def cartesianPath(xStart, xEnd, vStart, vEnd, aStart, aEnd, jStart, jEnd, T,
    Rs, ps = TransToRp(xStart)
    Re, pe = TransToRp(xEnd)
    tSpace = np.linspace(0, T, N)
    Rse = RotInv(Rs).dot(Re)
    i = 0
    Xlist = np.empty((N, 4, 4))
    Xlist[0] = Xstart

    a = np.array(
        [[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, T, T**2, T**3, T**4, T**5, T**6, T**7],
         [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
          0], [0, 1, 2 * T, 3 * T**2, 4 * T**3, 5 * T**4, 6 * T**5, 7 * T**6],
         [0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 2, 6 * T, 12 * T**2, 20 * T**3, 30 * T**4, 42 * T**5],
         [0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 0, 6, 24 * T, 60 * T**2, 120 * T**3, 210 * T**4]])
    # b = np.array([q_start[i],q_throw[i],0,q_dot[i],0,0,0,jerk])
    b = np.array([xStart[0, 3], xEnd[0, 3], 0, vEnd[3], 0, 0, 0, 0])
    coeff = np.linalg.solve(a, b)

    for t in tSpace[1:]:
        i = i + 1
        if timeScale == 3:
            s = CubicTimeScaling(T, t)
        elif timeScale == 5:
            s = QuinticTimeScaling(T, t)
            raise ValueError('timeScale must be 3 or 5')
        p = ps + s * (pe - ps)
        R = * s))
        Xlist[i] = RpToTrans(R, p)
    return Xlist
def move_to(pos):

    pub_demo_state = rospy.Publisher('demo_state', Int16, queue_size=10)

    if (pos == 1):
        catch = np.array([.65, .2, 0])  # my .7?
        R = np.array([[0.26397895, -0.34002068, 0.90260791],
                      [-0.01747676, -0.93733484, -0.34799134],
                      [0.96437009, 0.07608772, -0.25337913]])
    elif (pos == 2):
        catch = np.array([.68, -.05, 0])
        R = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0]])
    elif (pos == 3):
        catch = np.array([.72, .1, 0])
        R = np.array([[0.26397895, -0.34002068, 0.90260791],
                      [-0.01747676, -0.93733484, -0.34799134],
                      [0.96437009, 0.07608772, -0.25337913]])

    th_init = np.array([-.3048, -.2703, -.1848, 1.908, .758, -1.234, -3.04])

    X = RpToTrans(R, catch)

    # Find end joint angles with IK
    robot = URDF.from_parameter_server()
    base_link = robot.get_root()
    kdl_kin = KDLKinematics(robot, base_link, 'left_gripper_base')
    seed = 0
    q_ik = kdl_kin.inverse(X, th_init)
    while q_ik == None:
        seed += 0.01
        q_ik = kdl_kin.inverse(X, th_init + seed)
        if (seed > 1):
            # return False
    q_goal = q_ik
    print q_goal

    limb_interface = baxter_interface.limb.Limb('left')
    angles = limb_interface.joint_angles()
    for ind, joint in enumerate(limb_interface.joint_names()):
        angles[joint] = q_goal[ind]

    # rospy.sleep(5)
    print 'done'
Esempio n. 3
def sample_state(catch_x, catch_y, catch_z, pos):
    res = test_pos(catch_x, catch_y, catch_z, pos)
    while res == None:
        res = test_pos(catch_x, catch_y, catch_z, pos)
    throw_y = res[0]
    throw_z = res[1]
    vel = res[2]
    alpha = res[3]

    throw_x = .68
    throw_pos = np.array([throw_x, throw_y, throw_z])
    th_init = np.array([
        0.47668453, -0.77274282, 0.93150983, 2.08352941, 0.54149522,
        -1.26745163, -2.06742261
    ])  # experimentally determined
    R_init = np.array([[0.06713617, -0.05831221, 0.99603836],
                       [-0.97267055, -0.22621871, 0.05231732],
                       [0.22227178, -0.97232956, -0.07190603]])

    X = RpToTrans(R_init, throw_pos)
    return X, th_init, throw_y, throw_z, vel, alpha
Esempio n. 4
def find_path(plot, pos):

