def access(self, path, mode): """ Forge authorization check Authorization is performed based on the repository path /neighborhood/project/repository To optimize access checking, a short-lived permission cache is used. The cache is only invoked if the file path minimally identifies a repo, and then only for the portion of the path that identifies the repo. Thus, /n/p/r/some/path/a and /n/p/r/some/path/b get the same entry from the cache: the most recent authorization check for the repository. """ if mode & (os.R_OK | os.W_OK) == 0: return mo = AUTH_PATH_REGEX.match(path) if mo: apath = uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context() entry = self.perm_cache.get(uid, apath) if (mode & entry) != mode: user = self.perm_cache.get_user(uid) msg = "Authorization failure: user {} repository {} mode {}" LOG.warn(msg.format(user, apath, mode)) raise FuseOSError(EACCES) else: uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context() user = self.perm_cache.get_user(uid) msg = "Improper repository authorization request: user {} path {}" LOG.warn(msg.format(user, path)) raise FuseOSError(EACCES)
def readdir(self, path, fh): ls = os.listdir(path) for entry in self.ignore_entries: if entry in ls: ls.remove(entry) out = ['.', '..'] + ls try: uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context() comm = os.path.basename(os.readlink('/proc/%d/exe' % pid)) except: comm = '' # for anything that starts with svn we pretend that there are no # property files if comm in self.comm_ignore: return out try: for name, prop_dict in self.client.proplist(path, depth=pysvn.depth.files): if name == path: name = '' else: name = '#' + os.path.basename(name) for prop in prop_dict.keys(): out += ['.' + name + '#' + prop] except: pass return out
def rmdir(self, path): _path = path[1:] apath = os.path.join(self.tmp, _path) dpath = os.path.join(self.tmp, ".hgfs", _path) hpath = os.path.join(self.tmp, ".hgfs", _path + ".attr") try: status = os.rmdir(dpath) except: pass status = os.rmdir(apath) try: status = os.unlink(hpath) except: pass uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context() username = pwd.getpwuid(uid)[0] dispatch( request(["--cwd", self.tmp, "commit", "-A", "-u", username, "-m", "hgfs[rmdir]: %s" % (_path), str(_path)]) ) if self.args.clone: dispatch(request(["--cwd", self.tmp, "push"])) return status
def getattr(self, path, fh=None): (uid, gid, pid) = fuse_get_context() working_path = path try: entry = self._get_entry(path) except EntryNotFoundError: return errno.ENOENT if self._is_directory(entry): mode = (stat.S_IFDIR | PERMISSION_ALL_READ) nlink = 2 ts = unixtimestamp(entry.timestamp()) size = 0 else: mode = (stat.S_IFREG | PERMISSION_ALL_READ) nlink = 1 ts = 0 size = len(entry.raw_data()) return { "st_atime": 0, "st_ctime": 0, #"st_crtime": unixtimestamp(record.standard_information().created_time()), "st_mtime": ts, "st_size": size, "st_uid": uid, "st_gid": gid, "st_mode": mode, "st_nlink": nlink, }
def symlink(self, target, source): _source = source[1:] _target = target[1:] asource = os.path.join(self.tmp, _source) atarget = os.path.join(self.tmp, _target) status = os.symlink(source, atarget) uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context() username = pwd.getpwuid(uid)[0] dispatch( request( [ "--cwd", self.tmp, "commit", "-A", "-u", username, "-m", "hgfs[symlink]: %s -> %s" % (_target, source), str(source), str(_target), ] ) ) if self.args.clone: dispatch(request(["--cwd", self.tmp, "push"])) return status
