Esempio n. 1
def extract_blobs(img, img_proc_pipeline = pipeline_otsu, frame_selection = frame_selection,
                  blob_selection = blob_selection, params = params, orig_img = None, debug=False):
    img_processed = reduce(lambda x, func: func(x, params), [img] + img_proc_pipeline) if img_proc_pipeline else img
    blobs, nblobs = ndimage.label(img_processed,structure=np.ones((3,3)))
    if debug:
        return [((n,n),reduce(lambda x, func: func(x, params), [img] + img_proc_pipeline[:n])) for n in xrange(len(img_proc_pipeline))] + [((0,0),blobs)]

    if frame_selection and not frame_selection(img_processed, blobs,nblobs,params): return []    
    fragments = []
    if orig_img == None: orig_img = img
    for blob_num in xrange(1,nblobs+1):
        if blob_selection and not blob_selection(blobs, blob_num, params): continue
        indices = np.argwhere(blobs==blob_num)
        xblocksize, yblocksize = params.get('blocksize',(1,1))
        # fragment of original image within bounding box
        ((xmin,ymin),(xmax,ymax)) = np.min(indices,axis=0),np.max(indices,axis=0) 
        #fragment = img[xmin*xblocksize:(xmax+1)*xblocksize, ymin*yblocksize:(ymax+1)*yblocksize]
        X,Y = np.ogrid[:(xmax-xmin+1)*xblocksize,:(ymax-ymin+1)*yblocksize]
        fragment = orig_img[xmin*xblocksize:(xmax+1)*xblocksize, ymin*yblocksize:(ymax+1)*yblocksize]*(blobs[xmin:xmax+1,ymin:ymax+1][X/xblocksize,Y/yblocksize])
        mask = blobs[xmin:xmax+1,ymin:ymax+1][X/xblocksize,Y/yblocksize]==blob_num
        fragment[~mask] = params.get('pixel_mask',np.nan)
        fragment /= blob_num # stupid work around since saving to sql doesn't really work with the more obvious way 

        fragments.append(((xmin*xblocksize,ymin*yblocksize), fragment))
    return fragments
Esempio n. 2
        def get_filter_arguments(filter_target):
            Get `Q` object passed to `filter` function.
            queries = []
            fields = [col.field for col in self.columns if col.searchable]
            value = filter_target
            # 暂时的解决办法
            if value:
                if value[0] == '*':
                    value = value[1:]
                    queries.append(Q(**{"tags__name__contains": value}))
                    queries.append(Q(**{"tags__abbreviation__contains": value}))
                    reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, queries)

            for field in fields:
                if field:
                    if isinstance(field, set):
                        for sub_field in field:
                            key = "__".join(sub_field.split(".") + ["contains"])
                            queries.append(Q(**{key: value}))
                        key = "__".join(field.split(".") + ["contains"])
                        queries.append(Q(**{key: value}))
                    raise NameError

            return reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, queries)
Esempio n. 3
 def filter_search(self, request_data):
     for key, val in request_data.iteritems():
         if key in ['label', 'tags', 'reason', 'main_file', 'script_arguments']:
             field_list = [x.strip() for x in val.split(',')]
             self.sim_list = self.sim_list.filter(reduce(lambda x, y: x | y,
                                                         [Q(**{"%s__contains" % key: word}) for word in field_list]))  # __icontains (?)
         elif key == 'fulltext_inquiry':  # search without using the search form
             results = []
             field_list = [x.strip() for x in request_data['fulltext_inquiry'].split(',')]
             for item in models.Record.params_search:
                 intermediate_res = self.sim_list.filter(reduce(lambda x, y: x | y,
                                                                [Q(**{"%s__contains" % item: word}) for word in field_list]))
                 results = list(set(results).union(set(intermediate_res)))
             self.sim_list = results
             break  # if we have fulltext inquiry it is not possible to have others
         elif isinstance(val,
             self.sim_list = self.sim_list.filter(timestamp__year=val.year,
         elif isinstance(val, models.Executable):
             self.sim_list = self.sim_list.filter(executable__path=val.path)
         elif isinstance(val, models.Repository):
             self.sim_list = self.sim_list.filter(repository__url=val.url)
     if hasattr(self, 'date_base') and self.date_base:  # in case user specifies "date within" in the search field
         self.date_base = strptime(self.date_base, "%m/%d/%Y")  # from text input in the search form
         base =, self.date_base.tm_mon, self.date_base.tm_mday)
         nb_days = self.dict_dates[self.date_interval]  # date interval from the search form
         dateIntvl = {'min': base - datetime.timedelta(days=nb_days),
                      'max': base + datetime.timedelta(days=nb_days)}  # interval of the dates
         self.sim_list = filter(lambda x: x.timestamp >= datetime.datetime.combine(dateIntvl['min'], datetime.time()) and
                                x.timestamp <= datetime.datetime.combine(dateIntvl['max'], datetime.time(23, 59)), self.sim_list)  # all the records inside the specified interval
     elif self.tags:
         self.sim_list = self.sim_list.filter(tags__icontains=self.tags.strip())
Esempio n. 4
File: Progetto: corbt/pypeline
    def reduce(self, function, new_collection, initializer=None, **kwargs):
        Reduces a collection into a new collection with a given function.

        | Arguments:
        | ``function`` -- The function used for reducing.
        | ``new_collection`` -- The name of the collection to insert the new value into.  
            Any existing values will be deleted.
            If ``None``, the current collection is replaced with the reduction output.

        | Keyword arguments:
        | ``create_if_missing`` -- when False a ValueError is raised if the new collection doesn't exist
        | ``error_if_exists`` -- When True a ValueError is raised if the new collection already exists 
        reduced = None
        if initializer != None:
            reduced = reduce(function, self.iterator(), initializer)
            reduced = reduce(function, self.iterator())

        collection = None
        if new_collection in [None,]:
            collection = self
            collection = self.parent_db.collection(new_collection, reset_collection=True, **kwargs)
        return collection
Esempio n. 5
    def mana_cost(self):
        Calculates the mana cost for this card.