    # Set initial position
    q_start = np.array([
        -0.22281071, -0.36470393, 0.36163597, 1.71920897, -0.82719914,
        -1.16889336, -0.90888362

    limb_interface = baxter_interface.limb.Limb('right')
    angles = limb_interface.joint_angles()
    for ind, joint in enumerate(limb_interface.joint_names()):
        q_start[ind] = angles[joint]
    print q_start

    # Find goal for throwing
    if pos == 1:
        catch_y = .7
    elif pos == 2:
        catch_y = .1
    elif pos == 3:
        catch_y = .3
    pos_goal = find_feasible_release(catch_x, catch_y, catch_z, pos)
    block_width = .047
    throw_y = pos_goal[0]
    throw_z = pos_goal[1]
    dy = catch_y - throw_y - block_width
    vel = pos_goal[2]
    alpha = pos_goal[3]
    t = np.linspace(0, dy / (vel * cos(alpha)), 100)
    traj_y = vel * cos(alpha) * t + throw_y
    traj_z = -.5 * 9.8 * t**2 + vel * sin(alpha) * t + throw_z

    if (plot == True):
        plt.plot(traj_y, traj_z, 'r', linewidth=2)
        plt.plot(traj_y[0], traj_z[0], 'r.', markersize=15)
        plt.ylim([-.8, .5])
        plt.xlim([-.2, .8])
        plt.xlabel('Y position (m)')
        plt.ylabel('Z position (m)')
        plt.title('Desired trajectory')
        wm = plt.get_current_fig_manager()
        # wm.window.setGeometry(800,500,0,0)
        raw_input("Press enter to continue...")

    print('found release state')
    print pos_goal

    # Add rotation to position and convert to rotation matrix
    R = np.array([[0.11121663, -0.14382586, 0.98333361],
                  [-0.95290138, -0.2963578, 0.06442835],
                  [0.28215212, -0.94418546, -0.17001177]])

    p = np.hstack((0.68, pos_goal[0:2]))
    X = RpToTrans(R, p)

    # Find end joint angles with IK
    robot = URDF.from_parameter_server()
    base_link = robot.get_root()
    kdl_kin = KDLKinematics(robot, base_link, 'right_gripper_base')
    thInit = q_start
    seed = 0
    q_ik = kdl_kin.inverse(X, thInit)
    while q_ik == None:
        seed += 0.01
        q_ik = kdl_kin.inverse(X, thInit + seed)
        if (seed > 1):
            # return False
    q_goal = q_ik
    # print q_goal

    # Transform to joint velocities using Jacobian
    jacobian = kdl_kin.jacobian(q_ik)
    inv_jac = np.linalg.pinv(jacobian)
    Vb = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, pos_goal[2], pos_goal[3]])
    q_dot_goal =

    iter = 1000

    treeA = np.empty((iter + 1, 14))
    edgesA = np.empty((iter, 2))
    treeB = np.empty((iter + 1, 14))
    edgesB = np.empty((iter, 2))
    treeA[0] = np.hstack((q_start, np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])))
    treeB[0] = np.hstack((q_goal, q_dot_goal.tolist()[0]))
    treeA, treeB, edgesA, edgesB, indA, indB = build_tree(
        iter, treeA, treeB, edgesA, edgesB, plot, kdl_kin)

    np.linalg.norm(q_start - q_goal)
    pathA = np.empty((edgesA.shape[0], 14))
    pathA[0] = treeA[indA]
    curEdge = edgesA[indA - 1]
    ind = 1
    atOrigin = False
    while atOrigin == False:
        pathA[ind] = treeA[curEdge[0]]
        curEdge = edgesA[curEdge[0] - 1]
        ind += 1
        if curEdge[0] == 0:
            atOrigin = True
    pathA[ind] = treeA[curEdge[0]]
    pathA = pathA[0:ind + 1, :]

    pathB = np.empty((edgesB.shape[0], 14))
    pathB[0] = treeB[indB]
    curEdge = edgesB[indB - 1]
    ind = 1
    atOrigin = False
    # print treeB, pathB
    while atOrigin == False:
        pathB[ind] = treeB[curEdge[0]]
        curEdge = edgesB[curEdge[0] - 1]
        if curEdge[0] == 0:
            atOrigin = True
            # ind += 1
            ind += 1
    pathB[ind] = treeB[curEdge[0]]
    pathB = pathB[0:ind + 1, :]

    path = np.vstack((pathA[::-1], pathB))

    if (plot):
        stepList = np.empty((path.shape[0], 3))
        for i in range(path.shape[0]):
            stepList[i] = kdl_kin.forward(path[i, :7])[0:3, 3].transpose()
        plt.plot(stepList[:, 1], stepList[:, 2], 'g', linewidth=2)
        raw_input('Press enter to continue...')