def open(self, path, flags): # Only support 'READ ONLY' flag access_flags = os.O_RDONLY | os.O_WRONLY | os.O_RDWR fh = 0 if flags & access_flags != os.O_RDONLY: raise fuse.FuseOSError(errno.EACCES) else: cur_path = path.split('/') if len(cur_path) == 6: uid, gid, pid = fuse.fuse_get_context() username = self.get_username(uid) files = get_datasets(username, cur_path[1], cur_path[2], cur_path[3], cur_path[4], self.datapath) fname = next((f[1] for f in files if f[0]==cur_path[5]), None) if fname: self.gzfile = None fh =, flags) elif cur_path[5].endswith('ugz'): # Check to see if we're being asked about a gzipped file fn = cur_path[5][:-3] +'gz' fname = next((f[1] for f in files if f[0]==fn), None) if fname: self.gzfile =,'r') fh = self.gzfile.fileno() else: raise fuse.FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT) else: raise fuse.FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT) return fh
def getattr(self, path, fh=None): uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context() pp = path.split('/') if path == '/': st = dict(st_mode=(stat.S_IFDIR | 0o755), st_nlink=2) elif len(pp) < 5: st = dict(st_mode=(stat.S_IFDIR | 0o755), st_nlink=2) elif len(pp) == 5 and pp[3] == "documents": st = dict(st_mode=(stat.S_IFDIR | 0o755), st_nlink=2) else: st = dict(st_mode=(stat.S_IFREG | 0o444), st_size=0) if pp[3] == "properties": es_json = self.prop_cache[self.es_base_url + '/%s/%s/_mapping' % (pp[1], pp[2])] mapping = json.dumps(es_json [pp[1]]['mappings'][pp[2]] ['properties'][pp[4]]) + "\n" st['st_size'] = len(mapping) elif pp[3] == "documents": st['st_size'] = len(self.doc_cache[self.es_base_url + '/%s/%s/%s' % (pp[1], pp[2], pp[5])]) st['st_ctime'] = st['st_mtime'] = st['st_atime'] = time() return st
def rename(self, old, new): _old = old[1:] _new = new[1:] uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context() username = pwd.getpwuid(uid)[0] dispatch(request(["--cwd", self.tmp, "mv", _old, _new])) dispatch( request( ["--cwd", self.tmp, "mv", os.path.join(".hgfs", _old + ".attr"), os.path.join(".hgfs", _new + ".attr")] ) ) dispatch( request( [ "--cwd", self.tmp, "commit", "-u", username, "-m", "hgfs[rename]: %s -> %s" % (_old, _new), str(_old), str(_new), ] ) ) if self.args.clone: dispatch(request(["--cwd", self.tmp, "push"])) return 0
def fsync(self, path, datasync, fh): context = fuse_get_context() print "fync context:", context, " path: ", path if fh in self.files: active_file = self.files[fh] if active_file.changed: retval = os.fsync(active_file.cfh) try: text = open(active_file.cpath, "r").read() if not self.seap.allow_write_by_path(active_file.cpath, active_file.path, context): #if text.find("block") != -1: print "block sync" retval = -EACCES else: shutil.copy2(active_file.cpath, active_file.path) print "fsync changed: " + active_file.to_string() except (IOError, os.error) as why: print "here" errors.append((active_file.cpath, active_file.cpath, str(why))) active_file.changed = False return retval else: print "fsync unchanged; " + active_file.to_string() return os.fsync(active_file.fh) else: print "fsync error EBADF fh:", active_file.fh return -EBADF
def getattr(self, path, fh=None): if path == '/': uid, gid, pid = fuse.fuse_get_context() return { 'st_uid': uid, 'st_gid': gid, 'st_mode': stat.S_IFDIR | 0555, 'st_nlink': 2, 'st_atime': self._load_time, 'st_mtime': self._load_time, 'st_ctime': self._load_time, } else: stats = [os.stat(f) for f in self._metafiles(path)] # bitwise OR of all the modes mode = reduce(lambda a, b: a | (b.st_mode & 0777), stats, 0) return { 'st_uid': stats[0].st_uid, 'st_gid': stats[0].st_gid, 'st_mode': stat.S_IFREG | mode, 'st_size': self._exploded_info(path).filesize, 'st_nlink': min(i.st_nlink for i in stats), 'st_atime': max(i.st_atime for i in stats), 'st_mtime': max(i.st_mtime for i in stats), 'st_ctime': max(i.st_ctime for i in stats), }
def getattr(self, path, fh=None):'getattr %s', path) try: cache_entry = self.cache.get_entry(path) except FileNotFoundError: raise fuse.FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT) now = time.time() if 'modified' in cache_entry.metadata: modified = cache_entry.metadata['modified'].replace('+0000', '').strip() modified = time.strptime(modified, '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S') modified = time.mktime(modified) else: modified = now uid, gid, pid = fuse.fuse_get_context() ret = dict( st_size=int(cache_entry.metadata['bytes']), st_ctime=now, st_mtime=modified, st_atime=now, st_uid=uid, st_gid=gid ) if cache_entry.metadata['is_dir'] is True: ret['st_mode'] = stat.S_IFDIR | 0755 ret['st_nlink'] = 3 else: ret['st_mode'] = stat.S_IFREG | 0644 ret['st_nlink'] = 1 return ret
