of months mapping danish name->month number months = {} months["januar"] = "01" months["februar"] = "02" months["marts"] = "03" months["april"] = "04" months["maj"] = "05" months["juni"] = "06" months["juli"] = "07" months["august"] = "08" months["september"] = "09" months["oktober"] = "10" months["november"] = "11" months["december"] = "12" for row in rows: elements = row.findAll("td") # Locate the day in integer and month in string dayProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day>[0-9]*)\. (?P<month>[a-zA-Z]*)") groups =[0].text) name = unicode(elements[1].text) flag_days.append({ "name" : name, "date" : datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(time.strptime("%s %s %s" % ( functions.zeroPadding("day")), months["month")],, "%d %m %Y"))), "region" : "copenhagen", "country" : "da_DK" }) return { "status" : "ok", "days" : flag_days }
def leave_reasons ( config, session = False ): url = "" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["student_id"]) ) if session is False: session = authenticate.authenticate(config) if session == False: return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"} cookies = { "lecmobile" : "0", "ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"], "LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"], "lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"], "LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"] } # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information headers = { "User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36", "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host" : "", "Origin" : "", "Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ") } response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) if soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_FatabAbsenceFravaerGV"}) is None: return { "status" : False, "error" : "Data not found" } missing = [] reasons = [] reasonKeys = { u"Andet" : "other", u"Kom for sent" : "too_late", u"Skolerelaterede aktiviteter" : "school_related", u"Private forhold" : "private", u"Sygdom" : "sick" } # TODO: Add Missing if soup.find(attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_FatabMissingAarsagerGV"}).find(attrs={"class" : "noRecord"}) is None: print "missing" if soup.find(attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_FatabAbsenceFravaerGV"}).find(attrs={"class" : "noRecord"}) is None: rows = soup.find(attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_FatabAbsenceFravaerGV"}).findAll("tr") rows.pop(0) activityProg = re.compile(r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/aktivitet\/aktivitetinfo.aspx\?id=(?P<activity_id>.*)&prevurl=(?P<prev_url>.*)") datetimeProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day>.*)\/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*) (?P<time>.*)") for row in rows: elements = row.findAll("td") activityGroups = activityProg.match(elements[2].find("a")["href"]) dateGroups = datetimeProg.match(elements[5].find("span").text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", "")) reasons.append({ "type" : "lesson" if elements[0].text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", "") == "Lektion" else "other", "week" : elements[1].text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", ""), "activity_id" :"activity_id") if not activityGroups is None else "", "leave" : elements[3].text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", "").replace("%", ""), "creadited" :True if elements[4].text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", "") == "Ja" else False, "registred" : datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"time")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M"), "teacher" : { "abbrevation" : unicode(elements[6].text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", "")) }, "team" : { "name" : unicode(elements[7].text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", "")) }, "comment" : unicode(elements[8].text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", "")), "reason" : { "value" : unicode(elements[9].text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", "")), "key" : reasonKeys[unicode(elements[9].text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", ""))] if unicode(elements[9].text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", "")) in reasonKeys else "other", "note": unicode(elements[10].text.strip().replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", "")) }, }) return { "status" : "ok", "reasons" : reasons, "missing" : missing }
def assignment_info(config, session=False): url = urls.assignment_info.replace("{{SCHOOL_ID}}", str( config["school_id"])).replace("{{ASSIGNMENT_ID}}", str(config["assignment_id"])).replace( "{{STUDENT_ID}}", str(config["student_id"])) if session is False: session = authenticate.authenticate(config) if session == False: return {"status": "error", "type": "authenticate"} # Insert the session information from the auth function cookies = { "lecmobile": "0", "ASP.NET_SessionId": session["ASP.NET_SessionId"], "LastLoginUserName": session["LastLoginUserName"], "lectiogsc": session["lectiogsc"], "LectioTicket": session["LectioTicket"] } settings = {} # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host": "", "Origin": "", "Cookie": functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ") } response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) dateTime = re.compile( r"(?P<day>.*)/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*) (?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)") if soup.find("div", attrs={"id": "m_Content_registerAfl_pa"}) is None: return {"status": False, "error": "Data not found"} teacherProg = re.compile(r"(?P<name>.*) \((?P<abbrevation>.*)\)") documentProg = re.compile(r"(?P<name>.*) \((?P<upload_date>.*)\)") teamProg = re.compile(r"(?P<class_name>.*) (?P<subject_name>.*)") rows = soup.find("div", attrs={ "id": "m_Content_registerAfl_pa" }).find("table").findAll("td") headers = soup.find("div", attrs={ "id": "m_Content_registerAfl_pa" }).find("table").findAll("th") rowMap = functions.mapRows(headers, rows) dateTimeGroups = dateTime.match(rowMap["Afleveringsfrist"].text) date = datetime.strptime( "%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") group_assignment = False members = [] teachers = [] teams = [] documents = [] comments = [] uploadRows = soup.find("table", attrs={ "id": "m_Content_RecipientGV" }).findAll("tr") uploadRows.pop(0) uploadProg = re.compile( r"\/lectio/(?P<school_id>.*)\/ExerciseFileGet.aspx\?type=(?P<type>.*)&entryid=(?P<entry_id>.*)" ) for row in uploadRows: elements = row.findAll("td") context_card_id = elements[1].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"] dateTimeGroups = dateTime.match(elements[0].find("span").text) upload_type = "" entry_id = "" if not elements[3].find("a") is None: uploadGroups = uploadProg.match(elements[3].find("a")["href"]) entry_id ="entry_id") upload_type = "student_assignment" if "type") == "elevopgave" else "other" uploadDate = datetime.strptime( "%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") comments.append({ "file": { "name": elements[3].find("a").text.encode("utf8") if not elements[3].find("a") is None else "", "entry_id": entry_id, "type": upload_type }, "comment": functions.cleanText(elements[2].text).encode("utf8"), "uploader": { "name": elements[1].find("span")["title"].encode("utf8") if context_card_id[0] == "T" else elements[1].find("span").text.encode("utf8"), "type": "teacher" if context_card_id[0] == "T" else "student", "person_id": context_card_id.replace("T", "") if context_card_id[0] == "T" else context_card_id.replace("S", ""), "context_card_id": context_card_id, "abbrevation": elements[1].find("span").text.encode("utf8") if context_card_id[0] == "T" else "" }, "date": uploadDate }) documentIdProg = re.compile( r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/ExerciseFileGet.aspx\?type=(?P<type>.*)&exercisefileid=(?P<exercise_file_id>.*)" ) statusProg = re.compile(r"(?P<status>.*)\/ (.*): (?P<leave>.*)%") studentDataElements = soup.find("table", attrs={ "id": "m_Content_StudentGV" }).findAll("tr")[1].findAll("td") statusGroups = statusProg.match( functions.cleanText(studentDataElements[3].text).encode("utf8")) status = functions.cleanText("status")) if not statusGroups is None else "" studentData = { "student": { "context_card_id": studentDataElements[0].find("img")["lectiocontextcard"], "student_id": studentDataElements[0].find("img")["lectiocontextcard"].replace( "S", ""), }, "status": "handed" if status.strip() == "Afleveret" else "missing", "waiting_for": "student" if functions.cleanText(studentDataElements[2].text) == "Elev" else "teacher" if unicode(functions.cleanText( studentDataElements[2].text)) == u"Lærer" else "none", "leave": functions.cleanText("leave")) if not statusGroups is None else 0, "finished": True if soup.find( "input", attrs={ "id": "m_Content_StudentGV_ctl02_CompletedCB" }).has_attr("checked") and soup.find( "input", attrs={"id": "m_Content_StudentGV_ctl02_CompletedCB" })["checked"] == "checked" else False, "grade": functions.cleanText(studentDataElements[5].text).encode("utf8"), "grade_note": functions.cleanText(studentDataElements[6].text).encode("utf8"), "student_note": functions.cleanText(studentDataElements[7].text).encode("utf8") } if u"Opgavebeskrivelse" in rowMap: for row in rowMap[u"Opgavebeskrivelse"].findAll("a"): fileNameGroups = documentProg.match( functions.cleanText(row.text.strip())) fileIdGroups = documentIdProg.match(row["href"]) documentType = "type") if not fileIdGroups is None else "", documents.append({ "name":"name") if not fileNameGroups is None else "", "exercise_file_id":"exercise_file_id") if not fileIdGroups is None else "", "uploaded_date_string":"upload_date") if not fileNameGroups is None else "", "type": "exercise_description", "school_id":"school_id") if not fileIdGroups is None else "" }) for row in rowMap["Hold"].findAll("span"): #teamGroups = teamProg.match(row.text) teams.append({ #"class_name" : unicode("class_name")) if not teamGroups is None else "", #"subject_name" : unicode("subject_name")) if not teamGroups is None else "", "team_element_name": row.text, "team_element_id": rowMap["Hold"].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"].replace("HE", ""), "context_card_id": rowMap["Hold"].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"] }) for row in rowMap["Ansvarlig"].findAll("span"): teacherGroups = teacherProg.match(row.text) teachers.append({ "teacher_id": row["lectiocontextcard"].replace("T", ""), "name":"name").encode("utf8") if not teacherGroups is None else "", "context_card_id": row["lectiocontextcard"], "abbrevation":"abbrevation").encode("utf8") if not teacherGroups is None else "" }) if soup.find("div", attrs={"id": "m_Content_groupIsland_pa"}): group_assignment = True memberRows = soup.find("table", attrs={ "id": "m_Content_groupMembersGV" }).findAll("tr") memberRows.pop(0) memberProg = re.compile(r"(?P<name>.*), (?P<code>.*)") for row in memberRows: elements = row.findAll("td") memberGroups = memberProg.match(elements[0].find("span").text) members.append({ "name":"name") if not memberGroups is None else "", "student_id": elements[0].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"].replace("S", ""), "context_card_id": elements[0].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"], "student_class_code":"code") if not memberGroups is None else "" }) else: memberProg = re.compile( r"Eleven (?P<name>.*) \((?P<code>.*)\) - Opgaveaflevering") memberGroups = memberProg.match( soup.find(attrs={ "id": "m_HeaderContent_pageHeader" }).find("div").text) members.append({ "student_id": config["student_id"], "context_card_id": soup.find(attrs={ "id": "m_HeaderContent_pageHeader" }).find("div")["lectiocontextcard"], "student_class_code":"code") if not memberGroups is None else "", "name":"name") if not memberGroups is None else "", }) availableStudents = [] availableStudentProg = re.compile(r"(?P<name>.*) \((?P<code>.*)\)") if not soup.find("select", attrs={"id": "m_Content_groupStudentAddDD" }) is None: for row in soup.find("select", attrs={ "id": "m_Content_groupStudentAddDD" }).findAll("option"): progGroups = availableStudentProg.match(row.text) availableStudents.append({ "name": str("name")).decode("utf8"), "student_id": row["value"], "student_class_code":"code"), }) infomation = { "documents": documents, "title": rowMap[r"Opgavetitel"].find("span").text.encode("utf8"), "group_assignment": group_assignment, "members": members, "note": rowMap[u"Opgavenote"].text.encode("utf8"), "team": teams, "grading_scale": "7-step" if rowMap[u"Karakterskala"].text == "7-trinsskala" else "13-step", "teachers": teachers, "student_time": rowMap[u"Elevtid"].text.replace(",", ".").replace("timer", ""), "date": date, "in_instruction_detail": True if rowMap[u"Iundervisningsbeskrivelse"].text == "Ja" else False, "comments": comments, "group": { "available_students": availableStudents }, "student": studentData } #Delivered by, grade, grade_note, student_note, ended, awaiting, uploaded-documents return {"status": "ok", "information": infomation}
def message ( config, session = False ): url = "" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["student_id"]) ) if session is False: session = authenticate.authenticate(config) if session == False: return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"} # Insert the session information from the auth function cookies = { "lecmobile" : "0", "ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"], "LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"], "lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"], "LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"] } # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information headers = { "User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36", "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host" : "", "Origin" : "", "Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ") } response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) viewStateX = soup.find("input", attrs={"id" : "__VIEWSTATEX"})["value"] settings = { "__EVENTTARGET" : "__Page", "__EVENTARGUMENT" : "$LB2$_MC_$_%s" % ( str(config["thread_id"]) ), "__VIEWSTATEX" : viewStateX, } response =, data=settings, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) if soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_ViewThreadPagePanel"}) is None: return { "status" : False, "error" : "Data not found" } flagged = False if soup.find("input", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_FlagThisThreadBox"})["src"] == "/lectio/img/flagoff.gif" else True originalElements = soup.find("table", attrs={"class" : "ShowMessageRecipients"}).findAll("td") originalSenderUser = context_card.user({ "context_card_id" : originalElements[8].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"], "school_id" : config["school_id"] }, session) originalSenderUser["user"]["user_context_card_id"] = originalElements[8].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"] originalSenderUser["user"]["person_id"] = originalElements[8].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"].replace("U", "") originalSubject = unicode(functions.cleanText(originalElements[2].text)) recipients = [] studentRecipientProg = re.compile(r"(?P<name>.*) \((?P<student_class_id>.*)\)") teacherRecipientProg = re.compile(r"(?P<name>.*) \((?P<abbrevation>.*)\)") # Fill in the single users, added as recipients for row in originalElements[11].findAll("span"): context_card_id = row["lectiocontextcard"] userType = "" data = { "context_card_id" : context_card_id } if "S" in context_card_id: userType = "student" studentGroups = studentRecipientProg.match(row.text) data["person_id"] = context_card_id.replace("S", "") data["student_id"] = context_card_id.replace("S", "") data["name"] = unicode("name")) if not studentGroups is None else "" data["student_class_id"] ="student_class_id") if not studentGroups is None else "" elif "T" in context_card_id: userType = "teacher" teacherGroups = teacherRecipientProg.match(row.text) data["person_id"] = context_card_id.replace("T", "") data["teacher_id"] = context_card_id.replace("T", "") data["abbrevation"] = unicode("abbrevation")) if not teacherGroups is None else "" data["name"] = unicode("name")) if not teacherGroups is None else "" data["type"] = userType recipients.append(data) row.decompose() recipientRows = originalElements[11].text.split(", ") for row in recipientRows: text = row.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").replace("\t", "") if "Holdet" in text: text = text.replace("Holdet ", "") recipients.append({ "type" : "team", "name" : unicode(text) }) elif "Gruppen" in text: text = text.replace("Gruppen ", "") recipients.append({ "type" : "group", "name" : unicode(text) }) messages = [] answerProg = re.compile(r"javascript:__doPostBack\('__Page','ANSWERMESSAGE_(?P<message_id>.*)'\);") dateTimeProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day>.*)\/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*) (?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)") messageLevels = {} for row in soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_ThreadTable"}).findAll("tr"): if not row.find("table") is None: level = row.findAll(has_colspan)[0]["colspan"] data = {} messageDetailElements = row.find("table").findAll("td") # Subject data["subject"] = unicode(messageDetailElements[0].find("h4").text) messageDetailElements[0].find("h4").decompose() # Sender messageSender = context_card.user({ "context_card_id" : messageDetailElements[0].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"], "school_id" : config["school_id"] }, session) messageSender["user"]["user_context_card_id"] = originalElements[8].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"] messageSender["user"]["person_id"] = originalElements[8].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"].replace("U", "") data["sender"] = messageSender["user"] messageDetailElements[0].find("span").decompose() # Time timeText = messageDetailElements[0].text.replace("Af , ", "").strip().replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "") dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(timeText) data["date"] = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not dateGroups is None else "" # Message id answerGroups = answerProg.match(messageDetailElements[1].find("button")["onclick"]) message_id ="message_id") if not answerGroups is None else "" data["message_id"] = message_id row.find("table").decompose() # Get message text data["message"] = unicode(row.text.strip()) # Get parent if str(int(level)+1) in messageLevels: data["parrent_id"] = messageLevels[str(int(level)+1)] messageLevels[level] = message_id messages.append(data) messageInfo = { "original_subject" : originalSubject, "flagged" : flagged, "original_sender" : originalSenderUser["user"], "recipients" : recipients, "messages" : messages } return { "status" : "ok", "message" : messageInfo, }