        This cost is the base cost for the card, modified by any tags from the card itself, or
        from other cards (such as :class:``)

        :return: representing the actual mana cost of this card.
        :rtype: int
        from hearthbreaker.tags.status import ManaChange
        # Mana appears to be calculated in reverse order from other stats (auras first, then buffs)

        mana = reduce(lambda a, b: b.update(self, a), [aura.status
                                                       for p in
                                                       for aura in p.object_auras
                                                       if aura.match(self) and isinstance(aura.status, ManaChange)],
        mana = reduce(lambda a, b: b.update(self, a), [buff.status for buff in self.buffs
                                                       if isinstance(buff.status, ManaChange) and
                                                       (not buff.condition or buff.condition.evaluate(self, self))],

        return mana
Esempio n. 6
def add_strings(x, z=0):
    This was in sage.misc.misc but commented out. Needed to add
    lists of strings in the word_problem method below.

    Return the sum of the elements of x.  If x is empty,
    return z.


    - ``x`` -- iterable

    - ``z`` -- the ``0`` that will be returned if ``x`` is empty.


    The sum of the elements of ``x``.


        sage: from sage.groups.abelian_gps.dual_abelian_group_element import add_strings
        sage: add_strings([], z='empty')
        sage: add_strings(['a', 'b', 'c'])
    if len(x) == 0:
        return z
    if not isinstance(x, list):
        m = iter(x)
        y = next(m)
        return reduce(operator.add, m, y)
        return reduce(operator.add, x[1:], x[0])
def align_faces(from_obj, to_obj):
    fpolys =
    tpolys =
    fpoly = fpolys[]
    tpoly = tpolys[]

    to_obj.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION'
    tnorm = to_obj.rotation_quaternion * tpoly.normal

    fnorm = fpoly.normal
    axis = fnorm.cross(tnorm)
    dot = fnorm.normalized().dot(tnorm.normalized())
    dot = clamp(dot, -1.0, 1.0)

    # Parallel faces need a new rotation vactor
    if axis.length < 1.0e-8:
        axis = Vector(get_ortho(fnorm.x, fnorm.y, fnorm.z))

    from_obj.rotation_mode = 'AXIS_ANGLE'
    from_obj.rotation_axis_angle = [math.acos(dot) + math.pi, axis[0], axis[1], axis[2]]

    # Move from_obj so that faces match
    fvertices = [[i].co for i in fpoly.vertices]
    tvertices = [[i].co for i in tpoly.vertices]

    fbary = from_obj.matrix_world * (reduce(Vector.__add__, fvertices) / len(fvertices))
    tbary = to_obj.matrix_world * (reduce(Vector.__add__, tvertices) / len(tvertices))

    from_obj.location = tbary - (fbary - from_obj.location)
Esempio n. 8
def _num_elements(grad):
  """The number of elements in the `grad` tensor."""
  if isinstance(grad, ops.Tensor):
    return functools.reduce(operator.mul, grad._shape_tuple(), 1)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
  if isinstance(grad, ops.IndexedSlices):
    return functools.reduce(operator.mul, grad.values._shape_tuple(), 1)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
  raise ValueError("`grad` not a Tensor or IndexedSlices.")
Esempio n. 9
    def h_op(x):
        x1 = numpy.zeros_like(focka)
        x1[mask] = x
        x1 = x1 - x1.T
        x2 = numpy.zeros_like(focka)

        #: x2[nb:,:na] = numpy.einsum('sp,qs->pq', focka[:na,nb:], x1[:na,:na])
        #: x2[nb:,:na] += numpy.einsum('rq,rp->pq', focka[:na,:na], x1[:na,nb:])
        #: x2[na:,:na] -= numpy.einsum('sp,rp->rs', focka[:na,:na], x1[na:,:na])
        #: x2[na:,:na] -= numpy.einsum('ps,qs->pq', focka[na:], x1[:na]) * 2
        #: x2[nb:na,:nb] += numpy.einsum('qr,pr->pq', focka[:nb], x1[nb:na])
        #: x2[nb:na,:nb] -= numpy.einsum('rq,sq->rs', focka[nb:na], x1[:nb])
        #: x2[nb:,:na] += numpy.einsum('sp,qs->pq', fockb[:nb,nb:], x1[:na,:nb])
        #: x2[nb:,:na] += numpy.einsum('rq,rp->pq', fockb[:nb,:na], x1[:nb,nb:])
        #: x2[nb:,:nb] -= numpy.einsum('sp,rp->rs', fockb[:nb], x1[nb:])
        #: x2[nb:,:nb] -= numpy.einsum('rq,sq->rs', fockb[nb:], x1[:nb]) * 2
        x2[viridxb[:,None],occidxa] = \
                (numpy.einsum('sp,qs->pq', focka[occidxa[:,None],viridxb], x1[occidxa[:,None],occidxa])
                +numpy.einsum('rq,rp->pq', focka[occidxa[:,None],occidxa], x1[occidxa[:,None],viridxb]))
        x2[viridxa[:,None],occidxa] -= \
                (numpy.einsum('sp,rp->rs', focka[occidxa[:,None],occidxa], x1[viridxa[:,None],occidxa])
                +numpy.einsum('ps,qs->pq', focka[viridxa], x1[occidxa]) * 2)
        x2[occidxa[:,None],occidxb] += \
                (numpy.einsum('qr,pr->pq', focka[occidxb], x1[occidxa])
                -numpy.einsum('rq,sq->rs', focka[occidxa], x1[occidxb]))