def __build_stat_from_entry(self, entry): (uid, gid, pid) = fuse_get_context() if entry.is_directory: effective_permission = int(Conf.get("default_perm_folder"), 8) elif entry.editable: effective_permission = int(Conf.get("default_perm_file_editable"), 8) else: effective_permission = int(Conf.get("default_perm_file_noneditable"), 8) stat_result = { "st_mtime": entry.modified_date_epoch, # modified time. "st_ctime": entry.modified_date_epoch, # changed time. "st_atime": time(), "st_uid": uid, "st_gid": gid, } if entry.is_directory: # Per, # default size should be 4K. # TODO(dustin): Should we just make this (0), since that's what it is? stat_result["st_size"] = 1024 * 4 stat_result["st_mode"] = stat.S_IFDIR | effective_permission stat_result["st_nlink"] = 2 else: stat_result["st_size"] = DisplacedFile.file_size if entry.requires_mimetype else entry.file_size stat_result["st_mode"] = stat.S_IFREG | effective_permission stat_result["st_nlink"] = 1 stat_result["st_blocks"] = int(math.ceil(float(stat_result["st_size"]) / 512.0)) return stat_result
def open(self, path, flags): self.log.debug(" open(%s, flags=0x%x)", path, flags) (unused, unused1, pid) = fuse_get_context() self.log.debug(' - pid: %d', pid) if hasattr(self, 'lock_owner'): self.log.debug(' - lock owner %d', self.lock_owner) if flags & os.O_EXCL: self.log.debug(" - exclusive bit set") access = X_OK if flags & os.O_CREAT: access |= W_OK self.checkAccess(os.path.dirname(path), access) item = self.getRecordOrThrow(path, ["type", "readLock", "writeLock", "st_mode", "st_uid", "st_gid"]) access = 0 if flags & (os.O_RDONLY | os.O_RDWR) or flags == 0: access |= R_OK if flags & (os.O_WRONLY | os.O_RDWR | os.O_APPEND | os.O_TRUNC): access |= W_OK if not item.access(access) == 0: raise FuseOSError(EACCES) self.lockManager.create(path) return self.allocId()
def getattr(self, path, fh=None): print "Calling getattr" to_return = None uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context() split = normpath(path).split("/") if len(split) != 5: to_return = { 'st_atime': time(), 'st_gid': 0, 'st_uid': 0, 'st_mode': S_IFDIR | 0755, 'st_mtime': 667908000, 'st_ctime': 667908000, 'st_size': 4096 } else: schema = split[1] tablename = split[2] pk = split[3] col = split[4] formatted = self._get_pk_data(schema, tablename, pk, col) if formatted is not None: to_return = { 'st_atime': time(), 'st_gid': 0, 'st_uid': 0, 'st_mode': S_IFREG | 0666, 'st_mtime': 667908000, 'st_ctime': 667908000, 'st_size': len(formatted) } else: raise FuseOSError(ENOENT) return to_return
def write(self, path, data, offset, fh): context = fuse_get_context() if fh in self.files: active_file = self.files[fh] if active_file.changed == False: active_file.changed = True active_file.cpath = TMP_PATH + path if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(active_file.cpath)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(active_file.cpath)) try: shutil.copy2(path, active_file.cpath) print "write cpath; " + active_file.to_string() except (IOError, os.error) as why: print str(why) if active_file.mode !=0: active_file.cfh =, active_file.flags, active_file.mode) else: active_file.cfh =, active_file.flags) with self.rwlock: print "write to cpath; " + active_file.to_string() os.lseek(active_file.cfh, offset, 0) return os.write(active_file.cfh, data) else: print "write error EBADF fh:" + fh return -EBADF