def document(config, session=False): url = "" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["document_id"])) if session is False: session = authenticate.authenticate(config) if session == False: return {"status": "error", "type": "authenticate"} cookies = { "lecmobile": "0", "ASP.NET_SessionId": session["ASP.NET_SessionId"], "LastLoginUserName": session["LastLoginUserName"], "lectiogsc": session["lectiogsc"], "LectioTicket": session["LectioTicket"] } # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host": "", "Origin": "", "Cookie": functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ") } response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) if soup.find("div", attrs={"id": "m_Content_Dokument_pa"}) is None: return {"status": False, "error": "Data not found"} offset = 0 elements = soup.find("div", attrs={ "id": "m_Content_Dokument_pa" }).findAll("td") if len(elements) < 7: offset = 1 creator = context_card.user( { "context_card_id": elements[3 - offset].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"], "school_id": config["school_id"] }, session)["user"] changer = elements[4 - offset].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"] elements[4 - offset].find("span").decompose() dateText = elements[4 - offset].text.replace(" af ", "").strip() dateTimeProg = re.compile( r"(?P<day>.*)/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*) (?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)") dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(dateText) date = datetime.strptime( "%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not dateGroups is None else "" connectionRows = soup.find("table", attrs={ "id": "m_Content_AffiliationsGV" }).findAll("tr") connectionRows.pop(0) connections = [] for row in connectionRows: rowElements = row.findAll("td") data = { "context_card_id": rowElements[0]["lectiocontextcard"], "type": "team" if "H" in rowElements[0]["lectiocontextcard"] else "teacher" if "T" in rowElements[0]["lectiocontextcard"] else "student", "name": unicode(rowElements[0].find("span").text), "can_edit": True if "checked" in rowElements[1].find("input").attrs else False } if rowElements[2].find("select"): folder_id = rowElements[2].find("select").select( 'option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"] data["folder_id"] = folder_id connections.append(data) document = { "name": unicode(elements[0].find("a").text).replace("\t", "").replace( "\n", "").replace("\r", "").strip(), "extension": os.path.splitext(elements[0].find("a").text.replace("\t", "").replace( "\n", "").replace("\r", "").strip())[1].replace(".", ""), "size": elements[2 - offset].text.replace(",", ".").replace("\t", "").replace( "\n", "").replace("\r", "").strip(), "document_id": str(config["document_id"]), "creator": creator, "changer": { "context_card_id": changer, "type": "teacher" if "T" in changer else "student", "date": date }, "comment": soup.find("textarea", attrs={ "id": "m_Content_EditDocComments_tb" }).text.replace("\r\n", ""), "public": True if "checked" in soup.find("input", attrs={ "id": "m_Content_EditDocIsPublic" }).attrs else False, "connections": connections, "term": { "value": soup.find("select", attrs={ "id": "m_ChooseTerm_term" }).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"], "years_string": soup.find("select", attrs={ "id": "m_ChooseTerm_term" }).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0].text } } return {"status": "ok", "document": document}
def activity_info(config, activity_id, session = False, modules = None ): if not session == False: if session is True: session = authenticate.authenticate(config) if session == False: return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"} url = urls.activity_info.replace("{{SCHOOL_ID}}", str(config["school_id"])).replace("{{ACTIVITY_ID}}", str(activity_id)) if not session == False: # Insert the session information from the auth function cookies = { "lecmobile" : "0", "ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"], "LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"], "lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"], "LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"] } else: cookies = {} settings = {} # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information headers = { "User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36", "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host" : "", "Origin" : "", "Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ") } response =, data=settings, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) # Find all the different rows in the table rows = [] for x in soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_LectioDetailIslandLesson_pa"}).find("table").findAll("tr", recursive=False): rows.append(x.find("td")) headers = soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_LectioDetailIslandLesson_pa"}).find("table").findAll("th") headers[3].string.replace_with("EleverAs") # Make rows[n] match headers[n] for index, element in enumerate(rows): table = element.find_parent("table") if table["class"][0] == u"NoFrame": del rows[index] # Generate a map of rows rowMap = functions.mapRows(headers, rows) # Retrieve the values showed_in_values = unicode(rowMap["Vises"].text).split(", ") showed_in = [] type = unicode(rowMap["Type"].text) status = unicode(rowMap["Status"].text) students_resserved = unicode(rowMap["Deltagerereserveret"].text) teams = [] # Done students = [] # Done ressources = [] # Test Missing rooms = [] # Done teachers = [] # Done documents = [] # Done links = [] # Done students_education_assigned = [] # Missing Test homework = [] ressourceProg = re.compile(r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/SkemaNy.aspx\?type=lokale&nosubnav=1&id=(?P<ressource_id>.*)&week=(?P<week>.*)") for x in rowMap["Ressourcer"].findAll("a"): ressoureceGroups = ressourceProg.match(x["href"]) ressources.append({ "ressource_id" :"ressource_id") if not ressoureceGroups is None else "" }) for x in rowMap["EleverAs"].findAll("a"): students_education_assigned.append({ "student_id" : x["lectiocontextcard"].replace("S", "") }) dateProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day_name>.*) (?P<day>.*)\/(?P<month>.*) (?P<module>.*)\. modul, uge (?P<week>.*)") termValue = soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"] alternativeDateProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day_name>.*) (?P<day>.*)\/(?P<month>.*) (?P<start_time>.*) - (?P<end_time>.*), uge (?P<week>.*)") multiDayProg = re.compile(r"(?P<start_day_name>.*) (?P<start_day>.*)\/(?P<start_month>.*) (?P<start_time>.*) - (?P<end_day_name>.*) (?P<end_day>.*)\/(?P<end_month>.*) (?P<end_time>.*), uge (?P<week>.*)") altDateGroups = alternativeDateProg.match(rowMap["Tidspunkt"].text.strip().replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "")) dateGroups = dateProg.match(rowMap["Tidspunkt"].text.strip().replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "")) multiDayGroups = multiDayProg.match(rowMap["Tidspunkt"].text.strip().replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "")) startDate = None endDate = None if not dateGroups is None and not modules == None: if int("month")) < 8: year = int(termValue) + 1 else: year = int(termValue) startTime = "12:00" endTime = "00:00" for x in modules: if str(x["module"]) == str("module")): startTime = x["start"] endTime = x["end"] startDate = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), year, startTime), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") endDate = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), year, endTime), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") elif not multiDayGroups is None: if int("month")) < 8: year = int(termValue) + 1 else: year = int(termValue) startDate = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), year,"start_time")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") endDate = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), year,"end_time")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") elif not altDateGroups is None: if int("month")) < 8: year = int(termValue) + 1 else: year = int(termValue) startDate = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), year,"start_time")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") endDate = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), year,"end_time")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") # Created and updated dates metaProg = re.compile(values.activity_updated_regex) metaElements = rowMap["Systeminformation"].text.strip().split("\n") metaString = "" for me in metaElements: metaString = metaString + " " + me.replace("\t\t\t\t", "").replace("\r", "").strip() metaGroups = # Loop through the documents and append to the list documentTable = rowMap["Dokumenter"].find("table") if not documentTable == None: documentRows = documentTable.findAll("td") for documentRow in documentRows: # Split the size from the unit fileSizeProg = re.compile(values.file_size_regex) fileSizeGroups = # Find the different document info elements elements = documentRow.findAll("a") if len(elements) > 0: # Filter the id from the document url documentProg = re.compile(values.document_url_regex) documentGroups =[1]["href"]) # Append to the list documents.append({ "name" : elements[1].text.encode("utf8"), "size" : { "size" :"size").replace(",", "."), "unit" :"unit_name") }, "type" : "timetable_document", "document_id" :"document_id") }) # Loop through the students and append to the list studentRows = rowMap["Elever"].findAll("a") for student,classObject in functions.grouped(studentRows,2): # Filter the id from the class URL studentClassProg = re.compile(values.class_url_regex) studentClassGroups =["href"]) # Filter the student id from the URL studentIdProg = re.compile(values.student_url_regex) studentIdGroups =["href"]) students.append({ "name" : unicode(student.text), "class" : unicode(classObject.text), "context_card_id" : student["lectiocontextcard"], "student_id" :"student_id"), "class_id" :"class_id") }) # Loop through the teams and append to the list for team in rowMap["Hold"].findAll("a"): # Filter the class name from the team name teamNameProg = re.compile(values.team_class_name_regex) teamNameGroups = # Filter the id from the URL teamIdProg = re.compile(values.team_url_regex) teamIdGroups =["href"]) if not teamIdGroups == None: # Append to the list teams.append({ "class" :"class_name"), "team" :"team_name"), "name" : team.text, "team_id" :"team_id") }) # Loop through the values and append English and Computer easy readable values for value in showed_in_values: if value == u"i dags- og ugeændringer": showed_in.append("day_and_week_changes") elif value == u"Inde i berørte skemaer": showed_in.append("timetable") elif value == u"I toppen af berørte skemaer": showed_in.append("top_of_timetable") # Loop through the links and append them to the list for link in rowMap["Links"].findAll("a"): links.append({ "url" : link["href"], "title" : unicode(link.text) }) # Loop through the rooms and append them to the list for room in rowMap["Lokaler"].findAll("a"): # Initialize variables roomName = "" roomNumber = "" # Filter the number from the name roomNameProg = re.compile(values.room_name_regex) roomNameGroups = if not roomNameGroups == None: roomName ="room_name") roomNumber ="room_number") # Initialize roomId RegEx roomIdProg = re.compile(values.room_url_regex) # Filter the id from the URL roomIdGroups =["href"]) # Append the room to the list rooms.append({ "name" : roomName, "number" : roomNumber, "room_id" :"room_id") }) # Loop through the teachers and append them to the list for teacher in rowMap["Laerere"].findAll("a"): # Filter the abbrevation from the name teacherNameProg = re.compile(values.name_with_abbrevation_regex) teacherNameGroups = # Filter the id from the URL teacherIdProg = re.compile(values.teacher_url_regex) teacherIdGroups =["href"]) # Append to the list teachers.append({ "context_card_id" : teacher["lectiocontextcard"], "name" :"name"), "abbrevation" :"abbrevation"), "teacher_id" :"teacher_id"), "school_id" :"school_id") }) # Loop over the diferent homework notes and append to the list for object in values.activity_homework_regexs: prog = re.compile(object["expression"]) matches = prog.finditer(unicode(rowMap["Lektier"].text.replace("\t", ""))) # Loop over the matches for element in matches: if object["name"] == "note": if not"note") == "": homework.append({ "note" :"note"), "type" : "note" }) else: homework.append({ "note" :"note"), "class" :"class"), "authors" :"writers").split(", "), "name" :"name"), "pages" :"pages"), "subject" :"subject"), "publisher" :"publisher"), "type" : "book" }) # Initialize note variable note = unicode(rowMap["Note"].text) # Return all the information return { "status" : "ok", "time" : unicode(rowMap["Tidspunkt"].text), "teams" : teams, "type" : "school" if type == "Lektion" else "other_activity" if type == "Anden aktivitet" else "other", "students_education_assigned" : students_education_assigned, "teachers" : teachers, "rooms" : rooms, "ressources" : ressources, "note" : note.encode("utf8"), "documents" : documents, "homework" : homework, # Match books with the list of books "links" : links, "students_resserved" : "true" if students_resserved.strip() == "Ja" else "false", "showed_at" : showed_in, "activity_status" : "done" if status == "Afholdt" else "planned" if status == "Planlagt" else "cancelled" if status == "Aflyst" else "other", "students" : students, "created" : { "at" : datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("created_date")),functions.zeroPadding("created_month")),functions.zeroPadding("created_year")),functions.zeroPadding("created_hour")),functions.zeroPadding("created_minute"))), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not metaGroups is None else "", "by" :"created_teacher") if not metaGroups is None else "" }, "updated" : { "at" : datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("updated_date")),functions.zeroPadding("updated_month")),functions.zeroPadding("updated_year")),functions.zeroPadding("updated_hour")),functions.zeroPadding("updated_minute"))), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not metaGroups is None else "", "by" :"updated_teacher") if not metaGroups is None else "" }, "term" : { "value" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"], "years_string" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0].text }, "date" : { "start" : startDate, "end" : endDate } }
def message(config, session=False): url = "" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["student_id"])) if session is False: session = authenticate.authenticate(config) if session == False: return {"status": "error", "type": "authenticate"} # Insert the session information from the auth function cookies = { "lecmobile": "0", "ASP.NET_SessionId": session["ASP.NET_SessionId"], "LastLoginUserName": session["LastLoginUserName"], "lectiogsc": session["lectiogsc"], "LectioTicket": session["LectioTicket"] } # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host": "", "Origin": "", "Cookie": functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ") } response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) viewStateX = soup.find("input", attrs={"id": "__VIEWSTATEX"})["value"] settings = { "__EVENTTARGET": "__Page", "__EVENTARGUMENT": "$LB2$_MC_$_%s" % (str(config["thread_id"])), "__VIEWSTATEX": viewStateX, } response =, data=settings, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) if soup.find("div", attrs={"id": "s_m_Content_Content_ViewThreadPagePanel" }) is None: return {"status": False, "error": "Data not found"} flagged = False if soup.find( "input", attrs={"id": "s_m_Content_Content_FlagThisThreadBox" })["src"] == "/lectio/img/flagoff.gif" else True originalElements = soup.find("table", attrs={ "class": "ShowMessageRecipients" }).findAll("td") originalSenderUser = context_card.user( { "context_card_id": originalElements[8].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"], "school_id": config["school_id"] }, session) originalSenderUser["user"]["user_context_card_id"] = originalElements[ 8].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"] originalSenderUser["user"]["person_id"] = originalElements[8].find( "span")["lectiocontextcard"].replace("U", "") originalSubject = unicode(functions.cleanText(originalElements[2].text)) recipients = [] studentRecipientProg = re.compile( r"(?P<name>.*) \((?P<student_class_id>.*)\)") teacherRecipientProg = re.compile(r"(?P<name>.*) \((?P<abbrevation>.*)\)") # Fill in the single users, added as recipients for row in originalElements[11].findAll("span"): context_card_id = row["lectiocontextcard"] userType = "" data = {"context_card_id": context_card_id} if "S" in context_card_id: userType = "student" studentGroups = studentRecipientProg.match(row.text) data["person_id"] = context_card_id.replace("S", "") data["student_id"] = context_card_id.replace("S", "") data["name"] = unicode( "name")) if not studentGroups is None else "" data["student_class_id"] = "student_class_id") if not studentGroups is None else "" elif "T" in context_card_id: userType = "teacher" teacherGroups = teacherRecipientProg.match(row.text) data["person_id"] = context_card_id.replace("T", "") data["teacher_id"] = context_card_id.replace("T", "") data["abbrevation"] = unicode( "abbrevation")) if not teacherGroups is None else "" data["name"] = unicode( "name")) if not teacherGroups is None else "" data["type"] = userType recipients.append(data) row.decompose() recipientRows = originalElements[11].text.split(", ") for row in recipientRows: text = row.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").replace("\t", "") if "Holdet" in text: text = text.replace("Holdet ", "") recipients.append({"type": "team", "name": unicode(text)}) elif "Gruppen" in text: text = text.replace("Gruppen ", "") recipients.append({"type": "group", "name": unicode(text)}) messages = [] answerProg = re.compile( r"javascript:__doPostBack\('__Page','ANSWERMESSAGE_(?P<message_id>.*)'\);" ) dateTimeProg = re.compile( r"(?P<day>.*)\/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*) (?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)") messageLevels = {} for row in soup.find("table", attrs={ "id": "s_m_Content_Content_ThreadTable" }).findAll("tr"): if not row.find("table") is None: level = row.findAll(has_colspan)[0]["colspan"] data = {} messageDetailElements = row.find("table").findAll("td") # Subject data["subject"] = unicode(messageDetailElements[0].find("h4").text) messageDetailElements[0].find("h4").decompose() # Sender messageSender = context_card.user( { "context_card_id": messageDetailElements[0].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"], "school_id": config["school_id"] }, session) messageSender["user"]["user_context_card_id"] = originalElements[ 8].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"] messageSender["user"]["person_id"] = originalElements[8].find( "span")["lectiocontextcard"].replace("U", "") data["sender"] = messageSender["user"] messageDetailElements[0].find("span").decompose() # Time timeText = messageDetailElements[0].text.replace( "Af , ", "").strip().replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "") dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(timeText) data["date"] = datetime.strptime( "%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not dateGroups is None else "" # Message id answerGroups = answerProg.match( messageDetailElements[1].find("button")["onclick"]) message_id = "message_id") if not answerGroups is None else "" data["message_id"] = message_id row.find("table").decompose() # Get message text data["message"] = unicode(row.text.strip()) # Get parent if str(int(level) + 1) in messageLevels: data["parrent_id"] = messageLevels[str(int(level) + 1)] messageLevels[level] = message_id messages.append(data) messageInfo = { "original_subject": originalSubject, "flagged": flagged, "original_sender": originalSenderUser["user"], "recipients": recipients, "messages": messages } return { "status": "ok", "message": messageInfo, }