    # if (plot):
    #     plt.figure()
    #     plt.plot(path[:,0:7],'.')
    #     print(path.shape)

    return path
def main_func():
    #Initialise Node and ROS variables
    rospy.init_node('tag_select', anonymous=False)
    rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz
    listener = tf.TransformListener()
    #rtime = rospy.Time(0)   

    #Initialize variables and empty lists
    trans = []
    rot = []
    dist = []
    id_list = []
    #tag_pose = Pose()
    tag_found = False
    global state

    ###Define Subsribers and Publishers
    #set callback for state

    rospy.Subscriber("/cameras/right_hand_camera/image", Image,xdisplay_pub)
    state_pub = rospy.Publisher('state', Int16, queue_size=10, latch=True)
    tag_pub = rospy.Publisher('block_position', Pose, queue_size = 10, latch=True)
    goal_pub = rospy.Publisher('goal', Int16, queue_size = 10, latch=True)

    #Sleep Before entering loop

            (transWC,rotWC) = listener.lookupTransform('base', 'right_hand_camera', rospy.Time(0))
        except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException):
    ####Main ROS loop to run node until shutdown
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():

        #IF statement to print current state
        if state ==1:
            print "Entered State :", state
            print "Is tag_found?:", tag_found

        ###Main State Machine Loop - Only run while state_callback is 1            
        while state == 1:# and tag_found == False:  
            rospy.loginfo("Entered State 1")
            rtime =
            trans = []
            rot = []
            dist = []
            id_list = []
            tag_found = False
            print state

            ##For loop to search through tf frames of markers
            for n in range(1,7):
                marker_id = 'ar_marker_%d'%n
                #tag_found = listener.frameExists(marker_id)
                #print "Marker found is:", 'ar_marker_%d'%n
                #Check to see if the frames exists for the marker
                if listener.frameExists("/right_hand_camera") and listener.frameExists(marker_id):
                #set the time for the latest lookup
                    rtime1 = listener.getLatestCommonTime("/right_hand_camera", marker_id)
                #check to see if this time is greater that time at beginning of loop
                    if rtime1 > rtime:
                        #set the tag_found to true
                        tag_found = True  
                        rtime1 = rtime
                print "Marker list: AR_Marker", n, "exist:", tag_found
                ##when a frame is found for a particular Marker "n" add to list
                ##only 1 addition per "n" in for
                if tag_found == True: 
                    #print "looking at tag:",n
                    #(transWC,rotWC) = listener.lookupTransform('base', 'right_hand_camera', rtime)
                    posCB,quatCB = listener.lookupTransform('right_hand_camera', marker_id, rospy.Time(0))
                    #print "posCB:", posCB
                    #print "quatCB", quatCB
                    #print marker_id, ":", posCB
                    tag_found = False

            ##IF Tag list is not empty we have a tag
            if len(dist)>0: 
                #set tag_found   
                tag_found = True  

                #choose the closest tag found (if more than one)
                tag_index = np.argmin(dist)
                tag_selected = id_list[tag_index]
                tag_transform =  (trans[tag_index],rot[tag_index])
                print "tag index is", tag_index

                #get tag and world frames  into correct variables                
                posCB, quatCB = tag_transform
                posWC,quatWC = listener.lookupTransform('base', 'right_hand_camera', rospy.Time(0))
                print "posCB from tf:", posCB

                #create proper format for pos and quat variables for functions
                posCB = np.array([posCB[0], posCB[1], posCB[2]])
                posWC = np.array([posWC[0], posWC[1], posWC[2]])
                quatCB = np.array([quatCB[3],quatCB[0],quatCB[1],quatCB[2]])
                quatWC = np.array([quatWC[3],quatWC[0],quatWC[1],quatWC[2]])

                #convert quat to Rotations
                rotWC = quat_to_so3(quatWC)
                rotCB = quat_to_so3(quatCB)

                #Build Transform SE3 matrix
                gWC = RpToTrans(rotWC,posWC)
                gCB = RpToTrans(rotCB,posCB)
                gWB =