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: pid = fuse_get_context()[2] except: # Just in case. pid = 0 if not prefix:'--------------------------------------------------')"%s>>>>>>>>>> %s(%d) >>>>>>>>>> (%d)" % (prefix, f.__name__, sn, pid)) if args or kwargs: condensed = {} for i in xrange(len(args)): # Skip the 'self' argument. if i == 0: continue if i - 1 >= len(argument_names): break condensed[argument_names[i - 1]] = args[i] for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): condensed[k] = v values_nice = [("%s= [%s]" % (k, v)) for k, v \ in condensed.iteritems() \ if k not in excluded] if otherdata_cb: data = otherdata_cb(*args, **kwargs) for k, v in data.iteritems(): values_nice[k] = v if values_nice: values_string = ' '.join(values_nice) log.debug("DATA: %s" % (values_string)) suffix = '' try: result = f(*args, **kwargs) except FuseOSError as e:"FUSE error [%s] (%s) will be forwarded back to " "GDFS: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e.errno, str(e))) raise except Exception as e: log.exception("There was an exception.") suffix = (' (E(%s): "%s")' % (e.__class__.__name__, str(e))) raise finally:"%s<<<<<<<<<< %s(%d) (%d)%s" % (prefix, f.__name__, sn, pid, suffix)) return result
def getattr(self, path, fh=None): uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context() node = self.get_node(path) if node: return node['attributes'] raise RuntimeError('unexpected path: %r' % path)
def mkdir(self, path, mode): uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context() self.files[path] = dict(st_mode=(S_IFDIR | mode), st_nlink=2, st_size=0, st_ctime=time(), st_mtime=time(), st_atime=time(), st_uid=uid, st_gid=gid) self.files['/']['st_nlink'] += 1
def get_eps_context(self): context_data = list(fuse_get_context()) group_ids = [self.get_group_id(gname) for gname in self.users.get(context_data[0], {}).get('groups')] group_ids.sort() context_data[1] = group_ids return tuple(context_data)
def flush(self, path, fh): logger.debug("flush file %s, pid is:%d" % (path, fuse_get_context()[2])) hashpath = self.__hashpath(path, enablepid=True) logger.debug(hashpath) downloadtask = self.taskpool.query_download_task(hashpath) if downloadtask: downloadtask.end_download_file() self.taskpool.delete_download_task(hashpath)
def open(self, path, fi): # Run command and return fd to it pid = fuse.fuse_get_context()[2]'open %s for %d', path, pid) fd = self._getnewfd(path, pid) fi.fh = fd fi.direct_io = True
def create(self, path, mode): uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context() self.files[path] = dict(st_mode=(S_IFREG | mode), st_nlink=1, st_size=0, st_ctime=time(), st_mtime=time(), st_atime=time(), st_uid=uid, st_gid=gid) self.fd += 1 return self.fd
def read(self, path, size, offset, fh): uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context() if path == '/uid': return '%s\n' % uid elif path == '/gid': return '%s\n' % gid elif path == '/pid': return '%s\n' % pid return ''
def create(self, path, mode): context = fuse_get_context() fh =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, mode) if not fh in self.files: active_file = ActiveFile(path, context, fh) active_file.mode = mode active_file.flags = os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT self.files.update({fh: active_file}) print "create; "+ self.files[fh].to_string() return fh
def open(self, path, flags): context = fuse_get_context() fh =, flags) print "open context:", context, " path: ", path if not (context, path) in self.files: active_file = ActiveFile(path, context, fh) active_file.flags = flags print "open new: " + active_file.to_string() self.files.update({fh: active_file}) return fh
def _debug(self, op, path, args, ret): own = op in self.__class__.__dict__ sys.stderr.write('%s:%s:%i/%i/%i\n' % ( (op.upper(), own) + fuse_get_context() )) sys.stderr.write(':: %s\n' % path) if op not in ('read', 'write'): sys.stderr.write(':: %s\n' % pf(args)) sys.stderr.write(':: %s\n' % pf(ret)) sys.stderr.write('\n') sys.stderr.flush()