def exam_team ( config ): url = "" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["test_team_id"]) ) cookies = {} # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information headers = { "User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36", "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host" : "", "Origin" : "", "Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ") } response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) if soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_LectioDetailIslandProevehold_pa"}) is None: return { "status" : False, "error" : "Data not found" } tables = soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_LectioDetailIslandProevehold_pa"}).findAll("table") oneDayProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day>.*)\/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*)") dateTimeProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day>.*)\/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*) (?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)") dayTimeProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day>.*)\/(?P<month>.*) (?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)") multiDayProg = re.compile(r"(?P<start_day>.*)\/(?P<start_month>.*)-(?P<start_year>.*) - (?P<end_day>.*)\/(?P<end_month>.*)-(?P<end_year>.*)") informationElements = tables[0].findAll("td") teamNameProg = re.compile(r"(?P<team_full_name>.*) \((?P<team_class>.*) (?P<subject_abbrevation>.*)\)") teamNameGroups = teamNameProg.match(informationElements[5].text) teamNameAlternativeProg = re.compile(r"(?P<team_full_name>.*) \((?P<class_number>) (?P<team_class>.*) (?P<team_name>.*)\)") teamNameAlternativeGroups = teamNameAlternativeProg.match(informationElements[5].text) teamSecondProg = re.compile(r"(?P<team_full_name>.*) \((?P<team_name>.*)\)") teamSecondGroups = teamSecondProg.match(informationElements[5].text) xprsProg = re.compile(r"(?P<code>.*) (?P<type>.*) (?P<subject_name>.*)") xprsGroups = xprsProg.match(unicode(informationElements[7].text)) xprs_type ="type") if not xprsGroups is None else "" test_type = informationElements[11].text rooms = [] roomNameProg = re.compile(r"(?P<alternative_name>.*)? - (?P<room_name>.*) \((?P<exam_room_type>.*)\)") for room in informationElements[13].text.split(", "): roomNameGroups = roomNameProg.match(room) room_type ="exam_room_type") if not roomNameGroups is None else "" rooms.append({ "room_name" :"room_name") if not roomNameGroups is None else "", "alternative_name" :"alternative_name") if not roomNameGroups is None and "alternative_name" in roomNameGroups.groupdict() else "", "exam_room_type" : "preparation" if room_type == "Forberedelse" else "preparation_2" if room_type == "Forberedelse 2" else "examination", "room_type" : room_type }) students = [] studentRows = tables[1].findAll("tr") headers = studentRows[0].findAll("td") studentRows.pop(0) examStart = None examEnd = None preperationStart = None preperationEnd = None eventStart = None eventEnd = None longPreperationTime = False preperation = False inGroups = False if headers[len(headers)-1].text == "Gruppe s**t": inGroups = True studentClassIdProg = re.compile(r"(?P<class_name>.*) (?P<student_class_id>.*)") for student in studentRows: groupStart = None groupEnd = None studentPreperationStart = None studentPreperationEnd = None group_number = None elements = student.findAll("td") studentClassIdGrups = studentClassIdProg.match(elements[0].text) studentClassIdFull = elements[0].text name = unicode(elements[1].text) class_code = elements[2].text if inGroups is True: startDayGroups = oneDayProg.match(elements[3].text) endDayGroups = oneDayProg.match(elements[3].text) studentStartTime = elements[4].text studentEndTime = elements[5].text group_number = elements[6].text groupStart = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), "20" +"year"), elements[7].text), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") groupEnd = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), "20" +"year"), elements[8].text), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") elif headers[3].text == "Lang forb. start": longPreperationTime = True startDayGroups = oneDayProg.match(elements[4].text) endDayGroups = oneDayProg.match(elements[4].text) studentStartTime = elements[5].text studentEndTime = elements[6].text longPreperationGroups = dayTimeProg.match(elements[3].text) studentPreperationStartTime ="hour") + ":" +"minute") studentPreperationStart = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), "20" +"year"), studentPreperationStartTime), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") studentPreperationEnd = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), "20" +"year"), studentStartTime), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") elif headers[4].text == "Forb.": preperation = True startDayGroups = oneDayProg.match(elements[3].text) endDayGroups = oneDayProg.match(elements[3].text) studentStartTime = elements[5].text studentEndTime = elements[6].text studentPreperationStartTime = elements[4].text studentPreperationStart = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), "20" +"year"), studentPreperationStartTime), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") studentPreperationEnd = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), "20" +"year"), studentStartTime), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") else: startDayGroups = oneDayProg.match(elements[3].text) endDayGroups = startDayGroups studentStartTime = elements[4].text studentEndTime = elements[5].text studentStart = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), "20" +"year"), studentStartTime), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") studentEnd = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), "20" +"year"),studentEndTime), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if preperationStart is None: preperationStart = studentPreperationStart elif studentPreperationStart < preperationStart: preperationStart = studentPreperationStart if preperationEnd is None: preperationEnd = studentPreperationEnd elif studentPreperationEnd > preperationEnd: preperationEnd = studentPreperationEnd if examStart is None: examStart = studentStart elif studentStart < examStart: examStart = studentStart if examEnd is None: examEnd = studentEnd elif studentEnd > examEnd: examEnd = studentEnd if preperationStart is None: eventStart = examStart else: eventStart = preperationStart eventEnd = examEnd studentEventStart = None studentEventEnd = None if not studentPreperationStart == None: studentEventStart = studentPreperationStart studentEventEnd = studentEnd else: studentEventStart = studentStart studentEventEnd = studentEnd students.append({ "student_class_id_full" : studentClassIdFull, "student_class_id" :"student_class_id") if not studentClassIdGrups is None else "", "class_name" :"class_name") if not studentClassIdGrups is None else "", "class_code" : class_code if not class_code is None else "", "name" : name, "is_group" : inGroups, "group_number" : group_number if not group_number is None else "", "group_time" : { "start" : groupStart if not groupStart is None else "", "end" : groupEnd if not groupEnd is None else "" }, "examination" : { "start" : studentStart if not studentStart is None else "", "end" : studentEnd if not studentEnd is None else "" }, "preperation_type" : "long" if longPreperationTime is True else "normal" if preperation is True else "none", "preperation" : { "start" : studentPreperationStart if not studentPreperationStart is None else "", "end" : studentPreperationEnd if not studentPreperationEnd is None else "" }, "start" : studentEventStart if not studentEventStart is None else "", "end" : studentEventEnd if not studentEventEnd is None else "" }) teachers = [] teacherProg = re.compile(r"(?P<abbrevation>.*) - (?P<name>.*)") for teacher in informationElements[3].contents: if len(teacher) > 1 and not unicode(teacher) == u"<br/>": teacherGroups = teacherProg.match(unicode(teacher)) teachers.append({ "name" : unicode("name")) if not teacherGroups is None else "", "abbrevation" : unicode("abbrevation")) if not teacherGroups is None else "" }) censors = [] censorProg = re.compile(r"(?P<institution_id>.*) - (?P<institution>.*)") for censor in informationElements[9].contents: if censor and not str(censor) == str("<br/>"): censorGroups = censorProg.match(str(censor)) censors.append({ "institution_id" : unicode("institution_id")) if not censorGroups is None else "", "institution" : unicode("institution")) if not censorGroups is None else "" }) if not teamNameGroups is None: team = { "full_name" : unicode("team_full_name")) if not teamNameGroups is None else "", "team_class" : unicode("team_class")) if not teamNameGroups is None else "", "subject_abbrevation" : unicode("subject_abbrevation")) if not teamNameGroups is None else "", "team_class_name" :"team_name") if not teamSecondGroups is None else "" } elif not teamNameAlternativeGroups is None: team = { "full_name" : unicode("team_full_name")) if not teamNameAlternativeGroups is None else "", "team_class" : unicode("team_class")) if not teamNameAlternativeGroups is None else "", "class_number" : unicode("class_number")) if not teamNameAlternativeGroups is None else "", "team_name" : unicode("team_name")) if not teamNameAlternativeGroups is None else "", "team_class_name" :"team_name") if not teamSecondGroups is None else "" } else: team = { "full_name" : unicode(informationElements[5].text), "team_class_name" :"team_name") if not teamSecondGroups is None else "" } test_type_code = "other" gym_type = "AGYM" test_type_team_name = "" testTypeCodeProg = re.compile(r"(?P<team_name>.*) (?P<code>[\w\S]*)$") testTypeCodeGroups = testTypeCodeProg.match(informationElements[1].text.strip()) testTypeAltCodePRog = re.compile(r"(?P<team_name>.*) (?P<code>[\w\S]*) \((?P<gym_type>[\w\S]*)\)$") testTypeCodeAltGroups = testTypeAltCodePRog.match(informationElements[1].text.strip()) if not testTypeCodeAltGroups is None: test_type_team_name ="team_name") gym_type ="gym_type") test_type_code ="code") elif not testTypeCodeGroups is None: test_type_team_name ="team_name") test_type_code ="code") xprs_code ="code") if not xprsGroups is None else "" xprs_level = "A" if "A" in xprs_code else "B" if "B" in xprs_code else "C" if "C" in xprs_code else "D" if "D" in xprs_code else "E" if "E" in xprs_code else "F" if "F" in xprs_code else "-" information = { "test_team_name" : informationElements[1].text, "teachers" : teachers, "students" : students, "censors" : censors, "test_type_team_name" : test_type_team_name, "gym_type" : gym_type, "test_type_code" : test_type_code, "team" : team, "xprs_test" : True if not informationElements[7].text == "(ikke XPRS eksamen)" else False, "xprs" : { "full_name" : unicode(informationElements[7].text), "code_full" : xprs_code, "code" : xprs_code.replace(xprs_level, ""), "type" : "written" if xprs_type == "SKR" else "combined" if xprs_type == "SAM" else "oral" if xprs_type == "MDT" else xprs_type, "subject" :"subject_name") if not xprsGroups is None else "", "xprs_type" : xprs_type, "level" : xprs_level }, "test_type" : "written" if test_type == "Skriftlig eksamen" else "oral" if test_type == "Mundtlig eksamen" else "combined" if test_type == "Samlet vurdering" else test_type, "number_of_students" : informationElements[19].text, "test_type_long_code" : test_type, "note" : informationElements[17].text if len(informationElements[17].text) > 1 else "", "rooms" : rooms, "time" : { "start" : examStart, "end" : examEnd }, "preperation" : { "start" : preperationStart, "end" : preperationEnd }, "group_examination" : inGroups, "preperation_type" : "long" if longPreperationTime is True else "normal" if preperation is True else "none", "event" : { "start" : eventStart, "end" : eventEnd }, "term" : { "value" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"], "years_string" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0].text }, } return { "status" : "ok", "information" : information }
def grades ( config, term, session = False ): url = "" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["student_id"]) ) if session is False: session = authenticate.authenticate(config) if session == False: return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"} # Insert the session information from the auth function cookies = { "lecmobile" : "0", "ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"], "LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"], "lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"], "LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"] } # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information headers = { "User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36", "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host" : "", "Origin" : "", "Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ") } response =, headers=headers, data={"s$m$ChooseTerm$term" : term}) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) if soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_karakterView_KarakterGV"}) is None: return { "status" : False, "error" : "Data not found" } comments = [] commentRows = [] subjectLevelProg = re.compile(r"(?P<abbrevation>[A-Z]*)(?P<level>[a-z]?)") subjectAbbrevationMapping = functions.subjectAbbrevationMapping if not soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_remarks_grid_remarks_grid"}) is None: commentRows = soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_remarks_grid_remarks_grid"}).findAll("tr") commentRows.pop(0) dateTime = re.compile(r"(?P<day>.*)/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*) (?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)") dateShort = re.compile(r"(?P<day>.*)/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*)") termValue = soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "s_m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"] if not soup.find(attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_remarks_grid_remarks_grid"}) is None: if soup.find(attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_remarks_grid_remarks_grid"}).find(".noRecord") is None: ## Missing Test Opporunity for row in commentRows: if row.find("div") is None: elements = row.findAll("td") date = "" if not dateTime.match(elements[0].text) is None: dateTimeGroups = dateTime.match(elements[0].text) year ="year") if len(year) == 2: year = "20" + str(year) date = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), year,"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") elif dateShort.match(elements[0].text): year ="year") if len(year) == 2: year = "20" + str(year) date = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), year, "12", "00"), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") comments.append({ "date" : date, "abbrevation" : unicode(cleanText(elements[1].text)), "type" : "year_grade" if unicode(cleanText(elements[2].text)) == u"Årskarakter" else "exam_grade" if unicode(cleanText(elements[2].text)) == "Examenskarakter" else unicode(cleanText(elements[2].text)), "student_note" : unicode(cleanText(elements[3].text)), "term" : termValue }) gradeNotes = [] rows = soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_karakterView_KarakterNoterGrid"}).findAll("tr") rows.pop(0) gradeTypeProg = re.compile(r"(?P<evaluation_type>.*) - (?P<type>.*)") teamProg = re.compile(r"(?P<class_name>.*) (?P<team_name>.*)") createdProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day>.*)/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*) (?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*) - (?P<teacher>.*)") teamElementIdProg = re.compile(r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/SkemaNy.aspx\?type=(?P<type_name>.*)&holdelementid=(?P<team_element_id>.*)") if soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_karakterView_KarakterNoterGrid"}).find(".noRecord") is None: for row in rows: if row.find("span") is None: elements = row.findAll("td") gradeTypeGroups = gradeTypeProg.match(elements[1].text) evaluation_type ="evaluation_type") if not gradeTypeGroups is None else "" grade_type ="type") if not gradeTypeGroups is None else "" teamLementGroups = teamElementIdProg.match(elements[0].find("a")["href"]) classGroups = teamProg.match(elements[0].find("a").text) createdGroups = createdProg.match(elements[3].text) if not createdGroups is None: date = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") else: date = gradeNotes.append({ "team_full_name" : unicode(cleanText(elements[0].find("a").text)), "team_element_id" :"team_element_id") if not teamLementGroups is None else "", "class_name" :"class_name") if not classGroups is None else "", "team_name" :"team_name") if not classGroups is None else "", "type" : "written" if grade_type == "skriftlig" else "oral", "evaluation_type" : "internal_test" if unicode(evaluation_type) == u"Intern prøve" else "exam_or_year_test" if unicode(evaluation_type) == u"Eksamens-/årsprøvekarakter" else "first_term" if evaluation_type == "1. standpunkt" else "second_term" if evaluation_type == "2. standpunkt" else "third_term" if evaluation_type == "3. standpunkt" else "firth_term" if evaluation_type == "4. standpunkt" else "fifth_term" if evaluation_type == "5. standpunkt" else "sixth_term", "grade" : elements[2].text, "note" : cleanText(unicode(elements[4].text)), "date" : date, "teacher_abbrevation" : unicode("teacher")) if not createdGroups is None else "", "term" : termValue }) protocolLines = [] termProg = re.compile(r"(?P<term>.*) (?P<year>.*)") xprsProg = re.compile(r"(?P<code>.*) (?P<subject>.*)") protocolRows = soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_ProtokolLinierGrid"}).findAll("tr") protocolRows.pop(0) if soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_ProtokolLinierGrid"}).find(".noRecord") is None: for row in protocolRows: spans = row.findAll("span") if len(spans) > 1: elements = row.findAll("td") termGroups = termProg.match(cleanText(elements[0].text)) term ="term") if not termGroups is None else "" xprsGroups = xprsProg.match(elements[3].find("span").text) teamElement ={"school_id" : str(config["school_id"]), "context_card_id" : elements[5].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"]}, session)["team"] teamElement["team_element_context_card_id"] = "HE" + teamElement["team_element_id"] protocolLines.append({ "grading" : "7-step" if cleanText(elements[8].text) == "7-trinsskala" else "13-step", "grade" : elements[7].text, "weight" : cleanText(elements[6].text.replace("," , ".")), "evaluation_type" : "oral" if cleanText(elements[4].text) == "Mundtlig" else "written" if cleanText(elements[4].text) == "Skriftlig" else "combined", "counts" : True if cleanText(elements[2].text) == "Ja" else False, "text" : "year_grade" if unicode(cleanText(elements[1].text)) == u"Årskarakter" else "exam_grade", "team" : { "name" : unicode(elements[5].find("span").text), "context_card_id" : elements[5].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"], "team_id" : elements[5].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"].replace("H", ""), "team_element" : teamElement }, "xprs" : { "full_name" : unicode(elements[3].find("span").text), "code" :"code") if not xprsGroups is None else "", "subject" :"subject") if not xprsGroups is None else "", "xprs_subject_id" : elements[3].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"].replace("XF", ""), "context_card_id" : elements[3].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"] }, "term" : { "year" :"year") if not termGroups is None else "", "term" : "summer" if term == "Sommer" else "spring" if unicode(term) == u"Forår" else "fall" if unicode(term) == u"Efterår" else "winter" } }) gradeList = [] termMapping = { u"Intern prøve" : "internal_test", u"Årskarakter" : "year_grade", u"1.standpunkt" : "first_term", u"2.standpunkt" : "second_term", u"3.standpunkt" : "third_term", u"4.standpunkt" : "forth_term", u"5.standpunkt" : "fifth_term", u"6.standpunkt" : "sixth_term", u"Eksamens-/årsprøvekarakter" : "exam_or_year_test" } gradeListRows = soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_karakterView_KarakterGV"}).findAll("tr") headers = gradeListRows[0].findAll("th") headers.pop(0) gradeListRows.pop(0) teamNameProg = re.compile(r"(?P<class_name>.