        x2[viridxb[:,None],occidxa] += \
                (numpy.einsum('sp,qs->pq', fockb[occidxb[:,None],viridxb], x1[occidxa[:,None],occidxb])
                +numpy.einsum('rq,rp->pq', fockb[occidxb[:,None],occidxa], x1[occidxb[:,None],viridxb]))
        x2[viridxb[:,None],occidxb] -= \
                (numpy.einsum('sp,rp->rs', fockb[occidxb], x1[viridxb])
                +numpy.einsum('rq,sq->rs', fockb[viridxb], x1[occidxb]) * 2)
        x2 *= .5

        d1a = reduce(, (mo_coeff[:,viridxa], x1[viridxa[:,None],occidxa], mo_coeff[:,occidxa].T))
        d1b = reduce(, (mo_coeff[:,viridxb], x1[viridxb[:,None],occidxb], mo_coeff[:,occidxb].T))
        if hasattr(mf, 'xc'):
            if APPROX_XC_HESSIAN:
                vj, vk = mf.get_jk(mol, numpy.array((d1a+d1a.T,d1b+d1b.T)))
                if abs(hyb) < 1e-10:
                    dvhf = vj[0] + vj[1]
                    dvhf = (vj[0] + vj[1]) - vk * hyb
                from pyscf.dft import uks
                if save_for_dft[0] is None:
                    save_for_dft[0] = mf.make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mo_occ)
                    save_for_dft[1] = mf.get_veff(mol, save_for_dft[0])
                dm1 = numpy.array((save_for_dft[0][0]+d1a+d1a.T,
                vhf1 = uks.get_veff_(mf, mol, dm1, dm_last=save_for_dft[0],
                dvhf = (vhf1[0]-save_for_dft[1][0], vhf1[1]-save_for_dft[1][1])
                save_for_dft[0] = dm1
                save_for_dft[1] = vhf1
            dvhf = mf.get_veff(mol, numpy.array((d1a+d1a.T,d1b+d1b.T)))
        x2[viridxa[:,None],occidxa] += reduce(, (mo_coeff[:,viridxa].T, dvhf[0], mo_coeff[:,occidxa]))
        x2[viridxb[:,None],occidxb] += reduce(, (mo_coeff[:,viridxb].T, dvhf[1], mo_coeff[:,occidxb]))
        return x2[mask]
Esempio n. 10
    def h_op(x):
        x = x.reshape(nvir,nocc)
        x2 =-numpy.einsum('sq,ps->pq', foo, x) * 2
        x2+= numpy.einsum('pr,rq->pq', fvv, x) * 2

        d1 = reduce(, (mo_coeff[:,viridx], x, mo_coeff[:,occidx].T))
        if hasattr(mf, 'xc'):
            if APPROX_XC_HESSIAN:
                vj, vk = mf.get_jk(mol, d1+d1.T)
                if abs(hyb) < 1e-10:
                    dvhf = vj
                    dvhf = vj - vk * hyb * .5
                if save_for_dft[0] is None:
                    save_for_dft[0] = mf.make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mo_occ)
                    save_for_dft[1] = mf.get_veff(mol, save_for_dft[0])
                dm1 = save_for_dft[0] + d1 + d1.T
                vhf1 = mf.get_veff(mol, dm1, dm_last=save_for_dft[0],
                dvhf = vhf1 - save_for_dft[1]
                save_for_dft[0] = dm1
                save_for_dft[1] = vhf1
            dvhf = mf.get_veff(mol, d1+d1.T)
        x2 += reduce(, (mo_coeff[:,viridx].T, dvhf,
                                 mo_coeff[:,occidx])) * 4
        return x2.reshape(-1)
    def __init__(self, lib, dtype, partitions,
                 N, C, K,
                 D=1, H=1, W=1,
                 M=1, P=1, Q=1):

        super(Inception, self).__init__(lib, dtype, N)

        self.partitions = partitions

        self.C = C
        self.K = K
        self.M = M
        self.P = P
        self.Q = Q
        self.NCK = (N, C, K)
        self.DHW = (D, H, W)
        self.MPQ = (M, P, Q)

        self.dimI  = (C, D, H, W, N)
        self.dimO  = (K, M, P, Q, N)
        self.dimI2 = (C*D*H*W, N)
        self.dimO2 = (K*M*P*Q, N)
        self.sizeI = reduce(mul, self.dimI, 1)
        self.sizeO = reduce(mul, self.dimO, 1)
        self.nOut  = reduce(mul, self.MPQ, 1) * K

        self.sizeF = 0
        self.flops = 0
        for part in partitions:
            for layer in part:
                self.flops += layer.flops
                self.sizeF  = max(self.sizeF, layer.sizeF)
                if self.sizeF == layer.sizeF:
                    self.dimF = layer.dimF
Esempio n. 12
def filter_products_by_attributes(qs, filter_value):
    attributes = Attribute.objects.prefetch_related('values')
    attributes_map = {
        attribute.slug: for attribute in attributes}
    values_map = {
        attr.slug: {value.slug: for value in attr.values.all()}
        for attr in attributes}
    queries = defaultdict(list)
    # Convert attribute:value pairs into a dictionary where
    # attributes are keys and values are grouped in lists
    for attr_name, val_slug in filter_value:
        if attr_name not in attributes_map:
            raise ValueError('Unknown attribute name: %r' % (attr_name, ))
        attr_pk = attributes_map[attr_name]
        attr_val_pk = values_map[attr_name].get(val_slug, val_slug)
    # Combine filters of the same attribute with OR operator
    # and then combine full query with AND operator.
    combine_and = [
            operator.or_, [
                Q(**{'variants__attributes__%s' % (key, ): v}) |
                Q(**{'attributes__%s' % (key, ): v}) for v in values])
        for key, values in queries.items()]
    query = functools.reduce(operator.and_, combine_and)
    return qs.filter(query).distinct()
Esempio n. 13
    def updateXY(self):
        self.maxxval = len(self.datas)
        self.minxval = 0.0