def write(self, path, data, offset, fh): self.log.debug(" write(%s, len=%d, offset=%d)", path, len(data), offset) (uid, gid, pid) = fuse_get_context() self.log.debug(' - uid: %d, gid: %d, pid: %d, lock_owner: %d', uid, gid, pid, getattr(self, 'lock_owner') if hasattr(self, 'lock_owner') else -1) item = self.getRecordOrThrow(path) if not item.isFile() and not item.isHardLink(): raise FuseOSError(EINVAL) return item.write(data, offset)
def __init__(self): uid, gid, _ = fuse_get_context() self.attrs = { 'st_mode': (S_IFREG | 0o755), 'st_mtime': time(), 'st_atime': time(), 'st_nlink': 0, 'st_uid': uid, 'st_gid': gid, 'st_size': 0 }
def getattr(self, path, fh=None): """Return a dict of file attributes for the given file/directory.""" # This will work for either file or directory, but raises ValueError if # it doesn't exist-- convert that error to ENOENT if it happens. try: st = self.tree.stat(path) except ValueError: raise fuse.FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT) # Apply UID and GID from fuse's context. The other values are fine # as-is. st["st_uid"], st["st_gid"] = fuse.fuse_get_context()[0:2] return st
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): uid, gid, pid = fuse.fuse_get_context() try: self._log("starting ", args[0]) res = fuse.Operations.__call__(self, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: self._log(pid, args, kwargs, e) raise else: if VERBOSE: self._log(pid, args, kwargs, res) return res
def getattr(self, path, fh=None): uid, guid, pid = fuse_get_context() print "getattr: ", uid, guid, pid st = os.lstat(path) return dict((key, getattr(st, key)) for key in ('st_atime', 'st_ctime', 'st_gid', 'st_mode', 'st_mtime', 'st_nlink', 'st_size', 'st_uid'))
def link(self, target, source): uid, guid, pid = fuse_get_context() print "link: ", uid, guid, pid return, target)
def readdir(self, path, fh): uid, guid, pid = fuse_get_context() print "readdir: ", uid, guid, pid, fh return ['.', '..'] + os.listdir(path)
def rename(self, old, new): uid, guid, pid = fuse_get_context() print "rename", uid, guid, pid return os.rename(old, new)
def get_uid_gid(): uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context() return int(uid), int(gid)
def read(self, path, size, offset, fd): path = self._full_path(path) uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context() printDebug( "read", "reading {} bytes from {} (fd {}) at offset {}".format( size, path, fd, offset)) printDebug("read", uid) printDebug("read", gid) if uid not in self._user_cache: self._generate_user_attr() # Fetch user's cached key. key = self._user_cache[uid]["key"] # Fetch the encrypted AES key. c1 = self._file_cache[path]["c1"] # Calculate the first extent to read based on the offset. e = int(offset / 4096) # Adjust offset to account for cryptographic metadata, seek, and read. offset, new_size, first, last = self._calc_offsets(offset, size, path) printDebug("read", "adjusted offset: {}".format(offset)) printDebug("read", "adjusted size: {}".format(new_size)) printDebug("read", "first: {}".format(first)) printDebug("read", "last: {}".format(last)) os.lseek(fd, offset, os.SEEK_SET) b =, new_size) # Process read data, decrypting each read extent. plaintexts = [] printDebug("read", "e: {}".format(e)) num_extents = ceil(new_size / 4096.0) for i in range(num_extents): printDebug("read", "index: {}".format(e + i)) # Get IV and tag for extent e + i. iv = self._file_cache[path]["IV"][e + i] tag = self._file_cache[path]["tags"][e + i] printDebug("read", "tag length: {}".format(len(tag))) printDebug("read", "tag: {}".format(tag)) #printDebug("read", "ct: {}".format(b[i:i + 4096])) # Perform decryption msg = self._abe.decrypt(key, c1, b[i:i + 4096], iv, tag) if not msg: # Attempt to unpad last block before breaking out of loop. if i > 0: plaintexts[i] = self._unpad(plaintexts[i]) break # Remove padding if last block. if i == num_extents - 1: msg = self._unpad(msg) # Store message in both list to be returned and the cache. plaintexts.append(msg) printDebug("read", "decrypted msg: {}".format(msg)) self._file_cache[path][e + i] = msg # Adjust plaintext to contain only what was requested. p = b"".join(plaintexts) p = p[first:] # Drop unrequested bytes at beginning. if last: p = p[:-last] # Drop unrequested bytes at end. printDebug( "read", "requested {} bytes, returning {} bytes".format(size, len(p))) return p