*) (?P<subject_name>.*), (?P<evaluation_type>.*)") subjectAbbrevationProg = re.compile(r"(?P<team_type>.*) (?P<type>.*) (?P<subject>.*)") if soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_karakterView_KarakterGV"}).find(".noRecord") is None: for row in gradeListRows: elements = row.findAll("td") if elements[0].find("b") is None: teamGroups = teamNameProg.match(cleanText(elements[0].text)) teamElementGroups = teamElementIdProg.match(elements[0].find("a")["href"]) elements.pop(0) className ="class_name") if not teamGroups is None else "" subject ="subject_name") if not teamGroups is None else "" teamName = className + " " + subject gradeElements = [] index = 0 for element in elements: if not cleanText(element.find("div").text) == "": header = unicode(headers[index].text) term = termMapping[header] if header in termMapping else "other" gradeElements.append({ "term" : term, "grade" : cleanText(element.find("div").text) }) index = index + 1 evaluation_type = cleanText("evaluation_type")) if not teamGroups is None else "" subjectLevel = None subjectLevelGroups = subjectLevelProg.match(subject) if not subjectLevelGroups is None: subject ="abbrevation") subjectAbbrevationGroups = None if len(subject) > 4: subjectAbbrevationGroups = subjectAbbrevationProg.match(elements[0].text) if not subjectAbbrevationGroups is None: subject ="subject") if not subjectLevelGroups is None: subject ="abbrevation") if "level" in subjectLevelGroups.groupdict(): subjectLevel ="level").upper() if subject == "team": subject = "TM" subjectAltName = None subjectAltAbbrevation = None if subject in subjectAbbrevationMapping: subjectAltAbbrevation = subject subjectAltName = subjectAbbrevationMapping[subject]["name"] subject = subjectAbbrevationMapping[subject]["abbrevation"] data = { "evaluation_type" : "oral" if evaluation_type == "mundtlig" else "written" if evaluation_type == "skriftlig" else "combined", "team" : { "class_name" : className, "name" : teamName, "subject_abbrevation" : subject, "team_element_id" :"team_element_id") if not teamElementGroups is None else "", "school_id" :"school_id") if not teamElementGroups is None else "" }, "grades" : gradeElements, "term" : { "value" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "s_m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"], "years_string" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "s_m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0].text } } if not subjectLevel == None and len(subjectLevel) > 0: data["team"]["level"] = subjectLevel if not subjectAltAbbrevation is None: data["team"]["subject_alternative_abbrevation"] = subjectAltAbbrevation data["team"]["subject_alternative_name"] = subjectAltName if not subjectAbbrevationGroups is None: if"team_type").isdigit(): data["team"]["year"] ="team_type") else: data["team"]["education_type"] ="team_type") data["team"]["type"] ="type") gradeList.append(data) diplomaLines = [] diplomaRows = soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "printareaDiplomaLines"}).find("table").findAll("tr") diplomaRows.pop(0) diplomaRows.pop(0) subjectProg = re.compile(r"(?P<subject_name>.*) (?P<subject_level>.*)") subjectProgAlternative = re.compile(r"(?P<subject_name>.*) (?P<subject_level>.*) (?P<type>.*)\.") if soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "printareaDiplomaLines"}).find(".noRecord") is None: for row in diplomaRows: if row.find("span") is None: elements = row.findAll("td") if subjectProgAlternative.match(elements[0].text.strip().replace("\t", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").strip()): subjectGroups = subjectProgAlternative.match(elements[0].text.strip().replace("\t", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").strip()) else: subjectGroups = subjectProg.match(elements[0].text.strip().replace("\t", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").strip()) year_weight = cleanText(elements[1].text).replace(",", ".") year_grade = cleanText(elements[2].text) year_ects = cleanText(elements[3].text) exam_weight = cleanText(elements[4].text).replace(",", ".") exam_grade = cleanText(elements[5].text) exam_ects = cleanText(elements[6].text) evaluation_type ="type") if not subjectGroups is None and "type" in subjectGroups.groupdict() else None diplomaLines.append({ "subject_full" : unicode(elements[0].text.replace("\t", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "")), "subject_name" :"subject_name").replace("\t", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "") if not subjectGroups is None else "", "subject_level" :"subject_level").replace("\t", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "") if not subjectGroups is None else "", "year_weight" : year_weight if not year_weight.strip() == "-" and not year_weight == "??" else "waiting_for_exam" if year_weight.strip() == "??" else "unkown", "year_grade" : year_grade if not year_grade.strip() == "-" and not year_grade == "??" else "waiting_for_exam" if year_grade.strip() == "??" else "unkown", "year_ects" : year_ects if not year_ects.strip() == "-" and not year_ects == "??" else "waiting_for_exam" if year_ects.strip() == "??" else "unkown", "exam_weight" : exam_weight if not exam_weight.strip() == "-" and not exam_weight == "??" else "waiting_for_exam" if exam_weight.strip() == "??" else "unkown", "exam_grade" : exam_grade if not exam_grade.strip() == "-" and not exam_grade == "??" else "waiting_for_exam" if exam_grade.strip() == "??" else "unkown", "exam_ects" : exam_ects if not exam_ects.strip() == "-" and not exam_ects == "??" else "waiting_for_exam" if exam_ects.strip() == "??" else "unkown", "evaluation_type" : "oral" if evaluation_type == "mdt" else "written" if evaluation_type == "skr" else "combined" }) avgElement = soup.find("span", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_GradeAverageLabel"}) for element in avgElement.findAll("span"): element.decompose() avgTextProg = re.compile(ur"Eksamensresultat ekskl\. bonus: (?P<without_bonus>.*) Eksamensresultat inkl\. evt\. bonus: (?P<with_bonus>.*)") avgText = unicode(avgElement.text.strip().replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").replace("\t", "")) avgGroups = avgTextProg.match(avgText) average = { "without_bonus" :"without_bonus").replace(",", ".") if not avgGroups is None else "", "with_bonus" :"with_bonus").replace(",", ".") if not avgGroups is None else "" } return { "status" : "ok", "comments" : comments, "grades" : gradeList, "grade_notes" : gradeNotes, "protocol_lines" : protocolLines, "diploma" : diplomaLines, "average" : average, "term" : { "value" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "s_m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"], "years_string" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "s_m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0].text } }
def userinfo( config, session = False ): if session == False: session = authenticate.authenticate(config) if session == False: return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"} else: url = urls.front_page_url.replace("{{SCHOOL_ID}}", str(config["school_id"])) # Insert the session information from the auth function cookies = { "lecmobile" : "0", "ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"], "LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"], "lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"], "LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"] } # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information headers = { "User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36", "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host" : "", "Origin" : "", "Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ") } response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) lectio_user_id = soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "s_m_masterleftDiv"}).find("a")["href"] picture_id = soup.find("img", attrs={"id" : "s_m_HeaderContent_picctrlthumbimage"})["src"] teamRows = soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_HoldAndGroupList"}).find("table").findAll("tr") teams = [] buildInGroups = [] ownGroups = [] idProg = re.compile(r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>[0-9]*)/SkemaNy.aspx\?type=(?P<type_name>.*)&holdelementid=(?P<team_element_id>.*)") teamProg = re.compile(r"(?P<class_name>.*) (?P<team_name>.*)") # Teams for row in teamRows[0].findAll("td")[1].findAll("a"): idGroups = idProg.match(row["href"]) name = row.text teamGroups = teamProg.match(name) teams.append({ "id" :"team_element_id"), "class_name" : unicode("class_name")) if not teamGroups is None else "", "team_name" : unicode("team_name")) if not teamGroups is None else "", "name" : name }) # Build in Groups for row in teamRows[1].findAll("td")[1].findAll("a"): idGroups = idProg.match(row["href"]) name = row.text buildInGroups.append({ "id" :"team_element_id"), "name" : name }) # Own groups for row in teamRows[2].findAll("td")[1].findAll("a"): idGroups = idProg.match(row["href"]) id ="team_element_id"), name = row.text ownGroups.append({ "id" : id, "name" : name }) # Student name name = re.sub(r'"Eleven (\w+), (\w+) - Forside"',r'\2',soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "s_m_HeaderContent_MainTitle"}).text) # s_m_Content_Content_BookReservationInfo_ctl00_DashBoardItem2 # Info informations = [] schoolTable = soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_importantInfo"}) examinations = [] grades = [] infoObjects = schoolTable.findAll("tr") dayTimeProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day>.*)/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*) (?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)") if not soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_KaraktererInfo"}) is None: for row in soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_KaraktererInfo"}).findAll("tr"): elements = row.findAll("td") gradeTeams = [] gradeTeamProg = re.compile(r"(?P<class_name>.*) (?P<team_name>.*)") dayTimeGroups = dayTimeProg.match(elements[2]["title"]) for gradeTeam in elements[1]["title"].replace("Frigives: ", "").split(", "): gradeTeamGroups = gradeTeamProg.match(gradeTeam) gradeTeams.append({ "class_name" : unicode("class_name")) if not gradeTeamGroups is None else "", "team_name" : unicode("team_name")) if not gradeTeamGroups is None else "" }) grades.append({ "date" : datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M"), "teams" : gradeTeams }) if not soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_EksamenerInfo"}) is None: examObjects = soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_EksamenerInfo"}).findAll("tr") else: examObjects = [] examIdProg = re.compile(r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/proevehold.aspx\?type=proevehold&ProeveholdId=(?P<test_team_id>.*)&prevurl=forside.aspx") for row in examObjects: elements = row.findAll("td") examIdGroups = examIdProg.match(elements[1].find("a")["href"]) dayTimeGroups = dayTimeProg.match(elements[2]["title"]) examNameProg = re.compile(r"(?P<class_name>.*) (?P<team_name>.*) (?P<type_name>.*)\. eks\.") examNameGroups = examNameProg.match(unicode(elements[1].find("a").find("span").text)) type_name ="type_name") if not examNameGroups is None else "" examinations.append({ "test_team_id" :"test_team_id"), "school_id" :"school_id"), "title" : unicode(elements[1].find("a").find("span").text), "class_name" :"class_name") if not examNameGroups is None else "", "team_name" :"team_name") if not examNameGroups is None else "", "date" : datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") }) if not infoObjects is None: for info in infoObjects: infoType = "" tds = info.findAll("td") if tds[0]["class"] is None or not tds[0]["class"] is None and not "norecord" in tds[0]["class"]: if tds[0].find("img")["src"] == "/lectio/img/" : infoType = "red" elif tds[0].find("img")["src"] == "/lectio/img/": infoType = "yellow" elif tds[0].find("img")["src"] == "/lectio/img/": infoType = "grey" informations.append({ "text" : tds[1].find("span").text, "type" : infoType }) nameProg = re.compile(r"Eleven (?P<name>.*), (?P<class_name>.*) - Forside") nameGroups = nameProg.match(name) return { "status" : "ok", "student_id" : lectio_user_id.replace("/lectio/%s/SkemaNy.aspx?type=elev&elevid=" % (str(config["school_id"])), ""), "picture_id" : picture_id.replace("/lectio/%s/GetImage.aspx?pictureid=" % (str(config["school_id"])), ""), "teams" : teams, "buildInGroups" : buildInGroups, "ownGroups" : ownGroups, "name" : unicode("name")) if not nameGroups is None else "", "class_name" :"class_name") if not nameGroups is None else "", "information" : informations, "examinations" : examinations, "grades" : grades, "username" : soup.find(attrs={"id" : "s_m_masterleftDiv"}).find("a").text }
def assignments( config ): session = authenticate.authenticate(config) if session == False: return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"} else: url = urls.assigment_list.replace("{{SCHOOL_ID}}", str(config["school_id"])).replace("{{STUDENT_ID}}", str(config["student_id"])) # Insert the session information from the auth function cookies = { "lecmobile" : "0", "ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"], "LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"], "lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"], "LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"] } # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information headers = { "User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36", "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host" : "", "Origin" : "", "Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ") } validationRequest = response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) firstViewState = urllib.urlencode({"__VIEWSTATEX" : soup.find(id="__VIEWSTATEX")["value"]}) firstEventValidationText = soup.find(id="aspnetForm").find(id="__EVENTVALIDATION")["value"] firstEventValidation = urllib.urlencode({"__EVENTVALIDATION" : firstEventValidationText}) firstResponse =, data='__EVENTTARGET=s%24m%24Content%24Content%24CurrentExerciseFilterCB&__EVENTARGUMENT=&__LASTFOCUS='+firstEventValidation+"&"+firstViewState+"&time=0&__EVENTARGUMENT=&__VIEWSTATE=", headers=headers) html = firstResponse.text soup = Soup(html) viewState = urllib.urlencode({"__VIEWSTATEX" : soup.find(id="__VIEWSTATEX")["value"]}) eventValidationText = soup.find(id="aspnetForm").find(id="__EVENTVALIDATION")["value"] eventValidation = urllib.urlencode({"__EVENTVALIDATION" : eventValidationText}) response =, data='__EVENTTARGET=s%24m%24Content%24Content%24ShowThisTermOnlyCB&__EVENTARGUMENT=&__LASTFOCUS='+eventValidation+"&"+viewState+"&time=0&__EVENTARGUMENT=&__VIEWSTATE=", headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) if soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_ExerciseGV"}) is None: return { "status" : False, "error" : "Data not found" } # Extract table cells tableRows = soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_ExerciseGV"}).findAll("tr") # Remove the header cell del tableRows[0] assignmentsList = [] for row in tableRows: cells = row.findAll("td") s ='([0-9]*)\/([0-9]*)-([0-9]*) ([0-9]*):([0-9]*)',cells[3].text) date = functions.zeroPadding( + "/" + functions.zeroPadding( + "-" + + " " + + ":" + object = {} try: object["week"] = cells[0].find("span").text except BaseException: object["week"] = "" try: object["group"] = unicode(cells[1].find("span").text) except BaseException: object["group"] = "" try: object["title"] = unicode(cells[2].find("a").text) except BaseException: object["title"] = "" try: object["context_card_id"] = cells[1].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"] object["team_id"] = cells[1].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"].replace("HE", "") except BaseException: object["context_card_id"] = "" object["team_id"] = "" try: prog = re.compile(r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/ElevAflevering.aspx\?elevid=(?P<student_id>.*)&exerciseid=(?P<exercise_id>.*)&(?P<the_other>.*)") urlGroups = prog.match(cells[2].find("a")["href"]) object["exercise_id"] ="exercise_id") except BaseException: object["exercise_id"] = "" try: object["link"] = cells[2].find("a")["href"] except BaseException: object["link"] = "" try: object["date"] = datetime.strptime(date,"%d/%m-%Y %H:%S") except BaseException: object["date"] = datetime.strptime("1/1-1977 00:01","%d/%m-%Y %H:%S") try: object["hours"] = float(cells[4].find("span").text.replace(",", ".").strip()) except BaseException: object["hours"] = "" try: status = unicode(cells[5].find("span").text) object["status"] = "handed" if status == "Afleveret" else "missing" if status == "Mangler" else "waiting" except BaseException: object["status"] = "" try: object["leave"] = int(cells[6].text.replace(",", ".").replace("%", "").strip()) except BaseException: object["leave"] = "" try: waiting_for = unicode(cells[7].find("span").text) object["waiting_for"] = "student" if waiting_for == "Elev" else "teacher" except BaseException: object["waiting_for"] = "" try: object["note"] = unicode(cells[8].text) except BaseException: object["note"] = "" try: object["grade"] = unicode(cells[9].text) except BaseException: object["grade"] = "" try: object["student_note"] = unicode(cells[10].text) except BaseException: object["student_note"] = "" assignmentsList.append(object) return { "list" : assignmentsList, "status" : "ok", "term" : { "value" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "s_m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"], "years_string" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "s_m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0].text } }