                #Reorient Orientation so that gripper is correct
                beta = pi
                gpick =[[cos(beta),0, -sin(beta),0],[0,1,0,0],[sin(beta),0, cos(beta),0],[0,0,0,1]]))
                #Recreate quatWB and rotWB (Block in world frame) from pickup Transform
                rotWB, posWB = TransToRp(gpick)
                quatWB = so3_to_quat(rotWB)

                #Create poses and orientations for block in world
                bpos = Pose()
                bpos.position.x = posWB[0]
                bpos.position.y = posWB[1]
                bpos.position.z = -.1489 #posWB[2]
                bpos.orientation.x = .99 
                bpos.orientation.y = -.024
                bpos.orientation.z = .024 
                bpos.orientation.w = .0133 

                #print statements
                print "PosWB:", posWB
                print "Distance is:", dist[np.argmin(dist)]  

            ##PUBLISH TAG if it Exists
            if tag_found == True:
                #Set locally and publish new state
                if tag_selected < 3:
                #publish tage Pose
                print "tag selected", tag_selected  
                print state
                del posCB,quatCB,posWC,quatWC,posWB,quatWB
        ###Part of Main While
def main_func():
    #img = Image()
    rospy.init_node('tag_select', anonymous=False)
    rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz
    count = 0
    first_count = True
    listener = tf.TransformListener()
    trans = []
    rot = []
    dist = []
    id_list = []
    tag_pose = Pose()
    tag_found = False
    state = 1
    rtime = rospy.Time(0)
    # while listener.frameExists('base') == False:

    #     try:
    #         (transWC,rotWC) = listener.lookupTransform('base', 'right_hand_camera', rospy.Time(0))
    #     except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException):
    #         continue

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        #if count%10==0:
        rospy.Subscriber("/cameras/right_hand_camera/image", Image,xdisplay_pub,count)

        #tag_found, tag_transform, WCtransform = multi_marker(listener,tag_found)
        while tag_found == False:  
            #posCB, quatCB, posWC, quatWC = multi_marker(listener)
            for n in range(1,7):
                marker_id = 'ar_marker_%d'%n
                marker_found = listener.frameExists(marker_id)
                if marker_found == True:
                    #print "looking at tag:",n
                    #(transWC,rotWC) = listener.lookupTransform('base', 'right_hand_camera', rtime)
                    posCB,quatCB = listener.lookupTransform('right_hand_camera', marker_id, rtime)
                    print "posCB:", posCB
                    print "quatCB", quatCB
                    print marker_id, ":", posCB
            if len(dist)>0:     
                tag_index = np.argmin(dist)
                print "tag index is", tag_index
                tag_selected = id_list[tag_index]
                tag_transform =  (trans[tag_index],rot[tag_index])
                tag_found = True
                #listener.waitForTransform('base', 'right_hand_camera', rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(.5))
                posCB, quatCB = tag_transform
                posWC,quatWC = listener.lookupTransform('base', 'right_hand_camera', rospy.Time(0))

                print "posCB after if:", posCB
                print "quatCB acter if:", quatCB

                print "posWC", posWC
                print "quatWC", quatWC

                posCB = np.array([posCB[0], posCB[1], posCB[2]])
                posWC = np.array([posWC[0], posWC[1], posWC[2]])
                quatCB = np.array([quatCB[3],quatCB[0],quatCB[1],quatCB[2]])
                quatWC = np.array([quatWC[3],quatWC[0],quatWC[1],quatWC[2]])

                # print tag_transform
                print "Distance is:", dist[np.argmin(dist)]  

        count += 1

        #if tag_found == True:
        #pub_tag_pose(tag_transform, WCtransform)
        #print tag_transform
        rotWC = quat_to_so3(quatWC)
        rotCB = quat_to_so3(quatCB)
        gWC = RpToTrans(rotWC,posWC)
        print "gWC is: ", gWC
        gCB = RpToTrans(rotCB,posCB)
        gWB =
        beta = pi
        gpick =[[cos(beta),0, -sin(beta),0],[0,1,0,0],[sin(beta),0, cos(beta),0],[0,0,0,1]]))
        print "gWB is: ", gWB
        print "gCB is: ", gCB
        rotWB, posWB = TransToRp(gpick)
        quatWB = so3_to_quat(rotWB)

        print "quatWB", quatWB
        print "PosWB:", posWB

        bpos = Pose()
        bpos.position.x = posWB[0]
        bpos.position.y = posWB[1]
        bpos.position.z = posWB[2]
        bpos.orientation.x = quatWB[1]
        bpos.orientation.y = quatWB[2]
        bpos.orientation.z = quatWB[3]
        bpos.orientation.w = quatWB[0]
        tag_found = False

        state_pub = rospy.Publisher('state', Int16, queue_size=10)
        tag_pub = rospy.Publisher('block_position', Pose, queue_size = 10)

        for i in range(10):
            # state_pub = rospy.Publisher('state', Int16, queue_size=10)