def access(self, path, amode): (uid, gid, unused) = fuse_get_context() self.accessLog.debug(" access(%s, mode=%d) by (%d, %d)", path, amode, uid, gid) item = self.getRecordOrThrow(path) return item.access(amode)
def create(self, path, mode): notify(path, 'c') ret =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, mode) uid, gid, pid = fuse.fuse_get_context() os.chown(path, uid, gid) return ret
def context_uid(self): cxt = fuse_get_context() return cxt[0]
def __call__(self, op, path, *args): """wrapper around Owncloud class, that verifies only the owncloudUser can access this copy of the filesystem.""" ctx = fuse.fuse_get_context() if ctx[0] != self.owncloudUID: raise fuse.FuseOSError(errno.EACCES) return super(Owncloud, self).__call__(op, path, *args)
def read(self, path, length, offset, fh): uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context() node = self.get_node(path) entry = node['file'] return, offset, length)
def write(self, path, data, offset, fd): path = self._full_path(path) printDebug( "write", "writing to {} (fd {}) at offset {}".format(path, fd, offset)) printDebug("write", "writing {} bytes".format(len(data))) uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context() if uid not in self._user_cache: self._generate_user_attr() # Fetch user's cached key and policy. key = self._user_cache[uid]["key"] policy = self._read_policy_file(path) # Fetch the encrypted AES key. c1 = self._file_cache[path]["c1"] # Calculate the first extent to read based on the offset. e = int(offset / 4096) printDebug("write", "e: {}".format(e)) # Calculate new offset and seek. offset, new_size, first, last = self._calc_offsets( offset, len(data), path) os.lseek(fd, offset, os.SEEK_SET) printDebug("write", "new offset: {}".format(offset)) printDebug("write", "new size: {}".format(new_size)) # Prepare data to be written to the cache. Prepend the missing bytes of # the first extent and append the missing bytes of the last extent from # the cache. num_extents = int(ceil(new_size / 4096.0)) printDebug("write", "# of extents: {}".format(num_extents)) try: prepend = self._file_cache[path][e][:first + 1] except KeyError: prepend = b"" try: append = self._file_cache[path][e + num_extents][-last] except KeyError: append = b"" data = prepend + data + append printDebug("write", "new length of data: {}".format(len(data))) #assert len(data) % 4096 == 0 # Ensure I'm not breaking everything... data_list = [data[i:i + 4096] for i in range(0, len(data), 4096)] # Encrypt each extent. ciphertexts = [] for i in range(num_extents): printDebug("write", "index: {}".format(e + i)) # Write to cache. try: self._file_cache[path]["cache"][e + i] = data_list[i] except IndexError: cachelen = len(self._file_cache[path]["cache"]) printDebug( "write", "cache size {} and index {}".format(cachelen, e + i)) assert cachelen == e + i self._file_cache[path]["cache"].append(data_list[i]) #printDebug("write", "msg: {}".format(data_list[i])) # Encrypt extent. if len(data_list[i]) % 4096: c, iv, tag = self._abe.encrypt(self._pad(data_list[i]), key, c1) else: c, iv, tag = self._abe.encrypt(data_list[i], key, c1) #printDebug("write", "ct: {}".format(c)) printDebug("write", "length of tag: {}".format(len(tag))) printDebug("write", "tag: {}".format(tag)) ciphertexts.append(c) printDebug("write", "length of ct: {}".format(len(c))) self._file_cache[path]["IV"][e + i] = iv self._file_cache[path]["tags"][e + i] = tag c = b"".join(ciphertexts) printDebug("write", "ct len: {}".format(len(c))) os.fsync(fd) return os.write(fd, c)
def get_caller_pid(): uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context() return pid