def activity_info(config, activity_id, session=False, modules=None): if not session == False: if session is True: session = authenticate.authenticate(config) if session == False: return {"status": "error", "type": "authenticate"} url = urls.activity_info.replace("{{SCHOOL_ID}}", str(config["school_id"])).replace( "{{ACTIVITY_ID}}", str(activity_id)) if not session == False: # Insert the session information from the auth function cookies = { "lecmobile": "0", "ASP.NET_SessionId": session["ASP.NET_SessionId"], "LastLoginUserName": session["LastLoginUserName"], "lectiogsc": session["lectiogsc"], "LectioTicket": session["LectioTicket"] } else: cookies = {} settings = {} # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host": "", "Origin": "", "Cookie": functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ") } response =, data=settings, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) # Find all the different rows in the table rows = [] for x in soup.find("div", attrs={ "id": "m_Content_LectioDetailIslandLesson_pa" }).find("table").findAll("tr", recursive=False): rows.append(x.find("td")) headers = soup.find("div", attrs={ "id": "m_Content_LectioDetailIslandLesson_pa" }).find("table").findAll("th") headers[3].string.replace_with("EleverAs") # Make rows[n] match headers[n] for index, element in enumerate(rows): table = element.find_parent("table") if table["class"][0] == u"NoFrame": del rows[index] # Generate a map of rows rowMap = functions.mapRows(headers, rows) # Retrieve the values showed_in_values = unicode(rowMap["Vises"].text).split(", ") showed_in = [] type = unicode(rowMap["Type"].text) status = unicode(rowMap["Status"].text) students_resserved = unicode(rowMap["Deltagerereserveret"].text) teams = [] # Done students = [] # Done ressources = [] # Test Missing rooms = [] # Done teachers = [] # Done documents = [] # Done links = [] # Done students_education_assigned = [] # Missing Test homework = [] ressourceProg = re.compile( r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/SkemaNy.aspx\?type=lokale&nosubnav=1&id=(?P<ressource_id>.*)&week=(?P<week>.*)" ) for x in rowMap["Ressourcer"].findAll("a"): ressoureceGroups = ressourceProg.match(x["href"]) ressources.append({ "ressource_id":"ressource_id") if not ressoureceGroups is None else "" }) for x in rowMap["EleverAs"].findAll("a"): students_education_assigned.append( {"student_id": x["lectiocontextcard"].replace("S", "")}) dateProg = re.compile( r"(?P<day_name>.*) (?P<day>.*)\/(?P<month>.*) (?P<module>.*)\. modul, uge (?P<week>.*)" ) termValue = soup.find("select", attrs={ "id": "m_ChooseTerm_term" }).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"] alternativeDateProg = re.compile( r"(?P<day_name>.*) (?P<day>.*)\/(?P<month>.*) (?P<start_time>.*) - (?P<end_time>.*), uge (?P<week>.*)" ) multiDayProg = re.compile( r"(?P<start_day_name>.*) (?P<start_day>.*)\/(?P<start_month>.*) (?P<start_time>.*) - (?P<end_day_name>.*) (?P<end_day>.*)\/(?P<end_month>.*) (?P<end_time>.*), uge (?P<week>.*)" ) altDateGroups = alternativeDateProg.match( rowMap["Tidspunkt"].text.strip().replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "").replace( "\t", "")) dateGroups = dateProg.match(rowMap["Tidspunkt"].text.strip().replace( "\r", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "")) multiDayGroups = multiDayProg.match( rowMap["Tidspunkt"].text.strip().replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "").replace( "\t", "")) startDate = None endDate = None if not dateGroups is None and not modules == None: if int("month")) < 8: year = int(termValue) + 1 else: year = int(termValue) startTime = "12:00" endTime = "00:00" for x in modules: if str(x["module"]) == str("module")): startTime = x["start"] endTime = x["end"] startDate = datetime.strptime( "%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), year, startTime), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") endDate = datetime.strptime( "%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), year, endTime), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") elif not multiDayGroups is None: if int("month")) < 8: year = int(termValue) + 1 else: year = int(termValue) startDate = datetime.strptime( "%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), year,"start_time")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") endDate = datetime.strptime( "%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), year,"end_time")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") elif not altDateGroups is None: if int("month")) < 8: year = int(termValue) + 1 else: year = int(termValue) startDate = datetime.strptime( "%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), year,"start_time")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") endDate = datetime.strptime( "%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), year,"end_time")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") # Created and updated dates metaProg = re.compile(values.activity_updated_regex) metaElements = rowMap["Systeminformation"].text.strip().split("\n") metaString = "" for me in metaElements: metaString = metaString + " " + me.replace("\t\t\t\t", "").replace( "\r", "").strip() metaGroups = # Loop through the documents and append to the list documentTable = rowMap["Dokumenter"].find("table") if not documentTable == None: documentRows = documentTable.findAll("td") for documentRow in documentRows: # Split the size from the unit fileSizeProg = re.compile(values.file_size_regex) fileSizeGroups = # Find the different document info elements elements = documentRow.findAll("a") if len(elements) > 0: # Filter the id from the document url documentProg = re.compile(values.document_url_regex) documentGroups =[1]["href"]) # Append to the list documents.append({ "name": elements[1].text.encode("utf8"), "size": { "size":"size").replace(",", "."), "unit":"unit_name") }, "type": "timetable_document", "document_id":"document_id") }) # Loop through the students and append to the list studentRows = rowMap["Elever"].findAll("a") for student, classObject in functions.grouped(studentRows, 2): # Filter the id from the class URL studentClassProg = re.compile(values.class_url_regex) studentClassGroups =["href"]) # Filter the student id from the URL studentIdProg = re.compile(values.student_url_regex) studentIdGroups =["href"]) students.append({ "name": unicode(student.text), "class": unicode(classObject.text), "context_card_id": student["lectiocontextcard"], "student_id":"student_id"), "class_id":"class_id") }) # Loop through the teams and append to the list for team in rowMap["Hold"].findAll("a"): # Filter the class name from the team name teamNameProg = re.compile(values.team_class_name_regex) teamNameGroups = # Filter the id from the URL teamIdProg = re.compile(values.team_url_regex) teamIdGroups =["href"]) if not teamIdGroups == None: # Append to the list teams.append({ "class":"class_name"), "team":"team_name"), "name": team.text, "team_id":"team_id") }) # Loop through the values and append English and Computer easy readable values for value in showed_in_values: if value == u"i dags- og ugeændringer": showed_in.append("day_and_week_changes") elif value == u"Inde i berørte skemaer": showed_in.append("timetable") elif value == u"I toppen af berørte skemaer": showed_in.append("top_of_timetable") # Loop through the links and append them to the list for link in rowMap["Links"].findAll("a"): links.append({"url": link["href"], "title": unicode(link.text)}) # Loop through the rooms and append them to the list for room in rowMap["Lokaler"].findAll("a"): # Initialize variables roomName = "" roomNumber = "" # Filter the number from the name roomNameProg = re.compile(values.room_name_regex) roomNameGroups = if not roomNameGroups == None: roomName ="room_name") roomNumber ="room_number") # Initialize roomId RegEx roomIdProg = re.compile(values.room_url_regex) # Filter the id from the URL roomIdGroups =["href"]) # Append the room to the list rooms.append({ "name": roomName, "number": roomNumber, "room_id":"room_id") }) # Loop through the teachers and append them to the list for teacher in rowMap["Laerere"].findAll("a"): # Filter the abbrevation from the name teacherNameProg = re.compile(values.name_with_abbrevation_regex) teacherNameGroups = # Filter the id from the URL teacherIdProg = re.compile(values.teacher_url_regex) teacherIdGroups =["href"]) # Append to the list teachers.append({ "context_card_id": teacher["lectiocontextcard"], "name":"name"), "abbrevation":"abbrevation"), "teacher_id":"teacher_id"), "school_id":"school_id") }) # Loop over the diferent homework notes and append to the list for object in values.activity_homework_regexs: prog = re.compile(object["expression"]) matches = prog.finditer( unicode(rowMap["Lektier"].text.replace("\t", ""))) # Loop over the matches for element in matches: if object["name"] == "note": if not"note") == "": homework.append({ "note":"note"), "type": "note" }) else: homework.append({ "note":"note"), "class":"class"), "authors":"writers").split(", "), "name":"name"), "pages":"pages"), "subject":"subject"), "publisher":"publisher"), "type": "book" }) # Initialize note variable note = unicode(rowMap["Note"].text) # Return all the information return { "status": "ok", "time": unicode(rowMap["Tidspunkt"].text), "teams": teams, "type": "school" if type == "Lektion" else "other_activity" if type == "Anden aktivitet" else "other", "students_education_assigned": students_education_assigned, "teachers": teachers, "rooms": rooms, "ressources": ressources, "note": note.encode("utf8"), "documents": documents, "homework": homework, # Match books with the list of books "links": links, "students_resserved": "true" if students_resserved.strip() == "Ja" else "false", "showed_at": showed_in, "activity_status": "done" if status == "Afholdt" else "planned" if status == "Planlagt" else "cancelled" if status == "Aflyst" else "other", "students": students, "created": { "at": datetime.strptime( "%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("created_date")), functions.zeroPadding("created_month")), functions.zeroPadding("created_year")), functions.zeroPadding("created_hour")), functions.zeroPadding("created_minute"))), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not metaGroups is None else "", "by":"created_teacher") if not metaGroups is None else "" }, "updated": { "at": datetime.strptime( "%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("updated_date")), functions.zeroPadding("updated_month")), functions.zeroPadding("updated_year")), functions.zeroPadding("updated_hour")), functions.zeroPadding("updated_minute"))), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not metaGroups is None else "", "by":"updated_teacher") if not metaGroups is None else "" }, "term": { "value": soup.find("select", attrs={ "id": "m_ChooseTerm_term" }).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"], "years_string": soup.find("select", attrs={ "id": "m_ChooseTerm_term" }).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0].text }, "date": { "start": startDate, "end": endDate } }
def timetable( config, url, week, year, session = False ): if session == False: cookies = {} else: if session == True: session = authenticate.authenticate(config) # Insert the session information from the auth function cookies = { "lecmobile" : "0", "ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"], "LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"], "lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"], "LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"] } # Sorting settings settings = { } # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information headers = { "User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36", "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host" : "", "Origin" : "", "Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ") } response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) if soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_SkemaNyMedNavigation_skema_skematabel"}) is None: return { "status" : False, "error" : "Data not found" } # Fetch all rows in the table rows = soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_SkemaNyMedNavigation_skema_skematabel"}).findAll("tr") # Fetch module info, to make it possible to draw a complete timetable moduleInfo = [] moduleInfoProg = re.compile(r"(?P<module_number>.*)\. (?P<start_time>.*) - (?P<end_time>.*)") for row in soup.findAll("div", attrs={"class" : "s2module-info"}): moduleInfoGroups = moduleInfoProg.match(row.text.strip().replace("modul", "")) if not moduleInfoGroups is None: start ="start_time") if len(start) < 5: start = "0" + start end ="end_time") if len(end) < 5: end = "0" + end moduleInfo.append({ "module" :"module_number"), "start" : start, "end" : end }) # Fetch the general information celss generalInformationDays = rows[2].findAll("td") generalInformation = [] holidayElements = [] # Loop through all the cells, and look for information index = 0 for tdRow in generalInformationDays: index = index+1 dayOfWeek = index-1 if dayOfWeek == 7: dayOfWeek = 0 if index > 1: row = tdRow.findAll("a") # Loop over the link elements, in the cell if not row == None and len(row) > 0: for element in row: # The time module uses "0" as the first week of the year if int(week) == 1: timeWeek = 0 else: # Subtract one, because 0 is the first week timeWeek = int(week)-1 date = time.strptime("%s %s %s" % (str(dayOfWeek),str(timeWeek), str(year)),"%w %W %Y") content = element.find("div", attrs={"class" : "s2skemabrikcontent"}).findAll("span")[1] div = element.find("div", attrs={"class" : "s2skemabrikcontent"}) href = None # If the a tag has a href, fetch it try: href = element["href"] except BaseException: pass if href == None: generalInformation.append({ "message" : unicode(content.text), "date" : datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(date)), "school_id" : str(config["school_id"]), "branch_id" : str(config["branch_id"]), "term" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "s_m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"], "week" : week, "year" : year }) else: # Compile the regular expression prog = re.compile(r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>[0-9]*)\/aktivitet\/aktivitetinfo.aspx\?id=(?P<activity_id>[0-9]*)&(?P<prev_url>.*)") activityGroups = prog.match(element["href"]) generalInformation.append({ "message" : unicode(content.text), "activity_id" :"activity_id"), "status" : "changed" if "s2changed" in div["class"] else "cancelled" if "s2cancelled" in div["class"] else "normal", "date" : datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(date)), "school_id" : str(config["school_id"]), "branch_id" : str(config["branch_id"]), "term" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "s_m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"], "week" : week, "year" : year }) # Find all the day elements timeElements = [] headers = [] headerRows = rows[1].findAll("td") headerRows.pop(0) headerProg = re.compile(ur"(?P<day_name>.*) \((?P<day>.*)\/(?P<month>.*)\)") for row in headerRows: headerGroups = headerProg.match(row.text) headerYear = year if not headerGroups is None: if int(week) == 1 and int("month")) == 12: headerYear = str(int(year) - 1) headers.append({ "day" :"day_name"), "date" : datetime.strptime("%s-%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), headerYear, "12:00"), "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M") }) dayElements = rows[3].findAll("td") dayElements.pop(0) # Loop over the days index = 0 dayOfWeek = 1 for dayElement in dayElements: # Increment the day index = index+1 # Test dayOfWeek = index if dayOfWeek == 7: dayOfWeek = 0 # The time module uses "0" as the first week of the year if int(week) == 1: timeWeek = 0 else: # Subtract one, because 0 is the first week timeWeek = int(week)-1 # Find all the "a" tags, representing timetable elements timetableElements = dayElement.findAll("a") moduleIndex = 1 for checkElement in dayElement.findAll(attrs={"class" : "s2module-bg"}): if "s2time-off" in checkElement["class"]: # Get time from module info elements holidayElements.append({ "start" : datetime.strptime("%s-%s-%s %s" % (headers[index-1]["date"].strftime("%d"), headers[index-1]["date"].strftime("%m"), headers[index-1]["date"].strftime("%Y"), moduleInfo[moduleIndex-1]["start"]), "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M"), "end" : datetime.strptime("%s-%s-%s %s" % (headers[index-1]["date"].strftime("%d"), headers[index-1]["date"].strftime("%m"), headers[index-1]["date"].strftime("%Y"), moduleInfo[moduleIndex-1]["end"]), "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M") }) moduleIndex = moduleIndex + 1 # Loop over the timetable elements for timetableElement in timetableElements: #The type of the event, "private" or "school" type = None # Locate the different types of information in the url, and find the different RegEx groups expressions = [ {"type" : "private", "expression" : r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>[0-9]*)\/privat_aftale.aspx\?aftaleid=(?P<activity_id>[0-9]*)"}, {"type" : "school", "expression" : r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>[0-9]*)\/aktivitet\/aktivitetinfo.aspx\?id=(?P<activity_id>[0-9]*)&(?P<prev_url>.*)"}, {"type" : "outgoing_censor", "expression" : r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/proevehold.aspx\?type=udgcensur&outboundCensorID=(?P<outbound_censor_id>.*)&prevurl=(?P<prev_url>.*)"}, {"type" : "exam", "expression" : r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/proevehold.aspx\?type=proevehold&ProeveholdId=(?P<test_team_id>.*)&prevurl=(?P<prev_url>.*)"} ] # Loop over the expressions groups = [] type = "other" for expressionObject in expressions: prog = re.compile(expressionObject["expression"]) if prog.match(timetableElement["href"]): groups = prog.match(timetableElement["href"]) type = expressionObject["type"] # Locate the status div div = timetableElement.find("div", attrs={"class" : "s2skemabrikcontent"}) # A list of the teachers teachers = [] # A list of the assigned teams teams = [] # Find all the info span elements infoSpanObjects = timetableElement.findAll("span") # Loop over the Info spans for span in infoSpanObjects: id = None # Test if property exists try: id = span["lectiocontextcard"] except BaseException: pass if not id == None: # Team if span["lectiocontextcard"][0] == "H": # Append the team teams.append({ "context_card_id" : span["lectiocontextcard"], "title" : unicode(span.text), "team_id" : span["lectiocontextcard"].replace("HE", "") }) # Teacher elif span["lectiocontextcard"][0] == "T": teachers.append({ "abbrevation" : unicode(span.text), "context_card_id" : span["lectiocontextcard"], "teacher_id" : span["lectiocontextcard"].replace("T", "") }) # Get the titletext where to extract start and end times from title = timetableElement["title"] # Match the title, to extract the start and end time timeProg = re.compile(r"(?P<start_hour>[0-9]*):(?P<start_minute>[0-9]*) til (?P<end_hour>[0-9]*):(?P<end_minute>[0-9]*)") timeGroups ="utf8"), re.MULTILINE) # Get the "main sections" separated by a double return \n\n mainSections = title.split("\n\n") # Grab the top section and split it by a single return \n topSection = mainSections[0].split("\n") # Initialize variables, assume that nothing is cancelled or changed isChangedOrCancelled = 0 isCancelled = False isChanged = False # If the first item in the top section doesn't contain 'til', # it must be either cancelled or changed if not "til" in topSection[0]: isChangedOrCancelled = 1 # If it says 'Aflyst!' if "Aflyst!" in topSection[0]: # It must be cancelled isCancelled = True else: # Otherwise it must be changed isChanged = True if not timeGroups is None: startTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(time.strptime("%s %s %s %s %s" % ("start_hour"),"start_minute"), dayOfWeek , timeWeek, year),"%H %M %w %W %Y"))) endTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(time.strptime("%s %s %s %s %s" % ("end_hour"),"end_minute"), dayOfWeek , timeWeek, year),"%H %M %w %W %Y"))) else: # Grab the date sections, fx: "15/5-2013 15:30 til 17:00" dateSections = topSection[0+isChangedOrCancelled].split(" ") # Grab the date, being the first (0) section if len(dateSections) == 4: startDateSection = dateSections[0] endDateSection = dateSections[0] startTimeSection = dateSections[1] endTimeSection = dateSections[3] else: startDateSection = dateSections[0] endDateSection = dateSections[3] startTimeSection = dateSections[1] endTimeSection = dateSections[4] currentTimezone = timezone("Europe/Copenhagen") alternativeDayProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day>[0-9]*)/(?P<month>[0-9]*)-(?P<year>[0-9]*)") alternativeStartDayGroups = alternativeDayProg.match(startDateSection.strip()) alternativeEndDayGroups = alternativeDayProg.match(endDateSection.strip()) startTime = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"), startTimeSection.strip()), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") endTime = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"), endTimeSection.strip()), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") roomText = "" try: if not "rer:" in topSection[3 + isChangedOrCancelled]: room = topSection[3 + isChangedOrCancelled].strip("Lokale: ").encode('utf-8').replace("r: ","") except IndexError: pass if sameDay(startTime, dayOfWeek, timeWeek, year): if type == "private": timeElements.append({ "text" : unicode(timetableElement.text), "activity_id" :"activity_id"), "startTime" : startTime, "endTime" : endTime, "type" : type, "school_id" :"school_id") }) elif type == "outgoing_censor": timeElements.append({ "text" : unicode(timetableElement.text), "outbound_censor_id" :"outbound_censor_id"), "startTime" : startTime, "endTime" : endTime, "type" : type, "school_id" :"school_id") }) elif type == "exam": timeElements.append({ "text" : unicode(timetableElement.text), "test_team_id" :"test_team_id"), "startTime" : startTime, "endTime" : endTime, "type" : type, "school_id" :"school_id") }) elif type == "school": # Add to the list timeElements.append({ "text" : unicode(timetableElement.text), "activity_id" :"activity_id"), "status" : "changed" if "s2changed" in div["class"] else "cancelled" if "s2cancelled" in div["class"] else "normal", "teachers" : teachers, "teams" : teams, "startTime" : startTime, "endTime" : endTime, "type" : type, "location_text" : unicode(div.text), "room_text" : unicode(roomText), "school_id" :"school_id") }) return { "status" : "ok", "timetable" : timeElements, "information" : generalInformation, "module_info" : moduleInfo, "headers" : headers, "term" : { "value" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "s_m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"], "years_string" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "s_m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0].text } }