        self.xrange = self.maxxval - self.minxval
        if self.xrange == 0:
            self.xscale = 1.0
            self.xscale = 1.0 / self.xrange

        if not self.datas.values():
            self.maxyval = 0.0
            self.minyval = 0.0
            self.maxyval = max([reduce(lambda x, y: max(x, y), x.values())
                    for x in self.datas.values()])
            self.minyval = min([reduce(lambda x, y: min(x, y), x.values())
                    for x in self.datas.values()])
        if self.minyval > 0:
            self.minyval = 0.0

        self.yrange = self.maxyval - self.minyval
        if self.yrange == 0:
            self.yscale = 1.0
            self.yscale = 1.0 / self.yrange
Esempio n. 14
    def hop_uhf2ghf(x1):
        x1ab = []
        x1ba = []
        ip = 0
        for k in range(nkpts):
            nv = nvira[k]
            no = noccb[k]
            ip += nv * no
        for k in range(nkpts):
            nv = nvirb[k]
            no = nocca[k]
            ip += nv * no

        dm1ab = []
        dm1ba = []
        for k in range(nkpts):
            d1ab = reduce(, (orbva[k], x1ab[k], orbob[k].T.conj()))
            d1ba = reduce(, (orbvb[k], x1ba[k], orboa[k].T.conj()))

        v1ao = vresp1(lib.asarray([dm1ab,dm1ba]))
        x2ab = [0] * nkpts
        x2ba = [0] * nkpts
        for k in range(nkpts):
            x2ab[k] = numpy.einsum('pr,rq->pq', fvva[k], x1ab[k])
            x2ab[k]-= numpy.einsum('sq,ps->pq', foob[k], x1ab[k])
            x2ba[k] = numpy.einsum('pr,rq->pq', fvvb[k], x1ba[k])
            x2ba[k]-= numpy.einsum('qs,ps->pq', fooa[k], x1ba[k])
            x2ab[k] += reduce(, (orbva[k].T.conj(), v1ao[0][k], orbob[k]))
            x2ba[k] += reduce(, (orbvb[k].T.conj(), v1ao[1][k], orboa[k]))
        return numpy.hstack([x.real.ravel() for x in (x2ab+x2ba)])
Esempio n. 15
def sum(seq):
    | Sums objects in sequence or entries of array-like object.

    :param seq: number,
                :ref:`scalar object<scalar_ref>`,
                :ref:`multidimensional object<multi_ref>`,
                tuple or list of such objects.
    :return: number,
             :ref:`scalar object<scalar_ref>` or
             :ref:`multidimensional object<multi_ref>`.

    # Number or scalars object
    if (np.isscalar(seq) or 
        type(seq).__name__ in SCALAR_OBJS):
        return seq

    # Matrix or object array
    elif (type(seq) is cvxpy_matrix or 
          type(seq).__name__ in ARRAY_OBJS):
        return reduce(lambda x,y: x + y,
                      [seq[i,j] for i in range(0,seq.shape[0])
                       for j in range(0,seq.shape[1])],0)

    # List or tuple
    elif type(seq) is tuple or type(seq) is list:
        return reduce(lambda x,y: x + y,seq,0)
    # Other
        raise TypeError('Invalid argument')
Esempio n. 16
 def __init__(self,cga, *args):
     self.cga = cga
     self.layout = cga.layout # note: self.layout is the cga layout
     self.einf = self.cga.einf # we use this alot
     if len(args) == 0:    
         # generate random highest dimension flat
         nulls = [self.cga.null_vector() for k in range(self.layout.dims-2)] = reduce(op,nulls + [self.einf]) 
     elif len(args) == 1:
         # from existing multivector
         if isinstance(args[0], MultiVector):
    = args[0]
         # generate random flat  for given  dimension
         elif isinstance(args[0], int):
             dim = args[0]
             points = [self.cga.base_vector() for k in range(dim+1)]
             points = list(map(self.cga.up, points))
    = reduce(op,points + [self.einf])
     # from vectors on flat         
         nulls = map(self.cga.null_vector,args)
         if self.einf not in nulls:
             nulls = list(nulls)+[self.einf]
              = reduce(op,nulls) 
Esempio n. 17
def _ERIS(mc, mo, method='incore'):
    nmo = mo.shape[1]
    ncore = mc.ncore
    ncas = mc.ncas

    mem_incore, mem_outcore, mem_basic = mc_ao2mo._mem_usage(ncore, ncas, nmo)
    mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0]
    if (method == 'incore' and mc._scf._eri is not None and
        (mem_incore+mem_now < mc.max_memory*.9) or
        ppaa, papa, pacv, cvcv = trans_e1_incore(mc, mo)
        max_memory = max(2000, mc.max_memory-mem_now)
        ppaa, papa, pacv, cvcv = \
                trans_e1_outcore(mc, mo, max_memory=max_memory,

    dmcore =[:,:ncore], mo[:,:ncore].T)
    vj, vk = mc._scf.get_jk(mc.mol, dmcore)
    vhfcore = reduce(, (mo.T, vj*2-vk, mo))

    eris = {}
    eris['vhf_c'] = vhfcore
    eris['ppaa'] = ppaa
    eris['papa'] = papa
    eris['pacv'] = pacv
    eris['cvcv'] = cvcv
    eris['h1eff'] = reduce(, (mo.T, mc.get_hcore(), mo)) + vhfcore
    return eris
Esempio n. 18
def threshold(imageArray):