            # tag_pub = rospy.Publisher('block_position', Pose, queue_size = 10)

            print "tag selected", tag_selected  
        print state
def main_func():
    #Initialise Node and ROS variables
    rospy.init_node('tag_select', anonymous=False)
    rate = rospy.Rate(10)  # 10hz
    listener = tf.TransformListener()
    #rtime = rospy.Time(0)

    #Initialize variables and empty lists
    trans = []
    rot = []
    dist = []
    id_list = []
    #tag_pose = Pose()
    tag_found = False
    global state

    ###Define Subsribers and Publishers
    #set callback for state

    rospy.Subscriber('state', Int16, set_state_callback)
    rospy.Subscriber("/cameras/right_hand_camera/image", Image, xdisplay_pub)
    state_pub = rospy.Publisher('state', Int16, queue_size=10, latch=True)
    tag_pub = rospy.Publisher('block_position',
    goal_pub = rospy.Publisher('goal', Int16, queue_size=10, latch=True)

    #Sleep Before entering loop
            (transWC,rotWC) = listener.lookupTransform('base', 'right_hand_camera', rospy.Time(0))
        except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException):
    ####Main ROS loop to run node until shutdown
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():

        #IF statement to print current state
        if state == 1:
            print "Entered State :", state
            print "Is tag_found?:", tag_found

        ###Main State Machine Loop - Only run while state_callback is 1
        while state == 1:  # and tag_found == False:
            rospy.loginfo("Entered State 1")
            rtime =
            trans = []
            rot = []
            dist = []
            id_list = []

            tag_found = False

            print state

            ##For loop to search through tf frames of markers
            for n in range(1, 7):
                marker_id = 'ar_marker_%d' % n
                #tag_found = listener.frameExists(marker_id)
                #print "Marker found is:", 'ar_marker_%d'%n

                #Check to see if the frames exists for the marker
                if listener.frameExists("/right_hand_camera"
                                        ) and listener.frameExists(marker_id):
                    #set the time for the latest lookup
                    rtime1 = listener.getLatestCommonTime(
                        "/right_hand_camera", marker_id)

                    #check to see if this time is greater that time at beginning of loop
                    if rtime1 > rtime:
                        #set the tag_found to true
                        tag_found = True
                        rtime1 = rtime
                print "Marker list: AR_Marker", n, "exist:", tag_found
                ##when a frame is found for a particular Marker "n" add to list
                ##only 1 addition per "n" in for
                if tag_found == True:
                    #print "looking at tag:",n
                    #(transWC,rotWC) = listener.lookupTransform('base', 'right_hand_camera', rtime)
                    posCB, quatCB = listener.lookupTransform(
                        'right_hand_camera', marker_id, rospy.Time(0))
                    #print "posCB:", posCB
                    #print "quatCB", quatCB
                    #print marker_id, ":", posCB
                    tag_found = False

            ##IF Tag list is not empty we have a tag
            if len(dist) > 0:
                #set tag_found
                tag_found = True

                #choose the closest tag found (if more than one)
                tag_index = np.argmin(dist)
                tag_selected = id_list[tag_index]
                tag_transform = (trans[tag_index], rot[tag_index])
                print "tag index is", tag_index

                #get tag and world frames  into correct variables
                posCB, quatCB = tag_transform
                posWC, quatWC = listener.lookupTransform(
                    'base', 'right_hand_camera', rospy.Time(0))
                print "posCB from tf:", posCB

                #create proper format for pos and quat variables for functions
                posCB = np.array([posCB[0], posCB[1], posCB[2]])
                posWC = np.array([posWC[0], posWC[1], posWC[2]])
                quatCB = np.array([quatCB[3], quatCB[0], quatCB[1], quatCB[2]])
                quatWC = np.array([quatWC[3], quatWC[0], quatWC[1], quatWC[2]])