def assignment_info ( config, session = False ): url = urls.assignment_info.replace("{{SCHOOL_ID}}", str(config["school_id"])).replace("{{ASSIGNMENT_ID}}", str(config["assignment_id"])).replace("{{STUDENT_ID}}",str(config["student_id"])) if session is False: session = authenticate.authenticate(config) if session == False: return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"} # Insert the session information from the auth function cookies = { "lecmobile" : "0", "ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"], "LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"], "lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"], "LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"] } settings = {} # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information headers = { "User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36", "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host" : "", "Origin" : "", "Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ") } response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) dateTime = re.compile(r"(?P<day>.*)/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*) (?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)") if soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_registerAfl_pa"}) is None: return { "status" : False, "error" : "Data not found" } teacherProg = re.compile(r"(?P<name>.*) \((?P<abbrevation>.*)\)") documentProg = re.compile(r"(?P<name>.*) \((?P<upload_date>.*)\)") teamProg = re.compile(r"(?P<class_name>.*) (?P<subject_name>.*)") rows = soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_registerAfl_pa"}).find("table").findAll("td") headers = soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_registerAfl_pa"}).find("table").findAll("th") rowMap = functions.mapRows(headers, rows) dateTimeGroups = dateTime.match(rowMap["Afleveringsfrist"].text) date = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") group_assignment = False members = [] teachers = [] teams = [] documents = [] comments = [] uploadRows = soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_RecipientGV"}).findAll("tr") uploadRows.pop(0) uploadProg = re.compile(r"\/lectio/(?P<school_id>.*)\/ExerciseFileGet.aspx\?type=(?P<type>.*)&entryid=(?P<entry_id>.*)") for row in uploadRows: elements = row.findAll("td") context_card_id = elements[1].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"] dateTimeGroups = dateTime.match(elements[0].find("span").text) upload_type = "" entry_id = "" if not elements[3].find("a") is None: uploadGroups = uploadProg.match(elements[3].find("a")["href"]) entry_id ="entry_id") upload_type = "student_assignment" if"type") == "elevopgave" else "other" uploadDate = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") comments.append({ "file" : { "name" : elements[3].find("a").text.encode("utf8") if not elements[3].find("a") is None else "", "entry_id" : entry_id, "type" : upload_type }, "comment" : functions.cleanText(elements[2].text).encode("utf8"), "uploader" : { "name" : elements[1].find("span")["title"].encode("utf8") if context_card_id[0] == "T" else elements[1].find("span").text.encode("utf8"), "type" : "teacher" if context_card_id[0] == "T" else "student", "person_id" : context_card_id.replace("T", "") if context_card_id[0] == "T" else context_card_id.replace("S", ""), "context_card_id" : context_card_id, "abbrevation" : elements[1].find("span").text.encode("utf8") if context_card_id[0] == "T" else "" }, "date" : uploadDate }) documentIdProg = re.compile(r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/ExerciseFileGet.aspx\?type=(?P<type>.*)&exercisefileid=(?P<exercise_file_id>.*)") statusProg = re.compile(r"(?P<status>.*)\/ (.*): (?P<leave>.*)%") studentDataElements = soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_StudentGV"}).findAll("tr")[1].findAll("td") statusGroups = statusProg.match(functions.cleanText(studentDataElements[3].text).encode("utf8")) status = functions.cleanText("status")) if not statusGroups is None else "" studentData = { "student" : { "context_card_id" : studentDataElements[0].find("img")["lectiocontextcard"], "student_id" : studentDataElements[0].find("img")["lectiocontextcard"].replace("S", ""), }, "status" : "handed" if status.strip() == "Afleveret" else "missing", "waiting_for" : "student" if functions.cleanText(studentDataElements[2].text) == "Elev" else "teacher" if unicode(functions.cleanText(studentDataElements[2].text)) == u"Lærer" else "none", "leave" : functions.cleanText("leave")) if not statusGroups is None else 0, "finished" : True if soup.find("input", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_StudentGV_ctl02_CompletedCB"}).has_attr("checked") and soup.find("input", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_StudentGV_ctl02_CompletedCB"})["checked"] == "checked" else False, "grade" : functions.cleanText(studentDataElements[5].text).encode("utf8"), "grade_note" : functions.cleanText(studentDataElements[6].text).encode("utf8"), "student_note" : functions.cleanText(studentDataElements[7].text).encode("utf8") } if u"Opgavebeskrivelse" in rowMap: for row in rowMap[u"Opgavebeskrivelse"].findAll("a"): fileNameGroups = documentProg.match(functions.cleanText(row.text.strip())) fileIdGroups = documentIdProg.match(row["href"]) documentType ="type") if not fileIdGroups is None else "", documents.append({ "name" :"name") if not fileNameGroups is None else "", "exercise_file_id" :"exercise_file_id") if not fileIdGroups is None else "", "uploaded_date_string" :"upload_date") if not fileNameGroups is None else "", "type" : "exercise_description", "school_id" :"school_id") if not fileIdGroups is None else "" }) for row in rowMap["Hold"].findAll("span"): #teamGroups = teamProg.match(row.text) teams.append({ #"class_name" : unicode("class_name")) if not teamGroups is None else "", #"subject_name" : unicode("subject_name")) if not teamGroups is None else "", "team_element_name" : row.text, "team_element_id" : rowMap["Hold"].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"].replace("HE", ""), "context_card_id" : rowMap["Hold"].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"] }) for row in rowMap["Ansvarlig"].findAll("span"): teacherGroups = teacherProg.match(row.text) teachers.append({ "teacher_id" : row["lectiocontextcard"].replace("T", ""), "name" :"name").encode("utf8") if not teacherGroups is None else "", "context_card_id" : row["lectiocontextcard"], "abbrevation" :"abbrevation").encode("utf8") if not teacherGroups is None else "" }) if soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_groupIsland_pa"}): group_assignment = True memberRows = soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_groupMembersGV"}).findAll("tr") memberRows.pop(0) memberProg = re.compile(r"(?P<name>.*), (?P<code>.*)") for row in memberRows: elements = row.findAll("td") memberGroups = memberProg.match(elements[0].find("span").text) members.append({ "name" :"name") if not memberGroups is None else "", "student_id" : elements[0].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"].replace("S", ""), "context_card_id" : elements[0].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"], "student_class_code" :"code") if not memberGroups is None else "" }) else: memberProg = re.compile(r"Eleven (?P<name>.*) \((?P<code>.*)\) - Opgaveaflevering") memberGroups = memberProg.match(soup.find(attrs={"id" : "m_HeaderContent_pageHeader"}).find("div").text) members.append({ "student_id" : config["student_id"], "context_card_id" : soup.find(attrs={"id" : "m_HeaderContent_pageHeader"}).find("div")["lectiocontextcard"], "student_class_code" :"code") if not memberGroups is None else "", "name" :"name") if not memberGroups is None else "", }) availableStudents = [] availableStudentProg = re.compile(r"(?P<name>.*) \((?P<code>.*)\)") if not soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_groupStudentAddDD"}) is None: for row in soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_groupStudentAddDD"}).findAll("option"): progGroups = availableStudentProg.match(row.text) availableStudents.append({ "name" : str("name")).decode("utf8"), "student_id" : row["value"], "student_class_code" :"code"), }) infomation = { "documents" : documents, "title" : rowMap[r"Opgavetitel"].find("span").text.encode("utf8"), "group_assignment" : group_assignment, "members" : members, "note" : rowMap[u"Opgavenote"].text.encode("utf8"), "team" : teams, "grading_scale" : "7-step" if rowMap[u"Karakterskala"].text == "7-trinsskala" else "13-step", "teachers" : teachers, "student_time" : rowMap[u"Elevtid"].text.replace(",", ".").replace("timer", ""), "date" : date, "in_instruction_detail" : True if rowMap[u"Iundervisningsbeskrivelse"].text == "Ja" else False, "comments" : comments, "group" : { "available_students" : availableStudents }, "student" : studentData } #Delivered by, grade, grade_note, student_note, ended, awaiting, uploaded-documents return { "status" : "ok", "information" : infomation }
def assignments(config, session=False): if session == False: session = authenticate.authenticate(config) if session == False: return {"status": "error", "type": "authenticate"} else: url = urls.assigment_list.replace("{{SCHOOL_ID}}", str(config["school_id"])).replace( "{{STUDENT_ID}}", str(config["student_id"])) # Insert the session information from the auth function cookies = { "lecmobile": "0", "ASP.NET_SessionId": session["ASP.NET_SessionId"], "LastLoginUserName": session["LastLoginUserName"], "lectiogsc": session["lectiogsc"], "LectioTicket": session["LectioTicket"] } # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host": "", "Origin": "", "Cookie": functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ") } validationRequest = response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) firstViewState = urllib.urlencode( {"__VIEWSTATEX": soup.find(id="__VIEWSTATEX")["value"]}) firstEventValidationText = soup.find(id="aspnetForm").find( id="__EVENTVALIDATION")["value"] firstEventValidation = urllib.urlencode( {"__EVENTVALIDATION": firstEventValidationText}) firstResponse = url, data= '__EVENTTARGET=s%24m%24Content%24Content%24CurrentExerciseFilterCB&__EVENTARGUMENT=&__LASTFOCUS=' + firstEventValidation + "&" + firstViewState + "&time=0&__EVENTARGUMENT=&__VIEWSTATE=", headers=headers) html = firstResponse.text soup = Soup(html) viewState = urllib.urlencode( {"__VIEWSTATEX": soup.find(id="__VIEWSTATEX")["value"]}) eventValidationText = soup.find(id="aspnetForm").find( id="__EVENTVALIDATION")["value"] eventValidation = urllib.urlencode( {"__EVENTVALIDATION": eventValidationText}) response = url, data= '__EVENTTARGET=s%24m%24Content%24Content%24ShowThisTermOnlyCB&__EVENTARGUMENT=&__LASTFOCUS=' + eventValidation + "&" + viewState + "&time=0&__EVENTARGUMENT=&__VIEWSTATE=", headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) if soup.find("table", attrs={"id": "s_m_Content_Content_ExerciseGV" }) is None: return {"status": False, "error": "Data not found"} # Extract table cells tableRows = soup.find("table", attrs={ "id": "s_m_Content_Content_ExerciseGV" }).findAll("tr") # Remove the header cell del tableRows[0] assignmentsList = [] for row in tableRows: cells = row.findAll("td") s ='([0-9]*)\/([0-9]*)-([0-9]*) ([0-9]*):([0-9]*)', cells[3].text) date = functions.zeroPadding( + "/" + functions.zeroPadding( + "-" + + " " + 4) + ":" + object = {} try: object["week"] = cells[0].find("span").text except BaseException: object["week"] = "" try: object["group"] = cells[1].find("span").text.encode("utf8") except BaseException: object["group"] = "" try: object["title"] = cells[2].find("a").text.encode("utf8") except BaseException: object["title"] = "" try: object["context_card_id"] = cells[1].find( "span")["lectiocontextcard"] object["team_element_id"] = cells[1].find( "span")["lectiocontextcard"].replace("HE", "") except BaseException: object["context_card_id"] = "" object["team_element_id"] = "" try: prog = re.compile( r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/ElevAflevering.aspx\?elevid=(?P<student_id>.*)&exerciseid=(?P<exercise_id>.*)&(?P<the_other>.*)" ) urlGroups = prog.match(cells[2].find("a")["href"]) object["exercise_id"] ="exercise_id") except BaseException: object["exercise_id"] = "" try: object["link"] = cells[2].find("a")["href"] except BaseException: object["link"] = "" try: object["date"] = datetime.strptime(date, "%d/%m-%Y %H:%S") except BaseException: object["date"] = datetime.strptime("1/1-1977 00:01", "%d/%m-%Y %H:%S") try: object["hours"] = float(cells[4].find("span").text.replace( ",", ".").strip()) except BaseException: object["hours"] = "" try: status = unicode(cells[5].find("span").text) object[ "status"] = "handed" if status == "Afleveret" else "missing" if status == "Mangler" else "waiting" except BaseException: object["status"] = "" try: object["leave"] = int(cells[6].text.replace(",", ".").replace( "%", "").strip()) except BaseException: object["leave"] = "" try: waiting_for = unicode(cells[7].find("span").text) object[ "waiting_for"] = "student" if waiting_for == "Elev" else "teacher" except BaseException: object["waiting_for"] = "" try: object["note"] = cells[8].text.encode("utf8") except BaseException: object["note"] = "" try: object["grade"] = cells[9].text.encode("utf8") except BaseException: object["grade"] = "" try: object["student_note"] = cells[10].text.encode("utf8") except BaseException: object["student_note"] = "" assignmentsList.append(object) return { "list": assignmentsList, "status": "ok", "term": { "value": soup.find("select", attrs={ "id": "s_m_ChooseTerm_term" }).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"], "years_string": soup.find("select", attrs={ "id": "s_m_ChooseTerm_term" }).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0].text } }
def student_surveys(config, session=False): url = "" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["student_id"])) if session is False: session = authenticate.authenticate(config) if session == False: return {"status": "error", "type": "authenticate"} # Insert the session information from the auth function cookies = { "lecmobile": "0", "ASP.NET_SessionId": session["ASP.NET_SessionId"], "LastLoginUserName": session["LastLoginUserName"], "lectiogsc": session["lectiogsc"], "LectioTicket": session["LectioTicket"] } # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host": "", "Origin": "", "Cookie": functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ") } response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) if soup.find("div", attrs={"id": "s_m_Content_Content_answer_island_pa" }) is None: return {"status": False, "error": "Data not found"} surveys = [] ids = [] openForAnsweringProg = re.compile( r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/spoergeskema_besvar.aspx\?id=(?P<survey_id>.*)&prevurl=(?P<prev_url>.*)" ) ownProg = re.compile( r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/spoergeskema_rediger.aspx\?id=(?P<survey_id>.*)&prevurl=(?P<prev_url>.*)" ) openForReportingProg = re.compile( r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/spoergeskema\/spoergeskemarapportering.aspx\?id=(?P<survey_id>.*)&prevurl=(?P<prev_url>.*)" ) dateTimeProg = re.compile( r"(?P<day>.*)/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*) (?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)") if soup.find(attrs={ "id": "s_m_Content_Content_answer_island_pa" }).find("table").find(attrs={"class": "noRecord"}) is None: for row in soup.find(attrs={ "id": "s_m_Content_Content_answer_island_pa" }).findAll("tr")[1:]: elements = row.findAll("td") if not elements[3].find("span") is None: dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match( elements[3].find("span").text.strip()) else: dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(elements[3].text) date = datetime.strptime( "%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not dateGroups is None else "" idGroups = openForAnsweringProg.match( elements[0].find("a")["href"]) id ="survey_id") if not idGroups is None else "" ids.append(id) surveys.append({ "types": ["open_for_answering"], "survey_id": id, "anonymous": True if elements[2].text == "Ja" else False, "answer_date": date, "title": elements[0].text.strip().replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "").replace( "\t", "").encode("utf8") }) if soup.find(attrs={ "id": "s_m_Content_Content_report_island_pa" }).find(attrs={"class": "noRecord"}) is None: for row in soup.find(attrs={ "id": "s_m_Content_Content_report_island_pa" }).findAll("tr")[1:]: elements = row.findAll("td") if not elements[2].find("span") is None: dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match( elements[2].find("span").text.strip()) else: dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(elements[2].text) answerDate = datetime.strptime( "%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not dateGroups is None else "" dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(elements[3].text) reportDate = datetime.strptime( "%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not dateGroups is None else "" dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(elements[4].text) endDate = datetime.strptime( "%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not dateGroups is None else "" idGroups = openForReportingProg.match( elements[0].find("a")["href"]) id ="survey_id") if not idGroups is None else "" ids.append(id) if id in ids: for x in surveys: if x["survey_id"] == id: x["answer_date"] = answerDate x["report_date"] = reportDate x["end_date"] = endDate x["types"].append("open_for_reporting") else: surveys.append({ "types": "open_for_reporting", "survey_id": id, "answer_date": answerDate, "report_date": reportDate, "end_date": endDate, "title": elements[0].text.strip().replace("\r", "").replace( "\n", "").replace("\t", "").encode("utf8") }) if soup.find(attrs={ "id": "s_m_Content_Content_own_island_pa" }).find(attrs={"class": "noRecord"}) is None: for row in soup.find(attrs={ "id": "s_m_Content_Content_own_island_pa" }).findAll("tr")[1:]: elements = row.findAll("td") if not elements[1].find("span") is None: dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match( elements[1].find("span").text.strip()) else: dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(elements[1].text) answerDate = datetime.strptime( "%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not dateGroups is None else "" dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(elements[2].text) reportDate = datetime.strptime( "%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not dateGroups is None else "" dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(elements[3].text) endDate = datetime.strptime( "%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not dateGroups is None else "" idGroups = ownProg.match(elements[0].find("a")["href"]) id ="survey_id") if not idGroups is None else "" if id in ids: for x in surveys: if x["survey_id"] == id: x["owner_id"] = str(config["student_id"]) x["answer_date"] = answerDate x["report_date"] = reportDate x["end_date"] = endDate else: ids.append(id) surveys.append({ "types": ["closed"], "survey_id": id, "answer_date": answerDate, "report_date": reportDate, "end_date": endDate, "title": elements[0].text.strip().replace("\r", "").replace( "\n", "").replace("\t", "").encode("utf8") }) return {"status": "ok", "surveys": surveys}