    balanceAr = []
    newAr = imageArray

    for eachRow in imageArray:
        for eachPix in eachRow:
            avgNum  = reduce(lambda x,y: int(x) + int(y), eachPix[:3])/len(eachPix[:3])
    balance = reduce(lambda x,y: x + y, balanceAr) / len(balanceAr)
    print ('balance: ', balance)    
    for eachRow in newAr:
        for eachPix in eachRow:
            if reduce(lambda x,y: int(x) + int(y), eachPix[:3]/3) > balance:
                eachPix[0] = 255
                eachPix[1] = 255
                eachPix[2] = 255
                eachPix[3] = 255

                eachPix[0] = 0
                eachPix[1] = 0
                eachPix[2] = 0
                eachPix[3] = 255
    return newAr
Esempio n. 19
    def combined_rating(self):
        Method that computes the multitag's rating from the ratings of unit

        (the default implementation uses the geometric mean - with a special
        treatment for proper nouns - but this method can be overridden)

        @returns: the rating of the multitag

        # by default, the rating of a multitag is the geometric mean of its
        # unit subtags' ratings
        product = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, self.subratings, 1.0)
        root = self.size

        # but proper nouns shouldn't be penalized by stopwords
        if product == 0.0 and self.proper:
            nonzero = [r for r in self.subratings if r > 0.0]
            if len(nonzero) == 0:
                return 0.0
            product = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, nonzero, 1.0)
            root = len(nonzero)

        return product ** (1.0 / root)
Esempio n. 20
 def run(self):
     if deep == 0:
         print('level 1 :', 1, '/', 1)
     screen = curses.initscr()  # 初始化终端界面输出窗口
     maxFile = [0] * (self.deep + 1)
     while True:
         links = list(self.QLinks.__dict__['queue'])
         # 队列中每个URL此时的深度值
         deeps = [x[1] for x in links]
         keys = [[x, 0] for x in range(self.deep + 1)]
         n = len(keys)
         for d in deeps:
             keys[d][1] += 1
         screen.clear()  # 清屏,等待输出
         count = 0
         for d in range(1, n + 1):
             count += 1
             if keys[n - d][1] > maxFile[d - 1]:
                 maxFile[d - 1] = keys[n - d][1]
             screen.addstr(count, 0, 'level ' + str(d) + ' : ' +
                           str(keys[n - d][1]) + ' / ' + str(maxFile[d - 1]))
         screen.refresh()  # 使生效
         total = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,
                                  [i[1] for i in keys])
         totalMax = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, maxFile)
         if self.event.is_set():
   'Done at ' + time.ctime())
Esempio n. 21
 def _gen_Max(self, args, ret_type):
     if ret_type == int_type:
         # FIXME better way to do this?
         return reduce(lambda arg1, arg2:
             self.builder.icmp_signed('>', arg1, arg2), arg1, arg2), args)
     elif ret_type == real_type:
         return reduce(lambda arg1, arg2: self.call_fp_intr('llvm.maxnum', [arg1, arg2]), args)
Esempio n. 22
def getMinUpgrade(vulnerableList, unaffectedList, portdbapi, vardbapi, minimize=True):
	Checks if the systemstate is matching an atom in
	I{vulnerableList} and returns string describing
	the lowest version for the package that matches an atom in
	I{unaffectedList} and is greater than the currently installed
	version. It will return an empty list if the system is affected,
	and no upgrade is possible or None if the system is not affected.
	Both I{vulnerableList} and I{unaffectedList} should have the
	same base package.

	@type	vulnerableList: List of Strings
	@param	vulnerableList: atoms matching vulnerable package versions
	@type	unaffectedList: List of Strings
	@param	unaffectedList: atoms matching unaffected package versions
	@type	portdbapi:	portage.dbapi.porttree.portdbapi
	@param	portdbapi:	Ebuild repository
	@type	vardbapi:	portage.dbapi.vartree.vardbapi
	@param	vardbapi:	Installed package repository
	@type	minimize:	Boolean
	@param	minimize:	True for a least-change upgrade, False for emerge-like algorithm

	@rtype:		String | None
	@return:	the lowest unaffected version that is greater than
				the installed version.
	rValue = ""
	v_installed = reduce(operator.add, [match(v, vardbapi) for v in vulnerableList], [])
	u_installed = reduce(operator.add, [match(u, vardbapi) for u in unaffectedList], [])

	# remove all unaffected atoms from vulnerable list
	v_installed = list(set(v_installed).difference(set(u_installed)))

	if not v_installed:
		return None

	# this tuple holds all vulnerable atoms, and the related upgrade atom
	vuln_update = []
	avail_updates = set()
	for u in unaffectedList:
		# TODO: This had match_type="match-all" before. I don't think it should
		# since we disregarded masked items later anyway (match(=rValue, "porttree"))
		avail_updates.update(match(u, portdbapi))
	# if an atom is already installed, we should not consider it for upgrades

	for vuln in v_installed:
		update = ""
		for c in avail_updates:
			c_pv = portage.catpkgsplit(c)
			if vercmp(c.version, vuln.version) > 0 \
					and (update == "" \
						or (minimize ^ (vercmp(c.version, update.version) > 0))) \
					and portdbapi._pkg_str(c, None).slot == vardbapi._pkg_str(vuln, None).slot:
				update = c_pv[0]+"/"+c_pv[1]+"-"+c_pv[2]
				if c_pv[3] != "r0":		# we don't like -r0 for display
					update += "-"+c_pv[3]
		vuln_update.append([vuln, update])

	return vuln_update
Esempio n. 23
    def run(self, assets, parameters = tuple()):
        args = self.parser.parse_args(parameters)
        # FIXME: move checks out so can they can be made before calling 'run'
        if (args.filter_exclude is None) and (args.filter_include is None):
            raise ValueError('No filter specified.')