def read(self, path, length, offset, fh): (uid, gid, pid) = fuse_get_context() if path.split("/")[-1] == "config": return 0 os.lseek(fh, offset, os.SEEK_SET) return, length)
def getLockOwner(self): (uid, gid, pid) = fuse_get_context() return getattr(self, 'lock_owner') if hasattr(self, 'lock_owner') else pid
def create(self, path, mode, fi=None): uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context() full_path = self._full_path(path) fd =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, mode) os.chown(full_path, uid, gid) #chown to context uid & gid return fd
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: pid = fuse.fuse_get_context()[2] except: # Just in case. pid = 0 if not prefix: _logger.debug("-----------------------------------------------" "---") _logger.debug("%s>>>>>>>>>> %s(%d) >>>>>>>>>> (%d)", prefix, f.__name__, sn, pid) if args or kwargs: condensed = {} for i in range(len(args)): # Skip the 'self' argument. if i == 0: continue if i - 1 >= len(argument_names): break condensed[argument_names[i - 1]] = args[i] for k, v in list(kwargs.items()): condensed[k] = v values_nice = [("%s= [%s]" % (k, v)) for k, v \ in list(condensed.items()) \ if k not in excluded] if otherdata_cb: data = otherdata_cb(*args, **kwargs) for k, v in list(data.items()): values_nice[k] = v if values_nice: values_string = ' '.join(values_nice) _logger.debug("DATA: %s", values_string) suffix = '' try: result = f(*args, **kwargs) except fuse.FuseOSError as e: if e.errno not in (errno.ENOENT,): _logger.error("FUSE error [%s] (%s) will be forwarded " "back to GDFS from [%s]: %s", e.__class__.__name__, e.errno, f.__name__, str(e)) raise except Exception as e: _logger.exception("There was an exception in [%s]", f.__name__) suffix = (' (E(%s): "%s")' % (e.__class__.__name__, str(e))) raise finally: _logger.debug("%s<<<<<<<<<< %s(%d) (%d)%s", prefix, f.__name__, sn, pid, suffix) return result
def getattr(self, path, fh=None): ''' return file attributes st_atime /* Time when file data last accessed.*/ st_mode /* inode protection mode */ st_mtime /* Time when file data last modified. */ st_ctime /* Time when file was created. */ st_size /* file size, in bytes */ st_uid; /* user-id of owner */ st_gid; /* group-id of owner */ ''' try: # because getattr returns size, we need to wait on writes to complete self.flush(path, fh) logger.debug("flush done") path = path.lstrip('/') directory, filename = self._get_separated_path(path) st = {} uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context() st['st_uid'] = uid st['st_gid'] = gid if path == '': st['st_mode'] = stat.S_IFDIR | 0o755 st['st_nlink'] = 2 return st directory_listing = self._get_cached_dir(directory) item = directory_listing.get(filename) if item is None: logger.debug("item doesn't exist: path:%r fh:%s return:%s", path, fh, st) raise FuseOSError(ENOENT) if isinstance(item, models.Directory): st['st_mode'] = stat.S_IFDIR | 0o755 st['st_nlink'] = 2 properties = self._files_service.get_directory_properties( self._azure_file_share_name, path).properties else: st['st_mode'] = stat.S_IFREG | 0o644 st['st_nlink'] = 1 st['st_size'] = properties = self._files_service.get_file_properties( self._azure_file_share_name, directory, filename).properties # Setting Modified Time try: st['st_mtime'] = properties.last_modified.timestamp() except Exception: logger.warning( "getattr operation setting modified time failed: path:%r fh:%d st:%s", path, fh, st) # Setting Created Time try: st['st_ctime'] = properties.last_modified.timestamp() except Exception: logger.warning( "getattr operation setting create time failed: path:%r fh:%d st:%s", path, fh, st) return st except Exception as e: # This log is noisy as it occurs if the file isn't found. Only uncomment for debugging. #logger.exception( # "getattr operation exception: path:%r fh:%d exception:%s", path, fh, e) raise FuseOSError(ENOENT)