def document ( config, session = False ): url = "" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["document_id"]) ) if session is False: session = authenticate.authenticate(config) if session == False: return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"} cookies = { "lecmobile" : "0", "ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"], "LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"], "lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"], "LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"] } # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information headers = { "User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36", "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host" : "", "Origin" : "", "Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ") } response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) if soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_Dokument_pa"}) is None: return { "status" : False, "error" : "Data not found" } offset = 0 elements = soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_Dokument_pa"}).findAll("td") if len(elements) < 7: offset = 1 creator = context_card.user({ "context_card_id" : elements[3-offset].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"], "school_id" : config["school_id"] }, session)["user"] changer = elements[4-offset].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"] elements[4-offset].find("span").decompose() dateText = elements[4-offset].text.replace(" af ", "").strip() dateTimeProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day>.*)/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*) (?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)") dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(dateText) date = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not dateGroups is None else "" connectionRows = soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_AffiliationsGV"}).findAll("tr") connectionRows.pop(0) connections = [] for row in connectionRows: rowElements = row.findAll("td") data = { "context_card_id" : rowElements[0]["lectiocontextcard"], "type" : "team" if "H" in rowElements[0]["lectiocontextcard"] else "teacher" if "T" in rowElements[0]["lectiocontextcard"] else "student", "name" : unicode(rowElements[0].find("span").text), "can_edit" : True if "checked" in rowElements[1].find("input").attrs else False } if rowElements[2].find("select"): folder_id = rowElements[2].find("select").select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"] data["folder_id"] = folder_id connections.append(data) document = { "name" : unicode(elements[0].find("a").text).replace("\t", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").strip(), "extension" : os.path.splitext(elements[0].find("a").text.replace("\t", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").strip())[1].replace(".", ""), "size" : elements[2-offset].text.replace(",", ".").replace("\t", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").strip(), "document_id" : str(config["document_id"]), "creator" : creator, "changer" : { "context_card_id" : changer, "type" : "teacher" if "T" in changer else "student", "date" : date }, "comment" : soup.find("textarea", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_EditDocComments_tb"}).text.replace("\r\n",""), "public" : True if "checked" in soup.find("input", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_EditDocIsPublic"}).attrs else False, "connections" : connections, "term" : { "value" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"], "years_string" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0].text } } return { "status" : "ok", "document" : document }
def survey_report(config, session=False): url = "" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["survey_id"])) if session is False: session = authenticate.authenticate(config) if session == False: return {"status": "error", "type": "authenticate"} # Insert the session information from the auth function cookies = { "lecmobile": "0", "ASP.NET_SessionId": session["ASP.NET_SessionId"], "LastLoginUserName": session["LastLoginUserName"], "lectiogsc": session["lectiogsc"], "LectioTicket": session["LectioTicket"] } # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host": "", "Origin": "", "Cookie": functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ") } response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) if soup.find("div", attrs={"id": "m_Content_sdasd_pa"}) is None: return {"status": False, "error": "Data not found"} dateTimeProg = re.compile( r"(?P<day>.*)/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*) (?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)") informationTables = soup.find("div", attrs={ "id": "m_Content_sdasd_pa" }).findAll("table") infoElements = informationTables[0].findAll("td") dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(infoElements[2].text) answerDate = datetime.strptime( "%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not dateGroups is None else "" owner = context_card.user( { "context_card_id": infoElements[1].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"], "school_id": str(config["school_id"]) }, session)["user"] ownerUser = { "context_cards": [ infoElements[1].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"], owner["context_card_id"] ], "picture_id": owner["picture_id"], "name": owner["name"], "type": owner["type"] } if owner["type"] == "student": ownerUser["student_id"] = owner["student_id"] else: ownerUser["teacher_id"] = owner["teacher_id"] information = { "title": infoElements[0].text.encode("utf8"), "answer_date": answerDate, "owner": ownerUser } statElements = informationTables[1].findAll("td") stats = { "teachers": { "registred": statElements[1].text, "submitted": statElements[2].text, "submitted_with_unsubscribed": statElements[3].text, "not_submitted": statElements[4].text }, "students": { "registred": statElements[5].text, "submitted": statElements[6].text, "submitted_with_unsubscribed": statElements[7].text, "not_submitted": statElements[8].text }, "total": { "registred": statElements[9].text, "submitted": statElements[10].text, "submitted_with_unsubscribed": statElements[11].text, "not_submitted": statElements[12].text } } sections = [] section_number = None section_title = None section_elements = [] section_description = None current_question_title = None current_question_number = None current_question_description = None titleProg = re.compile(r"(?P<number>[\d\.\d\S]*) (?P<title>.*)") type = "text" answerStats = [] unanswered = 0 unansweredPercent = 0 for row in soup.find(attrs={ "id": "m_Content_ctl00_pa" }).find("table").findAll("tr", recursive=False): elements = row.findAll("td") text = elements[0].text.strip().replace("\r", "").replace("\t", "") if len(text) > 0: if not elements[0].find("h3") is None: titleGroups = titleProg.match(elements[0].find("h3").text) if not "." in"number"): if not section_number is None: sections.append({ "number": section_number, "title": section_title, "elements": section_elements, "description": section_description }) section_number = None section_title = None section_elements = [] section_description = None section_number = "number") if not titleGroups is None else None section_title = "title") if not titleGroups is None else None elements[0].find("h3").decompose() section_description = elements[0].text.replace( "\r\n", "").replace("\t", "").strip().strip("\n") else: current_question_number = "number") if not titleGroups is None else None current_question_title = "title") if not titleGroups is None else None elements[0].find("h3").decompose() current_question_description = elements[0].text.replace( "\r\n", "").replace("\t", "").strip().strip("\n") else: tables = row.findAll("table") answers = [] if tables[0].find("img") is None: for x in tables[0].findAll("tr"): xElements = x.findAll("td") if type == "checkbox": options = xElements[3].text.split(", ") else: options = [xElements[3].text] if xElements[2].text == "anonym": answers.append({ "anonymous": True, "respondent_id": xElements[0].text, "options": options }) else: answers.append({ "anonymous": False, "options": options, "user_context_card_id": xElements[0].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"], "user_text_id": xElements[1].text, "user_team_text": xElements[2].text }) section_elements.append({ "number": current_question_number.encode("utf8"), "title": current_question_title.encode("utf8"), "description": current_question_description.encode("utf8"), "type": type, "answers": answers, "answer_stats": answerStats, "unanswered": str(unanswered), "unanswered_percent": str(unansweredPercent) }) type = "text" answerStats = [] unanswered = 0 unansweredPercent = 0 else: for x in tables[0].findAll("tr"): xElements = x.findAll("td") if x.find("th").text == "Ubesvaret": type = "radio" unanswered = xElements[1].text unansweredPercent = xElements[2].text.replace( " %", "") else: type = "checkbox" answerStats.append({ "text": x.find("th").text.encode("utf8"), "number": xElements[1].text, "percent": xElements[2].text.replace(" %", "").replace( ",", ".") }) if section_number == None: section_number = 1 section_title = "" section_description = "" sections.append({ "number": section_number, "title": section_title, "elements": section_elements, "description": section_description }) return { "status": "ok", "information": information, "stats": stats, "sections": sections }
def timetable( config, url, week, year, session = False ): cookies = {} # Sorting settings settings = { } # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information headers = { "User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36", "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host" : "", "Origin" : "", "Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ") } response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) if soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_SkemaNyMedNavigation_skema_skematabel"}) is None: return { "status" : False, "error" : "Data not found" } # Fetch all rows in the table rows = soup.find("table", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_SkemaNyMedNavigation_skema_skematabel"}).findAll("tr") # Fetch module info, to make it possible to draw a complete timetable moduleInfo = [] moduleInfoProg = re.compile(r"(?P<module_number>.*)\. (?P<start_time>.*) - (?P<end_time>.*)") for row in soup.findAll("div", attrs={"class" : "s2module-info"}): moduleInfoGroups = moduleInfoProg.match(row.text.strip().replace("modul", "")) if not moduleInfoGroups is None: start ="start_time") if len(start) < 5: start = "0" + start end ="end_time") if len(end) < 5: end = "0" + end moduleInfo.append({ "module" :"module_number"), "start" : start, "end" : end }) # Fetch the general information celss generalInformationDays = rows[2].findAll("td") generalInformation = [] holidayElements = [] # Loop through all the cells, and look for information index = 0 for tdRow in generalInformationDays: index = index+1 if index > 1: row = tdRow.findAll("a") dayOfWeek = index-1 if dayOfWeek == 7: dayOfWeek = 0 # Loop over the link elements, in the cell if not row == None and len(row) > 0: for element in row: # The time module uses "0" as the first week of the year if int(week) == 1: timeWeek = 0 else: # Subtract one, because 0 is the first week timeWeek = int(week)-1 date = time.strptime("%s %s %s" % (str(dayOfWeek),str(timeWeek), str(year)),"%w %W %Y") content = element.find("div", attrs={"class" : "s2skemabrikcontent"}).findAll("span")[1] div = element.find("div", attrs={"class" : "s2skemabrikcontent"}) href = None # If the a tag has a href, fetch it try: href = element["href"] except BaseException: pass if href == None: generalInformation.append({ "message" : unicode(content.text), "date" : datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(date)), "school_id" : str(config["school_id"]), "branch_id" : str(config["branch_id"]), "term" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "s_m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"], "week" : week, "year" : year }) else: # Compile the regular expression prog = re.compile(r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>[0-9]*)\/aktivitet\/aktivitetinfo.aspx\?id=(?P<activity_id>[0-9]*)&(?P<prev_url>.*)") activityGroups = prog.match(element["href"]) generalInformation.append({ "message" : unicode(content.text), "activity_id" :"activity_id"), "status" : "changed" if "s2changed" in div["class"] else "cancelled" if "s2cancelled" in div["class"] else "normal", "date" : datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(date)), "school_id" : str(config["school_id"]), "branch_id" : str(config["branch_id"]), "term" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "s_m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"], "week" : week, "year" : year }) # Find all the day elements timeElements = [] headers = [] headerRows = rows[1].findAll("td") headerRows.pop(0) headerProg = re.compile(ur"(?P<day_name>.*) \((?P<day>.*)\/(?P<month>.*)\)") for row in headerRows: headerGroups = headerProg.match(row.text) headerYear = year if not headerGroups is None: if int(week) == 1 and int("month")) == 12: headerYear = str(int(year) - 1) headers.append({ "day" :"day_name"), "date" : datetime.strptime("%s-%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")), headerYear, "12:00"), "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M") }) dayElements = rows[3].findAll("td") dayElements.pop(0) # Loop over the days index = 0 dayOfWeek = 1 for dayElement in dayElements: # Increment the day index = index+1 dayOfWeek = index if dayOfWeek == 7: dayOfWeek = 0 # The time module uses "0" as the first week of the year if int(week) == 1: timeWeek = 0 else: # Subtract one, because 0 is the first week timeWeek = int(week)-1 # Find all the "a" tags, representing timetable elements timetableElements = dayElement.findAll("a") moduleIndex = 1 for checkElement in dayElement.findAll(attrs={"class" : "s2module-bg"}): if "s2time-off" in checkElement["class"]: # Get time from module info elements holidayElements.append({ "start" : datetime.strptime("%s-%s-%s %s" % (headers[index-1]["date"].strftime("%d"), headers[index-1]["date"].strftime("%m"), headers[index-1]["date"].strftime("%Y"), moduleInfo[moduleIndex-1]["start"]), "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M"), "end" : datetime.strptime("%s-%s-%s %s" % (headers[index-1]["date"].strftime("%d"), headers[index-1]["date"].strftime("%m"), headers[index-1]["date"].strftime("%Y"), moduleInfo[moduleIndex-1]["end"]), "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M") }) moduleIndex = moduleIndex + 1 # Loop over the timetable elements for timetableElement in timetableElements: #The type of the event, "private" or "school" type = None # Locate the different types of information in the url, and find the different RegEx groups expressions = [ {"type" : "private", "expression" : r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>[0-9]*)\/privat_aftale.aspx\?aftaleid=(?P<activity_id>[0-9]*)"}, {"type" : "school", "expression" : r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>[0-9]*)\/aktivitet\/aktivitetinfo.aspx\?id=(?P<activity_id>[0-9]*)&(?P<prev_url>.*)"}, {"type" : "outgoing_censor", "expression" : r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/proevehold.aspx\?type=udgcensur&outboundCensorID=(?P<outbound_censor_id>.*)&prevurl=(?P<prev_url>.*)"}, {"type" : "exam", "expression" : r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/proevehold.aspx\?type=proevehold&ProeveholdId=(?P<test_team_id>.*)&prevurl=(?P<prev_url>.*)"} ] # Loop over the expressions groups = [] type = "other" for expressionObject in expressions: prog = re.compile(expressionObject["expression"]) if prog.match(timetableElement["href"]): groups = prog.match(timetableElement["href"]) type = expressionObject["type"] # Locate the status div div = timetableElement.find("div", attrs={"class" : "s2skemabrikcontent"}) # A list of the teachers teachers = [] # A list of the assigned teams teams = [] # Find all the info span elements infoSpanObjects = timetableElement.findAll("span") # Loop over the Info spans for span in infoSpanObjects: id = None # Test if property exists try: id = span["lectiocontextcard"] except BaseException: pass if not id == None: # Team if span["lectiocontextcard"][0] == "H": # Append the team teams.append({ "context_card_id" : span["lectiocontextcard"], "title" : unicode(span.text), "team_id" : span["lectiocontextcard"].replace("HE", "") }) # Teacher elif span["lectiocontextcard"][0] == "T": teachers.append({ "abbrevation" : unicode(span.text), "context_card_id" : span["lectiocontextcard"], "teacher_id" : span["lectiocontextcard"].replace("T", "") }) # Get the titletext where to extract start and end times from title = timetableElement["title"] # Match the title, to extract the start and end time timeProg = re.compile(r"(?P<start_hour>[0-9]*):(?P<start_minute>[0-9]*) til (?P<end_hour>[0-9]*):(?P<end_minute>[0-9]*)") timeGroups ="utf8"), re.MULTILINE) # Get the "main sections" separated by a double return \n\n mainSections = title.split("\n\n") # Grab the top section and split it by a single return \n topSection = mainSections[0].split("\n") # Initialize variables, assume that nothing is cancelled or changed isChangedOrCancelled = 0 isCancelled = False isChanged = False # If the first item in the top section doesn't contain 'til', # it must be either cancelled or changed if not "til" in topSection[0]: isChangedOrCancelled = 1 # If it says 'Aflyst!' if "Aflyst!" in topSection[0]: # It must be cancelled isCancelled = True else: # Otherwise it must be changed isChanged = True if not timeGroups is None: startTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(time.strptime("%s %s %s %s %s" % ("start_hour"),"start_minute"), dayOfWeek , timeWeek, year),"%H %M %w %W %Y"))) endTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(time.strptime("%s %s %s %s %s" % ("end_hour"),"end_minute"), dayOfWeek , timeWeek, year),"%H %M %w %W %Y"))) else: # Grab the date sections, fx: "15/5-2013 15:30 til 17:00" dateSections = topSection[0+isChangedOrCancelled].split(" ") # Grab the date, being the first (0) section if len(dateSections) == 4: startDateSection = dateSections[0] endDateSection = dateSections[0] startTimeSection = dateSections[1] endTimeSection = dateSections[3] else: startDateSection = dateSections[0] endDateSection = dateSections[3] startTimeSection = dateSections[1] endTimeSection = dateSections[4] currentTimezone = timezone("Europe/Copenhagen") alternativeDayProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day>[0-9]*)/(?P<month>[0-9]*)-(?P<year>[0-9]*)") alternativeStartDayGroups = alternativeDayProg.match(startDateSection.strip()) alternativeEndDayGroups = alternativeDayProg.match(endDateSection.strip()) startTime = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"), startTimeSection.strip()), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") endTime = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"), endTimeSection.strip()), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") roomText = "" try: if not "rer:" in topSection[3 + isChangedOrCancelled]: room = topSection[3 + isChangedOrCancelled].strip("Lokale: ").encode('utf-8').replace("r: ","") except IndexError: pass if sameDay(startTime, dayOfWeek, timeWeek, year): if type == "private": timeElements.append({ "text" : unicode(timetableElement.text), "activity_id" :"activity_id"), "startTime" : startTime, "endTime" : endTime, "type" : type, "school_id" :"school_id") }) elif type == "outgoing_censor": timeElements.append({ "text" : unicode(timetableElement.text), "outbound_censor_id" :"outbound_censor_id"), "startTime" : startTime, "endTime" : endTime, "type" : type, "school_id" :"school_id") }) elif type == "exam": timeElements.append({ "text" : unicode(timetableElement.text), "test_team_id" :"test_team_id"), "startTime" : startTime, "endTime" : endTime, "type" : type, "school_id" :"school_id") }) elif type == "school": # Add to the list timeElements.append({ "text" : unicode(timetableElement.text), "activity_id" :"activity_id"), "status" : "changed" if "s2changed" in div["class"] else "cancelled" if "s2cancelled" in div["class"] else "normal", "teachers" : teachers, "teams" : teams, "startTime" : startTime, "endTime" : endTime, "type" : type, "location_text" : unicode(div.text), "room_text" : unicode(roomText), "school_id" :"school_id") }) return { "status" : "ok", "timetable" : timeElements, "information" : generalInformation, "module_info" : moduleInfo, "headers" : headers, "term" : { "value" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "s_m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0]["value"], "years_string" : soup.find("select", attrs={"id" : "s_m_ChooseTerm_term"}).select('option[selected="selected"]')[0].text } }