        cmd = [self._execpath, 'view', '-o',]
        if (args.filter_exclude is not None):
            filter_exclude = reduce(lambda x,y: x^y, (x for x in args.filter_exclude))
            cmd.extend(('-F', filter_exclude))
        if (args.filter_include is not None):
            filter_include = reduce(lambda x,y: x^y, (x for x in args.filter_include))
            cmd.extend(('-f', filter_include))

        with open(os.devnull, 'w') as fnull: 
            returncode = subprocess.check_call(cmd,
                                               stdout = fnull,
                                               stderr = fnull)
        if not os.path.exists(
            # target is missing. Suspected infamous 'bam.bam' issue
            bam_bam = + '.bam'
            if os.path.exists(bam_bam):
                # '.bam.bam' issue
                warnings.warn("'.bam.bam' issue detected. Moving the product to intended target %s." %
                raise Exception('The target %s is mysteriously missing.' %
        return (cmd, returncode)
Esempio n. 24
    def test_set_observed_state(self):
        # set up configuration
        config_dir = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "netcdf")
        cfg = orchestration.YAMLConfig(
            "atnsjoen_simulation.yaml", "atnsjoen",
            config_dir=config_dir, data_dir=shyftdata_dir)

        # get a simulator
        simulator = cfg.get_simulator()

        n_cells = simulator.region_model.size()
        state_repos = DefaultStateRepository(cfg.model_t, n_cells)
        state = state_repos.get_state(0), state)
        obs_discharge = 0.0
        state = simulator.discharge_adjusted_state(obs_discharge, state)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, reduce(operator.add, (state[i].kirchner.q for i
                                                          in range(state.size()))))

        obs_discharge = 10.0  # m3/s
        state = simulator.discharge_adjusted_state(obs_discharge, state)

        # Convert from l/h to m3/s by dividing by 3.6e6
        adj_discharge = reduce(operator.add, (state[i].kirchner.q*cell.geo.area() for (i, cell)
                               in enumerate(simulator.region_model.get_cells())))/(3.6e6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(obs_discharge, adj_discharge)
Esempio n. 25
def multiply(lhs, rhs):
    """ Perform element-wise multiplication

    lhs : Array or float value
        left hand side operand

    rhs : Array of float value
        right hand side operand

    out: Array
        result array
    # pylint: disable= no-member, protected-access
    if isinstance(lhs, numeric_types):
        if isinstance(rhs, numeric_types):
            return lhs * rhs
            return multiply(rhs, lhs)
    elif isinstance(rhs, numeric_types):
        return NDArray._mul_scalar(lhs, float(rhs))
    elif isinstance(rhs, NDArray):
        lsize = functools.reduce(operator.mul, lhs.shape)
        rsize = functools.reduce(operator.mul, rhs.shape)
        if lsize < rsize:
            lhs = lhs.broadcast_to(rhs.shape)
        elif lsize > rsize:
            rhs = rhs.broadcast_to(lhs.shape)
        return NDArray._mul(lhs, rhs)
        raise TypeError('type %s not supported' % str(type(rhs)))
Esempio n. 26
def install_dependencies(software, osname=None, fake=False):
    if osname is None:
        osname = dependency.get_platform()
    theOs = dependency.OsInterfaceFactory().create(osname)
    dependencies = dependency.DependencySolver(software, osname)

    vrun = False
    vdev = False
    voth = False

    if len(dependencies.runtime_distribution_packages()):
        print("Do you wish to install the required runtime packages:\n")
        print(reduce(lambda x,y: str(x)+" "+str(y),
                     dependencies.runtime_distribution_packages(), "") + " (y/n)?")
        vrun = input()

    if len(dependencies.development_distribution_packages()):
        print("Do you wish to install the development packages:\n")
        print(reduce(lambda x,y: str(x)+" "+str(y),
                     dependencies.development_distribution_packages(), "") + " (y/n)?")
        vdev = input()

    if len(dependencies.other_packages()):
        print("Do you wish to install the other packages:\n")
        print(reduce(lambda x,y: str(x)+" "+str(y),
                     dependencies.other_packages(), "") + " (y/n)?")
        voth = input()

    if vrun == "y":
        theOs.install_packages(dependencies.runtime_distribution_packages(), fake)
    if vdev == "y":
        theOs.install_packages(dependencies.development_distribution_packages(), fake)
    if voth == "y":
        theOs.install_packages(dependencies.other_packages(), fake)
Esempio n. 27
def grammar():
    g = Grammar()

    g['lbracket'] = terminals([ord('[')])
    g['rbracket'] = terminals([ord(']')])
    g['bslash']   = terminals([ord('\\')])
    g['hyphen']   = terminals([ord('-')])
    g['lparen']   = terminals([ord('(')])
    g['rparen']   = terminals([ord(')')])
    g['pipe']     = terminals([ord('|')])
    g['star']     = terminals([ord('*')])

    g['special'] = reduce(union, map(g.__getitem__, [
        'lbracket', 'rbracket',
        'bslash',   'hyphen',
        'lparen',   'rparen', 'pipe', 'star',

    g['non_special']     = negate_terminals(g['special'])
    g['escaped']         = concat(g['bslash'], g['special'])
    g['char']            = union(g['escaped'], g['non_special'])
    g['simple_range']    = reduce(concat, [ g['char'], g['hyphen'], g['char'] ])
    g['char_class_atom'] = union(g['char'], g['simple_range'])
    g['char_class']      = reduce(concat, [ g['lbracket'], plus(g['char_class_atom']), g['rbracket'] ])