                #convert quat to Rotations
                rotWC = quat_to_so3(quatWC)
                rotCB = quat_to_so3(quatCB)

                #Build Transform SE3 matrix
                gWC = RpToTrans(rotWC, posWC)
                gCB = RpToTrans(rotCB, posCB)
                gWB =

                #Reorient Orientation so that gripper is correct
                beta = pi
                gpick =
                    np.array([[cos(beta), 0, -sin(beta), 0], [0, 1, 0, 0],
                              [sin(beta), 0, cos(beta), 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]))
                #Recreate quatWB and rotWB (Block in world frame) from pickup Transform
                rotWB, posWB = TransToRp(gpick)
                quatWB = so3_to_quat(rotWB)

                #Create poses and orientations for block in world
                bpos = Pose()
                bpos.position.x = posWB[0]
                bpos.position.y = posWB[1]
                bpos.position.z = -.1489  #posWB[2]
                bpos.orientation.x = .99
                bpos.orientation.y = -.024
                bpos.orientation.z = .024
                bpos.orientation.w = .0133

                #print statements
                print "PosWB:", posWB
                print "Distance is:", dist[np.argmin(dist)]

            ##PUBLISH TAG if it Exists
            if tag_found == True:
                #Set locally and publish new state
                if tag_selected < 3:
                #publish tage Pose
                print "tag selected", tag_selected
                print state
                del posCB, quatCB, posWC, quatWC, posWB, quatWB

        ###Part of Main While
def linearSpace(plot, T, N, vy, vz, jerk):

    robot = URDF.from_parameter_server()
    base_link = robot.get_root()
    kdl_kin = KDLKinematics(robot, base_link, 'right_gripper_base')
    # Create seed with current position
    q0 = kdl_kin.random_joint_angles()
    limb_interface = baxter_interface.limb.Limb('right')
    current_angles = [
        for joint in limb_interface.joint_names()
    for ind in range(len(q0)):
        q0[ind] = current_angles[ind]

#    q_start = np.array([0.2339320701525256,  -0.5878981369570848,  0.19903400722813244,  1.8561167533413507,
# -0.4908738521233324,  -0.97752925707998,  -0.49547579448698864])
#    q_throw = np.array([0.9265243958827899,  -0.7827136970185323,  -0.095490304045867,  1.8338740319170121,
#     -0.03681553890924993,  -0.9909515889739773,  -0.5840631849873713])
#    q_end = np.array([0.9085001216251363,  -1.0089758632316308, 0.07401457301547121, 1.8768254939778037,
#     0.18599517053110642, -0.8172282647459542, -0.44600491407768406])

    q_throw = np.array([
        0.47668453, -0.77274282, 0.93150983, 2.08352941, 0.54149522,
        -1.26745163, -2.06742261
    q_end = np.array([
        0.75356806, -0.89162633, 0.54648066, 2.08698086, 0.41033986,
        -1.18423317, -1.15815549
    q_start = np.array([
        -0.22281071, -0.36470393, 0.36163597, 1.71920897, -0.82719914,
        -1.16889336, -0.90888362

    X_start = np.asarray(kdl_kin.forward(q_start))
    X_throw = np.asarray(kdl_kin.forward(q_throw))

    # offset throw position
    X_throw[0, 3] += 0
    X_throw[1, 3] += 0
    X_throw[2, 3] += 0
    X_end = np.asarray(kdl_kin.forward(q_end))
    Vb = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, vy, vz])

    # xStart = X_start
    # xEnd = X_throw
    vStart = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    vEnd = Vb
    aStart = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    aEnd = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    jStart = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    jEnd = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, jerk])

    # T = .7
    # N = 200*T
    a = np.array(
        [[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, T, T**2, T**3, T**4, T**5, T**6, T**7],
         [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
          0], [0, 1, 2 * T, 3 * T**2, 4 * T**3, 5 * T**4, 6 * T**5, 7 * T**6],
         [0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 2, 6 * T, 12 * T**2, 20 * T**3, 30 * T**4, 42 * T**5],
         [0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 0, 6, 24 * T, 60 * T**2, 120 * T**3, 210 * T**4]])
    tSpace = np.linspace(0, T, N)
    tOffset = T
    colors = ['r', 'b', 'c', 'y', 'm', 'oc', 'k']

    if plot == True:

    pLista = np.empty((3, N))
    pListb = np.empty((3, N))
    vLista = np.empty((3, N))
    vListb = np.empty((3, N))
    aLista = np.empty((3, N))
    aListb = np.empty((3, N))

    for i in range(3):

        b = np.array([
            X_start[i, 3], X_throw[i, 3], 0, vEnd[3 + i], 0, 0, jStart[i + 3],
            jEnd[i + 3]
        coeff = np.linalg.solve(a, b)
        j1Pa = jointPath(tSpace, coeff)
        j1Va = jointVelocity(tSpace, coeff)
        j1Aa = jointAcceleration(tSpace, coeff)
        b = np.array([
            X_throw[i, 3], X_end[i, 3], 0, 0, 0, 0, jEnd[i + 3], jStart[i + 3]
        # b = np.array([X_throw[i,3],X_end[i,3],vEnd[3+i],0,0,0,jEnd[i+3],jStart[i+3]])
        coeff = np.linalg.solve(a, b)
        j1Pb = jointPath(tSpace, coeff)
        j1Vb = jointVelocity(tSpace, coeff)
        j1Ab = jointAcceleration(tSpace, coeff)
        pLista[i, :] = j1Pa
        pListb[i, :] = j1Pb
        vLista[i, :] = j1Va
        vListb[i, :] = j1Vb
        aLista[i, :] = j1Aa
        aListb[i, :] = j1Ab

    vList = np.hstack((vLista, vListb)).transpose()
    dt = float(T) / (N - 1)
    if plot == True:
        plt.title('Position (cartesian)')
        plt.plot(np.hstack((pLista, pListb)).transpose())
        plt.title('Velocity (cartesian)')
        plt.plot(np.hstack((vLista, vListb)).transpose())
        # plt.figure()
        # plt.title('Velocity dt')
        # vList = np.diff(pLista)/dt
        # plt.plot(vList.transpose())
        plt.title('Acceleration (cartesian)')
        plt.plot(np.hstack((aLista, aListb)).transpose())

    Xlista = np.empty((N, 4, 4))
    Xlistb = np.empty((N, 4, 4))
    Re, pe = TransToRp(X_throw)
    i = 0
    for t in tSpace[0:]:
        pa = pLista[:, i]
        Ra = Re
        Xlista[i] = RpToTrans(Ra, pa)
        pb = pListb[:, i]
        Rb = Re
        Xlistb[i] = RpToTrans(Rb, pb)
        i = i + 1

    XlistT = np.vstack((Xlista, Xlistb[1:, :, :]))

    q0 = kdl_kin.random_joint_angles()
    current_angles = [
        for joint in limb_interface.joint_names()
    for ind in range(len(q0)):
        q0[ind] = q_start[ind]

    thList = np.empty((N * 2 - 1, 7))
    thList[0] = q0

    for i in range(int(2 * N) - 2):
        # Solve for joint angles
        seed = 0
        q_ik = kdl_kin.inverse(XlistT[i + 1], thList[i])
        while q_ik == None:
            seed += 0.03
            q_ik = kdl_kin.inverse(XlistT[i + 1], thList[i] + seed)
            if (seed > 1):
                q_ik = thList[i]
        thList[i + 1] = q_ik

    thList = thList[1:, :]
    # if plot == True:
    #     plt.figure()
    #     plt.plot(thList)

    jList = np.empty((thList.shape[0], 7))
    # Compare jacobian velocities to joint velocities
    for i in range(thList.shape[0]):
        jacobian = kdl_kin.jacobian(thList[i])
        inv_jac = np.linalg.pinv(jacobian)
        Vb = np.hstack((np.array([0, 0, 0]), vList[i]))
        q_dot_throw =
        jList[i, :] = q_dot_throw

    # plt.figure()
    # plt.title('Jacobian-based joint velocities')
    # plt.plot(jList);
    # = False)

    vList = np.diff(thList, axis=0) / dt
    vList = np.vstack((np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), vList))
    vCarlist = np.empty((thList.shape[0], 6))
    for i in range(thList.shape[0]):
        jacobian = kdl_kin.jacobian(thList[i])
        vCar =[i])
        vCarlist[i, :] = vCar

    if (plot == True):
        plt.title('Jacobian based cartesian velocities')
        plt.plot(vCarlist[:, 0:3])

    if (plot == True):
        plt.title('Joint velocities')

    return (thList, jList)