def student_surveys ( config, session = False ): url = "" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["student_id"]) ) if session is False: session = authenticate.authenticate(config) if session == False: return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"} # Insert the session information from the auth function cookies = { "lecmobile" : "0", "ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"], "LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"], "lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"], "LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"] } # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information headers = { "User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36", "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host" : "", "Origin" : "", "Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ") } response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) if soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_answer_island_pa"}) is None: return { "status" : False, "error" : "Data not found" } surveys = [] ids = [] openForAnsweringProg = re.compile(r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/spoergeskema_besvar.aspx\?id=(?P<survey_id>.*)&prevurl=(?P<prev_url>.*)") ownProg = re.compile(r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/spoergeskema_rediger.aspx\?id=(?P<survey_id>.*)&prevurl=(?P<prev_url>.*)") openForReportingProg = re.compile(r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/spoergeskema\/spoergeskemarapportering.aspx\?id=(?P<survey_id>.*)&prevurl=(?P<prev_url>.*)") dateTimeProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day>.*)/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*) (?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)") if soup.find(attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_answer_island_pa"}).find("table").find(attrs={"class" : "noRecord"}) is None: for row in soup.find(attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_answer_island_pa"}).findAll("tr")[1:]: elements = row.findAll("td") if not elements[3].find("span") is None: dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(elements[3].find("span").text.strip()) else: dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(elements[3].text) date = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not dateGroups is None else "" idGroups = openForAnsweringProg.match(elements[0].find("a")["href"]) id ="survey_id") if not idGroups is None else "" ids.append(id) surveys.append({ "types" : ["open_for_answering"], "survey_id" : id, "anonymous" : True if elements[2].text == "Ja" else False, "answer_date" : date, "title" : elements[0].text.strip().replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "").encode("utf8") }) if soup.find(attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_report_island_pa"}).find(attrs={"class" : "noRecord"}) is None: for row in soup.find(attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_report_island_pa"}).findAll("tr")[1:]: elements = row.findAll("td") if not elements[2].find("span") is None: dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(elements[2].find("span").text.strip()) else: dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(elements[2].text) answerDate = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not dateGroups is None else "" dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(elements[3].text) reportDate = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not dateGroups is None else "" dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(elements[4].text) endDate = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not dateGroups is None else "" idGroups = openForReportingProg.match(elements[0].find("a")["href"]) id ="survey_id") if not idGroups is None else "" ids.append(id) if id in ids: for x in surveys: if x["survey_id"] == id: x["answer_date"] = answerDate x["report_date"] = reportDate x["end_date"] = endDate x["types"].append("open_for_reporting") else: surveys.append({ "types" : "open_for_reporting", "survey_id" : id, "answer_date" : answerDate, "report_date" : reportDate, "end_date" : endDate, "title" : elements[0].text.strip().replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "").encode("utf8") }) if soup.find(attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_own_island_pa"}).find(attrs={"class" : "noRecord"}) is None: for row in soup.find(attrs={"id" : "s_m_Content_Content_own_island_pa"}).findAll("tr")[1:]: elements = row.findAll("td") if not elements[1].find("span") is None: dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(elements[1].find("span").text.strip()) else: dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(elements[1].text) answerDate = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not dateGroups is None else "" dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(elements[2].text) reportDate = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not dateGroups is None else "" dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(elements[3].text) endDate = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not dateGroups is None else "" idGroups = ownProg.match(elements[0].find("a")["href"]) id ="survey_id") if not idGroups is None else "" if id in ids: for x in surveys: if x["survey_id"] == id: x["owner_id"] = str(config["student_id"]) x["answer_date"] = answerDate x["report_date"] = reportDate x["end_date"] = endDate else: ids.append(id) surveys.append({ "types" : ["closed"], "survey_id" : id, "answer_date" : answerDate, "report_date" : reportDate, "end_date" : endDate, "title" : elements[0].text.strip().replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "").encode("utf8") }) return { "status" : "ok", "surveys" : surveys }
def survey_report ( config, session = False ): url = "" % ( str(config["school_id"]), str(config["survey_id"]) ) if session is False: session = authenticate.authenticate(config) if session == False: return {"status" : "error", "type" : "authenticate"} # Insert the session information from the auth function cookies = { "lecmobile" : "0", "ASP.NET_SessionId" : session["ASP.NET_SessionId"], "LastLoginUserName" : session["LastLoginUserName"], "lectiogsc" : session["lectiogsc"], "LectioTicket" : session["LectioTicket"] } # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information headers = { "User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36", "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host" : "", "Origin" : "", "Cookie" : functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ") } response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) if soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_sdasd_pa"}) is None: return { "status" : False, "error" : "Data not found" } dateTimeProg = re.compile(r"(?P<day>.*)/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*) (?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)") informationTables = soup.find("div", attrs={"id" : "m_Content_sdasd_pa"}).findAll("table") infoElements = informationTables[0].findAll("td") dateGroups = dateTimeProg.match(infoElements[2].text) answerDate = datetime.strptime("%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") if not dateGroups is None else "" owner = context_card.user({ "context_card_id" : infoElements[1].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"], "school_id" : str(config["school_id"]) }, session)["user"] ownerUser = { "context_cards" : [infoElements[1].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"], owner["context_card_id"]], "picture_id" : owner["picture_id"], "name" : owner["name"], "type" : owner["type"] } if owner["type"] == "student": ownerUser["student_id"] = owner["student_id"] else: ownerUser["teacher_id"] = owner["teacher_id"] information = { "title" : infoElements[0].text.encode("utf8"), "answer_date" : answerDate, "owner" : ownerUser } statElements = informationTables[1].findAll("td") stats = { "teachers" : { "registred" : statElements[1].text, "submitted" : statElements[2].text, "submitted_with_unsubscribed" : statElements[3].text, "not_submitted" : statElements[4].text }, "students" : { "registred" : statElements[5].text, "submitted" : statElements[6].text, "submitted_with_unsubscribed" : statElements[7].text, "not_submitted" : statElements[8].text }, "total" : { "registred" : statElements[9].text, "submitted" : statElements[10].text, "submitted_with_unsubscribed" : statElements[11].text, "not_submitted" : statElements[12].text } } sections = [] section_number = None section_title = None section_elements = [] section_description = None current_question_title = None current_question_number = None current_question_description = None titleProg = re.compile(r"(?P<number>[\d\.\d\S]*) (?P<title>.*)") type = "text" answerStats = [] unanswered = 0 unansweredPercent = 0 for row in soup.find(attrs={"id" : "m_Content_ctl00_pa"}).find("table").findAll("tr", recursive=False): elements = row.findAll("td") text = elements[0].text.strip().replace("\r", "").replace("\t", "") if len(text) > 0: if not elements[0].find("h3") is None: titleGroups = titleProg.match(elements[0].find("h3").text) if not "." in"number"): if not section_number is None: sections.append({ "number" : section_number, "title" : section_title, "elements" : section_elements, "description" : section_description }) section_number = None section_title = None section_elements = [] section_description = None section_number ="number") if not titleGroups is None else None section_title ="title") if not titleGroups is None else None elements[0].find("h3").decompose() section_description = elements[0].text.replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", "").strip().strip("\n") else: current_question_number ="number") if not titleGroups is None else None current_question_title ="title") if not titleGroups is None else None elements[0].find("h3").decompose() current_question_description = elements[0].text.replace("\r\n", "").replace("\t", "").strip().strip("\n") else: tables = row.findAll("table") answers = [] if tables[0].find("img") is None: for x in tables[0].findAll("tr"): xElements = x.findAll("td") if type == "checkbox": options = xElements[3].text.split(", ") else: options = [xElements[3].text] if xElements[2].text == "anonym": answers.append({ "anonymous" : True, "respondent_id" : xElements[0].text, "options" : options }) else: answers.append({ "anonymous" : False, "options" : options, "user_context_card_id" : xElements[0].find("span")["lectiocontextcard"], "user_text_id" : xElements[1].text, "user_team_text" : xElements[2].text }) section_elements.append({ "number" : current_question_number.encode("utf8"), "title" : current_question_title.encode("utf8"), "description" : current_question_description.encode("utf8"), "type" : type, "answers" : answers, "answer_stats" : answerStats, "unanswered" : str(unanswered), "unanswered_percent" : str(unansweredPercent) }) type = "text" answerStats = [] unanswered = 0 unansweredPercent = 0 else: for x in tables[0].findAll("tr"): xElements = x.findAll("td") if x.find("th").text == "Ubesvaret": type = "radio" unanswered = xElements[1].text unansweredPercent = xElements[2].text.replace(" %", "") else: type = "checkbox" answerStats.append({ "text" : x.find("th").text.encode("utf8"), "number" : xElements[1].text, "percent" : xElements[2].text.replace(" %", "").replace(",", ".") }) if section_number == None: section_number = 1 section_title = "" section_description = "" sections.append({ "number" : section_number, "title" : section_title, "elements" : section_elements, "description" : section_description }) return { "status" : "ok", "information" : information, "stats" : stats, "sections" : sections }
def userinfo(config, session=False): if session == False: session = authenticate.authenticate(config) if session == False: return {"status": "error", "type": "authenticate"} else: url = urls.front_page_url.replace("{{SCHOOL_ID}}", str(config["school_id"])) # Insert the session information from the auth function cookies = { "lecmobile": "0", "ASP.NET_SessionId": session["ASP.NET_SessionId"], "LastLoginUserName": session["LastLoginUserName"], "lectiogsc": session["lectiogsc"], "LectioTicket": session["LectioTicket"] } # Insert User-agent headers and the cookie information headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1665.2 Safari/537.36", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Host": "", "Origin": "", "Cookie": functions.implode(cookies, "{{index}}={{value}}", "; ") } response = proxy.session.get(url, headers=headers) html = response.text soup = Soup(html) lectio_user_id = soup.find("div", attrs={ "id": "s_m_masterleftDiv" }).find("a")["href"] picture_id = soup.find( "img", attrs={"id": "s_m_HeaderContent_picctrlthumbimage"})["src"] teamRows = soup.find("div", attrs={ "id": "s_m_Content_Content_HoldAndGroupList" }).find("table").findAll("tr") teams = [] buildInGroups = [] ownGroups = [] idProg = re.compile( r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>[0-9]*)/SkemaNy.aspx\?type=(?P<type_name>.*)&holdelementid=(?P<team_element_id>.*)" ) teamProg = re.compile(r"(?P<class_name>.*) (?P<team_name>.*)") # Teams for row in teamRows[0].findAll("td")[1].findAll("a"): idGroups = idProg.match(row["href"]) name = row.text teamGroups = teamProg.match(name) teams.append({ "id":"team_element_id"), "class_name": unicode("class_name")) if not teamGroups is None else "", "team_name": unicode("team_name")) if not teamGroups is None else "", "name": name }) # Build in Groups for row in teamRows[1].findAll("td")[1].findAll("a"): idGroups = idProg.match(row["href"]) name = row.text buildInGroups.append({ "id":"team_element_id"), "name": name }) # Own groups for row in teamRows[2].findAll("td")[1].findAll("a"): idGroups = idProg.match(row["href"]) id ="team_element_id"), name = row.text ownGroups.append({"id": id, "name": name}) # Student name name = re.sub( r'"Eleven (\w+), (\w+) - Forside"', r'\2', soup.find("div", attrs={ "id": "s_m_HeaderContent_MainTitle" }).text) # s_m_Content_Content_BookReservationInfo_ctl00_DashBoardItem2 # Info informations = [] schoolTable = soup.find( "table", attrs={"id": "s_m_Content_Content_importantInfo"}) examinations = [] grades = [] infoObjects = schoolTable.findAll("tr") dayTimeProg = re.compile( r"(?P<day>.*)/(?P<month>.*)-(?P<year>.*) (?P<hour>.*):(?P<minute>.*)" ) if not soup.find("table", attrs={"id": "s_m_Content_Content_KaraktererInfo" }) is None: for row in soup.find("table", attrs={ "id": "s_m_Content_Content_KaraktererInfo" }).findAll("tr"): elements = row.findAll("td") gradeTeams = [] gradeTeamProg = re.compile( r"(?P<class_name>.*) (?P<team_name>.*)") dayTimeGroups = dayTimeProg.match(elements[2]["title"]) for gradeTeam in elements[1]["title"].replace( "Frigives: ", "").split(", "): gradeTeamGroups = gradeTeamProg.match(gradeTeam) gradeTeams.append({ "class_name": unicode("class_name")) if not gradeTeamGroups is None else "", "team_name": unicode("team_name")) if not gradeTeamGroups is None else "" }) grades.append({ "date": datetime.strptime( "%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M"), "teams": gradeTeams }) if not soup.find("table", attrs={"id": "s_m_Content_Content_EksamenerInfo" }) is None: examObjects = soup.find("table", attrs={ "id": "s_m_Content_Content_EksamenerInfo" }).findAll("tr") else: examObjects = [] examIdProg = re.compile( r"\/lectio\/(?P<school_id>.*)\/proevehold.aspx\?type=proevehold&ProeveholdId=(?P<test_team_id>.*)&prevurl=forside.aspx" ) for row in examObjects: elements = row.findAll("td") examIdGroups = examIdProg.match(elements[1].find("a")["href"]) dayTimeGroups = dayTimeProg.match(elements[2]["title"]) examNameProg = re.compile( r"(?P<class_name>.*) (?P<team_name>.*) (?P<type_name>.*)\. eks\." ) examNameGroups = examNameProg.match( unicode(elements[1].find("a").find("span").text)) type_name = "type_name") if not examNameGroups is None else "" examinations.append({ "test_team_id":"test_team_id"), "school_id":"school_id"), "title": unicode(elements[1].find("a").find("span").text), "class_name":"class_name") if not examNameGroups is None else "", "team_name":"team_name") if not examNameGroups is None else "", "date": datetime.strptime( "%s/%s-%s %s:%s" % (functions.zeroPadding("day")), functions.zeroPadding("month")),"year"),"hour"),"minute")), "%d/%m-%Y %H:%M") }) if not infoObjects is None: for info in infoObjects: infoType = "" tds = info.findAll("td") if tds[0]["class"] is None or not tds[0][ "class"] is None and not "norecord" in tds[0]["class"]: if tds[0].find("img")["src"] == "/lectio/img/": infoType = "red" elif tds[0].find("img")["src"] == "/lectio/img/": infoType = "yellow" elif tds[0].find("img")["src"] == "/lectio/img/": infoType = "grey" informations.append({ "text": tds[1].find("span").text, "type": infoType }) nameProg = re.compile( r"Eleven (?P<name>.*), (?P<class_name>.*) - Forside") nameGroups = nameProg.match(name) return { "status": "ok", "student_id": lectio_user_id.replace( "/lectio/%s/SkemaNy.aspx?type=elev&elevid=" % (str(config["school_id"])), ""), "picture_id": picture_id.replace( "/lectio/%s/GetImage.aspx?pictureid=" % (str(config["school_id"])), ""), "teams": teams, "buildInGroups": buildInGroups, "ownGroups": ownGroups, "name": unicode("name")) if not nameGroups is None else "", "class_name":"class_name") if not nameGroups is None else "", "information": informations, "examinations": examinations, "grades": grades, "username": soup.find(attrs={ "id": "s_m_masterleftDiv" }).find("a").text }