    g['concat_atom']     = union(g['char'], g['char_class'])
    g['concat']          = plus(g['concat_atom'])
    g['union_sequence']  = sequence(g['concat'], g['pipe'])
    g['union']           = reduce(concat, [ g['lparen'], g['union_sequence'], g['rparen'] ])
    g['repeat']          = concat(union(g['concat'], g['union']), g['star'])

    g['regular'] = plus(reduce(union, [ g['union'], g['concat'], g['repeat'] ]))

    return g
Esempio n. 28
def checkio(image):
    FontNumbers = [1 if i == 'X' else 0 for i in list(FONT)]
    FontNumbers = [
        FontNumbers[i * (len(FONT) // 5) : (i + 1) * len(FONT) // 5] for i in range(5)
    FontNumbers = SplitImage(FontNumbers)
    FontNumbers = [FontNumbers[-1]] + FontNumbers[:-1]

    ImageNumbers = SplitImage(image)
    result = []
    for i in ImageNumbers:
        for j in range(len(FontNumbers)):
            NumberDotStream = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, i)
            FontDotStream = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, FontNumbers[j])
            if (
                        for k0, k1 in enumerate(NumberDotStream)
                        if FontDotStream[k0] != k1
                <= 1
    return int(''.join(result))
Esempio n. 29
    def send(self, target, nick, msg, msgtype, ignore_length=False, filters=None):
        """ Send a message.

        Records the message in the log.
        if not isinstance(msg, str):
            raise Exception("Trying to send a %s to irc, only strings allowed." % type(msg).__name__)
        msgs = []
        if filters is None:
            filters = self.outputfilter[target]
        for i in filters:
            if target != self.config['core']['ctrlchan']:
                msg = i(msg)
        # Avoid spam from commands that produce excessive output.
        MAX_LEN = 650
        msg = [x.encode() for x in msg]
        if functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x + len(y), msg, 0) > MAX_LEN and not ignore_length:
            msg, _ = misc.split_msg(msg, MAX_LEN)
            msg += "..."
            msg = [x.encode() for x in msg]
        max_len = self.get_max_length(target, msgtype)
        # We can't send messages > 512 bytes to irc.
        while functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x + len(y), msg, 0) > max_len:
            split, msg = misc.split_msg(msg, max_len)
        msgs.append(''.join([x.decode() for x in msg]).strip())
        for i in msgs:
            self.do_log(target, nick, i, msgtype)
            if msgtype == 'action':
                self.connection.action(target, i)
                self.rate_limited_send(target, i)
Esempio n. 30
def return_charts(close, predictions, actual):
    # plot.plot(close, label="close")
    return_values_ft = [1]
    return_values_pre = [1]
    # calculate simple returns
    simple_returns = []
    simple_returns_pre = []
    for i in range(0, len(close) - 1):
        simple_returns_pre.append(((close[i + 1] - close[i]) / close[i]))
    simple_returns = [1 + rt for rt in simple_returns_pre]

    for i in range(0, len(predictions)):
        current_return = reduce(mul, simple_returns[:i + 1])
        if predictions[i] == actual[i]:
            simple_returns_pre[i] = 1 + abs(simple_returns_pre[i])
        if predictions[i] != actual[i]:
            simple_returns_pre[i] = 1 - abs(simple_returns_pre[i])
        agg_return = reduce(mul, simple_returns_pre[:i + 1])


    plot.plot(return_values_ft, label="return of ft", linewidth=2.5, color="blueviolet")
    plot.plot(return_values_pre, '--', label="return of predictions", linewidth=2.5, color="black")
    plot.xlabel("Trading Days")
    plot.legend(loc="upper left")
Esempio n. 31
 def search_new_transactions(cls, transactions):
     transactions_in_chain = reduce(
         add, list(map(lambda block: block.transactions, cls.blocks)))
     return list(
         filter(lambda tx: tx not in transactions_in_chain, transactions))
Esempio n. 32
 def _numel(self):
     if self._numel_cache is None:
         self._numel_cache = reduce(lambda total, p: total + p.numel(), self._params, 0)
     return self._numel_cache
Esempio n. 33
def multi_merge(*v):
    return reduce(merge, v)
Esempio n. 34
    def sharpen_region(self, region):
        data = self.dataset
        root = self._root
        nbins = self.n_bins
        xvar = yvar = zvar = None

        if 0 <= self.x_var_index < len(self.x_var_model):
            xvar = self.x_var_model[self.x_var_index]
        if 0 <= self.y_var_index < len(self.y_var_model):
            yvar = self.y_var_model[self.y_var_index]
        if 0 <= self.z_var_index < len(self.z_var_model):
            zvar = self.z_var_model[self.z_var_index]

        if data is None or xvar is None or yvar is None or root is None:

        if not QRectF(*root.brect).intersects(region):

        def bin_func(xbins, ybins):
            return grid_bin(data, xvar, yvar, xbins, ybins, zvar)

        def min_depth(node, region):
            if not region.intersects(QRectF(*node.brect)):
                return np.inf
            elif node.is_leaf:
                return 1
            elif node.is_empty:
                return 1
                xs, xe, ys, ye = bindices(node, region)
                children = node.children[xs:xe, ys:ye].ravel()
                contingency = node.contingencies[xs:xe, ys:ye]
                if contingency.ndim == 3:
                    contingency = contingency.reshape(-1, contingency.shape[2])

                if any(ch is None and np.any(val)
                       for ch, val in zip(children, contingency)):
                    return 1
                    ch_depth = [
                        min_depth(ch, region) + 1
                        for ch in filter(is_not_none, children.flat)
                    return min(ch_depth if ch_depth else [1])

        depth = min_depth(self._root, region)
        bw = self._sampling_width()
        nodes = self.select_nodes_to_sharpen(self._root, region, bw, depth + 1)

        def update_rects(node):
            scored = score_candidate_rects(node, region)
            ind1 = set(zip(*Node_nonzero(node)))
            ind2 = set(zip(*node.children.nonzero())) \
                   if not node.is_leaf else set()
            ind = ind1 - ind2
            return [(score, r) for score, i, j, r in scored if (i, j) in ind]

        scored_rects = reduce(operator.iadd, map(update_rects, nodes), [])
        scored_rects = sorted(scored_rects,
        root = self._root
        update_time = time.time()

        with self.progressBar(len(scored_rects)) as progress_bar:
            for i, (_, rect) in enumerate(scored_rects):
                root = sharpen_region_recur(root, rect.intersected(region),
                                            nbins, depth + 1, bin_func)
                tick = time.time() - update_time
                if tick > 2.0:
                    update_time = time.time()

        self._root = root

        self._cache[xvar, yvar, zvar] = self._root
Esempio n. 35
    def readarray(self, size=None, offset=0, dtype=np.uint8, shape=None):
        Similar to, but returns the contents of the underlying
        file as a numpy array (or mmap'd array if memmap=True) rather than a

        Usually it's best not to use the `size` argument with this method, but
        it's provided for compatibility.

        if not hasattr(self._file, 'read'):
            raise EOFError

        if not isinstance(dtype, np.dtype):
            dtype = np.dtype(dtype)

        if size and size % dtype.itemsize != 0:
            raise ValueError('size {} not a multiple of {}'.format(
                size, dtype))

        if isinstance(shape, int):
            shape = (shape, )

        if not (size or shape):
                'No size or shape given to readarray(); assuming a '
                'shape of (1,)', AstropyUserWarning)
            shape = (1, )

        if size and not shape:
            shape = (size // dtype.itemsize, )

        if size and shape:
            actualsize = * dtype.itemsize

            if actualsize > size:
                raise ValueError('size {} is too few bytes for a {} array of '
                                 '{}'.format(size, shape, dtype))
            elif actualsize < size:
                raise ValueError('size {} is too many bytes for a {} array of '
                                 '{}'.format(size, shape, dtype))

        filepos = self._file.tell()

            if self.memmap:
                if self._mmap is None:
                    # Instantiate Memmap array of the file offset at 0 (so we
                    # can return slices of it to offset anywhere else into the
                    # file)
                    memmap = Memmap(self._file,

                    # Now we immediately discard the memmap array; we are
                    # really just using it as a factory function to instantiate
                    # the mmap object in a convenient way (may later do away
                    # with this usage)
                    self._mmap = memmap.base

                    # Prevent dorking with self._memmap._mmap by memmap.__del__
                    # in Numpy 1.6 (see
                    memmap._mmap = None
                    del memmap

                return np.ndarray(shape=shape,
                count = reduce(operator.mul, shape)
                data = _array_from_file(self._file, dtype, count)
                data.shape = shape
                return data
            # Make sure we leave the file in the position we found it; on
            # some platforms (e.g. Windows) mmaping a file handle can also
            # reset its file pointer
Esempio n. 36
def mul_func(a,b):
    return reduce(lambda x,y:int(x)*int(y),num[a:b])
Esempio n. 37
 def dotprod(v1, v2):
     return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, map(lambda x, y: x * y, v1, v2))
Esempio n. 38
    def predict(self,
            image (str/np.ndarray): path of image/ np.ndarray read by cv2
            threshold (float): threshold of predicted box' score
            results (dict): include 'boxes': np.ndarray: shape:[N,6], N: number of box,
                            matix element:[class, score, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max]
                            MaskRCNN's results include 'masks': np.ndarray:
                            shape:[N, class_num, mask_resolution, mask_resolution]
        inputs, im_info = self.preprocess(image)
        np_boxes, np_masks = None, None
        if self.config.use_python_inference:
            for i in range(warmup):
                outs =,
            t1 = time.time()
            for i in range(repeats):
                outs =,
            t2 = time.time()
            ms = (t2 - t1) * 1000.0 / repeats
            print("Inference: {} ms per batch image".format(ms))

            np_boxes = np.array(outs[0])
            if self.config.mask_resolution is not None:
                np_masks = np.array(outs[1])
            input_names = self.predictor.get_input_names()
            for i in range(len(input_names)):
                input_tensor = self.predictor.get_input_tensor(input_names[i])

            for i in range(warmup):
                output_names = self.predictor.get_output_names()
                boxes_tensor = self.predictor.get_output_tensor(output_names[0])
                np_boxes = boxes_tensor.copy_to_cpu()
                if self.config.mask_resolution is not None:
                    masks_tensor = self.predictor.get_output_tensor(
                    np_masks = masks_tensor.copy_to_cpu()

            t1 = time.time()
            for i in range(repeats):
                output_names = self.predictor.get_output_names()
                boxes_tensor = self.predictor.get_output_tensor(output_names[0])
                np_boxes = boxes_tensor.copy_to_cpu()
                if self.config.mask_resolution is not None:
                    masks_tensor = self.predictor.get_output_tensor(output_names[1])
                    np_masks = masks_tensor.copy_to_cpu()
            t2 = time.time()
            ms = (t2 - t1) * 1000.0 / repeats
            print("Inference: {} ms per batch image".format(ms))

        if reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, np_boxes.shape) < 6:
            print('[WARNNING] No object detected.')
            results = {'boxes': np.array([])}
            results = self.postprocess(np_boxes, np_masks, im_info, threshold=threshold)

        return results
Esempio n. 39
 def filters_join(filters):
         reduce(list.__iadd__, (f.conditions for f in filters), []))